#scorpion momma
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littlepawz · 2 years ago
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Momma scorpion giving a ride to all her babies (seen under UV light). Babies of scorpions do not glow as much due to having lower amounts of beta-carboline on their exo-skeleton. 
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arc-misadventures · 8 months ago
First of all let me tell you that I love Cinder's entry, so full of lore. but here I come with something for Vtuber au; So, for Ruby, Weiss or maybe some other vtuber that you want to introduce, react to the information update of one of the most important events of The World of Remnant: Hunter's and Monsters. Because the way cinder and jaune explained it, it was an important event at that time. PS: Your work is always amazing, so don't worry about how long it takes to do something as long as you feel good about it.
The VTuber: The Lady of the Grimm
Fall4Me had a plan for today’s stream, a plan she had been looking forward to implementing for quite some time now. Today she invited a special guest, and she was all to forward to once again meet her, Lady.
Fall4Me: Hello my underlings, how are you this fine day~?
Kinder79: Our lady is here!
Judicatorsbanana: All hail the, Grimm Princess!
Linxder: Hi, Ember!
H3LL3R: Been better.
Rangerlion: Can’t complain really
ICSTARS: What’s the plan for today?
Fall4Me: That’s good to hear chat. Now then, for today’s stream we’ll be joined by a very special guest. And no, before you ask it is not, Errant.
Her body fell back in her chair, her body adopting a tired, and weary posture as she lamented the fact that her darling wolf would not be joining them.
She quickly brushed this aside as she resumed her stream.
Fall4Me: Now then, today we will be joined by a friend back from my days of playing, World of Remnant: Hunters, and Monsters. Today will be joined by my, Queen; The leader of the Cabal, the Queen of the Grimm: GrimmMonarch!
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Appearing from the side was an elegant lady with skin, and hair as white as bone. Eyes as red as fresh fallen blood, and nestled in a black void, smiling enchantingly at the stream. For this was the LadyofDarkness, the GrimmMonarch.
H3LL3R: Whoa momma
ToxickBattery: Why are all the ladies in Remnant so hot!
Piggu910: Is that a bad thing?
ToxickBattery: Just an observation.
Judicatorbanana: This going to be good!
GrimmMonarch: Why hello everyone it is a pleasure to meet you all this fine day, and hello to you as well, Ember, it is a pleasure to meet you again. How have you been my dear?
Fall4Me: I am well my, Queen. How are you feeling?
GrimmMonarch: I am quite well today. Well, bar the fact that my tea has gone cold, but that is nothing to really concern myself with.
Fall4Me: I shall get you a new cup of tea at once my, Lady!
GrimmMonarch: Ahh~! Ember my dear, you’re doing it again.
Fall4Me: EEEP!
The chat exploded into a choir of hearts as they heard the cute squeak escape, Fall4Me’s lips.
To those chosen few that knew; back in the days of, World of Remnant: Hunters, and Monsters, GrimmMonarch had adopted a stern, but caring motherly attitude to dealing with the, Cabal, and its members. A demeanour that, Fall4Me instantly gravitated to.
For, GrimmMonarch adopting such a demeanour had become a coping mechanism to dealing with the lose she could barely endure, and as to why, Fall4Me stuck so close to her was to have what she never had when she was young.
They were simply two broken people cleaning to each other to mend their broken hearts. And, while their hearts had mended, some old habits were hard to break.
GrimmMonarch: It’s been years since we last play, WoRHM, and yet you seemingly still haven’t shaken off that loyal subject persona of yours.
Fall4Me: I can’t help it! It’s reflex at this point!
GrimmMonarch: We will have to fix that bad habit of yours. But, in the meantime, what are we doing on this fine day?
Fall4Me: Well, my chat has been pestering me for quite sometime about something, and because you had more… involvement with this situation, I thought it would be best to have you around to tell everyone what happened.
GrimmMonarch: Situation?
The Lady’s eyebrow shot up as she mulled over the word, until her mouth opened as a hum of realization escaped her lips.
GrimmMonarch: You are referring to the, ‘Scorpion Incident,’ aren’t you?
Fall4Me: Yes. During a video where, Errant was…
GrimmMonarch: Errant? Do you mean, ErrantryPaladin by chance?
Fall4me: Yes, do you know him?
GrimmMonarch: We spent some time together after the, ‘Scorpion Incident.’ Do continue my dear.
Fall4Me: Of corse; Before I did my first stream, Errant saw my announcement video, and regaled his viewers with the tale about my character, his interactions with the cabal, and the bloody retribution he wrought upon the, Cabal.
GrimmMonarch: Oh, so it was him who unleashed that half baked, Grimm-Titan upon us.
Fall4Me: You didn’t know? No wait, he never told anyone until that stream, of course you didn’t know.
GrimmMonarch: No, but I always had this stinking suspicion that he did. There was something about, Errant’s behaviour that that told that he knew something about the, Titan attack, but he never said what that something was.
Fall4Me: I never suspected a thing, I had no idea that, that, Titan was encouraged into attacking the, Cabal. I thought it was mere happenstance that it attacked us.
GrimmMonarch: It shows you how effective, Errant’s plan was that we all were none the wiser to his scheming. But, enough talking about our, Rusted Knight. Let me regale you with the story of the rise, and fall of the, Grimm Cabal.
GrimmMonarch: I played WoRHM, for a long time. From the beginning to the end… I believe I had over four thousand hours on the game…
KinofPenguin : 4000 hrs?!
buggermeoldchap: WoRHM was around long enough for someone to have played that long.
ICSTARS: Most of the top plays averaged 4-5 k hrs
RaverKitty: The highest was around 7 k
ToxickBattery: Was it, Headmaster Ozpin?
Meol’mucker: Who else would have played it that long?
GrimmMonarch: Because I played so long, my level was… two hundred and, thirtyseven. I was nearly around three hundred by the time I stopped playing.
Fall4Me: Two hundred, and thirty seven?! I guessed you were over level one hundred, but to be double that?
GrimmMonarch: The leaders of the academies, and well as myself, the former leader of the, Cabal each had an average level around two hundred, and fifty. It was part of the reason I was scouted to be the, Queen of the Grimm. I could have been the Headmistress of, Mistral Academy, but the idea of leading the, Cabal was an oh so much more tantalizing idea~!
Fall4Me: Who had the highest level; Headmaster Ozpin?
GrimmMonarch: You would assume, Ozpin, and you would assume wrong.
Fall4Me: Wrong?! But, he was the best headmaster among the five of you. How come he isn’t the strongest?
GrimmMonarch: You forget how the experience points is distributed. Ozpin mostly fought in teams, so the exp from a quest, or Grimm slaying was distributed among the team. If, you primarily fought alone however, all the exp would go to you. So, care to guess who had the highest level now, Dear?
Fall4Me: Uhhh… E-ErrantryPaladin���?
GrimmMonarch: Ding~Ding~Ding~! That is correct my dear.
Fall4Me: ErrantryPaladin?! He had the highest level…?! How high?
GrimmMonarch: At the closing of the servers, Ozpin had a level of three hundred, and sixty three. Errant however, he had a level of four hundred, and eighty two.
RangerSnake: 482?!
emptythrone: It was nearly 500?!
Seventwothreepie: Probably played for at least 6k hrs
PlacatedBadger: Explain why he never joined in the tournament matches.
TheBadgers~!: He’d whipe the floor with an entire academy
Fall4Me: Why did he bother sending that, Titan after us? He could have levelled the guild single handedly…
GrimmMonarch: Considering what happened during the, Apprentice Massacre, I believe, Errant wanted to make sure we suffered. I’ve seen him be rather vindictive to rather cruel players in the game.
GrimmMonarch: Now then, while I was in charge of the, Cabal, I had several powerful members join the, Cabal. Yourself included, Ember. But, while I had several powerful members under command, we were all jokesters, and bullies to a certain extent. Until the massacre happened, the worst the Cabal did was have, Grimm attack settlements, and teams of, Hunters. We were seen as a general nuisance that added spice to the game.
GrimmMonarch: But, after the massacre many of the, Academies started a witch hunt for our members, their attempts to find us mostly ended in failure. Until, Errant evidently sent that, Titan after us we were fine, but that, Titan crippled the, Cabal. Instead of causing Grimm attacks on settlements, and Hunter teams. We were stuck doing raiding missions in an attempt to recoup our strength. Many members left the guild because they couldn’t deal with the pressure the, Academy’s were mounting on them. And despite our best efforts, it seemed we were getting nowhere.
GrimmMonarch: That’s when several players decided to meet together irl, and discuss what they could do to fix the problem. And, this enters in stage left, the culprit of that fateful day… Tyrion Callows…
Meol’mucker: Man that name sounds evil.
H3LL3R: Sounds creepy.
DaSting: I don’t like where this story is going.
Fall4Me: Wait, Tyrion Callows is his actual name?
GrimmMonarch: Yes it is. Most players use an alias while playing instead of their real name, however, since no one would know that it is his real name unless he told someone, well it worked at the end of the day.
Fall4Me: I remember the few missions I did with him, he was always seem unhinged. Wasn’t the, Apprentice Massacre his idea?
GrimmMonarch: It was indeed. He was sorely reprimanded when I discovered it was his plan. I should have taken that as a sign…
Fall4Me: A sign? A sign for what?
GrimmMonarch: Of things to come…
She hummed to herself as she contemplated what she was about to say; about how she could say it, and how her audience would talk what she was about to say.
GrimmMonarch: It was seven of them at a diner, including, Tyrian. There were several humans, and faunas there. While they were there, they discussed several ways to revitalize the, Cabal. But, peoples view of the, Cabal was ruined by the events of the, Apprentice Massacre, so it was neigh on impossible for us to recruit new members. And, because we had been raiding so many towns, dust depots, and general supply trains in order to rebuild the, Cabal after the, Titan attack, the Academies started making more missions to protect those assets. The Cabal was at a standstill, we couldn’t push forward with any plans because we were so broken. At that point, the Cabal was a dead man walking…
Fall4Me: Then what happened?
GrimmMonarch: One of them suggested that it would be best to abandon the, Cabal then. Everyone should abandon the, Cabal, me included. We couldn’t get any more supplies, we can’t get any new members, more were leaving every day, it was just a matter of time until the, Cabal was disbanded. The six of them agreed that this was the only course of action. They decided they would bring it before me at the next meeting. But, Tyrian… Tyrian snapped…
Fall4Me: Snapped…?
DaSting: I REALLY don’t like where this is going!
Judicatorbanana:I’m starting to regret asking what happened.
LevenAngel: I regret a great many things!
GrimmMonarch: Tyrian started calling everyone a traitor, that they betrayed the, ‘Goddess,’ and that they will all be brought to pay for their transgressions.
GrimmMonarch: They told him to relax, since it was all just a game, but then… Tyrian grabbed a knife, and…
Fall4Me: He didn’t…
GrimmMonarch: Yes, he did…
Fall4Me’s voice fell into a small whisper as realization dawned on her at what that implied. She didn’t want her to continue this story, but she knew that she needed to finish it.
GrimmMonarch: Of the six people, three of them died due to knife wounds… the other three barely managed to survive, however medical personnel managed to come in time to save them. Thought his poison was quite effective.
Fall4Me: And, Tyrian, what about him?
GrimmMonarch: The police were in the area, so they managed to get there quickly, and when they were in the process of attempting to arrest him, he stung one of the officers, while the other one gunned him down.
Fall4Me: So he’s dead, Tyrian’s dead right?
GrimmMonarch: In the police report it indicated he when he attacked one of the officers there to arrest, Turian, his colleague unloaded his entire magazine into him. I can assure you, he is most certainly dead.
Amogsus: Well that’s depressing.
Kalper: Sounds like he couldn’t differentiate reality from fiction
SuspiciousDucky: Poison? Did he have poison on him?
Fall4Me: Yes… SuspiciousDucky…
GrimmMonarch: Oh that’s a cute name~!
Fall4Me: Oh it is… Ahem! Yes that is a good question; What did you mean by, ‘His poison was quite effective?’
GrimmMonarch: What has, Tyrian’s character in game?
Fall4Me: He played this lanky scorpion faunas… wait…? Was he an actual scorpion faunas?!
GrimmMonarch: Indeed he was; Poisonous stinger, and all.
Fall4Me: Whoa… Wait, how do you know all of this? Did one of the victims tell you?
GrimmMonarch: Yes, and no. Tyrian said, they betrayed the, ‘Goddess,’ the survivors deduced that he was talking about me. So, I was called in for questioning by the police about this whole fiasco.
Fall4Me: They arrested you?
GrimmMonarch: No, nothing of the sorts. Just asked me some questions regarding, Tyrian’s personality, and the events that lead to this happening. I got to talk to the others who got hurt, and I learned their side of the story. After I received permission from them, and the police I told everyone in the guild what happened. That was where the end began.
RangerSnake: Wait, Ember you didn’t know about all of this?
Linxder: Yeah, you were in the guild when this happened
7uwu7: Were you?
Fall4Me looked away from her stream for a moment, before she replied to her chat’s question with a nervous lint to her voice.
Fall4Me: Uhh… No. I had stopped playing the game before this happened. I would have been there when it happened, but some… things happened.
GrimmMonarch: Best leave it at that chat. Now, I told the rest of the members of the, Cabal at a guild meeting what happened. Their reactions were varied, and understandable to the news of what, Tyrian did, and the loss of their friends. I then brought up one of the notions one of the members brought forward as to what the future of the, Cabal should be.
GrimmMonarch: Wether to continue rebuilding the, Cabal, or to disband the, Cabal. It was a unanimous vote to disband the guild… Even I didn’t vote to continue rebuilding the, Cabal. We were as good as dead anyway.
GrimmMonarch: We had one farewell party among us to celebrate the legacy, the good parts that is, that was the, Grimm Cabal. And, after everyone left one by one… all that remained was myself. I contacted the staff, informed them of what had happened, and then I told them to close the, Cabal. And, with that… the, Cabal died.
GrimmMonarch: You know… I always thought the last death cry of the, Cabal would be felt by the whole server as it fought to the death in one glorious battle for the fate of, Remnant itself!
GrimmMonarch: And, yet we left with barely a whisper…
Fall4Me: …
GrimmMonarch: So, there you have it chat; That is the tale of how the, Cabal fell. If those of you who were once players in, WoRHM, know only that the, Cabal was disbanded. Former members of the, Cabal who left the guild, and either returned to their former academies, or restated their account. Considering the nature of why the, Cabal disbanded the members didn’t want to talk about it, and just said, ‘There was an incident with a scorpion.’ Hence where the, ‘Scorpion Incident’ earned its name.
Fall4Me: Wow… I had no idea… I always assumed, Tyrian did something, but I would have never expected that he did that?!
GrimmMonarch: Yes… he did…
Meol’mucker: Is this the first time, you told anyone about this my, Goddess? Outside of the Cabal that is.
GrimmMonarch: Oh my~? Calling me a goddess already~? Well, I don’t mind chat, but do show some restraint my dears~!
The chat swiftly exploded into a shower of hearts as the, Grimm Queen smiled sultry at the screen.
GrimmMonarch: But, no, I told the, Headmasters, and Headmistresses of the various academies what happened. I explained to them that the, Cabal was to be disbanded, and the various members would be either restarting their accounts, or simply return back to the academy of their origin. I told them to kindly accept them back in, and to not tell anyone about the, ‘Scorpion Incident.’
Fall4Me: And, you didn’t tell anyone else about all of this?
GrimmMonarch: There was one other who knew; Care to guess who~?
Ember’s model swayed as a brief laugh escaped her lips, she knew precisely who else learned the tale of the, ‘Scorpion Incident.’ After all, he had a knack for finding out about such things.
Fall4Me: Tell me my, Lady. How did, Errant learn about the fall of the, Cabal?
7uwu7: Ha!
Amongsus: Knew it
DaSting: Who else but him?
emptythrone: That guy really gets around
GrimmMonarch: Oh, how did you know it was him~?
Fall4Me: My darling wolf had the reputation across the server as an information broker. He had the most uncanny ability to find out about the most minuet of details that happened on the other side of the world.
GrimmMonarch: Indeed he did. Despite never seeing my human form before, he was able to instantly identify me in my human form, and I had not even said hello to him at that.
Fall4Me: ‘Human form?’
GrimmMonarch: What? Did you think that I always had this beautiful appearance you see before you?
Fall4Me: Well… that makes sense. But, I’ve never seen you in any other form, but the one I see before me. I never say you as a…
GrimmMonarch: As a what…?
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GrimmMonarch: A human?
At the click of a button, the LadyofDarkness, The GrimmMonarch’s body changed, no longer was she a monster of death, and despair. Now lay before them for all to see was a lady of elegance that exuded an air of royalty that was unmatched by all those who stood before her. And, yet… when one looked into her eyes, one couldn’t help but see a sad little girl, longing for something forever out of her reach.
Meol’mucker: YOOOOO!!!
Laven: Damn!
ICSTARS: Who said she can be so hot!
RangerSnake: Smash
Fall4Me: Ohh~! You look beautiful your grace!
GrimmMonarch: Thank you, Ember. This was the form I adopted before, and after the, Cabal. It is what I always imagined what, The Girl in the Tower’ looked like when I read that short story.
Fall4Me: ‘Fairytales of the World of Remnant?’
GrimmMonarch: That’s the one, in fact whilst I was using this skin, I went by the name, EVAnora, or EVA for short.
Fall4Me: That’s a nice name.
GrimmMonarch: Thank you~! Now, back to our, Knight. He stumbled upon me as I was slaying some, Beowulfs, small fry, hardly anything to worry about. Anyway, he walked over, and said, ‘I bare glad tidings to the, the LadyofDarkness, the Queen of Grimm.’
Fall4Me: …?
Fall4Me: Pfff! Ah-hahahaha~! Did he really say that?
GrimmMonarch: Indeed he did! It was so ridiculous I couldn’t help, but laugh at it as well. Despite, Errant’s reserved demeanour, he can be quite the endearing character when he wants to.
Fall4Me: Quite so, I’ve seen him converse with fellow players, he can be quite the smooth talker when he wants to. It’s can be quite scary at times…
GrimmMonarch: Are you referring to the time he swindled, Vacuo’s merchant guild into revealing where the slave camps were, or the time he caused the falling out of, Dazzling Spear Hunter Teams?
Fall4Me: Wait?! He did that?! I was talking about the time he tricked the, Crimson Brigade into attack the bandits base during the, Season of Fire event, that triggered a Grimm Horde event?!
GrimmMonarch: He did what?!
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amygdalae · 10 days ago
what kind of tattoos r u interested in ^__^
oo oo!!!! I want to get more bugs --the only tattoo I currently have is a centipede on my arm and I want more creepy crawlies. either on that same arm or elsewhere. dont have specifics nailed down but I've always loved scorpions so maybe that next
I also have loose plans to get a matching one with my dad and sibling and maybe the same with my mom and sibling but we havent decided on what specifically we'd like. maybe bears --one time while camping we saw a momma black bear with two cubs and went "thats us" so weve discussed maybe bear tats at some point
ALSO i recently had this idea (rough sketch of the design i did in mspaint lol)
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I think this wld be a fun little inner thigh tattoo or somewhere else a bit less visible idk. I don't have specific symbolism in mind wrt the design but its partially inspired by the way my siblings cat will pick up his string toy and get all angsty and arch about it and he looks like a dragon laboring over a slain serpent or something. also I just love cats
I would love to get sleeves eventually but thats not something im rushing to do per se. but I love how ppl look when theyre all tatted up and that's something I want for me someday
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bullet-prooflove · 6 months ago
Rattlesnake: Travis Wheatley x Reader
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Tagging: @pear-1206 @keyweegirlie @nu1freakshow @trublu2u @yousigned-upforthis @Amindfullofmonsters @hal3ynicol3
Companion piece to:
The Circuit - You're the first person Travis tells about his condition.
Beachside - Travis's diagnosis gives him a fresh perspective.
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It’s six am and Travis is still asleep beside you, the sun plays across his skin as he lies on his stomach, his cheek buried into the pillow. It’s rare that he sleeps this late, he’s usually up at the crack of dawn with the other cowboys but today he’s exhausted, hard to rouse. You know that it’s a symptom of his illness, that he’s getting worse.
Your fingertips ghost along his jawline, the stubble that mars his cheeks rough to the touch.  He stirs at the light caress before his hand captures yours and he presses his lips to the pads of your fingers.
“I’ll get up in a sec honey.” He tells you, his voice rough with fatigue. “I just need a little more time.”
He’s still deeply asleep when you slip from his sheets at ten am. You dress quietly before you take the stairs down to the kitchen, where his Mama is waiting with a pot of coffee. She raises an eyebrow as you pour yourself a cup and you shake your head in response to her unspoken question.
“It’s worse today.” You tell her as you sit down at the table. “He’s exhausted, low energy. He’s convinced he’s going to be able to compete next week but…”
You trail off, rubbing your palms over your features because you’re not ready for this, you not ready to lose the man you love to this illness.
“If you can’t do this, now is the time to bow out.” Jeanine Wheatley tells you as she leans against the counter. “It’s only going to get worse from here and he doesn’t need someone whose going to fall apart everytime they look at him.”
“No Jeanine.” You say meeting her gaze. “He needs someone whose strong, whose going to fight for him on the days he can’t, whose going to comfort him when he’s sick. That’s what why I’m here in buttfuck Texas, chasing scorpions out of the bathtub and trying to avoid the rattlesnake that lives under the porch.”
“You can leave anytime you want.” Jeanine reminds you gesturing towards the door. “You’ve already done it once before…”
“Go fuck yourself.” You say tiredly as you raise to your feet. “Fuck you, fuck Texas and fuck that fucking rattlesnake.”
There’s laugh then from behind you, a rich guffaw that fills you with warmth as you glance over your shoulder to see Travis leaning against the doorframe clad in t-shirt proclaiming Texans Do It Better and grey jogging bottoms.
“I warned you momma, you keep yanking her chain, you’re going to get fangs.” Travis says affectionately as he kisses the top of your head.
“You need someone with a little fire.” Jeanine reminds him as she pours her son a mug of coffee. “I had to make sure she could keep you in line when you decide to misbehave.”
“Don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.” Travis says as he takes a seat at the table and both you and Jeanine share a look because you both know he’s in denial about the limitations of his condition, that he’s going to keep pushing himself until something catastrophic happens. “But she’s right about that rattlesnake under the porch, I’ll get a shovel after I’ve finished this, take care of it.”
You sigh as you sit back down into the seat you’ve just vacated and Jeanine takes up residence in the chair across from her son.
“Travis baby.” You say quietly as you reach for his hand across the table. “We really need to talk.”
Love Travis? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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kitsuzza · 2 months ago
Some strangers online told me to leak this au plan I’ve had for a WHILLEEE now. So atlast I’ll post the start of my designs and comics..
Hybrids is a stex au, soon to be converted into a comic and fanfic. Where Every train is a hybrid of an animal. The animal they correlate to can trigger personality changes, physical changes, and even grant them special abilities!
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Oh and for good measure here’s a list of everyone!
GB- lion
Electra- Scorpion (poisonous)
Rusty- German shepherd
Momma- husky (may change her to a bear)
Dinah- Fox
Tass- bat
Belle- panda
Pearl- snow leopard
All electras components- electric eels
Hydra- shark
Slick- cheetah
Lumber- beaver
Potter- horse
-background engines won’t be encluded unless I get more motivation, I appoligize in advance-
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aspureasamelody · 4 months ago
Known Bailey Family members:
Clay Bailey
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(Golden child of the family. A gentle giant, a fervent bookworm, and a very skilled cowboy, farmhand, and rancher. A natural-born prodigy. Often feels crushed under the weight of expectations from his father, but still tries very hard to be what his daddy wants him to be. Gradually learns to stand his ground, but still has difficulties with buckling to his family.)
Jesse Bailey
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(Clay's baby sister. Black sheep of the family, ran away to join an infamous biker gang out of resentment when her frustrations and loneliness reached a head. Openly antagonistic towards Clay because she felts his talents overshadowed her, but they were very close when they were younger.)
Daddy Bailey
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(Patriarch of the family. Well-intentioned but hard-headed and old-fashioned, to the heavy detriment of his kids and his relationship with them.)
Momma Bailey
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(Always knows what gifts Clay likes best.)
Granny Lily
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(Clay's greatest fear. Gives hard cheek pinches and wet kisses that, as a kid from a southern family, Clay is really not allowed to refuse.)
Grandpappy Jeb
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[No image available; only mentioned (TCG)]
(wears diapers, stays in a nursing home. Scrappy fighter who Clay has apparently fought before when he escaped his nursing home)
Cousin Buford
"Whew. I thought my cousin Buford was big. I'd hate to see what that fella [Cyclops] puts away for breakfast."
[No image available; only mentioned (Sizing Up Omi)]
(Is BIG, big enough to that even Clay was impressed at his size, but nowhere near as big as Cyclops)
Auntie May
"This place is creepier than auntie may givin' herself a sponge bath."
[No image available; only mentioned (The Emperor Scorpion Strikes Back)]
(Apparently gives herself sponge baths; implied Clay accidentally walked in on that at least once)
Uncle Otis
"Poor little fella's gonna last as long as a dab of gravy on my uncle Otis's lower lip."
[No image available; only mentioned (The Emperor Scorpion Strikes Back)]
(Apparently loves gravy)
Auntie Clarabelle
"Yeah, I'm not the one yellower than a slice of auntie Clarabelle's lemon silk custard pie."
[No image available; only mentioned (The Black Vipers)]
(Makes a very decadent lemon silk custard pie that Jesse apparently likes)
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xomakara · 21 days ago
get to know your mutuals | tag game
thanks for tagging me @aaagustd & @beomcoups 💚
what's the origin of your blog title? ↠ It's part of my name. I'm not telling you what it is lol.
favorite fandoms: ↠ First a Beauty (Beast) and forever a Light (Highlight). NCTzen (NCT), Atiny (Ateez), Melody (BTOB) and many more lol.
OTP(s)/shipname: ↠ Johnny x Me | Jaehyun x Me | Yunho x Me | Gikwang x Me | Hyunsik x Me | the list goes on and on (Linda being forever delusional)
favorite color: ↠ all shades of green. occasionally reds and pinks lolol
favorite game: ↠ At the moment Coral Island and Love and Deepspace (please talk to me about Xavier). My forever favorites are the Final Fantasy series and the Suikoden series (impatiently waiting for Suiko 1 & 2 remaster).
song stuck in your head: ↠ No One Like You by Scorpions. I got my taste in 80's rock from my momma.
weirdest habit/trait? ↠ IDK to be honest. I think everything I do is weird LOL
hobbies: ↠ reading, writing, gaming, fishing/camping, watching true crime and commentaries, listening to music, I'm also a coverist (look at my pinned post for my cover yt channel lolol)
if you work, what's your profession? ↠ I'm a purchasing agent for a steel distribution company
if you could have any job you wish, what would it be? ↠ A lazy fart. Jokes aside, I wanted to be a software engineer/game developer when I was younger but idk when that changed. Somewhere along the line, I just thought Business was a good idea and look at me now, working a corporate job lol
something you're good at: ↠ I talk to much so I'm a good yapper. But i'm an equally good listener too! I'm also a go-to for advice and comfort.
something you're bad at: ↠ math and now look at me working with numbers everyday at work.
something you love: ↠ writing, my family (majority of the time), MY DOGGOS, the amazing friends I made as a writer, kpop, anime, asian dramas, being a lazy fart.
something you could talk about for hours off the cuff: ↠ Where my paranormal and true crime girlies at?
something you hate: ↠ the cold, shitty people in general, laundry, sometimes my family (mainly my younger sisters), sometimes my job
something you collect: ↠ wigs (I suffer from hair loss sooooooo), makeup, kpop albums, random electronics for some odd reason, purses, manga
something you forget: ↠ I'm old. I forget a lot of things. What's my name again?
what's your love language? ↠ words of reassurance and acts of affirmation
favorite movie/show: ↠ Too many to count. BUTTTTTTT Supernatural all the way.
favorite food: ↠ No favorite. I just love food LOL
favorite animal: ↠ MY DOGGOS, cats, fish, bunnies
are you musical? ↠ I was in choir back in middle school and high school. I still (occasionally) cover kpop songs when I have the time. I'm a decent singer (I think so) lol
what were you like as a child? ↠ I'm the oldest of 5 (1 brother, 3 sisters) and was expected to be the responsible eldest sister and help take care of the siblings. I rebelled during high school lolol
favorite subject at school? ↠ history, art, english
least favorite subject? ↠ MATH
what's your best character trait? ↠ I guess I'm a good listener. I'm told that I'm like a mother-hen lol
what's your worst character trait? ↠ not slowing down. I rush into things (mostly work projects) and tend to not think about the future impacts.
if you could change any detail of your day right now what would it be? ↠ get more sleep lololol
if you could travel in time who would you like to meet? ↠ I would say during the Khmer Rouge regime because of the stories of my grandma being a hero to the villagers. But then again, I don't want to live through that sad time and every day, i tell my parents that I love them and don't take them for granted.
recommend one of your favorite fanfics (spread the love): ↠ you in my arms (series) by @sluttyten, your gentle hands by @yourlocaljonghoe, and many other fics that I can't name off the top of my head
tagging: @wooahaeproductions @shadowkoo @lovetaroandtaemin @heechwe @unholywriters @yourlocaljonghoe @acupoftaewithsomesuga @rems-writing @itsnotmydejavu @sweetinsaniiity @yoonguurt @kwanisms @desirehorizon and whoever wants to do it 💚
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writerofadream · 1 year ago
Fortune favors the Bold ⛓
TDI! Duncan x Juvie Bestfriend! Reader ⛓
Chapter Sixteen: Cooking is a way of life
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You woke up on your own will this morning. Your eyes blinked a few times as you rubbed the sleep out of them. 
You stared at the window and saw that the sun was only just rising. It must’ve been pretty early. As you jumped out of bed, you looked at yourself in the mirror. Skin and bones. 
A sigh came out of your mouth as you fished around the cabin looking for Duncan’s black sweatshirt. It slid over your head with ease.
Funny, the only reason you wore his sweatshirt was to lie straight to his face. You were not doing the best when it came to eating at camp.
You slid on a pair of shorts and went into the bathroom that the girls and the boys shared. You brushed your teeth as you heard a thud.
Duncan was awake as well and he walked into the bathroom with his signature crooked smile. He slid his arms around your waist and kissed your cheek smiling as you laughed.
“You look good in my clothes.” He whispered in his morning-raspy voice and your body tingled. He smirked, he knew what he was doing.
He dug his chin into your collarbone as you spit into the sink rubbing your mouth as you twirled around wrapping your arms around his neck and giving him a long kiss. “Don’t think the sweater can distract me, sweetheart, you gotta eat.” he mumbled against your lips.
You grumbled. “The food here is nasty.” He gave you a look. “You ate the food at juvie.” He pointed out. “Barely.” You argued as you brushed your hair up into a ponytail.
 “No excuse. If you faint on me once, I’m going to straddle you and force-feed you.” He promised. You rolled your eyes. “What if I liked that?” You winked as he brushed his teeth.
Duncan smirked leaving a trail of kisses up your neck. 
“I’ll take away my clothes.” He whispered. “Oh you absolute bastard. This is why you’re father hates you.” You grumbled dramatically. “Your anger is why your momma died.” He pointed out, causing you to roll your eyes punching his shoulder.
“Love you too, scorpion.” 
As you all sat down for breakfast Chris had an announcement. “This week’s battle is as old as time itself. It’s a battle of the sexes. Girls will move to the Screaming Gophers and vice versa. Now let’s move it.” You raised an eyebrow to Duncan who just raised up his phone cringing. 
He didn’t like being away from you, ever. Made his paranoia act up. God, he was going to get WEIRD.
You didn’t like it either, it was terrifying.
All of you exited the building. You had your hands stuffed in the pockets of the sweatshirt as you fiddled the stray cigarettes in them. In the corner of your eye you noticed Heather try to come up to you, but as Duncan wrapped an arm around you, she was warded off.
“I’m scared.” He mumbled as he kissed the top of your head. You stopped him, and held a hand on his cheek, which he kissed. “Hey, tiger, we’ll be fine. Aren’t we always? We were fine in New York, Germany, and Rhode Island. This is not worse.”
Duncan sighed, his eyes cloudy with worry. He smiled sadly, “You’ll always keep me afloat won’t you baby?” you smiled “Obviously.”
You grabbed your small bag out of your cabin and ran over to the boy's side. But Duncan wasn’t there.
You raised an eyebrow at DJ who just laughed and pointed up. Duncan was laying on the rafter beam and listening to music, he quickly noticed you. 
He ‘fell’ and hung upside down causing you to smile. “Kiss goodbye?” He nearly begged. “Of course spidey.” You teased and your lips quickly went to his. “Oh shut up, I’m too single for this nonsense.” DJ groaned, throwing a slipper at you.
You rolled your eyes, flipping him off. “Love you too, little miss scary.” The man smiled, shaping his hands into hearts much to Duncan’s disapproval. 
“I miss you already.” Duncan yelled as you waved goodbye skipping over to the Screaming Gophers cabin where Bridgette waited on the steps. 
“Ain’t no way I was going in alone.” She smiled as you arrived and you quickly heard Leshawna yelling. You paled, “Good choice.” You helped your friend up and you walked up the stairs opening the door.
“No one’s leaving till I found out who ate my pudding packets.” Leshawna growled at Heather. “Oh goody.” You grumbled throwing your bag inside. 
You dragged a hand down your face as you crossed your legs on the outhouse toilet. “This already reminds me way too much of juvie, one time I ripped this girl's card by accident cause I stepped on it, right? This girl rips out a chunk of my hair, eats it, and then steps on my face.” You looked up in annoyance.
“I ate them, so what?” Heather crossed her arms and Bridgette’s eye twitched as she watched you plead to the heavens. “I will become a Christian if you disqualify me right now, God. I’m begging.” you prayed.
Heather and Leshawna’s argument echoed in the cabin. Gwen and Lindsay looked at you both trying to convey an apology.
The skinny-rich girl finally seemed to notice you both had entered. “Oh hello, Bridgette, and Y/N. I know we’ve had our differences but I hope that we can put them aside and become friends.” She said the last part mainly towards you. You raised an eyebrow.
She grabbed both of your arms, and you wanted to absolutely start beating her. Absolutely no random girl got to touch you with permission, Heather’s voice spoke sickly-sweet.
“Welcome to the cabin you both, we’re like a family here. Anything you need, just yell.” She smiled warmly. Gwen rolled her eyes. 
Bridgette was falling towards the girls charms but you stayed quiet. “Oh Y/N,” Heather’s attention came towards you.
“I’d just love to have someone as powerful as you on my team, you're such a badass I’m pretty sure the boys are terrified of you.” She giggled, you nodded slowly.
“Bridgette, I made sure you had a bed above me, and Y/N I figured you wouldn’t want to share a bunk so I gave you the single bed, underneath it there’s a little box so you can put your knives and gun in, I hope you like it.” You raised an eyebrow, this girl had read up on you.
Heather began to give the blonde gizmos and gadgets before her attention turned on you.
“Look, I don’t know if you’ll like this, but I got a butt-load of brothers back home and they love hunting, so I wanted to give you this, they sent it to me in a care-package.” She handed you a kunai blade. Your eyes widened. 
Maybe, you were falling for her charms. Gwen noticed your stance start to slip. “Nothing’s free, Y/N. Don’t choose a side that wants everyone to end, including itself.” She warned. “Mind your business, goth-girl.” Heather hissed which restarted another Leshawna fight.
You were holding the kunai blade. It was brand-new, never used, so shiny. So sharp. So shiny. As the two girls got distracted you slipped the knife in your pocket and Gwen smiled.
You had a tiny 3-D printer for on the fly jobs, a new kunai was quickly replicated (Duncan had hooked up a WILD engine on that thing). You rolled your eyes handing the blade back to Heather. 
“Sorry babe, nothing personal. If going to jail taught me one thing it was don’t go with the people that gave you the blade to stab yourself in the back with.” You stepped over the newly formed tape-line.
Heather growled. “Alright crazy, I don’t want to live in a cabin with a girl that can snap any minute. You could kill us all.” She was trying to rile up.
For some freaking reason it was, without Duncan to ground you it was easy for people to use your anger to their advantage.
What happened next? Was not your proudest moment.
You whined to yourself staring at the camera. “This is why I was in solidarity.” You complained.
Your gun was up in seconds and was pointed at Heather’s forehead causing her to shriek. “Don’t call me crazy sweetheart and we won’t have a problem. For your information, anybody I’ve hurt, has been for the protection of the idiot I love.” You growled, there was no way in HELL you were going to stay with her now.
“Alright Bridge, you can either stay with us or stay with the emo-chick, a literal scorpion, or the dollar store Cardi-B. If you choose them, you're not allowed on our side.” Heather sniffled.
You all stared at the girl expecting something else. The pacifist looked back at all of your anxiety clear as dawn on her face. Suddenly, her foot stepped into your path. You smiled and Gwen and Leshawna cheered as Heather and Lindsay whined.
Everyone was in the lunch-hall as Chris and Chef explained this week's meal. Duncan was extremely jittery and was nearly shaking. He ran to hug you once he had seen you but quickly was rifling through the sweaters pockets for a cigarette.
“I don’t have a lighter…?” You were confused. 
“Owen ate my pack, he thought they were candy cigarettes.” Duncan whispered, stuffing the sticks into his pockets. “Honey, are you okay?” Duncan finally seemed to calm down. He patted his pockets down and let out a long sigh. He had at least nine now. He’d get some more, he’d find a way.
“Yep, better, now that you're here.” He wrapped an arm around you kissing your head, and you kissed his cheek worrying about his addictive personality.
“Today’s challenge, brunch of disgustingness.” Chris announced to you all and Duncan laughed. “At least now you’ll have to eat.” He pointed out, secretly thrilled because now you’d be forced to eat something!
Chris announced the prize, antibiotics, five-star resort, food. 
But the worst part was? The challenge involved a nine-course meal. You felt sick and covered your mouth with a wave of nausea coming on. “Hey mi vida, you alright?” Duncan was suddenly kneeling to your height. You nodded not wanting what was too come.
The first dish was cow balls. You rolled your eyes as the boys team nearly began bawling their eyes out, Duncana cast you a glance and you blew him a kiss as you began juggling with the said food causing him to vomit.
He flipped you off. “Love you too baby!” Lindsay giggled.
You were staring at the meat balls once it was your turn. Leshawna questioned you “Why aren’t you eating, girl?” she popped the ball into her mouth. “I don’t have the best relationship with… food.” You half-chuckled half-whined. Leshawna was about to question before she realized.
“My mama always said the best way to get yourself to eat was to pretend you were doing something else. So act like you're rubbing your face, then pop a ball in, sister.” She chuckled.
You raised an eyebrow, but you tried it successfully popping two in. Duncan laughed from his side of the tables. “I might have to ask you to come home with us.” He called out to Leshawna who smirked.
The girls won this challenge getting the boys to argue.
Chris had to separate them all. Well, Chef Hatchet did.
The next food was pizza, with jellyfish, crickets, and live fish. You smiled, as weird as it was, this meal reminded you of your mother, who was from Japan. She loved to invent foods no one dreamed of eating. When she died, it was hard for you to indulge in food.
Age two:
A little toddler Y/N cooed as she climbed over to her mama who was cooking. “Food.” Y/N pointed at the dish which currently contained a pink jellyfish sauce, and raw fish sushi on the  side. “Would you like to help me, bunny?” Your mama picked you up and set you on top of the counter.
“Sweetheart, cooking is so important for our family. It’s so important for everyone. It connects us with our past. When I cook I can almost feel like I’m in Japan again, at my mother’s boutique as she boiled rice in the back. But cooking, cooking can contain everyone. My cooking has my family history, your fathers has Greek food with a little American thrown in it. But you my darling, can have anything you want as your cooking. Just make it yours.” She booped your nose causing you to giggle.
On that memory alone, you shoved the food into your mouth. You smiled. Honestly, it wasn’t even terrible. “Damn girl, how are you so good at eating food with live fish?” Leshawna gagged once she peered at the fish.
“My mom came from Japan, my father from Greece. I never grew up around food that was considered normal. My first dessert was baklava with a sweet vanilla sauce that came from dragon fruit and chocolate.” you smiled. “That doesn’t help us.” Heather complained.
“Okay, do this.” You sat on top of the table so the girls would look at you.
“Close your eyes, think about growing up, seeing your mom or dad cook meals that would make the entire house liven up with smell. Think about how happy it made them when you wanted to taste-test, think about dinner with your families.” The girls slowly put the pizza in their mouths and you smiled.
Lindsay asked you “How are you so good at that?” She smiled wide. “I’m good with memories, I’m good at getting people to miss.” You gave her a kind smile and she nodded in return realizing that the words you spoke were true.
“How’d you do that?” Leshawna questioned the girls, her pizza still sat on her plate. They all glared at her. She cost them another point.
The next meal was earthworms and snail sauce and you had to laugh at Chef.
“Don’t you realize my mom was a cook who lived in Japan until she was twenty, and my father was a boy who grew up in Greece until he was fifteen. I’m used to crazy meals.” You gave him a fist bump. “These bunch of sissy-white kids didn’t though.” He pointed at your boyfriend.
You closed your eyes, imagining when you were five.
Age five
Your father always danced in the kitchen, he was full of this energy every time he cooked. Tonight was his specialty, spaghetti. Your mama returned home from work, and from your spot in the living room playing with barbies, she picked you up and settled her on your hip laughing at her husband as he danced.
“Hello Αγάπη μου.” Your mom called out, causing the excited man to turn around and smile happily. “Ah yes、 hello 私の人生.” He gave her a kiss and tickled you. That was how they showed their love, they spoke in the other’s language.
You ate half of the worms before Chris had announced the other team winning, again.
You glared at your team who looked like they were on death's doorstep. You slammed your fist on the table.
“Okay ladies, I literally might have an eating disorder and I still have eaten more than you. When are you gonna stop feeling sorry for yourselves and kick some boy ass.” They all began smiling as Gwen agreed with you.
The next meals were horrible, but the girls got through them and even got up to a tie until the last meal, which was dolphin hotdogs.
“Americans are so interesting.” You stared at your American boyfriend who ate the hotdog easily. Honestly it was probably more healthy than the typical hotdog. “Yep.” Heather agreed and shoved the hotdog in your mouth with all the other girls following in pursuit. 
|Trending on X right now|
You ate the hotdog easily, but it was Bridgette who was having a hard time. But so was DJ so a very unhappy Chris decided to have an eat off.
“We’re going to have one person from each team take shots of cockroach juice.” you and Duncan both raised your hand. “Okay first of all we have enough info to know that you both are borderline alcoholic so you will not be taking shots. I was going to have Owen and Leshawna.” Chris rolled his eyes and you both groaned.
You and Duncan sat by the door as the others watched Leshawna lose the challenge. He lit a cigarette and you sighed. “When are you going to quit?” You asked him putting your head on his knees. He looked ashamed.
“It’s really hard, baby. Really freaking hard… I’ll get nic patches at the hotel.” he rubbed his eyes. “Are you doing okay, this is more food than you’ve ingested, like, ever.” He smiled sadly. “Actually, sort of, I’m really nauseous, but I ate it.” You felt your mom hug you as Duncan kissed your lips and whispered. “I’m so proud, she’s so proud.” and you chuckled sadly.
The boys sadly ended up winning.
Geoff had to literally drag Duncan away from you, “I’ll call!” Duncan yelled for his comfort more than yours. “He’s obsessed with you.” Gwen laughed, shaking her head. “Yep.” You smiled. “I’m in love with my best friend, and I wouldn’t trade him for the world.”
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pile-of-bugs · 1 year ago
Today's bug: Tailless whip scorpion!
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Sorry I haven't been active for so long.. anyways I got a new pet today - this female tailless whip scorpion (likely Phrynus whitei), so I'll tell you about them!
Tailless whip scorpions are arachnids in the Order Amblypygi (am-BLIP-idge-eye) and they're quite ancient! They even look a bit prehistoric, I think. There's about 150 species of tailless whip scorpion.
Adapted for crawling around dark forests and cave walls, these arthropods are nearly blind - their simple eyes giving them only vague information, like the level of surrounding light. That's where their loooong 2nd pair of legs come in!
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(image source: Wikimedia)
See those long "whips" from which they get their name? Those are for feeling their surroundings. When active, they'll be constantly moving around them around to sense their environment. The whips are very fragile and can break easily, but can be regrown every molt!
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(image source: Frank Deschandol on iNaturalist)
Tailless whip scorpions are NOT scorpions, nor are they spiders. And those terrifying front claws aren't legs either - they're heavily modified mouthparts, pedipalps to be precise. Speaking of scorpions, their grabby claws are also their pedipalps! In spiders, these are those cute little appendages right next to the chelicerae (the things that have the fangs).
Unlike both scorpions and spiders, however, a tailless whip scorpion cannot bite or sting. They're almost totally harmless! Practically the posterchild for "don't judge a book by its cover," these are some of the friendliest arachnids in the world. You have to seriously to make one angry (which is basically abuse, so don't do that), and even then they'll only try smacking you with their thorny pedipalps, never biting with their fangs.
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About the only truly scary part of handling them (once you get past their appearance) is their speed. These things normally move very slowly (on account of the "blind and has to touch everything" thing), but if startled, they'll bolt in the opposite direction with incredible speed! They really, really would rather not confront you at all. I cannot emphasize enough how completely NOT dangerous these arachnids are, despite their look!
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(image source: Jonathan's Jungle Roadshow)
Btw, did you know the mommas make great parents? Like many other large arachnids, the mothers will take their young with them until they're large enough to hunt on their own. They hatch from an egg pouch carried on the underside of the abdomen, which looks absolutely alien - in the source for the above image, you can find pictures of the whole process.
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You may have seen this meme ^ Their pedipalps, usually folded up, can also unfold to catch prey or defend themselves (in the original video for this pic, the owner is provoking this reaction - something I don't condone, even if it showcases their grab ability very well). Tailless whip scorpions are carnivores, and the prey they catch are usually small insects like crickets or flies.
Tailless whip scorpions are found in almost every warm, tropical part of the world - Central/South America, Africa, Asia, and even some islands like the Phillipines!
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Here's my t.w.s.' habitat. They're very easy pets to take care of! Just make sure you have a habitat that favors verticality - they need to be able to climb to feel at home! Cork board is best, either just on the back, or 2-3 sides of the enclosure. Humidity is a must, so have the base be filled with cocofiber, then add water and perhaps a heating pad set on low to maintain moisture. Moss helps too! All that's left is to feed them - just once or twice a month is enough.
The light on my display is too hot, and heats up the plastic really quickly, so I only use it briefly to find and observe her. They don't actually need light since they're used to being in the dark!
I hope you liked these facts on tailless whip scorpions. If you know more facts, lmk or just add it to the post! I'm still learning things myself - like for example, you can tell males/females apart by the size of their pedipalps (the males have reaaaally long pedipalps, like the one in that meme, the females have much shorter ones).
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yanderemommabean · 2 years ago
Momma, the bees
Hornets and wasps aren’t far behind. The ground isn’t safe either ants and scorpions are on the move and spiders seem to be particularly interested in making giant webs lately
-Mommabean ((we’re doomed))
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lullaebies · 2 years ago
What is your hcs for rhaegal
I am glad you asked anon - because he's my baby. he's my everything. he's ken to his sisters' barbie but WHAT A KEN HE IS! my beloved. Let's go. Once again noting here to all those who may read this ask these headcanons pertain to my fanfic The Protector of The Realm.
Male!Helaena (Rhaegal) Headcanons ◈ The secondborn child of Viserys and Alicent. He was expected to be a girl by old wives tales. Since their firstborn daughter was named Aerea (F!Aegon II), Rhaegal was supposed to be named Rhaella (to commemorate the twins daughters of Aegon the Uncrowned), but evidently, he came out a boy, and the name changed to Rhaegal.
◈ At first, he was a rather odd child. Sweet, but odd. He took interest in bugs and insects as Helaena does, and ended up being more present in the garden than the gardeners. Has a collection of bugs and scorpions he keeps in his old rooms. He was flightly and liked flowery language from books he read, and generally seemed disinterested in traditionally male hobbies. He was lazy in his swordsmanship training and has always been a softer, chubby cheeked child.
◈ The first time he looked a Targaryen prince is when he easily claimed Dreamfyre, who was the oldest dragon in the pit for a while. Dreamfyre is nothing less than a dear friend for him - it's more relaxing with her than the keep, that's for sure. He does really well with dragons in general - Shrykos and Morghul also like him plenty when they hatch for the twins.
◈ He grew up around women, between his sisters and mother and therefore ended up more sensitive to their plights. Rhaenyra and Aerea get whore shamed? Ew, he really hates it and grows averse to all things related to that. Aemma (F!Aemond) gets called out for acting too wild or gets called nasty names because of her lack of eye? Ew, don't do that to his sister! Daella (F!Daeron) gets scolded for escaping her lessons? "I never saw her leaving. I think she just finished early, Mother."
◈ He is maternal for a man. Jace and Luke were his closest male friends as children and since he was quite a bit older he ended up their babysitter many times, even on the sparring field. Helping to raise them made him realize how comfortable he is with children, and that later translated to him being a very good father for his children.
◈ He gets married to Aerea at age 13 after she gets into a scandal with some servant boy. The marriage is rough on them both but they have their understanding about it. Aerea gives birth to his children two years after, and for him the twins are the most important thing in the world. After their birth he finds newfound appreciation for her that only develops over time.
◈ Although not being as prominent for Viserys as Rhaenyra, as the only son, as well as one of the people who help Viserys most through his illness, Viserys regards him better than his full-blooded sisters. It's one of the reasons he is more aloof rather rather than resentful like his sisters.
◈ Intensely protective of his children. He finds his courage and defiance when it comes to them, and later on it translates to defending his sisters and mother as well. He doesn't fuck around when it comes to his family. Actually -he does not fuck around when it comes to his friends. ◈ He is not religious like his mother at all, but uses the Faith as a guideline for good morales. He is that one kid from a Christian household where his momma has strict values but he's like "as long as you are nice I like you, man."
◈ He tries very, very hard to ignore the pressure of court; he is a pacifist at heart and he does not believe he's any better than his sisters or anything of the like. He is not unware that his grandsire wants him to be more, but he is also terrified of it. But people test him, and when they do - he has to rise up to the challenge. ◈ also adding his faceclaim is Louis Hofmann!
And of course, for more - read The Protector of The Realm. Love my boy - thank you for asking!!
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mediocres-writing-blog · 1 year ago
Mortal Kombat Legends: Smoke Screen Chapter 9: The Ultimate Showdown
In the palace throne room, Ermac and Skarlet were preparing to finish off Rain, just as Ermac was getting ready to steal the Hydromancer's soul, major Briggs grabbed the Soul master and threw him away to the wall on the left, the blood mistress attempts to attack Jax, but is shadow kicked by Cassie.
Robin: Think you two could handle the ugly mofo and the bride of Yobbo?
Cassie: I think we can.
Said the commander, as she put her back against the major's.
Cassie: You ready, uncle Jax?
Jax: I got some unfinished business with this mufucker.
Skarlet: But didn't you wake up Ermac from his regeneration first—
Ermac: Be silent, woman, this is between him and us.
The rest of the group continue, as the Special Forces engaged in kombat, the others continue, being stopped in their tracks by the Kytin champion. As D'vorah's kin swings his blade, the speedster stops it with his hook swords and Outworlds avenger jumps at the insectoid, knocking him down to the ground.
Robin: Kabal and I'll take care of momma's boy, you just go ahead, protect their majesties.
Smoke and Sub Zero boldly look at eachother and then back at Red Robin, nodding together and sprinting off together to save the empress and kahn.
As the Lin Kuei bretheren head forward, right before the stairway to the lookout tower stood the Tremor, raising the rubble around him.
Tremor: I'm sorry, but i mus'nt let you go further...
Smoke: (to Sub Zero) Kuai, I'll take him on, find and stop Kano.
As the cryomancer nodded, the geokinetic ninja slammed the rubble on the ground, destroying it, revieling an underground Trigor pit, which stood there ever since Shao was still kahn of outworld. Sub Zero used his ice magic to create ice spikes, which he uses to climb to the tower entrance. He called two guards to go with him, and now, he knew exactly what he had to do now.
Sub Zero: KANO!
The master of ice yelled, as he rushed up to the tower's peak. As he was reaching the top, Kitana and Mileena are trying their damnest to keep up with the Black Dragon leader, but they can barely leave scratches on the aussie. As they're highnesses fall onto the ground with a leg sweep, Kano sighs, charging his cold, byonic heart.
Kano: Ya know, this could all have been avoided, just by handing me the throne, but I like you two... Tell ya what? Show your honor to me, I'll spare your lives and make you the queens of, oh i dunno... Japan?
He chuckled. Kitana and Mileena said nothing, nor could they do anything, as they're weapons were on the ground and they were injured. Kinana then spat at the australian, Mileena in disbelief. The australian hummed, his expression unchanged.
Kano: Welp, can't win em' all.
As he was getting ready to wipe Kitana off the face of the Outworld, a loud noise was heard behind, which sounded like swings of an axe against wood. Kano turned to see Kuai Liang and a broken door. The cryomancers bold expression gleamed at the arms dealer.
Kano: Well, If it ain't Chilly Willy. Here to whatch we take the throne, or run away, like when Scorpion lost his arm during the invasion?
Sub Zero: Neither of those two will happen. I'm done running, lets settle this once and for all.
Kano: Alright, first, get these two outta here, we don't wanna hurt the ladies while we fight.
The guards, who followed Sub Zero, take they're highnesses downstairs.
Sub Zero: I've looked forward to this... many will be thankful for what i'm about to do.
Kano: Well, lets not stand around and get to the fighting.
He said, as he reached for his pocket, Kuai Liang was flabbergasted. The Black Dragon leader pulled out Scorpion's amulet, it shined in the setting sun.
Sub Zero: You took it!
Kano: ...And your little boyfirend never told you what else it could do other than take you from a realm to realm, did'nt he?
Kuai Liang was furious, forming his kri sword, he spun it a bit before pointing it in Kano's direction.
Sub Zero: Enough talking, face me, scum bag, in Mortal Kombat.
Kano took a knife that was in his boot strap, in his other hand the amulet.
This is it, the final battle; Scorpion vs. D'vorah, Cassie and Jax vs. Ermac and Skarlet, Kabal and Red Robin vs. The champion, Smoke vs. Tremor, and Sub Zero vs. Kano. They're whole journey has lead up to this point. The tention was so thick you could cut through it with a knife. And it was finally time for one epic, final, Ultimate showdown.
The battles begin all at once, they're combat shakes the entire palace.
The Earthrealmers continue the fight against the queen of insects and her minions, but with Robin and Kabal, the tide is slowly turning in their favor. the champion throws Robin aside, and Skarlet gets the upper hand on Cassie, and is ready to finish her off, when Jax punches the blood mistress, and Cassie knocks her out with her baton. Ermac gets up, and throws a few more energy blasts at Jax and Cassie. Jax is able to deflect them, and Cassie charges in, punching the soul sacker to the floor, and the two earthrealmers deliver a devastating kick, launching Ermac across the hall. The insectoid stands before them, ready for another round, decking Outworlds Avenger right in the face, shattering his mask and knocking him back a few meters, the Speedster notices this, rushing in his friends aid.
Kabal: Red! You Arright, pal?
Robin: Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry. I got a plan...
He quickly explains his idea, Kabal nods and they head fourth. Kabal rushing behind the big bad bug, grabbing him with his swords, ready to finish him.  As the champion screeches and tries to grab the nomad, Robin uses his fire-like magic to ignite his daggers and throw them at the kytin champion's eyes, and Kabal Spinning him with the swords and slamming him onto the floor face-first, and the daggers protrude right out of the back of the head, finishing D'vorah's kin. The Knives return to the sender, sheathing themselves in the caped warrior.
Robin: Fatality.
Jax and Cassie look back at them, and they all cheer in unison, Skarlet escaped without anyone's notice. The Earthrealmers celebrate, as the guards and other warriors come to their aid. Jax hugs Cassie, and Kabal does the same, Robin, still not feeling like he belongs in the family.
Robin: *ahem* Let's not celebrate to soon, the ninjas need our help!
Cassie: You're right, lets go!
The image cuts to Smoke and Tremor Dueling in the underground chambers, both stronger than ever. Tremor keeps throwing minerals at the gaseous ninja, who keeps dodging them. Smoke throws a shuriken at the stone giant, and the two rush, clashing their fist.
Smoke: I do not wish to fight you! understand Tremor--
Tremor: I wouldn't fight you neither, but I have no choice. I have no will, and no life, I only exist for him. He wants me to kill you, and I'll do anything for him, even if it means my own demise. I'm sorry, but you are an obstacle, and obstacles must be removed.
Smoke is trying his best to dodge as many blows as he can from the stone giant, but he is too strong, swing after swing, he gets stronger. Smoke gets knocked back, and finally figures out his pattern, which allows him to get a few lucky strikes, which finally gets Tremor down to the ground with a leg sweep. The golem tries to get up, but the master of mist puts a dagger at his throat.
Smoke: Don't. I know when someone doesn't feel right, and i know a pain sears your heart. Tell me, I can help you.
Said Smoke, as he made his dagger disapear. The earth ninja sighed, and got off the ground to sit to the wall behind him. As he opened his mouth, the image shifts to still shots of his past.
Tremor: I was once a happy and just man. I had it all: a wife, daughter, and a place i could call home... that is until that faithful day. The invasion started, and we tried to escape. My wife was taken from me by the hands of Shao Kahn's soliders, and I tried escaping with my daughter, I held her close, and we tried to hide. When the building was fallen, I couldn't find her. Just then, Kano found me, and took me in, he said he could help me with getting them back. I had nothing left to lose, so I joined him and he took me to his base in Outworld. The more I was there, the more my body started to change, turning me into this golem I am today. My mind was broken, my body disfigured, and my soul felt like it left my body... you realize now why I do this. And don't pretend like you know, how could anyone know my pain?
The gaseous ninja heard his reasoning for his actions, making him reflect on his own past.
Smoke: I am truly sorry... I lost those who are dear to me too. My sister and mother, who I've lived with were taken from me, I was left alone in the world, until I was taken in by the Lin Kuei's grandmaster. There, I met Kuai Liang and Bi-Han, who I've become brothers with. I've been taught to use powers even I didn't knew I had, and I had my fairshare of disagreements, but we were united as one. When the cyberization of my clan began, I was the only one left who had a soul of my own. I was slain, and brought back to the world of the living. I was terrified that it might happen again, but I wasn't alone. Kuai Liang, Sub Zero, was there too, helping me get through it. If you come with me, we could find a cure for your disability.
The geokinetic was left speechless, and tears shed from his eyes. He quickly wiped them off, and he looked at Smoke's golden-yellow eyes and got off the ground.
Tremor: Okay. Lets stop the others. But how? I am not as powerful as him. I am not even sure if I can beat him.
Smoke: Kuai Liang is fighting him now, we have to see if we can help him.
The image cuts to the Outside of the palace, with corpses of Kytin warriors and fire over the floor, and Hanzo Hasashi standing in the middle of them all. The wound in D'vorah's stomach has healed, due to her inane healing factor. She stood there, staring at the Shirai Ryu with utter rage. She charged at the ninja, and Scorpion threw his Kunai at her, which she dodged and grabbed. He threw more at her, which she blocked and threw some acidic venom at him, he dodged, and she protruded her four tendrals from her back, hitting him with a few swings. He got up, and threw his chain spear at her, which went straight through her arm. She screeched, and ripped it off her body, and jumped at him, attempting to pin him down, however, he grabbed her by the neck and threw her off him. She stood there, still dazed. Scorpion threw his spear at her, jumping over her and phasing through the ground but still keeping her above it. He makes the spear go fully around D'vorah, jumping out of the ground and pulling the spear back to himself, splitting the insectoid in two, right down the middle. The pieces fall onto the ground, and the ninjas walks over the carcass.
Scorpion: Scorpion wins, flawless victory.
 The image cuts back to the inside of the tower, Sub Zero and Kano still in combat. They both are starting to get exhausted, but Kano is able to keep up with Kuai Liang's cryomancer abilities. Kano pulls out a knife and cuts the cyromancer, leaving a huge scar across the Lin Kuei's eye, and he falls over. Kano chuckles and puts the knife away.
Kano: Welp, guess your little plan didn't work, eh Chilly Willy? Ya know, I'm glad I didn't kill you back at the invasion. This, this is much sweeter, ain't it? Now, what was the deal? Oh yeah, I'm gonna rip your fucking arm off, and shove it up your ass. But first, I want you to suffer. I'm going to let your little boytoy watch you bleed to death, and when you're on the brink of death, I'll send his head back to your clan, and the rest will follow, and no one will mourn you. No one. Got it? Good. Now, say goodbye, ya fuckin' pansy.
The cryomancer knew he couldn't go out like this. So he dodged Kano's laser blast and redirect it into his own arm to free himself, and with his ice powers makes a new one. He rushes towards the arms dealer and delivers a powerful punch. Kano tries to attack the Lin Kuei, but he was too quick. He then jumps behind him, and kicks him into the floor, and he freezes his legs, which the Black Dragon leader quickly breaks out off. Sub Zero throws a barrage of icicles at the Black Dragon leader, but Kano manages to break them all and throw energy blasts with the amulet at Kuai Liang. They both continue the fight. Kano attempts to throw a knife at Sub Zero, but the cryomancer grabs his hand and freezes his arm, making the Aussie yell in pain. Sub Zero punches the Black Dragon leader and knocks him out the window, from which he survives by grabbing onto the side with his knife, and uses to get back up. Suprisingly, Kano is impressed with how Kuai Liang has been doing, he aplauds him even.
Kano: I gotta admit, I thought I was gonna kill you, but it seems that's not the case. Maybe I'll just let you have the throne and be on my way, but not without a souvenier.
As he was taking the amulet off, Kuai Liang threw a kunai at his arm, making Kano drop the amulet, and the cryomancer used his ice powers to grab it, and throw it outside, and the Aussie was left without an exit. Sub Zero walked over to the Black Dragon leader and picked him up, looking straight at his bloodied face, and then, he delivered a devastating headbutt. The cryomancer was preparing to deliver the final blow onto the Black Dragon's leader.
Kano: Well don't just stand there, do it!!!
Kuai Liang stood there in silence, throwing his ice out the window, and looking back at Kano.
Sub Zero: No. It was my soul desire to kill you ever since I saw you, but now  I'm no longer blinded by my rage. I am sending you to the Special Forces, you must stand trial.
Tremor and Tomas rush upstairs to see Kano with his hands behind his back and Kuai Liang holding him in the heavely damaged lookout tower.
Smoke: This was all you?
Sub Zero: I'll explain later. Lets take him to Commander Cage and Major Briggs.
Kano looked at Tremor with anger in his eyes.
Kano: You fucking traitor, you'll pay for this!
Tremor: (To smoke) He's all yours.
As he said that, Kano tried to reach for his pistol, but before he could even grab it, Kuai Liang chopped the Black Dragon leader's neck, knocking him unconscious. The three went downstairs to join the others. When the group came down, they all looked at Kano with hate in their eyes, Robin was the most disgusted.
Cassie: So, this is the man responsible for everything, huh?
Jax: We should have killed him years ago.
Robin: We can do that now, if you'd like.
Cassie: Nah, we can do that later.
Commander Cage calls base, to which general Blade quickly responds to.
Sonya Blade: Cage, this better be important.
Cassie: It is, ma'am. The mission is complete.
Sonya Blade: Amazing! You may return tomorrow, to bring him in when the sun rises.
Cassie: We'll bring him in ASAP, Commander Cage out.
She said as she cut off the communication.
Kitana and Mileena, who were healed up after that big fight, walk into the lobby to greet and congradulate the team.
Kitana: We were saved, thanks to you, Earthrealmers. You have our gratitude.
Mileena: Yes, our eternal gratitude. You are truly the defenders of the realm.
Cassie: Thanks, but we couldn't have done it without the help of Robin and the ninjas.
Robin: You guys are giving me too much credit.
Smoke: And we wouldn't have been here if it wasn't for You, commander.
Kitana: Well, whatever the case, you have all proven yourselves worthy, and will be rewarded.
Tremor: That won't be nessecary, your highness, I didn't earn anything of material worth.
Smoke: You earned my trust, Tremor.
Cassie: So, does that mean we get to sleep over?
Kitana: For the night, yes, and you may leave tomorrow. But what about Kano?
Jax: I can put this device that cancels out all electricity on whatever its placed on.
He put that on Kano's head and it activated, stopping him from using his prosthetic eye or heart, and two guards send him to a dungeon with chains hanging his arms.
Tremor: Well, I'll be heading off. I don't feel like partying.
Sub Zero: If you earned Tomas' trust, you've earned mine, too. Stay, we'll celebrate tomorrow.
Tremor: I'm no good with crowds, sorry.
Robin: You know, you're sounding a whole lot like me before I met this squad. They ain't half bad actually.
Tremor was scared but his heart was in the right place.
Tremor: Alright, I'll give you all a chance. But I can't promise I won't run off.
Cassie: Good, lets get some sleep, y'all.
And everyone went to their respective rooms to get some shut eye.
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bullet-prooflove · 8 months ago
Three things: tumbleweed, cactus, scorpion
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @pear-1206 @keyweegirlie @nu1freakshow @trublu2u
Takes place before Travis's diagnosis.
The Next Step - Travis asks you to take the next step in the relationship.
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You hate Texas.
It’s Travis’s worst nightmare because he was sorta hoping, sorta praying that maybe you’d fall in love with the state and consider moving here in the future. After this morning’s antics with the scorpion in the bathroom he doesn’t see that happening anytime soon.
“She’s too soft for you.” His momma had said while he was sipping coffee at the breakfast table. “You need to get yourself a girl made of sterner stuff.”
“Momma…” He’d began but already she was talking over him and he hushes because he’s old enough to know he won’t get a word in edgeways until she’s done.
“Mercedes is back you know, she’s been asking after you. I reckon the two of you could make another go of it after you get rid of this one.” She says gesturing towards the stairs.
And now his momma’s trying to get him back together with his ex-girlfriend, his day has just barely started and it’s already turned to shit. He opens his mouth to speak but then you appear in the doorway and the two of them cease the conversation.
You’re quiet on the ride through the pastures, he tries to keep up the conversation but you’re reserved and distant. In the end he lets the silence fall because clearly you’re trying to work something out and he can tell he’s not helping.
It’s when you get to the hill overlooking the ranch that he says the words you’re skirting around.
“You’re leaving aren’t you?” he says as he watches tumbleweed hurtling past a slew of cactus in the distance. “Texas, it doesn’t agree with you.”
“No.” You say softly. “It doesn’t.”
His heart breaks then because that future he envisioned, the two of you here running the ranch, it shatters. You’re at a turning point he realises, if you want to make a life together one of you has to move. He has responsibilities here, a home, a business and so do you back in Montana.
It’s an impossible choice, one that neither of you should have to make.
“I’ll take you to the airport.” He says finally because he knows that’s what you’ve been trying to tell him.
 You’ve already booked flight, you’ll be long gone by tonight.
There’s no point in dragging it out, not now that you know it can’t work.
“I’ll miss you.” He says, his grip tightening on his reins, his eyes stinging. “These past few years…”
He trails off because he can’t bare to think about them now, not when he’s losing you.
“I’m sorry.” You say, your voice breaking. “I really thought…”
That we could have a future together, grow old together.
“Yea.” He says quietly, his gaze fastening on the sun setting in the distance. “So did I.”
Love Travis? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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howlingday · 1 year ago
Red Snowflakes
Whitley: (Whistling)
Hazel: Hey. What are you doing out here?
Whitley: I'm whistling. Jack and Willie don't like me at home in the day. I'm whistling a song about me and my pet, Speedy.
Hazel: No, I mean what are you doing out here? Don't you know to stay away from the abandoned Old Haven Academy? Here, I'll take you to a safer place.
Whitley: My name's Whitley, and I'm not homeless. Well, not always.
Hazel: Not always?
Whitley: Mhm. Used to live in a big fancy house until Jack lost everything, Willie said. But she found a place close by. They're always drinking their "adult" drinks, so I have to do my whistling out here. And I like whistling here.
Hazel: There used to be a Huntsman school here, but a monster burned it down. A lot of people died BEFORE the fire. Kids. Teachers. Huntsmen. Huntresses. Please, let me take you somewhere safer.
Whitley: I'm safe here, though.
Hazel: But not at home? I see those bruises, Whitley. I won't tell you to go home. Go wherever you want. But the stories about the kid who burned down Old Haven... There's a LOT of terrible stories about him. About this place. And ever sonce the fire... a lot of people have gone missing. This place is CURSED.
Whitley: ...I like whistling.
Hazel: ...Okay. I won't tell you what to do, but believe me; Old Haven Academy is NOT where you want to go... Not unless you wanna disappear. (Leaves)
Whitley: (Whistles)
???: (Whistles)
Whitley: (Looks into Old Haven, Walks inside)
???: Ooh... Is someone there?
???: Where's your friends? ...Don't got any?
???: Don't worry...
Willow: Mm... Whuh..?
Willow: (Opens door) Who the hell's here with you?
Whitley: I'm playing with Tyrian.
Willow: (Nobody else) Mm... Go play outside. Jacques and I have important business. (Walks downstairs) I think there's something wrong with him. He's making up an imaginary friend now.
Jacques: Yes, yes. Have you seen that dog anywhere? Feels like forever since I last saw him.
Willow: And this is a problem because..?
Hazel: Hm...
Clover: Evenin', Haze.
Hazel: Oh, er, good evening, Clove. Hey, listen, y'see a kid hanging around lately?
Clover: Kid out here? Nah, why?
Hazel: Saw him the other day. Looked like he's got some bruises, and his parents are probably squatting somewhere nearby. Couple days ago he was out here whistling.
Clover: I'll ask around, but you're probably right to be worried.
Hazel: What do you mean?
Clover: Coupl'a Huntsmen went missing 'round here. Signs of violence all over the street.
Hazel: Wh... What kinda violence?
Clover: The kinda you don't just walk away from. Why? You know something?
Hazel: (Gulps) N-Nah... Just... Just let me know if you see that kid, okay? Friendly guy, about 13, maybe 14. Said his name was Whitley.
Willow: Would you board up the damn window already?! Rain's getting in hard!
Jacques: Like it's the first hard thing you've ever taken!
Willow: First in a long time!
Jacques: God damn... I think there's spare board in the closet... Holy Brothers... (Covering his mouth) S... Speedy..? (Gags)
Whitley: Hee hee hee... Oopsie~!
Jacques: You little... I'M OING TO BEAT- ARGH!
Whitley: Ah ah ah, Jackie. Tyrian says you won't hurt anyone... ever... again...
Willow: J-Jacque..? Jacque, what the hell was that- (Gasps)
Tyrian: (Whitley inside him, Teeth in Jacques) Hiya, mumsie~! Tyrian says you lied to us. (Willow runs) Remember all those owies you and Jack used to give us, Mommy?
Willow: (Trips, Leg snared by scorpion tail) Agh!
Tyrian: They don't hurt no more. They kinda feel nice. Here, Momma...
Hazel: ...Whitley! You came back! Didn't see you the other day and I got worried.
Whitley: You said go home, remember~?
Hazel: Yeah... Yeah, I did, but... People have gone missing around here, remember?
Whitley: Uh-huh. Sure do, Hazel~.
Hazel: Couple Huntsmen did after I saw you, and then there was that murder last night, and... I don't think I told you my name.
Whitley: Well, how else would I know if you didn't tell me~?
Hazel: Did... Didn't you used to have bruises? On your arms. Weren't there-
Whitley: And what about your bruises, Hazel? The ones you got at Old Haven. You used to get beat up all the time and had to rely on your baby sister to come save you.
Hazel: (Teary-eyed, Shakily steps away) S-Stay back...
Whitley: Tyrian says you tried to fight him off for two seconds before running away, crying like a baby while your baby sister screamed for you. He says you still cry at night thinking about how you left her to die slowly to him. But you don't need to cry, though. Gretchen is here, too, with all of us. And we're all waiting for you.
Hazel: (Runs away, Sobbing)
Whitley: We're all waiting for you... when you finally come home~.
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5mind · 9 months ago
(( if its anything tho, and i think i HAVE mentioned it before, scorpions ARE antare's favourite arthropods.
he just thinks theyre cute even if they sting and all that. saw a momma scorpion carrying her babies at some point when he was a kid and went 'awwww'
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wuxiaphoenix · 2 years ago
Worldbuilding: To Pet is Human
I am bemused. Because of this vid.
Water droplet on jumping spider.
...If there’s something pettable or that can be played with, humans will try to do it. Big, small, fur, feathers, scales, way too many legs - some human, somewhere, somewhen, will give it a try. Because we are just Like That.
This is something that needs to be considered in your worldbuilding. And not just in the “give the Evil Overlord a mini-monster for his shoulder” way. Dragons terrorizing fortresses? Someone’s going to go looking for eggs to hatch. Tiny piranha-forms in your alien colony’s streams? Guarantee you someone will set up an aquarium and start breeding them for colors and patterns. Intelligent slimes in the sewers? Okay, that one’s trickier, but I’d bet someone would set up cameras and try to see if you can lure it into a maze with tasty candy treats a la Pacman ghosts.
Play is a normal, generally healthy, human behavior. It seems to be normal behavior for a lot of intelligent creatures; everything from horses playing Frisbee with dogs to foxes finding abandoned toys to octopi stealing cameras to take pictures of divers. If you’re going to have intelligent creatures in your story, even if they’re generally man-eating monsters, then every once in a while you should be able to see one doing something utterly ridiculous. Because it’s fun.
Every once in a while your characters should get the chance to be ridiculous, too. Though that’s more a matter of personal taste. I, for one, like to see my heroes sometimes laying water balloon traps or throwing sticks for the nearest animal that wants to chase and pounce them. It shows a side of them that isn’t obsessed with whatever the Monster of The Week or latest apocalypse is doing. Because most of life is not the monster or apocalypse, and it feels better for me if heroes have to get through a little normal life too, in a fluffy way. Your preferences may vary.
You can, of course, always use it as a note to indicate a character is a bit unhinged and potentially the hidden villain. Because who gives sharks a nice scratch, squeals in joy over momma scorpions with tiny baby scorplings, or cuddles up with crocodiles, snakes, or skunks?
(Yes, people have done all of these. Though I recommend descented tame skunks if you go that route. And keep them up to date on their rabies shots.)
So. Yeah. Think about what your characters or the people around them may think is adorable. And then show them trying to pet it....
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