#scott miller imagine
vivwritesfics · 3 days
Handheld Camera
Tyler's best friend and camera person screwing a member of Storm Par? More likely than you think
Warnings: smut, p in v, hate fucking I guess, sex tape, unprotected sex, possible pregnancy
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"What're you doing?"
The handheld camera was pointed at Tyler as he walked towards her. When he stepped forward, she stepped back, keeping all of him in frame.
It had been a good ride, and she had videoed all of it. Both rounds were on her camera, ready for to be edited and gifted to Tyler. He reached for it, trying to snatch it out of her hands, but she stepped back.
"Come on, Ty!" She said as she stopped filming and put the camera down. "These are gonna be gold when you're a famous bull rider."
That had him grinning as he wrapped his arms around her and led her back to his truck. He wasn't going to tell her that he was rethinking a career as a bull rider, that he was thinking of going to school.
She spent the night clipping up the videos, perfecting the audio and piecing them together. She could have posted it online, drawn more people to Tyler's name.
But she held back. That was a conversation for later.
A conversation that would never come. Before she knew it, Tyler was off to study meteorology and she was, well, left behind.
Left in Oklahoma, working in her parents cafe. She watched the sky as she wiped down tables, thinking of him. Did he miss her as much as she was missing him?
Of course, he came home in the holidays. But he wasn't riding, anymore. He just watched storms, chased them.
At first, she was reluctant to go with him. Why would she throw herself into danger like that? But it had never been easy, saying no to Tyler Owens. Not when he gave her that look that guaranteed fun.
On the first chase, she'd been too scared to do anything other than hold onto her seat. On the second chase, she'd had her camera out the entire time, filming the storm and Tyler.
He was so natural in front of the camera, his personality shining. An idea sparked in her head, one that wouldn't come to fruition just yet.
That came after college, when Tyler was home for good. He was a little lost in what to do next, wanted to do something meaningful with his life. A terrible time to bring up storm chasing on YouTube.
But then they drove through a town, so full of devastation. They stopped, helped where they could, but there wasn't much. Finding people and lost pets.
That was when the idea came to life.
"We start a storm chasing YouTube Channel. We live stream, take the footage for the streams, and clip them up into videos. Ty, we could make so much money." He opened his mouth to protest, but she beat him to it. "And that money could go towards helping people. People who have been ruined by tornadoes."
Tyler went to shake his head, but then he thought about it. "You'd handle the filming and the editing, and I get to just chase storms?"
A grin split across her face. "Exactly, Ty."
He pulled his bottom lip between his teeth, looking like some fucked up rabbit. "I'm gonna regret this," he mumbled and shook his head. "I have a condition."
"Lay it on me."
He stared at her, green eyes sparkling as he let his grin match her own. "I get to put my face on a tee-shirt."
Storm Par.
They weren't exactly trouble, more a nuisance. Always getting in the way of a good chase. It made for entertaining videos, if they were allowed to upload them.
They couldn't help what they captured on livestream. But that email she had received from a member of the Storm Par legal team had her editing the white trucks out of any clips she had before she uploaded them onto YouTube.
She remembered the first time she laid eyes on him.
Her camera was in front of her face, capturing footage of the storm to later use in the video. It was beautiful, something she didn't understand as well as Tyler.
But then she zoomed out, captured the storm with the wheat field beneath it. And the man in the hat and sunglasses. The tall man, who she could tell was scowling. He didn't even need to remove his glasses.
Ending the recording, she lowered the camera and looked at him. "Can I help you?" She asked, voice a little snippier than she meant for it to be.
He pulled his glasses off of his nose and let his expression soften as he looked at her. What was he thinking? What thoughts were turning over in his mind.
"You like storms?" He asked. For just a second, it sounded like a pickup line.
She looked down at her camera? "Like storms?" A grin crossed her face. "Oh, no. I record them because I hate them."
The sarcasm wasn't missed. It wasn't unappreciated, either. He stepped closer and tucked his glasses into the breast pocket of his white shirt. "I actually chase storms," he said. "As my job."
"Really?" Her eyebrows shot up. This was before Storm Par and Tyler's little gang of chasers were really aware of each other. They knew one another was out there, getting in each others way, but not more than that. "Must be exciting."
"It is," he answered. "You get right up close to the danger."
"Is that all you do? Just chase them?"
He shook his head. "My team and I study them. We collect data on them to... help people." The way he said it, the way he paused. He knew he was spouting shit.
Before she could say anything more to the man from Storm Par (their hottest member, if you held a gun to her head and asked her), Tyler called her name. "We gotta go!" He shouted.
The man's eyes widened. "See ya, Storm Par," she said and saluted to him with just two fingers. She left him standing there as she ran over to Tyler's truck and climbed into the passenger seat.
They encountered each other on the chase, him staring at her through the window. Every time she pointed her camera at him, he looked back at the road.
Storm Par turned left at the fork in the road, and they turned right. Storm Par's tornado died, but theirs stayed strong. She buckled herself in and held the camera up as they drove into the tornado.
Storm Par parked up at the same motel they did. She locked eyes with him as she climbed out of the truck.
It was almost like he couldn't stop himself as he strode towards her. "You work with a bunch of cowboys," he said and chewed the gum in his mouth.
She released a flirtatious giggle. "Thank you," she said and blinked at him. His sunglasses no longer sat on his face and she could finally see his pretty eyes. They really were pretty. "You work with a bunch of stuck up assholes." She looked him up and down. "And you're the biggest stuck up asshole of them all."
Suddenly she was against the wall and his lips were against hers. The way she ran her fingers through his hair was almost feverish, knocking his hat from his head as he pressed his hips against hers.
"I can't fucking stand you," he growled out between kisses.
"I hate you too."
But he pulled her away from the wall and up to his room. It was nothing fancy, just a bed, a television, and a dingy bathroom. It was an exact copy of her own room, but that wasn't what she cared about at he threw her onto the bed.
That night was the first time they hooked up. He pulled down her jeans and discarded them on the floor, along with her shirt. She didn't even know his name as she rolled onto her stomach.
He grabbed her hips and held her up, thumb stroking over her skin as he entered her. That was sweet. The kisses he dropped onto her back were sweet.
But that was where the sweetness stopped. He snapped his hips against hers, setting a brutal pace. The bed beneath them squeaked, but it was drowned out by her whines and moans, her cries for more.
He grunted, tipping his head back. Sweat dripped down his face and his grip on her was bruising. She was loving every second of it.
Her legs spasmed, giving out ad she came. She clenched around him, the only thing holding her up being his strong grip. But he kept coming, kept burning the tip of his cock between her spongy walls.
But he was getting sloppy, his thrusts deeper, holding himself inside of her for longer. His breaths came out in short pants, spilling himself inside of her.
Breathless, he let go of her, let her collapse onto the bed. He fell down beside her, neither of them touching.
Her mouth was dry, throat somewhat sore as she looked at him. This wasn't how things were supposed to be post sex. She shivered as she shuffled closer, not close enough to touch.
"What's your name?" She asked, the question barely audible.
"Scott," he answered and shuffled back against the headboard.
The way he was staring down at her, she couldn't tell what he wanted. If he wanted her to get up and leave, or stay for a moment longer and tell him her name.
She was thinking too hard and too much, Scott decided as he scooted down the bed. Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her against his chest. "This can't happen again," he said as she let her hand settle against his beating heart.
"No," she agreed, voice croaking. "It can't."
Spoiler alert, it happened again.
They weren't always after the same tornado, weren't always on the same chase. But every time that red truck pulled in where they were, Scott couldn't help the way his heartbeat quickened.
If they were chasing the same storm, they ended up in each others bed.
At first, it was just sex. Sex with cuddling after (because Scott knew she needed it). But it turned into something more when he sat there reading while she edited their videos.
"I've had an idea," she said one evening as she let Scott into her hotel room. Her camera was in her hand, held down by her side.
Scott's stomach dropped. "We're not making a sex tape," he immediately said as he sat on the bed and toed off his shoes.
Sinking into his lap, she wrapped her arms around him. "C'mon, Scott. I just want to get a quick video of how hot you look while I'm riding you. Just for the Scott files."
The Scott files. A collection of every time she had edited him out of their videos. The collection of angry faces had turned into him unable to hide his smile.
Grinning, she pushed him down onto the bed. Scott held her hips as he looked up at her, the camera already in front of her face. The red light flashed as she began moving her hips.
Scott squeezed her hips but gave nothing away on his face. So, she put the camera down and unbuttoned his shirt.
He laid there, let her work. She unbuttoned his shirt and let it fall open. Grabbing the camera, she held it in front of her face once again, filming herself dragging her nails down his chest.
Throwing his head back, Scott let out a throaty moan. She caught it all on camera.
She opened his trousers and freed him. Scott sucked in a breath as she wrapped her fingers around him. The camera stayed focused on his face as she pumped her hand once, twice and then released him.
His eyes flew open and he glared down at her. But it was short lived. She put down the camera and began stripping off. The moment she grabbed the bottom of her shirt, Scott reached for the camera and held it up, capturing her as she stripped.
She was gorgeous. Scott already knew that, but this he wanted to keep forever.
Dropping her underwear, she reached for the camera once again. "Give it," she said and snatched it away from him.
Sitting on his lap, she concentrated the camera back on his face and ground against him. "Fuck," he breathed and reached for her hips. "Please, cowgirl."
Cowgirl. When had he started calling her that? It had started as an insult, she knew that much. But she loved it. Lifting her hips, Scott positioned himself beneath her and she sank herself down onto him.
Scott sucked in a breath. The camera was trained on him as she began to move. He gripped her hips, helping her to keep a steady rhythm.
She tried to keep the camera trained on Scott as she rode him. But it kept dropping, and it took her a moment to get it focused back on his face. But Scott took the camera from her hands. He put it down on the bed, pulled her to lay against him, and took charge.
The camera kept recording on the bed. It didn't capture much, and the audio wasn't as clear as she wanted it to be. When Scott came, throwing his head back, the camera just about caught it.
"Have you got yesterdays footage?" Tyler asked as he walked into her motel room.
Folding her arms over her chest, she grinned as she looked at her best friend. "Yesterdays footage, huh?" She asked and cocked her eyebrow. "What do you want with that?"
Tyler held his hands up in defence, but he was grinning. "Just science, I swear," he said quickly.
Just science and Kate was how she read it. Ever since they'd met Kate, Tyler had requested more footage than he usually wanted to see. But she didn't mind. Tyler was a lonely guy; she was going to do anything she could to help him get some.
"Yeah, it's on my laptop," she said and pointed to her desk.
Tyler walked over to the laptop. He opened the lid and typed in her password (of course he knew it, it was the same password as their YouTube Channel).
The laptop took a moment to load up. It was old, and she was putting a small fund together to get a new one, a better one for video editing. Her editing software opened, the screen blank for a moment.
But then the last thing she was working on, the last video she was editing, came up on her laptop.
"What the hell is this?"
She turned on her heel. There it was on her laptop screen, the video she had taken all those weeks ago. The editing process had been slow, since Scott would watch over her shoulder, start kissing her neck and pull her onto the bed.
Tyler looked back at her. He knew the face on the screen, the man that was staring at the camera as he moaned. "Is that Storm Par?" He asked. "Are you sleeping with Storm Par?"
She swallowed. But then she steadied herself, holding her head up high. "So what if I am?"
Tyler shrugged his shoulders. "Sleep with whoever," he said and clicked out of the editing software, minimising the screen. He didn't need to be seeing that. "As long as he's good to you and you're not getting hurt, you can sleep with who you want."
She released a deep, relieved breath. Hiding all of this from Tyler had been no easy task. She'd almost slipped up, almost mentioned something 'she and Scott' had seen the night before.
Tyler opened his arms and she fell into them, holding her best friend close. "He's not hurting you, is he?"
She shook her head. "He's good to me, Ty," she mumbled and shut her eyes. It felt so good to be in Tyler's arms again.
Neither of them were aware of how late her period was.
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ryebecca · 26 days
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a peek into the life of dad!scott 🥹 ✨
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streetlightyeri · 1 month
28 ; scott miller [masterlist]
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“took twenty eight years of blood i was lost in to feel loved on my own birthday.”
aspen lee has spent the last two years proving to her peers that she was accepted to MIT for a reason. scott miller has spent the last year as a TA for Dr Muher, grading assignments for students that made him want to question the school's acceptance team. one misspoken sentence leads to scott meeting his match: both academically and romantically.
contents: misogyny, alcohol consumption, eventual smut [to be denoted], graphic depiction of injuries, scott is part of the army, check each chapter for individual warnings. as always, FMC has a name but no described features.
I. the misspoken chapter
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bitchinbarzal · 2 months
Safe | Scott Miller
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summary: he just wanted to keep you safe
“He doesn’t talk much, or smile… huh?”
Kate looked over at Tyler, following his sight to Scott who was sat on the truck bed with his laptop, having forgone dinner with everyone else.
She gave a soft smile “He’s not a bad guy, whatever his face may say”
The few people within earshot chuckled
“What’s his story?”
Javi and Kate made brief eye contact before Javi replied
“He had a wife, he wasn’t always this angry. He lost her to a chase and he really hadn’t been the same since. He wants to help people really, that’s why he’s doing this. He wants the data to help make them less detrimental”
A lot of eyebrows raised around the table “I find that hard to believe, this guy doesn’t care about anyone but himself - he doesn’t care about the people”
Scott cleared his throat from the back of the truck, gaining everyone’s attention “Lose the person worth living for and you’ll stop caring too”
Tyler couldn’t say anything before Scott walked off, not before mumbling “We leave at four, don’t be late”
The group looked between one another, Kate slowly regretting her suggestion for everyone to eat together.
“I didn’t mean-“
“He’s just upset man, don’t worry about it too much”
Back in his room, Scott sat on the edge of the bed looking at his laptop, your smile looking back at him from the desktop picture “God… if you’d just stayed away”
“You don’t smile much huh?”
Scott looked up from his clipboard at you “What?”
“Smile” you mumbled, putting your thumbs on the corners of his mouth and pulling them up to create a smile “You look prettier when you smile”
Scott wasn’t amused, pulling your hand away from his face “I don’t smile, we’re working”
“You’re a ray of sunshine, miller”
Before he could snap back someone called out across the lab “Walk away Y/N, Scott here is bad news”
He watched, expecting you to turn away. You didn’t, instead you leaned across the desk “What’re we working on?”
“Walk away Y/N… you heard them”
You turned your head towards him, a soft smile on your lips “I don’t think so… I’m gonna stay right here, Scotty boy”
Scott was quiet in the morning, sitting beside Javi in the car as they drove out east.
“Listen man, nobody meant anything last night-“
“It’s fine” Scott snapped, still looking at his laptop.
Javi sighed “It’s not fine and you know it, why won’t you talk about her? Why won’t you let us in? We don’t feel safe riding with you when you won’t say anything Scott!”
His words spilled out, immediately regretting it when he saw Scott’s jaw clenched
“She was my wife” he snapped, gripping the laptop so hard his knuckles turned white “she was my girl to talk about, not yours, not anyone else’s. She was mine and just because you guys replaced her with Kate-“
“We didn’t replace her, Scott she’s gone!”
“I know that!”
You thought Scott would never want to marry you, being the lonely type he was, you didn’t expect him to.
You were content being his girl.
He loved you, in his own way and you were happy.
It happened one night at a truck stop, both laying out in the bed of the truck having pulled over to get some sleep before a big storm the following day.
Your life wasn’t luxurious or fancy, but you had him.
You lay in his arms, fingernail trailing up and down his arm draped across your chest.
“I love you” he mumbles against the back of your head, you smile softly “I love you too, baby”
There’s a pause and you know he wants to say something so you don’t speak.
“I want to marry you”
Your mouth dropped open, shock painted your features. The silence from you had Scott panicking
“God did I fuck this up? I shouldn’t-“
Before he could move away from you, in his own head you turned to him with the widest smile “I wanna marry you too, idiot! Oh my god, Scotty I love you”
The smile never left his face that whole night and only did disappear when someone else found you both to continue the journey.
When you arrived home, he had you in the courthouse two days later to officially make you his wife.
“Why the rush?”
“Why wouldn’t I wanna rush to make you mine?”
Everything was perfect. He was perfect.
They stopped for gas in a town they frequented often, always stopping at the same place to eat and get gas.
When Scott and Javi ventured into the diner for lunch the waitress, Liza recognised them immediately, ushering them to their booth and grabbing their menus.
Javi noticed how she placed a third menu next to Scott almost out of habit before realising and picking it back up.
The boys ordered what they always did, with polite thanks to their waitress the rest of the evening was silent.
With their meals in her hands, Liza dropped their food in front of them “there you are boys, and Scott-“
He looked at her, eyebrows raised “Hmmh?”
“We’re real sorry for your loss sweetheart, we loved her so much”
Scott’s lips pull into a tight line “Yeah, Liz… me too”
“I wish she’d have been happier when we saw her last”
That innocent comment had Scott’s stomach in knots
You’d been crying walking into the diner that day, having just finished a screaming match with Scott.
The two of you couldn’t see eye to eye on an upcoming storm - Scott saying you needed to head south while you thought west was your best bet.
He’d called you names, and you him. It got ugly really quick.
You’d left the truck to save this going any further, claiming to be hungry and that you just needed some dinner. So Scott sat in the car watching you cry over your pot pie, his heart broken to know he caused this.
When you got back into the truck you mumbled “Head south, whatever it was you wanted” and he smiled triumphantly. Looks like he’d won this fight.
He didn’t win, at all.
The storm in the south was miscalculated. It was not a small storm to leave a few houses wrecked. It was an all encompassing storm, headed straight for you.
When you saw it, it was too late.
The car was abandoned, both of you running to find somewhere safe to hide. Scott was behind you, holding your hip as a way of knowing where you were as his eyes were assaulted by the wind and debris. 
You found a cafe, the first thing you saw “They’ll have stuff in the kitchen, to hold - c’mon!” It wasn’t the number one choice but you weren’t exactly flush for options.
Crouched in the corner of a kitchen, hanging on for dear life to the water mains pole, you faced one another with fear all over your face.
Scott felt horrible, having been the only reason you’d headed south, now he’d put you in this position. He watched you tremble on the opposite side of the kitchen, tears flowing down your face.
“Scotty, I don’t wanna die” he could hear the fear in your voice, usually so calm and collected.
“You’re not, I won’t let anything happen to you!” He sounded like he was trying to convince himself, not you.
The stray items around the kitchen flew around the room, he could hear your whimpers as you held on for dear life.
He listened with a clenched chest to your whimpers, screams and cries. He prayed for this to be over - for it to stop so he could just hold you.
When it finally did subside, the air not to loud in his ears and the contents of the building now firmly on the floor once again, he looked at you still crouched down.
“Hey, Hey baby it’s fine. You’re ok - you’re safe, I gotchu” you looked up, his hand outstretched for you to take. 
Scott saw your hand reach for his, so close before he watched the roof fall in, landing in a pile infront of him - where you stood. They found Scott sitting there hours later, desperately shredding his hands apart as he raked through the rubble.
That’s the thing about feeling safe, never trust it. Danger is around every corner. 
In the car with Javi on route into El Reno Scott couldn’t help the emotions that overcame him.
His head knew Javi was right, the people needed help but his heart told him he needed the data, he needed this to help find out what happened that day, why he lost you.
When Javi finally let him out the car, he tried to grab the gear but instead was left alone with nothing.
There was no use trying to run, the tornado was right behind him. Instinctively he dove for cover in a ditch by the road, hands covering his head while he mumbled to himself “I’m coming baby, I’m coming for you”
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cowboybeepboop · 1 month
I'm not too sure if you're still taking requests but I was wondering if you can do a Scott from twisters and a super shy reader one? Like it could be Scott is her boss or something and he notices that she's super timid and shy and takes care of her. It could be fluff or smut but mostly leaning towards smut lol
I absolutely love all your work and you are such a talented writer!
Pairing: Scott Miller x fem! Reader
Genre: Romantic smut with fluff at the end
Word count: 5 k
Warnings: a little bit of roughness, p in v sex, fingering, semi public sex
a/n: Omg, I’m actually so excited you requested this bc I’ve been thinking of writing something similar for a bit. I’m always happy to take requests as well 😝 Also thank you so much! I hope this lives up to what you were expecting <3
You’ve been working at a small publishing company for the past couple months. It’s all been great, aside from the *strange* interest your boss Mr. Miller has taken in you. He seems to thrive on pushing your boundaries and putting you in situations that you would usually try and avoid. But at least he doesn’t yell at you or get on your ass about every small detail like he does with the rest of his crew.
The office buzzed with the usual cacophony of clicking keyboards and hushed conversations, but your desk remained a bubble of relative calm. That was, until James, the office chatterbox, perched himself on the edge of your table, his elbow propping up a paperback novel and his legs swinging carelessly.
He had a way of invading personal spaces without so much as a knock. "Hey, could you just...?" he began, dangling a manuscript in the air expectantly. It was the third time that week he'd asked you to cover for him. His eyes sparkled with the hope that you’d once again take the bait.
Your heart sank, knowing you couldn't refuse him without causing a scene or damaging the precarious office dynamics. But before you could utter a word, Mr. Miller's sharp voice sliced through the air like a hot knife through butter. "James," he barked, his stern gaze sweeping over the room and landing on the manuscript in James' hand, "this is the third time I've caught you offloading your work. Do it yourself or face the consequences."
The room fell silent, and James, caught in the act, had the decency to look sheepish. He scurried away, muttering something about deadlines and coffee. You couldn't help but feel a twinge of gratitude towards Mr. Miller, despite his mysterious intentions.
Your eyes brightened as you smiled up at your boss, giving him a silent “thank you”. Mr. Miller's gruff expression did little to hide the smug satisfaction that briefly flashed across his face before he turned away, the tension in the room dissipating as swiftly as it had appeared.
He marched back to his office, the heavy door swinging shut behind him with a decisive thud. You watched him go, feeling a mix of relief and curiosity about the enigmatic man who had just come to your aid. The silence was broken by the resumption of whispers and the shuffling of papers, but your thoughts remained fixed on the peculiar exchange.
You chew on the cap of your pen as your mind continues to wander to your boss. The tall and buff man who never lets a single hair get out of place. You couldn't deny the undeniable attraction you felt towards Mr. Miller, despite his brusque demeanor. His piercing blue eyes, chiseled jawline, and the way his tailored suits hugged his broad shoulders had not gone unnoticed by the female staff, or anyone with a pulse for that matter.
Yet, his rough around the edges personality kept everyone at bay, except for you. The way he'd occasionally drop a curse word in the middle of a meeting or roll up his sleeves to reveal strong muscles was oddly charming. You found yourself eager to learn more about the man behind the stern facade, hoping that there was a softer, more approachable side to him that the office hadn't yet discovered.
As the lunch hour begins, Mr. Miller steps out of his office, his gaze sweeping over the bustling office. He spots you, diligently working at your desk, and saunters over. He leans against your cubicle, arms crossed, emanating a mix of authority and nonchalance. His eyes lock onto yours, a subtle smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.
“So,” he drawls, his gruff voice a contrast to the ambient office chatter, “busy day, huh?” Your gaze meets his.
“Yeah, I guess so.” You give him a soft smile before looking back at your computer screen, trying to ignore the way your heart rate picks up in his presence.
“Uh-huh.” He lets out a low, contemplative hum, his eyes studying you, making you feel almost exposed. His gaze lingers a beat longer than necessary before he glances away.
“You look... stressed,” he comments, his tone casual but his observation astute. He leans in just a bit closer than what would be considered appropriate for coworkers.
You gulp as you lean back in your seat, trying to create distance between the two of you. “I’m not stressed.” Your pitch becomes slightly higher as a soft flush paints your cheeks.
Mr. Miller notices your shift backwards and the subtle rise in your voice, his smirk growing as he pushes himself off the cubicle wall and stands tall over you. He towers over your sitting form, the intensity in his gaze increasing.
“You sure about that, sweetheart?” he drawls, the last word rolling off his tongue in that way that always makes your heart skip a beat.
“Uh, Mr. Miller?” Your voice cracks a little as you shoot out of your chair. “I’ve got to go grab some things from the storage room.” you mumble as you slide past him.
Scott watches as you dart out of your seat, his smirk still firmly in place. He allows you to brush past him, his eyes following your every step. He waits a beat, letting you gain a small lead, before he slowly starts to follow you, his footsteps nearly silent. His eyes never leave your form as he continues to walk a few feet behind, his hands shoved into his pockets.
You open the door to the storage closet, taking a deep breath as you walk inside. An annoyed sigh leaves your lips as you notice the stapler you need is on the top shelf. You stand on your tippy toes, which doesn’t get you close enough so you begin to jump, not noticing your boss standing against the closed door.
Mr. Miller stays back, silently leaning against the door as he watches you attempt to reach the stapler on the top shelf. A hint of amusement dances in his eyes and a slight smirk tugs at the corners of his lips. He remains quiet, a silent observer of your struggle.
He lets you jump for a few moments, enjoying the way your body rises up and down, before he finally makes a sound. “Need some help there, sweetheart?”
“Oh shit!” Your eyes widen as you turn around, startled by his voice. He chuckles, the sound low and rough, as you inadvertently collide with his chest. He leans down, reaching easily over you and plucks the stapler from the top shelf. His other hand lands on your hip to steady you, his grip firm but not unwelcome.
“You’re a bit jumpy, aren’t you?” he teases, his voice a low rumble. He looks down at you, his eyes glinting with amusement.
You clear your throat as your eyes fall to the floor. “I didn’t expect you to be in here,” you fix your skirt as you shift awkwardly.
Mr. Miller takes a step closer, closing the distance between the two of you, effectively trapping you between his body and the wall. He looks down at you, his eyes darkened with something you can’t quite place.
“You didn’t expect someone to walk into the storage closet?” he asks, his smirk turning into a small, sly smile. He raises the stapler in his hand, still grasping it just above your head, his forearm mere inches from your face.
“Well,” you look up at him, chewing on your bottom lip. “Everyone else went to lunch, so I didn’t expect anyone to come in…” your voice trails off as you glance past him at the closed door.
Mr. Miller notices your gaze flicker to the door, his smirk widening as he leans closer, his free hand bracing against the wall beside you, effectively caging you in.
“So you thought you’d be all alone in here, did you?” he drawls, his voice lower and more intimate, the scent of his cologne filling your nostrils. He shifts his foot, his legs now bracket yours, trapping you even more effectively.
“Mr. Miller?” You press your hand against his chest, pushing his body slightly. A dark blush paints your skin as you gaze up at him.
Scott feels your hand push against his chest, but he doesn't budge. Instead, he leans in closer, his body practically flush against yours. His eyes roam over you, taking in the way the blush colors your skin.
“Yes, sweetheart?” he responds, his voice a deep rumble. His hand on the wall moves to your waist, his fingers splaying out across the thin material of your blouse.
“What are.. are you doing?” You gulp as he pulls you closer to him. Scott lets out a low chuckle, his smirk still firmly in place. He continues to press you against the wall, his body almost enveloping you completely.
“What does it look like I’m doing?” he drawls, his hand on your waist shifting slightly, his thumb starting to trace small, infuriating patterns across your hip bone.
You lean into his chest with a soft gasp at his touch. “This isn’t very, uh, professional…” you groan out as his hands trail over your skin.
Scott lets out another deep chuckle, his touch growing more purposeful as his hand continues its maddening journey across your skin. He can feel your body responding to his touch, your gasp of pleasure feeding his growing desire.
“Professional…” he echoes, his voice a low rumble in his throat. “It’s lunch break, sweetheart. There’s no one here but you and me.” He leans closer, his lips hovering just above yours, his breath hot against your skin. “And I don’t feel like being professional right now.”
Scott’s smirk turns into a full-fledged smile as he reads the clear invitation in your eyes. Before you can fully process his intentions, he pulls you into a passionate kiss, his hands sliding your skirt up as he does so. Your body responds instinctively, your arms wrapping around his neck as his lips claim yours.
His touch is surprisingly gentle, yet firm, leaving no room for doubt or denial. You can feel the heat from his palms as they graze the bare skin of your thighs, sending shivers down your spine. His kiss is demanding but not aggressive, a silent declaration of his desire that you find yourself unable to resist.
The sound of your breath mingling with his fills the small space as your hearts race in tandem, the line between professionalism and passion blurring like the ink on a freshly edited manuscript.
Mr. Miller's hand slides down further, slipping under the hem of your skirt and brushing against the silk of your panties. His touch sends a jolt of excitement through your body, making you squirm against the wall. He chuckles against your lips, feeling your wetness through the thin fabric.
His fingers trace the edge of your panties, teasing the sensitive skin before hooking them and sliding them down your thighs. His palm flattens against your bare mound, the heat of his hand sending a rush of pleasure through your core. You gasp into his mouth as he massages you, his thumb circling your clit with a masterful pressure that leaves you trembling and desperate for more.
The storage room suddenly feels much smaller as your world narrows to the feel of his body pressing against yours and the sensations he's coaxing from your body. Your thighs instinctively squeeze around his arm as he expertly works his thumb against your clit, his movements growing more insistent and deliberate.
His other hand moves to the small of your back, pressing you harder against the wall, his body pinning yours in place as his kiss deepens. His tongue delves into your mouth, mimicking the rhythm of his thumb, and you can't help but moan softly. The pressure builds within you, your breaths coming in short, sharp gasps as you feel the beginnings of an orgasm coil in your belly.
Your hands grasp his shoulders, nails digging in as you try to anchor yourself against the overwhelming sensations. The room is filled with the muffled sounds of your moans and his groans, the only music to the illicit dance of your bodies. His fingers continue to explore, slipping one inside of you, stretching and filling you with a delicious fullness that makes your knees weak.
Your hips buck against his hand, desperately seeking more friction as he whispers dirty words into your ear, his breath hot and heavy. The walls seem to close in around you, and all you can focus on is the exquisite torment he's inflicting, the promise of a climax that seems just out of reach.
You pull away from the kiss, moaning out his name. “Scott..” you bury your face in his neck. Mr. Miller's thumb continues its relentless circles around your clit, his hand curling into a fist as he feels your wetness soaking his fingers. His other hand squeezes your ass, pulling you even closer to his growing erection, which presses against your stomach.
He seems to enjoy the way you're responding to him, the way your body moves with his touch. His teeth graze your neck, eliciting a shiver that runs down your spine, as he whispers in your ear, "You're so fucking wet for me, aren't you?" His voice is thick with lust, his breath warm and heavy against your skin.
Your moans become louder, muffled by his mouth, as he brings you closer and closer to the edge of ecstasy. The storage room feels like it's spinning around you, your body a taut bowstring ready to snap. And just when you think you can't take it anymore, Mr. Miller's thumb presses down hard on your clit, and you shatter in his arms, your orgasm ripping through you like a wildfire, leaving you boneless and panting against the wall.
As the intensity of your climax subsides, Scott’s kisses turn tender, pressing against your cheeks and neck as he supports your trembling body. He gently sets you on your feet, his strong arms keeping you upright as your legs wobble like jelly.
With a satisfied smirk, he withdraws his hand from beneath your skirt and brings it to his mouth, licking his fingers clean with a wolfish gaze that sends another wave of heat through your core. His eyes never leave yours as he tastes you, savoring the sweetness of your arousal.
The intimacy of the moment is almost overwhelming, leaving you breathless and utterly exposed in the dingy office storage closet. You stand there, panting and flushed, unable to look away from the raw hunger in his gaze. The air around you feels thick with unspoken desire, the silence only broken by the distant hum of the office outside the door, a stark contrast to the passionate scene playing out in the shadowy confines of the room.
Your body feels alive, every nerve ending still singing from his touch, and your mind is racing with the implications of what just happened between you. His fingers move to pull the hem of your skirt down, fixing your clothes as he pulls away from you.
He runs a hand through his tousled hair, a satisfied smirk playing at the corners of his lips as his eyes roam over your disheveled form. The sight of you, leaning against the wall, looking utterly spent, fuels his inner dominance, his primal desire to possess and claim.
He takes a step back, putting some distance between you, but his gaze remains fixed on you like a predator studying its prey. He runs a hand along his jaw. "You taste even sweeter than I imagined," he murmurs, his voice low and gravelly.
Your skin turns a deep red as you cover your face in embarrassment. “We should probably go back to work now…” You mutter while trying to change the subject.
Scott lets out a throaty chuckle at your sudden change of topic, his gaze still locked onto every move you make. He can tell you’re feeling embarrassed, flustered by what just took place between you, and he can’t help but find it amusing and adorable.
He takes another step back and leans against the door, arms crossed over his chest now. "That’s the last thing on my mind right now," he responds with a smirk, his eyes raking over your body.
Your hand grasps his arm as you push him away gently. “Mr. Miller,” you bite your lip, “We *should* go get back to work before…” your voice trails off.
Scott’s smirk deepens as you push him gently, his eyes darkening with a mixture of desire and dominance. He doesn’t budge, his body tense and unyielding under your touch. His arms remain crossed over his chest, his muscles corded and taut.
"Before what, sweetheart?" he murmurs, his voice a low rumble in his throat. He takes a step closer, invading your personal space again. "You want to act like nothing just happened in here?“
“No. That’s not what I meant,” your tone is soft as you gaze up at him. “But, we have to go back to work before anyone notices..”
Scott’s smirk softens, his expression gentling a bit as you gaze up at him. He can see the genuine concern in your eyes, and he understands the logical reason behind your words. It’s true that you can’t stay in this storage closet forever, not without the risk of someone discovering what just happened.
He uncrosses his arms and reaches out, taking your chin gently between his fingers. “You’re right,” he murmurs, his thumb tracing a lazy path along your lower lip. “We do need to go back eventually.”
Standing on your tippy toes you pull him into a gentle kiss. Your hand trailing down his muscular chest. Scott melts into the kiss, his arms wrapping around your waist to pull you flush against his body. He returns the kiss with equal gentle passion, his tongue tracing the seam of your lips, seeking entrance.
His hands move over your body, pulling you even closer, his muscles tense and taut beneath your touch, as if he’s holding himself back from losing control.
When the kiss breaks, he rests his forehead against yours, his eyes closed as he tries to regain his bearings. "We should really go back, sweetheart."
“Mhm..” you murmur, “We really should.” You step away with a sigh not willing to leave his embrace. Scott lets out a small huff of laughter at your reluctance to leave.
He understands the feeling, the desire to remain in this intimate bubble you’ve created together, away from the outside world. But he knows just as well as you do that it’s inevitable, you have to go back to work eventually.
"Come on," he says, his voice gruff but gentle. "Let’s get out of here, before we get ourselves into more trouble.” You follow close behind him groaning when you sit back down at your desk, your eyes following him as he returns to his office.
Scott returns to his office, shutting the door behind him with a soft click. He can feel your eyes on him as he walks away, and it takes everything in him to resist the urge to turn around and pull you back into that small storage closet.
He takes a seat behind his desk and lets out a deep breath, trying to focus on the paperwork in front of him, but his mind keeps wandering back to the taste of you and the feel of your body against his.
The rest of the work day drones on endlessly, your eyes constantly flicking between your boss and the clock. You spin in your chair while chewing on your pen again. As the day comes to an end, James finds his way back to your desk this time with a sweet smile as he grabs the back of your chair, turning you to face him.
James approaches your desk, a mischievous grin tugging at the corners of his lips. He gently grabs the back of your chair, spinning it around to face him.
"Hey there," he greets, his smile widening at the sight of you. "Got any plans for tonight?" You gaze up at him with an awkward smile.
“Uh, actually I need to stay late tonight..” you turn your attention back to your computer, fumbling with a few scattered papers on your desk.
James tilts his head as he watches you mess with the papers on your desk, a small frown creasing his forehead.
"Stay late?" he repeats, taking a small step closer to your desk. "Why do you need to stay late tonight?"
Just as you're trying to come up with a response to James' question, Scott's deep voice calls out from his office.
"Ms. Y/N, can I see you in here for a moment?" he calls out, sounding casual but firm. You hurry towards Scott's office, your heart pounding in your chest as you step through the door, Scott is seated behind his desk, papers spread out before him, but his eyes are fixed on you as you enter.
"Close the door," he instructs, his voice low and commanding. The door shuts with a soft click, enclosing you and Scott in the quiet solitude of his office. He watches you move towards him, his gaze intently fixed on you.
"Come here," he commands, beckoning you forward with a crook of his finger. You bite down on your lip as you walk to him, sitting on the desk in front of him.
As you perch yourself on the desk in front of him, Scott's hands come to rest on your thighs, his palms hot even through the fabric of your skirt. He leans back in his chair, his gaze roaming over your body, taking in every detail.
"We need to talk," he murmurs, his fingers tracing lazy patterns on your thighs. Your feet hook into the arms of his chair as you pull him closer to you, your arms wrapping around his neck.
“Mhm, we need to talk.” You look at him with eyes full of desire. Scott's lips curl into a smirk as you pull him closer, his hands sliding up your thighs to rest on your waist. He lets you pull him in, his chair rolling easily as he comes to a stop right in between your legs.
Scott chuckles lowly at your brazen move, a sly smirk tugging at the corner of his lip. His hands slide up your thighs, pushing your skirt higher up your legs until they're resting on your hips.
He looks up at you with a dark, smoldering gaze, his hands squeezing your hips tightly. "Is this how we talk now, sweetheart?"
You pull him into a passionate kiss, Scott grins against your mouth, his hands sliding around to cup your ass as he kisses you back with a fervor that takes your breath away. He stands up from his chair, pressing you back against the desk as he deepens the kiss, his tongue exploring every inch of your mouth.
You wrap your legs around his body pulling him tight against you. Scott groans into the kiss, his body molded perfectly against yours. His hands grip your thighs, holding you in place as he rocks his hips into you, his hard length pressing against the thin fabric of your panties.
He breaks the kiss and moves to your neck, his teeth and tongue nipping and soothing the sensitive skin. "You have no idea how badly I've been wanting to do this all day," he whispers hoarsely.
“Show me how bad,” you moan out, your hands moving to his belt as you fumble with the buckle. Scott grins at your demand, watching as your shaky hands struggle with his belt.
"Impatient, are we?" he teases, his hands covering yours, aiding you in undoing his belt and the button of his pants.
He presses you back against the desk, pinning your hands above your head as his hips grind against yours, his teeth nipping at your earlobe. "I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this eager before, sweetheart."
“Scott I need you,” you moan quietly, “please.” Scott's smirk turns into a full-blown smile at your needy whimper, his eyes darkening with desire. He quickly pulls your panties aside, revealing your wet, swollen sex to his hungry gaze.
His own arousal is palpable, his cock straining against his briefs. With a swift motion, he releases himself and sheaths it with a condom he's had in his pocket, anticipation making his hands shake slightly. He lines himself up with your entrance and with one powerful thrust, he's inside you, filling you completely.
You gasp into his mouth as he starts to move, his strokes deep and measured, his hands holding you down on the desk as he takes you over and over again. Each thrust sends waves of pleasure crashing through your body, making you arch into him, desperate for more.
The sound of your moans mingles with the rustle of paper and the slap of skin on skin, creating a symphony of passion that echoes through the otherwise silent office. The urgency in his movements grows, his hips slamming into yours with a rhythm that matches the racing of your heart.
You can feel yourself getting closer to the edge, your muscles tightening around him as you whisper his name like a prayer. His grip on your wrists tightens, his hips moving faster, more insistent. You know it won't be long before you both succumb to the overwhelming desire that's been building between you all day.
As the tension between you reaches a fever pitch, Scott's hips begin to move with an erratic rhythm, his breathing heavy and ragged against your neck. You can feel the head of his cock hitting that perfect spot deep within you, sending shudders of pleasure through your body with every stroke. His grip on your wrists tightens even more, his movements becoming more forceful as he nears his own climax.
Your eyes flutter closed as you lean back, arching your body into him, silently begging for more. His teeth graze your skin, his tongue tracing a wet path up to your ear, where he whispers a string of filthy words that only serve to stoke the fire burning within you.
You tighten your legs around his waist, urging him deeper, faster, the pressure building until it's almost unbearable. And then, with one final, powerful thrust, he groans deeply, his body tensing as he releases inside the condom. The wave of your own orgasm follows almost immediately, a powerful crescendo that leaves you gasping for air. Your bodies remain intertwined for a moment, both of you panting and trembling from the intensity of your shared release.
As the tremors of your shared climax subside, Scott pulls out of you gently, the feeling of emptiness making you whimper. He quickly disposes of the condom in a nearby trash bin, his movements swift and practiced, not wanting to break the spell that's woven around the two of you. He then presses soft, delicate kisses along your neck and collarbone, his breathing still heavy with desire.
Each kiss feels like a whispered promise of more to come, a silent apology for the roughness of his earlier touch. His hands glide over your body, smoothing out your rumpled clothes, his eyes never leaving yours. The air in the office is thick with the scent of sex and the unspoken understanding that everything has changed between you. You watch him, your heart racing, as he takes a step back, his gaze lingering on your swollen lips and flushed cheeks.
He helps you down from the desk, his hands lingering on your waist as you stand unsteadily on wobbly legs. He pulls his pants up, his eyes never leaving yours, as he tucks in his shirt and re-buckles his belt. With a soft smile, he leans in to kiss you, his hands moving to fix your skirt and panties. His touch is gentle, almost reverent, as he ensures you’re put back together properly.
You watch him, still dizzy from the passionate encounter, as he straightens his tie and runs a hand through his hair. The smell of sex lingers in the air, a potent reminder of what just transpired. He pulls you into his arms, pressing sweet kisses to your forehead, your cheeks, and finally your lips, his breath warm and comforting against your skin.
Scott wraps you in his arms, pressing gentle kisses to your forehead, your cheeks, finally your lips. You shiver slightly, still a bit flushed and breathless from the passionate encounter. "You alright, sweetheart?" he murmurs, his voice gruff yet gentle.
“Yes, more than alright.” A soft smile paints your lips as you press your face into his chest, breathing in his cologne.
Scott grins as you bury your face in his chest, his arms holding you close. He revels in the feel of your body against his, the warmth and softness of your skin.
"Good," he murmurs, running a soothing hand down your back. "Because I have a question for you." You hug his waist cuddling into his warm and muscular body.
“What is it?” You pull back a bit, looking up at him. Scott keeps you snug against him, enjoying the feel of your body cuddled into his. His arms tighten around you, reluctant to let you go just yet.
"I was wondering," he begins, a hint of a smile playing at the corner of his lips. "If you'd like to go out to dinner with me tonight?" You smile at him sweetly.
“I’d love to.” Scott's smile widens into a full-blown grin at your acceptance. He gently cups your chin with his thumb and forefinger, looking down at you with a gaze that holds a hint of possessive intent.
"Good," he says, his voice low and husky. "Because I can't stand the thought of letting you out of my sight for too long."
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hiphopcherrrypop · 11 months
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save me bottle blond bass player
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xenotbyte · 8 days
hi everyone! you just lost the game.
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catberryflower · 18 days
I'm just an intern sir
Scott Miller x Reader
Warmings- This will contain smut. 18 plus ONLY.
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It started out when you applied to be an intern at Storm Par, you needed the hours for your on going meteorology degree.
You had the interview with one of the co-owners, Javi Rivera. He seemed really nice and assured you that you will see a tornado when out on the field with them which made you excited.
So on your first day you drove to the meeting spot which happened to be a rest stop along the highway. Javi introduced you to everyone and they all welcomed you with smiles except for one... A very tall man who stood with his arms crossed and chewing some gum very obnoxiously. He stared you down through his aviators.. it made you nervous so you immediately put your head down. You tilted your head up for a second and you could see him smirk at your action, you don't know why but it made you blush.
"All right guys let's pack everything up and get this show on the road" Javi shouted.
You saw everyone pack everything up but you weren't sure who you were going with so you asked Javi.
"Um Javi who am I going with?" You asked.
Before Javi could respond someone else did,
" She's going to come with me" A deep voice responded from behind you.
You turn your head and see the tall man from earlier staring down at you.
" Ah Y/N this is Scott, the other owner of Storm Par and my business partner" Javi responded.
"Nice to meet you sir" You speak timidly
Scott looks down at you then points to his vehicle.
" That's my van, get in the passenger seat and don't touch anything." Scott replied
You don't reply as you follow his instructions and get in.
A few moments later he opens the driver's door and gets in, he shuts his door and starts the van.
As he is pulling out of the parking lot he quickly glanced at you but you didn't say anything. You just kept your eyes down due to the nervousness and something else you couldn't quite place.
"Javi mentioned you wanted to see a tornado, well with us you will but you need to follow orders especially when they come from me. I don't want any kind of rebelliousness understood?" Scott said as he was driving
" Yes sir" you reply nervously
"Good" Scott replied
As the drive continued on you couldn't help but stare at Scott, he was tall and extremely muscular that part was obvious but there was something with the way he talked. He talked with authority and had such a commanding presence you couldn't help but do what he told you to do
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jetlaggingbehind · 8 months
listen to me. in a swap au ramona's knives would NOT be matthew. matthew got over his heartbreak fairly easily once he had his own musical to perform on and knives does not have that kind of emotional resilience in the face of scott's shittiness she is seventeen years of age. matthew would more likely be like kim or something. he's hiding stuff and he never got closure but at least he has a healthy outlet for his emotions which helps him come to terms with it in some sense. knives would be ROXY. heartbreak central.
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bishopgirl98 · 1 month
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It would take David Corenswet to wake me up from my tumblr hiatus.
Scott Twisters! x reader and Logan Echolls x reader coming this week.
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ryebecca · 19 days
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Mr. & Mrs. Scott Miller 💍 ✨ | (elopement, but make it ✨elegant✨)
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streetlightyeri · 1 month
the misspoken chapter ; scott miller
chapter I of the 28 series
“you took a train to the south side of boston, you showed me where your old man stayed.”
w.c: around 7000
warnings: misogyny, extended writing of being trapped in an elevator, mention of pregnancy in medical setting, not well proofread.
Aspen rested her head on Scott’s shoulder as the Red Line railcar thundered back up across the Charles River. His arms were folded across his chest for the beginning of the ride, but his sleepy girlfriend had wedged her arms through his, intertwining her fingers into the hand closest to her. He busied his other hand with grabbing the sliding tupperware of leftovers her parents weighed them down with. It was a short train trip; Scott wasn’t sure how she was able to fall asleep and get so comfortable so fast. It must’ve been her plan from the moment he saw her heavy blinks after dessert.
When they finally got to their stop, he flexed his hand she was holding before shaking it, the movement making her grumble and lift her head. He pressed a chaste kiss to her hair before standing, her arms still wrapped around his. “This is our stop.”
She stood and let him guide her back to the street where the cool air started to wake her up. He let go of her hand to reposition himself on the outside; he flexed his hand in the absence of hers, but her warmth found him again quickly, without him having to ask.
They finally made it back to their shared apartment, their soon-to-be alma mater shining in the distance.
The two met when she overheard him bitching at an undergrad she was just helping about how he messed up a line of code and didn’t deserve the second chance to correct his homework for something as simple as a parenthesis. When the student asked what he could do to learn from his mistake, Scott looked through stacks of paper and pulled out a piece with lines of letters and numbers printed on it. “Find whoever this is, and hope they have pity on you to teach you.”
Aspen scoffed from behind her computer screen, recognizing the paper. She never understood why they had to print out coding homework, but Dr Muher was weird. Scott’s eyes narrowed in her direction; the other two students using Dr Muher’s TA’s Study Hour quickly gathered their things and bolted out the door.
“I’m sorry, is another student’s struggle funny to you?”
Aspen stopped typing and shut her laptop as though she had all the time in the world. She interlocked her fingers and rested her chin on them. “No, just that you’re using my work as an example and you don’t even know what I look like.”
Scott looked between the paper and the girl and before letting out his own scoff. “Yeah, I will not believe this is your work.”
She raised an eyebrow, “Why not? Please enlighten me.”
“This is too advanced to be a junior’s work.”
“This is a junior level class, is it not?”
“Yes, but-”
“The name on the paper is Aspen Lee, is it not?”
The TA’s hand tightened around the paper in anger at being defied.
She stood, palms resting on the table. “Why don’t you say what you’re thinking? That it can’t be me because I’m a girl. You’re the TA, why is it my job to teach my peers? I know the army doesn’t pay you shit, but that isn’t my fault. You don’t see my name on a fucking building here, and I’m not making it someone else’s problem.”
She zipped her backpack and wrapped her laptop in her arms. Just before she was out of the door she turned back, hand on the doorknob, “And by the way, his work is missing a bracket, not a parenthesis.”
A few weeks later, after very fiery glances being thrown between the two, Dr Muher called the two to her office hours. She sat with perfect posture as she looked across to the two biggest headaches of her entire teaching career, both with their arms crossed and scowls set deep in their faces. “I will not have my TA and my highest performing pupil glaring each other down every second of my class! I do not care what animosity you have for each other, but your rivalry is causing a rift to form in my classroom. You will both give apologies in front of the class for the way you two have behaved.”
Scott went to speak, but the stone coldness of Aspen’s voice lowered the temperature in the room, “No.”
Dr Muher pulled her head back in a mix of surprise and disbelief. “I’m sorry Ms Lee, but did you just say ‘no’?”
“I’m not apologizing when this is his fault.” She jutted her thumb in his direction.
He let out a groan, “What are you, five?”
Aspen rolled her eyes and swallowed hard, standing from her chair and throwing her bag over her shoulder. The professor held her hand up to Scott, warning him to stop, before turning her gaze back to Aspen, freezing her in place. “Ms Lee, I will not tolerate the environment you two have created in my classroom, you must understand this.”
Aspen’s voice was throaty, years of anger seeping into her words. “Why is it me who always has to ‘understand’? And speaking of ‘understanding,’ I thought you of all people would! You are the only woman on this goddamn computer science faculty, you know what it’s like having to prove yourself, downplay yourself, humble yourself, just to make the very essence of you palpable for the men in this field. You’re trying to tell me my work was good enough to rub in another student’s face until he saw that it was me who did it? And you expect me to just lay there and take it? I will not apologize to my peers for something that is not my fault, especially when I have yet to hear an apology from him! And if proving the point that the woman always gets the worse end of the deal requires me failing this class, that is something I am willing to do.”
Seven days later, Scott had not apologized and neither had Aspen. She was missing from all three following lectures. Just seeing her name as he transcribed attendance from everyone’s clicker made him grip his pencil to near breaking. After that third lecture, Scott was sitting at his desk in Dr Muher’s office, grading freshman coding assignments. He nearly threw his laptop after the 4th student in a row couldn’t make a circle turn 360 degrees. When Aspen walked in, he pressed the 0 key on his keyboard so hard that the student’s grade input as 000000000/10 and tanked their grade to a negative seven.
Her backpack hung off one shoulder, and she had a single piece of pink paper in her hand. She didn’t acknowledge Scott as she handed the paper over to the professor.
Dr Muher pulled her glasses off her head and perched them on her nose, pretending as if she needed to read what the paper said to know that the Pepto Bismol pink paper was a drop slip. She dropped the paper on her desk with a sigh, “Ms Lee, you are aware that dropping my class this close to the end of the year will impact your financial aid and your transcript?”
“This class isn’t even for my major, I took it as a free elective.”
The professor blinked, rubbing her eyes with her thumb and forefinger, “Remind me again why you are taking junior level C++ and are a . . . what major?”
“I’m here for coastal engineering. My programs are in MATLAB and Python. I just needed the A from this class. I’ll get it elsewhere. So, can you sign the slip?”
Dr Muher sighed again and sprawled her signature onto the slip. When the door shut behind Aspen, she turned to Scott, pointing in the direction Aspen disappeared to with the end of her glasses. “Fix this.”
The first flurries of winter were falling around Aspen as she made her way across campus and into the student union. The snow was a month early; it was only the beginning of November. It was early morning, the first class section still multiple hours away. She paid for a coffee and redirected herself to the elevators to go to the study rooms on the top floor.
An irritatingly tall man in a military uniform walked up next to her, freshly showered but still flushed from a workout. “May we talk?”
Aspen gave him a side glance, refusing to turn to him and have to look up, continuing to walk down the breezeway. “No.”
That made him falter. Scott pursed his lips and took a deep breath, summoning all of the patience he never knew he possessed. He took two steps to catch up with her, shoving his hand in the door of the elevator she had already made it to. His teeth were grit as he spoke, “Please, may we talk?”
“Why, Dr Muher threatened to give you a bad review to your Lieutenant?” She made eye contact with him through the mirrors that surrounded them as the elevator slowly ascended.
“You have to be such a dick all the time?”
Aspen finally looked at him, eyebrows lifted and eyes widened as if to say “oh, I’m the dick?” but couldn’t finish her sentence, the jolting of the elevator before it stopped prevented her from finishing. The fluorescent light above them flickered; the two turned their heads up towards it. “You have got to be fucking joking.”
She was nearest to the buttons, the two having left enough room for a squadron of kindergarteners to stand between them. Aspen pressed the open door button, hoping the stop was a fluke and the pair just hadn’t realized they were already at the 3rd floor.
The door did not open.
Aspen swung her head to glare at him. “And if we pressed the emergency call button and hadn’t pressed that, what would we have done if that was the fix?”
Scott narrowed his eyes back at her, shooing her away from the buttons. She tried to resist but his arm pushing her backwards against her shoulders was too strong and she stumbled to the corner he just vacated. His finger hovered against the emergency call button. “No smart comment about how I might tell whoever answers that there’s only one person who needs help?”
“What would they do when they came? Pry open the doors to get you out then snap them back shut and cut the cable line to let me fall to my death?” Aspen swiped open her phone with her free hand but only an SOS signal shined back at her.
Scott mumbled out a Jesus Christ at the morbid quip before pressing the button. The two sat in tense silence for a few seconds before a voice cracked through an unseen speaker. “University Police Department, what’s your emergency?”
“This is Staff Sergeant Scott Miller, a civilian and I-” Scott saw Aspen mouth civilian to herself and quietly snort out a laugh, “are in an unmoving elevator in the student union breezeway.”
Aspen rested her head against the wall with her eyes closed while he continued the call. The mirrors reflecting off each other creating infinite Scotts was too much for her to handle.
“Please prepare to be there for up to multiple hours, as we need to ensure there is nothing wrong with the wiring due to the weather. It is pertinent that you do not open the doors from the inside; the elevator may resume working on its own and can be deadly if one of you is caught between a floor and the elevator.”
The voice clicked off just before it could hear the two of them say, “Hours?”
Then the light went out.
It took only a half hour for Aspen to suck her coffee dry and begin to lose body heat. The breezeway elevator shafts were connected to the outside, meaning whatever temperature was outside translated to the inside. The box was slowly becoming an ice locker. Scott was still warm, fully dressed in his three uniform layers that kept in his body heat from his post-workout shower. Aspen looked through her bag multiple times, hoping to find an extra scarf or gloves but was out of luck each time. She breathed into her hands and rubbed them together before putting her hands in her armpits. She kept her head down to blow warm air onto herself.
A camouflage jacket hit her body before falling to the floor. She looked at Scott, who was sitting on the opposite corner of the elevator, feet planted and knees up. She lifted a brow in question.
“Put it on so you don’t die of hypothermia. If I get saved and you’re dead, the military police are going to have my ass.”
Aspen was still shivering under Scott’s military jacket. The metal of the elevator was absorbing more of the cold air from outside and turning the cube into a certified meat locker. She pulled out her textbooks and stacked them on the floor so the two of them could avoid putting their cores near the cold metal. She didn’t want to admit that it was Scott’s idea, but he had little to offer for them to sit on aside from cold, sweaty clothes in his duffle bag.
She curled into his jacket, trying to seal in any warmth left from him. Her knees were pulled to her chest and she dipped her head to meet them so her hot breath warmed up her skin through her pants.
After a few minutes, Scott noticed a decrease in her shuddering breathing movements. He nudged her side. “Are you still alive, Lee?”
She let out a grumble. “Yes, Miller. I think I am alive because if I was in hell, it wouldn’t be this cold.”
He snorted, “Going to hell, eh?”
She peaked out of her cocoon, only one eye visible to him. “If I die and you’re there, then yeah, I’m in hell.”
“What were you going to say?” Aspen asked, her voice muffled.
“What you were chasing me to say.”
Scott sat in the silence that followed for a while. “I wanted to apologize.”
She pulled her head out the cocoon she made, brows knit in surprise.
It looked like it pained him to say it, but Aspen could tell there was sincerity in his words. There was no need for him to be as truthful as he was being. “I was an asshole to you that day in study hour, but I feel like you put words in my mouth. It made me angry - livid, so I figured if you saw me as the bad guy, I might as well let myself play the part.”
“What words?”
“You said I inherently valued your work less because you’re a woman - it isn’t and never was true. I knew that whoever Aspen Lee was, she was a woman, or at least identifying as one, according to MIT’s gradebook. The part that I couldn’t believe was that you were already there, helping him. I heard the way you spoke to that student, the way you pointed out his mistake but didn’t make him feel bad for it but didn’t baby him either. You knew that you were right and were unapologetic about it, but not mean. I’ve spent my entire time in the STEM field learning to cope with being belittled and scolded for a mistake. I think it’s why I do so well in the army - it’s the same shit.
“The company I work for outside of the military wants me to recruit talent in coding, C++ specifically. When I first saw your work, I thought you had to be a graduate student. I think that belief, that refusal to admit that someone younger than me could be so good at something I do day in and day out, prevented me from finding you. I’ve been trying to figure out who you are for months now. Dr Muher refused to introduce us, said something like we were too alike and would either bite each other’s heads off or . . .” Scott trailed off and cleared his throat, blinking away whatever memory came with what he just said, “All of that being said, I understand why you took what I said the way you did, especially here, at this school, but I would never devalue someone’s work based on their gender. What you heard in my voice wasn't misogyny. It was jealousy.”
A sudden wave of guilt washed over Aspen, causing her to hide her face again. She spent so many hours burning with hatred over him only to be wrong. “I guess I’m so used to being seen as someone who’s here to meet a rich man then do nothing with my degree once I graduate that I struggle to see people’s true intentions. And, there’s nothing wrong with doing that, but I’m just so tired of people seeing me and thinking they know my future while my male peers get asked what their aspirations are. Dr Muher is such an inspiration for me, and I felt so betrayed by her, like she was doing exactly what everyone else had. When I was in elementary and high school, I was in a STEM magnet school, and I felt so out of place, but when I’d go visit my grandmother in Oklahoma over the summers, I felt like I couldn’t belong there either. So, I’m sorry for my reaction. I think a lot of my anger was projection. But I am not sorry for the emotions I felt after."
Scott nodded, taking in her words. He extended a hand, “Truce?”
She wiggled her hand back into the sleeve of his jacket and shook it. “Truce.”
The door creaked and the elevator rumbled after a man shouted what Aspen thought was gibberish or possibly a German sneeze. SNECF. Her head shot up while Scott was already fully up and standing. She followed suit. The doors started to pry apart, the butt of a crowbar sticking out; whoever was prying was grunting with the amount of force it took. Scott kicked his steel toe boot into the crack the man made and positioned himself to push one side out, forcing the mechanisms in the elevator to open the other as well. The face of a plump man in a fire suit peered down at them. He was belly down on the ground, only a small sliver of the elevator was open to the 3rd floor. The rest of the door was blocked by the shaft.
He reached his hand out and waved her up, “Come on, Miss. We’ll get you up first.”
She abandoned her belongings but tried to take the jacket off herself to hand back to Scott but he shook his head, nodding in the direction of the fireman. “Least of my worries right now, come on, get up.”
She understood this was not a time for joking, nor was she in the mood for it, watching as Scott held open her only exit with his body. Aspen lifted her hands and the man took hold of her forearms, pulling her up with the help of another fireman. When she made it out, she felt like she entered a sauna. The heater on the third floor was working overtime, and she was thankful for it. She breathed out a sigh of relief, but her brow knit when she noticed the man who helped the fire chief get her out pick up an industrial fire extinguisher and take a few steps back from the elevator.
All she could see was Scott’s head, but through a tiny sliver of mirror she had access to, she saw a million versions of Scott take a shaky breath and reposition himself in the elevator doors, starfishing himself through them, palms out against the doors. Aspen looked between the two firemen, one who was not helping and another who was face to face with Scott and only held a crowbar between the doors. She quickly made her way over to the doors, but before she could grab a door and help keep it open, the man with the fire extinguisher grabbed her by the oversized jacket and flung her into the opposite wall with his full force. Her temple collided with the drywall, the thin material crumbing around her head as she collided with the stud. Scott leveled him with a glaze that Aspen couldn’t tell was anger or thanks. “If you two aren’t going to help, at least let me.”
“It is too dangerous, Miss.” The man who grabbed her said.
“You guys said you wouldn’t get us until it was clear.” She rubbed at her temple, grimacing as she pulled back and saw her hand coated in red.
No one responded.
Scott hoisted his legs up, holding the doors open with nothing but his hands and the crowbar, his knees rising to his chest. He took a second to breathe before lifting his legs to the patch of floor and sliding his body out, belly down on the floor. The second he let go, the doors snapped the crowbar in half with a ferocious thunder. Then the elevator fell down the shaft with a deafening crack, leaving a gaping hole in the wall. Aspen quickly wrapped her hands around Scott’s bicep, helping him off the floor, opting to not mention the bloody handprint she left on his shirt.
“Jesus Christ, you’re freezing cold.” Aspen immediately shrugged off his jacket and tried to hand it back to him. He dug in his pants pockets and pulled out a cloth, pressing it to her temple, hard. The two firemen were calling in the rest of UPD and whoever else the school deemed in need to handle the fallen elevator. The man who flung her earlier took position at one end of the hallway while the chief took position at the other to direct any passersby away.
He grabbed her by the shoulder with his free hand and walked her away from the gaping elevator shaft. He finally took his jacket from her as she took over applying pressure, sliding his arms through and trying not to react as the smell of cherry vanilla perfume filled his senses and as though there wasn’t a patch of her blood on the collar. Scott barely had time to zip his jacket back up before a man rounded the corner, shouting Scott’s name and title. It was clear he knew who was speaking; his feet shot together as he pivoted, his posture correcting itself, his chest puffing out, and his hands coming to his side.
Aspen took a step back as a man in his mid fifties approached. When he was about 6 steps away, he spoke again, “At ease, soldier.”
Scott’s hands came to rest behind his back and Aspen averted her eyes. It felt weird seeing Scott so obedient, so tame. Her wandering eyes found the elevator shaft; if she focused she could feel the cool breeze coming up it. It was pitch black in the gaping hole in the wall, the other elevator sitting pretty and untouched. No doubt there was caution tape already put up in the breezeway. She was certain that there would be crazy rumors about the incident on the school’s YikYak page.
But as she stared at the shaft, all her brain could play was different imagingings of Scott pulling himself out of there a second too late and going down with it. Her mind conjured up scenarios that made no sense: him headless, him bodiless, all different ways of him dead. All because he let her out first. She must’ve been staring for a while because when someone touched her arm, she blinked hard and turned to see Scott looking down at her. 
“Sergeant Miller, bring this lady to an urgent care. No school affiliated doctors.” He turned to walk away but hesitated, turning back to Scott. “Get yourself checked too, while you’re there. Report back to me.”
“Yes, sir.”
She tried to protest, but his commanding officer had turned to another soldier who came up, giving orders.
“You okay?” He glanced between her and the elevator shaft.
She gave a half-hearted smile and nodded, “Yeah, yeah, I think so. You really don’t have to bring me to urgent care. I’m fine. It’s just bleeding a lot because it’s on my temple.”
He pursed his lips, eyes flickering from hers to the drywall dust sitting in her hair and the roll of blood down her cheek. He didn’t think she was aware there was a strip of blood on the exposed stud. “I cannot ignore an order from a commanding officer.”
The urgent care physician had eyes the size of saucers when he was taking down the reason for this visit. He started with Scott who kept a clenched jaw and flared nostrils nearly the entire time. He received a clean bill of health and a hand written and signed note stating he was allowed to continue duty as needed. Aspen on the other hand was given a doctor’s note excusing her from classes for the rest of the week for a minor concussion, only after a few too-nosy questions.
“I do want you to avoid screens and long periods of staring at boards and notebooks, so I’ll write a note excusing you. But Miss, are you pregnant?”
“I was stuck in an elevator for four hours, not an orgy.” Aspen was annoyed. She had already told the nurse that she was not pregnant and had to deny a urine test.
Scott let out a choked sound in the back, but the doctor pushed. “Exposure to the cold for that long can have an effect on a fetus. Are you positive you’re not pregnant?”
Aspen let out a scoff of disbelief. “Exposure to the cold that long can have an effect on me. How many times do I have to say I’m not pregnant until I’m believed? So unless you’re about to get on your knees and pray over my virgin womb for the second coming of Christ, then just write the fucking note.”
Scott gave her the keys to his truck once the doctor finally discharged them. He swiped his card as she climbed into his passenger seat. He joined her a minute later, their printed visit notes in hand. He handed her hers and she glanced over it and snorted before reading out loud, “Miss Lee presents to the clinic today with complaints of a possible concussion and extended cold exposure. Voiced complaints of mild double vision, ringing in bilateral ears, and nausea. Denies any slurred speech. Upon examination has poor eye tracking ability and has laceration on left temple. Cleaned and bandaged.”
“Sounds normal.”
“Yeah, until: Patient is argumentative and vulgar. Pregnancy status remains unknown.”
Scott took his hand off the gearshift, turning to her. “No way.” He’d glanced over his report earlier and the doctor had referred to him as ‘pleasant,’ something he hadn’t been called since his great-grandmother was alive.
Aspen held out the paper for him.
“You’re sure?”
She let out a belly laugh, shaking the paper for him to grab, “I think we were one more ‘are you pregnant?’ away from you watching me have a pap smear. No, I don’t care if you look.”
Scott looked over the report, “I’m taking you to a different urgent care.”
She waved her hand to dismiss the idea, adjusting in her seat to try and escape the beaming sun that came from behind a cloud. He reached out and pulled down the visor before producing a pair of sunglasses. “I’m fine.”
“If MIT sees this, they’re going to try and weasel out of any blame. You need to see a doctor that isn’t going to write off valid points as you being argumentative.”
She inspected the sunglasses, trying to tell if they were actually going to stop UV rays. “If MIT wants me to piss in a cup to prove my unborn child didn’t stop the elevator, I will. But right now I just want my bed.”
“You need to see a-”
She turned to him, fast. “What I need right now is to be alone because quite frankly everytime I see your face my brain plays the sight of you almost dying this morning all because you let me out first. I am holding onto my composure with the thinnest thread of humor right now. Please just take me home.”
She turned back in her seat and put the sunglasses on, hoping it would hide the welling tears in her eyes. Scott didn’t quite know how to react, so he just let her direct him to an apartment building near campus. When he parallel parked, she took a deep breath and went to take the sunglasses off.
“Keep them.”
She lowered her hand back down. “I just realized all of our stuff was in that elevator.”
“I’ll see if anything was salvaged and see if I can get it to you. You have a way to get in?”
“Yeah, my roommates don’t have class until 10, so at least one should be there. I’m in that one.” She pointed to a window on the 3rd floor with a Christmas tree in the window despite the fact it was nowhere near the season for it. A beat of silence passed. Aspen couldn’t find the courage to look at him. “Thank you. For everything, I-”
He held his hand out. “Don’t.”
More silence followed that Aspen didn’t know if it meant she was to leave.
“See you next Monday?”
She gave a small smile before nodding, “Yeah, I guess see you next Monday.”
She was freshly showered and no longer smelling like Scott Miller’s stupidly attractive cologne. She swiped open her phone and lowered the brightness, busying her mouth with biting her thumb nail, and typed in what she hoped was the spelling of what she now knows was a command.
Nothing besides a few Polish articles about sunscreen.
SNECF command
Nothing aside from dog training and a targeted ad about Polish sunscreen.
SNECF military
Jackpot. But in a bad way. Aspen locked her phone when she saw it and processed what it meant. 
SAFETY NOT ESTABLISHED, CIVILIANS FIRST. This command is given amongst first responder and military personnel when a situation may be dire or serve as a threat to life and/or property, but civilians are present and informing them of said situation may cause panic that would worsen or in some way prohibit the ability of personnel to adequately perform safety evacuations or further assessments.
She saw Scott before the next Monday. He knocked on her door three days later. One of her roommates opened the door and waved him in. He wasn’t sure if that meant this girl had no sense of self preservation or if that meant Aspen had explained what he looked like - or possibly even shown the horrible photo of him on the MIT ROTC webpage - to them. The apartment was clean, if a little dilapidated. They had a small Roku TV as the centerpiece of the living room, a tapestry of a shirtless Marvel or DC or some other superhero pinned above the couch with thumbtacks. The area above the cabinets in the kitchen were decorated with empty liquor bottles. It reminded him of the house he shared in undergrad. “She’s in the room with the pink door.”
Sure enough, down the hall, there was a room with a hot pink door decorated with My Little Pony stickers. It didn’t seem to match any of the other door styles in the apartment and didn’t fit in the doorframe currently. The edges of it were sawed and sanded down poorly. He knocked.
Aspen’s voice responded. “Why’d you knock? Just come in.”
Scott assumed she thought he was one of her roommates. It wouldn’t have been fair to walk in. “It’s Scott.”
Shuffling ensued, but after a few moments the door opened to Aspen, still dressed in her pajamas. She gave an uneasy smile, “Hi.”
Scott held up her backpack and smirked, his dimple popping, as he tapped her door with his knuckle, “Hi Pinkie. I was able to convince UPD to give your things back from evidence.”
“My roommate’s boyfriend fell through my door, and I got the Landlord Special. Be careful, Pinkie Pie will give you a splinter.” She took her bag from his hand and opened the door more to let him in. She sat on the edge of her bed, motioning for him to sit wherever. He opted for her desk chair. Aspen pretended to not notice the way his legs spread and his arms crossed. “UPD has an evidence locker?”
“It was mostly confiscated scooters, but yes.”
“God, the only thing UPD does that benefits this campus is infiltrate the scooter gangs. I shouldn’t have to fear for my shins walking to class.”
“They do also save people from elevators.”
She snorted, still sorting through her bag to make sure everything was there and undamaged. “The fire department did that.”
“Then the fire department threw you into a wall so hard you cracked the drywall and got a concussion.”
“My mother would classify that as a symptom of my hard-headedness.”
“She’s got that right.” He muttered. Scott was met with an attempted pillow to the head. Instead, it grazed him and knocked down her pencil cup. He pivoted in the spinny chair to clean it up and to gather his thoughts as he was once again clouded by her scent. He should’ve just given the backpack to her roommate and left, but no - he needed to see her. And good thing he had.
“Just know that hit the other you I see.”
His brows furrowed. For a mild concussion, she should’ve been far on the mend by now. The weeklong excuse was liberal to ensure she was fully healed. “Still have double vision?”
He turned back to her after putting the cup back in order. She shrugged, placing her laptop back in its home at the charging dock on her nightstand. “Nothing worse, just continuous symptoms. double vision is only for stuff not in front of my face, though.”
“So most things on Earth?”
She placed a finger to her lips and shushed him. She went back to looking through her bag, squinting at different items such as chapstick and lip gloss. The room was only illuminated by a floor lamp by her bed, casting the entire room in a warm glow. That response wasn’t good enough for him; he stood from his spot and walked over to her, arms crossed as he hovered over her. When his shadow cast over her, she looked up, head tilting all the way back to take him in. He held a small flashlight in his hand that he produced from one of his many pockets. “Hello?”
“Let me see your eyes.”
She jokingly tucked her hair behind her ear. “At least buy me dinner first.”
She gave a little pout but repositioned herself so her feet were touching the floor as he widened his stance to bring himself closer to her. He reached a hand out but stopped short of her jaw. “Are you okay if I touch you?”
She nodded, too nervous to give him her usual snarky comeback. She had curled herself into his jacket in a broken down elevator and was half asleep in his passenger seat after the urgent care, but this was somehow the most intimate moment the two shared. His hand was warm and calloused, rough against the skin Scott was sure she had a 10 step skin care regimen to maintain. He turned the small flashlight with the other hand to the lowest setting he could manage. He slowly ran the light over her eyes, watching her left pupil fail to shrink, staying wide. He tried to ignore the two butterfly bandages on her temple. When he finally let her go, she could barely see his jaw tense amidst the white splotches in her vision from the light. She blinked and looked around the room, trying to escape the splotches but they followed wherever she looked until they dissipated a few moments later.
“You need to go to the doctor again. A real office, not an urgent care. ER preferably.”
She huffed, “Not this again.”
“Really? ‘Not this again?’ Your concussion is bad. You need a CT scan.”
She laughed out loud at that; his expression stayed serious. She held her hands out around her room. “I can’t afford to live in an apartment where I have a normal bedroom door. You think I can afford an ER visit for them to tell me that I need to rest for the next couple of days?”
“I’ll pay for it.”
“What? No. I’m fine. And speaking of-” She reached to dig in her bedside drawer, producing a wad of twenties. She held it out to him. “For the urgent care copay.”
He shook his head, his arms crossed across his chest. “It was $60 dollars. And I’m definitely not taking your money for it when I think that doctor’s a total quack.”
She ran a hand through her hair, “Please take the money, Scott.”
“Not unless you go to the ER.”
She leveled him with a stare. “I’m not saying this to be difficult. I do not think I need to go to the ER. My symptoms haven’t gotten worse, just persisted, which isn’t unheard of from what my Harvard premed roommate tells me. They check on me periodically and make sure I haven’t asphyxiated in my own vomit. Please just take my word.”
He took a deep breath through his nose to ease his emotions. He didn’t understand why he was so concerned about this girl he considered his number one pain in his ass a mere 4 days ago. All he said was “Okay.”
“Thank you.”
He reached into his breast pocket and pulled out a business card that had his name and ROTC office phone and scribbled his personal phone number on the back and placed it on her nightstand, next to a full glass of water and a pack of gum. “Call if anything happens.”
She blinked at him, reclining back on her palms on the bed. “Where do you get these things from? A cloth, then a flashlight, now a business card? And you kept your wallet in your pocket and not in your duffle bag that day. Very convenient. Very Mystery Mousekatool of you.”
“It’s called being in the military. Everyone should have that on them, sans business card.” He took a seat back at the edge of the bed, showing he was only staying for a few more minutes.
Aspen nodded. “Speaking of being in the military, why’d you join?”
“As you so eloquently put it, my name’s not on a fucking building. And Kansas isn’t really known for its rich families who can send their kids to MIT as legacies.”
She sighed, understanding all too well. She readjusted to recline against her pillows. “Too bad you didn’t get stuck in an elevator before the recruitment officer found you. I got a refund check for the semester’s tuition already, along with a promise of all-costs-covered for the next three semesters.”
He sat with his elbows on his knees, hands clasped. “You civilians have it so easy. I got a letter stating it was a ‘hazard of the job’ for me, so they will be providing a refunded copay for the urgent care visit that may take 6 to 8 weeks to process.”
She had to suck in her lips to keep from laughing out of shock. The two talked for another few minutes, Scott skirting the topic of what he reported back to his commanding officer (there was no way he was going to tell her that his captain asked how his “girlfriend” was doing and when informed that they were in no way a couple, was told “she should be - she makes you a lot nicer”). They got a few more subjects in before Scott noticed her responses getting slower and mumbled, her eyes fluttering open and closed, fighting sleep until she couldn’t. He quietly stood and turned her lamp off, making sure not to touch the edge of the door before he shut it behind himself.
The same girl he saw earlier was still in the kitchen, prepping her dinner. Another girl in maroon scrubs sat in the chair at the bar, a piece of pizza in one hand as she scrolled on her phone in the other. Both girls glanced at him when he closed the door before making eye contact with each other, having a silent conversation that Scott knew was about him. He figured if they were already talking about him, it didn’t hurt to interject. “Has she been doing okay?”
The first girl pointed her knife at the girl in scrubs, deferring to her. She put her pizza slice down in the box. She nodded as she finished chewing. “Yeah, for the most part. But if her symptoms stay this prominent for another day or two, I’m taking her to the ER.”
He raised his eyebrows, feigning as though he hadn’t tried to talk her into going a few minutes earlier. “ER?”
“I’m more concerned about the vomiting and nausea. She can’t keep anything down. I’m scared she’s dehydrated.”
“If she needs to go, call me, my number is on her nightstand. I’ll take her. I can tell them what happened.”
She tried to subdue her lifting brows and growing smirk. “Will do.”
Luckily, Aspen was on the mend the next day, her vision combining into one big picture again and her nausea slowly subsiding. She was back in class the next Monday and back in Dr Muher’s class for the first time in a while. Students murmured when she walked in, but settled quickly. She gave Scott a smile and took her usual spot four rows back and eight seats in. As Scott graded papers during the class, he found himself searching the faces of the massive class, continuing to land on Aspen’s, except instead of trying to incinerate the other with their gazes, she gave a small smile before turning back to the lecture. After everyone filed out, Dr Muher walked over to his desk, her heels clicking deafeningly on the tile floors. “I told you so.”
Scott fixed her with one of his famous glares.
She held up her hands in mock surrender. “Just remember what I said, you’ll-”
He shooed her away with his hand. “‘-either bite each other’s heads off or get married.’ Yeah, yeah, I remember.”
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First post!! So excited!
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pixelmensupremacy · 2 years
Hiiiii Mai! This isn’t a request or anything but I wanna hear your thoughts since you like tlou and RE..
so I definitely think RE Leon could survive in tlou universe (maybe not baby re2 leon but even then, he did topple umbrella and defeat a bloater sized bio weapon), but how do you think Joel would fair in an RE universe?
like he did kill an entire firefly hospital and is pretty cutthroat against more aggressive forms of zombies (bloaters), but I also don’t know if he could topple a whole bio weapon regime?
idk just a fun thought!! what do you think? :)
That's a very interesting question, nonny. Honestly, I too don't doubt Leon could handle a shroom apocalypse it will simply take him some getting used to be wary of the spores. Other than that, he will be fine for the most part.
Joel on the other hand. We don't know much about how his first 20 years post outbreak so I can't say anything for sure but I think he would be able to survive if he has someone by his side (for instance Tommy, who had his back at the very beginning of the apocalypse). Before everything went south, Joel was a crafty man and judging by the first game he is quick to get a hand of how to handle weapons, though he doesn't have a gun at all times or at least he didn't up until the outbreak. So yeah, I see him being able to make his way through Raccoon city if it comes to post outbreak Joel. I can't speak about tlou part II Joel since I haven't seen gameplay but I'm pretty confident it still applies.
That's my opinion and I thank you for asking this question. Of course, feel free to add something or share your option I'm open to hear it!
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inknopewetrust · 2 days
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐭𝐭 𝐭𝐫𝐲 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐧𝐞𝐰—𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐭 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐬 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐛𝐨𝐭𝐡 [𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐭𝐭 𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫] [𝐰𝐜: 3.3k]
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝟏𝟖+, 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐃𝐍𝐈, 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭, 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤, 𝐧𝐨 𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 “𝐝𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲”, 𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐭𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐭𝐭 (𝐚𝐬 𝐰𝐞 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐡𝐢𝐦).
𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬: 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒
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You had always known Scott Miller to be a vanilla kind of man… whatever that truly implied.
The adventures of discovery were few and far between beyond the plank like missionary and the occasional couch sex if the motel even had a couch, so the back of his truck? Unheard of.
But when the clock struck one and he sped out of the parking lot in confidence that everyone had averted their eyes in sleep, you sensed something was different—or awakening—within him. The Storm Par truck found itself tucked into an alcove surrounded by trees on every side and the lights cut as quick as it was put into park.
You turned your head to look at him yet he was halfway out the door and all you could spur was, that was fast.
And perhaps it had been awhile since you’d been alone together in this capacity. The summers raged longer and with it the storms more frequent and severe, therefore it made your priority of getting laid less important than helping the people who no longer had a bed.
“Scott—“ you called out to him, unbuckling yourself as he slammed the door and opened the back seat. His face was flustered, cheeks inflamed a pinkish red of strife and want.
“Get in the back,” he said sternly in reply.
You furrowed your brows, mouth slightly agape at his brash words. Scott was a fucking asshole ninety-nine percent of the time, it shouldn’t have been a surprise.
He huffed at your inaction. A hand on the door, he put the other on the headrest on the back seat.
“Well what?” You asked. “You didn’t ask nicely.”
With Scott, you knew the boundaries he had. Everyone played a game around him that made their shoes crack the eggshells he littered in front of him. You hated it. He wasn’t perfect and by far, neither were you so why the fuck would you give into him so easily?
You imagined that was a reason he kept seeking you out again. Months of this, nothing more, and Scott returned time and time again to a grip he’d say your pussy had on his dick but you thought in honestly that you wanted him to fall in love with you—the glitter in your eyes as you teased him, each meeting between you growing longer and more personal.
And shit, if you haven’t daydreamed of what a serious version of the “thing” you had together was you’d be lying. One of Scott was handsome, but two in the long run? That boy would replace you in a heartbeat.
“Just get in the back,” he complained. “Please.”
You smiled sweetly at him. “Better.”
Scott shook his head and grabbed your hand as you fumbled yourself into the back seat. He wasted no time sliding into the seat next you, slamming his door closed again, and grasping your face with both of his hands.
His kiss was bruising. Heavy and holding, it was as though he was coming home from war, not a few weeks of chasing different storms. You held onto his wrists as he maneuvered you, head tilting the way he wanted it to as he kissed you over and over again and his lips glued themselves to yours in the dark.
Scott began to pull back, letting his teeth catch your bottom lip as he separated himself from you and breathed in deeply. He didn’t bother filling in the space with words before he returned his lips to yours and releasing his grip on you to move you freely.
You accepted the release on your face. You tipped your head backwards into the seat, swallowing the sounds of your throat before they could form actual words. Scott’s hands lingered down your body; squeezing and soothing the path to your thighs as he pushed your legs apart and glided you into his lap as seamlessly as he could in a truck like his.
Using the leverage the heigh above him gave, you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and your fingers found his hair quickly. Scott’s hat had long gone from his head and the sweat of the borders heat was making itself known on the base of his neck.
Scott guided your hips to ground down onto him. Holding you still on him, he caressed your back and massaged his hands to your ass—the move pulling you further into him and the erection growing in his pants.
You were curious to grind your hips against him. Moving in a figure eight, you let his hands guide you in motions that fostered a growing wetness in your underwear as Scott’s tongue found purchase inside of your mouth. You hummed in content while the further motions of your hips and the pressure of his hands were driving you crazy.
The normal necessary preparation wouldn’t be needed if he kept it up. You’d be long a goner if Scott just simply took control and led the way for your bliss.
He removed his hands from your ass and slowly transitioned them to your hips. One of them broke free and rested in a position he’d never placed it in—at the bottom of your stomach. You didn’t stop kissing him or moving or even questioned his motives when he did so because you were just so damn occupied with the man like putty in your hands.
It could have been the buttons of your pants or to grasp the fabric between his palm but when it didn’t move, you began to wonder more than just what was going on beneath his pants. It was curious and concerning, stalling and breaking everything you had been doing as you pulled away from him.
“What?” You asked breathlessly.
Scott wet his lips, shaking his head absentmindedly yet you could see in the darkness that whatever was going through his mind didn’t reach his eyes.
“Nothing,” he replied.
“Are you—“
Scott cut you off only to capture your lips again. He weaved a hand to the back of your head and grunted as you lifted slightly off his lap and back down. Tilting your head at an angle that suited him, he deepened the kiss, ravishing you in ways you can recall ever being kissed.
It was different. It was like a switch went off but while his hands groped at you and his tongue dominated yours, it was still… vanilla.
When his lips conveniently caught the edge of your mouth and not your lips, he trailed kisses down the column of your neck and felt at the fabric of your clothes.
“Scott,” you said with a huff. “Are we going to get off like two fucking teenagers or are you going to fuck me?"
His teeth grazed the side of your neck, pulling the skin in irritation at your command. He was the asshole, he did the ordering.
Scott moved his head back to look at you. You had a sheen in your eyes that told him what you wanted; silently pleading for him to get on with it and let you seek the pleasure you wanted but all he could really think of is a thought that popped into his head that morning.
He knew he was going to see you and ultimately the collision would end up with the two of you sweating like dogs somewhere because you just couldn’t stop yourselves from making up for lost time.
The time factor of it caused his mind to go on its own tangent. Sitting in the passenger seat of the truck made him think of his bland childhood and family and somehow, it landed to you—suddenly eclipsed with the idea of children and you.
You and children; you pregnant with his child; you full of only him.
And then he had to get his rocks off in a gas station bathroom because he couldn’t stop imagining what you’d look like growing his kid.
Scott shifted his hands to the front of your body, squeezing down on your breasts. They’d be double the size if you were pregnant.
Those thoughts brought him no shame.
But he didn’t answer you. He was in rapture sitting there and staring at you while your brows furrowed and buried in confusion.
He squeezed again. Running a soothing palm over your tits in relief, his eyes flipped up to meet yours. You could feel his breath deepening on your face.
“I want to fill you up.”
Your head tweaked in surprise.
“W-what?” You stuttered at him. He hadn’t let go of your breasts, just sat there with his hands on them. You’d never seen Scott entranced by you before.
“Let me finish in you,” he proposed seriously. You’d never not used a condom before, you’d never had this kind of conversation because he’d never been one to indicate that this situation was more than a “good time” or “stress relief.”
“You want to come in me?”
The hand on your stomach, the lingering feel of your tits.
“Oh,” you mumbled. “Well we’ve never…”
“I know,” he grumbled as though this entire conversation was killing the boner in his pants. He was still prodding at your ass so in your mind, whatever he was imagining wasn’t leading him to not fucking you.
“I don’t think I’m ready for a kid yet, Scott.”
“No,” he shook his head and finally moved his hands away from you to rest at your waist. “That’s not—no. You can take a pill or whatever but can you see it?”
The picture he paints is a vivid one.
And one you hadn’t thought to imagine with anyone you’d been with before.
“Baby,” he started, “I can’t fucking get it out of my head. You, all round and full of me. You fucking body would look…” he gripped at your waist. “And your tits… fuck me, sweetheart. You’d be the sexiest fucking thing on the planet I swear to god and I can’t stop thinking about it.”
“Haven’t you wanted to feel me? Really feel me? Not with any of that rubber bullshit to get in the way. How good I’d feel inside of you and how good you’d feel when I’d leak out of you.”
You let out the smallest gasp at his words—Scott had never been this blatant before. Condescending, rude, even, but not so willing to speak his mind beyond a standard porn-dictionary of lingo.
“Let’s try it, hm?” He hummed. His hands worked the bottom of your top, fingers grazing your skin. “One time and if you fuckin’ hate it, then I won’t bring it up again."
“I didn’t say I would hate it,” you helped him remove your top. “You just didn’t let me get any words out.”
Scott smiled in the slightest. A winning smirk forming on his face as his fingers worked the clasp of your bra efficiently. You slid the straps from your arms and tugged at the bottom of his shirt, Storm Par emblem patched to the right above his chest.
“I don’t mind it,” you clarified. In fact, you were more than enticed by the idea. You loved when he left his mark in different ways—a burn from his stubble between your thighs, a hickey or three in places your clothes wouldn’t expose on the camera.
What more was marking his territory in a hypothetical way?
You sat up on your knees on either side of him. Your head barely skimmed the roof of the truck and the logistics of how you’d do this in the vehicle weren’t important—it was the what. Looking into his eyes, you tilted your head to the side as he unbuttoned your bottoms.
“What if I want you to claim me?” You questioned. “Make me so fucking full of you that I can’t hold anyone else, only you.”
“No one else,” he warned.
Scott helped slide your bottoms and underwear down quickly.
“You wanna put a baby in me, huh?” You cooed at him. Naked in full, you took the charge of releasing him from his jeans and allowing him to help shimmy them down his legs. His cock laid heavy, perched tall and sloping towards his thigh.
You leaned forward, feet finding purchase on his thick thighs as he cupped your ass and groped further. You took him in one of your hands and began to pump him slowly. Too slowly in his own terms but the words kept tumbling from your lips. So wanton, needy.
“What if I want you to?” Biting on your lip, you teased his tip with your thumb. Swiping it over and gathering a bit of wetness he’d long released in excitement.
“Get me all full and big and round with your baby. How I’d be so goddamn horny all the time and wanting to fuck everywhere. And my tits,” you pushed yourself up a bit on your knees. The breasts he admired pert and alert against his bare chest. “With all that milk? And you could help me make them feel so so fucking good.”
You have him your best doe eyes.
“What do you say, honey?”
Scott move fingers to your cunt to gauge your readiness. You were dripping for him. Soaked to the point where all he had to do was swipe two fingers through your core and gather the wetness at the tips. He crudely brought them to your lips and you offered a silent plea. You sucked on them, tasting your spent.
“I’m gonna fuck you, baby, and when we’re done, your gonna want a fucking kid so badly that you’ll be begging me for one.”
You guided his dick to your entrance and sank down on him. Relishing the stretch and stuttering breath you released every inch of progress that he made inside. It was always so sweet, so perfect of a feeling that it made you want to make him love you forever so you’d never forget the feeling. An eternity of loving an unlovable fucker who knew how to hit all of your buttons in the most wonderful of ways.
“Oh, fuck,” you gasped as he bottomed out and filled you to the brim. Scott grunted and his hold was bruising. He was incredibly enamored at the sentiment of you giving in to his vision that he couldn’t help but seek control now that he had you in the palm of his hand.
You get felt plush and smooth, different than what he was familiar with under the protection of a Trojan. Scott knew you sensed it too; the deeper hold each one held on the other and the way your jaw didn’t fully close at your gasps.
“You feel so good, baby,” he groaned. He helped lift your hips as you settled, pulling himself out of your warmth for the coolness of the car to hit the slick that now covered his length generously. “You feel so fucking good.”
“Gotta fuck me, Scott,” you closed your eyes as he pulled you back down and then again, up and down, up and down. The hairs on your head barely grazed the rooftop in his careful hands yet all you could feel was the need to let go. “You gotta fuckin’ give it to me.”
“Yeah?” He grunted with his teeth.
Averting to deep, harsh thrusts, Scott could only do as you please. The control was leaving him.
“Let me give it to you,” he spoke. “Let me give you a baby and you’ll be so drunk off me you won’t want another fucking cock in your life.”
Rutting in and out, his dick filled your pussy to the brim. Completely losing sight of what was right, left or center, you were far gone sooner than you thought.
“So tight for me,” Scott kept his verbal assurance going. “Oh, you fuckin’ feel that?”
Your legs quivered in strain. Muscles taught from sitting and working them intently stung hotly. You shook before an orgasm had even reached you—but you could feel it building.
“Yes,” you moaned into the air. “Shit.”
He admired the loss of your sensibility. Scott chuckled, growling in a way you hadn’t hear and didn’t think he could do. There was something so pornographic about him here; new and awakening like a part of him had been discovered after a shitty wet dream he garnered in his mind.
You have a high-pitched squeak as a particular thrust sent you reeling. It was becoming unrelenting. Over and over and over he pounded into you and it was starting to become numb with wait. Your slick was sent down your open legs, wetting the sides of where yours met the tops of his thighs and your feet had lost feeling a long time ago.
The windows of the car began to steam up like a movie. A handprint on the back window, it slid with friction every time you tried to readjust it.
He felt so good inside of you.
“S-sc-“ you couldn’t get his name out. The only sounds were wordless grunts and moans and nothing else.
“Hold on, baby,” he spat. He pumped hard and harder until the sound of skin slapping together and meeting in a drenched spot became all too loud. “Hold on, baby. You’re gonna wait for me, wait for me.”
You tried so hard. Legs shaking and nerves ready to burst, you could barely handle the way your hands trembled at the sensation. The utter relief of a strong finish looming ahead and yet, he wouldn’t let it happen until he’d come too.
But Scott was never far behind—you liked to believe it was your superpower.
“Not yet,” he grunted. “Don’t you fuckin’ come yet, sweetheart. We’re gonna do this together, yeah? Me and you—but fuck two of you would be fucking amazing baby.”
Not two of you to have sex with—two of you both to love and nurture.
“I-I’m gonna come, S-Scott, fuck me,” you barely choked out. “Come with me, please. Come on. Make me so full.”
And in a couple thrusts he spilled inside of you. You met him there at the precipice; towers crumbling around you as the shattered glass at your feet tingled in the absence of true feeling. Everything was a blur, one hot white light.
It was the best goddamn orgasm you’d ever had.
Your hands shook as much as your legs were. It was like a fucking exorcism took place and you were finding yourself again. Scott jutted his hips into you, burying his cock as far as he could go as the vice grip of your cunt swallowed every piece that he gave.
His head fell onto you chest. Hair stringy with sweat and the slick of beads that he met on your chest were more comforting than he thought they’d be. You twisted your fingers into his hair as he held onto you. Hands finding a more respectable spot around your waist and up your back, Scott hugged you tightly to him.
Even in the event of discovering a new kink, Scott’s mind kept that painting of a future locked in safety—away from the shit he did on a daily basis and away from you because every time it was brought up or found itself again in the bedroom or the tub or the floor or the couch, he was left wanting more.
The awkward trips down the Walgreens aisle and asking the workers to open the Plan B locked behind glass was too much.
He wanted to make it a reality. He wanted you to make him fall in love and down the line, maybe he’d have two of you to love in different ways.
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Thanks so much for reading and as always, likes, but most importantly reblogs and comments keep writers writing. I appreciate you taking the time out of your day to escape with me—enjoy!
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catberryflower · 23 days
Hi! I am not sure what kind of prompts you're looking for but how about Scott + taking care of a sick partner?
Scott taking care of his partner when sick would include:
- Him reducing her work load with Storm Par since she's just an intern
- Bringing her soup on breaks and making sure she eats it
- Her falling asleep in the van so he picks her up and brings them to their room, tucking her in with extra blankets
- In the morning he'll get up extra early to go get her a nice breakfast to help get her energy back up
- He'll draw a nice hot bath for her to help her relax
- He refuses to let her go to work, demanding she stay in bed and rest
- He'll come back from storm chasing, join her in bed and watch movies all night with her
- The next morning she feels better enough to go to work but Scott isn't feeling too good so she makes him take the day off so she can take care of him like the way he took care of her
I hope you like this, I'm not the best at writing but I love to do it
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