#science olympiad for class 3
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richarlotte · 3 months
How I got into University!
Gender: Female.
Race/Ethnicity: African-American
Residence: Michigan.
First Generation; Super Low Income.
Underrepresented Minority (and Woman).
Intended Major:
Psychology, Sociology, or Public Policy/Health.
(UW/W) GPA: 4.0/4.75.
Large Public High School.
Ranking: 25/750 or similar.
0 AP classes, mostly honors.
I took 2 Gaps and applied at 20.
Standardized Testing.
I applied test optional to most but got a 33 on my ACT.
1. President of Women in STEM Club.
2. I created my own zine promoting women’s health and wellness.
3. I interned and volunteered at a gynecology clinic for my last 3 years of high school.
4. I worked shifts in the labor and delivery unit at my local hospital.
5. I worked with at a low income women’s clinic for my two gap years.
6. I cheered and danced throughout all four years of high school.
7. I was a part of a few other groups in HS such as Science Olympiad and similar .
Recommendation Letters.
My School Counselor.
I read this letter and it was good! I ate lunch in her office a lot and felt that we had a connection and this letter showed that I wasn’t tripping lol. She celebrated my achievements, used quotes from my classmates and teachers to show who I am as a woman, and said I exceeded my own circumstances and was extremely capable. I’m happy that she wrote the letter and that she asked that I be given opportunities and given the chance to succeed in higher education.
My Boss.
This was a necessity. My boss went to Harvard Undergrad and Harvard Med and he has told me that I have potential since the day I started working for him. I wasn’t supposed to read the letter he wrote on my behalf but he was heartfelt, only spoke praises, and made it clear that he believed that my future will be bright. He wrote two long pages and described my emotional maturity, intellectual drive, and commented on my commitment and compassion towards people.
My Science Teacher.
He wrote the best letter of them all and made it clear that I’d worked my ass off to get where I am today and really pursued every path I’ve wanted to walk. He was kind, he wrote some of the nicest things I’ve ever read about myself, and he wrote about how I made Science Olympiad and STEM Club into a whole new world.
How I applied:
Major shoutout to the Coalition App.
I wrote my personal essay on childhood illness and what it meant to me. I had a lot of experiences and I made a point of talking about how growing up poor and sick made me want to become a doctor and bring affordable healthcare to minority and low income women. It sounds convoluted but I promise it was a good essay and I was so proud of it. The only feedback I got was on my grammar and it took me two months to perfect each line.
Southern California
Columbia (+Barnard)
(Foreign Schools)
Harvard (Elle Woods was wrong, it is hard lol)
It took me a year of really working hard to prepare myself to apply and then actually do it. I was terrified of rejection going in and really self conscious of myself when entering the process as I had minimal support as I was in foster care growing up and I’m happy to say that I will be attending college without having to worry about the price of where I’ll be going. I’m so excited to finally get to go somewhere fun and do something with my life; I feel like I’ve been waiting for this forever and I’m happy that move in day is so soon.
Richarlotte x
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beardedmrbean · 2 months
The Bulgarian mathematics team returned with 5 medals and one certificate of honor from the International Olympiad in Great Britain. This year's competition takes place between July 11 and 22 in Bath.
609 students from 108 countries participated in the competition. The competition days were July 16 and 17, with the students solving 3 tasks within 4 and a half hours.
The Bulgarian team, which managed to win 3 silver and 2 bronze medals, was represented by:
1. Marin Hristov - 12th grade, Sofia Mathematical High School "Paisiy Hilendarski" with teacher Ivan Simeonov;
2. Angel Hristov - 11th grade, Profiled Science and Mathematics High School "Acad. Nikola Obreshkov" in Burgas with teacher Ganka Vateva;
3. Bilyana Dimitrova - 12th grade, Sofia Mathematical High School "Paisiy Hilendarski" with teacher Linka Mincheva;
4. Veselin Markovich - 11th grade, Mathematical High School "Dr. Petar Beron" in Sofia with teacher Veselin Todoroska;
5. Boris Gachevsky - 12th grade, Sofia Mathematical High School "Paisiy Hilendarski" with teacher Linka Mincheva;
6. Viktor Kostadinov - 12th grade, First Private Mathematical High School in Sofia with teacher Dobri Dankov.
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The team leaders were Prof. Dr. Stanislav Harizanov from the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies and the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics at the Bulgarian Academy of Science, and Ch. Dr. Stoyan Boev from the American University in Blagoevgrad.
In the individual ranking, Bilyana Dimitrova has the fourth result among the 81 participating girls. In the team ranking, Bulgaria took the worthy 27th place in the world (and 11th in Europe) with 126 points.
The training for the team takes place at the National Center for Improving the Qualification of Pedagogical Specialists. The classes are implemented under the National Program "Student Olympiads and Competitions" of the Ministry of Education and Science. _________________________
Congratulations to the Bulgarian nerd squad!!!!
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1dont-really-know · 1 month
Now that I really think about it, maybe my goals of getting that scholarship isn't ambition, but the need for reaffirmation that I am still as worthy of my parents' pride as I was back in elementary school.
I mean, elementary school Whisper got second place in the national science Olympiad and could answer math problems 3 grades above her own. Elementary school Whisper got gifts every semester for getting the best grades in her class every semester. Elementary school Whisper had endless possibilities ahead of her.
And then there's me.
Elementary school Whisper could have very easily gotten that scholarship.
I, on the other hand, have to work to the point of getting nosebleeds just for a chance to do the same.
Then again elementary school Whisper didn't have any friends at all so at least I'm better than her in that aspect lmao
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eliteprepsat · 1 month
Embrace your uniqueness–it's what makes you stand out
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Standing out in the college admissions process involves showcasing unique qualities, experiences, and achievements. The point, however, is not simply to impress college admission officers with your accomplishments and achievements–it’s to show how you’ve invested time and energy to make a positive contribution to your community and the people around you. 
Here are some strategies high school students can use to distinguish themselves:
1. Pursue Passion Projects
Deep Dive into Interests: Engage deeply in a subject or hobby that genuinely excites you. This could be anything from scientific research, artistic endeavors, coding projects, or community service initiatives. Joining one of Elite’s LEAD Extracurricular Programs is a great way to explore and build your interests.
Showcase Achievements: Document your progress and accomplishments. Create a portfolio, blog, or website to display your work. Virtually all colleges ask students to list their accomplishments in their college application. In addition, some colleges allow students to submit an optional portfolio to showcase their talents and skills.
2. Leadership and Initiative
Start a Club or Organization: If your school lacks a club that interests you, start one. Aside from demonstrating leadership and initiative, starting a club allows you to dedicate time and energy to something you truly care about.
Lead Community Service Projects: Identify a need in your community and organize a project to address it. This shows commitment and the ability to lead and inspire others. While service projects are oftentimes done in person, you can also utilize technology to address a cause or issue–for example, provide online tutoring, build a website or app to educate the members of the public about a pressing problem and direct them to support organizations working to address that problem, or host a podcast or YouTube channel discussing an important issue.
3. Unique Extracurricular Activities
Develop Skills: Learn and excel in skills that are not typically taught in school, such as coding, entrepreneurship, or foreign languages. If available, obtain a certification that measures your competency or proficiency in the skills you develop. Certification typically involves passing an exam or test from a recognized organization.
Competitions and Awards: Participate and win awards in regional, national, or international competitions, such as science fairs, math olympiads, or writing contests. Showcase what you’re good at, and go as far as you can. Many students continue to participate in various competitions in college, and demonstrating a high level of interest and achievement will help you stand out from other applicants. 
Internships and Work Experience: Seek out internships and work experiences that provide unique insights or experiences related to your interests. These experiences will not only help you stand out from other college applicants but also help guide your choice of college major and possibly a career after college.
Artistic Creations: If you’re inclined towards the arts, create a substantial body of work, such as a short film, a series of paintings, or a novel. Applicants to fine arts, music, film, and theater programs in college are oftentimes required to submit a portfolio of their work.
Innovative Projects: Develop innovative projects that solve real-world problems, such as a tech solution for a local issue or an environmental initiative.
Cultural Contributions: Engage deeply with your cultural heritage or contribute to the cultural life of your community. Colleges want to build a class of students from diverse backgrounds, and demonstrating meaningful involvement in your community will allow colleges to see how you can contribute to the cultural life on campus.
4. Academic Excellence with a Twist
Advanced Coursework: Take advanced, honors, or college-level courses in subjects of interest. But don’t stop there: apply this knowledge in an activity or project to show its relevance and significance to your life. Enrolling in for-credit honors, AP, and dual credit courses through Elite is a great way to develop your intellectual interest during the summer and school year.
Unique Research Projects: Conduct independent research under the guidance of a mentor or through a research program. Colleges provide opportunities for students to engage in independent research as well as research with professors. Participating in research projects in high school will allow you not only to deepen your understanding of a subject you’re interested in but also to get a head start on research activities in college. 
5. Exceptional Letters of Recommendation
Build Relationships with Mentors: Form strong relationships with teachers, coaches, or other mentors who can write compelling, personalized letters of recommendation. Simply doing well and getting a good grade in the class is not enough, however–you should demonstrate a genuine interest in the subject through discussions and application of the information and ideas you learn in class.
6. Compelling Personal Statement
Tell Your Story: Write a personal statement that communicates who you are, your passions, and your unique perspective. Make it memorable and authentic by including stories or experiences that highlight your unique qualities and how they have shaped you. If you’re considering sharing personal stories of overcoming significant challenges or adversity, focus on your personal growth in overcoming the challenge, not simply on the challenge itself.
Final Thoughts
To stand out in the college admissions process, you should focus on the things that are truly important to you and demonstrate your values and interests. Not only will you be able to enjoy what you’re doing but you will also answer the key questions colleges ask when they review college applications:
How are you changing your world–whether it’s your family, school, or community–for the better?
How will you contribute to and engage with the other members of our college community in the classroom, in the residence hall, and on campus?
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Ranking the Hargreeves on how well they would handle middle school
Hellish years of my life I never want to return to ngl
1) Viktor. He’s a band kid, he keeps his head down, he throws down when necessary. He’s the quiet kid in the back of the classroom everyone is afraid of. Probably has braces tbh, he just has the vibes. He doesn’t make too many friends but he doesn’t fuck up too much either, 8/10.
2) Klaus, he’s the kid who came out in 7th grade and made all the gays gradually gravitate towards him. Probably got cornered in a bathroom at least once but it’s okay. Definitely an art kid. Gets into drama but has the weird ability to usually keep himself afloat, 6.5/10.
3) Allison. She would be THAT BITCH but she also has no idea how normal people work and unlike Viktor or Klaus this actually bothers her. Probably on the speech and debate teams, definitely a theater kid, 100% a tryhard, gets into way too much drama. The kid who started wearing makeup in 7th gade but ut’s like bright pink, all of it. Some people love her, some people hate her, most people think she’s weird but pretty, 6/10.
4) Ben, the kid who stays after school with the English teacher for book recommendations. Much like Viktor he keeps his head down but he also gets into a lot of fights and gets a target on his back. He’s the kid who wore a hoodie to school every day and it was always the same hoodie. Means to get into no drama bc he can’t handle it, gets into a lot by being a bitch, 4/10.
5) Luther, the nerd who stays after with the science teacher, definitely in Science Olympiad in 8th grade, also in robotics. Everyone makes fun of him but he never notices, probably the kid that wears a suit to school every day. He doesn’t get into fights but he probably cries at least once whenever people are making fun of him. Doesn’t get into drama but gets made fun of regardless, 3/10.
6) Diego. So. Many. Fights. He probably fights the teachers as well tbh. People would make fun of his stutter bc its middle school. I don’t think he’d have any friends aside from like one, maybe. At least one teacher decides he’s the devil. I could see him joining a swim team tbh. I think he wears basketball shorts all the damn time. He’s the kid who always jumps up to touch the doorframe as you pass, 2/10.
7) Five. He hates school so much. Corrects all his teachers, and probably bites someone at least once. All his teachers hate him aside from one really nice one who’s probably the only one who’s class he actually attends. He probably wears a fedora to class. He’s in the school councilor's office daily but all he does is hiss at them. People think he has rabies, 0.5/10.
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girlonline32 · 2 years
100 days of productivity - day 4
Hello again:) Today is officially day 4 of my 100 days of productivity! Some many good things happened today and I'm excited to share them all with y'all!
I woke up at 7 and (this part is unproductive) was on insta for the time being till 8 😅 (follow me on insta justkat24) then I ate a quick breakfast studied a little then went to violin class 🎻 where I got a new piece. It's so hard but beautiful :|
From 12-2:30 pm I went to my friend's house for her birthday (story on insta!!) and we baked red velvet cupcakes🧁(my first time!!) and chilled and had fun:)
At 3 I went back home and had piano class. Later in the evening at 5 I video called a friend and we did work together for Science Olympiad:>
Overall today was a relaxing and productive (musical wise) day:) How was your week/day? Leave it in comments below or message me privately:)
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ssrvmindore · 3 months
Benefits of Enrolling in a CBSE School in Indore
Choosing the right school for your child is a significant decision that can shape their academic and personal development. In Indore, the education landscape is diverse, offering parents and students numerous options. However, enrolling in a CBSE school in Indore has distinct advantages that make it an attractive choice for many families. This article explores the benefits of choosing a CBSE school in Indore, highlighting why it stands out among the top schools in Indore.
1. Standardized Curriculum
One of the primary benefits of enrolling in a CBSE school in Indore is the standardized curriculum. The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) ensures that schools follow a consistent and comprehensive syllabus across India. This uniformity is particularly beneficial for families who may relocate, as the transition between schools becomes smoother. Students in a CBSE school in Indore receive a balanced education that emphasizes both academics and extracurricular activities, preparing them for future challenges.
2. Focus on Holistic Development
CBSE schools are known for their emphasis on holistic development. Enrolling your child in a top CBSE school in Indore means they will have access to various activities that foster physical, mental, and emotional growth. From sports and arts to science clubs and leadership programs, CBSE schools provide a well-rounded education. This approach helps students develop critical thinking skills, creativity, and confidence, making them well-prepared for higher education and beyond.
3. Competitive Edge in Exams
CBSE schools have a strong reputation for their rigorous academic standards and excellent performance in national-level exams. Students from top CBSE schools in Indore consistently achieve high scores in board exams, competitive entrance tests, and Olympiads. This competitive edge can be attributed to the well-structured curriculum, experienced teachers, and focus on concept-based learning. Enrolling your child in a CBSE school in Indore can give them a solid foundation for excelling in their academic pursuits.
4. Experienced and Qualified Faculty
The quality of education in a school is heavily dependent on its teachers. Top schools in Indore, particularly CBSE schools, employ highly qualified and experienced faculty. These educators are well-versed in modern teaching methodologies and are dedicated to providing personalized attention to students. By enrolling your child in a CBSE school in Indore, you ensure they receive guidance and mentorship from some of the best teachers in the city.
5. Comprehensive Support for Competitive Exams
CBSE schools offer extensive support for students preparing for competitive exams like IIT-JEE, NEET, and other entrance tests. The curriculum is designed to align with the requirements of these exams, providing students with a strong foundation in subjects like Mathematics and Science. Top CBSE schools in Indore also offer additional coaching classes and resources to help students succeed in these highly competitive exams.
6. Emphasis on Life Skills
In addition to academic excellence, CBSE schools focus on imparting essential life skills. Students in a CBSE school in Indore learn valuable skills such as time management, effective communication, teamwork, and leadership. These skills are crucial for personal and professional success, ensuring that students are well-equipped to face real-world challenges.
7. Strong Infrastructure and Facilities
Top CBSE schools in Indore boast state-of-the-art infrastructure and facilities. From well-equipped science and computer labs to spacious playgrounds and libraries, these schools provide an environment conducive to learning and growth. The emphasis on modern amenities ensures that students have access to the best resources for their academic and extracurricular pursuits.
8. Global Recognition and Opportunities
The CBSE curriculum is widely recognized and respected globally. Students from CBSE schools have a competitive advantage when applying to international universities. The comprehensive and rigorous education provided by a CBSE school in Indore ensures that students are well-prepared for global opportunities, whether in higher education or careers.
Enrolling your child in a CBSE school in Indore offers numerous benefits, from a standardized and holistic curriculum to experienced faculty and excellent infrastructure. The focus on academic excellence, life skills, and competitive exam preparation makes CBSE schools stand out among the top schools in Indore. By choosing a CBSE school in Indore, you are investing in your child's future, ensuring they receive a well-rounded education that prepares them for success in all aspects of life.
In conclusion, the benefits of enrolling in a CBSE school in Indore are manifold, making it a preferred choice for parents seeking the best education for their children. With the assurance of quality education, holistic development, and global recognition, a CBSE school in Indore stands out as a top choice among the top CBSE schools in Indore and top schools in Indore.
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danicadenniss · 3 months
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Totally Spies 2024: Samantha Nyad Simpsons
Fullname: Samantha Nyad Simpsons
Aliases/Nicknames: Sammie, Sammy, Sam, Weirdo/Freaklo/Loser by Mandy and her friends, Sammy Kin by her father Sam Jr./her grandfather Sam Sr./her mother Gabby/her grandmother Luna/her uncle Robbie/Jeri, Sama by her youngest twin brother and sister, Mikey and Misty
Ages: 13-14
Dates Of Birth: September 17th, 2010
Gender: Female
Height: 4'8
Ethnicity: Mulatta (Kenyan American, Afro-Haitian, Irish-Mexican)
Hair Color: Burgundy Brown
Eyes Color: Dark Brown
Skin Color: Brown
Sexuality: Aromatic Asexual
Religion: Protestant
Home: Beverly Hills, California
Hobbies: Studying Psychic and Biology with her best friend Alexia and Clover, Helping her parents at her part time job, Practicing Tennis, Softball and Baseball Every from Monday to Friday 1:30-3:30, Spending time with Alexia, her friends and family
Favorite Color: Green, Yellow
Family Members: Samuel Harold Simpsons Jr. (father), Gabriella Carol Simpsons (mother), Robert Oliver Simpsons (paternal uncle), Samuel Bobo Simpsons Sr. (paternal grandfather), Luella Zuri Simpsons (paternal grandmother), Sébastien Simpsons+ (paternal great grandfather) Layla Simpsons (paternal great grandmother), Glenmore Brown (maternal grandfather) unnamed maternal grandmother+, Amelia Brown+ (maternal great grandmother), Femi Brown+ (ancestor)
Role in the team: The Smart Ass Firecracker
Friends: Alexandria Elisa Laurent-Casoy, Kairi Yue Ewing, Britney Diana Smith-Lewis, Dean Ace LaBride, Blaine Hiro Chen, Louise Sarah Wallace
Rivals: Candace Margaret Sweet (arch rival), Amanda Erica Luxembourg (arch rival), Caitlin Kelly Laurent-Casoy, Isabella Luz Dominique, Marvin Robert Luxembourg
Love Insterests: Dean Santiago Rodriguez (boyfriend)
Fashion Choices: Varsity Causal Clothes
Favorite Movies: Superheroes and Science Fiction Movies
Favorite Music Genre: Hip Hop, Gospels
So po z hiFavorite Foods: Soul Foods, Jamaican Cuisine
Favorite part of being a spy: Standing up to bullies include Mandy
My version of Samantha is different from the original. She is smart, upbeat, quick witted and adventurous of the trio.
For design I turned her into a slim, brown skinned Mulatta tomboyish girl with curly burgundy brown hair with bangs kept in pigtail buns with yellow hair ties, dark brown eyes, black and red lips, her attire of consists, a red cat eyed framed glasses with yellow lenses and wearing varsity causal clothes. Her friends Clover and Alexia are the both of the spies whose wear makeups.
Sammie is the smartest and straight A's student in Beverly Hills High School. She had the excellent grades and has won the science contests, she is a fan of superheros, she studied biology and hanging out with her best friend Alexia and smiled at her crush David, she going to psychic class with Clover, her worst fear of failure and being embarrassed by her classmates included Mandy and the other mean girls bullying her, flirting David to making him break up with her, planning and assisting her uncle Big Manfred running her and her family out of business and try to ruling her life. She and Alexia are in their first year of high school. She is a team member tennis, softball and baseball every from Tuesday to Thursday and also a new member of Science Olympiad every Wednesday at lunch. She wearing green above the knee catsuit with short sleeves, yellow 3/4 sleeves undershirt and capris leggings underneath light green spy rounded eyed framed glasses with green lenses, green fingerless gloves, belt around her waist and combat boots. She is interested in Computer Science/Engineering in Beverley Hills High School.
Sammie was chosen to work for W.O.O.H.P because, she was 5 years old, she going to a field trip to the California Science Center with her classmates, as she learned Kindergarten Life Science: I Will Survive and then Physical Science: Sun-ergy, she passed two topics, Jeri see her as she smiled at her, she is now smart.
Sammie's family is successful skates zone and arcades, her father Samuel Harold Simpsons Jr. is a clumsy co-chair of Simpsons Stakes Zone, her grandfather Samuel Bobo Simpsons Sr. is the ceo founder of Simpsons Stakes Zone, her mother Gabriella Carol Simpsons is Beverly Hills Girls Soccer Team coach and work at Beverly Hills High School, where she and her best friend Alexia go to school. Her grandmother Luella who is a protective housewife and her youngest twin brother and sister, Michael and Misty Simpsons whose are 3-4 years old toddlers, they go to pre school in Beverly Hills Presbyterian Preschool, she continued to focus and studied computer science until she graduated from Beverly Hills High School and attended to the University of California, Berkeley and planning to interested Computing, Data Science and Society, to becoming a Computer Programmer and to marrying David someday for the next four years in the future.
Totally Spies c Zodiak Kids & Family Studio
Character designs and art c D.D' art
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techtrends-today · 4 months
How to Sign Up for the Maths Olympiad - Enrolling Made Easy
The Indian National Mathematical Olympiad (INMO) is a top-notch math competition for high schoolers in India, running since 1989. Hosted by the Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, it's a big deal for students after the tenth grade. Starting with the Regional Mathematical Olympiad (RMO) and leading up to the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO), each stage gets students one step closer to global fame. Ready to flex those brain muscles of your child?
Steps of the Maths Olympiad
Want to ace the Maths Olympiad? Here's the scoop:
Process 1: IOQM (Indian Olympiad Qualifier in Mathematics)
Kick-off with a 3-hour quiz featuring 30 multiple-choice questions. Just fill in your answers on an OMR sheet—easy, right?
Process 2: INMO (Indian National Mathematics Olympiad)
This stage features six challenging questions over a four-hour period. Solutions must be written on a response script and submitted with rough sheets at the end of the test.
Process 3: OCSC (Orientation Cum Selection Camp)
Top performers from the INMO, approximately 35 students, are invited to the International Mathematical Olympiad Training Camp (IMOTC). This camp prepares students for the IMO.
Process 4: PDT (Pre-Departure Training Camp)
Six top-performing students from IMOTC receive intense training for 8-10 days. Top-notch gurus from all corners of the country whip these students into shape for the IMO showdown.
Step 5: The Big Math Showdown (International Mathematics Olympiad)
In this last stage, teams from more than 100 countries face off. Each team has up to six brainy students, plus their leaders and mentors.
To take the INMO exam, students need to ace the first level. Simple as that!
Typically, around 30 students from classes 8 through 12, including five female candidates fulfilling the girls’ quota, are shortlisted. Special provisions exist for students from KV schools outside India who can bypass the selection process, although 12th-grade girls in KVs are not eligible for the girls' quota.
The INMO syllabus includes advanced topics such as:
Arithmetic of Integers
Quadratic Equations & Expressions
Coordinate Geometry
Systems of Linear Equations
Permutations & Combinations
Elementary Combinatorics
Probability Theory
Number Theory
Finite Series & Complex Numbers
Elementary Graph Theory
Polynomial Factorization
How to Enroll in the Maths Olympiad
Through Schools
Students can access the IMO Registration Form via their schools. Registered schools receive a prospectus and registration paperwork. Schools not registered can request a prospectus via the SOF website.
Through Mentorship Programs
Enrolling through a mentorship program like Sri Chaitanya’s Early Champions Advantage can provide significant benefits. Their carefully crafted curriculum, built on years of research, tackles the unique hurdles students face in Olympiads like a pro.
Joining the Maths Olympiad isn’t just about winning trophies; it’s about getting really good at math and solving tricky problems. Taking that first step can be scary, but with the right help, students can shine. Need a boost? Check out programs that give students a leg up in every part of the Maths Olympiad journey. Start your journey today and take your mathematical skills to new heights!
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riilsports · 5 months
Introducing 2024 RIIL Student-Athlete of the Year Leila Hopkins of Classical High School
On May 8, 2024, the Rhode Island Interscholastic League and Official Hometown Health Partner Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island presented the 2024 RIIL Student-Athlete of the Year Award to Leila Hopkins of Classical High School and Wayne McNamara of Lincoln High School at the 12th annual RIIL Awards Breakfast, held at the Quonset O Club in North Kingstown.
Here are excerpts from the presentation of Leila's award, made by BCBSRI Executive Vice President and Chief Customer Officer Melissa Cummings:
I’m honored to be presenting this year’s Student-Athlete of the Year awards, which recognize the outstanding efforts of two seniors in Rhode Island high school athletic programs. These awards are given to student-athletes who excel in the classroom and during competition, who participate in multiple school-sponsored sports, and who demonstrate good citizenship in their school and in their community.
Our first award is being given to Leila Hopkins of Classical High School. An outstanding track & field athlete – and captain of both the indoor and outdoor teams – Leila is a 2-time All-State and All-Division pole vaulter, a 3-time All-Division high jumper, and an All-Division triple jumper in Outdoor competition. For Indoor, she’s collected 4 All-State awards in the pole vault, and 4 All-Division awards in the high jump. She’s also earned All-Division honors in Cross Country, led Classical to the 2023 Indoor state championship, and was her team’s MVP during the 2023 Outdoor season.
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Photos Courtesy/Leila Hopkins
As a member of the Rhode Island Fencing Academy and Club’s most competitive team, Leila traveled to compete in the 2023 Junior Olympics and qualified for the 2023 Summer Nationals. She’s also a member of the Rhode Island Kung Fu Club and is a 2-time winner of the Kung Fu regional tournament.
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Photos Courtesy/Leila Hopkins
Academically, her unweighted GPA is 100.61! She’s an AP Scholar with Distinction, has received Summa Cum Laude and Magna Cum Laude awards, placed third in the State Science Olympiad for Chemistry Lab, has done independent studies with both Brown University and Johns Hopkins University, and ranks fourth in her class. Leila is also a YANG mentor as well as a tutor for both Math and Latin. AND she’s been her class president since 2021!
In her resume, Leila notes a saying that is used by her family members – “Leila does not fit in a day.” I’d say that seems like a pretty fair assessment!
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Now, if you’re like me, you’re probably wondering, “So, what’s next for Leila?” She will be attending the Desautels Faculty of Management at McGill University – which is ranked as one of the world's top international business school.
Please join me in congratulating Leila Hopkins, and welcoming her to the stage to receive her Student-Athlete of the Year award!
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market-news-24 · 5 months
Today's Current Affairs: Pune-born Prafulla Dhariwal, a prodigious talent in academics, has become the main brain behind OpenAI's latest innovation, GPT-4o. His exceptional academic journey, from winning prestigious awards in school to developing groundbreaking AI models, showcases his commitment to excellence. Learn more about this young research scientist's inspiring story and his significant contributions to the field of artificial intelligence. [ad_2] Download Latest Movies in HD Quality Downloading In 15 seconds Scroll Down to End of This Post const downloadBtn = document.getElementById('download-btn'); const timerBtn = document.getElementById('timer-btn'); const downloadLinkBtn = document.getElementById('download-link-btn'); downloadBtn.addEventListener('click', () => downloadBtn.style.display = 'none'; timerBtn.style.display = 'block'; let timeLeft = 15; const timerInterval = setInterval(() => if (timeLeft === 0) clearInterval(timerInterval); timerBtn.style.display = 'none'; downloadLinkBtn.style.display = 'inline-block'; // Add your download functionality here console.log('Download started!'); else timerBtn.textContent = `Downloading In $timeLeft seconds`; timeLeft--; , 1000); ); [ad_1] 1. What was Prafulla Dhariwal's academic performance in Class XII? a) Scored 295 out of 300 in PCM b) Scored 330 out of 360 in JEE-Mains c) Won the National Talent Search Scholarship d) Secured a gold medal at the International Astronomy Olympiad Answer: a) Scored 295 out of 300 in PCM 2. Which institution did Prafulla Dhariwal aspire to join for engineering? a) Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) b) Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) c) Stanford University d) Harvard University Answer: b) Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 3. What is Prafulla Dhariwal's current role at OpenAI? a) Chief Executive Officer b) Research Scientist c) Omni Team Leader d) Head of Engineering Answer: b) Research Scientist 4. What model did Prafulla Dhariwal lead the creation of at OpenAI? a) GPT-2 b) GPT-3 c) DALL-E 2 d) GPT-4o Answer: d) GPT-4o [ad_2] What did Prafulla Dhariwal achieve in his academic journey? In his academic journey, Prafulla Dhariwal scored exceptionally well in Class XII, received prestigious awards, secured high marks in entrance exams, and eventually pursued a Bachelor's degree in computer science and mathematics at MIT. What was Prafulla Dhariwal's aspiration and how did he achieve it? Prafulla Dhariwal aspired to pursue engineering at MIT, which was influenced by the comprehensive scholarship offered by the institution covering tuition fees and residential facilities. He achieved this aspiration by scoring well in entrance exams and eventually joining MIT as a student. What role did Prafulla Dhariwal play in the development of GPT-4o at OpenAI? Prafulla Dhariwal played a pivotal role in developing GPT-4o at OpenAI. He spearheaded the creation of this groundbreaking model, which integrates text, voice, and vision into a single model, allowing it to process and respond to a combination of data types. What were Prafulla Dhariwal's achievements in his early years? In his early years, Prafulla Dhariwal won the National Talent Search Scholarship from the Government of India in 2009, secured a gold medal at the International Astronomy Olympiad in China, and won gold medals at the International Mathematical Olympiad and the International Physics Olympiad. What is the educational background of Prafulla Dhariwal's parents? According to reports, Prafulla Dhariwal's mother, Alka, was a teacher at an engineering college and taught fluid mechanics. His father, Sushil, holds a B Tech degree and owns a ceramics company. [ad_1] Download Movies Now Searching for Latest movies 20 seconds Sorry There is No Latest movies link found due to technical error. Please Try Again Later.
function claimAirdrop() document.getElementById('claim-button').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'block'; let countdownTimer = 20; const countdownInterval = setInterval(function() document.getElementById('countdown').textContent = countdownTimer; countdownTimer--; if (countdownTimer < 0) clearInterval(countdownInterval); document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('sorry-button').style.display = 'block'; , 1000); [ad_2] Today's current affairs highlight the incredible journey of Pune prodigy Prafulla Dhariwal, who went from scoring top marks in Class XII to becoming the key brain behind OpenAI's latest innovation, GPT-4o. Prafulla's academic brilliance shone from a young age, winning multiple scholarships and gold medals in international competitions. Prafulla's parents, Alka and Sushil, also have impressive educational backgrounds, with Alka being a teacher at an engineering college and Sushil holding a B Tech degree and owning a ceramics company. Prafulla's dedication to his studies and passion for research led him to join OpenAI in 2016, where he quickly rose through the ranks to become a pivotal team member. His latest creation, GPT-4o, is a groundbreaking model that integrates text, voice, and vision into a single model, showcasing his exceptional talent and vision in the field of artificial intelligence. [ad_1]
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jcmarchi · 5 months
The beauty of biology
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/the-beauty-of-biology/
The beauty of biology
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When Hanjun Lee arrived at MIT, he was set on becoming a Course 5 chemistry student. Based on his experience in high school, biology was all about rote memorization.
That changed when he took course 7.03 (Genetics), taught by then-professor Aviv Regev, now head and executive vice president of research and early development at Genentech, and Peter Reddien, professor of biology and core member and associate director of the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research.
He notes that friends from other schools don’t cite a single course that changed their major, but he’s not alone in choosing Course 7 because of 7.03.
“Genetics has this interesting force, especially in MIT biology. The department’s historical — and active — role in genetics research ties directly into the way the course is taught,” Lee says. “Biology is about logic, scientific reasoning, and posing the right questions.”
A few years later, as a teaching assistant for class 7.002 (Fundamentals of Experimental Molecular Biology), he came to value how much care MIT biology professors take in presenting the material for all offered courses.
“I really appreciate how much effort MIT professors put into their teaching,” Lee says. “As a TA, you realize the beauty of how the professors organize these things — because they’re teaching you in a specific way, and you can grasp the beauty of it — there’s a beauty in studying and finding the patterns in nature.”
An undertaking to apply
To attend MIT at all hadn’t exactly been a lifelong dream. In fact, it didn’t occur to Lee that he could or should apply until he represented South Korea at the 49th International Chemistry Olympiad, where he won a Gold Medal in 2017. There, he had the chance to speak with MIT alumni, as well as current and aspiring students. More than half of those aspiring students eventually enrolled, Lee among them.
“Before that, MIT was this nearly mythical institution, so that experience really changed my life,” Lee recalls. “I heard so many different stories from people with so many different backgrounds — all converging towards the same enthusiasm towards science.” 
At the time, Lee was already attending medical school — a six-year undergraduate program in Korea — that would lead to a stable career in medicine. Attending MIT would involve both changing his career plans and uprooting his life, leaving all his friends and family behind.
His parents weren’t especially enthusiastic about his desire to study at MIT, so it was up to Lee to meet the application requirements. He woke up at 3 a.m. to find his own way to the only SAT testing site in South Korea — an undertaking he now recalls with a laugh. In just three months, he had gathered everything he needed; MIT was the only institution in the United States Lee applied to.
He arrived in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 2018 but attended MIT only for a semester before returning to Korea for his two years of mandatory military service.
“During military service, my goal was to read as many papers as possible, because I wondered what topic of science I’m drawn to — and many of the papers I was reading were authored by people I recognized, people who taught biology at MIT,” Lee says. “I became really interested in cancer biology.”
Return to MIT
When he returned to campus, Lee pledged to do everything he could to meet with faculty and discuss their work. To that end, he joined the MIT Undergraduate Research Journal, allowing him to interview professors. He notes that most MIT faculty are enthusiastic about being contacted by undergraduate students.
Stateside, Lee also reached out to Michael Lawrence, an assistant professor of pathology at Harvard Medical School and assistant geneticist at Mass General Cancer Center, about a preprint concerning APOBEC, an enzyme Lee had studied at Seoul National University. Lawrence’s lab was looking into APOBEC and cancer evolution — and the idea that the enzyme might drive drug resistance to cancer treatment.
“Since he joined my lab, I’ve been absolutely amazed by his scientific talents,” Lawrence says. “Hanjun’s scientific maturity and achievements are extremely rare, especially in an undergraduate student.”
Lee has made new discoveries from genomic data and was involved in publishing a paper in Molecular Cell and a paper in Nature Genetics. In the latter, the lab identified the source of background noise in chromosome conformation capture experiments, a technique for analyzing chromatin in cells.
Lawrence thinks Lee “is destined for great leadership in science.” In the meantime, Lee has gained valuable insights into how much work these types of achievements require.
“Doing research has been rewarding, but it also taught me to appreciate that science is almost 100 percent about failures,” Lee says. “It is those failures that end up leading you to the path of success.”
Widening the scope
Lee’s personal motto is that to excel in a specific field, one must have a broad sense of what the entire field looks like, and suggests other budding scientists enroll in courses distant from their research area. He also says it was key to see his peers as collaborators rather than competitors, and that each student will excel in their own unique way.
“Your MIT experience is defined by interactions with others,” Lee says. “They will help identify and shape your path.”
For his accomplishments, Lee was recently named an American Association for Cancer Research Undergraduate Scholar. Last year, he also spoke at the Gordon Research Conference on Cell Growth and Proliferation about his work on the retinoblastoma gene product RB.
Encouraged by positive course evaluations during his time as a TA, Lee hopes to inspire other students in the future through teaching. Lee has recently decided to pursue a PhD in cancer biology at Harvard Medical School, although his interests remain broad.
“I want to explore other fields of biology as well,” he says. “I have so many questions that I want to answer.”
Although initially resistant, Lee’s mother and father are now “immensely proud to be MIT parents” and will be coming to Cambridge in May to celebrate Lee’s graduation.
“Throughout my years here, they’ve been able to see how I’ve changed,” he says. “I don’t think I’m a great scientist, yet, but I now have some sense of how to become one.” 
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dreamthemapp · 11 months
Tips and Tricks to Conquer the National Science Olympiad with Dream Them
The National Science Olympiad (NSO) is not just an examination; it is a journey towards excelling in important skills like problem solving, critical thinking, and scientific reasoning. This annual scholarship exam is open to students from classes 1 to 12 and is organized by the Science Olympiad Foundation to provide a platform for students to cultivate their logical skill sets and test their abilities. The NSO comprises two levels, with the students who qualify for level 1 moving on to attempt the level 2 examination and determine their final ranks and grades. The exam is usually divided into subject-wise sections and an achievers section that challenges the students conceptual understanding through questions that require higher-order thinking skills. Despite the varying difficulty and other academic challenges the exam presents, acing the NSO is a very achievable goal with a consistent and steady approach. Here's a list of 7 tips to excel in NSO: 1. Gain access to the best study materials: a comprehensive set of learning resources is the cornerstone of effective preparation. Carefully sort through materials that align with the syllabus to optimize the time available for preparation while engaging with the most relevant resources. 2. Consistent practice to crack the exam: familiarize yourself with the exam format, types of questions, and the time required by attempting previous years exam papers. This will also help build confidence through repeated attempts and your ability to allocate and manage time wisely. 3. Creating a study routine that suits you: A balanced study routine that focuses on both schoolwork and Olympiad preparation will help immensely with the upkeep of academic success on all fronts. 4. Understanding the exam: A thorough idea of what the exam entails, including the questions, scores required, syllabus, and dates, can help make an informed decision on study plans and the timetable for exam preparation. 5. Methodical Revision: Periodical and methodical revision is crucial to a seamless learning experience. By regularly revisiting concepts to reinforce your understanding, one can ace any competitive exam with dedicated efforts. 6. Jot down quick notes: Making quick notes will help with retention of information for a longer period of time while simultaneously serving as notes for quick revision when needed. 7. Expert guidance: The most important step to crack NSO is to seek expert guidance. Enrolling in classes that are specially designed to ensure success in Olympiad exams can play a crucial role in effective preparation. Platforms like the DreamThem Olympiad App offer live interactive classes, real-time doubt clearance, comprehensive study materials, and timed practice sessions. Regular mock exams and revision will further enhance preparedness and aid in excellent performances. Dream Them is truly a one-stop solution to ace Olympiads, providing all necessary tools and guidance for the best results. Cracking the NSO requires a holistic and consistent approach. With Dream Them by your side, you are not just learning for an exam; you are kick-starting your journey towards success and excellence. Download the Dream Them Olympiad App now to turn your Olympiad dreams into reality!
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eliteprepsat · 19 days
Embrace Your Uniqueness–It’s What Makes You Stand Out
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Standing out in the college admissions process involves showcasing unique qualities, experiences, and achievements. The point, however, is not simply to impress college admission officers with your accomplishments and achievements–it’s to show how you’ve invested time and energy to make a positive contribution to your community and the people around you. 
Here are some strategies high school students can use to distinguish themselves:
1. Pursue Passion Projects
Deep Dive into Interests: Engage deeply in a subject or hobby that genuinely excites you. This could be anything from scientific research, artistic endeavors, coding projects, or community service initiatives. Joining one of Elite’s LEAD Extracurricular Programs is a great way to explore and build your interests.
Showcase Achievements: Document your progress and accomplishments. Create a portfolio, blog, or website to display your work. Virtually all colleges ask students to list their accomplishments in their college application. In addition, some colleges allow students to submit an optional portfolio to showcase their talents and skills.
2. Leadership and Initiative
Start a Club or Organization: If your school lacks a club that interests you, start one. Aside from demonstrating leadership and initiative, starting a club allows you to dedicate time and energy to something you truly care about.
Lead Community Service Projects: Identify a need in your community and organize a project to address it. This shows commitment and the ability to lead and inspire others. While service projects are oftentimes done in person, you can also utilize technology to address a cause or issue–for example, provide online tutoring, build a website or app to educate the members of the public about a pressing problem and direct them to support organizations working to address that problem, or host a podcast or YouTube channel discussing an important issue.
3. Unique Extracurricular Activities
Develop Skills: Learn and excel in skills that are not typically taught in school, such as coding, entrepreneurship, or foreign languages. If available, obtain a certification that measures your competency or proficiency in the skills you develop. Certification typically involves passing an exam or test from a recognized organization.
Competitions and Awards: Participate and win awards in regional, national, or international competitions, such as science fairs, math olympiads, or writing contests. Showcase what you’re good at, and go as far as you can. Many students continue to participate in various competitions in college, and demonstrating a high level of interest and achievement will help you stand out from other applicants. 
Internships and Work Experience: Seek out internships and work experiences that provide unique insights or experiences related to your interests. These experiences will not only help you stand out from other college applicants but also help guide your choice of college major and possibly a career after college.
Artistic Creations: If you’re inclined towards the arts, create a substantial body of work, such as a short film, a series of paintings, or a novel. Applicants to fine arts, music, film, and theater programs in college are oftentimes required to submit a portfolio of their work.
Innovative Projects: Develop innovative projects that solve real-world problems, such as a tech solution for a local issue or an environmental initiative.
Cultural Contributions: Engage deeply with your cultural heritage or contribute to the cultural life of your community. Colleges want to build a class of students from diverse backgrounds, and demonstrating meaningful involvement in your community will allow colleges to see how you can contribute to the cultural life on campus.
4. Academic Excellence with a Twist
Advanced Coursework: Take advanced, honors, or college-level courses in subjects of interest. But don’t stop there: apply this knowledge in an activity or project to show its relevance and significance to your life. Enrolling in for-credit honors, AP, and dual credit courses through Elite is a great way to develop your intellectual interest during the summer and school year.
Unique Research Projects: Conduct independent research under the guidance of a mentor or through a research program. Colleges provide opportunities for students to engage in independent research as well as research with professors. Participating in research projects in high school will allow you not only to deepen your understanding of a subject you’re interested in but also to get a head start on research activities in college. 
5. Exceptional Letters of Recommendation
Build Relationships with Mentors: Form strong relationships with teachers, coaches, or other mentors who can write compelling, personalized letters of recommendation. Simply doing well and getting a good grade in the class is not enough, however–you should demonstrate a genuine interest in the subject through discussions and application of the information and ideas you learn in class.
6. Compelling Personal Statement
Tell Your Story: Write a personal statement that communicates who you are, your passions, and your unique perspective. Make it memorable and authentic by including stories or experiences that highlight your unique qualities and how they have shaped you. If you’re considering sharing personal stories of overcoming significant challenges or adversity, focus on your personal growth in overcoming the challenge, not simply on the challenge itself.
Final Thoughts
To stand out in the college admissions process, you should focus on the things that are truly important to you and demonstrate your values and interests. Not only will you be able to enjoy what you’re doing but you will also answer the key questions colleges ask when they review college applications:
How are you changing your world–whether it’s your family, school, or community–for the better?
How will you contribute to and engage with the other members of our college community in the classroom, in the residence hall, and on campus?
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