sammyboiocs · 15 days
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Rebooted some old ocs. Dunno if I ever posted them to this account but they do exist on tumblr in some capacity lol.
Formerly known as The Classroom Kids, I've aged this cast to be university students and altered their plot to fit that! They used to be highschoolers who competed in academic competitions representing their school and specializing in different general school subjects.
They now represent their major at their university for a competition with other post secondary institutes that tests their skills in their specific course. They've been specially picked by the school as the best of each of their courses and are assembled as this sort of elite academic team.
The plot itself would follow mostly drama stuff like preparing for the competition, rivalries with other schools, and most importantly- the interpersonal relationships between this crew!
I've kept most of their names the same for now as they were years ago when I first made them, but honestly I might change some. We'll see if I do anything much with them.
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chocolateuplift · 8 years
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Scottish chocolate: join me in backing wonderful #choctreescotland's indiegogo campaign, to fund a move to a bigger location near beautiful Edinburgh to make more of their delicious craft chocolate, to ship worldwide! Here's the link if helpful: http://tinyurl.com/zdctp3b Enjoy their colorful campaign video! 🎬 Keep reading if you'd like a bit from my tasting notes, since first sampling the chocolate several months ago: our Chocolate Tree friends Alastair (Ali) and Friederike push limits with a gentle yet precise touch, reflecting chocolatier and mathematics backgrounds. For example, their whisky soaked nibs bar using Peru Marañon cacao expands notions of what chocolate "should" taste like (peat smoke!), and I selected it for my Chocolate Uplift subscription box for January; customers are now asking for more! The Madagascar bar again pushes limits by giving us brightness we expect from Madagascar beans, but much more subtly than we are used to, with clear yet gentle citrus acidity, deep notes that develop to the finish, and smooth yet substantial texture. Here's to worldwide chocolate! 🌐 #scotspirit #scotchoc
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sammyboiocs · 2 months
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Playing bg3 with 3 of my friends had a truly incredible moment. Featuring my sorcerer Nymral and her insane 11th hour 1v3 with an entirely dead party and no spell slots. elaborated under the cut lol.
We'd gotten into the trader area underground of the burning village where that artist was being basically kidnapped. We'd just gotten out of accidentally getting into a fight with the village folk and were hurting for it, on top of a lot of passive fire damage.
We were trying to plan on doing a long rest, in desperate need of one, only to realize the bard has been sneaking around the underground area and had managed to initiate a fight.
Trapped at the back of this cavern, with 2/4 of us afk at camp, the druid ran back to help, cornered at an entirely different end of the cavern.
So here i am, my sorcerer with nearly no spells left running in to see what I can do. I manage to get some ranged shots off, but at some point i cant reach them, but they can reach me so I'm stuck on this upper ledge. The bard tells us that she has super died, wherever she is.
the last member of our party comes back from afk, realizes what's going on and comes to help. Has to dash all the way around the cavern to reach the druid. By this point he's dead or making saves. So now she is also cornered, I'm still only barely in distance to get off hits and am not going to make it to her in time.
Predictably, she goes down.
Both she and the druid fail all their dead saves. I am the only member of the party alive. We consider reloading the save, honestly probably should have.
But I figured I wasn't long for death and wanted to fuck around and see what i could do. So i sneak around to the ground level of the cavern. Three of these enemies are perched up where my friends corpses are with their bows unmoving for several rounds while i get to the ground.
I hide, i use a blur scroll. My friends are tabbing and throwing everything that might help into my inventory. I was prepared to go down swinging and force a reload.
The enemies split, done idling and start coming down. They heal believing they're out of combat. they don't know where i am. When we reengage its at the bottom of the cavern, I'm still at a fraction of my health. I'm pumping health potions into my tav. My fleeting plan to use an aoe scroll spell to damage them all goes out the window as they split up and fan to surround me.
I reengage, lightning bolting 2 of them with a spell. damaging, not great. I've taking arrow after arrow as i stare at my inventory and finally just say, FUCK IT! I have one chromatic orb scroll. I was hoping to cast something more flammable first, but whatever.
So i cast chromatic orb: fire. and et me tell y'all,,, no one was prepared for how the entire cavern fucking exploded. Just about everything in their turned out to be flammable somehow as two of the 3 enemies go down immediately, and the last man is an arrows shot away from death.
I revivify the two who died together, the bard is still mia. Was this a fight worth winning? Honestly probably not but pulling through like that was just about the coolest thing I've done so far lol.
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sammyboiocs · 1 month
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Learning about Karlach and enjoying her greatly lol <3 Have some Lamb interactions.
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sammyboiocs · 2 months
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This cutscene made me obscenely nervous because I desperately wanted ShadowHeart and Lamb to be besties. Hopefully she's taken being friend zoned well, Lamb simply doesn't want to romance her haha.
They are very similar I think and I really like their friendship so far so I hope all goes well with them from here out!
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sammyboiocs · 2 months
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First art of my Tav for my single player session of BG3 :] Their name is Lamb!
Ofc this is a defining childhood piece. I should draw them during the campaign at some time. Little Tiefling about to be a warlock.
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sammyboiocs · 11 days
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Faruaill sends some basic hot chocolate supplies to Kaerr after hearing they'd fallen ill recently. They're mostly better but the treat doesn't hurt!
Neirin knows he can't really have much dairy, but he makes do with a bit of substituting. He isn't sure it's really to his taste, but Kaerr is delighted and he's ecstatic to share in this treat with them <3
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sammyboiocs · 12 days
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a little suggestive ig but mostly just silly <3 They're in love your honour!
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sammyboiocs · 2 months
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They get their happy ending,,, some day
thinking about these two as parents as making myself emotional. the kids names are Neha and Akadaes (Dae) and i love them they're such sweethearts. hope to draw more of this family eventually i torture Neirin and Kaerr enough in the present haha
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sammyboiocs · 4 months
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A snapshot into the courtship of Kaerr's parents, Lorg and Aka. Below is a piece of short accompanying writing piece into this relationship.
୧‿̩͙ ˖︵ ꕀ⠀ ♱⠀ ꕀ ︵˖ ‿̩͙୨
"You do not have to impress me,"  Aka spoke, her voice soft despite the way her words rattle the lord at her side.
"Excuse me, your highness?" Lorg curses the way he fumbles over his words. But what can he say? The prince's words are far too blunt for any of the flowery responses he has been stumbling to keep on his tongue as of late. 
"I appreciate the effort, be assured." She smiles down at him, shallow and utterly betrayed by the sad way her ears have pinned down. Lorg's stomach turns to know he's rarely seen them higher than her eyes. "But it is clear you are forcing yourself. Speaking so kindly and bringing such abundant gifts, it is not your nature. Do not force yourself."
"Oh, but my betrothed-" Lorg struggles to smile with any charm, taking her hand and watching the pitiful knowing expression she looks upon him with. "You deserve all the treasures of any court, were it mine to give! Do my offerings offend you?"
"A little," she admits just as gently as anything. As if the acknowledgment of a slight against her isn't grounds for Lorg to grovel and hope the disrespect hasn't been too high. His ears hovering in forced neutrality pin back with alarm and in his fright he sits up straighter, leaning away. 
"Oh-" he swallows back his words, fumbling for anything fitting enough to say and finding himself drawing short with honesty. "My apologies then, your highness-"
"You understand that we will be married by the season's end regardless of your kindness, yes?" Akacearr cuts him off, squeezing lightly at his hand in a foreign sort of soothing. one befitting of a child of which he is not. He pulls his hand away into his own lap. 
"You are the prince. You act as if I shouldn't want your favour, as your spouse," Lorg dares to say, voice wry and more like himself than he has been in a while. 
"My favour isn't worth much," Aka smiles, and it sits uncomfortably in Lorg's gut. He chooses to believe it is empathy, to see the woman he will marry feel so shunned. He does not acknowledge the greater understanding of discomfort of being in the presence of such deprecation. Such familiarity.
"It is more than mine," Lorg offers, as much as the honesty pulls in his stomach. It is the fact that he has been all but sworn into never speaking, least of all to his betrothed. To give away his family's hand in their efforts to social climb. 
Aka is silent for a minute, leaving Lorg to stew with this confession. Of whether it was right, or whether he has only made a fool of himself and his family. 
"I apologise, your excellency," she eventually says, startling Lorg from his nerves. He looks up to meet her gaze, only to find her staring exactly ahead, out over the snowy landscape. "I'm afraid I wasn't very clear."
Lorg's heart leaps to his throat as she turns and looks at him. Icy eyes freezing him where he sits, unable to look away, it's really no wonder she is so seemingly adored by their god. He doesn't dare speak, waiting on her words and praying they hold nothing drastic. Nothing that will disgrace him, returned home to his parents' county.
"I know you will never love me," his heart drops. "I also know this will not change our arrangement."
"Your highness-" he stammers, fighting to recover this terrifying read of his character. However true or untrue it may be, her belief is enough. 
She holds up her hand, and Lorg does the honourable thing, in silencing himself. She grins.
"I do not fault you for this. I do not mind," her ears wiggles slightly, the movements so small Lorg barely catches it. As if she is amused by him. The thought sparks something harsh in his chest that he grits his teeth to suppress. "We have greater lives to live than that which has been assigned to us. I see that. This marriage is a great benefit to you and your family."
She lays her hand brushing his on the bench. He doesn't move, neither to give more nor pull away. 
"So I will not ask for love from you, or an imitation of it. We may perform the duties required of our marriage without that pressure. I will only ask one thing, if you will allow it?"
Lorg nods before he can think. Who is he to deny her after all? Allowing her to take his hand in both of hers, ducking to focus their eyes, stark staring into one another.
"I would like your support, your companionship, and your council. In turn you will have all the same of me. With this deal may we find bright and fulfilling futures despite the necessity of our arrangement. Would this be a deal you would make?"
Lorg gulps, really taking in the sight of the woman before him. The softness in her features is deceptive, he decides. He sees now she holds a calculation and a motivation to rival his own. In this recognition of camaraderie he really only has one answer. Smiling small and sharp, the genuinity he has restrained through their meaningless courtship. He places his other hand atop her own.
"I believe I would. I would be very interested in making such a deal with you."
There is a magic between the more electric than life. For the first time Lorg sees Aka's ears lift high and he knows he is a mirror of her with relief. He may not ever know how to love her, not in the way he is expected to. But regardless of what she may think, he believes in this moment that he will appreciate their arrangement more than he'd hoped. They may be more similar than he lets himself believe...
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sammyboiocs · 4 months
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Little doodle of Kaerr discovering rain! Similar to the flower post, Kaerr hasn't seen rain before getting married and moving! The Winter Court deals in snowstorms and its never warm enough for rain. They've heard about it but recognized it as something associated with the Spring Court and so when they experience it for the first time its a bit of a shock for them lol :]
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sammyboiocs · 4 months
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cutesy art of Kaerr discovering the flowers that grow in the Wetlands during spring! The Winter Court doesn't have a lot of vegetation, being covered in snow and ice. They have some trees and ferns n the such but are very lacking in colourful flowers. So seeing these beauties for the first time is really big for them! I also had a lot of fun with my brushes drawing this :]
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sammyboiocs · 5 months
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The Coreilmar siblings!! Back before anyone was kidnapped or separated :] Just a freshly hatched Neirin being witnessed by his siblings for the first time!! They're very excited to have a baby brother :]
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sammyboiocs · 3 days
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Kaerr gets really sick about 9 months into their marriage. 6 months of actually getting along with Neirin, and 3 months of having more properly gotten together.
Neirin does his best to take care of Kaerr during this time, its nothing deadly. They are set to recovery just fine, so the doctor has said.
Still this illness hits Kaerr hard. They're rarely lucid and hardly awake. They don't know Neirin is here at all normally, calling for the comforts of a cousin and father who Neirin has not trusted a single nice word about given what little he knows of them.
So its comes as a surprise when Kaerr eventually calls for their mother. A person Neirin hasn't heard anything, even her existence before now. Someone he won't know anything more of for another 6 months.
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sammyboiocs · 6 months
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Auric! The og! He was the one I thought might dress similarly to Bennie were he dressed more casually, and had to make the decision to differentiate them by leaning farther into his more princessy and themed fits.
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sammyboiocs · 4 months
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Updated references for Mairenn and Taran! Slightly more distinct bodies and some refining of their outfits :] Their og references felt rather lifeless and especially Mairenn's outfit wasn't really cutting it.
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