#scorpio rasi
jothishi · 1 year
The Characteristics of Scorpio / Vrischika Rasi @Jothishi
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jupiitersreturn · 16 days
Introduction to Shadbala
Shadbala is a Vedic Astrology Quantitative Method used to determine the strength of a planet in one's Natal Chart. It is said to mean 6 Fold Strength because as per calculation, 6 different levels of strength are used to calculate the overall authority of the planet.
Having any planet as your Shadbala does not always mean it’s good. Strength can be good or bad. Your Shadbala is the energy that you have the easiest time expressing. Low Shadbala (or the planet with NO energy) is the energy you have the hardest time expressing and therefore need to work towards. For example, someone with The Sun as their Shadbala has an easy time expressing themselves through their personal talents and creative abilities. But if this person also has Saturn as having no energy in their Shadbala Chart, then it can indicate that this person may have a harder time with responsibility, structure, and commitment.
Think of it like this; the lower a planet is in your Shadbala, the less energy that planet has to do its job.
Strength is calculated using Shashtiamsha which is essentially a point system consisting of 5 Categories, two of which have 5 and 9 Sub-Categories.
The Five Categories are Positional Strength, Directional Strength, Temporal Strength, Motional Strength, Permanent Strength, and Aspect Strength.
I do not advise anyone to use this manual method to calculate their Shadbala. (Unless you really want to). This is just for informational purposes.This method takes 1-2 Hours for the average Astrologer to complete. Which is why the Shadbala Calculator exists.
Calculator Here
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Positional Strength (Sthana Bala) - This is basically planetary dignities. The position of a planet determines the amount of strength it will have.
Oocha Bala - If a planet is at the EXACT degree of Exaltation, the planet gets 60 points. Exact degrees of exaltation are as follows:
Sun: 19th degree of Aries 
Moon: 3rd degree of Taurus
Mercury: 15th degree of Virgo
Venus: 24th degree of Pisces
Mars: 28th degree of Capricorn
Jupiter: 15th degree of Cancer
Saturn: 21st degree of Libra
If a planet is in the opposite sign or at the EXACT degree of Fall it does not get any points. Usually this is not the case and in the event that a planet falls on a degree other than the points of Fall and exaltation, points are given based on the median number of those two degrees.
Saptavargaja Bala - To calculate the strength we look at Rasi, Hora, Drekkana, Saptamsa, Navamsa, Dwadasamsa and Trimsamsa charts.
In the Rasi Chart ONLY, if a planet occupies its Moolatrikana (sign of its Rulership at a specific degree) it gets 45 Shashtiamsas If it is in its sign of Rulership it gets 30 Shashtiamsas, if it is in the sign of a great friend, it gets 22.5 Shashtiamsas, if it is in the sign of a friend it gets 15 Shashtiamsas, in a neutral sign 7.5 , in the sign of an enemy 3.75 Shashtiamsas and in the sign of a great enemy 1.875 Shashtiamsas. 
Ojayyugma Bala - A planet gains strength if it is in an uneven or even sign or navamsa. Uneven is Masculine Signs, Even is Feminine Signs.
Uneven Signs - Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius. 
Even Signs - Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces  
Moon and Venus get 15 Shashtiamsas if they are in an even sign or navamsa, and 30 Shashtiamsas if they are in an even sign AND navamsa. Masculine and Neutral planets such as Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury and Saturn get 15 Shastiamsas when they are in an uneven sign and get 15 Shashtiamsas when they are in an uneven navamsa.
Kendra Bala - When in a Kendra House (1,4,7, and 10) a planet receives 60 Shastiamsas. When in houses 2,5,8, or 11, 30 Shastiamsas are given. When in houses 3,6,9, or 12, 15 Shastiamsas are given.
Drekkana Bala - When in the first 10 Degrees of whatever sign its in, Masculine and Neutral planets (Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury and Saturn) get 15 Shastiamsas. When in the LAST 10 Degrees of whatever sign its in, Femini Planets (Moon and Venus) get 15 Shastiamsas. Neutral planets are also most potent when in the middle degree of whatever sign its in.
Total Number of Shastiamsas = Your Sthana Bala
Directional Strength (Dig Bala) - The position of the planet in each directional quadrant determines the amount of strength it will have.
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The Sun and Mars are most powerful in the South (10th House) Saturn in the West (7th House) Moon and Venus in the North (4th House) Mercury and Jupiter in the East (1st House)
When a planet is in a house OPPOSITE to it's strongest house it receives no Shastiamsas. For Example, Moon and Venus would receive no Shastiamsas in the 10th House as it is opposite the 4th House. If a planet is right at the midpoint of the house it is strongest in, in receives 60 Shastiamsas. For example, lets say your Moon is in the 4th House. If your Moon is sitting directly at the Midpoint of whatever sign is in the 4th House, you receive 60 Shastiamsas. This is only if the planet is in its strongest house. So if the Moon was in the 10th House, it would receive 0 Shastiamsas.
Temporal Strength (Kala Bala) - The planets position depending on the time of day the native was born will determine the amount of strength it will have.
The Moon, Saturn and Mars are powerful during midnight. At noon they are powerless. The Sun, Jupiter and Venus are powerful during noon and are powerless at midnight. Mercury is considered to always be powerful. So the native is granted a maximum of 60 Shashtiamsas. Moon, Saturn and Mars are given 60 Shashtiamsas only if the native is born at midnight and 0 if the native is born at noon. Sun, Jupiter and Venus get 60 Shastiamsas if the native is born at noon and zero if they are born at midnight.
Motional Strength (Chesta Bala) - The planets motion will determine the amount of strength it will have. The Sun and the Moon are not calculated as they do not go Retrograde. Fast moving planets have a low Chesta Bala and slow moving planets have a high Chesta Bala. The maximum amount of Shashtiamsas to be earned is 60.
Permanent Strength (Naisargika Bala) - The luminosity of the planet will determine the amount of strength it has.
The maximum amount of Shashtiamsas to be earned is 68.57 as the Sun is the brightest planet which gives it 60 Shashtiamsas and Saturn is the dullest which gives it 8.57 Shashtiamsas. This is the same for every chart.
Aspect Strength (Drik Bala) The nature of the aspects made to the planets will determine the amount of strength it has. The more spread out your planets are, the higher their Drig Bala will be. The point which is 120 degrees from the planet gets a partial aspect of 50%, the point which is 90 degrees from the planet gets a 75% aspect, the point which is 60 degrees gets a 25% aspect and the point which is 30 or 150 degrees from the planet gets no aspect at all. If a planet is aspected by benefics the planet receives a positive Shashtiamsa value. If a planet is aspected by malefics than it gets negative Drik Bala points.
For example lets say my Planet is The Moon and it is being aspected by Venus at 90 degrees, so it gets a 75% POSITIVE aspect (because Moon and Venus are positive planets) which means my Total Shadbala is 45 (75% of 60 is 45).
Another example, let's say my planet is Venus and is being aspected by Saturn at 120 Degrees. It now receives a partial aspect of 50%. Because Saturn is a malefic, my Drikbala is now NEGATIVE and therefore, 50% of the maximum 60 Shashtiamsas is now being taken away, leaving me with 30 Shashtiamsas.
Finally, you add up ALL of your Shashtiamsas from all 6 Balas to get your Virupas. Next, divide that number by 60 to get your Shadbala in Rupas. Each planet is required to have a certain number of Rupas to be considered "strong". The amount is below;
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Observations coming soon! <3
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Pushya Women and Marriage
I stumbled upon this video randomly scrolling Instagram. I used Shakira as an example recently in my Cancer Moon post but she was one of many, and I didn’t focus on Pushya specifically, and seeing this video I immediately knew I had to share it.
It is said that Pushya Nakshatra is auspicious in all things in a native’s life except for marriage. That comes from Vedic mythology, where Brihaspati, the deity of Pushya, has been cheated on by his wife (note that Shakira’s ex husband cheated on her too, it’s amazing how these mythological patterns recreate themselves in our human relationships). So even if this doesn’t lead to a divorce but just distance within the marriage, the atmosphere is going to be sour…which long term can lead to separation anyway because who wants something that sours their life?
This video shows so well a Pushya Moon’s woman feelings and attitude about their karma and marriage in general.
I find that for this to change with Pushya in one’s chart there need to be significant chart factors, both in D9 and rasi. Notably, planets in Libra, Scorpio, 7th or 8th house, all of which will increase karma and desire for intimate partnership.
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13lunarstar · 4 months
Relocation in the natal chart
If you don't like how things are, change it! You are not a tree! (Jim Rohn)
There are a few indications in the natal chart (Rasi or D-1) for which it is better and more beneficial for an individual to relocate (including immigration):
Empty kendra houses (1, 4, 7, 10 houses) - kendra houses are the strongest houses and having them empty means that an individual doesn't have enough support in those areas of life making relocation potentially beneficial and useful
The birth chart is stronger if looking from the 12th house which is occupied by planets ( "putting" the 12th house to the 1st)
Note! A natal chart from the 12th house will only be the additional chart to analyse. Rasi, D-4 (Chaturhamsha divisional chart which shows inner happiness, home matters and relationships with family and homeland) and Navamsha (D-9 divisional chart) remain the most important to evaluate the relocation.
THE THIRD (3) house - short-distance trips and relocation (to another city or a part of the country)
The FOURTH (4) house -homeland and actual place of living
The SEVENTH (7) house - relocation due to business matters, a spouse
The EIGHTH (8) house - relocation due to medical treatment
The NINETH (9) house - relocation to distant lands, relocation due to getting higher education, work abroad, pilgrimage. Generally successful trips.
The TWELFTH (12) house - relocation to distant lands, immigration, pilgrimage, peregrination, loss of connection with the homeland
The north node RAHU - foreign connections and influences, unexpected, extreme relocation.
Note! Considering a big planetary period (dasha) when the relocation occurs is always good.
The quality or reason for relocation depends on the planet…
SUN - relocation due to father or other authority figure, governmental support (or issues), or work/business matters
MOON - relocation due to family matters (including marriage), mother, and/ or spouse (for males)
MARS - swift relocation (when decision was taken quickly), relocation due to lover (for females), or due to brothers
MERCURY - relocation due to business, studies, friends. Mercury might give issues with documents during relocation
JUPITER - good relocation and lucky trips. Relocation due to opening or expansion of a business and financial matters, higher education, spouse (for females) and pilgrimage (relocation e.g., to remote sanctuary abroad)
VENUS - relocation due to pleasures, financial matters ( e.g., relocation to a wealthy partner), leisure time, holidays and romantic affairs.
SATURN - relocation due to some duties and responsibilities (including forced relocation), older people (e.g., family members or older partner), relocation due to some pressures and obstacles
RAHU - relocation due to connections with foreign lands, foreigners and partners. Unexpected, unusual, swift and even extreme relocations
KETU - relocation due to unexpected sickness, losses, and spiritual pursuits. Sudden, unusual, mystical relocation with possible strange situations ( including disappear).
THE 4TH HOUSE - one of the most important houses to evaluate the reasons to relocate. The house governs the place of living, level of inner happiness, relations with mother and homeland.
Factors affecting the desire to move away:
Afflicted 4th house (malefics and their aspects to the 4th house) in Rasi (D-1), Chaturhamsha (D-4), and Navamsha (D-9) may push a person forward to move away.
The sign on the cuspid of the 4th house:
Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn - tend to change their place of living.
Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces - moderate tendency to change their place of living.
Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius - do not like to change their place of living.
THE 7TH HOUSE - relocation due to spouse or business matters or work of the spouse. When the lord of the 1st house is in the 7th house; when the lord of the 9th house is in the 7th house or when the lord of the 7th house is in the 1st house. When there are benefics in the 7th house, they will bring popularity and fame even after relocation.
THE 8TH HOUSE - relocation due to medical treatment, relocation to water, moving due to deep life-changing transformations
THE 9TH HOUSE - successful relocation to distant lands (including abroad) due to higher education, work, pilgrimage, a partner or a father. The lord of the 9th house in the 9th house and if connected with Rahu - father might be famous; a relocation because of him. The lord of the 9th house in the 12th house - relocation and living in a foreign land or its sanctuary. Immigration due to father or immigration of a father abroad.
THE 12TH HOUSE - distant relocation, immigration, forced immigration due to losses, separation (e.g., from family members) The lord of the 7th house in the 12th house - relocation to a foreign spouse. The lord of the 12th house is located together with the lord of the 6th house + the 8th house is afflicted - "relocation" to the jail. The lord of the 12th house in the 9th house - life and property abroad.
The sign on the cuspid of the 12th house:
Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn - tend to change their place of living.
Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces - moderate tendency to change their place of living.
Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius - do not like to change their place of living.
The lord of the 1st house in a mutable sign (Ge/Vi/Sag/Pi) in the 12th house - many trips abroad
The lord of the 2nd house in the 12th house - prosperity and wealth abroad
The lord of the 3rd house in the 12th house - separation from family members and relocation abroad or far away
The lord of the 4th house in the 12th house - relocation and finding a living place in another country
The lord of the 5th house in the 12th house - relocation due to studies, and romantic affairs (which might have a secretive nature)
The lord of the 6th house in a mutable sign (Ge/Vi/Sag/Pi) in the 12th house - many trips abroad
The lord of the 7th house in the 12th house - frequent business trips, potential temporary living abroad due to work/ business, finding a spouse abroad and relocation to him/her
The lord of the 8th house in the 12th house - relocation due to challenges, losses, deep transformations, healing and medical treatment, secretive, isolated relocation, relocation involving significant monetary expenses
The lord of the 9th house in the 12th house - relocation to foreign lands for spiritual reasons, broadening horizons. Good luck in the foreign lands
The lord of the 10th house in the 12th house - relocation due to a career in a foreign land. The strong lord of the 10th house will give status and a good reputation abroad, and the weak lord will further weaken career matters abroad
The lord of the 11th house in the 12th house - relocation due to friends from abroad, elder siblings, relocation due to help from secret friends and sponsors. There might be issues with saving money, problems with friends and hidden enemies during relocation and life abroad
The lord of the 12th house in the 12th house - frequent trips abroad or constantly living abroad (foreign permanent residence). If the lord is malefic occupying the 12th house, there might be issues with law and sins abroad. If benefics - after the relocation, a person spends money on pleasures and things that satisfy him - the negative side of the 12th house won't be presented.
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anhxdonia · 2 months
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[ SENDHIL RAMAMURTHY, 50, CIS MAN, HE/HIM ] Welcome to Antioch, MAHARTH PRASAD CHANDRASEKHAR ! Local sources report that you’ve been in town for 2 WEEKS and are known to be CHARMING yet EVASIVE. Others have dredged up rumors that you’re involved in THE VAMPIRE OF ANTIOCH as a SUSPECT, but most know you for your work as the new PROFESSOR OF COMPARATIVE RELIGIONS at ANTIOCH UNIVERSITY.
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Character Name. Danish Maharth Prasad Chandrasekhar / ದಾನೀಶ ಮಹಾರ್ಥ ಪ್ರಸಾದ ಚಂದ್ರಶೇಖರ್ Nickname(s). Danu, Som, Maha Face Claim. Sendhil Ramamurthy   Birthday.  October 27, 1974 Place of birth. Mysuru, Karnataka State, India Sexuality. Fluid Zodiac. Scorpio (Western), Tula/Libra (Vedic), Mīna (Rasi), Purva-Bhadrapada (Nakshatra) MBTI.  ESTP-A Moral Alignment. True Neutral Occupation. Professor of Comparative Religions, Adjunct Lecturer on Social Anthropology and Folklore Place of work. Antioch University Subplot affiliation. The Vampire of Antioch  3 positive traits. Affable, Passionate, Social 3 negative traits. Inquisitive, Distractable, Mercurial  Languages. Kannada, Tamil, Hindi, and English in his everyday life. Latin, Aramaic, Hebrew, Arabic, and Koine Greek for academic studies. Love language. Expressing — gift-giving, words of affirmation; Receiving — physical touch, words of affirmation
! TW: death, religious intolerance, political assassination, references to violence, discrimination.
The fifth child and youngest son of a prominent Mysuru politician and cabinet member, he was born Danish Prasad Chandrasekhar—a proud expression of his Kannadiga and Tamil heritage and his family's Muslim upbringing. Days were filled with the scent of old, well-loved books and fine tea, a quiet peace shared by the big family. The Chandrasekhars were well-off, surrounded by art and culture. They had everything, no, more than everything they needed and never looked outward. Therefore, they were, in essence, cut off from the world around them. Foolishly, Danish believed their way of living would be eternal.
Therefore, the Chandrasekhars never noticed the warning signs. Figuratively spritzed perfume over the smoke that came in the form of angry letters stuffed in mailboxes. And on a hot night in April, when Danish was away at a youth camp, his family and home were all lost to a raging fire set by a fringe group of dissidents following a contested election. Days after the tragedy, the six-year-old was taken in by an aunt on his mother's side. She was a Classics professor at Bangalore University and a practicing Hindu, and she legally changed his name to Maharth in her misguided idea of 'protection.'
Confused about the warring wills of his beloved nation and nursing a trauma he could not understand as a child, Maharth grew up in a religious household but socially became secular as he delved into learning about the various belief systems around him. He'd been gifted as a child, not only in learning languages but also in the connections of his birth, and his acceptance into the University of Oxford was all but guaranteed.
Maharth was a definite scholar, embracing academia with a matchless love that his peers, many talented beyond their years but still impetuous with youth, couldn't understand. Stranger still was Maharth's proclivities. Upon achieving his Master's in Comparative Theology at Oxford and bearing the unofficial title of an academic darling of the presses bearing the acclaimed name of his education, the newly minted professor chose fellowships in schools far from the eyes of the elite. Maybe he'd give a lecture at York or a semester at Harvard, but Maharth was more than content with setting up an office in the backwoods of America one day and the steppes of Siberia the next.
As years passed, Professor Chandrasekhar's disappearances and reappearances became part of his mystery, an appealing asterisk on the famous educator's magnetic persona. So no eyebrows were raised, and questions caught at the helm of one's throat when the eccentric intelligentsia took up a residency at Antioch University in southern Oregon. A man as odd as Maharth would be a perfect fit with a place as infamously strange as Antioch, they thought, oblivious to how correct they'd be in their assumptions.
The victims of the case have been past and present students of Maharth's classes. This information is not public knowledge.
enjoys fine teas and has shipped in his personal cupboard filled with porcelain teacups and mugs, has a sweet tooth but only indulges on thursdays, is a vegetarian and a half-decent cook but opts for leftovers, currently resides in a short-term rental villa at verdant hills thanks to a generous friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend-slash-benefactor, annotates all of his books with pen (and thus can never donate them to a library or give them away), and checks his astrology readings weekly.
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VIBES: Hannibal-lite, cat-and-mouse games, visitations without a warrant, pet names uttered between sips of tea.
[ Though Maharth is the supposed newcomer in town, he has a surprising wealth of knowledge about Antioch, specifically the case of the Vampire of Antioch. Though on the surface, there doesn't seem to be a connection between the professor and the case victims, upon closer inspection, there's something that doesn't add up... your muse decides to investigate — blatantly? covertly? — and Maharth is very willing to cooperate. After all, the pursuit of knowledge is key to one's self-discovery and enlightenment. ]
MID 40s+, catered to anyone interested in the vampire of antioch case. the romance angle is up to chemistry, but the underlying antagonism is the bedrock of this dynamic! — (2/2)
KANG KAI SOO; @kcngkai
VIBES: The Secret History, dark academia, midnight readings of sacred texts on the university lawns.
[ The new professor in town is making waves at Antioch University, with his classes reaching max capacity already in the first week of enrollment. His lectures are a hit with the youth, and some are even vying to be selected for the Professor's exclusive after-hour labs for hands-on, experiential learning. However, it is Maharth who ultimately decides, and whoever he accepts must meet some pre-requisites. ]
21+, students or auditors at Antioch University. — (0/4)
VIBES: The Departed (2006), sicko-to-sicko communication, laying dead flowers on the grave of your worstie, a chaste kiss on the side of a gun's barrel.
[ Whether it's a historical event or a chance encounter, both your muse and Maharth are aware of each other's secrets, which could shake up the town's status quo if revealed. However, the two are at a standstill since they are both firmly established in their roles, and their social circles only partially overlap. So even if they like to subtly hint at a revelation to the journalist or make a veiled threat, they know they won't get away with it without the other exacting swift vengeance. ]
35+, for anyone into wacky-zany toxicity of mutually assured destruction. — (0/1)
VIBES: All of Us Strangers (2023), memories of the one who got away, finding fractions of the one in other people, tip-toeing dotted boundary lines.
[ It's said that "hurt people hurt hurt people," but can hurt people heal hurt people? Your muse and Maharth hit it off, and neither of them says why, though they know it reminds them of what love could've been. Part maladaptive coping mechanism and part feeling understood and seen for the first time, your muse and Maharth casually date and flirt, seeking escape and comfort with no strings attached. Although ignorance is bliss, and both are willfully ignorant, the town around them refuses to let them bury their heads in the sand. ]
MID 40s+, a doomed relationship considering what happens in this small town. — (1/1)
JOHN WEAVER; @godsunderfoot
VIBES: "wdyn uncle maharth is suspected of being a serial killer??? he got me tix to universal studios in orlando" :((((
[ Your muse has always known Uncle Maharth as a gregarious friend who spoiled you with gifts and praise. In town, Maharth is as friendly as ever, always there to listen to your troubles over sweets and tea. Your muse is aware of rumors going around, and while they doubt their veracity, it's hard to deny that Uncle Maharth is odd—weirder than what you remember as a child. Your muse starts to question if they truly know the man or if nostalgia is tinting their perception. ]
ANY AGE under 35, those who could be related to the Chandrasekhars, or have family in academia who are friends with Maharth. — (1/2?)
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Hannibal (NBC Hannibal), Lestat de Lioncourt (Interview with a Vampire), Iago (Othello), Chase Young (Xiaolin Showdown, yes I am for real), Ryuk (Death Note). Affably Evil, Soft Spoken Sadist, The Corruptor.
! TW: nsfw humor, mentions of blood
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[ mun note: as someone who is not of kannadiga or tamil heritage, i have relied on information from online resources. if anyone from these communities has constructive criticism for my portrayal of this character, please let me know. i am always open to learning! please note that any portrayals of dark content are not reflective of endorsements of the author. thank you! ]
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blessed1neha · 2 years
Vargottama Planet
Vargottama Planet: 
When a planet is in the same sign in the birth chart and navamsa, then that planet is known as Vargottama planet. It is coined from 2 words, Varga and Uttama. This is the best planet in the entire divisional chart.
If any planet is placed in Vargottam Rashi, All characteristics of that planet are seen in the native due to blessings of deity related to the Rashi (i.e. Brahma’s Blessings for Movable Rashi Vargottam, Vishnu’s Blessings for Fixed Rashi Vargottam, Shiva’s Blessings for Dual Rashi Vargottam)Results of different grahas placed in vargottam rashi: 
Significance of the planets
Sun: The Sun specify the soul, authority, will power, ego and self-esteem. So, if your Sun is Vargottama planet, then you will have a lot of will power and authority in some kind. There will be a lot of intimations from your side. The Sun should not be in its debilitation sign Libra. Then the results can vary.
Moon: The Moon indicates the mind , emotions, pleasure, nourishment, motherly love and happiness. When the Moon is the Vargottama planet, the qualities indicated by the Moon will be more noticeable in you along with great will power and a strong mind. The Moon should not be in Scorpio, which is the debilitation point for Moon.
Mercury: Mercury indicates communication , technology, media, and intelligence. If your Mercury is well placed, then you will display a sharp intellect, Good speech, Good learning and understanding  person. Debilitation can be a problem and Mercury in Pisces generally means intellect is used for wrong deeds.
Venus: Venus indicates love, luxury, comfort, money, strength, and relationships. The Venusian qualities will be bright if Venus is well placed. Venus is debilitated in Virgo, then that sensuousness of Venus will be hidden or unavailable.
Mars: Mars indicates resistance, fighting spirit, good strength, valor, and vigor. Martian qualities are good when Mars is Vargottama. If it is in cancer, then Martian qualities will need a lot of training to be under control. The wrong use of any skill can damage your social relations.
Jupiter: The Jupiter indicates wisdom, higher knowledge, higher studies, spirituality. Jupiterian qualities will be very much evident in your life. The Jupiter which is great benefic, it will give u knowledge, wisdom, supreme intelligence and it should not be in the sign of Capricorn as it is debilitated and will not provide good results.
Saturn: The Saturn indicates delay, obstacles, and stability. You may get a mental block when you find Saturn as your Vargottama. It is not to be feared, it just means you have stability and resistance  and great power to tolerate grief to go through any bad event.
Rahu: The Rahu indicates rebelliousness, aggression, passion and mental disposition. You will have more attraction towards materialistic world.
Ketu:The Ketu indicates isolation , detachment , spirituality, intuition. These factor will be strong in you.
If Lagna is Vargottam it will give you a very good and long life
The Vargottama Navamsa is basically a phenomenon in which the planet’s position is the same in the Rasi as well as the Navamsa chart. Due to this, it is known to have an ascent on the growth of an individual and this comes with new opportunities and fortunes.
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drsohinisastri · 2 years
Gandanta – The Karmic Knot
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The words 'Gand' and 'Anta' signify 'knot' and 'end,' respectively. As a result, Gandanta means "the knot at the end." It is the part of the zodiac that marks the transition from the water to the fire elements. These points can be found at the intersections of the Rashis of Pisces and Aries, Cancer and Leo, and Scorpio and Sagittarius.
 According to the famous astrologer in India, the Brahma Randhra (the creator's eye) or Vishnu Nabhi are the three points at 0 degrees of Aries, Leo, and Saggitarius (the navel of Vishnu, the beginning of creation). There is a great deal of fear mongering surrounding this topic, with little comprehension of why these issues are so dangerous.
 Why Does Gandanta Occur?
The creative process is cyclical. It begins with creation and culminates with the total destruction of all creation. The sequence of the elements of the signs corresponds to the creation cycle. Fire, Earth, Air, and Water are the signs in sequence. The element of Ether governs the entire procedure. The Rasis are divided into three categories in the Zodiac: Fire, Earth, Air, and Water.
Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are the Fire signs. Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces are the Water signs. Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo are Earth signs, while Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini are Air signs.
 As a result, it depicts the process of creation and disintegration three times, with each beginning in the Fire signs of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. Ashwini, Magha, and Moola are the nakshatras that are at these places.
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The dissolution is shown at the end of the Water element signs, which are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, which are the three Water signs. Ashlesha, Jyeshtha, and Revati are the nakshatras that fall at these places. It's easy to grasp that steam will form when fire hits water if you see steam. As a result, the sites where these two processes collide are known as Gandanta.
 Gandanta Degrees :
The Gandanta points are the last 3 degrees and 20 minutes of the Water Gandanta Rashi and the first 3 degrees and 20 minutes of the Fire Gandanta Rashi. The last four degrees of the Water signs are sometimes referred to as Gandanta. This corresponds to the Fire sign's first pada and the Water sign's last pada. This is the first pada of Ashwini, Magha, and Moola nakshatras, and the fourth pada of Revati, Ashlesha, and Jyestha nakshatras.
Types Of Gandanta :-
Lagna Gandanta :
When the Lagna or rising sign of a person falls within the Gandanta degrees.
 Nakshatra Gandanta :
The Moon of a person in the Gandanta zone of the zodiac is Nakshatra Gandanta.
 Tithi Gandanta :
The lunar day is known as Tithi. Gandanta regions are found where the Purna and Nanda Tithis meet (5th-6th, 10th-11th, and 15th-1). The Gandanta periods are the last two Ghatikas of a Purna Tithi and the first two Ghatikas of a Nanda Tithi.
  Effects Of Gandanta And Gandanta Planets :
A person born with Gandantar Yog in Kundali is smack dab in the centre of the chaos that marks the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. In Gandanta, planets are also affected. It's a symbolic tangle or problem in their life that's difficult to untangle or unravel. The karmic knot is frequently a problem in the person's life that causes them sorrow and suffering, and it is the metaphorical knot in their existence.
 When the Moon is in Gandanta, a kid is born near a Dasha change phase, which produces a major upheaval or change in the child's life that the child is normally ignorant of but that the parents are aware of. However, it causes major issues beginning at the outset of life. Planetary placement in Gandanta reveals extremely karmic repercussions in their life and suggests that this birth has a very specific purpose. They will confront numerous challenges in life and must strive to come to grips with them in order to grow spiritually.The area of trouble will be seen by the planet’s position in the chart and the house lordship.
 Spiritual Growth In Gandanta :
There is a school of thought that believes a person's birth at Gandanta aids spiritual development. The spiritual and earthy realms are thought to have no borders because the junction is located between destruction and creation. It increases one's intuition and opens them up to mystical and spiritual energy. The challenges in a person's life assist them in cutting through Maya's illusion, transcending earthly attachments and achieving spiritual insight and enlightenment.
 Remedies :
The ancient writings prescribe Gandanta Vedic astrology birth treatments, some of which are harsh. The infant is most likely to die shortly after birth. If the infant survives, he or she will grow up to be an incredibly strong person.
 Classification For Remedial Measures :-
Based on Day/Night Birth :
A Gandanta birth in the day is Pitri (father) Gandanta. A Gandanta birth at night is Matri (mother) Gandanta.
 Based On Nakshatra :
Birth in the Revati-Aswini Gandanta region is called Swa-Gandanta which translates as Self-Gandanta. Birth in the Aslesha-Magha Gandanta is Matri-Gandanta or Mother-Gandanta while birth in the Jyeshta-Moola junction is called Pitri-Gandanta or Father-Gandanta.
 Special Case: Abhukta Moola -
The Jyeshta-Moola is regarded the least auspicious of the three Gandanta sites. The Abhukta Moola Gandanta is its name. When a kid is born in this Gandanta, Narada Muni advises that the infant be given away or abandoned as a remedy, and that no hopes or expectations be placed on the child. Furthermore, if the child survives, the child's father should not see the child for at least eight years after birth. Other wise astrologers suggest a 27-day time.
 Moola-Nivasa Based On The Month :
Moola is said to live in different Lokas depending on the Vedic month of the year. Moola's dwelling is Patala Loka, or hell, during the months of Margasirsa, Phalgun, Vaisakha, and Jyestha. Moola lives in Martya Loka, or the land of the dead, during the months of Sravana, Kartika, Chaitra, and Pausa. Moola lives in Swarga Loka, or the sky, in Ashada, Aswin, Bhadra, and Magha.
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Lagna Based Rules :
There are three types of Rasis or Signs: mobile, fixed, and dual signs. Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn are mobile signs, whereas Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius are fixed signs. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces are the mutable or dual signs. Swarga, Patala, and Martya Loka are the residences of Moola in moveable, fixed, and dual signs, respectively, through the eyes of the famous astrologer in Kolkata.
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astromeena · 4 months
Transit of Mercury in Aries from May 10 2024 to May 31 2024 – Affected People
Image Credit: Google Images Wikipedia Mercury has started transiting in Aries from May 10 and will continue his transit till May 21 2024. Aries is the house of Mars. Mercury considers Mars as neutral. Who are the affected people of this Mercury transit in Aries? Those who have their Lagnam (Ascendant) or Rasi in Scorpio are affected. Their Ashtamatipati (Lord of the Eighth House) Mercury is…
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srisiddivinayaka · 5 months
Ugadi horoscope predictions rasi phalalu 2024-2025
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Aries (Mesha Rashi): The Sun transits through Aries this year, bringing opportunities and challenges. Financially, expect mixed results—opportunities to increase income but caution in transactions. Family life may have ups and downs; effective communication is crucial. Students should work hard for competitive exams. Career-wise, new opportunities for the unemployed, but existing employees should work diligently.
Scorpio (Vrishchika Rashi): Jupiter’s transit in the 6th house and Saturn’s in the 4th house influence Scorpios. Obstacles and delays may arise, but victory and achievements are promised. Minor health issues may occur, so take care. Consider the ritual of ‘Shani and Rahu Shanti’ for auspiciousness.
Taurus (Vrishabha Rashi): A year of excitement, new ventures, and financial gains. Minor health issues may crop up, but overall, progress is likely. Business and employment yield mixed results. Students excel in exams. Cultivate beneficial contacts.
Gemini (Mithuna Rashi): Jupiter’s transit brings positive energy. Financially, stability and growth are expected. Family life remains harmonious. Students perform well academically. Career-wise, focus on dedication and patience.
Cancer (Karka Rashi): Jupiter’s transit influences finances positively. Family life is peaceful. Students achieve success. Health-wise, maintain a balanced lifestyle.
Leo (Simha Rashi): Jupiter’s transit enhances career prospects. Financial stability prevails. Family life is supportive. Students excel academically. Health remains good.
Virgo (Kanya Rashi): Jupiter’s transit brings financial stability. Family life is harmonious. Students perform well. Health-wise, take preventive measures.
Libra (Tula Rashi): Jupiter’s transit influences finances positively. Family life remains peaceful. Students achieve academic success. Health requires attention.
Sagittarius (Dhanu Rashi): Jupiter’s transit affects finances favorably. Family life is stable. Students perform well. Health remains good.
Capricorn (Makara Rashi): Jupiter’s transit brings financial stability. Family life is harmonious. Students excel academically. Health-wise, maintain well-being.
Aquarius (Kumbha Rashi): Jupiter’s transit enhances career prospects. Financial stability prevails. Family life is supportive. Students excel academically. Health remains good.
Pisces (Meena Rashi): Jupiter’s transit brings financial stability. Family life is harmonious. Students perform well. Health-wise, take preventive measures.
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divyaastro-ashram · 7 months
A Guide to Understanding Your Zodiac Kundli
Embarking on the journey of understanding your Zodiac sign and Kundli in astrology opens the door to profound self-discovery and enlightenment. Your Kundli, a celestial blueprint of the moment you entered the world, holds invaluable insights into your character, life path, and potential challenges. Through the intricate interplay of planetary positions and zodiac signs,  astrology offers a comprehensive framework for understanding the complexities of human existence and navigating life with greater awareness and purpose.
Your Zodiac Kundli, also known as a birth chart, is a map of the heavens at the precise moment you were born. In astrology, this intricate chart holds the key to understanding your unique personality, potential life path, and even potential challenges. Here's a guide to begin unravelling the mysteries of your Kundli:
Unveiling the Zodiac Signs
Aries (Mesha Rasi)
Aries, ruled by Mars, is characterised by its dynamic and assertive nature. Individuals born under this sign are often bold, ambitious, and pioneering, with a natural inclination towards leadership and adventure. They thrive in environments that allow them to take initiative and pursue their passions with enthusiasm and determination.
Taurus (Vrishabha Rasi)
Taurus, governed by Venus, embodies stability, sensuality, and practicality. People born under this sign are known for their steadfastness, reliability, and love for comfort and beauty. They possess a strong work ethic and appreciate the finer things in life, often excelling in careers that require patience, perseverance, and attention to detail.
Gemini (Mithuna Rasi)
Gemini, ruled by Mercury, is characterised by its versatility, curiosity, and intellect. Those born under this sign are often adaptable, witty, and sociable, with a keen interest in communication, learning, and exploration. They thrive in environments that stimulate their intellect and offer opportunities for networking and exchange of ideas.
Cancer (Karka Rasi)
Cancer, governed by the Moon, embodies nurturing, intuition, and emotional sensitivity. Individuals born under this sign are deeply compassionate, empathetic, and protective of their loved ones. They have a strong sense of intuition and are often guided by their emotions, seeking security and emotional fulfilment in their relationships and home life.
Leo (Simha Rasi)
Leo, ruled by the Sun, radiates confidence, creativity, and leadership. People born under this sign are often charismatic, ambitious, and generous, with a natural flair for the dramatic. They thrive in roles that allow them to shine and inspire others, seeking recognition and appreciation for their talents and achievements.
Virgo (Kanya Rasi)
Virgo, governed by Mercury, embodies practicality, precision, and analytical thinking. Those born under this sign are detail-oriented, organised, and diligent, with a strong sense of duty and service. They excel in roles that require attention to detail and problem-solving skills, often contributing to their communities through their work and expertise.
Libra (Tula Rasi)
Libra, ruled by Venus, is characterised by its harmony, diplomacy, and aesthetic sensibility. Individuals born under this sign are often charming, diplomatic, and idealistic, with a natural talent for bringing people together and fostering cooperation. They thrive in environments that value fairness, justice, and beauty, often pursuing careers in law, diplomacy, or the arts.
Scorpio (Vrishchika Rasi)
Scorpio, governed by Mars and Pluto, embodies intensity, passion, and transformation. People born under this sign are often determined, resourceful, and intuitive, with a deep-seated desire for depth and authenticity in their relationships and pursuits. They thrive in environments that allow them to explore the mysteries of life and undergo profound personal growth and evolution.
Sagittarius (Dhanu Rasi)
Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, radiates optimism, adventure, and philosophical insight. Those born under this sign are often adventurous, expansive, and open-minded, with a thirst for knowledge and new experiences. They thrive in environments that allow them to explore different cultures, philosophies, and belief systems, often pursuing careers in travel, education, or philosophy.
Capricorn (Makara Rasi)
Capricorn, governed by Saturn, embodies discipline, responsibility, and ambition. Individuals born under this sign are often hardworking, pragmatic, and goal-oriented, with a strong sense of duty and determination. They excel in roles that require leadership, strategic thinking, and long-term planning, often rising to positions of authority and influence through their perseverance and dedication.
Aquarius (Kumbha Rasi)
Aquarius, ruled by Saturn and traditionally associated with Uranus, is characterised by its independence, originality, and humanitarianism. People born under this sign are often progressive, visionary, and socially conscious, with a strong sense of justice and equality. They thrive in environments that encourage innovation, collaboration, and social change, often pursuing careers in technology, activism, or humanitarian work.
Pisces (Meena Rasi)
Pisces, governed by Jupiter and traditionally associated with Neptune, embodies compassion, creativity, and spirituality. Those born under this sign are often intuitive, empathetic, and imaginative, with a deep connection to the subconscious mind and the unseen realms. They thrive in environments that allow them to express their creativity and spirituality, often pursuing careers in the arts, healing professions, or spiritual guidance. 
The Bottom Line
Remember, your Kundli is a personal journey of self-discovery. By approaching it with a sense of curiosity and openness, you can unlock its potential to empower yourself and live a more fulfilling life. Embrace the wisdom of astrology as a tool for self-awareness and personal growth, and embark on a journey of exploration and transformation guided by the stars.
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New Year Rasi Palan 2024 | Viruchigam |புத்தாண்டு ராசி பலன்கள் 2024|விருச்சிகம்|Dr.Kalpana Srikaanth
Subscribe to Our Channel for Regular Matha Palan Updates. For a detailed analysis of your Horoscope with Dr. KALPANA SRIKAANTH Contact 9842266555 #viruchigam #astrology #spritual #sprituality #rasipalan Ask Astrology related questions to the best astrologer Dr. Kalpana Srikaanth by heading through our website. http://panchrathnagems.com/services Click below links for New Year Other Rasi Palangal Videos : Mesham - https://youtu.be/juVGnjajVKE Rishabam - https://youtu.be/T3SR8AX2nDg Mithunam - https://youtu.be/3-zMU7Xzs5A Kadagam - https://youtu.be/XjHfpD1UnBo Simmam - https://youtu.be/vW98gT-rR0s Kanni – https://youtu.be/hkjp-TKTEgA Thulam -https://youtu.be/dF3kfKMYexQ Viruchigam - https://youtu.be/J6KaLhFVWN4 Dhanusu - https://youtu.be/fe6tY8FgqAs Magaram - https://youtu.be/eM0jmrtUxE8 Kumbam - https://youtu.be/Km9ZE4rp5H4 Meenam - https://youtu.be/_pbl3P-Y8R0 #viruchigam#viruchigarasi#viruchigarasipalan#viruchigam2024#viruchigamvararasipalan#viruchigammatharasipalan#horoscope#tamilhoroscope#scorpio#scorpiohoroscope#scorpiohoroscopetamil#scorpiomonthlyhoroscope#scorpio2024#scorpiohoroscope2024#2024rasipalanintamil#2024rasipalanintamilviruchigam
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pagibunga · 10 months
Bintang Pari Selatan
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Baru banget nih nemu video di explore instagram, ada tulisan kaya gini "ga perlu ke gunung buat bilang Masyaallah, cukup tengok ke atas", wuiiiih relate ga sih buat yang suka mendongak ke atas demi menikmati indah mahakarya Nya? Yaps langit.
Sebenernya bukan dua hal yang bisa dibandingkan sih antara gunung dan langit, walaupun aku belum pernah sama sekali naik gunung tapi pengen banget dong suatu saat diberi kesempatan menapakinya.
Oke, kembali ke laptop. Kapan sih momen favorit kalian memandangi langit?
Kalau aku sih ketika malam hari, kebetulan bagian belakang rumah menghadap ke arah selatan dan cukup bersih dari seng/atap atap rumah, gaada pepohonan yang tumbuh tinggi juga, jadi bersih dan cocok deh buat memandangi langit malam (tapi masih ada kabel kabel listrik yang berlalu lalang wkwkwkwk). Sayang, aku juga jarang banget nemuin bulan muncul di sisi selatan.
Tapi ada benda langit yang hampir selalu aku jumpai di saat langit malam cerah dan tidak mendung. Yaps, rasi bintang pari, hampir selalu kutemukan rangkaian bintang membentuk layang -layang. Ya, setelah aku dengar jembatan keledai tuk mengingat macam rasi bintang (entah ketika SD/SMP) sepertinya satu satu nya jembatan keledai rasi bintang yang paling kuingat adalah "PARSEL" singkatan dari Pari Selatan. Ehm ada satu lagi yang kuingat, "SKOTENG" singkatan dari Scorpio Tenggara 😂😂
Seperti postingan sebelumnya, salah satu fungsi bintang yang ter-mention dalam surah Al Mulk yakni sebagai petunjuk arah, dan rasi bintang pari / layang layang adalah penunjuk arah selatan. Nah selain terhalang atap atap rumah, aku juga masih kesulitan membedakan rasi rasi bintang penunjuk arah yang lain. Kalau kalian gimana? Pernah ga ada momen sedang di alam terbuka yang menyajikan pemandagan hamparan langit luas sambil mengamati rasi bintang dari masing masing arah? 😍✨
Nah buat yang kepo sama rasi rasi bintang penunjuk arah bisa nih nonton di channel youtube majalah bobo ,
27 November 2023
15 Jumadil Awal 1445 H
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tvtelugu · 1 year
🦂 Vruschika Rasi Phalithalu September 2023 | Scorpio Horoscope | వృశ్చిక...
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gimana mau tidur?
jam setengah 2 pagi di pinggir pantai dekat rumahku. aku datang tanpa diketahui bapak, semua orang rumah sudah istrirahat.
berusaha membuka kunci gembok pagar tanpa suara.
menggowes pedal sepeda dengan hati-hati agar tidak ada yang terbangun dengan suaranya.
perjalananku ditemani gelap dan lampu jalan remang. anjing jalanan yang tak sengaja ku temui dan mengelusnya sebentar, menyalakan rokok dan melanjutkan perjalanan.
sampainya malah gelap yang kutemukan. hanya suara ombak yang dapat ku rasakan. ada juga banyak bintang yang sinarnya sangat jelas karena malam itu langit sudah pekat.
aku tunjuk bintang-bintang itu, menghubungkannya membentuk rasi bintang
"Ah, itu scorpio!"
cekikikan sendiri aku bahkan tidak tahu gimana bentuk rasi scorpip
jeda yang sangat klise
suara ombaknya perlahan hilang
padahal jelas kakiku menyentuh buih ombak di bibir pantai
ternyata kepalaku masih saja belum tenang
mengingat rencana-rencana yang belum selesai
luka yang tak kunjung sembuh
amarah yang ditahan
mimpi yang ku bakar hingga menjadi abu
berpikit kemana aku bisa bersandar beberapa saat sekedar untuk melupa bahwa aku memiliki banyak tanggung jawab
pikiran ku ribut. aku kalut
sudah jam 4 pagi
dan aku kalah lagi
"terjaga sampai pagi ya?"
setidaknya kali ini aku terjaga sambil melihat langit perlahan menjadi terang.
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13lunarstar · 8 months
Monday - day of Moon (sans. Chandra)
Monday is ruled by the Moon, a benefic planet that governs our psyche, emotions, subconsciousness, receptivity, nurturing qualities, feminine archetype, and intuition. In Vedic astrology, the Moon holds immense significance, shaping an individual's personality, temperament, and psychoemotional well-being.
The Moon rules over the sign of Cancer and finds exaltation in Taurus. Conversely, it is debilitated in Scorpio and exiled in Capricorn. Its placement in different houses of the birth chart (Rasi) can have varying effects on different areas of life.
Favorable birth chart placements for the Moon include kendra (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th houses) and trikona (5th, 9th houses). Contrarily, placements in the 6th, 8th, and 12th houses, known as dusthana, may yield more challenging results, such as emotional losses, insecurity, mental instability, various addictions, and complicated relationships with mothers and women.
However, it's crucial to view every birth chart holistically, as a person with the Moon in, for instance, the 6th house may demonstrate service-oriented tendencies and a strong work ethic, rather than depression or addictive behaviors. Similarly, the Moon in the 8th house may indicate a deep interest in occult matters, alongside potential risks related to water activities.
The nakshatra (lunar mansion) in which the Moon is placed at birth further enriches its influence. Each nakshatra possesses unique qualities and themes, shaping the expression of the Moon. For instance, the Moon in Rohini nakshatra may enhance creativity and nurturing abilities, while in Ashlesha nakshatra, it may deepen emotional intensity and intuition.
Moon's movements through the zodiac and its planetary periods (dashas) play a pivotal role in timing life events and experiences. Transits of the Moon over sensitive points in the birth chart can evoke emotional responses, while Moon dasha periods may facilitate emotional growth, healing, or challenges based on its condition and aspects.
In Jyotish, remedial measures are often recommended to strengthen or balance the influence of the Moon if it is afflicted or weakened in the birth chart. Remedies may encompass wearing gemstones (such as pearls for the Moon), performing specific rituals, chanting mantras, wearing long dresses or skirts for women, and practising meditation and yoga techniques to foster emotional equilibrium and well-being.
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gerubokcom · 1 year
Apa Itu Zodiak? Penjelasan Lengkap tentang Pengertian, Sejarah Hingga Karakteristik
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GERUBOK zodiak | Pernahkah Anda mendengar tentang Apa itu zodiak? Dalam artikel ini, kita akan membahas apa itu zodiak, sejarahnya, dan mengenal 12 zodiak yang berbeda. Mari kita mulai! Dalam dunia astrologi, zodiak adalah salah satu hal yang sering dibicarakan. Banyak orang tertarik untuk mengetahui apa itu zodiak dan apakah zodiak dapat memengaruhi kehidupan mereka. Di artikel ini, kita akan menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan tersebut dan memberikan pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang zodiak. Apa Itu Zodiak? Pengertian Zodiak Zodiak adalah sebuah lingkaran khayalan di langit yang terdiri dari 12 bagian yang disebut rasi bintang. Setiap bagian mewakili satu zodiak atau tanda zodiak yang berbeda. Zodiak dibagi berdasarkan posisi matahari pada saat kelahiran seseorang. Zodiak juga digunakan untuk meramalkan kepribadian seseorang berdasarkan tanggal lahir mereka. Sejarah Zodiak Zodiak telah ada sejak ribuan tahun yang lalu. Para ahli astrologi dari zaman kuno percaya bahwa gerakan matahari dan planet-planet di langit mempengaruhi kehidupan di bumi. Mereka mengamati pola-pola tertentu dalam gerakan benda langit tersebut dan mengembangkan sistem zodiak untuk memahami dan meramalkan peristiwa-peristiwa di dunia. Mengenal 12 Zodiak Sekarang, mari kita mengenal 12 zodiak yang ada dalam sistem astrologi: Aries Aries adalah zodiak pertama dalam urutan. Mereka yang lahir antara 21 Maret hingga 19 April akan memiliki zodiak Aries. Orang yang memiliki zodiak Aries dikatakan memiliki sifat-sifat seperti keberanian, percaya diri, dan dinamis. Taurus Taurus adalah zodiak kedua dalam urutan. Mereka yang lahir antara 20 April hingga 20 Mei akan memiliki zodiak Taurus. Orang yang memiliki zodiak Taurus cenderung memiliki sifat-sifat seperti kestabilan, ketekunan, dan kesabaran. Gemini Gemini adalah zodiak ketiga dalam urutan. Mereka yang lahir antara 21 Mei hingga 20 Juni akan memiliki zodiak Gemini. Orang yang memiliki zodiak Gemini cenderung memiliki sifat-sifat seperti kepandaian, keterbukaan, dan kecerdasan. Cancer Cancer adalah zodiak keempat dalam urutan. Mereka yang lahir antara 21 Juni hingga 22 Juli akan memiliki zodiak Cancer. Orang yang memiliki zodiak Cancer dikatakan memiliki sifat-sifat seperti kepekaan, kepedulian, dan imajinasi yang kuat. Leo Leo adalah zodiak kelima dalam urutan. Mereka yang lahir antara 23 Juli hingga 22 Agustus akan memiliki zodiak Leo. Orang yang memiliki zodiak Leo cenderung memiliki sifat-sifat seperti keberanian, kepercayaan diri, dan kepemimpinan. Virgo Virgo adalah zodiak keenam dalam urutan. Mereka yang lahir antara 23 Agustus hingga 22 September akan memiliki zodiak Virgo. Orang yang memiliki zodiak Virgo dikatakan memiliki sifat-sifat seperti ketelitian, kerajinan, dan analitis. Libra Libra adalah zodiak ketujuh dalam urutan. Mereka yang lahir antara 23 September hingga 22 Oktober akan memiliki zodiak Libra. Orang yang memiliki zodiak Libra cenderung memiliki sifat-sifat seperti keadilan, keharmonisan, dan diplomasi. Scorpio Scorpio adalah zodiak kedelapan dalam urutan. Mereka yang lahir antara 23 Oktober hingga 21 November akan memiliki zodiak Scorpio. Orang yang memiliki zodiak Scorpio dikatakan memiliki sifat-sifat seperti kekuatan, ketekunan, dan keingintahuan. Sagitarius Sagitarius adalah zodiak kesembilan dalam urutan. Mereka yang lahir antara 22 November hingga 21 Desember akan memiliki zodiak Sagitarius. Orang yang memiliki zodiak Sagitarius cenderung memiliki sifat-sifat seperti kebebasan, kegembiraan, dan semangat petualangan. Capricorn Capricorn adalah zodiak kesepuluh dalam urutan. Mereka yang lahir antara 22 Desember hingga 19 Januari akan memiliki zodiak Capricorn. Orang yang memiliki zodiak Capricorn dikatakan memiliki sifat-sifat seperti ambisi, ketekunan, dan kedisiplinan. Aquarius Aquarius adalah zodiak kesebelas dalam urutan. Mereka yang lahir antara 20 Januari hingga 18 Februari akan memiliki zodiak Aquarius. Orang yang memiliki zodiak Aquarius cenderung memiliki sifat-sifat seperti kreativitas, kebebasan, dan kepedulian sosial. Pisces Pisces adalah zodiak terakhir dalam urutan. Mereka yang lahir antara 19 Februari hingga 20 Maret akan memiliki zodiak Pisces. Orang yang memiliki zodiak Pisces dikatakan memiliki sifat-sifat seperti kepekaan, imajinasi, dan empati yang tinggi. Karakteristik Setiap Zodiak Setiap zodiak memiliki karakteristik dan sifat yang berbeda. Berikut adalah gambaran umum tentang karakteristik zodiak: - Aries: Pemberani, enerjik, impulsif. - Taurus: Stabil, tekun, materialistis. - Gemini: Cerdas, komunikatif, mudah bosan. - Cancer: Sensitif, penyayang, intuitif. - Leo: Percaya diri, murah hati, berani. - Virgo: Analitis, perfeksionis, pekerja keras. - Libra: Harmonis, sopan, suka berkeadilan. - Scorpio: Misterius, penuh semangat, tajam. - Sagitarius: Bebas, ceria, petualang. - Capricorn: Ambisius, disiplin, bertanggung jawab. - Aquarius: Kreatif, mandiri, sosial. - Pisces: Imajinatif, empatik, lembut. Ramalan Zodiak untuk Tahun Ini Setiap tahun, ramalan zodiak disusun untuk memberikan panduan tentang apa yang mungkin terjadi dalam kehidupan seseorang berdasarkan zodiak mereka. Ramalan zodiak dapat mencakup aspek-aspek seperti karier, keuangan, cinta, dan kesehatan. Untuk mengetahui ramalan zodiak untuk tahun ini, Anda dapat membaca ramalan terkini dari astrolog yang terpercaya. FAQ Apakah Zodiak Memengaruhi Kepribadian Seseorang? Zodiak dapat memberikan gambaran umum tentang kepribadian seseorang, tetapi tidak sepenuhnya menentukannya. Faktor-faktor lain seperti lingkungan, pendidikan, dan pengalaman hidup juga memengaruhi perkembangan kepribadian seseorang. Bagaimana Menentukan Zodiak Seseorang? Zodiak seseorang ditentukan berdasarkan tanggal lahir. Setiap tanggal memiliki rentang waktu yang terkait dengan zodiak tertentu. Anda dapat menemukan banyak sumber online yang memberikan informasi tentang zodiak berdasarkan tanggal lahir. Apa Yang Dimaksud dengan Bintang Zodiak? Bintang zodiak adalah kelompok bintang yang membentuk pola tertentu di langit dan diberi nama sesuai dengan zodiak yang mereka wakili. Masing-masing bintang zodiak memiliki arti dan simbolisme tersendiri dalam astrologi. Apakah Zodiak Dapat Memprediksi Kecocokan Pasangan? Beberapa orang percaya bahwa zodiak dapat memberikan petunjuk tentang sejauh mana dua orang cocok secara astrologis. Namun, penting untuk diingat bahwa faktor-faktor lain seperti kompatibilitas nilai, minat bersama, dan komunikasi yang baik juga sangat penting dalam sebuah hubungan. Bagaimana Cara Membaca Ramalan Zodiak? Untuk membaca ramalan zodiak, Anda dapat mencari sumber-sumber yang terpercaya, seperti situs web astrologi atau majalah astrologi terkemuka. Ramalan zodiak biasanya mencakup informasi tentang perkembangan hidup seseorang berdasarkan zodiak mereka. Apakah Zodiak Memiliki Pengaruh Terhadap Kehidupan Sehari-hari? Beberapa orang percaya bahwa zodiak dapat mempengaruhi berbagai aspek kehidupan sehari-hari, seperti suasana hati, keberuntungan, dan hubungan antarmanusia. Namun, ini masih menjadi perdebatan di antara para ahli astrologi. Kata Akhir Dalam artikel ini, kita telah membahas apa itu zodiak, sejarahnya, mengenal 12 zodiak yang berbeda, karakteristik setiap zodiak, ramalan zodiak untuk tahun ini, dan menjawab beberapa pertanyaan umum seputar zodiak. Meskipun zodiak dapat memberikan pemahaman yang menarik tentang kepribadian seseorang, tetaplah ingat bahwa itu hanya salah satu aspek dari kehidupan kita yang kompleks. Jadi, ambillah ramalan zodiak dengan bijak dan nikmati setiap momen dalam hidup Anda. Temukan Berita Terkini, Berita Terbaru, Berita Viral dan Berita Hari Ini dari gerubok lainnya di Google News. Read the full article
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