#scp 026
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agnol117 · 2 years ago
Series I, Part V
SCP-022 - The Morgue
This one’s also just sorta weird. The morgue resurrects people, apparently random people, and not in their own bodies. That last bit is the part that upsets me the most, I think. I’d much rather be in my own body if I have to be forcibly resurrected.
SCP-023 - Black Shuck
So this is like a church grim but evil? I dig it.
SCP-024 - Game Show of Death
Whomst among us, who is old enough to remember Legends of the Hidden Temple, didn’t imagine “but what if it was all real and also deadly?” I know I sure as hell did, and this SCP is exactly that. Also, thanks to V/H/S ‘99, I imagine the announcer as Steven Ogg.
SCP-025 - A Well-Worn Wardrobe
I actually really like this one. It’s incredibly creative. It’s weird, it’s creepy, it’s just a random item that does a thing with no apparent backstory or explanation. Basically, it’s everything I want from an SCP. Love it.
SCP-026 - Afterschool Retention
Space-time fuckery will always be a favorite of mine. I really love this one, particularly the exploration logs. The idea that you’re walking in a room that’s “outside” the building is…creepy as shit, honestly, especially when you’re on the third floor, because I have some serious acrophobia. Still, I loved this one. If/when I write some tales, I’ll definitely be writing one about this skip.
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radiomogai · 3 months ago
[PT: scp-26 alterhuman flag ; for when one has a nonhuman connection to scp-26
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PT by @accessibility945
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scp-26 alterhuman flag ; for when one has a nonhuman connection with scp-26
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tagging : @radiomogai
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[ im sorry , but your computer does not support id . any help would be appreciated . ]
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hisclockworkservants · 2 years ago
What are some of your favorite SCP entries? I think my current favorite is 5999!
I like 882 cause it's broken god and one of the earlier ones I read. I actually really liked 026, the vibes are great when I first read it. That was back when I first started reading the wiki.
Other than that I'm just super picky? What I cosider good writing, to my taste and good for drawing are all very different things, there are just not that much overlap. 2747 would be one of them I guess? Oh I like the infinite potato bag one, can't remember the number tho.
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sugersnow · 2 years ago
posting a meme for every scp every day, day "026"
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orange1896 · 2 years ago
33B0011 GB297-94 32312 27312 BEARING XGMA
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33B0011 GB297-94 32312 27312 BEARING XGMA
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26331022912 驾驶室C70G ZL50F.11.2-16 4110001867039 变矩器总成YJ280F-Ⅱ 4110003997 ANGLE.50×50×4t 29280007541 油管 29150007891 标记柱 6900015375 BRACKET_WA 26290006621 安全标识包 6220001203 板 2022001558 软管20491-22-08TZ/20411-22-08TZ×FC687-08×3 29110008941 下铰接销 14401672 管夹 LG2933006112160 挡圈-U形圈24E00504C 26330031541 DH60-气弹簧 29290067561 中间加强板 29430005841 钢板t30*2560-SM490A 6233000624 后罩线束 ZL50G.11.4-1 FQGX 衬套HD469-2510015 ZL50.5.1-24A 29370025131 停用-垫圈 8 Q40308 ZL40.7-3A 2010700005 内六角套筒套装(世达09053) ZL40.7-4 4120016964003 ball rest 厂家零件代号:0368507 厂家:瓦格纳 ZL50.3.5-20 21907000411 外板-左箱体 ZL50.3.5-21 4120005967 右档板 ZL50.3.5-22A 28120000041 油泵 ZL50.3.5-23 29330014991 链轨节合件8216-MN-A01000 21909013311 发动机电气总成 29010040361 锥柄钻头 28300004731 侧减震垫A00400SDA 26350002791 双头旋具头 世达59381 2810000340090 加长套筒27MM 6 1/2 霹雳马60522027 4120000349001 轴套 6370000056 含钴直钻 LG5220000003 后输油管 29430001251 前桥壳 4120006308003 风扇叶,Y200-68,直径58mm 4120002359003 海绵 29281000893 LOCK KIT FOR CABS ON USA-MACHINE 26330016011 仪表面板 28809038261 空心螺栓 29141008661 污水���风机皮带3V-450 A型 29090000161 排气阀TF450V45036 6233000265 气管Φ16 FZ0001253 子午线无内胎车轮总成 ZL50F1.9-1 29130018261 隔板 ZL50G.11-8 6216000058 盖板17004539 14406353 胶管F481CACA121206-1900 11216962 差速器左右壳 29120035361 飞轮壳端盖 4110015290002 凸轮轴包 6231000012 O型圈 3214547822 4110001060138 活塞杆24A119860 P4WG200-062 L055FW3114M39A1 燃油油位传感器 29290016051 垫片1000396143 3214606868 26010001651 滑块HGL 25CA25CA 3214510479--A 8298542 MODULE WITHOUT CAB 3214510440 21909011331 万向橡胶轮 科顺4-8199-829 LGLG26260013571 木托放置架 26340007911 加机油管1002503365 6220001488 液压操纵总成 6233000832 铣刀片APKT150412-PM YBG302 29290045491 管夹129410-03990 11211195 起重链条20(dn)*50m 2022000705 电瓶线LGB340-15*650P1L8L10-1L1 4041001379 横面板 4110001003108 标志与标识 3214578611--B 29240034431 锁紧板 P4WG200-024 2908000102001 张紧油缸总成 P4WG200-028 29240030281 发动机罩 P4WG200-029 6216000473 导线总成 6264000246 隔套 J4120005410 耐磨套 P4WG200-370 14402050 定位销03.01.05.00011 PZFAP-411/HK-063 14408298 海绵 14406736 进气门 4110001009042 LG760底盘(潍柴336发动机) 6263000055 吊环螺钉GB825-M20EpZn-20 6900006123 衬套Ⅰ 29050025451 右梯架 29050021171 LG770矿用自卸车底盘 14405403 风扇轴环1G820-74150 4041003171 油位计1E051-36412 29010044881 右灯架 YZ18J.7A-5 6410005854 左后门板 PZFAP-411/HK-026 2070600011 筋板 PZFAP-411/HK-031 6214000007 平板 PZFAP-409/DK-062 11218456 轴 PC6121ZG39n-007 4030000531 软管20411-16-05TZ/20491-16-05TZ*FC687-05*1 PC6121ZG39n-008 29290024751 油门操纵软轴 FLG953-SCP 继电器 4120005026024 精镗刀(D44-D56)接柄C4-390B.58-50 070 4120002301007 中筋板 26010014971 堵板 14506741 主泵盖板 PZFAP-411/HK-068 29370015411 PU管Φ4 6392201677 驾驶棚总成 26180025251 平衡铁 26281004691 手柄 4110002289062 支架 29200009891 胶管 4014000173 钢板2*700*280 4130002674 加强板 29350010941 主泵盖板 11212873 圆钢 11223122 焊接总成 29150014201 储水箱体 4110000129200 护板 6430000972 进气胶管 11217958 PART 15114213, INSTR. 495137 4110001201144 销轴LGB301-95*120*230-1000Y 26240018901 接头体 4110003577119 桥油管 4110001921133 3LG953可旋转窗棂发动机罩 6900004762 底板 21909001841 进气接管F04282719 4110015581 防护板 21906005635 938CE机罩 6399000410 操纵手柄总成DSG131-SBQ01 26171001431 O 形圈 28300004341 挡圈 PYJ280-4D-082 L055FW3115F29A0 夹 PYZL30F2-006 4110000184079 标识_俄罗斯用 PBD05N1-001 29030028521 停用-六角头凸缘螺栓3754627-52D PBD05N1-002 2010600008 六角头螺栓 90003802329 PYJ315LG-014 4043000304 贴板 PYJ315LG-015 29381000171 径向压力表3031579 P4WG200-232 4120010928 钢管 P4WG200-233 4110015731003 软管LGB145-102072 P4WG200-234 4110000125009 15t导向轮吊具总成 P4WG200-235 26491001241 拨叉支架 PYZL30F2-001 4110002197007 踏板 PZL50.3.1-002 7200001520 P-动臂油缸油封 PC6121ZG39n-017 4110002521006 螺栓-离合器分离叉1602371-680 PBYDK2205-001 26430100831 胶管20512Y-30-10Z/20592Y-30-10Z-GH493*10*1 PZL50F.5.7-001 14405739 HEXAGON SCREW PLG12-Z5H-001 FE131-0214F 海绵 50.9.3-2-S 29430003023 组合仪表板2JC 29110009021 紧固套5873 003 029 4043002309 前轮转向油缸 50/28*300-512 PGB289-64 4190002203006003 倒车镜支架A0-B1126E PGB276-6206 26360102232 门板 29050032031 按钮开关XB2/BD33L 29140000051 轴承JM205149/110/Q LGZJ27120104441 PUR海绵20-CR2 13022808 2120400361 前挡风玻璃 612600080200 F953ZXYFTY 垫片 01119243 4120002038106 P-弹簧垫圈Q40308 13022762 28010017261 胶管F462CACA151508-7900 13021359 4011015341 黑色ROHS水性自喷漆 保赐利200ml 660.7.10 11211164 左前支架 ZL50.9.3-5-S 7200001040 主刀板-经适件 P03-3092 11210353 软管 P02-3093 29370018911 丝座 P4WG200-266 29420003934 锥齿轮垫片 4120016877018 空滤器支架612600116567 11215629 传动轴P41*615 28230005791 冷凝器 14550671 29010063951 后行走马达H1-080 4120000600T 下部钢管 5111000813 固位环 26331003301 弯板 4120017383035 右顶板 4130002699011 ANCHOR PLATE 4110015615077 BUCKET CYLINDER 4110002912001 支承板 ZL50F.6.14.1 29260020401 板 28140008051 左操纵箱总成 4110004168171 P-螺母GB812-M27*1.5 4120006742010 液压油散热器Z06032.36.00 4110000970244 法兰面接头 LG2929010007 紫铜皮厚0.1mm LG29240028652 LG933L装箱清单 4041001652 操纵阀垫 LG9200001571 减震器12273121 29290013931 微调油门软轴TLWY7 29410102381 FRAME_WA LH SIDE FRONT 29330034441 气弹簧及阀包CN-601738 29220023261 工具腰带95215 29170113971 SIX POINT SOCKET SCREW_PAN M5X30 4190002197 左支撑架 4110000108029 万能转向开关(LW30-20) 6399013712 直接档主动片 4110001792 海绵 29260035451 螺栓GB5786-M10*1.25*25flZnyc-10.9-480 29070025421 垫片13023475 29330074251 第4缸高压油管部件C26AB-26AB624+B 6212001467 盖塞 4110003293025 水泵部件B8801-1307100B RM 13228747 29170104501 蓄电池测试仪 RM 58918558 14405829 支承座 RM 58921495 29250000421 电源 5V2A DC5525接头 RM 59029710 26170044021 压头 RM 13444781 11205947 主阀 9200001369 润滑油管 28350000941 固定板 29240043441 软管LGB126-003053 5111000518 停用-钢管 29220009141 燃油管 6212001748 SD110B敞开式压路机驾驶室总成 26331000671 非公路自卸车 29010027371 WIRING HARNESS 29310019401 测压接头 1660600053 Y型封200*8 4120005285 O型圈0501.330.676 4043001453 弹簧H70081100 26010008461 左动臂大腔钢管 ZL30.3-12 17004426 螺母8140-GB-00061 26361003901 桥油管 6175900002 车门内锁块 29120038151 吸油法兰盘 ZL30F.5.1-13 9200000429 软管 ZL50.5-5 6373402622 下架 ZL50.5-6 11218915 HANDLE BALL_LGY8140015 ZL50F.7-13 2936001035001 销轴 ZL50F.7-15 4120001072 调整垫片15841-98860 ZL50F.7-16 26240005361 防尘网6717540-01 WZ25.11-10 29410001361 轮辋 700-12 WZ25.11-11 29330046441 回油阀体3489106103 26030001811 节温器座C5257270 26260014721 后车架 29010045551 电机风叶132M-4 7.5KW 内孔38.4 mm 宽10 键厚4.5 G17-6250 密封件包 11220766 操作杆组171008-77540 6212000117 原色纸盒 4120002606061 O形圈GB3452.1-97.5*5.30G 4120008783 滚针0.6 4110015194137 线圈29100330 26290003251 自锁销 26130011191 缸筒24A030500 6900002866 弹性挡圈04611-00620 9100000237 螺钉 4013000118 覆盖件附件 ZL40.11A.1.2-5 3110800286 操纵软轴 4110015708012 停用-至斗杆油缸小腔钢管 28809009511 丝锥专用卡簧 ER32-M8 6399003201 ���封垫片1G544-1711-0 LG7300000469-1 空调管(蒸-压)SD3010-6822 F91N6-07311 欧姆龙扩展单元 CP1W-8ED 29370016451 LG956L轮式装载机 J11211213 非公路自卸车 F81EH-20100 铁木结合箱 L0550W3115A29X1 PLATE_WA LH COWL MTG MD 4110002510098 弯管接头 29010079801 VRT200变速箱标牌 4110000561118 后壳总成02000FBH-AY 4120008892005 出水管612600040487 6212000191 超越离合器齿轮合件 L0330Y3214G39AA 仪表台线束 6299000363 板 26010008821 防尘圈W06002.34.09 7200001630 吸油钢管 11210962 激光扫描枪 RM 13228754 4110000556055 镀锌管-50*3 RM 13228770 3214508463 手柄按钮DXS-01-01 6410003620 中冷出气钢管 FS017-200902 吸油法兰 4120000884 橡胶板 29330086931 临工标志-265(白) Read the full article
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garecc · 2 months ago
Me: maybe I’m not cut out to be a writer…idk what if I’m not good enough
BookTok romance writers: ‘what if you were just a normal school teacher…but the MINOTAUR wanted to get you PREGNANT’
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chakytron · 4 years ago
SCP-026 After School Retention (SCP Animation)
SCP-026 After School Retention (SCP Animation)
SCP-026 After School Retention (SCP Animation) Category Film & Animation Description: Dr Bob brings you SCP Foundation Euclid Class object, SCP-026 After School Retention Animation. LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, and turn on NOTIFICATIONS to DrBob … TopTrengingTV Hunting the most trend video of the moment, every hour every day 24/7. Youtube Video Data Published At: 2021-01-22T16:10:00Z   Tags: …
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phinnsyreads · 6 years ago
Interview Log 026-01
Interview with ████ █████, former principal at SCP-026.
Agent ██████: Thank you for your time, Mr. █████.
█████: Not at all. If there's one thing I have plenty of these days, it's time.
Agent ██████: So, let's get down to business. You were principal of [REDACTED] back in [REDACTED], is that correct?
█████: Yes, that's right.
Agent ██████: What can you tell us about that?
█████: Well, you've heard the stories, I'm sure. Folks say it was haunted. I don't know about that, but things did seem strange towards the end.
Agent ██████: Tell me about them.
█████: Let's see, there were the stairs, of course. You've heard about that, right? People would count fifteen coming up and sixteen coming back down. I'm sure there was a trick to it, like an optical illusion, but I never could figure it out. And we had a history book that turned up completely blank. [Pauses] I suppose these seem rather tame. But you know how it is. Little things add up. People tell stories.
Agent ██████: Tell me about the dreams.
█████: The dreams? Oh, yes. People were complaining about nightmares. Mostly students, but a few of the staff as well. It was always about school never ending. We joked about it at first, but more people talked about it. I didn't put much credence into it, but, well, when we found the blueprints didn't match up with the school, it seemed easier just to move to a new building. The schoolhouse was old, anyway, and we wanted a fresh start. And, just like that, things seemed to settle back to normal.
Agent ██████: I see. Is there anything else you'd like to add?
█████: Hmm. [Pauses] It's not really much, but maybe it will make a nice footnote in that book you're writing. I still sometimes have dreams about being in my office, back at the old schoolhouse. Sometimes I'm doing paperwork, sometimes I'm talking to someone, but it's always back behind the desk, just like old times. But gradually, I notice something's a bit off. The bell's ringing, but I don't hear anyone in the hallway. No students hurrying in or out of the classroom, no chatter, no footsteps, nothing but the bell. And it doesn't stop. The crazy thing is that I never notice it's a dream until then. I've been retired for ten years, but until I notice the bell, I think everything's normal. Crazy, isn't it?
Agent ██████: I think it's very interesting. Thank you very much. If you think of anything else, don't hesitate to give me a call.
█████: Any time.
Item #: SCP-026
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-026 is to remain securely locked and boarded up at all times when there is no research ongoing. Alarms are set to alert the Foundation in case of entry by civilians or other agencies.
Description: SCP-026 is a three (3) story public school building built in ████. It has two (2) wings connected to a central foyer. It was declared condemned in ████ after it was found the floor plan didn't match up to the building's blueprints (see Interview Log 026-01). It came to the Foundation's attention after several disappearances in the area were linked to visits to the abandoned building.
The building demonstrates spatial anomalies. Its internal space is much greater than the external surface of the building would allow. Hallways display variable length, while stairways have differing numbers of steps going up or down. The number of rooms off the hallways changes each time they are counted. Attempts to reach the far ends of the hallways have met with failure thus far. Entrance through the fire escapes located at the ends of the hallways leads to doors approximately midway down the length of the halls.
EDIT: See Note 026-A
There is considerable graffiti on the interior walls of the school. Most appears typical, including gang signs, names, and street art. However, the graffiti fades and reappears, changing location. Writing on chalkboards and bulletin boards changes in a similar fashion. Subjects typically found range from standard school subjects (mathematics, literature, biology), to more esoteric subjects, such as quantum entanglement, ████████, and eugenics. One researcher reported one board detailing information about SCP-████, but photographic evidence showed only a blank slate. The contents of notepads, books, and pieces of paper have been observed to disappear, only to reappear on surfaces within SCP-026. New writings have appeared, mostly drawn from graffiti or text-books. Note: caution should be exercised in bringing documents onto the grounds of SCP-026. The phrase "The children used to sing" has appeared multiple times in various places throughout the building, but there is currently no explanation for its significance.
A number of unconscious subjects have been found in the building, mostly of high school age, ranging from twelve to eighteen. They are dressed in accordance to the school's dress code, circa ████. Several have been identified as former students or faculty of the school who disappeared after the school shut down (in at least one case, more than ten years after the closure). It is currently unknown how they were transported back into SCP-026. (See Note 026-B)
All attempts to wake the subjects while inside the building have failed. On being removed from the grounds of SCP-026, the subjects wake abruptly. They experience a period of confusion, before dying from extremely rapid dehydration, followed by advanced decomposition. No useful intelligence has been recovered from the subjects to date.
The inability to wake subjects extends to those who fall asleep on the grounds of SCP-026, though the rapid dehydration only seems to affect those who have been found on the grounds of the school. See Incident Report 026-12.
Incident Report 026-12 During a routine security check of SCP-026, Agent Malek was found unconscious by his partner, Agent Jones, in the main foyer. Initial attempts at rousing Agent Malek were ineffective, so he was moved for transportation to Site ██. Upon leaving the grounds of SCP-026, he woke abruptly in a state of agitation. When questioned, he revealed that he had been dreaming of a classroom setting. This dream has been consistent throughout all subjects who have fallen asleep within the grounds of SCP-026.
Note 026-A: Robotic exploration and video feeds have shown that the apparent spatial anomalies are caused by changes in the perceptions of observers, rather than actual spatial phenomena. For this reason, SCP-026 does not require the expertise of Mobile Task Force Rho-8 "Roadside Picnickers" at this time.
UPDATE: Further exploration has shown that some spatial phenomena do occur. See the Exploration Logs for more details.
Exploration Log 026-4 Exploration conducted by Agent ███████
"All right, I'm walking into the lobby. Walls are mostly bare concrete, a little paint here and there. Graffiti everywhere. A few beer bottles, some other trash. Looks like just another abandoned building.
"Okay, I'm making my way up the stairs. More graffiti on the walls. Okay, I'm going into the hallway. The peeling paint is kind of creepy. Looks like some sort of sheet fungus. Reminds me of [REDACTED]. The doors are kind of weird. Some are really close, others are far. Really irregular spacing. Doesn't match up with the blueprint you showed me. Okay, here's a classroom. Pretty empty. Some old desks. Real old, like they had in the thirties. The chalkboard's got a few math problems on it. Looks like trig. Okay, I'm going to check out another room.
"Back in the hallway. Heading to the next room. Desks look more modern in this room. Made from particle board. More posters here. Look to be from the eighties, I'd say. I recognize some of them from when I was a kid. Looks like Latin on the chalkboard. Yes, I'm taking pictures.
"Okay, back in the hallway. Heading to the next room.
[Several minutes of silence]
"There's something really screwy with this place. I could swear the room was just a few feet away, but it feels like I've been walking for hours. Anyway, I'm here.
"We've got sleepers. Three of them, two girls and a boy. They look to be around fourteen, fifteen. They're all wearing the same uniform. Yeah, just like you showed me. Hang on a minute while I take some pictures. At least we can figure out who they are.
"The furniture's pretty old looking, what's left of it. Lot of broken chairs and desks. Nothing on the walls. Chalkboard's… The hell?
"You're not going to believe this, ████. It's got Agent █████████'s notes up there. In her handwriting, even. We're going to have to be really careful what we bring in here.
"Yeah, I've got pictures, don't worry. Okay, I'm going to check one more room, and then I'm out.
"Back in the hallway now. Heading for the next room.
"Another anomaly. I've been going the same direction this entire time, but I'm back at the stairs. Yeah, I'm just going to head down. I've had enough of this place for one day. I'll meet you at the door."
The developed photos revealed [REDACTED]
Exploration Log 026-12 Carried out remotely using a robotic drone via video feed. Exploring the first floor hallway.
The hallway appeared in poor condition, with graffiti on the walls. Comparison with previous videos shows the graffiti has changed. Many of the same signs were present, but in different positions. Some seemed new.
Doors were uniformly spaced on the wall. Some were intact, while others were cracked or missing entirely.
First room in the hallway was the girl's bathroom. More graffiti on the walls. Several broken mirrors. A toilet had been removed from the wall entirely and placed in the center of the room. There was a great deal of porcelain and glass on the floor.
The next room over was the boy's bathroom. This was skipped in favor of exploring the classrooms.
The first classroom had no furniture. The chalkboard was broken in two. On one side of the board, there was a set of lines reading "I will not pass notes during cla (sic)." The other side had fragments of a lesson on [REDACTED]. There was one poster on the wall, depicting Helen Keller.
The second classroom was well furnished, with the largest number of intact desks to date, mostly made from wood and steel in a style used in the 1950's. There were two sleepers found that had not been reported in previous sweeps of the building. The first was a male teenager in a student's desk. Comparison with File 026-04 revealed him to be ██████ ███, a former student of the school. He was reported missing ten years after the school closed down, at age twenty-eight. The other was a woman in her mid-thirties sitting behind the teacher's desk. Her identity is still unknown. The chalkboard had a timeline of World War 2, overlaid with an intricate piece of graffiti.
The third classroom had fifteen particle-board desks in various states of disrepair. A map on the back wall was consistent with the sociopolitical conditions of 1974. A bookshelf had collapsed, and spilled a set of encyclopedias onto the floor.
The robot was then guided to the end of the hallway and back to the entrance. There was no sign of spatial anomalies at this time.
Exploration Log 026-15 Exploration conducted by Agent █████, accompanied by a robotic drone.
"Okay, I'm in. Lobby looks like it always does. Probably some graffiti drift. Here comes the robot."
The lobby was compared to previous videos. Some differences in the graffiti were noted. Otherwise, no significant changes.
"I'm heading upstairs now. Goddamn, the robot's heavy. How much crap did you load on it? You could've warned me. Gonna rest a second on the second landing. Video coming in all right? Cool, cool."
First set of stairs was navigated without trouble. The second floor hallway appeared similar to the first floor hallway, though with less debris.
"I've caught my breath. Heading up to the third floor. Wish there was a guard rail… Next time, it might be easier to carry the robot and the gear separately, and load it in once it's up. The gear's pretty idiot proof. I think I could probably figure it out. Damn thing must weigh over a hundred pounds. There, on the third floor now. I count… twelve doors. Weird spacing. That last door's got to be at least a hundred yards down. This place is pretty messed up."
Rangefinder showed the hallway was approximately forty-five meters long. Five doors on each side, evenly spaced, with one more door at the end of the hall. Eleven total.
"I'm heading in. There's not as much graffiti up here. A bit of debris. I'm opening one of the doors. Janitor's closet, and, hey, we've got a janitor. He's sleeping standing up. That's new. Male, seems to be in his mid-fifties. Nametag says ‘███████.’ A couple old broomsticks, what's left of a mop… Looks like rats have been nesting in here. They've shredded one of his pantlegs, but looks like they didn't touch the sleeper himself. What? You want samples? Eh, sure. Wouldn't be the weirdest thing I've picked up for this job. Okay, I think that's it."
Comparison with File 026-4 revealed the sleeper to be ████ ████████, former janitor in SCP-026. Later analysis of the rat feces revealed [REDACTED]. Recommended future exploration teams wear biohazard gear.
"Here's a classroom. No, no sleepers. Couple of desks intact, the rest looks pretty bad. Looks like someone took a sledgehammer to the place. No, wait, I stand corrected. Baseball bat. It's leaning against the corner. There's about half a case of beer here, full cans. Looks like they left in a hurry. Hey, get the robot to face the board. There's something I want you to see. Looks like Latin to me. Could be significant. Get someone to translate it, it might be a clue to what's gone down here."
The Latin was found to be a series of sentences showing different conjugations of the verb vendo, to sell. All were found in ███████'s Latin Primer, a textbook formerly used by the school. The baseball bat was aluminum, and analysis of the fingerprints was inconclusive.
"Okay, next classroom. Desks look fairly modern. Eighties, I'd guess. Chalkboard's got a quote from Nicholas Nickleby on it. Yes, I'm sure. It says right there on the board. 'The sun does not shine upon this fair earth to meet frowning eyes, depend upon it.' Nicholas Nickleby, by Charles Dickens. There's an apple on the desk. Looks fresh. I'm tossing it into the drone. Okay, I'm looking out the window. Hey, are you guys still out there? Because I see kids in the schoolyard. I don't see the van, or any of you. Yeah, second classroom on the right. You see me? Weird."
The apple appeared fresh on the video feed. However, when removed from the samples bin, it was in an advanced state of decomposition. The drone's feed through the window showed the Foundation van on the ground, and the research team looking up at the window. No children were seen in the schoolyard.
"Okay, you want me to head down the hallway? All right. Let's see if I actually make it this time. Not holding out any hopes. Walking forward. It looks ten feet to the next door, which would actually put it in the last room, but who's counting?
"I'm still here. It's just farther than it looks. Feels like I've been walking at least a couple of hours. I'm almost there. I'm just going to take a breather. I—Okay, this is wrong. I've stopped moving, but now I'm going backwards. The hallway's moving past me. Shit, I just saw the door move past me. I'm moving forward again. That's better.
"Okay, I'm almost there. One last dash and I should make it. And I'm back with the robot. I knew it wasn't going to work. There's no way to get there, I'm telling you."
The video feed showed the next door was thirty feet away. The total elapsed time from one door to the next was five minutes, in which time Agent █████ meandered toward the end of the hallway. No anomalous activity was observed while he was standing still. When he neared the end of the hallway, Agent █████ turned around and quickly returned to the beginning of the hallway.
"Okay, I hear you. I've got my eyes closed. I'm walking forward. Left, got it. Going straight. Correcting left again. Correcting right now. Okay, this is going a lot faster. Okay, correcting right. Yes, right, I heard you. Goddamnit, I am going right! Okay, left. No it is not the same direction! Look, if you think it's that easy, just send the robot in."
The robot was able to reach the end of the hallway with no problems. Agent █████ attempted to follow, but was unable to keep a straight line to the end of the hallway.
"Just go ahead and send the bot in. I'm not going to try again until we have a better idea what's in there. Something's keeping me out of there. We should figure out what it is before anything else. Look, if you want to know that badly, go yourself or request some Class Ds. I'm not going in. Deal with it."
At this point the robot opened the door and crossed the threshold into another hallway, running perpendicular to the first, thirty meters in length. No doors were visible. A single window was observed but was situated too high for the view outside to be visible. The walls were free of graffiti. The left was a dead-end, while the right terminated in a left-hand turn. The robot turned right into the new hallway. After ten meters, the unit's GPS showed it to be outside the building, though the video feed still showed the hallway. It continued to the end of the hallway, and turned left. Agent █████ was just ahead, at the beginning of the original hallway. Turning the camera behind the robot showed only the stairwell, with no sign of the second hallway. The unit's GPS showed it by Agent █████'s position at this time.
"I see another classroom. I don't see the robot, though. I lost track after it went through the door. What do you mean it's outside? Did it go out through the window? Look, maybe the GPS is screwy. Calm down. What do you mean turn around? What the hell am I—Oh, fuck! Okay, that's enough. I'm calling it off for the day. We can come back after we get some Class Ds in here."
Note 026-B: Several class D personnel exposed to SCP-026 have disappeared from Foundation control, only to reappear inside the anomalous building. The subjects in question had previously complained of dreams identical to those experienced by Agent Malek.
UPDATE: See Interview Log 026-08.
Interview Log 026-08
Dr. █████: "Please have a seat."
Agent Walker: "Thank you."
Dr. █████: "Let's get down to business. I understand you're requesting a transfer out of fieldwork. Would you like to talk about that?"
Agent Walker: "I'd rather not."
Dr. █████: "It's your choice. However, I can't approve a transfer without reason."
Agent Walker: "Look, I…" The agent paused here. "You've seen my record. You know I worked on twenty-six, right?"
Dr. █████: "I've read the report."
Agent Walker: "I was there the first time we took one of the sleepers out. A lot of them were adults when they disappeared, but they're kids again when we find them. So, I see this sixteen-year-old boy just kind of shrivel away. I had nightmares that night."
Dr. █████: "You're supposed to report any unusual dreams after contacting a potentially mind-altering phenomenon."
Agent Walker: "It hadn't been declared a mindscrew yet. We just thought it was a weird space thing. We were just watching it until the Picnickers got there. And it was a shock, you know? We weren't expecting anything like that. Anyway, I got over it quick enough. I'd seen worse. I once had a guy melt while I was holding onto him."
Dr. █████: "I see. What happened next?"
Agent Walker: "Nothing, for a while. I went in a couple of times, but didn't see anything too weird. But… Look, I know I should have reported it. But one of my buddies had just been disappeared after getting touched by some weird scip, and I didn't want it to happen to me."
Dr. █████: "You've been affected by an SCP?"
Agent Walker: "I… Yeah. It was a week later. I was dozing in the back of the van, and I started dreaming."
Dr. █████: "Can you describe this dream?"
Agent Walker: "Just like the others. You've read the reports, right?"
Dr. █████: "Pretend that I haven't. For the record, Agent Walker."
Agent Walker: "All right. I'm in a classroom. It's just like one of the ones in 026, but new. Not falling apart. I knew the teacher's name. I knew who was sitting by me, even though I'd never seen most of them before. The bell started ringing, but no one moved. I raised my hand, but the teacher didn't notice. Finally, I tried to leave, but the door wouldn't open. Then I noticed something strange with my hand. It had color. Everything else was black and white. But I felt like I was the one who was… wrong? Out of place? That's when I woke up. The van was leaving. No one else noticed I'd been asleep."
Dr. █████: "And you didn't think to report this?"
Agent Walker: "Like I said, I was scared. And this was before they found Malek. I figured it was just another nightmare. Nothing weird. And after Malek had his dream, well, they didn't do anything with him, so I figured it wasn't a big deal."
Dr. █████: "He was put on observation. You should have been as well, for your own safety and for the safety of others."
Agent Walker: "You paper-pushers think it's all so easy, don't you? Sitting behind a desk all day, you don't know what it's like. Well, things aren't so clear out there. Not when you're the one hunting talking cats in a sewer, or waiting to see if you're the one who's not going to come back this time."
Agent Walker was visibly distressed. It was several minutes before she calmed down enough to continue the interview.
Agent Walker: "Anyway, it wasn't until later that we connected the dreams with the sleepers. Not until they found those Class Ds on the second floor. Still, I thought I might be okay. I wasn't actually inside of twenty-six when I dreamed. I wasn't sure until the dreams started."
Dr. █████: "You're having reoccurances?"
Agent Walker: "Yeah. They started six months ago. It's the same dream. But each time, it takes me a little longer to notice it isn't real. And when I look at my hands, they're a little more gray."
End interview 026-08
Note: Agent Walker has since been given a Class A Amnestic and returned to field work.
[The voice of Agent ███████ (Interview Log 026-01) was provided by @phantomancer.] [The voice of Mr. ██████ (Interview Log 026-01) was provided by Breck Wilhite.] [The voice of Agent ███████ (Exploration Log 026-4) was provided by Spera Crinis.] [The voice of Agent █████ (Exploration Log 026-15) was provided by @navox-the-weary.] [The voice of Dr. █████ (Interview Log 026-08) was provided by Brittany Carlton.] [The voice of Agent Walker was provided by @mezzoprime.]
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gotham-amai · 3 years ago
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More SCPtober drawings
SCP-ES-026 by Dr Reach
Mr. Redd by TwistedGears
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toonandcute0 · 3 years ago
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Continuamos con el #scptober la verdad no siento que le haya hecho justicia a tan buen SCP, pero les dejo mi humilde trabajo  SCP-ES-026  by Dr Reach #SCPTOBER2021_04 - SCP-ES-026 -------------------------------------------------------------- We continue with the #scptober the truth is that I do not feel that I have done justice to such a good SCP, but I leave you my humble work SCP-ES-026 by Dr Reach # SCPTOBER2021_04 - SCP-ES-026
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simple-scps · 7 years ago
SCP-026: Afterschool Retention
This SCP is a three-story abandoned school building located in [REDACTED]. The inside of the building appears to be larger than the outside would allow. It demonstrates various spatial anomalies, including one not being able to reach the end of a hallway, the number of doors in a hallway being different each time they are counted, and the number of steps in a staircase changing each time they are climbed. The building is heavily covered in graffiti and the graffiti often changes/disappears. Occasionally, students are found asleep within the building. They cannot be woken while inside, and if removed from the building, they almost immediately wake up and then die. The contents of notebooks and documents brought into the building may also disappear and instead appears on the building’s walls.
TL;DR? Like the TARDIS… but weirder. And significantly less pleasant. And also a school. Why would you even go here?
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minecraft · 3 years ago
disqualified from working at site-026 :\ also someone should make like a questionnaire that like asks you a bunch of things related to disqualifying you from working at specific sites/scps and at the end gives you like a list with a short blurb for each. (i think this would be really hard to do with most online quiz makers though? unsure.)
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phealingit · 5 years ago
*runs into SCP-026 and refuses to leave*
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aliulo · 6 years ago
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amajorsystem · 2 years ago
a lot of building skips r like this, as well as immobile anomalies such aaas [grabs my notes]
SCP-006, SCP-015, SCP-022, SCP-024, SCP-026, SCP-028, SCP-031, SCP-036, SCP-057, SCP-065, SCP-083, SCP-084, SCP-086, SCP-087, SCP-094, SCP-097
SCP-100, SCP-102 (technically not under foundation control due to legal disputes), SCP-110, SCP-112, SCP-121, SCP-130, SCP-144, SCP-176, SCP-197
SCP-210, SCP-211, SCP-222, SCP-225-1, SCP-238, SCP-242, [...]
unfortunately that's where my notes stop for now and i'm 99% i missed a couple but as you can see immobile skips are very common!
Idk anything about scps but ive always wondered. And that picture reminded me. If they find an anomaly that cannot be moved like that portal image do they just build an entire building around it
Yeah :D Idr any numbers off the top of my head but it's established practice to build provisional sites that are exactly that
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chakytron · 4 years ago
SCP-026 After School Retention (SCP Animation)
SCP-026 After School Retention (SCP Animation)
SCP-026 After School Retention (SCP Animation) Category Main Description: Dr Bob brings you SCP Foundation Euclid Class object, SCP-026 After School Retention Animation. LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, and turn on NOTIFICATIONS to DrBob … TopTrengingTV Hunting the most trend video of the moment, every hour every day 24/7. Youtube Video Data Published At: 2021-01-22T16:10:00Z   Tags:  [‘toptrendingtv’, ‘trend…
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