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galatoma ¡ 1 year ago
Help Charlie was panicking and talking to Tubbo about Sunny and then Sunny handed him diamonds and he became so chill 😭 Sunny asked if she could call him pop and he said "well you can call me pop-scicle."
Definitely better than murdering her, but a relationship built on transactions is a little bit questionable ahshdkdjdj I hope they can bond more or something
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asktbmandthegang ¡ 6 months ago
Intro post for the gang
Twelve Blind Memories (TBM) he/him [SECOND IN COMMAND]
Raining Purity (RP) he/they
Among Shattered Amethysts (ASA) she/her
The Darkness in the Sea (TDitS) They/It
The Golden Ocean Below (TGOB) She/Him
Burning Star in the Sky (BSitS) She/them [ADMIN OF THE LOCAL GROUP]
This local group was tasked with exploring safer ways into the Void Sea and Temples, and also tasked with studying star formation and patterns, hence the name [MERCURY LOCAL GROUP.]
outside members consist of: SEARCHER, BLUE, FINS, [Slugcats] THE MECHANICS, [BSitS’s purposed organisms] AND ONE LIGHTING STRIKE [Iterator]
the Ancients that lead the building of them are [TWO STRANDS, ONE SKY] , [SHARP RED SCICLE, BLUE WATER] and [EYES OF YELLOW, DEEP BELOW] .
(This blog takes place before LTTM’s downfall, and will have their own story with nods and references to the events of Rain World.)
normal blog is: @luoisalunitic
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cometathatcat ¡ 11 months ago
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im making bi-scicles
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noirfren ¡ 1 month ago
What does Joanne do when Nyin, to cope with being hungry [after having just eaten], crawls into the fridge instead of on top of it - and then immediately gets stuck in there when the door closes on him? Do you think she'd notice immediately or do you think she'd open the fridge to make dinner and find a little nyin-loaf-scicle on the shelf, just a chilly little guy
I think it would totally take a while for her to notice, first she'd slowly notice he's not at none of his favourite hiding spots, and surely he wouldn't be out in the open during nap tie, she'd try not to panic as not to alert Luther, her initial thought would be that he tried to escape, which is strange but if it was true for any reason he'd still get in serious trouble for that. She will pace the hall back and forth, there's a familiar pattern of heel clicks when Joanne is distressed, and Randal just loves to hear it.
Randal would sarcastically tell her "did you lose him again?" (Not to out you for reading like only 3 chapters but that's a thing Luther often says to Randal about Sebastian, I can see Nyin being the equivalent of that to Joanne)
Joanne would be crazy mad at him but she'd stuck it up and ask him for help, he tells her that Luther would find him if he really wanted to, and he would immediately know if Nyin was somewhere "he shouldn't be"
I can write a whole chapter out ig this but basically she goes through the entire house until Luther asks for her help in the kitchen
When she opens the fridge to see his ass snug in there she would close the door again and take a deep breath for damage control, she needs a moment to process all this rage
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mcondance ¡ 5 months ago
Your piercer probably already told you this but dont move it around a ton and when you clean it you should use saline and non woven gauze. What i do is soak the gauze and shove it up both nostrils for 10 minutes. Be concerned if it starts to stink and don't change the jewelry until it's fully healed. (Also it sucks when you get sick cuz you'll get snot-scicles so try to keep your immune system up ‼️)
thank you nonny 😋😋😋
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fexrtherexper ¡ 5 months ago
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"Oi, you red cloaked son of a snake, you lilly livered piece of scum, you trash heap loving freak. Quit hiding behind your machines and fight us yourself."
She... Was looking rather livid as she caught sight of his summoned minions. Strong of not, she planned on tearing them to pieces with her bare hands if she had too... But she didn't. Thats what she had her scicle for and she would use it with great effectiveness.
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"Oh great..."
Someone thinks it wise to strike them in thier moment of vulnerability. Well, joke is on them, she is far from vulnerable right now. In fact, she was more worried about Karik and thier welbeing than her own at the moment. She took a step forward, drawing her blade as she placed a hand on his shoulder, "We'll face this together. Consider this repaying you for your kindness..."
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blackkusanagi ¡ 6 years ago
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#inktober2018 Day 29. The Ninja. I figured this Ninja may be the last of his clan due to a massive wipe out of his people. You know, the traditional Shonen thing. So he's kinda homeless, wandering the street as he tried to get vengeance on many. Primarily focusing on the specific Yakuza family responsible. I'm sure some tragic reveal will make things cool, but still. Really liked the idea of a hobo ninja. #inktoberday29 #inks #inksketch #sketch #originalcharacters #animeart #mangaart #mangacomicstyle #traditionalart #tragichero #ninja #fightinghobo #scicle #inandout #onpathofvengeance #fighter #mightbeneutral https://www.instagram.com/p/BqGciOBHFon/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=j0x9va3afdy0
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promptfiction ¡ 4 years ago
no one ever believed stiles' words when he talked about killing someone without any discomfort, without a heartbeat, they always thought it was some kind of weird joke (like any stiles' joke). they also never realized how scott always changed the subject about it, always asked for any other option and those who realized it, thought it was just because the true alpha™ was too good or a really bad friend.
when stiles gets hurt and ends up becoming scott's beta, nobody can understand why stiles is now the only one who takes care of the problems that appear in the territory, even though he's a young werewolf. scott knows, before he could try control it better, try to keep stiles out of it, but as a wolf his bloodlust is so fucking strong and the only thing the alpha can do to help is sending stiles for those who deserve it and giving a friendly shoulder when stiles need.
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conarcoin ¡ 2 years ago
Shi p: Slime scicle shlorps shlatt to get back at quackity
please speak english on my blog
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highlifeboat ¡ 3 years ago
Max, poking his tittie: Damn. Wish I could just get rid of these things.
Bela, with a scicle: I can take that.
Max: I would also like to stay alive after.
Bela: Well, damn, man. I'm not a magician. You have to pick something.
Max: Hmmm🤔
Melony: You are not diying, to get rid of boobies!
Max: Aw, c'mon, Mel. Why do you have to ruin everything for me?🥺
Max deciding if he lets the intrusive thoughts win and allows an arguably dangerous murderer to literally chop off his chest for a chance of gender euphoria:
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Melony trying to be the voice of reason as to why he absolutely should NOT do this when he won't even live to HAVE the euphoria:
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Bela, who was honestly just joking but is now debating if she would go through with it if Max said yes:
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thedreammweaver ¡ 4 years ago
Remembrance (Nygmobblepot, angst)
Oswald couldn’t remember what he’d been ranting about as white hot pain shot through his leg, enough to cause a tear to run down his cheek. Without thinking about it in his anger he’d stomped his bad leg.
“Are you alri-“
“Yes!!” Oswald snapped at Penn and shooed the other man.
Oswald groaned as he hobbled over to the seats in the middle of the iceberg lounge to sit down. His leg had been horrible lately on account of him not using his cane. It just reminded him of Ed, he was the one who always reminded Oswald to use it when he was mayor, picking his cane up didn’t feel right if it wasn’t from Ed’s hand. The Ed-scicle behind Oswald was casting a blue glow over him as he inspected his ankle. It was swollen and overly warm to the touch. He scrunched up his nose angrily as he felt tears coming to his eyes before he whipped around to Ed “Don’t look at me like that, this is all your fault!!!” He yelled before getting up, a little too quickly which caused him to wince as he hobbled away, resolute in not giving Ed the satisfaction of keeping habits the man had instilled in him.
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southpauz ¡ 4 years ago
you're from mn???? dude no way same
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sidespromptblog ¡ 5 years ago
Remus, arguing back at Deceit: I give great head excuse you!
Remus, later that day: *throws a skull into Logan’s lap*
Logan, picking the skull up to hold it like a Viking king: Is this... Am I legally allowed to keep this? You didn’t steal this from a grave, did you? REmus?!
Remus, leaning seductively over the book that Logan had been reading: Pssh! Relaaax babe-scicle, I made it!
Logan: Who did you kill?
Remus: Yes.
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stitchxsong ¡ 6 years ago
Jacket (crowley-A)
jacket – muse a gives muse b their jacket
Usually when Raphael visited the coldest and most barren depths of Hell itself he was kind of secretive about it. 
He had no other reason to be there other than to visit Lucifer in his palace from time to time, and if any of the other denizens actually saw him slinking around he might have had to get into a smite-fight or two just to have a valid, believable excuse other than smooching the devil. So, when he was slinking out via one of the back tunnels he knew and bumped into someone, he was understandably STARTLED.
“OH jeez–dude–who…” He had his staff out in front of him ready to go and everything, and the person he’d bumped into flashed equally surprised golden eyes at him before he realized… “Crowley???”
“Yessssss. That’s my name. Don’t wear it out.” He snapped irritably and leaned against the wall of ice behind him, crossing his arms and shivering.
“Wh-what are you doing here?” It sounded like a stupid question because it was.
“I HAPPEN to be a demon, you daft fucking dolt. I kind of belong down here? I think the bigger question is what the hell are YOU doing here? Aren’t your wings a little too pristine for this awful place?”
Raph was caught! He stammered a bit, not entirely knowing if he could trust Crowley or not. “Well I– Yanno. Uhhhh.”
“Raphael I literally just saw you come from Lucifer’s palace. I’m not sssstupid.” 
The blush on Raph’s face went largely ignored as Crowley continued to shudder in place. So much so that the archangel forgot his embarrassment at being called out after a booty call and his worry that Lucifer might get in trouble and stepped a little closer to the demon.
“Hey… you okay? You look really cold.”
Those golden eyes flashed at him again in anger. “Uh. YEAH. WE’RE SURROUNDED BY ICE. HELLO??? ANYBODY IN THERE????? Ground control to Major Tom!”
“Well you don’t have to be rude. I mean I know it’s cold, man. But you look extra cold. Super duper cold.”
Crowley sighed and looked away. “I’m a serpent. We don’t really deal with cold temperatures too well.”
Raph nodded. That. Made sense. “Okay but if you’re so cold can’t you just leave? Or did they ground you because you haven’t been “bad” enough.”
“Not yet, but if they find me they might.” Crowley stuck his frozen hands under his armpits in an attempt to warm them up with his body heat. He didn’t really have any though, so that wasn’t working. “I’m supposed to be meeting the big wigs. Some kind of progress report. Word on the street is I’m not making enough progress. So here I go, lying low, good as you please, until the whole thing blows over.” Maybe if he blew on them? That helped a little, but his breath wasn’t all that much warmer than the air around him. “I’m hiding here because it’s the last place they’d ever look for me. Only an idiot would willingly almost freeze to death just to avoid a board meeting.”
Raphael listened to all that with growing understand and a growing smirk on his face. “Wow, dude.”
“Oh, shut it.”
He could have just left it at that, but instead he decided to slip out of the big winter coat he’d been wearing. Settling it over Crowley’s shoulders without asking permission, which was a little presumptuous, but in this case it needed to be done. The demon would never ask for help outright and never would have agreed if Raph offered it. And he was very obviously turning into a demon-scicle right before Raph’s eyes so…
Crowley stiffened up and seemed to almost shrug the offered jacket off, but then apparently thought better of it when he felt how warm it was. Not only made for subzero temperatures but still warm from the angel’s own body heat. 
Must be nice having that, Crowley thought. 
He huddled into the coat, slipping his arms into it and giving one last shiver before his muscles finally relaxed a little. He glanced over at Raph a few times before finding a place in the ice to stare at.
“Oh wonderful. Now everybody’s going to be complimenting me on my stellar fashion sense.” The sarcasm was thick but the feelings behind it were too. Raph just kept smiling. It was definitely more chilly without his coat, but he wouldn’t be suffering as much as someone who was fashioned after a reptile would. 
“Well I figure you can let me have it when you come back. Unless you find some other idiot freezing his butt off to avoid a board meeting…”
As he passed and walked on they exchanged glances. Keep my secret and I’ll keep yours, those two pairs of eyes said. 
Crowley made a mental note to never give back the coat, though. Who knew how many meetings he’d have to conveniently miss in the future?
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punishmentismyjob ¡ 6 years ago
Why I’ve Gone MIA Again...
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So a nasty blizzard has taken out the power in my home. We are going on 34 hours with no heat or power.  This is just an update to let my lovely RP partners and followers know I’m alive and fine (if cold).  I am currently sitting in a coffee shop warming my bones with some hot coffee, charging my phone, and using their internet connection to get some job applications in and a little contact with the outside world.
Current ETA from ComEd is power by noon CST TOMORROW. Hope until then I don’t turn into a Wil-scicle. Lucifer, the warmth of Hell would be welcome right now.
While I’m here, I may get a couple of replies done to keep the activity moving on this site since I promised to be around more! They will be queued.  Will update when I can.  The tags at the end are for those I haven’t had a chance to speak with via text that may be concerned.
XOXO, -Wil (aka Lucifer)
@thatslayer, @joannahunts, @kettuskinchanger, @detectivecdecker
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drean-ann ¡ 3 years ago
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