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artusarda · 5 months ago
Ich kotze dir ins Gesicht.
Wenn du mir sagst,
was ich kann und sollte und was nicht.
Dein vorsichtig-entschuldigendes Lächeln gefriert dir auf den Lippen; du meinst es doch nur gut. Und verstehst nicht, wie tief und nahrhaft dir dieses kranke, patriarchalische System in Hirn und Seele geschissen hat.
Ich kotze dir ins Gesicht. Daß du dich an allem verschluckst, was mich mein Leben lang gefesselt hat: Angst, Wut, Bedenken, Ärger, gestohlene Macht über mein Sein, im Keim erstickte Kreativität.
Albträume wirst du haben.
Keine Sorge, morgen sieht alles anders aus;
sagt man doch.
Mit meinem Ärmel
wische ich dir über's Gesicht:
Schsch, ich meine es doch nur gut.
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citrusplasma · 4 years ago
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<< X >>
Theodore - Ahh! Fuck! Veronique - Good job,Francine. Well everyone,I think you all clearly saw the result. Theodore Vadel you’ll leave our community tonight Theodore -Wait...Let me...Let me try again! Please!
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rudinuss · 5 years ago
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Hier ein kleiner Einblick in die wunderbare Arbeit des Schreibende Schüler*innen e.V., bei dem ich seit Jahren die Freude habe, die Literaturwochen des Vereins als Workshopleiter betreuen zu dürfen, sprich: mit einem Haufen schreibender Kinder und Jugendlicher an ihren Texten zu arbeiten. Seit 2019 erscheinen die Anthologien der Literaturwochen auf DER WEITEREN UMGEBUNG.
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schschcollectief · 7 years ago
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Kijk, soms schijnt de zon in Antwerpen 
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entertainmentnerdly · 5 years ago
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Meditative music video by my partner (music) and I (visuals) Breakfast for Dinner: SCHSCH MMXX via /r/natureporn https://ift.tt/32r7290
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thecrazyworldbuilder · 4 years ago
Why I think this is important.
Not everyone wills to create a real language from zero, making it will be hella difficult and it will be a long work. So my alternative for you, m’fellows, is pseudo-languages.
So There are 31 of my cyphers I use to frick-frack people’s heads. All of the languages are speakable, but are all my creation, so if you gonna use them please give credit. 
Aiiabgeah - Simple one way replacement cypher: J-A’, K-Aa, L-Ab, M-Ac, N-Ad, O-Ae, P-Af, Q-Ag, R-ah, S-Ai, T-B’, U-Ba, V-Bb, W-Bc, X-Bd, Y-Be, Z-Bf. (Example - Ebdaacafabe) 
Anguag - Erase the first and the last letters of each word. If one letter is left, use Spelling Cypher, if more - use Talak/Sapezak. (Example - Xampl)
Awaric - All the vowels in the word are replaced by the vowel first written in such a word. (Example - Exemple)
Biujeb/Giweenian - Consonants are replaced by the next vowel standing after them in the latin alphabet, same standing for vowels which are replaced by the next consonant standing to the right. (Example - Fabooof)
Deites - All consonants are replaced by the consonant to the right, all vowels are replaced by the vowel to the right, the letter “H h” in all digraphs (hereinafter H-digraphs) where it’s used is ignored. (Example - Iyenqmi)
Dicode/Atukyt - Write your text in reverse and apply this replacement of the letters in both ways: Aa-Ee, Bb-Pp, Cc-Kk, Dd-Tt, Ff-Hh, Gg-Jj, Ii-Yy, Ll-Rr, Mm-Nn, Oo-Uu, Qq-Xx, Ss-Zz, Vv-Ww. (Example - Arbneqa)
Draned Thonghu - All consonants capable of making a H-digraph turn into such while all the H-digraphs present get the letter “H h” erased. Any two same consonants standing next to each other are replaced by one such, any sequence of vowels gets erased except the first vowel in such. (Example - Examphle)
Edatrel Oscha - Take the original phrase or word and translate every morpheme of it to different languages or other cyphers in this list, after which put all the morphemes in ap[habetical order without spaces between them. (Example = Archtoprimezwei)
Eguangal/Uengot - Consonants and vowels that stand in a group count as one such - put these groups in reverse order. (Example = Emplaxe)
Espelel - Spelling Cypher used on the first and the last letters of one such word. (Example = Ixampli)
Espiielel/Spelling - Replace each letter with the way it’s spelled in the alphabet: A=Ey, B=Bi, C=Si, D=Di, E=I, F=Ef, G=Ji, H=Hi, I=Ay, J=Jay, K=Key, L=El, M=Em, N=En, O=Ow, P=Pi, Q=Que, R=Ar, S=Es, T=Ti, U=Yu, V=Vi, W=Du, X=Ex, Y=Wy, Z=Zi. (Example - Iexeyempieli)
Geagulan - Put syllables of each word in reverse order. (Example - Leampex)
Ikonian - Use Deites on the first and the last letter of each word. (Example - Ixampli)
Inglosh - Replace each vowel with the vowels standing to the right in alphabetical order, with other words Deites used only on the vowels. (Example - Ixempli)
Jareat - Each letter “G g” to be replaced with either digraph “Ja ja” or the letter “J j”. Each letter “J j” to be replaced with the letter “Y y”. Each letter “Y y” to be replaced with the letter “I i”. (Example: Job Guy - Yob Jaui/Jui) 
Juiu-caza - Erase every third letter in each word separately. (Example - Exmpe)
Kagyysheft - Use the russian keyboard layout and replace the russian letters with their english transliteration: Аа=Aa, Бб=Bb, Вв=Vv, Гг=Gg, Дд=Dd, Ее=Ieie, Ёё=Ioio, Жж=Zhzh, Зз=Zz, Ии=Ii, Йй=Jj, Кк=Kk, Лл=Ll, Мм=Mm, Нн=Nn, Оо=Oo, Пп=Pp, Рр=Rr, Сс=Ss, Тт=Tt, Уу=Uu, Фф=Ff, Хх=Hh, Цц=Tsts, Чч=Chch, Шш=Shsh, Щщ=Schsch, Ъъ= -, Ыы=Yy, Ьь= ‘, Ээ=Ee, Юю=Iuiu, Яя=Iaia. If there are too many consonants in one place use Talak/Sapezak. (Example - Uchaf’zdu)
Langeigo - Starting with the first vowel all vowels to be replaced with such in alphabetical with the first vowel in the word. (Example - Eximplo)
Lanuge - No vowels or consonants can be put in a group - thus if two vowels or consonants stand in a row all except the first in such group to be erased. (Example - Exame)
Maphuahe - Every consonant and H-digraph to be replaced with the next such in alphabetical order, in other words Deites used on the consonants and H-digraphs only. (Example - Eyanqme)
Menorius - No two letters can be repeated in a word, thus if two letters repeat the second of them in numerological order must be converted into the next vowel/consonant by alphabetical order. (Example - Exampli)
Pikkekox - Each vowel to be converted into a mirrored alphabet equivalent vowel, same goes to consonants. (Example - Odupmqo)
Pinclang - Using several cyclic groups of letters replace each letter with the letter standing next after it: AI CG BDFH E JLPR KMQ O N STV U WXYZ. (Example - Eyiqrpe)
Spee Eech - Each vowel to be replaced with the whole list of vowels used in the whole word, with each next vowel the first letter of the list to be placed in the end of it. If such groups of vowels become too big, add apostrophe between them. (Example: Failure - Faiue’iuealueaireaiu)
Spikingsimpl - Use no diphthongs, thus the writing system is straight up phonetical. (Example - Ekzampl)
Taentang - Take all the vowels in a word, list them and put each between the consonants. When the list ends, skip one space between the consonants and proceed after. (Example - Xemapel)
Talak/Sapezak - No vowel can stand next to another vowel, same goes to consonants. To do so, between consonants put vowels in alphabetical order and between vowels put consonants in reverse alphabetical order. (Example - Examapele)
Tekitti - All consonants are replaced either with the letter “T t” or the letter “K k” - perhaps the one that is the closest. Letter “P p” is replaced with “K k” bu custom. Letter “Y y” is automatically considered a vowel. (Example - Etakkke)
Tlakneg - Erase the vowels and put vowels in alphabetical order between consonants that stood in a row. (Example - Xmapel)
Yuunknownen - Double the first and the last letters of a word and use Spelling Cypher on them. (Example - Iexamplei)
Zhypro - Similar to Pinclang, but a different list of cyclic letter groups. Thus, AU K BLV CMW DNX EOY FPZ GQ HR I S JT. (Example - Onuwzvo)
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thecardsimagine · 5 years ago
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Sorry for the long wait, I hope you will enjoy your request! Thanks for sending it in and coming back!
≿————-————-  ❈  ————-————-≾
Maybe it should have been a more ‘normal’ thing between them. If anything, Lucio being around her was the actual not-normal thing after all. His constant presence and sticking his nose in all of her tasks was what everyone called them out for. Truly, he had a hard time letting her go and leave her alone when he potentially could have her by his side all the time. But unavoidable, it had to come down to it sometime.
And all the more, it stressed Lucio like nothing had ever before.
His mood had taken on a gradual drop to the worst, to the point where not even delicacies or a tasty sip of nicely aged wine at lunch would lift it again. It stemmed from the fact that he had to get from one place to another with no breaks or breathers. With no lover to hold, no head to pet, and no sound of someone he loved to hear. And the longer he held up the charade of him playing a good person, the less he felt like he actually was.
There were very few people that were surprised when he finally threw the towel after a mere handful of days, dismissing everyone to leave him in his office alone to gather his thoughts. As mean as it was, the servants had placed bets on when it would happen, and Nadia had already arranged from his work going to her once he had enough in anticipation of this. As thankful they were for his service, it had always just been a game of how far they can push him to do his responsibilities in a mix of punishment and urgency.
However, the worst part was: Lucio knew.
He knew just how incapable he seemed to everyone - especially himself. It was heart-wrenching, and he despised himself even more for all his misdeeds in the past, where he had passed his responsibilities on in favor of not doing them.
Leaning back in his chair, he sighed. Taking deep breaths, he tried to swallow down his frustration, not wanting someone to accidentally catch him in the act of crying from the pressure and his upset feelings. Right in that moment, he wanted nothing more than to throw all of it in the dirt, take his s/o and disappear forever. But he knew he couldn’t, and she would never let him do that.
As if on cue, he thought he heard her giggle. A melody he’d never forget the sound of, and he turned his head instinctively towards the window. Sitting still for a moment, he tried to decide if it was his mind playing tricks on him or if he really had just heard her. But when her voice rung out again, Lucio was quick to jump out of his chair and to the glass, staring down into the more secluded area of the garden.
From it, he could see his s/o’s form, hidden mostly under white fur and feathers. All his favorite things in the world combined on one patch of grass, his heard lept in anticipation, barely believing his luck. Surely, he could have stood there watching them for a while, but Lucio already felt the tingle in his hands and toes, to which he quickly reacted.
With only one more glance towards them, he took in the picture before storming out of the room, leaving behind work untouched and a jacket, unbothered by not looking like a proper count at all. Right then and there, he didn’t want to be a count for once. No one of authority, and not Montag the loser he kept seeing when he broke down under the workload. Just... Lucio.
Two steps at once, he found himself down in the lush green fast. He did not need a compass nor a map to find the place his s/o rested at. It was her favorite as it was close to his office, and he knew everything that she favored like the back of his hand. In a hurried march, he reached it in no time, the leaves rustling around him as he brushed through the thicket, following the ray of sun shining down on the clearance.
And there they were. He almost feared that he would wake her with how strongly he pushed through the green, but only his hounds lifted their head, wagging their tails and panted happily when they saw him, though they did not shift their weight away from her.
Only when he scooted closer, reaching out to give them a good ruffle through their fur, was when they crawled closer, howling softly. Lucio was quick to hush them, not wanting to wake his sleeping beauty, who’s chest moving was the only thing that made him believe she was still alive at all. She had always been an incredibly fast and deep sleeper, not even waking when Camio stood up to press against Lucio’s palm in an affectionate manner.
For a moment he was very absorbed in his pets greeting and fussing over him, all of them wanting some attention from their owner, but when his lover stirred on the ground, seemingly shivering as her living heaters had sat up and distanced themselves from her, his attention shifted back to her. With one hand coming down to her cheek, he caressed her skin softly, bringing a pleased sigh over her lips.
Her sleeping form was as irresistible to him as an excellent wine to a steak-dinner. Without asking, Lucio crawled in between the space where Mercedes had laid and his s/o, resting his head on her arm instead of the dog. He could not help himself from brushing his thumb over her features a little more, giving him a feeling as if he was touching her for the first time again. Her soft, plumb lips made him anticipate kissing them. He wasn’t against scooting even closer when he felt the dogs retaking their place, cuddling up to him and sandwiching him and his s/o between them. Camio disappeared somewhere in the fur of the white Melchior, settling down without making a loud shriek or cry for something.
And for a while, everything was perfect. Wind brushing through the grass around them. It simulated the feeling of everything being okay, even if it was just at that moment. Just like everyone else, Lucio found himself being lulled to sleep, ready to nap away at their sides, if not for his s/o stirring in their sleep again, turning to face him still half-asleep.
“Lucio?” she asked, confused, remembering not having fallen asleep next to him.
“Schsch,” he hushed her softly, wiping away some sleep from her eyes, and she nuzzled closer to him, not yet ready to get back to sleep.
“You finished already?” she mumbled, letting out a small yawn before pressing her face in the crook of his neck.
“No... just taking a break,” he admitted vaguely, a sting in his stomach as she reminded him of his duties. But just as fast, he felt a hand over his, squeezing it tightly. “It’s okay, you know...” she sighed, a small smile playing around her lips. “To take a break...”
“I know...” he whispered back, sinking his face into her hair as if he needed to hide himself.
And he would take that break, no matter what. Hoping everything would be a little bit more bearable again after it.
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aizawasbedtimestories · 5 years ago
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Let’s do this! Thank you two for requesting!
Rated Lemon for aphrodisiacs
On wobbly feet, you made your way into the house, pushing the door shut with a swing of your hips. Heaving a deep sigh, you felt the relief to be finally home slowly sinking in. You’d finally be able to relax. The whole day had been nothing but torture, especially the moments after the villain fights and the following press conference.
In your lifetime as a hero, you had seen much and experienced many misfortunes but this must have been one of the worst. You didn’t even understand how you managed two hours of tortures office business, sitting at your desk and filling out reports while your chair felt like a goddamn pool under you. Every time you had moved, the friction between the fabrics around your vagina had only made it worse, causing even more pleasurable discomfort.
All the more, you were glad to be back home, all alone.
Stripping off your shoes, you didn’t mind their clacking as they hit the ground, you didn’t even bother to put on the slippers prepared for you. Somehow, in any way, you had to get rid of it. This... desire. Just anything to make you forget about the constant need for something large and filling pumping into you.
Panting, you went straight for the bedroom, leaning against the wall on your way while working to unbuttoning your shirt and getting rid of the skirt you wore to the office. Everything felt so much harder with your hands shaking and mind fuzzy.
Already, your hands roamed your body, teasing your swollen clit over the reminding panties around your legs and touching your sensitive nipples through the cover of the bra which you wished to throw hard into a corner of the next best room. Biting your lips didn’t hold back your moans and gasps that dared to leave from your lungs either and in your total disheveled being, you jumped mightily when the door to the living room opened right before you.
All color drained from your face as you stood there, hands vaguely covering your underwear, with clothes hanging from all your limps and eyes wide like a deer in the headlights of a truck while Shouta’s surprised expression roamed your body, trying to make out what was wrong.
“D-Don’t look!” you hissed at him, pushing him back into the living room, but not really finding the strength to take back your hand. Even through the shirt, he felt so hot against your skin, pleasantly how you found. “What’s gotten into you?” he asked warily. But without hesitation he put his arm around you as your knees failed to keep you up, his deep voice vibrating in your mind.
You took a big gulp, finding yourself to be unable to answer even though you had been in a relationship with him for so long now. “Just... Just an accident at work, I’m sure it will pass soon...” you mumbled, leaning into his chest which he offered as something to lean on, hearing his calm, rhythmic heartbeat close to your ear.
There was no way he wouldn’t notice how good you felt pressing up so close to him, how your breathing intensified and you absentmindedly began humping against his thigh, but at least not out loud you stated what was wrong. Shouta didn’t seem to take the hints all to graciously either, eventually taking you over to the couch and sitting you down.
“You need to tell me exactly what happened,” he demanded, real worry lying in his face as he inspected the torn up clothes on your body, thinking about the worst-case scenarios.
“Oh, you know,” you started, laughing to hide your nervousness. “Just fought a villain and he could do this thing with his hands where he’d go like ‘pew pew’ and shoot little hearts. I probably just inhaled too much of them, yeah.”
Nervously, you couldn’t help your hand from roaming gripping into his thigh and running your fingers up and down from hit, letting out a soft hum. “You’ve been training a lot lately, hm?” you asked him, looking up expectantly. You knew hearing him agree to it would probably already drive you crazy, the lone thought of him in the studies, sweating, and training, looking so damn good with the hair out of his face.
“Oh god, it’s an aphrodisiac,” he eventually mumbled, watching you intently run your hand up and down his pants. “W-What? No, don’t be silly,” you tried to laugh it off but by now, even the pitying look he gave you drove you absolutely insane.
“What do I do now,” you whispered, unable to take a clear thought on your own anymore.
Shouta leaned back, letting out a deep sigh before taking your hand from his leg and pulling you over to sit on his leg. “It’s fine, we can take care of it.”
“B-But, Shouta...”
“Schsch, don’t worry. I’m not doing anything you’d regret later, we are just taking care of these aftereffects.”
He made you sit with your back facing him in his lap, legs hanging down the sides of his own, his hands on a mission to explore. Though his hands were careful, gentle even, his fingertips felt so hot against your skin as if they were leaving burn marks all over it.
From your hips to your belly button and further up until they rested under your breasts, he lifted off your bra, giving him free access to the sensitive pack of waves on your chest. Your breath grew rigid as he began holding them in his hands, softly kneading them up and forwards, flicking his finger over your nipples whenever he came close to them.
When his mouth came up into the nape of your neck, you willingly moved aside your head, letting him kiss and carefully bite you, leaving you gasping and groaning into the sharp, yet delicious sensation.
Before you could even follow his movements, you felt your panties to be lifted, one hand exploring the soaking folds that had been covered until now. You could not help your own hand from laying on top of his, awkwardly fondly his into the direction you wanted it to be.
He was no saint. Mercilessly, he assaulted your clit, pushing and pulling it to the point you weren’t sure if this was an awful pleasure or a pleasurable pain, but in between your moans and gasp your body outright refused to tell him to stop.
You were more than happy to feel his ring finger pushing against your entrance, softly, testing the waters. It was like a quiet question if it was okay to go this far, but you only leaned back, pressing yourself as good as you could into any touch he was giving you. And with a knowledgable slip, you felt him enter you, your walls convulsing around his fingers in joy, finger turning around for a while before he slipped in a second one.
And there's where they torture began, slowly, making you desperate for more. He started to curl and push, scissoring them deep inside you and holding on to your inner walls before slipping out completely and plunging in again mercilessly.
You didn't hold back your gasps and moans, arching your back to ride what little he let you, his legs spreading out and spreading you in the same motion, another finger slipping in. And he didn't want to hold you back either as he continued dedicatedly to pleasure you.
"S-Shouta, I- I'm cum-" you couldn't even end your sentence before you felt an immense hit of pleasure, stomach twisting while your mouth unsuccessfully tried to swallow some air. A long squeal, ending in a breathy groan escaped from your lips, while he kept you ride through the waves of pleasure until the end, pulling out his soaking wet fingers when he felt you fall powerless into his arms.
"Feel better?" he asked you after a while, and you smiled, staring straight ahead before you turned your head, kissing alongside his jaw. Thankfully, you whispered, "Much better..."
"Do you still feel... you know. Hot?"
"I-I mean, yeah, I guess? A little?"
Grunting in response you felt yourself being lifted up into the air, your front exposed to whoever could have seen you and you tried to hide it behind the small size of your hands. "S-Shouta?" you squeaked in confusion.
"Relocating," he explained vaguely. "I can't have you suffer from this all on your own, can I?" he added, an impish smirk on his lips as he carried you over to the bed, laying you softly on the mattress. Quickly, you turned around, facing him, being able to watch him as he slowly unbuttoned his shirt and opened his belt.
And somehow you couldn't find it in you anymore to believe you were already healed.
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druck-transcripts · 5 years ago
Hör auf dein Herz! - DRUCK - Folge 39 (German transcript)
Matteo und David: - Pancake-Mia ist da, aber Mia fehlt. Das macht den Pancake ganz traurig. Mia! Hans vermisst dich auch.
Alexander: - Guten Morgen! Hotel Hardenberg steht zu Ihren Diensten.
Mia: - Immer noch zehn von zehn.
Alexander: - Ja. Später dann auch bei Yelp, ja?
Mia: - Obwohl… Ich seh’ da g’rad gar keinen Kakao.
Alexander: - Ja, der war alle, leider.
Mia: - Mhm. Na, dann wohl doch nur neun von zehn.
Alexander: - Dafür gibt’s Kontersekt, O-Saft, Rührei…
Mia: - Knutschmodus. … Erinnerst du dich noch an unseren ersten Kuss?
Alexander: - Ähm…
Mia: - Was?
Alexander: - Jaa… Es war kalt? Hm… Ach du Scheiße! Was ist da denn los?
Mia: - Oh mein Gott!
Alexander: - Klar.
Mia: - Das erste Mal, als wir hier drin lagen, haben wir noch fürs Abi gelernt.
Alexander: - Das erste Mal, wo wir hier drin waren, war Sonntag. Und Sonntag muss man gar nichts.
Mia: - Ich glaub’, du hast noch nicht genug Business-Magazine gelesen.
Alexander: - Work hard, play hard. Ist mein Motto.
Mia: - Hast du das in London gelernt?
Alexander: - Du feierst doch bestimmt auch viel in Madrid. Aber da heißt es halt: Fiesta!
Mia: - Weggehen ist in Madrid auf jeden Fall anders.
Alexander: - Ja? Wie denn?
Mia: - Die Leute sind irgendwie… lebendiger. Aber gleichzeitig führt man interessantere Gespräche.
Alexander: - Bessere Gespräche als unsere Wannentalks?
Mia: - Nein, aber… bessere Gespräche als auf Schulpartys. Das war doch in London bestimmt auch so.
Alexander: - Da geht’s vor allem um: wer kennt wen, wer arbeitet für wen, welche Marke hat dein Hemd…
Mia: - Das klingt ja schrecklich.
Alexander: - Ach, irgendwie ist das ganz geil. Ja, wenn man das so als Spiel betrachtet.
Mia: - Es ist ja kein Spiel.
Alexander: - Naja, es geht halt nicht um meine Existenz.
Mia: - Ja, nicht um deine.
Alexander: - Es geht darum, den Markt zu verstehen. Wie man investiert am besten.
Mia: - Auf dem Rücken von anderen.
Alexander: - Politische Diskussionen sind in der Badewanne nicht erlaubt! Mensch, immer Welt verbessern, immer rumwintern, du.
Mia: - Ich versuch’ ja nur zu verstehen, was dich da reizt.
Alexander: - Du reizt mich. Außerdem ist es nicht so, dass du jetzt umsonst arbeitest, oder? … Und Madrid? Was reizt dich da?
Mia: - Ich hab’ da einfach Leute kennengelernt, die wirklich was verändern wollen. Und ich hab’ ‘n Angebot bekommen.
Alexander: - In den Untergrund zu gehen?
Mia: - Witzig.
Alexander: - Sorry.
Mia: - Die haben mir in der Reaktion angeboten, ‘n Volontariat zu machen.
Alexander: - OK?
Mia: - Für ein Jahr. Das würd’ jetzt direkt nach dem Praktikum anfangen.
Alexander: - Willst du das machen?
Mia: - Ich mag’s da wirklich.
Alexander: - Also ja?
Mia: - Ich wollt’s ja erstmal mit dir besprechen.
Alexander: - Das würde noch heißen, ein Jahr Trennung on top.
Mia: - Hm. Wir wussten ja eh nicht, wann… In Madrid gibt’s auch tolle Businessschulen.
Alexander: - Langweilig wird’s bei uns nie, ne? Niemals easy. Niemals nix.
Hanna: - Das kannst du doch eigentlich, Mia.
Mia: - Ay!
Hanna: - Und wo ist Alex?
Mia: - Der geht mit Sam irgendwelche Bewerbungsunterlagen durch. Also, seinem Sam.
Hanna: - Ich bin noch gar nicht soweit. Ich mochte uns, und die Schule.
Mia: - Da ist aber jemand heute extrem nostalgisch.
Hanna: - Ich weiß, aber g’rade kommt irgendwie alles zusammen. Meine Mama wär’ kommenden Sonntag 49 geworden und… sonst hat mir immer Jonas über den Tag geholfen.
Mia: - Aber kann nicht Sven- Oh, Stefan, ich wollt’ Stefan, sorry-
Hanna: - Hast du ihn gerade Sven-
Mia: - Stefan!
Hanna: - Stefan, ja, ne, dem hab’ ich davon gar nichts erzählt. Der will mit mir in so ‘ne Therme am Sonntag.
Mia: - Vielleicht tut das ganz gut.
Hanna: - Mh-mh. Tut’s nicht.
Mia: - OK?
Hanna: - Und… ihr beide? Wie geht’s euch?
Mia: - Ich hab’ Alex jetzt von dem Volontariat erzählt.
Hanna: - Und?
Mia: - Er hat’s erstmal so hingenommen.
Hanna: - Ist doch voll gut, oder?
Mia: - Jooooa…
Hanna: - Bist du dir sicher?
Mia: - Mit dem Volontariat? Ja.
Hanna: - Oh mein Gott, ich komm’ dich unbedingt besuchen!
Mia: - Oh mein Gott, ja, das wird so schön! Und dann laufen wir zusammen nachts durch die Stadt, das ist so schön da! Ich hab’ so Lust, neue Leute kennenzulernen.
Hanna: - Mhm, “neue Leute kennenlernen”.
Mia: - Nicht so!
Hanna: - OK, vielleicht lern’ ich aber meinen Juan kennen.
Mia: - Mhm, deinen spanischen Jonas mit Gitarre und einem rollenden “R”?
Hanna: - Neinneinneinneinnein, sein Name ist Don Juan und er hat ein Sixpack und… Brusthaare.
Mia: - Hanna!
Hanna: - Mit so ‘nem weißen offenen Hemd.
Mia: - So ‘ne Goldkette.
Hanna: - Das ist der Wein. Und dein Gerede über neue Leute kennenzulernen.
Mia: - Die Leute da sind wirklich anders.
Hanna: - Jaja, lass mich raten: Sie sind alle ganz braungebrannt und haben ‘n Dreitagebart-
Mia: - Oh mein Gott, Hanna!
Hanna: - Oh, fuck, fuck!
Mia: - Oh, oh, oh!
Hanna: - Oh mein Gott!
Mia: - Scheiße. Scheiße.
Hanna: - Hol ‘n Dings. Mach, los! Handtuch, schnell! Grande Scheiße, Mia, grande Scheiße!
Mia: - Grande Scheiße. Oh mein Gott.
Hanna: - Du machst es noch, du machst es schlimmer, es ist noch größer. Du hast ein Kunstwerk geschaffen, Mia Winter, Kunst. Das geht bestimmt wieder weg.
Mia: - Schsch! Ja?
Alexander: - Hey, na?
Mia: - Na?
Alexander: - Na, was ist bei euch denn los?
Mia: - Wir machen nur Quatsch.
Alexander: - OK… Ich wollte dir gerade eigentlich was wichtiges mitteilen.
Mia: - Ja?
Alexander: - Also, ich kann’s dir nicht richtig erklären, aber ich stand hier gerade auf dem Dach und dachte, ich komm’ einfach mit.
Mia: - Wohin?
Alexander: - Nach Madrid. Und ich weiß auch nicht, aber ist doch irgendwie die einfachste Lösung, oder?
Mia: - Äh…
Alexander: - Ich mein’, scheiß drauf, so, ich bin jetzt nicht an eine Stadt gebunden.
Mia: - OK. Du meinst London?
Alexander: - Ja, also es gibt ja genauso geile Businessschulen in Madrid. Die SFE, bei der ich in London bin, hat auch ‘n Campus, ähm, in Madrid.
Mia: - Echt? Krass. Krass!
Alexander: - Du meintest doch… Also, ich kann mir Spanien mit dir echt vorstellen.
Mia: - Wow! OK. Ja!
Alexander: - Bin ich auf Lautsprecher?
Mia: - Ne. Ne, bist du nicht.
Alexander: - Okay. Ich wollte eigentlich bis später im Bett warten, aber dann dachte ich, so, ich ruf’ einfach kurz durch.
Mia: - Ich freu’ mich.
Alexander: - OK.
Mia: - OK. Schön.
Alexander: - Te quiero, Mia Winter.
Mia: - Te quiero, Axel.
Alexander: - Tschüss, Baby, bis später!
Mia: - Tschüss! … Alex kommt mit nach Madrid.
Hanna: - Was? Cool! Oder-
Mia: - Doch! Voll cool.
Hanna: - Joa, dann braucht er denn Teppich ja jetzt nicht mehr.
Mia: - Scheiße. Hanna!
Hanna: - Ja, grande Scheiße.
Mia: - 2320,5 Kilometer. 3 Flugstunden und 10 Minuten von Berlin nach Madrid.
Amira: - Bei mir 16098,76 Kilometer, 23 Flugstunden und 5 Minuten von Berlin nach Sydney. Und 17674 Kilometer von Sydney nach Madrid. Ich… kann’s immer noch nicht fassen, dass ich’s geschafft habe, meine Mutter zu überreden.
Mia: - Das ist so geil! Ich freu‘ mich so doll für dich. War’s schwer?
Amira: - Ja. Schon.
Mia: - Ich muss dir auch noch was erzählen.
Amira: - Schieß los.
Mia: - Alex will mit nach Madrid.
Amira: - What? Nein! Boah, wie geil ist das denn! Und was will er denn da machen?
Mia: - Business. Wie in London.
Amira: - Hm.
Mia: - Was sagt Mohammed eigentlich dazu, dass du jetzt nach Australien gehst?
Amira: - Er weiß, dass es mein Traum ist und… er sagt, ich soll mein Ding machen. Mir kein Kopf machen, weil er auf mich warten wird. Und wie das jetzt genau wird, das… weiß ich nicht, aber… es wird schon irgendwie. Ach, ich bin einfach nur mega happy, dass wir endlich zueinander gefunden haben.
Mia: - Allein hier im Zelt zu liegen macht mich gerade so krass glücklich.
Amira: - Oh, Fernweh, Alte!
Mia: - Ja, richtig. Bei dir auch so doll?
Amira: - Boah, ja klar. Ja, Australien, Bondi Beach… Ich realisier’ das alles immer noch nicht! Alhamdulillah, ich bin wirklich meiner Mama so dankbar.
Mia: - Deine Mama weiß schon, was für eine tolle Tochter sie hat.
Amira: - Aww, Habibti! Ich glaub’, ich hab‘ mir auch einfach zu viel Druck gemacht. Weißt du, Mia, ich… hab’s versucht, allen und jedem rechtzumachen. Aber dabei kommt es doch eigentlich auf die eigene Wahrheit an! Klingt jetzt so vielleicht so ‘n bisschen cheesy, aber… Tief im Herzen weiß man doch, was man will und was das Beste für einen ist. Und da muss man genau hinhören. Ist doch so, oder?
Mia: - Ist so.
Amira: - Ich werd’ dich so vermissen.
Mia: - Amira?
Amira: - Mhm.
Mia: - Du fliegst nach Australien!
Amira: - Und du mit Axel nach Madrid!
Essam: - Alles OK bei euch?
beide: - Ja! Ja.
Mia: - Hey, Alex!
Alexander: - Ah! Bienvenido al Bar Tapas Hardenbergo.
Mia: - Hardenbergo? Estás loco?
Alexander: - Mi casa es su casa. Una cerveza, por favor? Kommen Sie, kommen Sie, kommen Sie. Kommen Sie, kommen Sie.
Mia: - Schon mal was von cultural appropriation gehört?
Alexander: - Oha! Es wintert wieder.
Mia: - OK Schon gut. ... Du bist echt verrückt. Hast du das alles selbst gemacht?
Alexander: - Ähm, die Tortilla und die Patates sind von mir, der Rest ist halt vom Spanier.
Mia: - Nicht schlecht.
Alexander: - Auf uns. Auf Madrid!
Mia: - Auf Madrid. ... Und, wie ist das einfach so gekommen?
Alexander: - Ja, es hat sich irgendwie richtig angefühlt. Übrigens, die Schule ist genau um die Ecke von deiner Redaktion.
Mia: - Echt?
Alexander: - Ja.
Mia: - Und du kannst dir Spanien wirklich vorstellen?
Alexander: - Offensichtlich schon.
Mia: - Ich mein’, für länger.
Alexander: - Ja, warum nicht? Ist fast das Gleiche wie London, nur mit dir und Sonne statt Regen. Du meintest doch selber, dass die Schulen da super gut sind. ... Hey! Ist, ist alles OK?
Mia: - Klar.
Alexander: - Ist das scheiße?
Mia: - Quatsch!
Alexander: -  Willst du, dass ich mitkomme?
Mia: - Klar will ich, dass du mitkommst. Warum sollt’ ich nicht wollen, dass du mitkommst? ... Ich weiß nicht, ob ich das will. ... Warum will ich das nicht? ... Es tut mir Leid. ... Es tut mir Leid, dass ich nicht weiß, was ich will.
Alexander: - Du weißt, was du willst. Du willst allein nach Madrid.
Mia: - Warum fühlt sich das so schlimm an? ... Alex? ... Als Erstes war das nur so ‘n... Bauchgefühl. Aber ich... Ich glaub’, ich hab’ zu lang nicht drauf gehört.
Alexander: - Worauf?
Mia: - Meinen Instinkt. Mich.
Alexander: - Komm, gib mir deine Hand. Weißt du, was verrückt ist? ... Ich bin g’rade irgendwie voll erleichtert. ... Ich dachte, es wär’ das Einzige, was ich machen konnte. Mia. Mia! Ich wär’ doch irre, wenn ich nicht alles für dich tun würde. ... Du warst die Tage schon so auf’m Sprung.
Mia: - Tut mir Leid!
Alexander: - Das ist okay. Ich... wollte dich irgendwie festhalten. ... Mir ist dadurch was klar geworden. ... Ich... hab’ Angst vor Abschieden. ... Aber... eigentlich mocht’ ich London voll, die Jungs da. Sogar dieser bescheurte Männersclub, wenn ich ganz ehrlich bin, also...
Mia: - Ist ja auch OK. ... Wir verlieren uns nicht. Wir entscheiden uns nur erstmal dafür, den eigenen Weg zu gehen. Herauszufinden, was wir wollen.
Alexander: - Aber getrennt?
Mia: - Ja.
Alexander: - Niemals easy.
Mia: - Niemals nichts.
Mia: - Matteo?
Victoria: - Hey.
Victoria: - Heute ist Freitag der Dreizehnte. ... Du bist Mia, oder? ... Ich wollt’ dich unbedingt mal kennenlernen. ... Hey. Hey. ... Ich glaub’ schon, dass du Mia bist. Mia Winter, die Chopin genauso mag wie ich.
Mia: - Sorry, ich schlaf’ heute auf dem Sofa.
Victoria: - Hey, ich hab’ keine Ahnung, was dir heute passiert ist, oder ob alles aus ‘nem guten Grund passiert, aber... ich glaub’ an zwei Dinge. Ich glaub’ an die Freiheit. Und ich glaube an den Sommer. Und der Sommer ist noch nicht vorbei. ... Gefällt’s dir?
Mia: - Voll! Sorry.
Victoria: - Schon OK. Hier. ... Hey, sorry, dass ich hier gerade so-, ich wusste nicht, was ich machen soll.
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official-german-gaming · 6 years ago
Auf Deutsch könnte man wenigstens auch ‘Pokemon SchSch’ als Abkürzung hernehmen, für Schwert und Schild. Auf Englisch wird’s aber ganz sicher doof :/
Pokémon SwSh?
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corbinite · 8 years ago
I'm studying for plant ID and there's a plant that actually has "schsch" in its genus name. Wtf. Do I just pronounce it as an extra long and harsh "sh"?
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qualitylunchkittensthing · 4 years ago
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schschcollectief · 6 years ago
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Misschien wel het debuut van Helene Lespagnard dat op Pulp Deluxe is verschenen (ik weet het niet zeker, dat moeten we hier op het SCHSCH hoofdkwartier even checken), checkt u zeker ook de auteurspagina op Pulp Deluxe van mevrouw Lespagnard, voor een zéér zwoele auteursfoto, indien u van zwoele foto’s van stripauteurs houdt. 
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thecardsimagine · 5 years ago
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God me too, thanks for requesting!
Err... I guess warning for blood/biting? It’s vampire time guys. I guess I will rate it Lime just because... No restrictions for me lol. ________________
“A-Are you sure?” he asked, his hesitation canceled out by the fact he was practically hanging over you already, mouth close enough to your ear to make you shudder. “I-I might change my mind if you don’t hurry up, Julian.” 
You could hear him gulp, his hands caressing your arms up and down. Maybe it was an effort to calm you, maybe he needed to be calmed himself, you didn’t know. He leaned over you, sitting on the edge of your bed with your body propped onto the pillows carefully. With his coat covering you two it got almost unbearable hot between your both bodies, even though it wasn’t the hotness you had expected to happen that night. 
Actually, you weren’t even sure anymore what you had expected. Certainly not that the charming doctor in the corner of the tavern, throwing seductive glances at you as much as he sipped on his Salty Bitter would end up far from being your typical human doctor. You two had hit it off pretty well, a drink here, some kisses on the next night. Getting kicked out on the third night for the little groping here and there, spending the time together at the shore until he vanished with the rising sun.
Who would have thought that this charming, young men would turn out as something... much sinister. It shook you as you glanced down to his teeth biting down on his own lip. The white was way too long, way too sharp to belong to a human and your slightly intoxicated state of mind didn’t make what was about to happen any less scary for you.
You felt one of his hands come up, thumb driving down your neck. Unsure if he was feeling for pulse or if he was checking how your skin felt under his way too cold touch, you swallowed too, leaning your head to the side. If only you had ever touched him without clothes in the way, it may have told you what he was.
But you had agreed anyway, even when he had told you he was a vampire.
His free hand slung around your body, holding you tightly in place while he brought down his lips, kissing your previously inspected neck tenderly. “Sometimes it hurts, but I’ll make sure to be quick, my Dearest!” he stated almost apologetic, but the underlying enthusiasm was undeniable.
Gripping your hands into the coat over his back, you opened up the area by slinging your arms over his shoulders. Pinching the eye closest to where he was going to bite, you couldn’t help biting your own lips while the anticipation bundled in your stomach, ready to burst. All that you could think about was ‘Why did I agree to this?’ and ‘How could I even let it come this far?’
But it was far too late now to back out of something you didn’t even know how he drew you into doing it in the first place. Something about him must have enchanted you, letting you submit to this idea unwillingly in the back of your mind.
In some way, it was like getting pricked with a needle, but times four and in a very sensitive part of your body. You were unable to hold back the gasp escaping you while it was hard to breathe as he bit down further into your skin. You wanted to trash and get him off but you were helplessly hanging in his fangs while Julian was drawing blood.
If you could have seen him, you might have seen the tired, apologetic gleam in his eyes, but you were unable to. The only thing you could do was claw your hands into his back, tearing at the fabric while you wanted nothing more than it being over. 
He had been right: It did sting a tiny little bit, even if it only was for the first few moments of the whole ordeal. He wasn’t quick, however, and you were sure to reprimand him for that later. Soon enough, the light-headedness set in, your hands losing strength as you sunk into his hold more and more. It got easier to breathe again, even a small groan escaping you - for better or for worse.
Because it seemed to make Julian snap out of it, teeth releasing from your neck rather rapidly and uncomfortably, how you found. Your mind was blurry and hazy, almost unable to understand what was going anymore, and you weren’t sure if the wet you were feeling was your blood running down your skin or his tongue licking up the wounds, but you didn’t so much care anymore either.
Carefully, he placed you back into your bed, with his arm retracting to not hinder you in laying down properly. “I am so sorry,” you heard him whine, hand coming up to brush some hair out of your face. Either he had grown warmer or you had gotten colder while this happened, but you leaned into his hand, even bringing your own up to cup his. “Could have been worse...” you slurred, eyes closing while your breathing steadied.
“I promise I’ll be out here right now, I am so sorry for having done this to you-”
“No!” you whined, eyes springing open again. “Promise you’ll be here when I wake up...”
You could see him swallow hard, biting his lip again. As if he was worried about something that your tired mind didn’t understand at that moment. “We shouldn’t stay together-”
“Schsch,” you hushed him, letting your arm fall to the side, pointing into the room.
“Just close the curtains...”
The last thing you heard was his unrealistic, beautiful chuckle before you felt his hand fall into yours. “As you wish.”
[Feel free to request from the Halloween/Fall Prompt List too!]
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druck-transcripts · 5 years ago
Rotwein im Kopf - DRUCK - 190 (German transcript)
Hanna: - Das kannst du doch eigentlich, Mia.
Mia: - Ay!
Hanna: - Und wo ist Alex?
Mia: - Der geht mit Sam irgendwelche Bewerbungsunterlagen durch. Also, seinem Sam.
Hanna: - Ich bin noch gar nicht soweit. Ich mochte uns, und die Schule.
Mia: - Da ist aber jemand heute extrem nostalgisch.
Hanna: - Ich weiß, aber g’rade kommt irgendwie alles zusammen. Meine Mama wär’ kommenden Sonntag 49 geworden und... sonst hat mir immer Jonas über den Tag geholfen.
Mia: - Aber kann nicht Sven- Oh, Stefan, ich wollt’ Stefan, sorry-
Hanna: - Hast du ihn gerade Sven-
Mia: - Stefan!
Hanna: - Stefan, ja, ne, dem hab’ ich davon gar nichts erzählt. Der will mit mir in so ‘ne Therme am Sonntag.
Mia: - Vielleicht tut das ganz gut.
Hanna: - Mh-mh. Tut’s nicht.
Mia: - OK?
Hanna: - Und... ihr beide? Wie geht’s euch?
Mia: - Ich hab’ Alex jetzt von dem Volontariat erzählt.
Hanna: - Und?
Mia: - Er hat’s erstmal so hingenommen.
Hanna: - Ist doch voll gut, oder?
Mia: - Jooooa...
Hanna: - Bist du dir sicher?
Mia: - Mit dem Volontariat? Ja.
Hanna: - Oh mein Gott, ich komm’ dich unbedingt besuchen!
Mia: - Oh mein Gott, ja, das wird so schön! Und dann laufen wir zusammen nachts durch die Stadt, das ist so schön da! Ich hab’ so Lust, neue Leute kennenzulernen.
Hanna: - Mhm, “neue Leute kennenlernen”.
Mia: - Nicht so!
Hanna: - OK, vielleicht lern’ ich aber meinen Juan kennen.
Mia: - Mhm, deinen spanischen Jonas mit Gitarre und einem rollenden “R”?
Hanna: - Neinneinneinneinnein, sein Name ist Don Juan und er hat ein Sixpack und... Brusthaare.
Mia: - Hanna!
Hanna: - Mit so ‘nem weißen offenen Hemd.
Mia: - So ‘ne Goldkette.
Hanna: - Das ist der Wein. Und dein Gerede über neue Leute kennenzulernen.
Mia: - Die Leute da sind wirklich anders.
Hanna: - Jaja, lass mich raten: Sie sind alle ganz braungebrannt und haben ‘n Dreitagebart-
Mia: - Oh mein Gott, Hanna!
Hanna: - Oh, fuck, fuck!
Mia: - Oh, oh, oh!
Hanna: - Oh mein Gott!
Mia: - Scheiße. Scheiße.
Hanna: - Hol ‘n Dings. Mach, los! Handtuch, schnell! Grande Scheiße, Mia, grande Scheiße!
Mia: - Grande Scheiße. Oh mein Gott.
Hanna: - Du machst es noch, du machst es schlimmer, es ist noch größer. Du hast ein Kunstwerk geschaffen, Mia Winter, Kunst. Das geht bestimmt wieder weg.
Mia: - Schsch! Ja?
Alexander: - Hey, na?
Mia: - Na?
Alexander: - Na, was ist bei euch denn los?
Mia: - Wir machen nur Quatsch.
Alexander: - OK... Ich wollte dir gerade eigentlich was wichtiges mitteilen.
Mia: - Ja?
Alexander: - Also, ich kann’s dir nicht richtig erklären, aber ich stand hier gerade auf dem Dach und dachte, ich komm’ einfach mit.
Mia: - Wohin?
Alexander: - Nach Madrid. Und ich weiß auch nicht, aber ist doch irgendwie die einfachste Lösung, oder?
Mia: - Äh...
Alexander: - Ich mein’, scheiß drauf, so, ich bin jetzt nicht an eine Stadt gebunden.
Mia: - OK. Du meinst London?
Alexander: - Ja, also es gibt ja genauso geile Businessschulen in Madrid. Die SFE, bei der ich in London bin, hat auch ‘n Campus, ähm, in Madrid.
Mia: - Echt? Krass. Krass!
Alexander: - Du meintest doch... Also, ich kann mir Spanien mit dir echt vorstellen.
Mia: - Wow! OK. Ja!
Alexander: - Bin ich auf Lautsprecher?
Mia: - Ne. Ne, bist du nicht.
Alexander: - Okay. Ich wollte eigentlich bis später im Bett warten, aber dann dachte ich, so, ich ruf’ einfach kurz durch.
Mia: - Ich freu’ mich.
Alexander: - OK.
Mia: - OK. Schön.
Alexander: - Te quiero, Mia Winter.
Mia: - Te quiero, Axel.
Alexander: - Tschüss, Baby, bis später!
Mia: - Tschüss! ... Alex kommt mit nach Madrid.
Hanna: - Was? Cool! Oder-
Mia: - Doch! Voll cool.
Hanna: - Joa, dann braucht er denn Teppich ja jetzt nicht mehr.
Mia: - Scheiße. Hanna!
Hanna: - Ja, grande Scheiße.
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schschcollectief · 8 years ago
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Dit is wat er tijdens ons verblijf in de Ardennen in ons schetsboek verscheen. ‘Al twee dode cactussen sinds Trump’ valt in de smaak bij het publiek! Nog drie exemplaren de deur uit en dan zijn we uitverkocht. 
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