#scottish!natsu is best natsu
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if you ever think i talk weirdly or write odd sentences, blame my parents. i could have had english as my first language if they didn't move back from scotland when i was 4. i had already started talking scottish!! (they thought it was baby-blubbering though) why did they take that away from me! i would've been the best fanfic writer out there, you'd catch me writing shakespearian nalu fics. now i just call natsu an omega and get 10 likes.
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Could you possibly do a Nalu photographer shoot AU? Natsu being the Model and Lucy being the photographer. Thank you!!
He’s A Natural
Pairing: Nalu
Word count: 1397
A/N: Have some Scottish Natsu! And Canadian Lucy, but that’s more from me using my own euphemisms lmao. This could get so much longer, and maybe ‘ll continue it when I’m not swamped! So model Natsu is always a fun thing, and tbh hot damn.
“It won’t be hard, they said.
“You seem so much more comfortable behind the camera, they said.
“Just one photo shoot, they said.”
Lucy grumbled to herself, pacing in the space set aside for breaks. The white tent was partially open, but it still managed to hide her from the source of her spiking anxiety. The very attractive, very pink, and very naked source.
“Do a natural outdoor scene, they said. It’ll be fun, they said.”
“Are you done talking to yourself or do you need another five?” Lucy sighed loudly, glaring at Loke’s head where he peeked around the corner of her sanctuary. “Seriously, the poor guy’s gonna freeze his dick off.”
“Then maybe he should put on some pants.” Lucy snapped, slumping into a chair and burying her face in her hands. She didn’t know why he was affecting her like this. Not only had Lucy worked with gorgeous models before, but she had also seen them naked! In her bed! Genitals did not faze her normally, so why was she losing her shit?
“You ready, Drama Queen?” Loke asked. Lucy pouted, accepting his hand and looking up at him.
“Fine, but if anyone’s going to be taking him home it’s me, got it?” Lucy said sharply. Loke cackled, throwing his head back. He raked his hand through his wild, ginger hair as he grinned down at her fondly. Lucy liked to tell him it looked like a lion’s mane after she had had one too many drinks.
“Whatever you say princess,” Loke purred, hooking his arm through Lucy’s and leading her back out to the meadow they were shooting in. “But first you have to talk to him. Maybe learn his name.”
“Shut up,” Lucy grumbled, leaning her head on his shoulder.
“Thought I scared ya off,” the model joked as they approached, scratching the back of his head bashfully, towel wrapped around his waist. A very, very small towel, fluffy and white, which only made his deep tan stand out more. Who knew pink hair and brown skin went together so well. Or that Lucy had a thing for Scottish accents.
“What’s your name?” Lucy asked, loudly and suddenly. She felt her face flush hot when the model cocked his head at her, confused smile pulling his lips at her outburst. God, please let a random tree just crush her now.
“It’s Natsu,” he said, holding out his hand. Lucy took it, swallowing around her dry mouth at how big his was compared to hers. And she knew what they said about big hands and big feet…
Lucy yelped when something sharp dug into her side, pouting up at Loke before realizing why he had to shove his bony joint into her ribs in the first place. Her eyes snapped to Natsu’s, deep green almost black and sparkling with impish joy. He knew. And he knew she knew. And she knew he knew she knew. And Lucy was really praying for that stray tree right about now.
“Lucy. My name- uh, my name is Lucy.” She managed out, blushing deeper at his amused and teasing smile. Oh, he had freckles. Wonderful.
“You can let go of his hand now,” Loke said, grinning down at Lucy smugly.
“Maybe I like holding his hand,” Lucy retorted, glaring up at her friend.
“He likes holdin’ your hand too,” Natsu said. He winked at Lucy’s squeak, deep laugh shaking his chest as she dropped his hand.
“Alright! Either we start now or you’re all walking home!” Gajeel boomed. Lucy rolled her eyes at their equipment manager, ignoring his threat. He’d only followed through with it a couple times. Everyone wandered off to their positions, Lucy fetching her camera and fiddling with it as she kept her back to Natsu. She could do this. Be professional. Don’t take a picture of his dick. All things that Lucy could do.
Lucy turned around, and marched herself to stand in front of Natsu. Who had lost the towel, and was standing legs spread and unashamed, basking in all his Scottish glory.
“Do you dye your pubes?” Lucy squeaked, hand slapping over her mouth in horror. She was fired. This was it, her first time as the photographer and she had blow it oh God Jason was going to kill her and then fire her-
“Ain’t ya a spit fire?” Natsu cackled, easy as he smiled at Lucy. “And I do no’ dye anything. All natural ‘ere.”
“Oh,” Lucy breathed, some of the awkwardness melting off her at Natsu’s openess.
“And before ye ask, I’m a grower, not a shower.”
Ahh, there was the mortification.
“You don’t have to be crude!” Lucy gasped, smiling as she tried turn her face away from him.
“Ain’t I ‘posed to be the shy one?” Natsu called. Lucy laughed, rolling her eyes before sticking her tongue out at Natsu. They continued to bicker as Lucy directed him this way and that, trying to find the best angle before snapping a photo. Honestly, all of his angles were good, what with his strong cheek bones and slightly pointed chin giving him a playful and boyish handsomeness, slanted eyes bright and framed with thick lashes, nose a little crooked at the bridge but still broad at the tip. And then there were the freckles scattered across his face, like little deep brown constellations.
“Close your eyes and tilt your chin up. No, not that much. Okay more. Less. Natsu now you’re just doing this on purpose!” Lucy laughed, slightly exasperated by his exaggerated movements. She snapped a picture of his profile, eyes closed and tilted towards the sun, grin pulling the corner of his mouth up, the image on the camera looking as if he was a woodland imp who knew a secret and you didn’t.
“So bossy,” Natsu teased, opening his eye and looking at Lucy from the corner of it. Lucy snapped another photo, breath catching as she looked down at the screen.
There sat a picture of Natsu, seductive as he looked at the camera, gaze sharp like a wolf and just as hypnotic. Lucy’s mind shot down to dirty, dirty, places the longer she looked at it.
“Oh, that’s a good one, ain’t it,” Natsu said, leaning over her shoulder. Lucy squealed, clutching the camera to her chest protectively. Lucy flushed when his eyes followed her motion, lingering a few seconds too long on her cleavage to be innocent. He coughed, eyes flicking away as pink coloured his ears.
“You two can fuck later, let’s just get a move on to the body shots!” Gajeel called, ripping Lucy from her stupor. She threw her middle finger up at him, glaring when he waved her off and walked away, probably to harass the interns.
“Ignore him,” Lucy smiled at Natsu apologetically. “His girlfriend’s away for a month and he gets a bit crabby when he doesn’t get laid.”
Natsu’s nose twisted in a grimace even as a low chuckle fell from his lips. “He’s me cousin, I don’ think I need’a know ‘bout his sex life.” he chuckled. His grin grew warmer at Lucy’s shocked expression, arms lifting and crossing behind his head as he continued to talk. “He’s the reason I got the job. It’s me first time modelin’, but I needed the pay, so ‘ere I am.”
“Well you’re a natural at it,” Lucy assured. She could hardly believe this was the first time he had modeled, the camera adored him.
“Thank ya,” Natsu grinned. Lucy returned it, having to tilt her head up a bit to look at him, standing as close as they were to one another.
“Seriously, make yer bedroom eyes at each other when we’re not on the job!”
“Piss off ya walkin’ pin cushion!”
Lucy laughed, half hiding her face as she shook her head. Natsu beamed down at her, sharp canine revealed by the curl of his lips. She shooed him further back, taking in a deep breath. Looking at Natsu fully, standing buck-ass naked in the middle of a spring meadow just starting to bloom, Lucy couldn’t help but bite her lip. God, she had no idea what he did for a job, but Lucy was leaning towards boxer if the grooves of his muscles on his chest and abs were any indication. Not to mention his thighs… or his forearms…
She was definitely going to take Natsu home. Or at least out for drinks.
She needed to know the dirt Natsu had on Gajeel from when they were kids. And just how much of a grower the pink haired model really was.
#nalu#fairy tail#scottish!natsu is best natsu#as is brown and freckled#just any writing#requests#the-fire-master#just any answers
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A little ErLu for the inimitable @sassyhazelowl in honour of Femslash February ♥ in under the wire on February 28! This is almost entirely fluff and fun, but why not? Hope you enjoy it!
~ Imp

No-Longer-Valentine’s-Day Day
What do you give a woman who already has the ultimate wardrobe of expensive dresses and fine armour? Not to mention accessories ranging from hand-painted fans (with steel reinforced edges) to pennant-decked horse lances.
Lucy was flipping morosely through a catalogue of swords that included everything from Japanese katana (second blade 50% off!) to Scottish claymores (for life with a little extra swing—ideal for beheading your immortal enemies), trying to pick out the perfect No-Longer-Valentine’s Day gift. They’d agreed that Valentine’s Day could be overdone, although it was still a good opportunity to pick up strawberry-creme chocolates. Plus, they’d stocked up on bath bubbles and scented candles the day after at a significant discount.
Not that they hadn’t supported their friends. Nothing wrong with celebrating Valentine’s Day in traditional ways, or on the traditional date. Juvia had gone all out, and foregone her usual—as in every single day of the year usual—blue in order to dress up as the Queen of Hearts, complete with tiny red velvet miniskirt, gorgeous, lacy, black bustier, thigh-high black and red boots, and a crown. Cana had adored it, even though Juvia had muttered that it looked odd with her blue hair, and the two of them had gone off laughing into the night, on their way to both an extravagant masquerade ball, and a waterfront dive.
Lucy hadn’t been envious. By celebrating Valentine’s Day in their own way, she and Erza could make it more personal, and less commercialized. …At least, that was the theory. She flipped the magazine closed with more force than necessary, and managed to give herself a nasty paper cut across the tip of one finger.
Okay, okay, we can do this. Ignore massive PAIN radiating from little finger, focus on being creative and different! Juvia dressed up for Cana way outside her comfort zone, wrong colours and everything. Cana bought tickets to a fancy party, even though it’s not really her crowd–and she’ll behave perfectly, too, just for Juvia.
The sound of familiar footsteps brought Lucy up off the couch in a bound. It wasn’t much, but maybe there was something she could do for Erza today. And after that she would make a suggestion. More of a recommendation, really—a firmly-worded, emphatic recommendation. Next year, they would do Valentine’s Day with everybody else, and wallow in commercially-induced, over-priced froth. They were both far too addicted to following advice from magazines, and the “celebrate on a different day!” advice had sounded better in principle than in practice.
Fortunately, Lucy knew exactly where to find what she was looking for, and after several years around Team Natsu she was an expert at dressing quickly. Mentally, she ticked off the list of preparations that were already done: candles—lit; sparkling wine—chilling; chocolate-raspberry cookies—baked; window—locked against unwanted guests.
She emerged into the living room just as Erza was hanging up her coat and turning to admire the sights and smells of Not-Valentine’s-Day.
“Lucy—this is amazing! I really appreciate—” And then Erza stopped, having finally gotten a good look at her girlfriend, who was lounging against the door to the bedroom. “…Oh Lucy…”
After the fateful Grand Magic Games, Lucy had brought home their uniforms, and washed, and scrubbed, and gotten help patching up rents and tears and scorch marks. Their victory on that last day of the Games had come at a high cost, but they’d been a team, and she knew how much that had meant, and still meant, to Erza.
“Glory days?” Lucy asked, softly, but with just a hint of provocative hip, and her best I-think-you’re-gorgeous smile. The indigo-purple uniform, emblazoned with the Fairy Tail crest, hugged her torso, and swirled around her thighs, leaving most of her legs bare.
“Eh, yes—I suppose… You look so pretty!” Erza was an affectionate, demonstrative lover, and she hurried over to Lucy now, and gave her a tight hug, before pressing a happy kiss to her lips. Lucy melted into Erza’s warmth, returning the kiss, and reaching out to twine her fingers into one, calloused, strong-fingered hand. A moment later, she winced.
Erza drew away, concerned. “Lucy?”
Embarrassed, Lucy laughed. “Just a paper cut! Funny how the smallest things can really hurt, you know?”
“This, from the woman who survived Minerva at her worst!” Erza’s words were gently teasing—she’d spent many long nights, and days, too, helping Lucy cope with the aftermath of her least pleasant experiences of the Games. At this point, they’d both come to terms with what had happened—and with Minerva of Sabretooth. Erza lifted Lucy’s hand, and examined the thin red line across the top of the pinkie. “I suppose I’ll have to kiss it better…”
Lucy hummed happily, and then with a little heat, as first her ‘injured’ pinkie, and then her other fingers, were caressed by Erza’s soft lips and attentive tongue. It took an effort to pull away.
“Why don’t you get changed, and I’ll pour the wine? And I made your favourite cookies…”
Erza was always—almost always—surprisingly compliant when it came to doing things as a couple. Lucy suspected that her beloved enjoyed being able to relax out of the ‘leader’ role when they were together like this, although of course it depended on the day, and whatever else was going on.
When Erza got back, shyly holding a small gift wrapped in white lace and fancy red ribbon, Lucy was waiting for her on the couch. She let Erza set down the gift, and handed her a glass of wine as she took her place on the couch beside Lucy.
“Now then,” said Lucy, “I have a gift for you, too, but I didn’t get to wrap it.” She cleared her throat. “I left my shopping a little late, you see. But then I realized that I can give you something much better than just a new weapon to add to your… collection.” They grinned at each other, since Lucy usually referred to Erza’s assortment of weaponry as her ‘freakishly insane personal armoury’.
“Well I can think of several better things, actually,” Erza told her, raising both of her elegant brows. Then she blushed. Erza was still endearingly embarrassed by physical intimacy at times, despite the very racy novels she read in private.
“Ahem! I’m trying to make a grand gesture here—don’t interrupt!”
“Sorry, sorry…”
“As your very special It’s-Not-Valentine’s-Day present, I, Lucy Heartfilia, will help you to choose a new weapon.”
Erza blinked, obviously confused. “But, Lucy—”
“Seriously, try me! It just occurred to me that I haven’t spent years with you—not to mention the last four weeks with your favourite catalogues—without learning how to speak the language of sharp metal things. Bring it on!”
Still puzzled, Erza tried to comply. She rarely discussed weapons with Lucy, since it wasn’t an interest they had in common, and Lucy didn’t even really like weapons much.
“I was thinking, recently, that I should improve my range of middle-to-long-reach swords—”
“Sure, no problem—I would suggest something in either the medium-heavy end of the katana, or possibly the true longsword of the Europeans, which was originally more like the katana, in the sense of being a sword requiring two hands to heft and direct with precision. This type of longsword was also referred to as a hand-and-a-half sword, or bastard sword—although that seems like a rather rude name, to me.
“Anyway, let me draw your attention to page twenty-three of this catalogue, and we can start by discussing the relative merits of the katana they have in stock at the moment.”
“Talk to me baby!” Lucy reached out and pressed Erza’s hand, before handing her the catalogue. “I know I’m not always up to talking sword dynamics, but that doesn’t mean I can’t. I’ve got a surprisingly good memory, you know!”
“…Are you sure?”
“Yep. This attractively-attired celestial mage is here to get serious about blade curvature and tang length. Feel free to debate speed versus power with me—or more likely yourself—to your heart’s desire.”
Erza’s astonished expression finally relaxed into a very soft kind of smile. “This could end up being a very… invigorating… discussion. After all, what person doesn’t like being asked to talk about herself, or her favourite interests?”
“I’m counting on it,” Lucy responded, eyes bright with humour and anticipation. She set down her wine, and patted her lap invitingly. “Come lay your head on my lap, and talk dirty to me about your favourite grips, and the benefits of real leather over synthetics.”
Much, much later, a sleepy Erza murmured to a sleeping Lucy:
“Next year, I want to celebrate Valentine’s Day and No-Longer-Valentine’s Day…”
tags: @shell-senji @nalufever @eliz1369 @lockandk3yfiction @furidojasutin @miss-zei @strawberryliaelleth
#fairy tail#ft fanfiction#erlu#erza scarlet#lucy heartfilia#impracticaldemon#imp writes#sassyhazelowl#femslash february#and in under the wire!!#lol february has been a rollercoaster for writing gadzooks!#almost pure fluff#hope you enjoy it!
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My FT questions answers
So regarding my previous post here are my answers to my Fairy Tail Questionnaire.
1. How did you first heard about Fairy Tail?
From my friend Beth. I saw how much she liked it and when she suggested that I check it out I did. I have been hooked ever since. And it’s become my favorite anime of all time, because I never have been more emotionally invested in an anime before.
2. Do read the manga, watch the anime, or both?
I do both. Haven’t been watching the anime lately, but I’ve been keeping up with the manga now. BUT I HATE SPOILERS, SO DON’T TELL ME ANYTHING UNTIL THE TRANSLATION COMES OUT!
3. Who are your favorite character(s)?
I really love all of them, but my top 3 are:
Levy McGarden, I like her because she’s a fellow bookworm, she’s cute, intelligent, and really needs to be the focus more often. Pantherlily. I love how he can go from this big creature, yet can change back into this small cute thing. He’s bad ass and adorable. I call him Badorable. And really my absolute favorite character is Gajeel Redfox. I could really talk for hours on why he’s my favorite, but to sum up I like him because he’s a complex character.
A Complex character, also known as a Dynamic character or a Round character displays the following characteristics:
He or she undergoes an important change as the plot unfolds.
The changes he or she experiences occur because of his or her actions or experiences in the story.
Changes in the character may be good or bad.
The character is highly developed and complex, meaning they have a variety of traits and different sides to their personality.
Some of their character traits may create conflict in the character.
He or she displays strengths, weaknesses, and a full range of emotions.
He or she has significant interactions with other characters.
He or she advances the plot or develops a major theme in the text.
Gajeel has done most of those things on that list.
And to be honest when he first appeared I really didn’t hate him. Yes what he did was wrong, especially regarding Team Shadowgear, but I had this small feeling, ever since I found out that he was a Dragon Slayer that he was going to be an ally to Fairy Tail, never expected him to join though. I’m so glad he did!
4. What is a character or characters that you absolutely hate? And not even love to hate, you wish they were never in the story to begin with.
Future Rogue. That bastard kill Future Lucy, and I will never forgive him for that. Even if he apologized. Seriously I cried so hard when I watched that part in the anime.
5. Do you own any FT merchandise?
The first 20 volumes of the manga, a Capricorn key charm, Natsu plush, Lily plush, small Happy loaf plush or Tsum Tsum, a Mirajane keychain, a Gajeel keychain, a notebook, exceed bracelet, a FT symbol keychain, a wallet, and 2 T-shirts.
I think that’s it.
6. What is your favorite opening?
I have 3.
Snow Fairy ( the first and probably the most recognizable)
Rock City Boy ( Fun fact the singer is actually American, but he lived most of his life in Japan)
I wish ( I like this one because it’s the only one where I think I could do a cover of it. It’s in my vocal range)
Honorable mention goes to the 1st movie’s opening 200 Miles.
7. What is your favorite ending?
Be as One
You, He, Me, and She
8. What is your favorite character song?
Well, since Gajeel is my favorite character, my fave character song, is his song My Iron Blues. It’s awesome, fun to sway to, has female back up singers, and I like his singing very much.
Also for you Yuri on Ice fans, this the same guy who sings You Only Live Once
You’re welcome for that random piece of trivia.
9.What is your favorite instrumental track?
Any version of the main theme.
Original https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6kb96YWXMA
Slow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Loi4bYzXvAw
Piano https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qk2jYmZerD8
Metal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BiT8Ct0cQzM
Tenroujima https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=At_zB-pK3JQ
I also like Dragon Slayer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJoKUq8j1Ns
Natsu’s theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhevjjbvWmw
Lucy’s theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L26TQP7Qe9I
Happy’s theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAIFonqW4SY
One thing I love about FT’s music is the Celtic feel to it. My family is Irish and Scottish, so it makes me think of my heritage.
10. What are your FT ships?
I ship:
Nalu (Natsu x Lucy)
Gruvia (Gray x Juvia)
Jerza (Jellal x Erza)
Elfgreen (Elfman x Evergreen)
Laxana (Laxus x Cana)
RoWen (Romeo x Wendy)
LoRies (Loke x Aries)
Albis (Alzack x Bisca)
Rerry (Ren x Sherry)
Cappy (Carla x Happy)
Kinbara (Erik x Kinana)
StingYu (Sting x Yukino)
But my OTP for the series is Gajevy (Gajeel x Levy, which is canon now! YAY! )
11. What is an unpopular opinion you have aka something that you do that is not normal to the FT fandom?
I’m a NaLu fan that does not hate Lisanna at all. I hate how so many Nalu fans hate her just because she “gets in the way of NaLu”.
That’s one thing that bothers me with any fandom. When people hate on a character just because they get in they way of their precious OTP.
I’ve said it before, but I think that is a stupid reason to hate a character. If the only reason you hate a character is because they ruin a ship for you, kindly go back into your small corner of the world, where you can bitch and complain all you want like the immature brat that you are.
The rest of us adults, are going to ship what we want, and respect each other’s choices, and not hate on character solely for that purpose.
Lisanna did nothing wrong, and all those fan fics that portray her as this bitchy chick who “steals” Natsu from Lucy and makes Lucy all depressed and shit makes me want to gouge my eyes out every time I read one.
I respect the fact that some people don’t ship NaLu, I respect the fact that I don’t ship NaLi.
12. Do you draw/write FT fan art or fan fiction?
Yes, check out my DA here http://purplekatz93.deviantart.com/gallery/42409453/Fairy-Tail
Maybe I’ll post stuff here soon, old and new.
13. What is one thing about FT that pisses you off?
At least we know about Makarov’s mom now.
And we do know more of the dragon slayers’ past, but I still have my headcanons about their biological parents, or at least Gajeel and Wendy’s. Like how Metalicana and Grandeeny found them. Let me know if you want to hear them. Bear in mind they are quite depressing.Don’t have any for Sting and Rouge. And as for Natsu, well I did have one, but that went out the window and I think you know why.
14. If you could put the FT cast into another show what would it be and why?
It’s a weird choice but I chose Scrubs. I could just see it. Natsu=JD (It be funny to see Natsu have all those crazy daydreams, wouldn’t it?) Lucy=Elliot (If Natsu and Lucy did live in another universe, I think they would be an on again off again couple until they were ready to be with each other.) Juvia=Carla (Putting Carla as Carla would be too obvious, and I know it doesn’t exactly match up, but I have this headcanon that Juvia can speak Spanish, because Juvia;s name is the Japanese spelling for the Spanish word rain or lluvia) Gray=Turk (I know it doesn’t really fit, but had to keep him and Juvia together.) Laxus= Dr,Cox (Can you just imagine how funny it be if Laxus did a Cox rant?) Cana=Jordan (I feel a relationship between Laxus and Cana would be like the one Jordan has with Dr.Cox) Gajeel=Janitor (One of the best characters in the show, and it be funny to see Gajeel prank Natsu) Levy=Lady (She’s the Janitor’s girlfriend and later wife in Season 8) Hades= Dr. Kelso (Hades is evil but a recent chapter in the Tartarus arc showed that he kind of still has a heart, so that’s why I picked him)
Freed=Ted (I just think it be funny)
Loke=The Todd (both are bit of playboys and be funny to see Loke question his sexuality) I do have others, but they’re only characters that appeared in one or two seasons so I’m not going to bother.
15. What are some musicals you put the FT cast in? (I only put this question in cause I’m a theatre geek)
Shrek the musical
Disney’s Beauty and the Beast
Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper
Barbie as the Island Princess
Barbie and the Diamond Castle
If you want I can tell you who I would have play each part. Some I’m still figuring out, so not all roles have been cast yet.
16. Do you cosplay or plan on cosplaying any of the characters?
I cosplay as Mira(no pictures available) and Levy which I do have pictures of on my DeviantART account. Let me know if you want to see it.
I’m gonna post it on here soon.
Now all I need is a Gajeel.
17. What are your favorite arcs?
Phantom Lord, Fighting Festival, Edolas, Tenrou Island, Key of the Starry Sky, Grand Magic Games, and Alvarez. What do they all have in common? There is focus on Gajeel in all of them. Some more than others.
18. If you could join any guild what would it be?
Fairy Tail, duh.
19. Have any FCs?
Yes, Valerie Saline who you can learn more about here http://purplekatz93.deviantart.com/art/Fairy-Tail-OC-Bio-361202036\
I even made an Edo version of her
Then my next gen kids
Mckenna and Iggy (NaLu kids)http://purplekatz93.deviantart.com/art/NaLu-Kids-360992943
Nieve, Brendan, and Tally (Gruvia kids) http://purplekatz93.deviantart.com/art/Gruvia-Kids-360992503
Conor and Olivia (Gajevy kids, they’re the older siblings of the canon Gajevy twins. Although they’re born years later when Conor and Olivia are much older. In my FT future they were a surprise aka they were not planned. BTW do they have names? I keep trying to look it up, but come up with nothing. The FT wiki literally has nothing about the light novel they debut in http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Fairy_Tail_3:_Trouble_Twins
Actually they have barely anything about the light novels expect for like the first one.) http://purplekatz93.deviantart.com/art/GaLe-Kids-360992447
Matthew and Sarah (Jerza kids) http://purplekatz93.deviantart.com/art/Jerza-Kids-361673144
If you’re wondering why they look nothing like Jellal and Erza, it’s because they’re adopted.
20. If you were a wizard what kind of magic would you use?
Singing magic, like a Siren. I would sing and hypnotize people and when there out of it, attack them.
21. What is a magic item you would like to have?
A light pen http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Light_Pen It be fun to draw/write in thin air.
22. Did you enjoy this questionnaire?
I sure did, seeing how I created it.
Oh and let me take this opportunity to talk about something else FT related.
I have the Todd Haberkorn (the Eng VA of Natsu 3 times at different cons)
Here’s proof http://purplekatz93.deviantart.com/art/I-TOLD-YOU-SO-463572927
And here’s some autographs he gave me I don’t have a picture of the third one up yet
Okay that’s all.
And please don’t mad at me for my answers.
#fairy tail#my thoughts#nalu#gruvia#jerza#gajevy#not gonna tag all the ships#that would take forever#Please be kind#respect my opinions#i'll respect yours
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For the question thing can you do 1-100 but not 18 please
Oh boy here we go1) Skylar lee rose! 3)August 13 4)I’m a Leo, However I consider myself a Gemini 5)red!6)87)sadly no8)Florida 9)5'210)6 11)like two12)hm,,, let’s see here, um I think it was about a being in this weird school for demons, rin was there, so was Natsu it was weird….13)drawing? And I can read people’s emotions pretty well14)somewhat? I sometimes feel when something bad is going to happen, but I can’t ever tell what, when or who it’ll happen, so I don’t think so.15)all Steven universe songs right now!16)bolt or ponyo17)it depends, someone with a good personality! 19)sure, why not20)I dunno21)yeah, when I busted my head open (both times) and when I split my eyebrow,and when I got very very sick 22) no23)does my dad count? He’s the best!24)little bit of both! 25)light grey and blue26)in like 6th grade, when I knew cheats for Minecraft, when everyone liked Minecraft, does that count?27)maybe as an artist or a game creator! But probably not28)hm, it usually depends on my mood29)no I haven’t 30)usually 2 31)fetal position, cuddled up with my stuffed dog (I have a stuffed dog I sleep with, it’s weird I know)32)not that big, 3 rooms, my room, my parents, and my sister’s temporary room33)nothing, usually..34)no, but I want to learn!35)too scared of them36)biscuit37)fuck38)2 weeks, omg 39)yes, but they’re faded mostly40)I think? I’m not sure, because I kept getting notes from someone41)yes? 42)yesssss43)somewhat? I mean at random times I will switch to a southern accent, it’s only happened twice though 44)no not really45)Scottish 46)sporadic 47)my captain America jacket, it was like $50 48)yes49)innie50)right51)them in general, no, of they touching me, yes52)salt and vinegar kettle chips53)ramen54)little bit of both (mainly messy tho)55)we’re all mad here56)hm, sure57)about 5 or so minutes (I don’t wear makeup or really do my hair just put it up)58)nope59)suck lollipops60)yes a lot, mainly when I’m very tired tho61)yeah sometimes 62)I’m not sure63)being forgotten or making people upset or losing my family(I already lost my brother)64)somewhat 65)not sure66)short floofy hair, or long hair, I like both 67)hahaha no 68)art/history69)bit of both depends on who I’m with 70)no,71)When I’m texting someone, and after I say something, they don’t reply for a while, I fear that I’ve upset them72)depends 73)yes, mostly grammar , I’ve even corrected my teachers74)yes75)nope76)I was a safety patrol in fifth grade77)nope78)absolutely not, considering that’s how my brother died79)a boy named Dakota in 2nd grade80)none really, I might get a lip piercing81)yes82)not very83)again, not very84)blonde85)greenish blue 86)wasps87)yes, but I lost it ;~;88)my dads an IT technician, and my mom’s a fifth grade teacher 89)sure90)ignorant people 91)yes!92)yes I have, (mainly because of my oc’s) If it’s a boy either Oliver or emit and girl either melody or allisa 93)*shrug*94)drawing, and being able to comfort people 95)being to attached to others emotions 96)I don’t feel comfortable sharing that97)don’t know98)blue!!!!!!99)blue 100)*blank*
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The Festival of Love ~ Fairy Tail Fanfiction ~ With Time Travel! ~ Samurai Natsu! Barbarian Gray!
by Impracticaldemon | FFnet | AO3 [Chapter 1 rated T] [Ch 2 will be M]
March 1 Prompt: Time Travel (Past) AU @fic-writer-appreciation
Author's Note: This story was intended to be a Valentine's Day gift for the lovely @nalufever. Actually, it still is! However, since it is very late, I have incorporated a wee touch of Saint Patrick's Day to go along with it.

Warning: Shameless use of faux ancient brogue (probably faux Scottish, but definitely faux), and a weird combination of canon Magnolia, sixteenth century Japan, and faux Olde English. I have totally abused "ye", since it sounded better than plain old "you". Thou, thee, thy / thine are generally used correctly, but no promises. This story has its occasional serious moments, but should not be taken too seriously.
~ Impracticaldemon
The Festival of Love, Part I - The Perils of Fairy Cakes
"So…" Lucy slid onto the bench next to Erza and rested her beer and elbows on the scarred wooden table. The tables were new—again—but they already looked like they'd seen several ugly bar-fights. Fairy Tail was like that.
Erza glanced up from her slice of cake in surprise. "Lucy? I thought you were off on a mission with the guys?"
Lucy frowned. "They were being even more difficult than usual, and after the third fight I told them to handle it on their own."
"Oh. I thought they were doing so much better these days, too." Erza sounded genuinely disappointed.
"Don't worry about it—really. I think all the pink hearts and glitter of our Valentine's Day party got to them, and now they feel the need to prove their, ah, macho-ness or something. Which brings me to my question—"
"The decorations were lovely," Erza murmured. Lucy shot her a suspicious look, but Erza had a dreamy expression on her face, and didn't seem to have interrupted on purpose. In the same kind of pensive tone, the red-head continued: "I thought that you looked very nice, Lucy. Also, Natsu was much better behaved than usual, which meant that Gray was as well. Or vice versa, perhaps…"
"Erza." Lucy took a gulp of beer and prepared to take the plunge. "Jellal's going to be pardoned any day now. Nobody's trying to lock him up any more. Why didn't he come to the party?"
Erza stiffened, and her cheeks gained a tinge of red.
"He was… busy. As well he might be, with everything that has happened. I completely understood, of course." She poked absently at her cake—a rare sight. "Besides, we are good friends who have overcome much adversity, but we are not… not… lovers." The red tint returned to Erza's face, but she continued with her usual resolve. "So there was no reason to attend such a party, really."
Lucy had to forcibly restrain herself from using Happy's line of "You liiiiiike him!" Instead, she chose her words with care, glad that she was only halfway through her beer.
"Well, we were sorry not to see him, of course. The guys are over any hard feelings, you know—if nothing else, they were seriously impressed with him for taming most of the Oracion Seis single-handed. So I was thinking that you might want to invite him—and anyone else from Crime Sorcière of course—to Fairy Tail's upcoming Lucky Shamrock Dance. Just as friends, of course." I can't believe Mirajane actually called it the Get Lucky Shamrock Dance, and I'm not going to share that information just now.
"We're having another party so soon? It's only been a week since Valentine's Day."
"Erza. You're my friend and I love you, but you really need to lighten up." When Fairy Tail's most dangerous sword-swinger tensed again, Lucy smiled reassuringly—or hoped she did. "Erza, don't worry about it, we all do. Need to relax, I mean. Hence the socials, or whatever weird name Mira's calling them these days."
There was a rather long pause, and then Erza took a deep breath and nodded firmly. "Yes, of course. And it is important for the members of Fairy Tail to be in the best possible condition for the challenges ahead." Whatever they may be, thought Lucy to herself. "Very well," continued her companion. "I will ensure that Jellal—and the other members of Crime Sorcière—are invited to the Lucky Shamrock Dance. I expect that he—or they—will attend, once I explain how important it is."
They'll attend if they know what's good for them, you mean. Lucy nodded gravely, but surreptitiously flashed a thumb's up to Mirajane at the bar. The white-haired woman glided over a moment later, as cheerful and friendly as ever.
"I saw you mangling your cake, Erza, so I brought you a fresh slice."
"I didn't mangle it."
All three women stared down at the sad remains of Erza's cake.
"Yup, you did," stated Lucy. For once, Erza accepted her conclusion without further protest.
Erza and Jellal arrived together at the Lucky Shamrock Dance. Erza had been on-hand to greet all of the members of Crime Sorcière when they first arrived in town, and she'd intended to make sure that they were happy with the accommodations she had chosen. However, Richard had smiled gently and left immediately for Fairy Tail, saying that he wanted to find out whether Jura had arrived, and Meredy had gone with him, though not before giving her blue-haired guildmaster an encouraging pat on the shoulder. There was a new sadness around her eyes, which Erza ascribed to Ultear's disappearance not so long ago, but for the most part she seemed as cheerful as usual.
Since Richard and Meredy were the only members of Crime Sorcière who had elected to come to the Fairy Tail party, their departure had left Erza alone to chat with Jellal. Social small-talk was never an easy thing for either of them. Their feelings for each other ran deep, and Jellal seemed hell-bent on accepting unrequited love as his probable fate, which angered Erza, since she returned his love, and therefore his supposed self-denial was as much a penance for her as for him. She had yet to find a suitable way to express that sentiment to Jellal, since part of her understood his need for penance and absolution.
Fortunately, Lucy and Juvia had also been aware of how awkward the pair's meetings could be. They had ensured that Erza was prepared with the finest in "Lucky Shamrock" attire, all of it green, glitzy, and sure to break the ice, whether through laughter or revulsion. It had worked, too. Erza had to give her friends points for that, and it didn't hurt that she secretly—or not so secretly—loved kitschy clothing.
More than a few people turned and stared when Jellal arrived in a sparkly green top-hat, form-fitting white trousers with sequinned green bell-bottoms, and a matching t-shirt that read "Who Needs Luck When Your Hands Are Pure Magic?" Coaxing him into the outfit had taken some doing, but Jellal was always gracious when it came to Fairy Tail—and Erza. Erza's glittering green leprechaun jacket and hip-hugging mermaid-style skirt were really quite normal in comparison. She liked the giant, shamrock-shaped hairpin thrust through the top of her sweeping red up-do, however.
The "not actually a couple" made their way through the laughing, chattering crowd in search of drinks. Drinks duly obtained, Erza immediately moved to acquire two of the delicately frosted cakes piled high on a table near the bar. She made sure that Jellal took a couple as well.
"Now we're all set," she murmured with satisfaction.
"Alcohol and dessert—a well-balanced meal if there ever was one," Jellal agreed gravely. The wary tension that was now second-nature to him was gradually fading. Being at Fairy Tail and around Fairy Tail mages always relaxed him—at least, it did on the rare occasions that he visited for reasons that didn't involve the imminent end of the world, or Life As We Know It.
"Absolutely. Now then…"
They both raised their glasses. The sign above the cakes proclaimed that a toast had to be made for every treat taken from the tray.
"To good luck." Erza touched her glass to Jellal's and drained half the contents.
"To good friends." Jellal smiled at Erza, the weariness in his eyes replaced with soft appreciation.
"To true love." Shocked by her own words, Erza hurriedly clinked Jellal's glass and drank down the rest of her improbably verdant beer. (1)
A moment later, the world spun around her, vanishing in a haze of grey fog and glittering stars.
"What the bloody hell?!" Not Jellal's voice—Natsu's?
"Ignarr' them, peat-fer-brains! Get thy demonic arse o'er here tae deal wi' th' bluidy arrows!" Gray?
There was a lot of yelling going on, and the distinct sound of sword striking sword with unfriendly intent. Erza struggled to sit upright, but somebody had their arms wrapped around her and seemed reluctant to let go.
"Don't move. We seem to have landed in the middle of a battle." Of course. It would take a battle for Jellal to hold me like this.
"So I see—and hear." Erza looked around cautiously. A partial—and rapidly melting—ice barrier rose nearby, and had probably saved them from being the unwilling recipients of the business-like, near-meter-long arrows they could see arcing overhead. In fact, it was clear that the extreme arc was being used to get around the ice.
"Whoevairr y'arr"—the speaker seemed unnaturally fond of his 'r's—"ye'd best dae somethin' tae protect yer lady. We're in a rright bit o' trouble heerre, ye ken?" He looked like a slightly shorter, leaner version of Gray, although he wore an eyepatch over his right eye. His visible eye was a stormy, dark indigo.
"Aye—I mean yes—I can see that," replied Jellal, cautiously sitting up and eyeing the knots of combat around them. Most of the men involved—and the one woman—were wielding katana, the curved-bladed, single-edged swords of the country's past. And every person but themselves—and Eyepatch-Gray—wore kimono and hakama, and the brightly-lacquered armour of the ancient samurai.
"No, we are not in trouble!" The young man who looked like Natsu ignored Jellal and responded directly to his comrade. "Don't be such a poltroon, thou northern seek-sorrow! And thou didn'st even thank me for takin' out ye bows!"
"Watch thy tongue, tha fiery bastarrd! Bows or no, they've got mair men, and the Stairm-bringair ain't one tae trifle with! Not tae mention his warr-witch!"
"Is that Laxus?" Erza interposed, gazing intently out over the battlefield. Samurai-Natsu's camp was situated on a low rise, backed by dense forest. The combatants—about twenty or twenty-five a side—were fanned out in a slight u-shape less than twenty meters away.
Erza was quickly (if regretfully), slitting her dress up to her hips and stripping off her high-heeled emerald slippers. The turf was definitely too soft for stilettos. Nobody seemed to notice—or care—that she'd grabbed a long knife from a nearby pile. She was having difficulty summoning her own weapons and armour.
"Who, now?" The pink-haired warrior gave her an odd look. "Surely ye know the name of that blond menace out there? And the she-devil, his war captain? Meaning no disrespect, milady."
Jellal cleared his throat. "They both look familiar, but we're strangers here."
"Oh. Well, don't know how you ended up in the middle of our camp, but I've got to get out there before Graeg yells at me again—even though he was the one to insist on coming back here to check on the prisoner. If ye want to help, feel free to borrow a sword, although"—the warrior paused, as if seeing Jellal properly for the first time—"ye don't exactly look arrayed for battle. Funny, I thought ye were when I first saw ye."
"We were dressed for a party, not a fight," Erza snapped, although there was often little difference between the two at Fairy Tail. "We'll be fine. Before you go—what's your name, and why are you and Storm-Bringer fighting?"
"Well, we have his other captain, ye see." Natsu's near-twin gestured at a hanging cage, from which a deceptively slender, green-haired man was surveying the battle, his expression sardonic rather than concerned. "I mean… it's the Love Festival this evening starting at sundown, right?"
Noting Erza's darkening expression at the obscure explanation, Jellal paused in buckling on a belt and scabbard. "And capturing Free—I mean that man—has to do with the Festival? I take it that the other side is trying to get him back before the sun sets?"
"Well, of course. Freed the Dark and Jana the Fair—though she'd be a whole lot fairer in my book if she wasn't so fond of torture—they're the Storm-Bringer's chosen companions, right? So obviously—"
"Whut, in the names o' ae the de'ils art thou doin' now, ya gorrrmless twist o' hot airrr?" Graeg was back and clearly irritated. His face might be familiar, but the leather bracers and body armour, and the massive, ice-edged broadsword were new. "Twas thy bacon-brrained idea that brrought us heerrrrre! Thou wanted tae 'test' the Staerrm-Brringair! Weel then! Gaet thysel' out therre an' test him, ya—"
"Coming, coming! Thou knowest what, Graeg? Thou should'st use thine ice to calm thy temper!" Their 'host' unsheathed his katana and swung it up onto one armoured shoulder, casually flicking the blade to set it on fire. He looked back at Jellal and Erza. "I'm called the Salamander, or Fire-Bringer, but if ye want to join our cause, then just Dragneel is fine. Good? Good!"
Salamander-Fire-Bringer-Just-Call-Me-Dragneel grinned at them, and then ran off toward a spot where the fighting was getting especially serious for the 'Capture-Freed' team. Graeg the Title-less eyed them suspiciously.
"Jest tae be clearrr"—Erza decided the extra 'r's got worse when Graeg was agitated—"if ye ain't on ourr side an' ye trrrrry tae pull anything, I'll drrrrive ice spikes intae yerr eyes."
"That's very clear," responded Jellal, face suddenly grim.
"Weeeell, a-rright then. Talk tae ye latairr, assumin' we're ae alive, eh?" With a last, measuring look, Graeg raced off after Dragneel.
"I'm all set," declared Erza. "But the question is, what should we do?"
"I'm really not sure." Jellal looked out at the approaching chaos of melee battle, which flashed with intermittent gouts of flame and arcs of lightning. "I don't think we know enough to pick a side without endangering possible innocents."
"There really aren't any innocents among us," called a cultured voice from the cage not far behind them. "But I don't recommend wasting your lives in a futile attempt to prevent Lord Dreyar from reaching me. Dragneel's a young fool, and the ice-maker is desperate to prove his worth, being a foreigner and all. I don't see why strangers such as yourselves should get involved."
"Is that so…" Jellal said softly. He walked closer to the cage and peered up. "Tell me, what about the Storm-Bringer's grandfather? Why isn't he resolving this problem?"
Thin green eye-brows arched in surprise over pale blue eyes.
"Lord Dreyar's grandfather is dead—he'd be eighty or ninety if he weren't—and my lord would never get His Royal Highness his father involved in a personal matter."
Erza was starting to get twitchy. As important as it was to learn the rights and wrongs of the situation, she found herself rather keen to challenge 'Jana the Fair'. Plus, Dragneel's embattled forces were starting to fall back toward them. In a few minutes, she and Jellal would be pitched into the battle no matter what. There were only modest, wooden fortifications in place, and nothing that would stand up to lightning. This was a field camp, no more, although it had clearly been set up ahead of time.
Fortunately, Erza thought that she could finally sense the magic of this place. It felt very raw to her, and difficult to control, but it was there. She hurried up to Jellal, and he gave her a knowing look, which she returned with a faint smile. To her surprise, he moved closer and gently squeezed her hand. It was odd, but… nice. With one glance and a touch, she knew that he was aware of what she was thinking.
"You're Freed the Dark?" Jellal turned his gaze back to the captive, keeping his face scrupulously neutral.
"Yes. And you and your lady?" The light eyes were keenly interested, and cold as graveyard marble.
"I'm Siegrain, and this is Lady Scarlet."
The caged man's eyes narrowed. "How odd. You are telling the truth, but saying very little. Most people aren't good at that—they like to talk about themselves, even when it's unwise."
"We all have our skills."
"Yes… I sense great power from both of you. Perhaps even enough to turn the tide for the hothead and his barbaric friend. Not that they're alone, of course, but they're the major players on the field today for their side. Right now it's not an even fight—they won't be able to hold me for another ten minutes, let alone the hour until sunset. I only gave my word to stay put until my lord reached this cage. You could change the outcome, perhaps."
Erza and Jellal exchanged looks. This version of Freed was distinctly different from their own. He spoke smoothly, and apparently honestly, but there was an undertone of malice to his words. It was as though he were evaluating them as interesting objects, not human beings. Siegrain had been rather similar; it was not a comfortable thought.
"What will happen to Na—Dragneel—and Graeg if they can't prevent Lord Dreyar from rescuing you?" Erza wasn't as smooth as Jellal, but she rarely felt the need to hide anything.
The chilly gaze seemed to sharpen for a moment, and then Freed's evil twin shrugged elegantly and looked down to brush a speck of dirt off his handsome, wine-red kimono. Both kimono and hakama were made of expensive cloth, judged Erza. Not surprisingly, the narrow scabbard—it wasn't made for a katana—was empty. She waited patiently for a verbal answer, despite her awareness of impending battle.
"Dragneel will be punished, but not killed, if that's what you're worried about. He's kin to the Dreyar family, and strangely well-liked for such an arrogant pup. He gets away with a great deal, though he's strayed far beyond the line this time out. As for Graeg, who knows? He's been a thorn in my lord's side for more than two years now, and is undoubtedly talented. He also has a knack for creative strategy, and I suspect that he was instrumental in my capture. The Salamander is extraordinarily strong, and quite intelligent, but impatient."
By the time he had finished, Freed was speaking to thin air. Moving with the sure understanding of those who have known each other, and fought together, since childhood, Erza and Jellal had already entered the fray at the pallisade.
(1) Verdant, in this case, meaning not only green, but sprouting foliage (a four-leafed clover on long, slender stem). It was a little odd, but more ecologically sound than little paper umbrellas.
Author's Note:
I hope you enjoyed Chapter 1! Please stay tuned for Chapter 2. Notes, comments, and reviews are always appreciated. Hearing from readers—in whatever forum—always makes my day.
@shell-senji @hidetheremote @hakuyamazakisensei @cherryb0mb79 @strawberrysweetlove35 @eliz1369 @canadiangaap @unashamed-shipper @dat-jerza @fury-ous @kazama-hime @sabinasanfanfic
#fairy tail#jerza#ft fanfiction#impracticaldemon#ficsforvera#march 1 prompt#time travel au#imp writes#natsu dragneel#gray fullbuster#freed justine#lucy heartfilia
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