#scifiskirmish game
punkhammer · 3 years
Factions for SOLARPUNK 40,000
The star punks are a loosely connected collection of small gangs and affinity groups that either out of choice or necessity do not settle on a single planet but travel space squatting abandoned space ships and discovering new or forgotten planets where most of the galaxy have fallen into established ways of living. Those who identify as star punks are still experimenting new ways to live, challenging accepted galactic truths. A mixture of alien races, they are resourceful, inventive and when threatend can be extremely violent.
The EVA are a race of ailens defined as much by science as they are tradition. Their understanding of reincarnation and connections to past lives helps them to create infrastructure with thousands of years of knowledge. Every planet with a sizebale EVA city has a well armed and well organised planetary defence collective. It is made up of mega robots, air ships, and infantry sworn strictly to only take up arms if the planet they have sworn to protect comes under threat, though in times of disaster it is not uncommon for a small portion of their force to be sent to another planet in their defence.
Built by the humans towards the end of the 21st century, the war machines are robots built with an AI intended for nothing except war. They were not mobilized en mass until the war of the worlds began in the 25th milenium when the humans, considarebly out-gunned and out-numbered by the EVA, took the desperate option to fire thousands of ships full of these war ready automated beings into space in the hopes of overwhelming the EVA. Now, long after the end of the war, due to the war machines ability to rebuild and replicate, they are still one of the biggest threats to life in the galaxy— led by nothing more than a desire to kill all organc life.
Though the human military structure was dismantled thousands of years ago. What elements of it’s infrastructure could be deemed useful were maintained and can be found all across the galaxy, confronting threats of all kinds. Most towns and cities will have a defence group of some shape or form, from the mountain village that has one armoured hover tank which every member of the village will be taught how to use when they come of age, to cities with hundreds of solar armoured volunteers backedup with numerous vehicles dedicated to protection of their entire home planet.
In the mid 20th century on earth there were many high profile cases of space exploration. But for every one covered in the news papers of the time, there were hundreds that were done in complete secrecy. One secretive project sent numerous different animals further distances then known to be possible. All attempts to track these animals’ progress through space were complete failures after a certain distance. Yet the humans persisted, sending countless animals into the unknown and what they didn’t know was all of these ships were landing in the same cluster of planets all rotating around the same star, now known as the eye of the Wilde. A sun that not only emmits light and radiation, but knowledge. These sun rays combined with numerous chemicals aboard the ships the animals had arrived on, and the connection to Earth’s computer data bases meant a rapid evolution was set in motion. Within 10,000 years they became what we now know as the Irata. Anthropamorphic creatures, from dogs to monkeys, cats and most famously—rats, who are most famous due to their large population and their inclination towards war and planetary invasion. Those originating from dogs are more likely to join with other races in planetary defence, the apes and monkeys are usually found living in the bigger citys along side humans and EVAs, whilst the cat-like ones are usually loners, either travelling alone or with the space punks. But really you could see any subspecies of Irata doing any of these things, though these are the usual roles they choose to take.
Fighting a war they lost 1000s of years ago, they are all but forgotten by the vast majority. They hide in the shadows of their 4 hellish planets in worship to the misery and cruelty of days gone, adorning power armour with skulls, spikes and insignia of their new religions— based on the old ways of living. Their only goal and reason to exist is to destroy all that has been built in the last 10,000 years. To reduce the galaxy to ash and declare themselvs the Divine rulers of the ashes using outdated military equipment and armies of creatures manifested in their dark labs.
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