#scott cawthon will never let this man catch a break
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fablexdreams · 1 year ago
Yall, I've been writing a long as fuck Schmidt Family/Mike and Abby one-shot/story for like 2 months now, and writing the moments where Mike is taking care of a baby Abby completely on his own is breaking my heart beyond repair, especially considering it's pretty much confirmed to be canon now lmao. This man has not caught a break since he was 12. He needs a hug so bad fr.
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blametheeditor · 5 months ago
Voretober Day 1 | Space
Voretober Prompt List
If given the opportunity, would you take the chance to go to space and travel the stars? What if the person offering to take you was someone you trusted more than anyone else?
What if that person is no longer entirely human?
Content Warnings: Soft, non-sexual vore (only mentions for now). Mentions of body horror. Mentions of experimenting on people. Mentions of death and murder, violence. Being trapped against one's will. Dehumanization. Abductions. Cursing. Darker themes/tone
I blame Vincent
Vincent hasn’t seen Earth in a long time. 
He almost didn’t recognize it when his stolen ship was finally close enough to let him see enough details to discern if it was the right planet or not. It was the clouds that tripped him up, the white swirls having managed to completely cover the continent he was facing. At a single glance, he assumed he found yet another completely submerged planet. 
Good thing he was never someone to quit, or else he would’ve turned right around and missed his only chance ever finding his home. 
He did turn around, but only to circle the semi-familiar sphere, out of the range of certain satellites the ship warned him might cause disruptions for if he got too close. And after keeping a respectful distance between himself and the moon, he was finally able to see a brown and green patch so achingly familiar. 
His patch of land, surrounded by the blue of incomprehensibly vast oceans.
Vincent will admit, he shouldn’t have given into the temptation of landing. Not when it’s been so long, so many years since he’s set foot on this particular planet. The geography might be exactly how he remembered, but he knew for a fact Earth’s residents would’ve changed drastically. 
He changed. Can’t even be classified as human anymore. 
But he did it anyway. Scanned for anything that could detect a ship coming into the atmosphere, let the highly advanced technology take control to land without a single person or entity noticing, stepped out of the spacecraft to breathe in the forest that had long since faded away from his dreams and memories. 
It all came flooding back with the smell of pine and rain. It led him out of the trees and onto a cracked and uneven sidewalk. It had him walking right up to a two story house that’s a lighter grey than he remembers, but it still has the same elegant walkway leading up to a towering gate that was almost always locked. 
Except it’s open tonight, under a bright full moon, with a man sitting on the steps. 
A man who looks virtually unchanged from when Vincent last saw him. A little bit taller, definitely not a teenager anymore, but there’s no mistaking who exactly is staring across the few feet that might as well be miles between them. 
Scott’s shock is apparent as he slowly stands up, as if afraid the person in question will run away if he moves too quickly. But when Vincent doesn’t so much as blink, not willing to miss a single second, it’s almost like a flip is switched, and his best friend sprints straight toward him. 
He doesn’t think twice before catching Scott in a hug. Pulls the still shorter man into a tight embrace that someone will have to forcibly rip him away from to end it. At least the feeling seems to be mutual as he’s clung to just as desperately. 
“Is it really you?” is said in such a soft whisper he nearly misses it. 
But he hears it. As well as the painful warble of tears threatening to spill. 
“It’s me, Scotty,” Vincent murmurs. “It’s me.” 
They stand there for a few moments. And when Scott finally begins to break away, it’s only so he can finally take in Vincent, hazel eyes scanning him up and down critically. 
Finally, his best friend gives a look. Specifically one of exasperation. “You’ve been gone for 6 years, and you come back on Halloween wearing a costume of all things.” 
Vincent blinks, confused for a moment. Sends a glance toward the Cawthon house to spot the sparse decorations he originally missed. The sports jersey Scott is wearing is supposed to be a very simple costume that most likely needed to be approved. 
Of course he finally came home tonight of all nights. On one hand, it most likely softened the blow of how drastically his appearance has changed. On the other, it’s going to be a little bit harder trying to explain where he’s been all this time. 
Though maybe that’s a good thing. 
Vincent offers a lopsided smile. “I thought you appreciated my incredible timing, Scotty.” 
“And your need for a dramatic entrance, apparently,” Scott grouses. It’s clear he’s not truly upset, however. A bit bewildered, yes, but his best friend is relieved more than anything. Joyful to finally see a face he most likely thought was never coming back. “Come sit with me.” 
Vincent knows it’s a demand rather than a request. Knows that even though Scott isn’t asking for an explanation of where he’s been all these years now, he’ll be expecting one at some point. And know that if he tries to leave his best friend’s sight for even a second, he will be told that isn’t an option. 
That isn’t why he obediently follows Scott back to his spot on the steps. No, he does it for completely selfish reasons. To pretend that, just for a moment, he’ll be allowed to stay forever. 
So he sits next to his best friend for the first time in 6 years, glad Scott kept count for him. Gestures toward the dark lights above the front door and the bin of ‘king size’ candy sitting beside them. “I take it they still don’t celebrate.” 
“No,” Scott sighs. “Tried to stop me from passing out candy, but I didn’t let them. Though I had to pull the ‘it’s the only thing I have left of my best friend’ card after my dad turned on the sprinklers one year.” 
Vincent snorts, expertly ignoring the merciless feeling of something piercing him through the heart. “I thought I taught you how to reschedule the timer.” 
“He did it while I was at school. Thankfully no one’s costume but mine got ruined, but kids stopped wanting to come up after that.” 
“So you bribed them with better candy.” 
Scott fights to hide a smile. “Like that’s not something you wouldn’t have thought of.” 
“Oh no, definitely. But I’m not the goody two shoes, so that makes it even more impressive,” Vincent grins. 
“Shut up.” 
He does, but only because two kids are racing up the walkway. One who looks like a toothless witch, the other a skeleton. And they’re both staring openly at him. 
He should’ve known this was coming. With Scott making a comment of assuming he dressed himself up for Halloween, with the fact he’s not even wearing clothes from Earth, someone was bound to question him in some way. It’s not everyday you meet someone who’s purple from head to toe, including his long hair. 
It’s been a bit too long since he’s had a normal conversation, however. And talking to Scott doesn’t count. 
“What are you?” the witch demands. 
“Are you a monster?” the skeleton chimes in. “Those need a tail!” 
Before he can so much as process the words being spoken, Scott gives a smirk. “Not unless they’re the monster under your bed. Those don’t need tails.” 
Coming from the kid who was afraid of his own shadow and almost refused to speak unless his parents were around to give him permission to, Vincent can’t help feeling proud of Scott’s rebuttal. How reflexive such a response was instead of automatically waiting for others to continue speaking even though he wanted to say something. 
And yet...there’s also a sense of sadness. Because it sounds like something he would’ve said, a sentence taken almost directly from his mouth. And he wasn’t here to continue teaching such things. Meaning only the ghost of someone who promised to be by Scott’s side through thick and thin was left to help him rather than the actual person who said those words. 
Vincent knew coming back to Earth one last time would be bitter sweet. He just didn’t realize how much it would hurt. 
“Tails are still better!” 
“Agreed,” Scott concedes to an argument he completely missed, ending it by offering a variety of candy bars for the two kids to choose. “Pick your prize.” 
Apparently, he was staring at the candy just a bit too intently, because one’s suddenly being offered to him. When he looks up, Scott’s giving him a sad smile. Not a pitiful one, his best friend knows better than that, but one that says he can read Vincent’s thoughts. The ones about how long it’s been since he’s had a chocolate bar, when was the last time he thought about Halloween, if it’s even possible for him to eat one now. 
“I know it’s poor excuse for a birthday present, but I can make it up to you tomorrow.” 
...when was the last time he thought about something like his own birthday. 
Vincent takes the offered candy. Can’t help a soft huff at not only holding something deemed as a ‘Milky Way’ bar, but at the wrapping being brown like the chocolate it holds rather than the magnificent colors of the Milky Way galaxy when seen from space. 
“What have you been up to, Scotty?” 
His best friend gives a concerned look at the sudden turn of conversation, shrugs as he leans back on his hands. “I finally managed to get a job when I turned 18, but my parents made me quit after the summer ended so I could go to college full time. Right now I’m only a year away from my master’s degree for computer engineering, doing everything they always wanted me to do.” 
“And your minor?” 
That earns a small smile from Scott. “In comic art and graphic novels.” 
A small weight lifts off Vincent’s chest. Scott didn’t surrender himself to his parents, not entirely. He managed to wrestle at least a little bit of his own passions into the plan they drafted for him despite never having once asked what he wanted. 
At least he didn’t completely fail as a friend. 
Scott then nudges his shoe, one that looks unmistakenly alien if you look closely. “Where have you been, Vince?” 
It’s said so softly, so hesitantly, almost like it’s thought to be the one question that will have him disappear again. And Scott is right to be afraid, because he can’t stay. He knew that when he first started to look for his home planet, and he knew it when he gave into the temptation to land. 
He should lie. Come up with a fantastical story that’s just as unbelievable as the truth. Call it a night and say he’ll talk to Scott tomorrow. 
Leave again without saying goodbye, just like he had years ago. The only difference this time it wouldn’t be done against his will. 
Vincent tilts his heads back. Stares up at the night sky. Where billions of stars wait, but only a handful can be seen due to the light surrounding them. “I was in space.” 
He waits. For laughter thinking he was trying to make a joke. For anger at saying such a ridiculous thing to such a serious question. For disgust at not wanting to tell him of all people the truth. 
“Space?” Scott asks tentatively. Leans forward to show he’s paying attention, that he wants Vincent to continue explaining, he just needs clarification. “Like on Mars?” 
“Further,” Vincent whispers. “So far it’s impossible to see this galaxy’s star. So far, nothing knows something like humans exist.” 
There’s a long moment of silence. When he finally gains the courage to meet Scott’s gaze, his best friend isn’t watching him, he’s staring up. At the moon’s blinding light, and Jupiter barely visible beside it. 
“...except for the thing that took you.” 
“Acquired,” Vincent corrects with a smirk, though it’s a bit halfhearted. “He acquired me to help with his studies.” 
Scott finally looks at him. Looks at the shirt that can easily be mistaken as a button down. Except the buttons are sensors to keep track of when everything needs to expand, or contract. Instead of cotton fabric sewn together with thread, there are instances when it seems to shimmer in the light, exposing the fact it’s made from highly advanced technology nearly impossible to understand. 
“What did they do to you?” Scott breathes, horrified. Not of him, for him. 
Vincent hums. “Let’s just say the purple isn’t part of a costume.” 
Scott suddenly becomes panicked. “Are they coming back for you? Did you get away, or did they let you go? Are they coming here, can they track you?” 
“Breathe, Scotty, it’s okay,” he soothes. Offers a soft smile because of course Scott would be worried what took him away before will be back to do it again. That’s why he took a risk to see his best friend one last time. “He doesn’t know where I am, and he can’t track me. But I can’t stay.” 
There. He said it. Now he can give a proper goodbye. 
Scott’s relief from the promise he won’t be taken away turns into terror as hand latches onto his arm. “What? What do you mean you can’t stay?” 
“I mean,” Vincent begins, delicately, holding Scott’s gaze as tears begin to form in his eyes. “I can’t stay, or something else will find Earth.” 
There’s a moment of Scott moving as if to give a retort, only to hesitate. “Something else? Not whatever took you before?” 
“He knows I wouldn’t risk staying here. Not where he found me, that’d almost be like handing myself right back to him,” Vincent smiles. Feels it fall when there’s no reaction. Just the silent plea this conversation ends with him never leaving again. “Scotty, even if he wasn’t looking for me, ships don’t come this far out. This sector is restricted, and if anyone saw me coming this way, they would’ve followed.” 
He has enough time to stay for a few hours. An entire day might be pushing it. But visiting Earth, landing on the planet to enjoy it one last time, he’s allowed to have that without putting the entire human race in jeopardy. 
But he needs to leave, less they follow he’s trail directly here. To a planet where the residents are the highest commodity over anything else. Where Scott would be snatched away and sold on the black market as an exotic pet. 
“Then I’m coming with you.” 
Scott glares at him, daring to be told otherwise. The hand tightening on his arm promises a fight if he tries to say no. 
“No, don’t Scotty me,” Scott snaps, his anger turning to fury. All Vincent can think about is how such a display will only ever be seen as cute by the rest of the galaxy rather than respecting it for the devastating power it holds. “I lost you, Vince. I looked everywhere for you. I never stopped looking. And it killed me knowing you were somewhere I could never find you. Now that you’re here, you’re staying with me. I don’t care where we go, but I am not loosing you. Not again.” 
Vincent believes it. That his best friend knew he’d come back no matter where he went. That Scott won’t be letting him go. 
“Scott, you don’t know what you’re asking.” 
“I’m not asking, Vincent.” 
They stare at each other, Scott’s resolve unwavering despite knowing the person before him isn’t entirely human anymore while Vincent’s want to be selfish and keep the one person in the entire universe who would never leave him by his side begins to win. 
...but Scott doesn’t know what he’s getting himself into. 
“Scotty,” manages to not elicit ire. Allows him to gently pry the hand off his arm to hold it inside his own grasp. “If you leave with me, you can never come back. Everything you know will be gone, and in its place a universe made for those who see you as nothing more than a mindless pet to keep.” 
“And if I don’t go,” Scott whispers. “You’ll have to face that alone.” 
Vincent gives a genuine smile. “It wouldn’t be my first time. And I’m capable of towering over them the same way they tower over you.” 
Confusion appears for only a second before Scott’s shaking his head. “Then that means I can trust you to keep me safe.” 
That is what finally puts everything into perspective. The fact that if Vincent gives in, if he allows himself be selfish, he will be the only person who can keep Scott safe while they travel through the stars. If he fails his best friend up there instead of down here, it could be a fate worse than his own. 
Instead of making his heart flutter with panic at the thought, it floods him with anger at the thought of ever letting such a thing happen. 
Vincent sends a glance up at the moon, something he thought could never leave his sky for as long as he lives. “We’ll have to get a bigger ship.” 
“Sounds like a plan to make on the road.” Scott then stands up, pulling Vincent to his feet, leading him down the walkway with determined footsteps. No, not determined, excited. “No more stalling, take me to your leader.” 
Vincent snorts. “I’m not a Martian, Scotty.” 
“Close enough.” 
They make it to the street. Scott sends an expectant look that’s met with raised eyebrows. With an eyeroll, the shorter gestures toward the sidewalk, clearly wanting to be led the way where the ship waits. 
“You know I’m not human anymore,” Vincent says as he turns them toward the right direction. 
“The purple kind of gave it away, Vince.” 
“We’re going to have to install a translator in your head.” 
“Can’t scare me.” 
“You’re not scared of heights, right?” 
“Stop being cryptic and get us into space already.” 
Vincent can’t help a sneer. “I can’t wait to see your face when I pocket you.” 
Scott stumbles. “When you what?”
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the-matpat-ever · 2 months ago
Close Calls
@wouldntyou-liketoknow <- She created the Pentas Family AU and everything associated with it, including Ear Caffeine from her AU. GO FOLLOW HER‼️I have only created a version of my oc Nicolas Loughty to go with her Pentas AU!!
Nic drums his fingers against the fat of his thigh, back relaxing in the spinny office chair that was barely being held together by duct tape and dreams. The atmosphere was quite tame, the only noise that broke the silence was the snoring that came from the heap of brown, red, purple and yellow pile, and the motor of the poorly running hardware that was the computer. Was it supposed to make that sound? Nic had an inkling that wasn't the case.
He rubs his face before running his fingers through his raven hair, strawberry blonde peaking through his roots. He hadn't dyed it in a while, it was probably time for a touch up. The young man's eyes wander around the office, eyes fixed on the furry animatronics for a few moments. He wonders how much different this place is during the night here...He promptly stands up as he quietly tip toes around the sleeping puppets. Bonnie had said that they were "turnnock"(which Nic assumed the little guy meant nocturnal but he didn't have the heart to correct him).
The soles of his favorite worn down vans were pretty misshapen and used, his foot slipping through the sole with every step. He hadn't bothered getting new shoes yet since breaking them in always left sores and blisters. Tripping over his own feet happened pretty often he recalls just as he tumbles over. Pale fingers held a metal door knob in a death grip, catching himself right before he could take a nasty fall onto the dirty and sticky ground.
When had the floor last been clean? He shudders as he eyes a beetle and a few ants skuttling across the grown with a half eating pepperoni in its pincers. As he regains his balance, hazel eyes meet a door with a small window, fingertips grazing the glass. A desk in the middle of the room, a cheap plastic card with the name William Afton plastered on it to go with everything else. The room casted a purple glow from the light above, an almost eerie feeling to the office.
Nic reaches out to one of the files splayed out on his boss' desk. He skims through the many complaints of employees and customers alike. And then he pauses at an article of Fazbear's Family diner, hand crinkling the coffee stained newspaper. Huh..Didn't that Mike guy get murdered there? Mr. Afton had said it had been an accident but...he was always a weird one. He carefully sets down the newspaper, pulling out one of the drawers in the desk.
The young man's eyes furrow. How odd...there were three ID'S with the same picture of his boss in the center. He tilts one of the ID's to read the names better, sitting down in the similar crappy plastic chair. William Afton, Scott Cawthon, and...Henry Emily? Wasn't he his boss's business partner...? Didn't...Didn't he die? Hazel eyes were fixed on the ominous cards. He knew one thing for sure.
His boss wasn't who he said he was.
Duh! the voice inside his head exclaimed as if it was so obvious. He rolls his eyes as he ignores it. It was never helpful, words always bleeding together almost as if it was saying everything and nothing all at the same time. With his shoulders hunched foreward and rear on the edge of the seat, Nic eagerly begins to flip through piles of files in his boss's desk, curiosity striking him through the heart as he lets his nosinees bleed through. He needed to know MORE. Who was his employer actually? One by one, after each article, each poorly placed piece of evidence made it slowly start coming together in his mind. With his head nose deep in the papers he goes to open the drawer to his left but a tattered leather glove snatches his pale wrist in a tight grasp, goosebumps forming from the sudden contact as his breath hitches.
"What on earth are you doing."
The voice was sharp like a piercing blade in his chest, not asking but demanding. The temporary nightguard swallows thickly before slowly making eye contact with dark eyes. Eyes so dark and empty that had always made a shiver go down his spine, affectively creeping the 19 year old out. The middle aged man could barely contain the rage seething inside him practically spilling out, the muscles near his eye twitching. His gut was screaming D A N G E R as he tried to rationalize the situation.
Oh fuck.
He didn't have to be told twice. With eyes wide he tries to make a break for it, stumbling as he tries to stand up from the spinny chair. The man strikes. The brunet was quicker and faster than the other as he twists his arm, pushing him flat onto the ground that was collecting dust. Nic yelps, pain shooting up his arm. Afton's hands found themselves tightly around Nic's throat, lips turned up into a psychotic grin, his eyes filled with bloodlust. Deranged laughter echoes through the eerie office, pairing with his insane and demented face. No matter how much Nic kicked and screamed and struggled and pulled at leather, the hands wouldn't release their grip. It was so tight that the blood wasn't reaching his head causing Nic to feel lightheaded and dizzy, all the color draining from his face. Tears threatening to spill from his glossy hazel eyes.
Nic's hands ball up into fists, his fight or flight kicking in before he knees Afton hard near a particularly sensitive area that connected his pelvis bone and femur. The older man hisses as he swears, giving him a glare that screamed MURDER. Nic takes advantage of the momentarily stunned deranged man, kicking him over and shakily pulling himself up with the desk as it squeaked under his weight.
Please don't dieeeee..
The voice inside his head screamed at him, chanting words of urgency and caution. Nic could barely make it out of the dimly purple lit office before the wind is knocked out of him, chest heaving without inhaling any air. There's a sharp blow to his head, throbbing, something wet dripping down his neck.
"Ah! Shi-..! FUCK YOU!"
"FUCK YOU!" The maniac snaps back like a feral animal that was let loose. Nic snaps his head up towards his attacker, pale hands grasping the wall to support his shaking body. Before he could even think of it, his hand is snapping the jewelry off his neck with one quick thwip and shanking the sharp end of the cross between his boss's clavicle and neck. Breathing heavily, he runs, and runs until he's out of the dank, musty building, his heart pounding against his sternum, lungs bursting from his ribcage.
His legs run on autopilot, feeling like hours as his worn shoes thud against grass and dirt, not stopping until he sees a familiar building in the clearing. Tears spill from his cheeks as his knees finally give way, collapsing onto the ground next to the building. Trembling palms rub his eyes which definitely smudged his eyeliner and eyeshadow because, sadly, they weren't water proof, or well, tear proof. Unable to hold back the water works anymore, he hugs himself, in dire need of something warm and comfy and NOT whoever that guy really was...Nic's eyes travel up to the sign on the building, sniffling as he wipes away the wetness that stained his cheeks.
Ear Caffeine.
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Endings and Beginnings
DISCLAIMER:  This story was written back in 2015 before FNAF 4 came out.  If canon divergence doesn’t bother you, it’s still a fun read.
Title:  Endings and Beginnings Part:  1/1 Author:  Murasaki Rose Beta:  none Genre:  Horror Rating:  PG Spoilers:  Minor ones for first and second games. Warnings:  dark themes Pairings:  None
Disclaimer:  Here we go...Five Nights at Freddy's and all related characters are the property/creation of Scott Cawthon.   In other words, they aren't mine and I'm not making any money off of this, I'm just a fangirl having some fun.
Author's Note:  Short prequel to - Ashes, Ashes, They All Fall Down but can be read by itself.
Flames will be used to keep me warm while I write and will only serve to make me more determined to continue.  (They may also cause me to break out in bouts of maniacal laughter.)  Soooo......come at me bro.
Summary:  After witnessing so much tragedy and death, with a little help Phone Guy finally decides it's time to leave Freddy Fazbear's for good.  His boss asks him for one more week, time enough to find a new night guard, should be a breeze right?
Stepping into the dimly lit Parts and Service room, the slim figure of the young security manager walked over to where the original animatronics lay and stared sadly down at them.  Today mechanics were dismantling the Toys down to the very last nut and bolt before they wiped the hard drives clean.  As far as the company was concerned the flawed and buggy facial recognition programming was too dangerous to ever be used again.  Then tomorrow he'd be over-seeing the sealing of the safe room along with the Spring Bonnie suit and its' new permanent "resident".
At least the old animatronics would survive.  His childhood friends would live again, fully restored and updated in time for the remodeling to be complete...but the company could never fully wipe away this tragedy.  Five children.  Children they were supposed to entertain and protect...
"I'm sorry.  It's all my fault.  If I'd just payed attention....the Toys weren't malfunctioning, not in the beginning.  They knew.  Somehow they knew and I put him right where he wanted to be!"  Uttering a hoarse cry, he punched the wall, tears streaming down his face.  He would never forgive himself.
Unseen, the spirit of his young friend, the first and oldest child to go missing, appeared behind him.  "It's not your fault!  He tricked you like he tricked us!"  Wrapping his arms around the guard's waist, he rested his head on the older boy's back.  "Please don't cry."
Wiping the tears from his face, he turned back to the old animatronics, "the restaurant is going to re-open but I-I ah, don't know if I'll be coming back."
A sharp spike of fear lanced through the twelve year-old spirit, he was leaving?   Desperate, he clung tighter to the older boy, so tight his "body" dissipated and suddenly he was wrapped around the other's very mind and soul.  'Don't leave us alone...don't leave me.'
'It's me.  It's me.  It's me.  It's me.  It's me.  It's me.   It's me.'  the spirit chanted over and over, even as his grip loosened and he was forced from the other's body.
Dizzy from the near-possession, the young guard staggered forward, just barely catching himself on a wall as his body lurched violently to one side.  He felt like he'd just gotten off a five hour ride on a mega loop rollercoaster.
"Are you all right?"  His world spun again as he tried to focus on the approaching figure of Jeremy Fitzgerald.
"I-" he stumbled forward and had it not been for the other guard's quick reflexes he'd have crashed face-first on the floor.
"Good thing I came looking for you, huh?"
Feeling his world finally stop spinning, he gave the other man a quizzical look," How'd you know I'd be here?"
"I believe somebody once mentioned that he liked the old animatronics better..."
"Oh, y-yeah," blushing in embarrassment, the slightly older guard pulled away and under Jeremy's watchful eye stood on his own.  Nodding his thanks he headed for the door, Jeremy close behind.  The other guard didn't want to stay around the broken and dismantled bots any longer than he had to.
Honestly, Jeremy never even wanted to set foot in this place again.  It was only for his own piece of mind that he had come to watch the Toys being dismantled.  After what he had seen this week, he needed to know those things would never move again before he could even consider getting a decent night's sleep anytime soon.
"Look at what that place has done to you!  You're not even thirty and you've got gray hair and stress lines that belong on a man twice your age!" his friend and longtime roommate lectured, holding up his girlfriend's hand mirror to the guard's face to emphasize his point.
"Has it really been ten years?"
The other man sighed and put the mirror down.  "It's not too late to start over.  Stop punishing yourself for something that wasn't your fault," his friend fixed him with a glare that promised fierce retribution if he tried to disagree.
Shoulders slumping forward, the guard sighed heavily.  "I'll do it."
Still not entirely convinced, his friend handed him the phone, "call your boss now."
"I should really tell him in person-"
"Like you did the last time?  Or the time before that?  No way man.  Everytime you go in that building to quit, you change your mind and it's months before you'll listen to reason again.  No, you are gonna call him now and quit right where I can hear you do it."
Another sigh.  "Fine."  As much as he hated to admit it, his friend was right.
Dialing up his boss' home, he felt a knot forming in his stomach with every ring.   It only took a couple rings before the line picked up and he began talking immediately before he could lose his nerve.  "Ah, hello, hello! Uh sir, I ah- I......I quit."
"It's about damn time."
"What?"  Well that wasn't the reaction he'd expected.
He heard his boss sigh on the other end.  "I wondered when you'd finally get fed up with all this crap and go.  Just do me a favor and give me a week to get your replacement.  You've done night shift long enough, you can record some kind of, I don't know, training messages for the new guy okay?"
"Sure.  I can do that."  He'd done some for the spring suits back when he was a new employee and later when the suits were retired, so it shouldn't be a problem.  "You're ah, taking this...kinda well sir."
"No one can be as selfless as you for that long without reaching their limit.  You've gone through more for this place than it deserves."
He'd have to be careful with his recording, if he came on too strong, the new guy might think he was crazy and cut the recording too early.  But if he was too vague, then that would be a disaster too.  'I wish the boss had let me do these when he tried to switch me back to days-'  Taking a quick drink from a water bottle he shook the thought from his head, there was no sense wishing for things in the past.  All he could do now was move forward.  Clearing his throat, he pressed the record button and began...
"He's leaving?!" the spirits cried, their voices filled with shock and fear.
The Marionette nodded, "wIlL yOu KeEp HiM oR WiLl YoU lEt HiM gO?"
"He's always been here."  Foxy.
"He's the only one we can trust."  Bonnie.
"He promised to keep us safe."  Chica.
"He's not allowed to leave."  Freddy.
"I won't lose him now.  He's MINE."  Golden Freddy.
Flashing images of a black-eyed Bonnie, a human-eyed Freddy, and an eyeless Golden Freddy suddenly flashed across the tablet screen, the words "IT'S ME." popping up before, inbetween, and after each image.  The sound of pounding footsteps on his left, a feeling of being watched on the right, before the thought was even finished he'd pressed both door buttons.  Checking the right-side light he found Chica staring at him through the window while Foxy banged on the left door.
Determined, he settled back into the chair and flicked through the cameras with the ease of familiarity.  "I will get out of here.  I'm finally going to move on with my life."
Mocking laughter echoed through the tiny room.  Unseen, a spectral form clad in purple hissed in his ear, "YOU CAN'T."
May 12, 2015
Aaaand we all know how this ends...three nights later.
Once again, if you haven't read Ashes, Ashes, We All Fall Down then now's a great time to do it and if you like that one, then move on to the sequel, Full Circle.
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Service With A Smile - Chap. 02
Title:  Service With a Smile - Welcome to the Fazbear Hotel! Part:  2/?? Author:  Murasaki Rose Beta:  none Genre:  AU/Romance/Adventure/Sci-Fi Rating:  PG-13 Spoilers:  None that I know Warnings:  Slash~i.e. male x male pairings, swearing, suggestive language and humor Pairings:  Golden Freddy x Phone Guy Minor Pairings:  Foxy x Chica, Toy Bonnie x Mangle, Toy Freddy x Toy Chica
Disclaimer:  Here we go…Five Nights at Freddy’s and all related characters are the property/creation of Scott Cawthon.   In other words, they aren’t mine and I’m not making any money off of this, I’m just a fangirl having some fun.
Summary:  After being picked as the new general manager, Paul has one month to prove he’s the man for the job.  But with xenophobic customers, jealous employees, a former employer out to sabotage him, and a flirty hotel owner, does the human stand a chance, or will he be sent back home?
He was being watched. Not that this was out of the ordinary, Rolfe had been observing him at different points to watch his performance and Golden...well he wasn't quite sure why the bear was following him around.  The female Tierans seemed to know, if the giggling was anything to go by, but no one wanted to tell him. No, this stare was much more intense.  Almost predatory, like he was about to get pounced. It had started when Golden was called away to take care of some hotel business and it didn't show signs of letting up. Deciding not to let it get to him, he checked his watch and noticed he had just enough time to grab a granola bar for lunch before he met with Kima (1).  The bear had an employee review coming up with a somewhat problematic youth and wanted Paul's input. "Well hello, little human." Now Paul would like to say that he did NOT in fact shriek when Spring popped out in front of him, wearing a too-wide smile reminiscent of a homicidal maniac.  He'd like to, but that would be a lie. "IIYAAA!!!!" Jumping back, Paul misstepped and wobbled dangerously off-balance.  Bracing for a painful fall, he was stunned when instead he fell back against a warm, familiar chest and a strong arm wrapped around his shoulders. "Are you all right?" Looking up into concerned aqua eyes, Paul nodded.  "Thanks for catching me." "You're welcome." Steadying himself, Paul turned his attention to the gold-furred rabbit that had startled him.  He was tall, maybe even taller than Golden, with silver eyes, a torn right ear, and a deep scar cutting across his right eye.  He would have been an intimidating figure if he hadn't been doubled over in laughter.  From behind the human, Golden was giving the rabbit a dark glare that had Spring laughing even harder. As the rabbit's laughter died down, Golden sighed and shifted to Paul's side.  "Paul, believe it or not, the laughing jackass here is a detective with the Luonto Police and our head of Security." Straightening up and giving the human a normal smile, the tall rabbit extended a hand. "Spring Lapin." Smiling back, the red-head shook the offered hand, "Paul Cawthon." "Oh I know who you are," the rabbit smirked, noticing that Golden still hadn't taken his arm away from the human's shoulders. Completely oblivious, Paul laughed.  "Considering your position, I suppose you would." "That and Golden and I have been best friends since we were kids." Remembering something Asagi mentioned during the group outing, Paul gave the tall rabbit a curious look, "You're Asagi and Bonnie's older brother aren't you?"  The blue rabbit had been disappointed his eldest brother would miss the chance to hang out that day and properly meet Paul, but knew his job as a detective was important. Spring nodded, "and if you're calling them by name, then you can do the same with me." Brown eyes twinkling, the red-head grinned, "I'll do that Spring, as long as you call me Paul." "It's a deal." Glancing at this watch, Paul blanched at the time displayed.  "I'm sorry! I've got to get going, I'm supposed to meet Kima in his office in about 3 minutes."  With an apologetic smile, the human gave both Tierans a cheerful wave and walked off at a brisk pace. "He didn't eat lunch," Spring commented once Paul was out of sight. "I know."  Golden sighed and pinched the bridge of his muzzle, "and he never eats enough when he does.  The doctor said he's too thin for a human." "Got a plan?" "Not much of one.  We're not courting, so I'm a bit limited in my meddling.  I've got Kima and Kingen helping me trick him into eating proper dinners." "Let me guess, she keeps bringing new dishes for him to try?" "You got it," the bear smirked, "and since he's only been here nine days, he has no idea that most of the "new" dishes she's bringing are ones from the old menus." "And Asagi tries to make him eat lunch," the rabbit chuckled at the memory of watching his youngest sibling pounce on and drag the human to the break room. "When he can catch him," Golden amended with a somewhat exasperated smile.  His human was constantly on the move, always finding something he could do, it made keeping out of sight while following him quite the challenge. x-x-x-x-x Silently from behind his mask of professionalism, Asagi groaned the minute Eis Bär spotted Paul, why couldn't this have happened two weeks ago?!  The old arctic bear was always trouble when he stayed here and had the worst timing.  He also had a distinct disliking of aliens, but since he'd demanded to see the General Manager.... "Who are you and where is Mr. Wolfe?!" The human didn't even bat an eye, "I'm Paul Cawthon, the acting General Manager, Mr. Wolfe is retiring, sir." "Ah, so you're merely temporary."  He gave Paul a condescending sneer, "An alien, much less a weak and pathetic human like you, could never hope to manage a hotel of such prestige." "Be that as it may, I am the only General Manager available." "Hmph."  The bear snorted and standing up to his full height, looked down his nose at the slim-framed human, "Very well, one of your maids has cost me a rare and expensive bottle of liquor and I insist she be brought to task!" With a quick search on his tablet, Paul sent an emergency page to the head of housekeeping.  He would need her to confirm the details.  Having already heard about the incident from the maid herself, the graying badger had already been on her way to speak with Paul about it when she got his page so it only took moments for her to arrive. "Yes, Mitzi (2) was cleaning Mr Bär's room.  She knocked over a liquor bottle and picked it up almost immediately.  Unfortunately, when Mr. Bär shouted at her, she was startled so badly that she dropped the bottle and it fell to the ground and shattered." "Unfortunate!!!" the bear roared.  "That bottle cost more than that girl makes in a year!  Bring her here and deal with her immediately!" Checking security's pictures of the ruined bottle and confirming the cost and condition of the bottle before and after its' destruction, Paul pulled up the appropriate refund and handed his tablet to Asagi so the rabbit could begin processing it. "Mr. Bär, on behalf of the hotel I am sorry about this incident and of course we will be compensating you for your loss-" "And what of that incompetent girl?!  I want her brought to task NOW!!" he bellowed, bending down to get right in Paul's face. "I do not chastise in employees in front of other staff or guests, nor do I allow anyone else to do so," he replied, never breaking eye contact with the massive Tieran. Observing the situation from where they could not be seen, Rolfe knew the smitten cub standing next to him would react the moment Bär got in Paul's face.  "Do not interfere unless it is absolutely necessary!" the old wolf hissed as he grabbed Golden's shoulder just as he started to move.  "You cannot let your desire to protect him override your common sense, this is as much a part of the job as anything else!" With a quiet snarl of protest, Golden conceded to the elder Tieran.  Rolfe was absolutely right.  Dealing with belligerent customers came with the job...it was also why they had an excellent security team already on hand to assist should things get out of control.  But if that old bastard laid a finger on his human.... Out of the corner of his eye, Bär spotted the security staff closing in and stood back up, noting with distaste that the human was not looking away.  "A soft-hearted alien like you will never last here," he sneered, "Mr. Wolfe would have brought her to task here and now." Squaring his shoulders and setting his feet, Paul continued to stare the Tieran in the eyes, "I do not chastise employees in front of other staff or guests," he repeated.  He didn't believe the bear for a second, but he wasn't going to argue with someone who already hated him. "Fine," Bär snarled, snatching up his refund while glaring down at the slender-framed human.  "I look forward to seeing a Tieran in your place next time I'm here." Asagi and Paul both sighed in relief once Bär had left the building, security discretely following him the entire way. "Man that old bear is something else!" the rabbit exclaimed, thumping the red-head's shoulder. "Y-yeah." "Paul?" Green eyes widened in concern as Asagi noticed the state his friend was in.  Paul was gripping the front desk in a failed attempt to stop the faint trembling of his body that was only getting worse. "I think you should sit down for a bit," the rabbit advised, taking hold of the human's shoulder.  "You're shaking like a leaf." "O-oh, I'm ah, f-fine....r-r-really!" Paul protested, wincing as he stuttered.  This wasn't the first huge, belligerent, potentially violent, non-human customer he'd dealt with, but the relief and released tension once they'd left always left him shaky. The blue rabbit frowned and was just about to forcibly drag the red-head to the employee lounge when Golden solved the problem for both of them.  Without saying a word, he scooped Paul up and carried him off through the nearest "employee-only" doors.  Paul was so shocked by the bear's action, he only managed a startled 'eep!' when he was picked up and didn't even protest being carried until they were halfway to the lounge. Already in the room, the head of housekeeping and the maid heard the bickering duo long before they entered the room.  Both ladies hiding their smiles at the sight of the owner carrying their new General Manager. Placing the now-sulking human on one of the couches, Golden poured him a glass of water and ordered him to drink. "Are you all right sir?" the maid asked after the red-head had taken a deep swig of water. Paul nodded, "I'm just a little shaky, Mitzi.  It happens sometimes after I have to deal with customers like that."  Taking note of Golden's concerned expression he added, "I know that sounds bad, but it's nothing to worry about," he reassured the bear before returning his attention to the mouse.  "How are you feeling?" She gave him a small smile, "Kinda like you sir, a bit shaky.  I really didn't mean to mess up so badly..." He held up a hand, "We can talk about it later.  Right now, I think we both need to calm down first." Golden sat down next to Paul, ruffling his hair and getting a mild glare for his efforts.  He didn't say anything, but both he and Rolfe were impressed by how the human had handled the aggressive arctic bear. x-x-x-x-x Paul frowned as he looked over the documents in front of him; according to hotel policy when a refund is given due to a staff error, said staff receives a write up and in severe cases; a demotion.  'That seems too harsh,' he thought, thinking of how Bär had treated the girl.  However, he couldn't make his decision based on that alone.  Closing out the policy file, he pulled up the girl's employee record.  Up until now, Mitzi had maintained a spotless record going back to her hiring date.  She'd moved quickly from the cleaning teams to the independent crew and had done well ever since, receiving glowing compliments from guests on her work. Setting his tablet down he reached over and dialed up the housekeeping office. "Mrs. Blaireau?  Could you come speak with me in my office?" "I'll be right there." A few minutes later the badger woman arrived and Paul welcomed her in with a smile, "Thank you for coming." "It's no problem, sir.  What did you want to see me about?" Paul gestured for her to take a seat, "Well, I've been going over the incident and I believe I've come to a decision as to what to do.  I just wanted to ask you a couple questions before I make my final choice." Mrs. Blaireau nodded, "What would you like to know?" "I've looked over Mitzi's reviews already, but I wanted to know what you thought of her and her overall work and work ethic?" The old badger smiled, "Since she was hired, Mitzi has been a hard worker.  She's always excelled at her job and maintained a friendly, honest demeanor.  If I may be completely honest, she's my top candidate to train as a supervisor once I retire, should one of the current supervisors take my place." Paul was only mildly surprised to hear this; Mitzi's employee reviews all indicated she was potential management material.  Pleased with his decision, he decided to ask one more question before he told Mrs. Blaireau what Mitzi's discipline would be. The Tieran frowned when she saw Paul's expression grow concerned, "Mrs. Blaireau, I noticed Mitzi has been demoted to cleaning teams.  Is there another reason for this?" The badger's face brightened, "Oh it's not a demotion sir." "Really?" She nodded, "Yes, poor Mitzi was so shaken by Mr. Bär's reaction that she's afraid to clean alone right now, but still wants to work.  Her supervisor and I asked if she'd be comfortable going back to team cleaning for a while and she agreed.  She'll make less in tips, but her hourly pay will stay the same." Paul smiled, "I thought that might be the reason, but I wanted to be sure.  Now as to the final discipline..." x-x-x-x-x When Mrs. Blaireau called her into her office, Mitzi was a mess of nerves.  She knew hotel policy regarding incidents like this and was dreading the results.  After all, the General Manager was new and with his own performance being rated, would likely follow policy to the letter. "You wanted to see me, Mrs. Blaireau?" "Have a seat dear," the badger offered, waving at one of the chairs in front of her desk.  Her stomach doing flips, the mouse did so just as her supervisor walked in and took the other chair. "Sorry if I made you wait, one of the girls had a family emergency pop up." The older Tieran gave a dismissive wave of her paw, "It's all right, you're right on time anyway.  Now, let's get to why I called you both here:  As you both know, when an incident results in a full refund, the General Manager has the final say in what disciplinary actions will be taken."  She gave the young maid a gentle smile, "Mitzi, Mr. Cawthon has decided that in light of the situation, a verbal discipline will be placed in your file and no further action will be taken.  He also has no problems with you returning to your position once you're ready for it." "Thank you, ma'am!" the girl exclaimed, almost jumping for joy. "No need to thank me, Mr. Cawthon is the one who made the decision.  Now go on back to work." "Yes, ma'am!" "That's something Rolfe would do," the supervisor commented once Mitzi had left. "The boy's got a good head on his shoulders and a good heart," Mrs. Blaireau replied. "He wouldn't be here if Rolfe didn't think he'd be a good fit." x-x-x-x-x As was his usual routine when he returned from a long trade run, Foxy Renard liked to prowl the halls of the hotel while his mate Chica worked.  It kept him out of her feathers and allowed him to catch up on the new faces amongst the staff as well as any other changes that may have occurred while he was gone.  However, this time he was in search of a very specific person and the bear that was following him. Soon enough, he came across the thin-framed human conversing with one of the managers and after a brief scan of the area, found Golden lurking in the background.  Silently, he moved across the room towards the bear, being careful not to alert the human to his presence. "There something interestin' about tha lad, I should know?" "He's older than you," Golden grumbled, barely turning his head to acknowledge the fox. "My mistake, but ya still havn' answered my question." Turning away from his quarry, he scowled at his friend.  "You're not going to leave me alone until I give you an answer are you?" Foxy grinned, "Nope." The bear sighed in frustration, "Fine. I like him all right?" Foxy chuckled as the older Tieran's attention drifted back to the young man.  Chica had been right about how bad Golden had it for the human.  "I guessed as much, see'n as ya been following him around since he got here."  He laughed when the bear started blushing through his fur, "Does he know why ya be followin' im?" "Not according to most of the staff." "Has he stopped jumpin' when he sees ya?" he asked, hoping to learn something new. As if in answer, Paul finished talking with the manager and before leaving, gave the room a quick scan in case something else needed his attention.  Spotting Golden and Foxy, the red-head's tan cheeks lit in a blush as he met the bear's aqua eyes. Golden smiled, admiring the human's backside as he beat a hasty retreat, "Does that answer your question?" "Aye. That and then some," the fox chuckled again, Chica was going to be positively giddy with delight over this. x-x-x-x-x Paul groaned in pained relief as Golden kneaded the knotted cords in his neck. The slender human had spent too long poring over files and had accidentally worked through lunch.  Again.  He'd been at it for so long in fact, that when Golden had popped into his office to interrupt him, his neck and shoulders had locked mid-greeting and he'd face planted on his desk with a hiss.  The bear had immediately jumped to his aid, gently working the stiff muscles until the red-head could sit-up again. "You shouldn't do this to yourself," the bear gently admonished him. A faint blush dusted his tan cheeks, "I know.  I just get carried away and lose track of time sometimes." "Hmm," Golden leaned in close, his breath hot against Paul's ear.   "I'll just have to check on you more often then," he murmured, delighting in the human's embarrassed squeak of protest.  Continuing to work, he smiled when Paul finally relaxed, a content hum slipping from his lips unnoticed.  After a few more minutes, Golden slowed his movements and eventually stopped, allowing the human a chance to sit up. "How's it feel now?" "About a thousand times better," Paul gushed, his tan cheeks a slightly darker shade of red than before. "Thank you so much." "You're welcome Paul," he smiled, aqua eyes twinkling at the human, "and you can repay me by joining me for lunch." Paul laughed, "I don't see how that's repayment, but if that's what you want, I can certainly oblige you." x-x-x-x-x "Still in-between cases?" "Waiting on a couple of leads to come back, why?" "I received this from an "anonymous" source," Golden said, handing Spring a stack of complaints from the hotel Paul had previously worked at."And these from a man claiming to be a former co-worker," this stack was filled with glowing compliments from former co-workers and customers.  He'd come straight from his office to Spring's the moment he'd finished printing out the contents of both messages. Leafing through the sheaf of complaints, Spring raised an eyebrow, some of these were downright ridiculous.  "I'll check it out.  But from what I've seen of the guy, I'm willing to bet it's the negative ones that are phony." Golden nodded, "That's what I believe too, but I want whoever is trying to sabotage my human stopped." "Your human?" Aqua eyes narrowed as the bear scowled, "Don't even start.  You know I handed the decision over to Rolfe and the senior staff, so I can be as biased as I want." Spring laughed, "Of course I know."  His expression shifted from amused to concerned, "but it's only been two weeks since he got here and you're already verbally claiming him." Golden sat down and stared up at the ceiling, "I can't explain it...I'm just...drawn to him." Unseen by his friend, the rabbit frowned in thought.  He'd been watching Golden and Paul interact these last two weeks and while he could tell the other man was just as drawn to Golden as the bear was to him, Spring couldn't help but worry.  "You know, I did some research..." Golden snapped from his daze to face his friend, "I thought you already did a background check." "Of course I did and stop glaring at me.  I didn't research Paul, I was researching humans."  When he was sure his friend was listening he continued, "You know how rare they are and how they almost never work away from their own colonies...." "Now- I'm not saying this applies to Paul, but humans in general are nervous and fearful around other species when they aren't in their comfort zone.  Sure some of them hide it behind false bravado, but it's still there." The bear shook his head, "Either Paul is different or he's already comfortable here with us.  I've only seen him fearful once and that was after having Eis snarl in his face." Well-acquainted with the belligerent arctic bear Spring nodded, most Tierans were fearful when on the receiving end of Eis' wrath so he'd been impressed watching the human dealing with him.  "But he is a bit skittish when faced with making close acquaintances."  Asagi had told him how tense Paul had been at the beginning of their weekly outing. "What are you saying?" "Just keep going slow with him until you're courting," he warned, "You don't want to scare him off before you even ask him." x-x-x-x-x Asagi and Chica snickered as they made their way from Paul's dorm to Freddy's apartment.  The moment he'd stepped out the door, their mates had each latched onto one of the human's arms and after introducing themselves, began regaling him with wild tales of their travels.  They'd been ready to rescue the easily flustered human, but found he was so fascinated by the foxes' stories that he had already gotten comfortable in their presence. Upon reaching the apartment, Paul didn't get much of a chance to look around before Golden had approached and immediately distracted him from any other thoughts.  Not that Paul minded of course. Despite the strange butterflies fluttering in his stomach every time he was around the bear and his frequent blushing problem, he really enjoyed spending time with the gold Tieran. "So Paul, ye any good at card games?" Foxy asked, slapping the human on the back and ignoring the mild glare he got from Golden for it. "Good enough, I suppose." "Well then, you're in fer a treat." After a few rounds of poker; in which Asagi lost miserably, Paul broke even, and Kima cleaned house, Chica suggested a different sort of game.  As she explained the rules, the human realized it was the same game he had grown up calling Pictionary. "Now, we've finally got an even number of couples so that just leaves our three single men to divide up," she said, ushering Golden and Paul to her and Foxy's side while Kingen, Asagi, Mangle, and Kima moved to the other. "So, this time Freddy and Bonnie will be on my team and Spring will be on Kingen's." As the friends got settled onto their sides of the living room, Paul slowly began to realize that Chica had included him and Golden amongst the couples. Before he had a chance to let it fully sink in and could properly freak out, Golden draped his an arm across his shoulders, disrupting his thoughts entirely. "Ready to taste defeat again, Spring?" the bear sneered at the gold rabbit. "We'll see who loses first this time," he replied, giving his friend a taunting smirk. A couple hours later, after staying neck-in-neck the entire time, the group had agreed on one last game to decide the winner.... "We did it!" Paul cheered, jumping up and hugging Golden in his excitement.   Delighted, the bear returned the hug, unable to stop the happy growl at having his human so close. It wasn't until he settled down a bit that Paul realized he had just glomped his boss and releasing the bear, blushed clear to the roots of his hair.  Before he could stammer out an apology, Golden ruffled his hair as a distraction, chuckling as the now-annoyed human tried to finger-comb the red locks back into some semblance of order.
1 - (Toy Freddy) Kima [Japanese] bear
2 - I've done it again!  *giggles*   Well, if you figured out Rolfe, then you know where Mitzi's from.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 3
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