almostfoxglove · 15 days
Hello my love, congratulations on your milestone and for being such a wonderful, warm and talented presence in our little tumblr world!
Ok so I’d like to request…
✨Javi P
Thank you 🖤🖤🖤
al!! thank you so much oh my gosh, you're so sweet :,) here's some javi for you, this was so much fun!! hope you like it <3 <3
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✨ thank you boards
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jolapeno · 4 months
Hello fellow scout,
I’m here on official scout business! I would love, love, love to know what your writing process looks like - do you meticulously plot out everything beforehand or are you a dash out ideas in note form and see what your characters are up to kind of person? Does everything get written on your phone or are you a big screen only kind of writer? Do you only get inspo first thing in the morning or last thing at night?!
I’d love to hear anything you’d like to share!
Much love,
Al 🖤
Al!! 🩷 i love this question, but i need to apologise now for how lengthy this is likely about to get, because your girl does not have a linear process.
for your eyes and ease, i have listed in bullet points:
sometimes, i need a detailed plot if there's lots of moving parts within the piece. so if there's lots of build up and i need to weave, then a chapter by chapter (but this isn't rigid) process needs to be built.
but often, I'll have the summary, and then i write the ending/last scene first. because then i have a direction.
i try to then write the beginning scene/opening chapter, even if it's the roughest (because first chapters and opening scenes are always - in my opinion - my weakest) because then it's there.
from then, i fuck about and find out. sometimes i know X, Y and Z needs to happen before i reach the ending, and sometimes a scene will pop up in my head that I decide needs to be in it, and so i then have to move things around to make it work.
if it's a series, I'll have a document of rolling ideas, a document of dialogue (dialogue comes to me easier than scenes) and then my plot. if it's a one shot, I'll separate the document into sections to achieve this so i can work in one place.
before i get into the gritty of it, i need to know my characters. for pedro boys, it's a little easier as I'll already have a concrete-ish idea of who they are, but the person they're paired with often i need to spend a bit of time with. usually they either come to me or i have to work a bit harder (use spotify to find their song, pinterest to find their vibe and play around with dialogue to find their voice).
phone versus PC: i write on both, i tend to find i can write my first draft on my phone - this does also allow me to move around rooms. sometimes, i start something in one room, and then need to sit somewhere else. i can write on my laptop, but the vibe and the mood needs to be right, but my phone doesn't need a lot of that. i can only edit on my laptop though, and usually in a quiet room (i'm dyslexic, so i dread to think what would happen if i didn't). when i edit on my phone, it's for a quick drabble and I'll spend so long editing that i give myself a headache... not ideal.
poor @goodwithcheese and @secretelephanttattoo know the wind can blow and i get inspo. i am somehow incapable of having ideas, it's just that some are like fun "OMG IMAGINE" and some are like, "i need to write this". but i can only write either later at night (post 7pm) or early in the morning (4am-7am) anything between 7-7pm has to be like so good i can't put it down. it does happen, but it's rare and special when it happens. (do me yourself is the exception, if i can squirrel myself away, i can write it, it's the most fun I've had writing in a really long time).
EXTRA BONUS FACT: music is always involved. i have playlists for almost all moods and some fics, and often, i can't begin something without a song. music matters to me a lot.
EXTRA EXTRA BONUS FACT: my commute is 30 mins each way and i usually turn over difficult ideas or issues in plots, and so this either leads to a voice note that i have to cringingly listen back to, OR a note OR, i work out i need to rewrite the chapter. ugh.
I am sure there's likely more jo-weirdness, but i feel I've talked so much, so i'm going to stop, but feel free to ask follow ups if I've not been clear hahaha.
ily, thank you so much for this lovely ask
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perotovar · 2 months
I feel like I might have missed him, but if he’s still available I’d love to try my hand at Dieter Bravo – Bragi (God of poetry, oral traditions, and the Skaldic Poet of the Aesir.)
Much love,
Al 🖤
al, darling! you didn't miss a thing! thank you so much, love <3
there isn't a whole lot about bragi, but he's super fascinating. he's basically the gods' personal bard, so there's a lot you can work with!
The Skaldic Poet of the Aesir. He’s often regaling tales of the Einherjar (the dead warriors who dwell in Valhalla) as well as welcoming new ones.
Described as having runes carved into his tongue, suggesting the importance of oral tradition. Often associated with literature as well as the role of a host. Seen as kind, warm, and cares for his guests. Would make sure that his guests’ needs are met.
The one to approach for creative endeavors and for inspiration.
Bragi’s role represents the importance of poetry and oral tradition before the times of the written word. The rhythm and flow helping lessons to grow and for remembering.
Considered to be the human historical bard Bragi Boddason, that then ascended to godhood by Odin himself because his poems were so artful and moving. It was believed that an elite troop of warriors and kings favored by Odin needed an equally elite bard to sing of their exploits.
and your moodboard:
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pedgito · 4 months
I’d love to take part in the summer lovin challenge! Please cld I choose concert #5 🖤🖤🖤
Much love,
Ah, that's taken but I have one left in that category so I'm going to assign you that one!
Concert #2 is TAKEN.
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“This is how to say goodbye, with a stolen kiss in a rose garden, at the end of the world.”
‘Endurance’ - @schnarfer
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Just a little something for my amazing pal, Al. You are such a brilliantly talented writer and a wonderful, gorgeous person. Long live our convos about rose quartz dildos, hangovers, and who we would let feed us grapes in our writers’ escape. Forever grateful to have met you in this little corner of the internet.
This is my little tribute to your fic Endurance. One of, if not my most favourite, Frankie stories ever. Beautiful imagery, immersive storytelling, and a love story worth fighting for over and over again. A tale that will break your heart and then glue it back together. Thank you for sharing it with us. Frankie and Lady will always have such a special place in my wee heart ❤️
Lots of love and squishy hugs,
Em 🖤
Big thank you to @swiftiscruff for giving us the chance to shout about our incredible friends 🫶🏼
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mothandpidgeon · 6 months
Little game for you today...
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged from you! 🧡(if you want)
Much Love
Al x
I'm so sick so it's nice to think about some nice things. Let's seeee...
matzo ball soup
when Mr. Moth brought me a throat lozenge
baby Moth's laugh
my current wip
Thanks for this bby!
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freelancearsonist · 4 months
I NEED to know about Hill House not Hill House?!!
Much love,
Al 🖤
ok so it's been sitting in my drafts for literally 4 years i wish i was exaggerating 💀 but it's our boy frankie morales and his two little girls and fiancé!reader who are tasked with remodeling a huge old abandoned mansion and that's about as far as the draft goes but expect some spooks and scares and hopefully a happy ending for all 😌
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strang3lov3 · 5 months
Hey Bug,
I wanted to send a couple of my fics that you might enjoy reading over the summer break 🖤🖤🖤
The first is one of my absolute favourites - how would you feel about World War 2 pilot Frankie AU? We’ve got a big of emotional torment, a lot of longing but essentially a happy ending?
Endurance - ww2 Frankie Morales au - mini series
And then the second we’re time-travelling again, but this time with young 1970’s fuckboy Javier Pena! It’s a one shot and you’re going to fancy him, hate him and then everything flips on it’s head. No happy ending but I love this story and this strong, sassy reader is one of my favourites.
Go your own way - 1970’s Javier Pena
Happy reading lovely!!
Much love,
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Omg. I'm sorry Al, I feel this mcr ghost of you gif is very fitting so we are using it. I'm so excited for both, but slutty 70's peña is riiiight up my alley <3 love ya. thank you thank you!!
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wannab-urs · 6 months
💐🌷spread the love to the people you’re glad you’ve found in this corner of the internet 💐🌷
eeeeeee love u
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toomanytookas · 5 months
A Fic Menu for Friendship!
My cherished @schnarfer. How wonderful that our little pieces of the internet intersected such that we could meet. It really does feel like I've known you always sometimes...
And how delightful it has been to be a bit of a garçon de cuisine in your kitchen as of late! Inspired by our convo about reclists as pairing menus, for the @swiftiscruff friendship exchange^ I've whipped up a very non-serious one (liberties absolutely taken with the genre) that is a riff on your masterlist and its wonderful contents. 🖤✨
For increased accessibility/given that tumblr can sometimes be weird with images, text of the menu with some formatting preserved is available below the cut! I haven't included links because they're all findable via Al's masterlist; see above!
^Thank you to Cat and Han for creating this event! It's been so lovely to see everyone's posts.
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Cafe Schnarfer
Beautiful works handcrafted by head chef Al
Tonight's Menu
-First Courses-
If Wishes Came True (3.87k)
The newest dish on our menu. A perfect tasting platter of some of our chef’s specialties: sparkling love, a character you adore but want to give a firm talking to, and endings that make the angst feel incredibly worth it.
Recommended pairing A healthy slice of cake and a cola flavoured lollipop.
Difficult (12.03k)
The first dish developed for the restaurant! A must for those who enjoy notes of instant chemistry, a bit of self-destruction, a lot of Fleabag energy, and hopeful endings.
Recommended pairing A strawberry milkshake, whipped cream vodka optional* *strongly suggested to make things a little messy, just don’t accidentally give it to the kids
Purple Haze (5k)
An opportunity to take a brief break from our menu's angsty notes to indulge in a heady, vintage-styled treat. This isn’t your average op-shop find, we’re talking high-end fashion, baby!
Recommended pairing A couple of gin bucks should do the trick. Or just the ginger ale if you’re not in the mood for a buzz!
-Second Courses-
Go Your Own Way (10.87k)
A dish close to the hearts of our whole kitchen. A perfect selection for those who have fallen for a fuckboy and find it therapeutic to recognise your past in a wonderfully raunchy but still angsty story. The finish of this dish manages to incorporate senses of both sadness and hopefulness, making for a cathartic aftertaste.
Recommended pairing A warming Mexican hot chocolate. You'll appreciate how it matches the spice and provides you with some added comfort when things get achy.
Endurance (15.11k)
You will never forget the first time you experience this dish and will always find a way to convince yourself that you aren’t boring for ordering it time after time. A slice of spiciness coupled with a heavy dash of the forbidden add immense depth to a texturally rich feast full of historical flavour.
Recommended pairing A U.S. Army-issued chocolate bar and maybe a prairie oyster for the vibes. But then make sure to treat yourself to some actually  nice-tasting chocolate.
The Kit Kat Trilogy (16.25k)
The dessert you’ll think about for 10 years and then come back for more. Save room because it is full of delicious angst and delightful romance that you won’t be able to help but consume whole. On a day when you’re low on time, you’ll consider stopping by for just another taste of this memorable sweet treat, we guarantee it.
Recommended pairing A full roast dinner. Even if it’s just for yourself. And maybe a glass of champagne to throw at the wall when things get angsty for a sec.
Dial Drunk (7.70k)
Let’s celebrate the end of our meal with lots of hope that emerges from some long-endured darkness.
Recommended pairing The loveliest hot breakfast you could possibly make, full of all your favourites and with plenty of food to go round.
Illicit Affairs (7.47k)
Let’s derail the end our meal with a real hot mess. Maybe you’ll wish you had picked the sweeter option, but, damn, you’ll enjoy the deeply achy ride.
Recommended pairing Wrap yourself in a blanket warm from the dryer for this one. And maybe have some water? The lack of flavour will be a good break from the intensity of it all while still keeping you hydrated.
I love you, Al! 🖤😘
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bitchwitch1981 · 5 months
Give a blog a flower
Hello my love,
I'm popping up in your Asks to give you a flower for the @the-slumberparty May Flowers
🌼Daisy🌼: ask a random question
I love, love, love knowing what got people into the Pedro fandom - firstly which character was your 'oh fuck, now i'm obsessed' moment and then what made you join the tumbles? Have you been here forever or did a P-boy lure you in? Tell me all!
Much love
Pedro tax:
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Al, this is such a good question.
I have been here pretty much forever. I first saw Pedro in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 4 opener when it aired in the UK in like September 2000.
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I was hooked straight away. I was thinking "he's gorgeous. He's sweet. Angel's gone to LA, no one knows where Spike is, and I'm completely over Xander. This guy is gonna be a new member of the Scooby Gang, he's going to change the group dynamic, he's going to be beloved." And then he died.
I will never forgive Joss Whedon for denying me the joy of watching Eddie grow into whoever he was going to be.
Eddie Deserved A Life!!!
The real brain rot kicked in with Game of Thrones and the criminally delicious Oberyn Martell. He just oozed sex appeal the second he was on screen and and stole every scene he was in. I instantly changed houses from Stark to Martell (because I am a fickle bitch), and I will be House Martell until my end.
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I remain in mourning for my beloved Prince, to this day, and felt intense satisfaction when that vile monster The Mountain finally met his demise.
And now I am so deep in it, I will throw myself at the feet of any P-boy. But my heart will always belong to:
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And Frankie
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And of course Pedro himself, because he is such a beautiful, admirable human being, and should be protected from all harm at any cost.
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I ventured onto the Pedro side of Tumblr after The Last of Us started airing last year. I found the Palomino series by @fuckyeahdindjarin and that was it. Point of no return. A day hasn't gone by since without me reading a P-boy fic or gazing lovingly at posts about him on here. And that in turn led me to Discord where I get to share in the insanity with some of the most amazing people ever 😘
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moodstabilizr · 2 months
FIC RECS ㅤ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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𐚁 joel miller ㅤ♡ྀི ₊
❂- sweet child o’mine @macfrog
❂- sex on fire @macfrog
❂- roommates @punkshort
❂- helen @kiwisbell
❂- on strawberries and masonry @hellowoolf
❂- so much to lose @auteurdelabre
❂- i know who you are @punkshort
❂- just and just as @familyvideostevie
❂- the meaning of it all @familyvideostevie
❂- talking body @joelsdagger
❂- jet & ghost @macfrog
❂- all the things i would do @joelsdagger
❂- pretty baby @mrsmando
❂- garter @softlyspector
❂- meet me in the back @atticrissfinch
❂- meet me in the woods @pedgito
❂- i know it when i see it @bageldaddy
❂- fwb!joel @hier--soir
❂- under the night sky @hier--soir
❂- patrols @pedgito
❂- dilf!joel @notjustjavierpena
❂- sundown @bageldaddy
❂- mechanic!joel @alltheirdamn
❂- nicest thing @schnarfer
❂- the way we were @punkshort (my comfort fic :,))
❂- every breath you take @freelancearsonist
𖤓 frankie morales 𖤓
•- on call @luxurychristmaspudding
•- table for two @hellishjoel
•- do me yourself @undercoverpena
•- acts of service @swiftispunk
•- emergency contact @javiscigarette
•- i like the way you @undercoverpena
•- freckle confessions @rocketrhap3000
•- the weekend getaway @absurdthirst
•- endurance @schnarfer
♱ javier pena ♱
✦- javi&wife @notjustjavierpena
✦- go your own way @schnarfer
✦- accident @promisingyounglady
🕸️ aegon ii targaryen🕸️
✦- fell into love like a sword
✦- the rats @nebulaafterdark
✦- dinner and diatribes @officialaemondtargaryen
✦- the heavenly ivory touch of your hand @thekinslayed
✦- aegons bday social media au (not a fic but these are so cute) @axelsagewrites
☾ 𖥔 ݁ ellie williams ☾.𖥔 ݁
•- affinity @whore-era
•- invisible string theory @total-dxmure
•- marley & me @total-dxmure
•- dare to be stupid @undressrehearsal
ᖭི༏ᖫྀ abby anderson ᖭི༏ᖫྀ
•- high strung @hier--soir
•- the waters warm @ilovepedro
•- good luck, babe! @studioghibelli
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i am going to add more im just lazy
pls send me some of ur favs too:)
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aurorawritestoescape · 2 months
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HOT FOR YOU || Joel Miller x f!reader || 530 words
Tw: 18+ mdni, smut, face fucking, f!masturbation
A/n: this drabble, inspired by the pic above, is written for @toxicanonymity ‘s Manspreading Olympics. Love you, friend💖 hugs to @milla-frenchy for beta-ing😘 dividers by @saradika-graphics 💕
same couple - HEATWAVE collection || MASTERLIST
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Joel and you are enjoying a light breeze in the backyard, trying to seek relief from a heatwave, and avoiding being inside your house that turned into an oven thanks to a broken AC.
“Are you doing it on purpose?”
“Showing off your cock?”
“No. What?” He’s blinking at you, brows furrowed with confusion.
“Then close your legs,” you nod at his shorts, not covering much because of his wide manspreading. “I can see your cock peeking out. It’s staring right at me.”
Joel looks down, shifting his thighs a little, but not closing them.
“Ain’t a big deal, baby," he scoffs. “It’s just a dick.”
“Yeah but I can’t just look at it and… not feel… you know… stuff.”
“Ohh,” a smirk is tugging at his lips, “is my naughty girl getting all hot and bothered?”
“Unfortunately, yes. As if it’s not hot enough,” you complain, trying not to look at his dusty pink head.
Joel narrows his eyes, getting quiet, and you know it’s a bad sign. He’s scheming.
“Ya ain’t innocent yourself, missy. This tank top of yours? I can perfectly see your pretty tits and perky nipples. Ya understand how hot it is to watch your boobs jiggle when you move? and what about these shorts, huh? Fuckin’ tiny. I can easily imagine you not wearin’ them at all. Actually I’m imaginin’ it right now.”
His lustful gaze makes you sweat even more. Your chest starts heaving and you gush, squirming in your seat, listening to him talk about your body like that. Your wet pussy already aches.
“Yeah? and I can see your cock twitch.”
“Oh, really?” Joel’s brows shoot up as he adds, “Can you see it get hard, baby?”
You tilt your head, noticing the motion.
“Yeah, I can.”
You cross your legs, chasing any pressure on your needy cunt, and dart your tongue out to wet your lower lip.
Joel’s eyes turn a shade darker and he palms himself.
“You’ve made me hard, dirty girl. Wanna help me out and suck my cock?”
You swallow loudly as his sexy low voice and the filthy words send a new wave of arousal through your body.
“It’s too hot, Joel,” you whine, hating how horny he’s made you in this goddamn heat.
“Right… Then let me fuck your face, baby. Just sit on your knees for me and I’ll do all the work.”
Joel’s puppy eyes make you pliant and even more needy. He rubs his cock over the shorts and a low groan escapes his lips. Now you’re overflowing with desire.
Not saying anything you get up, peeling your sweaty thighs off the chair, and kneel between his legs. His bulge is huge and you place your hand on it and stoke the warm lump gently over the fabric. Joel growls and soon impatience takes over him. He gets up, tugs the waistband of his shorts down and his hard cock springs free in all its glory.
Joel cups your cheek, holding you in place, and slowly inserts his hot tip into your open mouth.
A minute later you’re nothing but a moaning, drooling mess. Keeping you steady with his big hands on your temples, Joel’s plunging his length into the heat of your throat, sliding in and out easily, while your quick fingers are working your puffy clit and you get off, sucking Joel’s juicy cock.
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Thank you for reading! Please comment and reblog if you enjoyed the fic!❤️
same couple - HEATWAVE collection || Masterlist
General tag list: @milla-frenchy @harriedandharassed @iamasaddie @nervousmumbling @bbyanarchist @stevie75 @puduvallee @auteurdelabre @mountainsandmayhem @senoratess @flamingochick55 @theoraekenslover @schnarfer @mermaidgirl30 @staywildflowahchild @yesjazzywazzylove-blog @evolnoomym @keylimebeag @joelmillerisapunk @fruityreads
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perotovar · 6 months
Erin, I have a question inspired by your latest Shane/Tim fic! It completely blew me away and I know I’m going to keep thinking about them 🖤
Have you ever watched the show Queen as Folk? It was one of my absolute faves growing up, written by Russel T Davis, with Aidan Gillan and a (very) young Charlie hunnam? It’s set in Manchester in 1999 and although it’s a very different story is gives suchhhh vibes of Bloody Kisses that i think you’d really enjoy it?
You might be the like, Al of course I’ve seen QAF or it might absolutely not be your thing.
Much love,
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omg i love you for this 😭
i’ve seen a couple of episodes for the american version of the show but never a whole season/series! i should probably watch some to get some more of those late 90s/early 00s vibes!
thank you so much for the rec!!
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Hi Em,
Fun ask game for you! No pressure if you don’t fancy it or have already done it 🖤
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers.
Al x
Hi Al bby!!
Thank you so much ❤️
1. My pals. Best people ever. I’m fortunate to have so many people around who are endlessly kind, thoughtful, understanding, and affectionate. I’m so lucky to know who I know.
2. Dogs, man. I bloody love dogs.
3. A good, cold pint at the end of a warm day.
4. Being outside. I volunteer at the weekend and get to chop trees down and stuff. It’s so fun and good for my adhd!
5. You know when you wake up kinda early at the weekend but have nowhere to be so you can just snuggle back down again? And it’s so nice and warm and chilled? That. I’m a sleepy guy.
Hope you’ve had a lovely Sunday 🫶🏼
Em x
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mothandpidgeon · 3 months
Here on secret springs business my darling moth.
These are 6 of my bucket list placed - the question is simple: which destination, which P boy and what does the best day with them look like?
We got:
⭐️ Tokyo
⭐️ Sardinia
⭐️ The Northern Lights (destination of your choice)
⭐️ New York
⭐️ Havana
⭐️ Ghana
Much love
Al 🖤
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These are excellent choices! Let’s see…Tokyo is one of my favorite places on earth but I’ve been thinking a lot about Javi P in Havana actually for fic writing reasons.
Imagine going sight seeing with him. Drinking a mojito in a little bar. Maybe you can convince him to dance with you.
Maybe a hot night, windows open to the sounds of the city. You’re tired and sticky from exploring but he can’t keep his hands off of you. I digress.
You get the idea.
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