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We are hiring the candidates for TGT English, Primary - Science, Computer, Pre Primary teachers and PTI who can join immediately. Interested candidates do apply in word document file on given email address. Regards #svsglobal17 #svsglobaljobs #svslatestjobs #jobsinup #jobsinuttarpradesh #teachinschools #teachingjobsavailable #cbseteachers #teachingjob #teachingjobs #schooljob #schooljobs #schooljobsite #schooljobsrock #teacherjobs #tgtenglish #prtteacher #prtteachers #teachingjobs #helpingothers #helpinghands #helpinghand #joinourschool #cbsenews #vacantposition #vacantpositions #ptijobs #pti #PPRT #preprimary #preprimaryteachers https://www.instagram.com/p/CopwDLEBR8O/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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We are hiring the candidates for School Admission Counselor and Front desk executive (Receptionist) who can join in a day school immediately. Interested candidates do apply in word document file on given email address. Regards #svsglobal17 #svsglobaljobs #svslatestjobs #admissionhelpdesk #admissioncounselling #admissioncounselor #admissioncounseling #counseling #counselling #schoolcounselor #receptionist #frontdeskexecutive #frontdeskexecutivejobs #receptionist #receptionists #schooljob #schooljobsrock #schooljobopening https://www.instagram.com/p/CooPs2Ih5AT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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We are hiring the candidates for the subject English, Physics, Chemistry, Social and Primary all subjects for a CBSE Residential School. Interested candidates do apply in word document file on given email address. Regards #svsglobal17 #svsglobaljaipur #svsglobalindia #svslatestjobs #teachingjobsavailable #teachingjob #trachingjobs #jobsavailable #hiringalert2023 #cbsenews2023 #vacanciesavailable #schooljobs #schooljob #schooljobsrock #jobsineducation #vacancies #jobvacancies #teachinindia #indianteachers #indiateacher #indiateachers #teacheronline📚🖋️ #teachersrecruitment #jobsinrecruitment #wearehiring #wearehiringnow #wearehiringnow‼️ #hiringjobs #hiringjob https://www.instagram.com/p/CooOmt8h-TS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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We are hiring the candidates for English, Science and Mathematics teachers who can join in CBSE Residential School. Interested teachers do apply in word document file on given email address. Regards #svsglobal17 #svsglobaljobs #svslatestjobs #tgtteachers #tgtenglish #tgtscience #tgtmaths #tgtmathematics #schooljobsrock #schoolteachers #teachingopportunity #teachinschools #teachingvacancy #teachingvacancy #maharastrajobs #jobsalerts4all #jobs #jobsinmaharashtra #maharashtra #maharashtrajobs #osmanabad #bhoom #schoolteachers #teachersofenglish #teachersofscience #teachersofmath #teachersofmathematics #vacancies #vacantposition #vacantpositions #currentvacancies #jobseekers https://www.instagram.com/p/CoVNK0KBxoC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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We are hiring candidates for PGT Physics, TGT- Social, Science, English and PTI (football , table-tennis, volleyball, Archery) for cbse residential school. Interested teachers do apply in word document file on given email address. Regards #svsglobal17 #svslatestjobs #svsglobaljaipur #svsglobaljobs #jobsinharyana #hisarjobs #hisarjob #jobsinteaching #teachingjobs #teachingjob #teacherslife🍎 #cbseschools #schooljobsrock #schoolvacancy #schoolvacancies #joininschoolofenglish #englishmedium #englishmediumschool #schoolnews #pgtphysics #tgtenglish #tgtsocialscience #tgtscience #pti #ptijobs #tabletennis #tabletennisplayer #archery #volleyball #football https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn-6aGEB5uY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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We are hiring the candidates for PGT Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Biology (preferred for IIT-JEE coaching), TGT - English, Mathematics, Computer, Primary teachers and Admission Counselor who cab join in a residential school. Interested candidates do apply on given email address. Regards #svsglobal17 #svsglobaljobs #svslatestjobs #teachinschools #teachingjobsavailable #teachinschools #schooljobsrock #schoolnews #pgtphysics #pgtchemistry #pgtmathematics #pgtbiology #iitjeefaculty #iitfoundation #neetpreparation #tgtenglish #tgtmaths #tgtmathematics #tgtenglish #tgtcomputerscience #tgtcomputer #primaryteachers #prtteacher #prt #admissioncounselor #schoolcounselor #schoolcounseling #wearehiring #jobsopportunities https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn2a-DGB7_Y/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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We are hiring for following positions: Director - College & School School :- Principal Vice Principal Public Relationship Officer Admin Executive Computer Operator Interested candidates who wish to work in a residential campus may apply for the same on given email address. Regards #svsglobal17 #svsglobaljobs #svslatestjobs #svsglobalindia #svsteachers #teachingjob #teachingjobs #teachingjobsinindia #jobsinindia #jobsinrajasthan #nonteaching #nonteachingjobs #nonteachingstaff #collegejobs #schooljobs #schooljobsrock #principal #collegeprincipal #schoolprincipal #schoolprincipals #pro #prm #adminexecutive #computeroperator #computeroperatorjobs #jobsineducation (at Rajasthan Region) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnUcZN0h1LZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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We are hiring candidates for TGT - English and Social Science, Primary English teacher, Montessori teachers and Pre Primary Coordinator who can join in CBSE Day School. Interested candidates do apply in word document file on given email address. Regards #svsglobal17 #svsglobaljaipur #svsglobaljobs #svslatestjobs #jobsinjaipur #jobsinindia #jobsineducation #jobsineducationsector #teachinschools #teachinschool #teachinschools #jobsincbseschools #schooljobs #schooljob #schooljobsrock #jobsinmp #jobsinmadhyapradesh #currentvacancies #currentvacancy #helpinghands #wearehiring #hiringalert❗️ (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnKZ8_FhJLq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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We are hiring the candidates for TGT all subjects and Primary all subjects, Pre primary and PTI for CBSE Residential school. Interested candidates needs to apply in word document file on given email address. Regards #svsglobal17 #teachingopportunity #svsglobaljobs #svslatestjobs #teachingvacancy #teachingvacancies #teachingjobsavailable #schooljobsrock #schoolnews #schoolcoordinator (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnCvWlcsdVQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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We are hiring PGT Biology, PGT English, TGT Social Science, Primary English teacher, Pre Primary teachers and Pre primary Coordinator who can join immediately in CBSE Residential School. Interested candidates who do have good command over subject and very good in English language may apply on given email address. Regards #svsglobal17 #teachinschools #svsglobaljobs #teachforindia #teachingjobs #teachingjob #teachingopportunity #teachingtostudents #schooljobsrock #schoolcoordination #preprimary #preprimarycoordinators #tgtsst #tgtsocialscience #tgtsocial #pgtteacher #pgtbiology #pgtenglish #primaryenglish #primaryenglishteacher #hiringalerts2022 https://www.instagram.com/p/ClrE_b_Brdp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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We are hiring TGT Mathematics, School coordinator, Pre primary teachers and preprimary activity teachers who can join immediately. Interested candidates do apply in word document file on given email address. Note: It's a day school so no accommodation facilities will be provided. Regards #svsglobal17 #svsglobaljobs #svsglobalindia #teachingopportunity #tgtteachers #tgtmathematics #joinimmediately #jobsineducation #schooljobs #schooljobsrock #schooljobopenings https://www.instagram.com/p/ClXbRwpho1s/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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We are hiring a teaching faculty for Middle School English teacher who can join in a residential school within 15 days after selection. Interested candidates who wish to apply may share their cv in word document file on given email address. Regards www.svsglobal.biz #svsglobal17 #svsglobaljobs #svsglobalindia #svslatestjobs #jobsalerts4all #jobsineducation #jobsinharyana #jobsinindia #educationindia #educationalrecruitment #educationaljobs #educationalleadership #teachinschools #teachingopportunity #teachingtostudents #teachenglish #teachingtostudents #teachingvacancy #teacherinstagram #schooljobsrock #schoolvacancies #schooljobs #schoolnews #teachingjobs #teachingjobsindia #joinimmediately #hiringnow #hiring #jobs #jobalert (at Haryana) https://www.instagram.com/p/CklUQMkMepi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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We are hiring the teachers for CBSE School who can join immediately and ready to relocate. Interested candidates who do have prior experience with sound subjective knowledge may apply on given email address in word document file. Regards #svsglobal17 #svsglobaljobs #svslatestjobs #hiringalerts2022 #hiring #jobsavailable #vacanciesavailable #vacantposts #vacantposition #vacantpositions #joinimmediately #interviewtips #interviewquestions #interview #jobsavailable #schooljobsrock #schoolnews #cbseschools #cbseschoolindia #cbseschoolindia #jobsineducation #esucation #educationispower #educationaljob #jobsinrajasthan #jobsinindia #teachingopportunity #teachingtostudents #teachingvacancies #teacherinstagram #teacherfollowteachers #teachersjobfair (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkRCVB5hXNN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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We are hiring the candidates for Primary level teaching who can join immediately at residential school. Interested candidates who do have prior experience in teaching and wants to relocate may apply in word document file on given email address. Regards #svsglobal17 #svsglobaljobs #svslatestjobs #teachinschools #teachingopportunity #teachenglishinasia #teachingtostudents #schooljobsrock #schoolcoordinator #jobopening #jobopenings #schoolnews #jobsforall #jobsineducation #educationaljobs #educators #cbseschoolindia #schoolcoordination #jobsinrajsthan #jobsingujarat #residentialschool #residentialschoolsindia #residentialschools #jobsininstagram #jobsinindia #jobsineducationsector (at Gujarat) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkOKpM9Br8O/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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We are Hiring PGT Computer Science, Academic Coordinator, Primary Coordinator, TGT Maths, Preprimary teachers who can join immediately. Interested candidates do apply in word document file on given email address. Regards #svsadmissions #svsglobalindia #svsglobal17 #svslatestjobs #teachinschools #teachingopportunity #teachoutside #teachingtostudents #teachingvacancy #teachingvacancies #schooljobsrock #schoolvacancies #pgtteacher #pgtcomputer #pgtcomputerscience #academiccoordinators #academiccoordinator #primarycoordinator #tgtmathematics #tgtmaths #pprt #preprimaryscience #primaryteachers #PPRT #jobs #immediatehiring #joinourteam #vacantposts https://www.instagram.com/p/ChsNfohhqZk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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We are hiring PGT Chemistry who can join immediately for CBSE Residential School. Interested candidates who wish to apply in word document at given email address. Regards @svsglobal17 #svsglobalindia #svsadmissions #svsglobal17 #svslatestjobs #chemistryfacts #chemistry #chemistryteacher #chemistryeducation #chemistryfaculty #pgtteacher #pgtchemistry #schoolvacancies #schooljobsrock #schoolnews #jobsinuttarpradesh #teachervacancy #teachinschools #teachingopportunity #teachingjobs #teachingvacancy #teachings #teachingopportunity #principalsfollowprincipals #principaljob #principaljobs #principalsoffice #joinimmediately #immediatehiring #hiringalerts2022 #hiringnow‼️ #uttarpradesh https://www.instagram.com/p/ChXwf6jhG8R/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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