#scion reota
ashalsdream · 2 years
FINALLY made my voice claim, but bc I’m terrible at voice it’s actually just the voices I match to songs. The singer is pretty much their voice claim :’D 
Anyway have Tomomi, Ashal, Sonas, Reota and Lady Midnight’s voice claims! 
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fellis-world · 4 years
First part of the drawings i did for @ashals-dream and ver awesome Scions. I love them sooooo much and i wanted to draw them soooo badly🥰🥰
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Reota | Scion of Jormag
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Lasair Vatrai | Scion of Primordus
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Nimhe Floresta | Scion of Mordremoth
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Nyxarenn | Scion of Zaithan
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pinkplantmakesstuff · 4 years
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So another character I love is @ashals-dream‘s Scion of Jormag, Reota. Alec wasn’t greeted with a warm welcome when they first met.
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ashalsdream · 2 years
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Finally drew the height difference between Reota and Tomomi
Tomomi is only 4′11″ so like,,, Reota BIG 
I really love my scion boy though, I’ve been having a lot of fun with him since I got him to level 80 so have my ice giant scion <3 
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ashalsdream · 2 years
some thoughts on Reota & my scions
Reota is very misunderstood because he's very young, like yeah he's a bastard and he's awful but he's also young and naive so he lashes out a lot - he craves Jormag's attention so when he doesn't get it thats why he takes it out on others. He's around the same height as the ice giants so a lot of people are just Afraid of him without even truly meeting him.  He became attached to Tomomi because he cared and looked after him and Ryland when he was part of the icebrood, that's why he didn't want to let him go he just went about it in a really shit way So when Celesti, my scion of Kralkatorrik finds Reota, curled up beside a dead Jormag she takes pity on him and offers him a home again with the other scions. It's where he meets Lasair and while they are literally polar opposites - they're both young and Celesti actually treats them like children so they get to have some semblance of normalcy
Bonus including @commander-triangle ‘s Alec, Reota thought that what he felt for Tomomi was love because he had no reference point and while he has a fucked up sense of what “love” is, the first person he genuinely ever cared about was Alec so he is EXTREMELY hurt when Alec leaves. Reota is angry and still has nightmares about Alec leaving him. He can’t seem to get over him
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ashalsdream · 2 years
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ashalsdream · 2 years
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Some unedited screens because this game is beautiful and ill never get over it 
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ashalsdream · 3 years
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Reota | Scion of Jormag | he/him
He’s so illegally pretty yet so much of an evil boi 
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ashalsdream · 4 years
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Scions of the Elder Dragons 
Kailini | Scion of Bubbles (He/Him)  ✧  Reota | Scion of Jormag (He/Him)  Nimhe Floresta | Scion of Mordremoth (Ze/Hir) ✧ Lasair Vatrai | Scion of Primordus (She/They) Nyxarenn | Scion of Zhaitan (They/Them)  ✧  Celesti The Unspoken | Scion of Kralkatorrik (She/Her/Ve/Ver)
This has been a huge project of mine for months! I’m super excited to introduce all of my scions~ If you have any questions please ask!! I’m very excited to talk about them & I’d love to answer questions about any of them <3  I do have a scion for Glint/Aurene but sadly I don’t have the hair kit so that I can make her in game, her name however is Kristal 
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ashalsdream · 4 years
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SO I’m writing an icebrood fic & my guild seem to really love it so I made references for my character’s outfits/looks during that time 
Top is Icebrood!Tomomi during his time under Jormag’s influence
Second is post-icebrood Tomomi when he goes to work under his sister over attempting to rejoin the Vigil
and finally, a very big part of my icebrood story is my scion, Reòta & his design because he gotta look like the true ice prince he is nickname after
I’m VERY excited to share this story & the comic to go with it by @fellis-world <333
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ashalsdream · 4 years
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Reòta | Scion of Jormag | He/Him 
And~ my scion of Jormag! again, unedited screens i just wanna show off my two new kids ;; 
Reòta doesn’t actually have a name, his name was given to him by the other icebrood, his full name being Cridhe Reòta meaning Frozen heart. Reò is a nickname he was given by Tomomi while Tomomi was in Bjora Marches unaware that this was indeed Jormag’s scion. 
Reòta actually has a bit of a crush on Tomomi - but its less, romantic, more that Tomomi has been the only other person he has seen outside of the icebrood for many years & thus became unhealthily attached. 
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ashalsdream · 4 years
thank you for the ask!!
Nyxarenn - they are one of the only scions that went against their dragon. Nyxarenn didn’t believe in what Zhaitan was doing & turned against their creator. The other scion to do this is Reota. 
Reota - talking of my bastard boy, Reota is the voice that the sons of svanir can hear - its why to them Jormag sounds masculine, not because its Jormag talking but because its Reota. As their scion, Reota feels he has to turn people to icebrood when he actually doesn’t like to
Ask me about my ocs here! 
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ashalsdream · 4 years
Posted this in the guild but a height chart for my scions if anyone is interested
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ashalsdream · 4 years
Right time to make you suffer with lots of typing! 43 and 49 for all our beans! So Tyrese/Velvet, Proto/Laihr, Alec/Reota and Pépin/Elowen if you want! (Coz I'm interested in how those two pick sylvari could work)
WOO! here we go 
43)  What is the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?  Tyrese/Velvet - Tyrese becomes more protective like he was protective anyway but it gets to the point that if anyone so much as even makes a joke about hurting Velvet he gets defensive 
Proto/Laihr - tomomi’s dad senses went on alert honestly Laihr was the one to realize and she didn’t know how to act so it was just, awkward, between them until Laihr went to her aunts for help about it and Ashal was like “give them flowers!” so Laihr bought Proto flowers, they were both very confused 
Alec/Reòta - They stopped getting into fights 24/7, they still argued but Reò actually started to LISTEN 
Pépin/Elowen - Tall baker boy started to drop off more freshly baked cookies for local pink plant with tiny love notes on them 
49)  What do they do when they’re away from each other? Tyrese/Velvet - Ty is very sad, he hates being away from Velvet but usually Inki distracts him 
Proto/Laihr - its usually because Laihr has gone home so Laihr is busy at the time, I’m not entirely sure what Proto does BUT eventually Laihr starts to invite them in to her family home and for family dinners 
Alec/Reòta - its because Reò is causing problems and Alec has to go stop his chaotic boyfriend from turning a village into an icicle 
Pépin/Elowen - Its either because Pépin was found out to be sneaking out or because Elowen has gone home to Vabbi with his dads, either way - its usually because they don’t choose to be apart but are forced apart 
ask me about my otps here! 
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ashalsdream · 4 years
1, 4, 14, and 27 for the scions :3
I’m always amazed people care enough for my scions ;; this’ll be a long one so strap in! 
1. Did you have a theme in mind when you designed them? What was it?  Two themes actually! 1st was the elder dragon they were created from, 2nd was each of them are based off a mythical creatures so: Nyxarenn - Phoenix Kailini - Kelpie  Reota - Succubus  Nimhe - fairy  Celesti - Hydra Lasair - Salamander 
4. What’s their ideal pizza?  honestly? Most of them don’t eat & the few that do wouldn’t have ever tried a pizza sadly :(
14. How do they see themself?    oof this may get a little sad, also i may misunderstand but this is how i see this ask Nyxarenn - They see themselves as broken, Nyx was meant to be the undead scion and instead they prefer the living, they think they’re broken and see themselves as such  Kailini - Kai is a bit lost, he sees himself as searching - without knowledge on where his dragon parent is, he’s lost.  Reota - Reo sees himself as perfect, Jormag created him to be PERFECT so he must be, he has the ego to match  Nimhe - ze sees hirself as gentle, ze knows that ze should be more dangerous but ze is just a gentle creature at heart and wouldn’t hurt anyone and ze knows that, knows that ze is a disappointment too Celesti - she, is damaged. With her dragon corrupted & with no near future where she can save him? she’s damaged and broken and she sees herself as a failure to him  Lasair - She is FULLY aware she is chaotic, she sees herself a being of mischief and torment and she’s right! But she’s more trickster than downright evil 
27. Do they have any scars?  Nyxarenn - yes but most of them were healed by Sol so they are no longer visible nor will they talk about them Kailini - nope! he’s a careful creature  Reota - He doesn’t until after icebrood, Tomomi leaves his mark on him with a scar across his heart. It’s an imperfection and was Reota’s realisation that he was not perfect, however if its in Alec’s timeline then he still ends up with the scar but it was because of a vigil soldier instead  Nimhe - if ze ever does, ze covers them up with flowers that ze grows on hir skin  Celesti - her mouth is sewn shut, you can imagine the scars it leaves  Lasair - YES. Many. War scars or burn scars, cover her body entirely 
Ask me about my ocs here! 
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ashalsdream · 4 years
2 8 20 23 26 34 for any OTP u want <3
Asked the guild for a number and got Alec/Reota so here we go~  Alec is @commander-triangle‘s! 
2)  Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer? Hmmmm probably Reota? He’s a lazy stubborn lil bastard but could be tempted out of bed with promises of affection 
8)  Who gets extremely competitive playing Mario Kart? REOTA. No doubt about it, definitely Reota. He has and WILL freeze the remote if he loses 
20)  What do they argue about the most? Um, probably Reota would argue against Alec near the beginning when he’s learning what's “good” n what’s “bad” because he just gets, REALLY defensive. So Alec trying to teach him to be better, he gets defensive over EVERYTHING 
23)  Who is better with kids? Alec. Reota doesn’t know how to deal with kids 
26)  Who puts the fork in the microwave? Reota. But he does it on purpose. 
34)  Do they go on dates? What are they like?   I’m actually not sure? I’m gonna say no, I don’t think they’re the type to 
Ask me about my ocs here! 
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