#scp 1678
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
if i could, I'd make a drawing of one of the bobby's from unlondon and... something... from fallen london shaking hands. with a flock of bats and those CCTV bird things in background and the house of parliament and echo bazaar looming in the background.
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SCP-3333 - Tower
Jekeled 2017 CC BY-SA 3.0
SCP-1678 - UnLondon
AstronautJoe 2012 CC BY-SA 3.0
SCP-3936 - Working as Intended
Tanhony 2018 CC BY-SA 3.0
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173 Influential SCPs
I went to SCPper, found the most upvoted articles by users who've made at least one SCP, and sorted by time. These aren't necessarily the 173 best articles on the site, but I think they're likely to be the most influential. Longtime fans have probably read most or all of these but maybe this could be a starting point for newcomers.
I think sorting by time is important because the Foundation's been around almost 17 years. Writers come and go, trends come and go, new writers are influenced by what came before, and later articles are often longer and more complex than earlier ones. Just sorting by most upvoted bounces you around time; on the main wiki you read mostly series 1 articles then get dunked into SCP-5000. I hope this is a more natural progression, and that by the end people have more context for what's going on.
Using upvotes from writers only is important because the more writers like an article, the more likely later SCPs are to be influenced by it, so those articles are more likely to be important for understanding the wiki as a whole.
I might do an alternate version of this list that replaces the extremely long articles with shorter SCPs.
If you have trouble understanding one of the articles (some of the later ones get LONG), look it up on r/SCPDeclassified. If you would prefer audio narration/explanations, The Exploring Series and TheVolgun are both excellent. And of course, make sure to look in the sidebar on the wiki for guides, lists and explanations.
Series I Era
SCP-173 - The Sculpture - The Original
SCP-093 - Red Sea Object
SCP-294 - The Coffee Machine
SCP-682 - Hard-to-Destroy Reptile
SCP-055 - [unknown]
SCP-914 - The Clockworks
SCP-085 - Hand-drawn "Cassy"
SCP-184 - The Architect
SCP-231 - Special Personnel Requirements
SCP-990 - Dream Man
SCP-999 - The Tickle Monster
SCP-835 - Expunged Data Released
SCP-701 - The Hanged King's Tragedy
SCP-586 - Inscribable Object
SCP-610 - The Flesh that Hates
Log of Anomalous Items Vol I
SCP-087 - The Stairwell
SCP-049 - Plague Doctor
Revised Entry
Document Recovered from the Marianas Trench
SCP-426 - I am a Toaster
SCP-096 - The "Shy Guy"
SCP-106 - The Old Man
SCP-140 - An Incomplete Chronicle
Kill 682
SCP-001-Bright - The Factory
SCP-666-J - The Roaring Flames of Hell
SCP-895 - Camera Disruption
SCP-5308-J - The Collection
SCP-8900-EX - Sky Blue Sky
black white black white black white black white black white gray
Eldritch Application
Nobody Knows
SCP-871 - Self-Replacing Cake
SCP-001-Mann - The Spiral Path
Series II Era
SCP-1000 - Bigfoot
SCP-902 - The Final Countdown
SCP-993 - Bobble the Clown
Transcript of Dr. Clef's seminar, "Reality Benders and You: How to Survive When Existence Doesn't."
SCP-001-Swann - The Database
10:30 A.M.
Ethics Committee Orientation
SCP-1959 - The Lost Cosmonaut
SCP-____-J - Procrastinati
SCP-1048 - Builder Bear
SCP-001-EX-J - Records of the CKG Gathering
SCP-1893 - The Minotaur's Tale
SCP-1983 - Doorway to Nowhere
SCP-1733 - Season Opener
SCP-1230 - A Hero is Born
SCP-1322 - Glory Hole
SCP-1370 - Pesterbot
SCP-1193 - Buried Giant
SCP-1545 - Larry the Loving Llama
SCP-even number-J - An [Adjective] [Animal]
SCP-1867 - A Gentleman
SCP-1609 - The Remains of a Chair
SCP-1440 - The Old Man from Nowhere
SCP-1425 - Star Signals
SCP-1173 - The Islamic Republic of Eastern Samothrace
SCP-1171 - Humans Go Home
SCP-1678 - UnLondon
UIU Orientation
SCP-1437 - A Hole to Another Place
SCP-1958 - Magic Bus
Quiet Days
Why Change?
SCP-186 - To End All Wars
SCP-348 - A Gift from Dad
SCP-1295 - Meg's Diner
SCP-1342 - To the Makers of Music
SCP-1504 - Joe Schmo
The Executions of Doctor Bright
SCP-1471 - MalO ver1.0.0
The Young Man
wowwee go kill ursefl
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Ah shit I think I saw Zoro in SCP 1678 (Unlondon)
Today Zoro is: not feeling very secure, contained, or protected tbh.
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Newscapepro SCP UnLondon 2: Hell Underwater
The team was sitting in the auditorium, General Flooper, and a man with short, well kept black hair in a nice suit complete with a bowler hat were standing upon the stage.
“This is Professor Otis, he’s a long time veteran of the European branch of The Foundation,” Flooper explained. “He’s here to assist us with the fixing of the recent breaches,”
“Danke, General,” The man stepped forward, talking quietly into the microphone. “I am… developing a weapon to more easily deal with the Skips without damaging them,”
Nikole whispered to the blonde to her side. “I heard of this thing ‘round the water cooler,”
“Shut up!” Triana whisper yelled at the older woman, who crossed her arms grumpily.
“Thank you, Otis; please give him a warm welcome to the Facility,” Flooper said. “A prototype of this weapon will be present in our return to UnLondon; head to the helicopter now, troops,”
And so there the team was, getting into a helicopter that soon began to fly from the US to England preparing to land at UnLondon again.
“Alright, we know that the Serpent’s Hand is in there; we’ll easily be able to surround them and force them to surrender,” Triana said
“Finally, somethin’ easy,” Nikole smirked.
Cory shifted in his seat a little. “I’m still pretty unsure about going back there… y’know cause that… guy I won’t mention kinda kidnapped me,”
“You were fine, right Cory?” Hooper asked, mostly jokingly with the smallest hint of concern.
Cory shuddered. “You wouldn’t believe the things I saw in there…”
“It was an empty room, and the… guy didn’t even try to stop Bigfoot from saving you,” Nikole rolled her eyes.
“Yeah, well it was still sucky!” Cory crossed his arms.
The helicopter landed in front of the entrance to the Skip shortly after; they quickly entered back into the gloomy city streets they had spent an unfortunate amount of time in.
“Alright, you all know exactly where the Serpent’s Hand base is, place is already surrounded we’re just here to make sure it stays that way,” Lara said over the radio. “Should be an easy mission,”
“Have all instances of SCP-1678 within this area been neutralised?” Triana asked.
“Pretty much, unless you really stray away from the group, *ahem* Nikole and Tri,”
“Wasn’t our fault these three ran in the wrong direction,” Nikole groaned.
“Yeah, Bluejay; we’re the ones that ended up actually finding anything,”
Despite the fact they couldn’t see her, the team could feel Lara rolling her eyes. “You still nearly got yourselves killed, I don’t wanna hear it,” She cleared her throat. “Anyways, just stick together, and uh… Tri,” Her tone got far more serious.
“Yeah Blue… yeah Honey?”
“Stay safe, alright? Losing comms kinda caused me a bit of a panic attack…” Lara chuckled uncomfortably.
Nikole smirked to herself as Triana also chuckled uncomfortably. “I will, don’t worry,”
“Phew… that goes for the rest of you, I know the autism makes it hard to tell, but I do actually like you guys,”
“I thought you only liked Triana,” Scott smirked… then got jabbed in the stomach by Triana.
Lara paused. “Shut up… moment’s over, just go to the place where all the other MTF are,”
Cory pouted. “Awww…”
“There’ll be more moments, Cory,” Hooper patted the man on the back.
“HALT, CRIMINAL!” The entire team all aimed at the alleyway where the now all too familiar sound of the Bobbies’ yelling came from, the two Officers began to rush them before-
A beautiful, yet terrifying blast of light and electricity came from behind the Bobbies; sending both of the Skips falling to the ground completely stunned.
The six stood there, equally stunned as the twitching mummified men on the ground.
“You’re welcome,” The MTF that fired the futuristic gun; closer to small canon than any gun the other MTF had seen. “This thing has been real good at dealing with these coppers,”
“Thanks…” Triana looked at the insignia on the soldier’s chest. “Sergeant, what are your orders?”
“We’re patrollin’, a lot less scary recently,”
Scott was ogling the gun. “Goddamn, how does that thing work?”
“I uh… don’t know, you probably shouldn’t be looking that close at it, sir,”
“Nah, I’m a Weapon’s Expert,” Scott confidently said. “I gotta get my hands on one of these,”
“You can just like… ask the General on your next mission,”
“What happens when it hits a person?”
“Let’s never find out, Scott,” Triana heaved a bit as she pulled the big guy away from the gun. “Let’s get back to the mission,”
“Aww…” Scott looked down for a minute, before going back to following Triana walking towards the Radio Tower in the distance.
“If it helps at all, I also wanna disassemble it,” Nikole patted the guy in the back.
“You prolly wanna try to put it in that flask o’ yours,” Hooper added, Lara chuckled over the radio.
Nikole pouted. “I mean you’re right, but like… that’s just kinda rude,”
“Doc, doc, doc!” A Serpent’s Hand member yelled as he ran to the basement of the tower, Evil Uni sat near the bottom.
“Jesus, settle down,” The dog man tried to wave the grunt’s fear away, spinning around on an office chair to face him. “What’s wrong?”
“The Foundation! Th-they have us surrounded!”
Duni sat there for a moment, pondering in thought. “Nothing to worry about, we’ll be out of here in no time,”
“How? They have the-”
Duni hit a button and opened up a secret hatch, leading to a submarine underwater.
“Impressed? We stole this bad boy from The Foundation,” Duni invited the man in. “This will only be a minor setback in our plans,”
“This feels… too easy,” Cory shuddered, counting the streetlamps in his head as his team got to the outside of the tower.
“That’s a good thing, Cory,” Triana turned to face the Private.
“These Serpent’s Hand guys are super crafty, we aren’t just gonna be able to get them out of there,” Cory said. “We gotta go in there,”
“We don’t have the authorisation; we need to wait until reinforcements arrive,” Triana ordered.
Hooper butted in. “Yeah, Cory; we shouldn’t go in ‘till we got more people to back us up,”
“Oh, screw that,” Cory ran towards the front door. “I’m not gonna let these guys kill any more people,” He bolted into the building as fast as he could.
“CORY!” Triana reached out to him.
“Holy shit, the kid did it… whatever that was,” Nikole looked at the door with a mix of pride and shock.
“So are we goin’ in after him?” Scott asked.
“No,” Lara sighed. “We’d need to wait for reinforcements to do anything,”
“Goddammit,” Hooper sighed. “I’ll go after him,”
“Don’t worry about it LT, I just gotta do this; we’ll be safe,”
“Hooper, I am ordering you to-”
“And I’m refusin’, see ya soon Lieutenant,” Hooper ran into the building.
Cory instantly noticed the lack of Serpent’s Hand members, not even a single grunt was in there-
“Agh!” Cory jumped backwards as he heard the familiar Southern accent of his friend. “Hoop? I thought you were staying behind,”
“You’re gonna need backup, Cory,” Hooper explained as he helped Cory get up from the floor. “No one’s in here,”
Cory looked lost in thought for a moment… “The basement! What if they have like… a submarine in there!”
“Cory, that sounds like a trauma response… and like a real bad idea,”
Cory lead Hooper by his wrist to the basement. “You just gotta trust me, Hoop!”
Cory and Hooper looked into the basement, seeing the secret hatch which lead to the secret room with the-
“Submarine!” Cory whispered to the Corporal.
“How are we gonna get on?”
Cory’s eyes looked over a large crate, he then looked Hooper in the eyes.
“It’s our only choice, Hoop,” Cory smiled.
They shoved themselves into the crate soon after, probably the absolute worst fit considering that they were two grown men; they soon heard two people walk towards them and pick up the crate.
“God, this thing is way heavier than I thought,”
“What do they got in here, bricks?”
“Anomalous bricks?”
The men’s conversation finished as they dumped the box on the cold metal floor; the two waited until all the sounds of chatter, and walking were far away enough; they quickly opened up the box and stood up in the cramped metal storage room of the submarine; shiny yet dark and with dozens boxes stacked utop each other.
“I’ll be damned, Cory, that actually worked,” Hooper whispered.
Cory scoffed. “Of course it did, now we gotta… uh…”
“Did you seriously not think this far ahead?”
Cory looked down. “Maybe… I uh… didn’t think we’d get this far,”
“Halt Jailers, put your hands up!” The shout from the two Serpent’s Hand grunts caused the two men to comply.
“Aw crap,”
The black dog man sauntered in looking as smug as ever he eyed up Cory with a smirk on his face. “There you are, finally deciding to defect to the good side, huh?”
The dog sighed. “Pity, thought you and… whoever this is finally grew a conscious-”
“I- what the hell is going on over there?” Duni shouted over in the general direction of the cockpit, his voice sounding more shaken than before considering the sheer force of the rumbling. Cory nearly vomited from the motion sickness.
“Something is swimming around us, Doc! Like a big ass snake,”
“Y-You don’t mean… oh fuck… oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck,” The Dog began to pace around the room, the two grunts to his side looked at him in concern as did Cory and Hooper.
“What’s goin’ on?” Hooper shouted.
“What’s going on is that we’re gonna die here; that was the Leviathan,” Duni’s voice shrank to a size even smaller than before as the man continued to pace.
Hooper quirked an eyebrow. “SCP-169?”
“I suppose that’s what you jailers call it,”
“I thought the Serpent’s Hand wanted to harness the power of all anomalies, why don’t you-”
“Fucking what?” The dog, through the haze of fear still managed to sound genuinely offended. “How much bullshit have you been fed?”
The rumbling of the ship made nearly everyone fall over alongside some boxes that Cory and Hooper quickly rolled out of the way of.
“It don’t matter right now if we all end up at the bottom of the Ocean, we gotta-”
This was the last rumble, the last thing Cory remembered before everything went black.
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Top 10 SCPs?
in a not very specific order:
4999: Someone To Watch Over Us
1678: Unlondon
701: the Hanged King's Tragedy
2316: Bodies in the Water
166: Teenage Gaea
001: Dr. Wondertainment
529: Josie
3008: Infinite Ikea
963: Immortality
239: Witch Child
#im gonna be real. im very biased w 963 for obvious reasons and 239 bc the clef-kondraki incident is always very fun to read#gio replies
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❀ Fandoms I Write For ❀
This is are the series, fandom/community that i write in my fanfic/headcanons and also the characters in it.
♡ Note : the characters that i write for can be increased as times goes by.
- Creepypasta
eyeless jack, jeff the killer, laughing jack, jane the killer, nina the killer, slenderman, zalgo, ben drowned, the proxies (except kate cus i kinda unfamiliar to her), jason the toymaker, & Bloody painter.
- Naruto
naruto himself, kiba inuzuka, neji hyuga, sakura haruno, hinata hyuga, uchiha sasuke, uchiha itachi, nara shikamaru, hoshigaki kisame, kakuzu, sasori, uchiha obito & uchiha madara.
- Genshin Impact
arataki itto for sure, shenhe, ei/baal/raiden shogun, yae miko, zhongli, childe, pantalone, dottore, sayu (platonic only), venti, xiao, the twins (aether & lumine), arlecchino, & wriothesley.
- Jujutsu Kaisen
gojo satoru, geto suguru, nanami kento, naoya zenin, yuuji itadori, fushiguro megumi, fushiguro toji, nobara, maki zenin, inumaki toge, mahito, & choso.
- Scp Foundation
Scp 049, Scp 035, Scp 079, Scp 096, Scp 106 & Scp 1678.
- Monster (it can be oc or not)
- Slasherfucker & monsterfucker fandom
jason voorhees, michael myers, the sinclair brother, jennifer check, tiffany valentine, carrie white, leatherface, the predator, xenomorph, & pyramid head.
- Haikyuu
tsukishima kei, hinata shoyo, kageyama tobio, bokuto koutaro, akaashi keiji, kenma kozume, kuroo tetsuro, & Semi eita.
- Call of duty
Horangi, konig, ghost, valeria, alejandro, keegan, gaz, price, graves, & rudy.
All the characters above can be either a Yandere or Not Yandere - Its up to you <3
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I did a drawing of SCP-1678-A, an "UnLondon" Bobby, (from the best SCP) to compare it to a drawing I did in 2017. The new drawing is the one on the RIGHT obviously... :^)
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Ok I have really bad eczema at the moment and I don't think it'll clear up before I get to uni, so:
#polls#eczema#i think it'd be funny and also means people don't have to look at my skin when it's this bad
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SCP Scenarios: When they’re sick (REQUESTED)
SCP Scenarios Masterlist | My Works Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Rules | My Original Post | Request | Socials
Requested by: @Crackhead425
(I'm assuming that you meant when the SCPs are sick)
SCP 073 (Cain)
Would try to hide it because he doesn't want to worry
Tends to treat himself and does a good job at it
One time it got so bad that he just passed out casually when talking to you
Woke up in the medical bay with you sitting beside him in worry
Reassures you that he's fine, but the doctors said that he's extremely ill with the flu, so you just poured your eyes out like so
Gave you a hug and promised to not do that ever again
Learns to just let someone else look after him instead of just hiding the fact that he's sick
Definitely makes his heart beat fast
SCP 076-2 (Abel)
Doesn't even know he's sick (because his head do be thicc)
When he does, he would whine like a baby boy puppy
Makes you look after him, no matter how busy you are
That's the only time the foundation can relax when it comes to Abel
But he's only sick for like 2 days - A week at most, but that doesn't tend to happen
Cain would pop in here and there to bring some homemade food and 343 would just give him a huge lecture and give you some break even though he could literally heal him but he doesn't
Abel would be quite stubborn because he refuses to let you leave
SCP 999 (Tickle Monster)
Would sob silently
Tries to not tell you, but you end up knowing anyways
Took him back to his cell so he could recover quicker because the world would end without him
The foundation was extremely worried once they found out that 999 was sick
So they decided to bring some snacks for him so he doesn't feel depressed like the rest of us
Hell, even Abel felt a little guilty about 999 being sick and that's saying something
Some of the SCPs would even make a visit just to check on our baby orange blob
SCP 682 (Hard to destroy reptile)
Quite stubborn like Abel
Refuses to admit that he's sick
But you're just as stubborn so you treat him anyways
682 says he's fine and he doesn't need any help, but he loves being pampered
You know this too, even if he doesn't admit it out loud
But he does eventually because he sleeps talks when he's sick and you just carried on massaging his head
During your free time, you would check up on 682 because you're nice like that
You would even tell 079 just so he doesn't worry :)
SCP 049 (Plague Doctor)
Definitely would treat himself then overwork like the doctor he is
Would be the type to just abandon his health just to cure the pestilence until he collapses from exhaustion because he's stubborn af
You would force him to rest even though he insisted that he's fine, even though he's not, and you being even more stubborn to put him to bed
You would force the foundation to stop doing tests on 049 for just a couple of days and they obliged, surprisingly
SCP 035 (Possessive Mask)
Would kinda be a big baby about it
Whines a lot and makes you look after him
110% would annoy the hell out of you if you don't
Don't forget to bring him his favorite TV show/movie
Would ask you to cuddle him while he rests
The foundation would be quite relieved that 035 has stopped his chaotic behavior for a while
But that doesn't mean that there won't be any breaches caused by other SCPs
079 would ask if 035 is alright and would give you some tips and advice for looking after him when he's sick
SCP 105 (Iris)
Tries to hide it but fails because she ends up collapsing from exhaustion
Tells you to not worry about it, but you really should because Iris is stubborn af and wouldn't even rest for 10 min
Even Cain couldn't get her to rest and neither can 343
Abel had to drag her back to your shared room and called you over to check up on her
You bought her some soup and her favorite comfort stuff
The foundation left her alone for a bit to recover which was a good thing
SCP 106 (Old Man)
Doesn't even know he's sick
If anything, you would be the one who's sick (we're weak af cuz we do be hooman beans)
Would be somewhat stubborn, but that's because he doesn't know he's actually ill until he just drops dead like a fly
Thinks you're an angel because you're just so nice to him when he's sick
You even bought him his favorite blanket from the factory
Definitely would hug you like an adorable teddy bear
SCP 096 (Shy Guy)
Cries in pain
You're the only one who's allowed to look after him when he's sick
You definitely would be the big spoon (even though you be tiny compared to him)
Just sobs quietly, even if he's asleep
Bring him some soup, a blanket, a teddy bear and a TV because he needs some love
Don't forget to sing him a lullaby, even if you sound like a dying cat
SCP 1678-A (Bobbies/Policeman)
Would try to hide it away from you and would stubbornly tell you that he's fine even though he's not
If you weren't his partner, you would've bought his lies, but you saw through him and started to make his bed hella comfortable and made him sleep
You told his police buddies that he will be taking a few days off and explained that he's extremely ill and has caught the fever
Some of his police buddies would check up on him and tease him about his 'little maid'
Would blush every time you look after him because he's not used to being nicely treated
Definitely returns the gesture and makes sure that you rest as well, otherwise he would feel guilty
SCP 079 (Old AI)
Computer virus
That's it
That's how out 079 here would get sick
Since it's a newer and stronger malware, 079 would need a little bit of help since his 'body' is old
You panicked the first time you saw him like that because he became unresponsive which was rare considering that he only talks to you willingly whenever you appear
You would ask the foundation for some help in which they do
Luckily they managed to get the malware off him and he returned to normal
Even 682 started to panic and caused several containment breaches just to check up on him
SCP 343 (God)
Definitely would hide it from you, even if you’re a god as well
Would be odd since he’s a ��God’
You’d think he could get rid of the “common flu” but he can’t
Must’ve been the Scarlet King who did this because who else would be able to make our God sick?
Anyways, you would 100% notice because of how tired he just seemed
Definitely asked the foundation to give the man a break
You would pamper him and he would try to stop you, but he couldn’t resist those puppy eyes so he just relaxes into it
SCP 173 (Sculpture)
Definitely would whine like 035
And would seem less sassy like he used to be which the foundation found quite Sus for a bit
Turns out he’s just hella sick and whiny
Wouldn’t even let you leave him for a second which kinda sucked cuz you had some work to do
You would grab 049 for some emotional support cuz that’s the only time peanut would leave you alone
Sometimes our 049 here would just give up on life cuz of how whiny and clingy peanut is
He literally lost his will to live and his brain cells just flew out of his brain (Sames 😭)
SCP Scarlet King
A mix of being whiny and clingy and pretending that everything’s fine so he doesn’t burden you
Kinda depends on what type of partner you are and how sick he is
If he’s feeling whiny and clingy, you wouldn’t be able to leave his ‘castle’
You’d be by his side at all times, pampering him and making sure that he sleeps well and that his fever doesn’t kill him (ironically)
You’d sometimes ask 343 for a bit of help cuz you have no clue on how the Scarlet King caught the fever
If the Scarlet Long feels the need to pretend that he’s not sick, it’s character development
You’d still notice cuz he sucks at playing it off and it scares you cuz he’s normally isn’t like this and this means that he respects you as an independent individual
Not that he doesn’t respect you to begin with, it’s just that he cells like he doesn’t have to protect you at all cost
Dr Jack Bright
Would okay it off to begin with
But as his illness worsens, he would start to whine like a child
Tried to not cling to you like a lost puppy looking for his mother, but he does anyways cuz he loves you
The other doctors would pamper him, regardless of whether you were there or not
Cuz everyone knows that once he has you, you wouldn’t be able to leave at all
But he tries to let you do your work though
100% fails
Dr Simon Glass
Tries to hide it and fails cuz his fever worsens
The other doctors pull him out of his work while some of the foundation members would drag you to see him
You’d be worried af so pls pamper this bby
Tries to look after himself without needing anyone to care for him but that doesn’t work cuz he ends up fainting
Poor boy overworked himself
So Bright decided to do some of his paperwork while Cain and Kondraki brings him some food and medicine
Clef would scare off unwanted visitors and the other SCPs would murder whoever tries to bother Glass
Dr Alto Clef
Would be hella clingy but would try to stop if you really have to work or go on a mission
Even Bright couldn’t get him off you and that says a lot
Kondraki lost the will to live but he would bring in some stuff for him
Glass would pop in here and there to check up on everyone
His succubus daughter would be worried af and you have to inform her that Clef is resting and eating well (shut up, I’m still getting use to her character change ok?! 😤)
Would let her see him just so she feel at ease
She trusts you a lot so it works out fine 😃
Dr Benjamin Kondraki
Konnie would keep quiet about it
Does it quite well but you would see through him
So would Bright, Glass and Clef
Clef and Bright would try and make jokes to make him laugh because Konnie looked grumpy and dead when he’s ill
Glass would be the useful one since he does actually look after the man
He probably would ask to cuddle you while he sleeps and ofc you’d agree
I mean, who wouldn’t agree to that offer, even if he’s sick
#scp#scp scenarios#scp x reader#scp headcanons#scp x reader headcanons#scp x reader scenarios#scp 073#scp 076#scp Cain#scp abel#scp 999#scp 682#scp 049#scp 035#scp iris#scp 105#scp 106#scp 097#scp 1678#scp 079#scp 343#scp 173#scp scarlet king#scp dr bright#scp dr glass#scp dr clef#scp agent ukelele#scp dr Kondraki
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Welcome to UnLondon.
SCP 1678. A “Bobby” SCP 1678-A with a “Eyes In The Sky “ SCP 1678-B.
#my art#my style#horror#horror art#digital art#digital illustration#scp fanart#scp#scp 1678#victorian london
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Haha wow I finished this.

#digital art#fanart#scp#scp fanart#scp containment breach#scp foundation#secure contain protect#scp 106#scp 1678#scp 1678 a#dr kondraki#dr iceberg#cookie run#cookie run fanart#cookie run ovenbreak#ice juggler cookie#rusty lake#rusty lake fanart#ms pheasant#honestly this took the longest wtf#first time experienced having more than 100 layers#laggy as FU—#well not really. but sometimes it does. it's kind of annoying
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Worlds messiest concept art at 3am for the game
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well, I still have a few scp drawings, during inktober I tried to draw them, but unfortunately I didn’t meet the deadlines again, but at least this way

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#artists on tumblr#art#my art#wander-clover#artwork#fan art#traditional art#scp#scp 860#scp 1678#scp 2030#scp 4975
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Newscapepro SCP Rewrite: UnLondon
“Ughh…” Cory groaned as he entered the auditorium alongside the rest of the team.
There was someone on the stage, someone that looked exactly like Hooper wearing the formal uniform of a General.
“What the-”
“Hello y’all, I am General Flooper, due to the unfortunate passing of General McArthur; I will be replacing his office for the time being,”
“Hoop, that looks exactly like you,” Cory whispered to his helmet wearing friend.
“No? He don’t got my signature chin mole,”
Cory checked, it was true. This Flooper character was suspiciously chin mole-less.
“Can it, Cory!” Triana jabbed the Private who grunted quietly in pain.
The announcement eventually ended, Triana’s team returned to their commons room.
“Don’t sit down just yet, we have a mission today,” Triana cleared her throat. “Our stronghold in SCP-1678 has, without warning come offline,”
“Isn’t that just a version of London with a bunch of spooky stuff in it?” Cory asked.
“The very same,” Hooper looked Triana in the eyes. “I thought we had that Skip firmly under control,”
“We did until recently,” Triana explained. “We’ll be going in and trying to reestablish connection with Epsilon-6 and Tau-4; if all else fails we’ll be blowing up the entrance so that nothing can escape it,”
“Sounds kinda GOC-ey,” Nikole rolled her eyes.
“I don’t agree with it either, Nikole,” Triana sighed, surprising the alcoholic
“We’ve got this, fellas!” Scott smiled, bringing up the rest of his team with him.
“We can only hope,” Lara said.
“Alright, enough banter; let’s move team!”
The helicopter ride was uneventful, they quickly landed in the large gate that lead to the underground complex.
“Alright, be on guard team any screw ups could kill us,”
The team nodded and headed through the gate and down a flight of stairs.
The city that awaited them looked gloomy, like it hadn’t been lived in for decades. Dreary, yet elegant buildings towered over the MTF as they stepped on the crackling brick roads, cautious as if the slightest noise caused imminent death.
“Come in, LT are you all there?” Lara asked over the radio.
“Copy that, Bluejay; what is the approximate distance to Hyde Park?”
“10 miles east,” Lara cleared her throat. “Stay safe out there; especially you, Tri,”
“We will, keep us posted about any threats,” Triana assured, Nikole smirked a little, exchanging a knowing look with the rest of the group.
Triana raised an eyebrow at the Sergeant. “Well, you heard the woman; let’s move it people!”
The troops moved north through the dead streets.
“Do you guys think the Serpent’s Hand built this place?” Cory tilted his head curiously.
“No… this place has existed for way too long, ya dumbass,” Nikole flicked the blonde man.
Said blonde man pouted. “Oh okay… What if it built itself?”
“That’s even less likely,” Triana said.
“Yeah, these theories are startin’ to make less and less sense, Cory,” Hooper chimed in.
Cory sighed. “You guys just don’t understand my genius,”
“Eh, well I think-”
“HALT, YOU HAVE VIOLATED THE LAW” Scott was interrupted by three tall figures, wearing the outfits of Victorian Era British Police with their heads wrapped in bandages; all of them wielding batons.
“Ah shit, Feds!” Nikole pointed as she fired her revolver into them to no effect.
The figures began to run towards the MTF; they managed to bash Cory in the back causing him to shriek in pain as he ran into the alleyway to his left alongside Scott and Hooper.
Hooper noticed the Camera Faced Man painfully poking at his back as they were chased. “Shit, you good Cory?” He said as he ran and shot into the creatures; still spouting their one and only phrase
“No!” They continued to run.
“Dudes, these things can only be killed by explosives. Save your ammo,” Scott reached into his pocket and pulled the pin on a grenade, letting it cook as they continued to run.
“What are you doing, Scott?” Cory shrieked as he continued to run.
Scott huffed tiredly. “Just trust me on this one *huf*, dude,”
Just as the Policemen had begun to get closer, Scott threw the grenade at them; destroying all three of them instantly. Cory, Scott and Hooper stopped for a breath as soon as they were dead alongside-
“Wait, where’s LT n’ Nikole?”
The three looked around for a moment, noticing the empty streets and the suspicious lack of the two women that had come with them.
“Shit…” Triana sighed in frustration; she and Nikole had ran the complete opposite direction of the guys, leading them to a somewhat destroyed building in Hyde Park. “We left the guys,”
“Wow, really?” Nikole pulled out her radio as she sighed too, hers a sigh of annoyance. “I’ll call up your girlfriend to ask where they are,”
“Sergeant, you need to quit being… wait what did you say?”
“You n’ Lara are fucking, you make it real obvious,” Nikole rolled her eyes as she turned on the radio; Triana quickly becoming beet red.
“Yo, Bluewhatever; we’ve become separated from the rest of the squad,”
Only static and the vague sound of Lara talking about how she couldn’t hear them was on the other side. Nikole gave up instantly.
“Welp, someone in here’s jammed all communications to home base,”
Triana quickly shook of her blush as she heard this. “Must’ve been the Serpent’s Hand,”
“Oh, and what makes you say that Ms. ‘The Foundation is godlike and can do no wrong?’”
“First off, I don’t believe that,” Triana grunted. “And secondly this building has been hit by military tech; it can only be the Serpent’s Hand,”
“Or the whole host of other-”
Triana jabbed Nikole in the stomach to get her to shut up; the older woman groaning in response. The two elected to walk around the City looking for any sign of the Serpent’s Hand, or the rest of their team.
It didn’t take that long to find anything; the two women quickly hid behind a trashcan as they spotted the sight in front of them:
The Black Dog-Man was standing in front of a couple Serpent’s Hand members; Bigfoot and an instance of SCP-939 stood behind him.
“Fantastic, soon we’ll have enough Anomalies here to make this place into a utopia for the anomalous. I’m thinkin’ a Three Portlands sorta deal,” The Man paced around.
“Will family be safe?” Biggie asked.
“Of course!”
“A Utopia for Skips?” Triana whispered in concern.
“Who the hell would clone Portland?” Nikole asked, even more scared than Triana was.
This thinking was interrupted by 2 patrolling Serpent’s Hand members spotting them, forcing Nikole to shoot them in the legs, turn tail and run away with Triana into an alleyway.
“Ah… fuck, intruders,” Duni groaned. “Foundation too, follow them; they’ll lead us to the rest of them,”
“Yes Doc,” The Grunts nodded as they began to patrol the area.
Cory, Scott and Hooper meanwhile had run into a building to hide from any one of the remaining ‘Police’
Within in, Cory had spotted a vending machine labelled ‘Dr. Goody’s Wonderfood’
“Ooooo, lucky I keep a Quarter on me!” Cory smiled as he put in the coin and out from the slot at the bottom popped a red bag filled with… something that Cory instantly started shovelling into his mouth.
“Cory, I don’t think you should be eatin’ that,” Hooper said, caution evident in his now somewhat softer voice.
“Why not? Cory said through a mouthful of the food. “It’s got all the essential nutrients I need,”
“You found it in a spooky version of London, dude,” Scott chuckled. “British food already kinda sucks on its own,”
The gang began to move out of the building. “Oh yeah,” Cory said, zoning out as they left the-
“Oh Jesus!” Hooper jumped back as the three saw something standing directly in front of them as they left. A humanoid… something made out of what seemed like a thousand black strands.
“What the hell is that spa-”
“Don’t talk about it!” Scott warned the man as he put his arm in front of his eye.
“Wh-Why not?”
“We can’t say, just don’t!”
The creature looked at them for a long, uncomfortable moment, before leaving through another alleyway.
“Okay, it’s gone,” Scott huffed, before quickly pulling out his radio. “Yo, Bluejay; where’re the girls at?”
No clear response, just static.
“Communications have been jammed,” Hooper realised. “We’ll have to go lookin’ for LT n’ Nikole ourselves,”
“Walking?” Cory asked, looking rather worried.
“A whole lot of it; trust me I’m not happy about it either dude,” Scott chuckled.
“Dang it…”
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