#scientifically proven fact
regulus, at an award ceremony: and i would like to thank renegade by taylor swift for helping me start and stay in my relationship
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catherine-montvoisin · 5 months
100% of turkish guys on dating apps have photos of themselves cuddling cats
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I want you to know I respect your opinion and at the end of the day you can do whatever you want on your own page, which I love all the art you do. Your White Diamond AU is so remarkable I've added it to my own headcanon idea of Steven meeting his alternate selves.
With that said, why are you responding to posts or asks that talk about blatant shattering of other gems? Real SU fans don't immediately go "death to the enemy." Real SU fans understand that SU is about love, acceptance, second chances, and pacifism. I'll admit, there have been more idiots in the fandom since the show's end, but in my humble opinion, it's best to not give any of them attention, even if they are annoying.
Sorry if I sound rude, I just didn't get responding to that one ANONYMOUS comment.
It's not rude at all! And it's a great question! One I understand the reasoning of.
But I have my own reasoning for doing the things I do.
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Mainly, I think that while ignoring SOME behaviors is definitely good.... talking about OTHER behaviors actively is the fastest and healthiest way to immunize the greater community against them.
Let me explain.
I've been in this fandom a long time now, and I agree with you - there's a solid possibility, a real chance that whoever sent that message is just a passing non-fan who decided to be weirdly edgy in my inbox. No big deal. It happens.
But in my experience, the SU fandom is.... wide and varied. There are people of all ages, and many opinions. It would be easier, of course, if the only 'true fans' were those who perfectly understood the show's themes. But to me, that veers dangerously close to a No True Scotsman type of thinking. The reality is that many different people watch SU. And while many of them do inherently agree with the message and understand the nuance, many more just watch the show because... they like the surface level graphics and cool fights and interesting worldbuilding. In fact, many of the show's fans are edgy teens (sorry edgy teens) who are in a life-stage where violence and being strong and cool and decisive in a morally black and white manner is the only way they can possibly imagine solving any problem. And... that's kinda the opposite of what SU teaches! But that's also the point. SU teaches those things on purpose.
And yeah, I can absolutely just ignore this part of the population. But ignoring a behavior does not actually make it go away 100% of the time. If a child in a supermarket comes up to you and starts smacking you with a wooden spoon from Aisle 4, then... sure... you can ignore them and see if their parent comes to get them, or they go away, especially if it's a very small child and they're not hurting you a lot.
But that's not the only option. You can ALSO opt to teach them - and any other spoon-wielding children watching - what COULD happen if they are crude or cruel to a stranger in public. Namely, you can snap 'stop it' and at the very least glare at that child. This is a lesson that will arguably teach them more about the interaction than a complete lack of reaction would.
Now, I'm not saying people who send me asks are all children and I'm doling out some moral lessons here. This is just a metaphor.
I'm simply a person in a social space (tumblr) who is driving my own blog. And while I DO ignore a very large part of cruel/rude asks I get (trust me, I do ignore many!) I sometimes also just post a reply to show what ELSE could happen if you say a borderline silly and arguably tonally inappropriate ask to a person. You could get replied to! In a sarcastic or snappy manner!
And maybe - just maybe - the other people reading my blog can learn something from the experience, and think 'ah, so doing it like THAT will maybe make people kinda annoyed, now I know and will not do that'.
I cannot deny that overall I agree with you, though. I don't think that these types of messages deserve attention on the regular. But I'd hope that my replies to these things are not really... regular. I ignore probably... 80% of these sort of things? I guess maybe it just feels like a lot less, since, well. The public ones are 100% of the ones you get to see!
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hongsasum · 7 months
icb when episode 5 dropped so many fans ACTUALLY thought alastor sincerely, genuinely, wholeheartedly saw charlie as a daughter like you have to be lying, people cannot be THIS stupid truly 😭
he was literally pretending to be charlie’s boyfriend to piss off lucifer up until charlie introduced vaggie as her girlfriend, and then immediately hopped onto the “i’m your other father coraline!” bs
this is when you know like 70% of the fandom is made up of kids with developing brains, they take every single thing alastor says at face value
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appadorable · 6 months
katara would never zuko. she's grossed out by him kinda
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invinciblelikeu · 27 days
I was watching bad vod and I just started giggling when I heard Dream’s voice. I miss him so much
literally meeeee :3 dream’s voice makes the world a better place
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prophecyofgray · 1 year
being an active trans ally is like the single hottest thing a cis person can do im sry i know the bar is on the floor but i swear to god when a cis person goes out of their way to support and defend trans people i want to rip my clothes off. More cis people should go out of their way to support and defend trans people in fact
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multifandomangel · 9 months
hot people watched ever after high, avatar: the last airbender, and total drama island growing up
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lilyfreshwater · 2 years
is there a connection between believing dream is a groomer and thinking george is straight?
yes, and it's a significant correlation as well
by @lilyfreshwater, F. and @adabueno, A.
for this analysis, we got 162 respondents to answer two questions:
Do you think Dream is a Groomer? Yes/No
What is George's Sexuality? Gay/Straight
using the data collected from the google form @adabueno set up, I ran a chi squared test in excel. this kind of statistical test is useful for bivariate, nominal data, such as a Yes/No question where only 2 results are possible but neither answer has any numerical significance associated with it. this statistical test compares observed and expected data based on given probabilities. if there was no significant connection between people who believe dream is a groomer and people who have a certain view on george's sexuality, we would expect to see a roughly equal amount of people associated with the answers Yes and Straight as the answers Yes and Gay, and vice versa for all of the other combinations of answers. therefore, if the observed amount of respondents for one combination of answers is significantly more or less than expected, then we can confidently say that there is a predictive correlation for that answer combination. for example, if the amount of people who answered Yes and Straight was significantly higher than expected, we could confidently predict that someone who believes dream is a groomer would also believe george is straight, and vice versa
here are our results from the survey:
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as you can see, the p value for the chi squared test is incredibly small, which indicates significant correlations for the data. a p value of p<0.05 indicates that there is a less than 5% chance that, due to a sampling or experimental error, the null hypothesis is actually true. in this case, that would mean a less than 5% chance that our results are wrong and there is actually no correlation between dream being a groomer and thinking george is straight. because p ≈ 0, there is almost no chance that our results are a mistake. i did the reverse analysis with george's sexuality data just to demonstrate that there is a significant predictive correlation no matter which question you ask first, and p ≈ 0 for this perspective, as expected. i included the error bars corresponding with each measure for completeness sake, although i don't believe they tell us anything meaningful about the data. the chi-squared test is the primary focus of this analysis, and it supports our hypothesis
so what conclusions can we draw from this? well, if you ask about dream, you can reliably predict what that person will believe about george's sexuality, and vice versa. as you can see from the data, the responses were not 100% consistent, but that is to be expected with any sample and any population of people. there were some limitations to this study, for example the google form was distributed by blogs who have openly talked about being biased towards one conclusion or the other, and that may reflect a biased follower base as well. also, it's difficult to know what the exact population size of critblr is, so this may or may not be a representative sample. in the future it would be interesting to conduct this survey with a much wider audience, however given the controversial nature of each question it is unlikely that any community beyond critblr and leaktwt would promote this survey at all
but despite these limitations, we can still confidently say that there is a correlation between believing dream is a groomer and believing george is straight for the critblr population
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elena-ferrante · 1 year
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1996 // 2023
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bitchkay · 1 year
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I'd delighted.
Its 3am.
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fun fact: rhythm heaven gay.
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pixlerelish · 11 months
And now I'm wondering if the fact that the original Jawan preview theme opens up with a trumpet fanfare is not one of the main reasons that I sunk my hooks into it before I even had any context for the plot.
Music is a powerful drug.
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forter-from-meteos · 1 year
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putting geolytes in outfits is, in fact, fun
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anachronisticbones · 1 year
y'know the second i met vigo i just assumed he'd die cause i liked him. i was unfortunately proven right
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hellverse · 1 year
did you know cas and dean love being naked around each other
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