#scheduled jooheon: 4/4
blizzardfluffykpop · 8 months
Lover Boy
Summary: The two times you kissed Hui before you knew who he was, and the few that followed.
Word Count: 4,782
Fluff, Non-idol au, College au, Strangers to Lovers, & Older Brother’s Best Friend au
TW: Drinking, Food Mentions
Hoetaek (Hui) X Reader 
[Features! “Hui’s Younger Brother! Joo” Otherwise known as: (Y/n)’s best friend and roommate]
[A/n: In reality, Hui is the younger brother, and I don’t actually know Hui’s brother’s name. And yes, his name is Joo because the first Lee I thought of was Jooheon. Not based on Jooheon at all though. Inspired by: ‘Whui Is Me’ Concept #3 & #4 was originally inspired by Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy by Queen, but nothing came about from it.]
The first time you laid eyes on him, you were at a disco-themed club. He had a silver suit on and a large collared shirt. His strawberry-cream hair stood out to you in the midst of the crowd. You couldn’t see anyone else as he glided around the LED squares. He caught you staring and winked. And for the first time in a long time, you were flabbergasted.
Maybe it was the amount of liquid confidence you drank. But you danced up to him and asked if he'd like to dance with you. He smiled, and soon you were in each other’s arms and spinning around to the songs together. It took another song before you asked if you could kiss him, and he nodded. When you pulled away, you both were blushing red, but he initiated the second kiss as you two slowly rocked back and forth. 
When the night ended, and you parted ways, you realized you never caught his name, too caught up in the feeling of having his lips on yours. You sighed as you got into bed, and your roommate, who was still up, asked, “So, how was the disco?” You shook your head, “It was magical. Yet, I never learned his name.” He laughs, “Damn, you should have.” He looks at the time, “Shit, how long did you make out with him?” You look at the time and see it’s three in the morning, “I thought you were going to be home at one!” You laugh, “Did you base your sleep schedule on when I returned?” He huffs, “Yes, usually you have two drinks and come home.” You shake your head, “Yeah, but that was before I saw him.” He sighs, “Did you at least get his number?” You pout, “No.” He shakes his head at you, “And you say I’m hopeless.” You sigh, “You have me there.” 
You throw yourself onto your bed, and he follows suit, throwing himself on his own,  “Did you end up going on a date today?” He nods, “Yeah, it was successful.” You pout, “Fucker.” He laughs, “But I didn’t make any bases.” You do a little fist bump in the air, “I win!” He rolls his eyes, “At least I know her name.” You shrug, get under the covers, and go, “Whatever, good night, Joo.” “Good night, (Y/n).” 
The second time you met him, you still didn’t know he was your best friend’s older brother. You watch as his band performs at your college’s packed bar. His strawberry-cream hair still drawing you to him. But hearing his singing voice and watching as his fingers glide across the fretboard of his guitar had you enraptured. You just had to know more.
When his band leaves the stage, you return to drinking and conversing with the people around you. You're asking for a second drink. When someone asks sweetly, “Is this seat taken?” You turn your head to see him again and shake your head no, and he sits beside you. You still can't believe he came up to you, but come up with, “I didn’t know you could sing?” He grins, “It’s my major!” You laugh, and he finally tells you his name, “I forgot to introduce myself the last time we were with each other, but I’m Hoetaek, but almost everyone calls me Hui.” You grin and introduce yourself, and he says, “That’s a beautiful name.” You blush and thank him. 
You talked more than you had kissed, but you still couldn’t get enough of him. He left you starstruck. You wanted to know everything and more about him, like what his favorite songs were and his favorite kind of weather. You went back home, and your best friend was already fast asleep, having learned his lesson from last time. His name should have rang a bell, but you still couldn’t place where you’d heard his name before as you fell asleep.
You didn’t register it until you were brushing your teeth in the morning. You gasped as you brushed your teeth, “Hoetaek?” You rushed to your roommate’s photo frames, toothbrush still in your mouth. And there they stood at the beach together. Your best friend was disgruntled in the photo while Hui was smiling wildly. You clutch your shirt, not believing the coincidence. You drag your feet back and finish brushing your teeth. “No fucking way.” You had always heard about his older brother, the absolute dork, and here you were, making out with the said dork. For a dork, he certainly knew how to kiss. You went to class and shook off the thought. He probably didn’t even know you were best friends with his little brother. Just like how you didn’t realize he was your best friend's older brother. 
The next time you saw him, you were sitting with Joo on a blanket, studying on the campus grounds, when he came up. “Hey, did you get mom’s text?” Joo blinked at him before quickly grabbing his phone and looking, “Oh, she wants us this home this weekend?” He nods, “Yeah.” Joo asks, “Are you going to go?” Hui shrugs, “I have band practice.” You tune them out, fantasizing about what it would be like to kiss him again. You shook your head at those thoughts because he's supposed to be Joo's dorky older brother. But you couldn't help it. 
Joo interrupts your thoughts, “Oh, (Y/n).” You look at him, and he says, “I never introduced you to Hoetaek. Hui this (Y/n), and (Y/n), this is Hui.” His cheeks were red as he smiled at you and shook your hand, “It’s nice to meet you again.” You blushed as you shook his, “Yeah. I didn’t realize you were Joo’s older brother.” He laughs, “I didn’t realize you were his best friend.” Joo goes, “Ahem,” and you both immediately detach. Joo crosses his arms, “How do you two know each other?” You scramble to find an answer, and Hui says, “We met at the disco club two weeks ago.” Joo nods, “You could have told me you two knew each other.” You shake your head, “We didn’t realize who the other was.” He nods, and Hui gets up from the blanket, “I have to walk to class now, but I’ll pick you up on Friday night.” Joo nods, and when he is far enough away. Joo goes, “Tell me everything.” 
You blushed, “I um, I didn’t realize he was your dorky older brother. Firstly, he was an amazing dancer. And I… may have ended up exchanging a few kisses with him.” He groans, “Ew… He was the whole reason your night was magical?” You nod, and he squints, “Nothing further?” You shake your head, “Unless you consider that we met at his gig a week ago, too…” His jaw drops, “Holy fuck. You two left out a major detail…” You blush and hide your head in your hands, “I know.” He shakes his head, “I’ve always thought of you as my sibling, but you didn’t have to make it official.” You whine, “I know.” And he goes, “Again, you know he’s not cool unless he's in his element.” You pull your hands away, “You’ve said that, but I’ve met him in his element, and god he’s…” He deadpans, “I do not need to know.” You smirk and tease, “Are you sure? I thought you loved hearing the details?” He rolls his eyes, “Yes, I’m sure. I do not need to know whether or not he’s a good kisser.” You smirk, “He is.” He sighs, shaking his head, “Anyways… Do you like him?” You look down at your hands, “I think so.” He smiles, “Well, when are you gonna make a move?” You blush, “Joo...” And he goes, “Well, now that I have the opportunity for you to become my sibling officially. I want this process to speed up a little faster.” You roll your eyes and go back to studying. 
As you’re finishing your homework, you hear Joo say, “Hey, Mom!” You hear her sweet voice over the phone, “Oh, honey, I was wondering when you would get my text!” You look at him to see the smirk gracing his lips, “I was wondering, (Y/n) has nowhere to go this weekend… Can they come too?” You glare at him. And you hear her go, “Oh, of course, we love having (Y/n) over!” He tells her sweetly, “Thanks, mom!” And she asks, “Anything else, honey?” “No, we'll see you this weekend. Love you.” “Love you more!” When he hangs up, “You little-!” You tackle him immediately, and he cackles as you tickle him, “You brat!” He laughs even harder, “You’ll thank me later.” You roll off of him and finish your homework, refusing to talk to him. “I thought you loved my parents?” He asks with a pout, “I love them. You, however? Not so much.” He shakes his head, “If you say so.” You sigh, and you both walk back to your dorm room together. 
You don’t see him again until Joo opens the door and lets you in behind him. You kick off your shoes and turn to look towards the living room to see him sitting there playing guitar. If you didn't have no way back to the college, you would have taken your belongings and ran for the hills. Why is he already here? You thought you'd at least have an hour before you had to face the music. Your brain is unraveling fast, and you do everything to lie low. 
But with Joo talking to you in the hall, it was enough to be spotted by him. You gulp as he stops strumming and waves to you, and you wave back. Joo turns at that, and he smiles, “Hui! You’re home!” He grins at his brother as he gets up and hugs him. Joo whines about his hug but accepts it anyway, “I thought you were going to be late because of your band practice?” Hui shakes his head, “No, I told them I was heading home for the weekend.” Joo hums and tries to wiggle out of the hug, and Hui whines, “I thought you were happy to see me!” And Joo goes, “I was!” And he mutters, “Until you kept hugging me.” Hui laughs before he lets him go, and you both awkwardly smile at each other before he goes back to his guitar. 
You both give a quick hello to his parents before dragging your bags up the stairs to Joo’s room. As you walk to his door, you can’t get the sight of Hui out of your head. The memories of kissing him play in the back of your mind, ruining your resolve of a peaceful weekend. Joo and you take time to set up your air mattress, and he giggles, “You sure you want to sleep in my room?” You gasp, “It is my best friend privilege!” He smirks, “Yeah, but don’t you wish to sleep next to your crush?” You squint, “Oh, so that's how it is.” He smirks, “I’m teasing you forever for falling for my brother.” You groan, “I should have never told you!” He smirks, “But you couldn’t keep a secret like that from your best friend and roommate, could you?” You groan again, “I’d try.” He continues smirking, “I’d find out anyway.” You sigh, “I’m starting to see how you’re the little brother.” He pouts, “Hey, that was mean.” You roll your eyes, and with the mattress finally filled, you cap it as he unplugs the blower, and you both head downstairs. 
When you reach the kitchen, their dad looks away from the pot he's stirring, “Oh, (Y/n)! Have you ever met our eldest, Hui?” Hui, who is currently wearing an apron and cracking eggs, causing your heart to burst into a million pieces. You smile, scrubbing the heart-melting moment from your mind, “Yeah, we’ve met.” Hui turns around and smiles at you. His dad grins, “How did you two meet? I know how you met Joo. You both are roommates.” You turn red as his dad flips the vegetables in the pan, and Joo nudges you to say something. And you go, “We met at a disco night.” His dad gasps, “You know disco?” You laugh as you nod, “Yeah, I love it.” He sighs in relief, “Ahh good, you can move in forever if you’d like.” You cackle, and Joo goes, “Where’s Ma?” And Hui says, “Back in the garden.” Joo grins, “Okay, later!” 
He exits the kitchen, and you’re still standing in front of the island. Hui asks, “You’re not joining him?” You shake your head, “I know better than to leave when food is about to be served.�� Hui laughs, and his dad asks, “Can you get the plates out?” You nod, walk around the island, open the first cabinet, and pull out five plates. You set them out, head to the silverware drawer, and grab utensils for everyone. They finish what they’re making as you get a seat for yourself as you do. Their dad comes over, “I’m sorry I would have gotten that out sooner! I forgot you were coming.” You shrug, “It’s okay, Mr. Lee. It’s just a chair.” He pouts, “But you’re our guest.” You shake your head, “It’s okay.” And he sighs, “Okay.” 
Hui comes over, and you ask, “When did you get here?” He looks at the clock, “About an hour and a half before you two.” You nod, and he places his dish in the middle while his dad calls for the other two to come in for dinner. Your heart is hammering out of your chest, but you try to be cool about it. He opens his mouth to say something. And before he can get a syllable out, the rest of his family returns. Joo sits beside you, and Hui sits across from both of you. You speak minimally throughout the dinner, just focused on eating and trying not to think about the man across from you. 
While Joo snores peacefully on his bed, all cuddled up, you can’t help but roll to your side again. Even after begging to whatever’s up there, you’ll fall asleep. You can’t. You sigh as you get up, deciding to get a glass of water. You fill up your glass, drink a few sips, and head back towards Joo’s room. You hear music coming from the basement with nothing better to do. You decide to investigate. You shut the door behind you and start walking down the steps. 
And that’s where you see him again. He’s playing guitar along to the radio and humming the tune. He hears your footsteps as you come down the creaky old wood and looks back at you, and you ask, “Do you mind if I join you?” He shakes his head no, and you come in further, and he goes, “I come down here when everyone’s sleeping, so I don’t wake them up.” You nod, and he gestures for you to sit beside him, “Can’t sleep?” You softly tell him no as you sit down next to him. It felt awkward to be alone with him again. Because the last time you were perfect strangers making out in a bar. And now you were in an odd dynamic of him being the older brother to your best friend. Not knowing what to say, you sit there and listen to him play along to the radio.
As the next song starts, he grins, “I haven’t heard this since I was in high school.” He starts playing along effortlessly, and you smile, “It’s Led Zeppelin.” He smiles, “Dazed and Confused.” As the song nears its end, he asks, “Did Joo invite you?” You scrunch your nose, “No, rather, he asked his mom to let me come over in front of me.” He hums, “He’s always been an odd one.” You laugh, “What about you? You never skip band practice.” He smiles, “I finally had a reason too.” You blink at him, and he says, “I heard you were staying here.” You blush, and he asks, “Do you always stay here on breaks?” You nod, “Yeah, ever since I’ve become best friends with Joo.” He nods, “Interesting.” After a moment, you ask, “Do you remember the first time we met?” He smiles, “I couldn’t forget it.” You blush, “Me neither.” He asks softly, “Is that why you can’t sleep?” You hum, “Something along those lines.” 
He stops playing and puts his guitar on its stand. He turns towards you, “Is it because my brother is your best friend?” You tilt your head, “Well, no.” He waits for you to continue, “It’s more so the fact that we’re under the same roof.” He holds his hand out to you, and you carefully take it in yours, and you ask, “Is it weird because I’m your little brother’s best friend?” He shakes his head, “No. But maybe it's a little awkward that we’re in my parent's house, though.” You laugh, “Yeah.” He smiles and squeezes your hand, “It kinda reminds me of being a teenager again.” And the two of you laugh. 
The radio starts playing a slow song by Smokey Robison, “Would you like to dance with me?” You smile, “I’d love to.” He pulls you up, and you both sway to the music, but instead of kissing, you talk. You ask, “Is it true that you’re out of your element outside of music?” He blushes, “Yeah. If you met me in the florist shop I work at, I would have shriveled up and asked Hyunggu to run the cash register.” You laugh as you softly tell him, “I would have still found you dreamy.” His cheeks are red as he asks, “Really?” You smile, “Yeah.” 
He twists you under the recessed lightning, and you two giggle as you spin around. You can’t help but get lost in his eyes and wonder what it would be like to kiss him again. You ask softly, “Would it be bad to say I really want to kiss you right now?” He giggles as he says, “No, I want to kiss you too.” You tangle your fingers in his hair as you place your lips on his, and he reciprocates. You both slowly sway to the song as you kiss. When you both pull away, he leans his forehead on yours, and you play with his pink locks. He looks into your eyes and asks, “Would you want to get breakfast with me tomorrow? Like as a date?” You can’t help but grin as you tell him, “Yes.” He kisses you again, and you both giggle into it. 
When the song ends, you sit back on the couch closer than before. You both stay up the whole night talking. As the clock reaches five in the morning, you yawn. And he smiles, “You should probably head upstairs to bed.” You yawn again and agree, “Yeah.” You get up off the couch before looking at him again, “I can’t wait for our date.” He smiles, “I can’t wait either.” You hear him yawn as you round the couch to the stairs, “Good night, Hui.” He smiles, “Good night, (Y/n).” You head upstairs, open the door, walk to the kitchen, clean your empty glass, and head to bed. When you finally rest your head on your pillow, you fall asleep. 
You wake up to Joo loudly stretching, “Dude. You’re so loud.” He rolls his eyes before he stares at you, “You weren’t here when I rolled over at one in the morning.” You look at everything but him, “I got a glass of water.” He hums, “Is that why you weren’t back until 5 am?” You sigh, “Nothing can get past you, can it?” He laughs before he asks, “So?” You sigh, “I just wanted to investigate where the music was coming from.” He leans his chin on his hand, “Yeah?” You blush, “And then we danced and talked until then.” He tilts his head, “Did you not confess?” You smile as you move the blanket away, “Something better.” 
He gasps in horror, “Not underneath my roof!!” You shake your head, “No! That’s not what I meant! And this is your parent’s roof!” He cackles, “So, what is it?” You smile, “We kissed a few times throughout the night, and he asked me to go to breakfast with him.” He gasps, “Omg?! We have to get you dressed nicely!” He pulls you up fast, and you both dig through your travel bag and find something nice to wear. “Okay, go to the bathroom! If he comes up before you’re ready. I’ll distract him.” You laugh and high-five him, “Thanks, Joo!” You rush into the bathroom and freshen up, and you hear outside Hui coming up the stairs. 
Joo asks, “So, was it you or (Y/n) that asked first?” Hui blushes as he rubs the back of his neck, “Well, we were dancing in my room, and they asked if it was bad if they wanted to kiss me. And I told them ‘No,’ that I wanted to kiss them too.” And Joo goes, “And?” Hui turns bright red as he says, “They kissed me first.” Joo smirks, “That’s my best friend!” Hui laughs, “Then I asked them to go to breakfast with me.” Joo claps his hand on his shoulder, “You know, for being a musical nerd, I didn’t know you had it in you. But man, I can’t be prouder.” Hui wrinkles his nose, “Ouch. But thanks. So, how did your date last week go?” Joo nods before telling him. 
The two talk for a few more minutes before you return from the bathroom. Joo leaves you two to head downstairs to the kitchen and sits at the table as his parents make coffee. His mom asks, “Are (Y/n) and Hui joining us?” He shakes his head no, “You’ll see.” They both draw their attention to the stairs, waiting for the two of you to appear. 
In the quiet hallway, you tell him softly, “I like your black and white striped sweater.” He grins as he tells you that he likes your outfit. After another beat of silence, Hui asks if you’d like to hold hands on the way cause the diner is just a block away, and you smile as you agree. You walk down the stairs hand in hand, and his parents gasp as Joo grins. They whisper and ask him, “Oh, they’re going on a date?” He nods, “Yeah!” You walk over, and both bid them goodbye, and Hui tells them where you’re going before leaving. 
His dad smiles, “So, do you have all the details?” And Joo grins as if shining an apple on his shirt. He blows his hand and wipes it on his shirt, “Of course I do. They’re my brother and best friend couple.” He tells them how you two met at his gig, and his dad says, “We knew that, though.” He smirks, “Did you know the two kissed?” His parents gasped, “No, did they know each other then?” He shakes his head, “They didn’t know until after they met at his gig.” He shares a few more details before his mom asks, “How did they end up going on a date then if neither of them confessed to their feelings?” He smirks as he gets to rat them out, “They were in his room last night, and they danced to classic rock songs. And Hui finally confessed.” His mom grins, “Oh, that’s so sweet.” 
You walk hand in hand down the block, swinging your arms, talking about various things. You open the door for you two, and you both walk in and sit down across from each other at a table for two behind the interior wall. You look at Hui, admiring him as you wait for your waiter, his black beret making him look even cuter than before. You smirk, “Loverboy? Is that true?” He blushes as he remembers the branding on his hat, “For you, yeah.” You blush and look down, “Hui…” He grins, his cheeks red as he lifts your chin and winks, “You’re cute when you’re blushing.” You shake your head, “You’re cuter.” He pulls his finger away as the waiter comes over, hands you each a menu, and asks what you'd like to drink. You tell him, and he comes back shortly with the drinks and gives you time to figure out what you want for breakfast. 
He returns and gets your orders before putting them in the kitchen. Hui puts his left hand up on the table, and you smile as you catch onto what he means and place your left hand against his before interlocking your fingers. He grins and moves your hands back and forth happily, and you can’t help but grin and squeeze his hand in yours. He asks you questions about yourself, and you ask them back after answering. You smile as you realize you’re learning more about Hoetaek, the kind and silly, than Hui, the older musical nerd in the family. And you can’t help but feel endeared. 
The waiter brings your food, and your hands part to eat. He makes you laugh as whipped cream coats his lips, and he laughs as you get some on your nose. He licks his lips, and before you wipe the whipped cream from your nose, he grabs his napkin and swipes his napkin over your nose. “All better.” You shake your head and smile, and he’s grinning right back. 
You finish up your breakfast, and before he has a chance to pay, you do. And he pouts, “But I asked you out on this date. I should have paid.” You wink, “There’s always next time.” He gasps before he grins, “You’re right.” He wraps his arm around your waist, and you smile as you do the same, wrapping your arm around his. You grin, and as you walk through town, he softly hums along to the songs playing, and you can’t help but smile and do the same. You both walk-in time at each other’s pace, strolling around before heading back to his house.
When you reach the front door, he asks, “So, when we head back tomorrow. Will you attend my gig as my special guest?” You grin, “I’d love to.” He smiles and kisses your cheek before unlocking the door and letting you in first. Joo sits on the couch, watching TV. He looks at you two, “So how was it?” You blush, “It was nice.” And Hui goes, “I’m glad I got the courage to ask.” Hui asks, “You don’t mind if we’re together for the rest of the day?” Joo shakes his head, “Nah, I hang out with you two too much. I need some alone time, too.” You cackle, “As if you aren't texting people twenty-four-seven in there.” He rolls his eyes, “Yeah, but it’s hard to text people when someone is talking about how handsome my brother is.” You gasp, “Mean!” 
He cackles, “Yeah.” Before he shoos you two away, “Go have fun. You can tell me all about your date later!” You both smile, and he leads you to the basement door, “What do you say to me, you, and my favorite records?” You grin, “Well, considering your taste in music… Hell yeah.” He smiles, and you both walk down the stairs. And you dance and talk until its dinner time. 
“We organized it so it’s more comfortable for us to eat!” His dad says all cheerily, and he has you sit at the end of the table while Hui is on one side and Joo is on the other, and he happily sits across from his wife. You immediately say, “You didn’t have to.” And he shakes his head, “I was going to do this the other day, but I didn’t get time to.” The five of you laugh, and underneath the table, Hui holds your hand, rubbing his thumb against the back of your hand, and you can’t help but smile as you eat. 
Joo talks about all the shenanigans he was getting up to in sports and English studies. And the dates he's recently been on, while Hui talks about his music and band. And you tell them about your field of study. Their parents talk about their jobs and their neighbors. You can’t help but feel at home in the Lee’s house with your boyfriend, your best friend, and their parents. And yeah, you did end up thanking Joo for inviting you to his parent's house after finding out you liked Hui.
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marzmeltdown · 1 year
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Finished - 🖇️ In Progress - 🧷 My posting schedule has gotten all messed up,, so heres an update since I messed it up myself. Show Me Your God Hyunjin x Reader - June 25 - 🖇️ Alkaline Jooheon x Reader - 🧷 Familiar Taste of Poison pt. 4 Wonwoo x Reader - July 9. - 🖇️ I am gonna update my posting schedule because posting two fics every other week is slowly leading to burn out and I don't want that to happen.
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0 notes
wonhotan-wonyeondan · 7 years
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♡ Jooheon lockscreens every Tuesday [here]
♡ More Monsta X lockscreens [here]
♡ BTS and more [here]
♡ We’re on [hiatus] - this is a scheduled post [Jooheon 4 of 4]
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kihyuns · 5 years
mx finally coming to canada after all these years but with everything going on.... i didn’t want it to happen like this my head hurts ._.
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bubbleteafelix · 2 years
Fuck Around and Find Out
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Requested: No
Paring: Male Reader x Jooheon
Genre(s): Fluff , Crack
Warning(s): Cursing, Threats( But not really)
Date Published:4/20/2022
Summary: Jooheon and M/n have a v live to do, but Jooheon had been feeling down and refused to go. But let's just say bribery goes a long way.
Note: Enjoy reading. Hopefully this make sense and doesn't sound incoherent.
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It has been a while since M/n and Jooheon had opened up to the public about their relationship. The reactions for the most part were good and lots of support from fans and fellow idols. Recently many antis have been coming at Jooheon and M/n about dating each other. It doesn’t normally bother them as they get these types of criticism quite often.
Lately, Jooheon has been in a slight episode of self dought and the hate comments about his relationship don’t help one bit. M/n has been trying not to look at the comments himself, as he was more focused on helping his boyfriend get out of his episode as well as getting him and his boyfriend through the group's recent comeback.
But it was kind of hard to do so when you have a job and performances back to back.
“Hey bubba, How are you doing?” M/n Asked his boyfriend who is lying under the covers.
“Trying to hide from the world,” Jooheon whined trying to burrow deeper into the bed hoping it would swallow him up.
“How is that going for you?” M/n questioned his boyfriend.
“Not well…” Jooheon mumbled, clearly upset. M/n Moved to the bed and sat down.
“ Well sorry to break it to you, but you have to get up we have couples vlive scheduled. You can hide from the world after we do this, it is the only thing on the schedule today.”M/n said as he shook his lover's body and began to pull the cover off of his body.
“NOOOOO! I don’t want to,” Jooheon complained pulling the cover back over his body.
“I’ll buy you ice cream after if you get up,” M/n said trying to bribe his boyfriend out of the bed.
With the promise of ice cream, Jooheon shot up. “What are we still doing here we got a live to do!" The now excited male said jumping out of bed and making a b-line to the closet. M/n chuckled as he watches his boyfriend run to the bathroom to change.
15 minutes later a cleaned-up Jooheon came out of the bathroom dressed and ready to go. “ I want strawberry,” Jooheon said walking past his boyfriend and making his way to the living room. M/n followed.
Once they got settled into the couch they started the live. “ Hello Monbebe, how are you doing?” Jooheon asked. The chat flew by with responses. They continued interacting with Monbebe giving life advice and talking about what has been happening lately. They were enjoying Themselves when a comment caught M/n’s eye.
“ M/n is mine, Jooheon I will get you back for this. I don’t know what M/n sees in you?”
Jooheon was in the middle of talking when M/n interrupted “ Honey sorry to interrupt but I need to address something. I just saw a comment threatening and insulting Jooheon and all I have to say to this person is, that Jooheon is the most beautiful, kind-hearted, Cuddly human being I have ever had the honor of meeting and sheer luck of dating. And Try and put your hands on him and see what happens because I am the living embodiment of “Fuck around and find out”. Expect to hear from the police and our lawyers.”
Jooheon just sat there stunned and kind of impressed. To say the least the chat was wild and praised M/n for standing up and speaking out against the anti. They were also both trending #1 on Twitter with the hashtags #M/N_IS_A_SAVAGE #FUCK_AROUND_ AND_FIND_OUT #SHIPNAMESTAYWILDIN
After that they soon ended the live and Jooheon got his ice cream and a little boost of confidence as well.
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capricornwriter5 · 3 years
New chapters weekly 💜
Part 1
» I.M. ✨ Is this healthy or toxic?
Status: Finished Genre:  smut, fluff, angst, OC x I.M. Summary: What began as a casual relationship ended up becoming the most important thing for Changkyun. While fighting for his relationship, the rapper faces his greatest insecurities with the help of the love of his life and other members of Monsta X.
Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3; Chapter 4; Chapter 5; Chapter 6; Chapter 7;  Chapter 8; Chapter 9; Chapter 10; Chapter 11; Chapter 12; Chapter 13; Chapter 14; Chapter 15; Chapter 16
✨ Is this healthy or toxic? - Epilogue
Status: Ongoing Genre:  smut, fluff, angst, OC x I.M.
Summary: Already engaged and planning to get married soon, I.M and Liv will enter to another stage of their lives, one in which they must decide how to handle their relationship in such a public and controversial industry. Will all the warnings Kihyun gave them turn out to be true? How will the companies, managers, and fans receive the news about the relationship between the rapper and the dancer? Liv and Kyun undoubtedly learned how to deal with the problems between the two of them, but are they ready to cope with what comes after their engagement.
Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3
Part 2
» Jooheon
Always on time
Status: Ongoing
Genre: childhood friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, female OC x Jooheon
Warnings: mentions of mental health disorders
Summary: Lee Jooheon, main rapper of Monsta X, has had a hectic schedule for almost six years. Little by little, and unintentionally, he forgot about a very special person who was beside him before his dreams came true. That's until one night at a concert where a slideshow with pictures of him as a kid made all his memories with Seo Julianne come back at once. Where was she? What was she doing? Has she been okay all these years? Jooheon had the opportunity to find the answer to these questions at an upcoming school reunion where he thought he could reconnect with Jules, but the night didn't go as planned. What happens when two people who are not on the same page end up working together? Is it a coincidence or a second chance for something more?
Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3; Chapter 4; Chapter 5; Chapter 6; Chapter 7; Chapter 8; Chapter 9; Chapter 10; Chapter 11; Chapter 12; Chapter 13; Chapter 14: Chapter 15; Chapter 16a; Chapter 16b; Chapter 16c; Chapter 17; Chapter 18; Chapter 19: Chapter 20; Chapter 21; Chapter 22
Other members’ stories TBA SOON!
COLLEGE SERIES (High school/College AU!, OT8)
Part 1
» Bang Chan You are the one
Status: Ongoing
Genre: fluff, angst, love triangle, college romance, childhood friends to lovers, OC x Bang Chan Summary: Bang Chan and Jasmin have been best friends for as long as they can remember. With little time to finish high school, they both begin to develop romantic feelings. However, family situations and communication issues force them to move away. Once in college, they decide to try to regain the friendship they had. As Bang Chan sees the opportunity to finally be with the girl he has always loved, his friend Lee Know, who had been studying in England, returns home and the connection he develops with Jasmine is undeniable. Can the chemistry and attraction with Lee Know outweigh a tender first love and memories of years of friendship between Bang Chan and Jasmine?
Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3; Chapter 4; Chapter 5; Chapter 6; Chapter 7; Chapter 8 ; Chapter 9; Chapter 10; Chapter 11; Chapter 12; Chapter 13; Chapter 14; Chapter 15; Chapter 16; Chapter 17; Chapter 18; Chapter 19; Chapter 20; Chapter 21; Chapter 22; Chapter 23; Chapter 24; Chapter 25; Chapter 26
Part 2
» Changbin
Coming soon...
Other members’ stories TBA SOON!
IDOL SERIES (College/Idol AU!, OT7)
Part 1
» Min Yoongi
Our Seesaw
Status: Ongoing
Genre:  OC x Suga, smut, fluff, angst, college romance, friends to lovers, exes to lovers, happy ending
Warnings: mentions of mental health affections, soft drugs
Summary: Music was in charge of introducing them, in front of a piano they fell in love, and in front of it was their farewell. Min Yoongi, a low-income but talented pianist, and Emm, a wealthy and outgoing law student, did not hesitate to risk everything to pursue their dreams together. For years they grew up together and unconditionally loved each other until life's adversities forced them to break up. Ten years later, and in the most unexpected way, they meet again.
Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3; Chapter 4; Chapter 5; Chapter 6; Chapter 7; Chapter 8 (part 1); Chapter 8 (part 2); Chapter 8 (part 3); Chapter 9; Chapter 10; Chapter 11; Chapter 12; Chapter 13; Chapter 14; Chapter 15; Chapter 16; Chapter 17
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iibonniee · 3 years
Posting Plans for the week of December 20th through December 24th
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Despite being really really bad at keeping these, giving myself a week in advance to write these all (a majority of them are close to being done so I'm not too worried) should give me time to keep a decent schedule.
The stories with word counts are finished and are waiting in a queue to be published on the specific date and time. Once I'm fully done with a story, they will have their word count up (I'll re-blog this post when its updated btw), and depending on the smut, the warnings in advance.
I also really tried to write for some that don’t really have too much attention on my page. Each member deserves some attention, whether it’s small or not.
Christmas eve is going to be pretty packed when it comes to the stories, as well as each smut that is labeled to written for. I do apologize for all the drabbles seen. It really helps when I want to post something, but I don't want to make the stories over 1k.
Just a friendly forewarning, Minhyuk's Christmas one shot will see itself reaching over 4k words. I’m really not sorry about that.
As a friendly reminder, requests are open. For those who’ve requested something I’ve seen them and they’ll be written in the upcoming days.
Below the cut is next week's posting schedule. This week will be spent as my writing period.
Monday, December 20th, 2021
Changkyun drabble (Word Count: 436. Post time 8:00 a.m. EST)
Chanyeol smut one shot (Word Count: TBD Post time 10:00 a.m. EST)
Minhyuk one shot (Word Count: TBD Post time 12:00 p.m. EST)
Tuesday, December 21st, 2021
D.O drabble (Word Count: 585. Post time 8:00 a.m. EST)
Jooheon smut one shot (Word Count: TBD Post time 10:00 a.m. EST)
Jooheon one shot (Word Count: TBD Post time 12:00 p.m. EST)
Kihyun smut one shot (Word Count: TBD Post time 2:00 p.m. EST)
Wednesday, December 22nd, 2021
Sehun drabble (100 ways to say, "I love You". Word Count TBD. Post time 8:00 a.m. EST)
Baekhyun smut one shot (Word Count: TBD Post time 10:00 a.m. EST)
Part 5 of "Public Adventures" (Word Count: TBD Post time 12:00 p.m. EST)
Wonho smut one shot (Word Count: TBD Post time 2:00 p.m. EST)
Thursday, December 23rd, 2021
Suho one shot (Word Count 1.2k. Post time 8:00 a.m. EST)
Lay drabble (Word Count: 335. Post time 10:00 a.m. EST)
Chanyeol smut one shot (Word Count: TBD Post time 12:00 p.m. EST)
Xiumin smut one shot (Word Count: TBD Post time 2:00 p.m. EST)
Friday, December 24th, 2021
Jooheon Christmas special (Word Count: TBD. Post time 8:00 a.m. EST)
Kai Christmas special (Word Count: TBD Post time 10:00 a.m. EST)
Minhyuk Christmas special (Word Count: TBD Post time 12:00 p.m. EST)
Chapter Two to "Hate You" (Word Count: TBD Post time 2:00 p.m. EST)
Shownu drabble (Word Count: TBD Post time 4:00 p.m. EST)
Saturday, December 25th
Sehun Christmas special (Word Count: TBD. Post time 8:00 a.m. EST)
Hyungwon Christmas special (Word Count: TBD Post time 10:00 a.m. EST)
Kihyun Christmas special (Word Count: TBD Post time 12:00 p.m. EST)
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yoonguurt · 4 years
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Elves and sleighs. Sweet treats and hearty meals. Presents and Christmas trees. Ornaments shining bright. Christmas time is here and this year has been a doozy. Santa has been running around all year trying to make sure that everything is perfect and everyone gets exactly what they want. But, Santa is only one man and sometimes even Father Christmas needs a little help. He’s sent seven lucky women some of his very best helpers to make their holiday season one for the books! 
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Pairing: Jooheon x reader
Genre: fluff, smut
Warnings: tba
Release date: Dec. 1 2020
Summary: The life of a mall elf is not one of glamor. It’s full of the screams of children and the scolding of mothers. A land of fake smiles and excessive energy you don’t have. You wish you could say you didn’t know why you came back for a second year, but you know that it’s because of your handsome elf partner.
read here
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Pairing: Hoseok x reader
Genre: fluff, smut
Warnings: tba
Release Date: Dec. 4 2020
Summary: Life is too short to keep pushing the things you want back. Christmas is a busy time for everyone, but you’ve decided that this year is YOUR year. For years you’ve longed to have the dreamy reindeer driven sleigh ride. But one trip is never enough, especially when the reindeer handler makes you feel like this.
read here
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Pairing: Kihyun x reader
Genre: fluff, smut
Warnings: tba
Release date: Dec. 8 2020
Summary: Fridays are the day. You always stop at the bakery at the corner of your street for a pie. Always apple or cherry. The cashier knows you by name and can usually guess which you’ll pick. A sudden change throws your head in a spin as the pie maker himself threatens to bring you out of your comfort zone in more ways than one.
read here
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Pairing: Changkyun x reader
Genre: angst, fluff, smut
Warnings: tba
Release date: Dec. 11 2020
Summary: It takes a kind heart and a strong will to volunteer in a soup kitchen. You’ve seen people last anywhere from a couple of days to a month or two. You’ve only seen one newbie last for longer. He’s a tough nut to crack, but you’re determined to work your way into his heart. And maybe his bed.
read here
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Pairing: Minhyuk x reader
Genre: humor, fluff, smut
Warnings: tba
Release date: Dec.15 2020
Summary: Tradition is important, you always stick to your early Christmas tradition. You have this sweet elderly couple wrap your presents because you absolutely hate wrapping. This year your tradition is thrown off when you find the couple has finally retired and the only other option is Wrap It Up, where the owner is as handsome as they come and full of energy.
read here
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Pairing: Hyunwoo x reader
Genre: fluff, smut
Warnings: tba
Release date: Dec.18 2020
Summary: People keep saying the perfect Christmas tree doesn’t exist, but you’ve always ignored that. Every year you settle for a less than perfect option, but no more. You’ve taken steps this year, planned to go to one of the most well known tree farms around. Perusing through the trees may not only help you find your perfect tree, but also the perfect man.
read here
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Pairing: Hyungwon x reader
Genre: fluff, smut
Warnings: tba
Release date: Dec.22 2020
Summary: Everyone has at least one regulars, yours is the tall man who orders a custom ornament every year. He is always very organized and detailed with what he wants, but this year is different. Giving you creative freedom has you scratching your head as you think back on previous ornaments.
read here
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I want to issue a huge thank you to @kwanisms​ for making these amazing title cards. You are such a a gift to me. I am super excited for this series and I am already trying so hard to stay on schedule. I hope you guys have as much reading these as I have had while writing them!
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garden-of-iris · 3 years
Hi Every one
I hope you are all doing great , Me? Well first day was hard for me, morning stretches somehow killed me, why am I so inflexible? Am I wooden or made of stone, I though about it a lot during stretches, also other workouts were tough for me, specially lower ab workouts, I felt like crying a lot during the 10 minutes of workout session, But no I won't give up.
Studying, well it didn't go the way I planned since I'm not really good with long term schedules and well 4 weeks and some days ( close to 5 weeks ) is considered long term goal I guess? anyways after talking to some one , I decided to focus mainly on my test books since I have the base knowledge for every subject , I need to perfect them.
Sad/Sweet fact : I'm a Monbebe and Wenee and soon monstax will come back with new Korean mini album, an English full album, their movie will be aired, then we have Huyngwon's drama, Jooheon's web show is aired and honestly I waited to gather all the episodes and watch them later, Shownu's drama will air soon too, Minhyuk will be a guest actor in a drama too ,I still have lots of episodes left from Minhyuk's Vogue ship show, then I still haven't watched midnight idol and Idol radio , back to idol season 2. We will be having lots of shows for their comebacks, Wonho has his own concerts and his ohhohoho as well as other shows he was guest which are still unwatched, these are all perfect but for me I can't support the boys the way they deserve since I'm always busy and I feel really sad when I can't shut up the haters , so I might not be able to stream or support them but I really love all members with all my heart, so if you have time support the boys, a fellow monbebe once said Stan Monstax and Wonho for better skin😉😂
I wish you all the prettiest luck.
Wish Me Luck
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tay-kpop · 4 years
Monsta x reaction to you being autistic!
(Sense I am autistic I figured I needed to do this also please show support for us neruodivergent people please? We need love to!)
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Shownu would be a little confused when he saw you flapping your hands while having your earbuds in playing music at loud volume.
As he looked at you with a slight confused look he tapped your shoulder softly and asked "what are you doing baby?" And when you explained that you are autistic and that this helps with the sensory environment everything made sense to him.
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When he saw all the non verbal ways to communicate (like boards, picture binders and more) he was kind of confused so he asked about it.
When he asked you about the ways to communicate non verbally you just giggled and said "oh, I'm autistic, even though I can talk , sometimes I go non verbal and this is how I can tell the people talking to me how I am feeling and more!" He just smiled at you and just hugged you tightly.
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When he saw you eating one of your safe foods is when he would ask cause you have been eating this food for 4 days in a row.
He looked at you with confusion and said "didn't you have that for last 3 days baby?" When you giggled and explained that your autistic and that food is one of your safe foods he smiled and would try to give you more food to try.
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Hyungwon honestly might have had feelings about you being different from the start, in a good way of course, and would randomly ask if you were different from others.
When he asked the question you were honestly shocked and said "yeah, I'm autistic.. why do you ask?" And he smiled softly at you and simply a lot of things made more sense.
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Jooheon would notice that you haven't be taking proper care of yourself (not because of you hating yourself, because you genuinely forgot to) and he would ask about it.
He looked at you with a pout and said "baby~ why haven't you been taking proper care of yourself you haven't showered in 3 days! I'm really worried about you.." and saw your genuinely shocked face he was also surprised, when you explained that you need a proper schedule he smiled at you and immediately started making one for you to follow properly.
I.M changkyun
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I.m. would immediately start doing research on how your mind would work and how to help you, he would ask after you calmed down from a meltdown.
He would be kind of scared to ask what was going on with you and so he said "you ok baby? Is there any way I can help?" You nodded with your weighed blanket on you and explained that you are autistic and that the environment that you were in was to much to handle he would immediately start researching on autism.
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Wonho would be extra soft with you! He would do anything to make sure you are comfortable, even If that means eating the same thing 5 times a week.
He looked at you in shock and said "that food again? We had that 4 times already.." with a slight pout on his face, you explained that you are autistic and that you needed to eat this food a lot, he smiled and simply ate it again with you cause he loves you.
That's the end of this reaction! I hope you like it, once again, please support neruodivergent people to! We need it just as much as other minorities!
I love you so much and hope you have a great day!
-Taylor! ❤
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miss-noo-na · 4 years
And Then There Were Three (Part 5)
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Title: And Then There Were Three
Rating: Mature.
Warnings: Smut; rough sex, dirty talk (vulgar language this chapter), choking
Summary: After catching you with Jooheon, Changkyun becomes distant. You’re determined to find out if he’s as jealous as you think he is.
Note: See masterlist for parts 1-4!
Just as you were able to read the shifts in Jooheon’s moods, you could do the same with Changkyun, but he was less subtle about it.
There was a heat that radiated off of him when you came near, and not the kind you were used to. His tone was deep and curt when you spoke at work, though it wasn’t unusual to appear casual in your professional environment. But this was different. This read like anger.
You hadn’t had the chance to be alone with him since he walked in on you and Jooheon at the dorm. Their schedule was getting hectic again and they barely had the time to breathe, much less do anything else. 
“Do you think he’s avoiding me?” You asked Jooheon in a hushed tone as you stood at the back of the room, looking busy with accessories.
Jooheon shrugged, feigning ignorance, but when he glanced at his friend you could see his gears turning.
“If he was upset about it, I feel like he would tell us. He’s not exactly shy about his feelings.” Jooehon offered with a small, reassuring laugh. 
“Has he said anything to you?”
“Not really.”
You sighed, knowing you would have to bring it up to him eventually.
For now, you focused on your job, or at least tried to. Every day, you asked yourself if this was a mistake, if all the fun was worth the turmoil you might find yourself in if someone got too jealous. You didn’t understand why now, when he had never once expressed even a hint of it before. He made it apparent since day one that it was exclusively physical, and he didn’t even bat an eye at sharing you with his best friend and co-worker. If anyone should be okay with it, it would be him.
There was more to it than that, though. You couldn’t help but think back to what it felt like being alone with Jooheon, his care and precision, his tenderness and his words. He didn’t treat you like a thing to be discarded and it was becoming apparent that you were more than a physical fancy to him. 
He could hardly help himself sometimes. The way that Changkyun felt compelled to seduce and play with you, Jooheon often had to stop himself from being too affectionate. It was getting to the point that the others teased him about it, and that didn’t help your situation with Changkyun one bit.
The worst part was that you liked it. You blushed and felt the slightest hint of butterflies from time to time that you put a great deal of energy into squashing. Catching feelings was the last thing you needed, and you were convinced it was only because it had been so long since you felt something other than lust. Plus, there was this profound sense of guilt you had for it, like you were cheating on Changkyun somehow.
Just as you were formulating a plan for how to approach him, you received a message out of the blue. He would be alone tonight and he wanted you to come over. The abrupt and welcoming message threw you off-guard, but you happily accepted the invitation. 
When he invited you in, his cold demeanor hadn’t changed much, and you wondered what his intentions were. You were anxious, watching him put something on the TV and meander around the kitchen before coming to sit next to you. He was surprisingly relaxed,  but you could feel the invisible wall he put up, even if he didn’t realize it.
“Are we going to talk?” You asked after a few minutes of silence.
“About what?” He asked almost too quickly in response. His gaze was hard-set into you as he turned and you felt challenged. That’s when the fear started to dissipate and boil up into anger. You had nothing to be sorry for.
“You know, I don’t appreciate all this attitude you’ve been throwing at me lately.” You said sternly, and you could tell he didn’t anticipate push-back this early into the conversation.
“I’ve barely spoken to you.” He laughed, and there was something smug about it that only pushed you further. You remembered being in relationships in the past and just knowing that a fight was brewing, and this was exactly like that.
“You’ve been passive-aggressive for over a week now, will you just tell me what's wrong?” You sighed, already exasperated. You thought being in a physical relationship only meant that you could escape these kinds of conversations. Apparently not.
 He turned away and you could see his jaw tighten, like he was holding back.
“Is it about me and Jooheon?” You asked, knowing that was the only thing it could be.
He looked back again just as quickly, eyes narrowed. “Maybe it is, but what does it matter?”
Finally, something you could work with.
“You couldn’t just tell me you were jealous?”
He laughed, “Who said that?”
“Oh my God,” You rolled your eyes and reacted with your entire body. “This is exhausting, why are men such babies about everything? Just communicate like an adult, Jesus. Why are we even fighting? We’re not married, this is pointless.” You rambled, not even looking at him because you were lost in your own frustration. When you stopped, he was half-smiling at you.
“I like when you get all flustered.”
You blinked and closed your mouth, then scowled as the words sunk in. “What?”
“You’re right, there’s nothing to fight about. I got a little upset about it, so what?”
“Oh, so you’re admitting it now?”
He edged himself across the couch so he was closer to you. “Fine, you want the truth?”
“Preferably,” You nodded.
“It wasn’t anything as petty as jealousy, I don’t get jealous.”
You narrowed your eyes, unsure what to make of his response, but curious to let him continue.
“I felt something different, and I didn’t really know how to process it quite yet, so I took some time to myself to think about it.”
He reached up and ran a finger from underneath your chin across your jaw line, his eyelids hanging low. You felt your heart rate speed up and cursed yourself for it.
“And what was that?” You asked quietly.
“I felt, hmm,” He mused for a moment before grinning. “Possessive.”
You swallowed the sound that threatened to part from your lips. Instead meeting it was an inquisitive “Oh?”
“I don’t own you.” He clarified, then let his eyes drift down, “But I do, don’t I?”
It was all part of the game. Realistically, out in the waking world, you were two capable adults with independent minds and the freedom to feel and do as you pleased. But once the door closed and you were under him, you knew you would let him do almost anything. It was the dynamic you both agreed upon from the first night, letting go of your inhibitions and self-imposed restraints and letting him have the control. It was the thing you longed for, the thing that kept you coming back to him.
“I’m a rational person, so I knew I couldn’t just be upset with you over something so normal and something you have every right to do.” He explained, then his voice deepend as he leaned in closer, “But I also couldn’t help picturing all the ways I was going to make you mine again.”
That word, mine, echoed in your head. Someone else had also uttered it to you in a moment of passion recently, and it sent a shiver down your spine. You had two people who seemed to want you desperately, and while you knew logically this was dangerous, it also excited you.
“You put me through all this just to tell me something I already knew?” You asked, and he smiled. 
“Would an apology help?”
You thought about it for a moment before answering. “I think that’s fair.”
He took you swiftly by the wrist and stood up, tugging you along. You fumbled for a moment before you stood and let him lead you to his bedroom.
You barely had time to process what was happening, one minute arguing on the couch and now here he was sitting you down on the edge of the bed, leaning down and kissing you before he knelt on the floor in front of you.
“What are you doing?” You asked, his hands trailing up your bare calves, up to your knees where the bottom of your skirt stopped and rested over your thighs. He then gripped your legs and pulled them up off the ground, causing you to lose balance and fall back onto the bed with a squeak. He pushed your legs open and the skirt fell back, too, exposing what was underneath.
“I’m apologizing.”
The initial shock wore off and you felt your cheeks warm as he laid a hand over your clothed center and pressed, teasing you for a moment before slipping his fingers underneath and feeling between your folds.
“Hm, you’re already wet but I know you can do better than that.”
He gripped the fabric and pulled it hard, forcing your legs up and together to rid you of the garment. When you let them fall back on either side of him, he wasted no more time, pushing your thighs apart and ducking his head down to taste you.
A sharp moan left you without warning and your hands fell to his hair. It had been a long time since he’d done this, and you almost forgot what his tongue felt like bearing down on your clit, rolling over the flesh and sucking you into his mouth. Changkyun abandoned this stimulation to travel downward, and you gasped unexpectedly when his tongue forced its way inside you, hands pressing back on your thighs to get deeper. Your fingers gripped his locks tight as you arched back and almost couldn’t take it. 
He pulled back for a moment, mouth glistening as he observed you, a low satisfied hum emanating from his chest.
“Look at what I do to you, you’re a mess.”
You blushed and closed your eyes tightly, feeling both aroused and embarrassed, and could only moan in response.
“Turn around.”
His voice was gruff as he stood up, and you let your feet fall gently to the floor as you sat up and stared up at him in awe for a moment. He was undoing his belt, looking down at you as he licked your juices off his lips.
“You heard me.”
You quivered as you went to turn over, and as your knees hit the bed he was already yanking the skirt and the rest of your clothing off you. Suddenly you were naked, kneeling on your hands and knees and arching your hips up as you peered back over your shoulder. 
He had discarded his own clothing and took his hard cock into one hand, stepping forward and deliberately brushing it against your entrance. You mewled and pressed back, trying to let him enter you, but he resisted.
“Do you want it bad?” He asked with a smirk.
You thought about making a sarcastic remark, knowing he was enjoying playing this game with you, but instead you countered him the only way you knew would actually make a blow to him.
You reached back and pulled yourself open, biting your lower lip and giving him a wanton yet demure stare. “Yes, please.”
His eyes darkened and the smile fell away from his face, he let out a rough, low sound as he grabbed your hips and aligned his cock with you. 
“I know I’m not the only person who can turn you on,” He started before leaning forward, sinking his cock deep into you just as he grabbed a handful of your hair and pulled your head back so his lips came as close as they could to your ear, “But I’m the only person who can give it to you like this.”
With that, his hips snapped into a pounding rhythm, fucking you like only he could, hard but with intent, making you grip the sheets in your hands and your legs to tremble. This was the moment when you were his, when he made it clear you belonged to him, at least for right now, and you embraced it. You craved it.
The harder he fucked you the weaker you became, arms starting to wobble in an attempt to hold yourself up. His thrusts were unrelenting, like he had been storing up all his energy just for this moment. 
The hand that still held your hair dropped down to your shoulder and he stopped briefly to pull you up. You wavered, dazed and shaky as you fell back against his chest and his arms circled under yours. One came up to lock your throat in his hand, and the other forced itself between your thighs, slick with your arousal. You groaned and arched against him, not sure which one you liked better.
Then he started to move again, thrusting up into you steadily, burying his cock to the hilt before letting gravity pull him back out just to do it again. His fingertips found your clit and he rubbed circles around the wet, swollen flesh as his other hand tightened around your neck.
“All of this is mine,” Changkyun growled against your ear. “Your body, your pleasure, your cunt. I own this.”
He was always rough, always commanding and always made you feel like you were his, but this was different. Unlike his typical playful candor, he sounded serious. The passion and possessiveness was overwhelming, somehow equal parts terrifying and exhilarating and you didn’t even consider stopping. Instead, his consuming words rasped heavily into your ear were pushing you toward a toe-curling, full body orgasm you couldn’t stop even if you wanted to.
You felt so exposed like this, nothing to hold on to, so you reached back and dug your nails into his thighs as your pleasure mounted. 
“I can’t,” You near-sobbed, trying to tell him you couldn’t hold on anymore.”I’m-it’s too much.”
He knew, he could read your body like the back of his hand; your shallow breaths and clenching muscles, slurred words, all tell-tale signs that your end was near. 
“Don’t hold back,” He said through his teeth, “Give me what's mine. Come for me.”
You sucked in a lungful of air as your eyes slammed shut, body pulling taut, then released it all in a long moan, bowing into him, squirming in his arms as you pulsed around his cock and sank your nails deeper in his skin. As you rode the last wave, he released you, letting you fall forward onto the bed and grabbing onto your hips to pull you flush against his pelvic bone, spluttering moans against the back of your neck as he came deep inside you.
You couldn’t hold yourself up anymore, collapsing face first on the bed and wrapping your arms under your head, breathing hard and dripping sweat. Changkyun managed to hold himself over you, but rested his forehead between your shoulder blades and panted against your moist skin.
He finally pulled himself from you and fell heavy on the bed next to you, and you peered up from over your arm.
“Sorry,” He mumbled, eyes glassy as he stared up at the ceiling, trying to control his pounding heart.
“For what?” 
“I kind of got out of hand there,” He rolled his head toward you and forced an awkward laugh. 
“It’s okay,” You rolled over on your side facing him, cheeks tinged with pink. “I liked it.”
The humor eased from his features as he looked at you for a long moment. “Can I tell you something?”
“Of course.”
“I sort of lied earlier,”
“Oh?” You gave him a curious look, though you could guess what he was going to say.
“I may have actually been a little jealous. I was just trying to save face before.”
“I mean, the way you just fucked me made that abundantly clear.”
For the first time in all the times you had been with Changkyun, he blushed.
“I didn’t want to be petty about it, I don’t know what came over me.” He looked away. “It was fine when it was the three of us, it felt more like Jooheon was just an addition to something you and I already had. But when I saw just the two of you….” He trailed off with a sigh.
You couldn’t help but smile a little bit, it was nice to see him vulnerable for once. 
“How did it happen?” He asked suddenly, looking back at you with a sense of urgency, to your surprise.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean did you call him? Did he call you? I’m curious.” He said, trying to seem vaguely interested but you already knew it was more than that. You decided to humor him.
“I came over to talk to him. He had been acting distant, as you recall, and I wanted to know why.” You answered with a half shrug.
“Why was he distant?”
“Same reason you were. Feeling a little jealous and being too proud to just talk to me about it.” You smiled and he had a laugh at himself.
“This is going to sound weird, and probably selfish, but..” He faded out, waiting to continue. 
“But?” You encouraged.
“What does he have that I don’t? I mean, what does he do, that makes you want to be with him?”
You hadn’t expected that question, but it did seem natural now that he asked it. His ego was hurt, he was used to being the one who satisfied you, the one you came running to for your urges. 
“It’s...different with him. Not necessarily better, just different.” You tried to explain.
“Care to elaborate?” He asked, becoming visibly antsy to find out.
“I don’t know, he’s ...tender.” You struggled to find the words. “It’s not rough but it's passionate. And it’s not boring, but it's kind of soft and makes me feel precious.”
Changkyun’s face looked troubled as you spoke. “That makes sense.”
“Like I said, it’s not better. I like what you and I have, but sometimes I just want-”
“You want to feel loved.”
You blinked at him in surprise. The word love was troublesome to you. You had thought you were in love, once. It was foolish and naive and ended terribly, so you decided you would avoid those feelings if at all possible. But maybe he was right? Maybe you missed that feeling. But that didn’t mean you were in love, or that Jooheon-
“Jooheon is in love with you.” He spoke bluntly, cutting off your thoughts. Now your eyes widened even more and you spluttered out a laugh. “What? No…”
“He hasn’t told me or anything, but I can tell.”
You couldn’t believe that at all. Maybe he had a crush on you, but love?
“The problem is,” Changkyun reached out and pushed a stray piece of hair away from your eyes.
 “I think I might be, too.”
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Life Doesn’t Discriminate...
Pairing: Hyungwon x OC, Jooheon x sister!OC
Word Count: 1580
Genre: Angst
Warnings: Mentions of death, car accident, driving under the influence, hospitals, sad Jooheon, mad Jooheon, kinda numb Hyungwon, swearing, might be triggering?
Summary: Hyungwon is the love of her life and she couldn’t imagine her future without him. But then tragedy hits. Hard. Life doesn’t discriminate between the sinners and the saints, it takes and it takes and it takes, and we keep living anyway.
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01:27am September 16, 2022
The sound of something wet dripping on the concrete was deafening in her ears. She laid in the front seat of her car, blood draining down her face from somewhere in her hair and a piece of the car jammed into the side of her body. A cough left her mouth and she tried to move but the amount of pain that washed over her body forced a gasp to leave her mouth. Tears streamed down her cheeks and she looked around. Panic began to take over as she realized she was upside down. When did my car flip over? Everything was blurry but she could vaguely make out colored lights. Paramedics are here...good. She thought as she blinked again, her eyes not wanting to open again. Slowly darkness washed over as she calmed, but that could have been from the blood loss. Then, her body slumped over to the side as she lost consciousness, blood continuing to flow from her body.
Paramedics rushed over to the small white car and began attempting to gather information on the situation and figure out what to do. One paramedic knelt down on the drivers side of the car and looked inside, frowning when he saw the driver unconscious.
“I’ve got one victim, female, early to mid twenties,” he called out over his radio as he reached in to take some basic vitals. When he tried to find her pulse, he felt his chest tighten when he realized he couldn’t feel one. He then pushed himself further into the car and looked over her body. “She has a piece of her car door lodged in her side.” He updated the others and tried again to find her pulse. As he held his fingers against her neck, he knew she was gone. With the amount of damage the small car had taken, there was almost no way that the driver would have survived. 
“Hey, I’m here to help. What’s going on?” He heard one of his fellow paramedics say and he sighed as he pulled himself from the car. 
“She’s gone. I can’t find a pulse and based on the amount of blood she has lost and the piece of car door in her side, she’s not coming back,” he told her and sat up. “Go help the other car. I’ll get the firefighters to help me get her body out.” He continued and the other paramedic nodded before standing and walking away. This was the part of his job he hated, when the victim dies before he can help them.
06:46am September 16,2022
The sun was barely shining through the crack in the blinds when Jooheon heard his phone ringing. He pulled himself from his blankets and reached over for it, grabbing the phone and pulling it to his face. Sleep still heavy on his features, he blinked at the screen and became  confused when he saw his mom calling him.
“Mom? Good morning,” he greeted her and sat up in his bed.
“Jooheon, are you busy today?” He heard her ask and he was even more confused.
“I have a schedule today but it’s light so I should be done pretty early, why?” He asked.
“Tell your manager that you can’t go to schedule today and please come home,” she told him and it only made him more confused. He climbed out of his bed and left the room and the other two sleeping figures in peace. 
“Why can’t I go to schedule? Did something happen mom? I’m confused,” he rambled and ran his hand through his hair. 
“It’s Jinju sweetie,” she said and he heard the crack in her voice that told him she was crying. At the mention of his younger sister’s name, he froze just inside the kitchen area.
“What’s wrong with Jinju?” He asked and glanced up when he heard Hyungwon walk out into the kitchen, irritation on his face as he went to make himself coffee that quickly melted when Jooheon said her name.
“She was in a car accident early this morning on her way to your dorm to see Hyungwon,” his mother said and he swallowed.
“Is she okay?” He asked and Hyungwon looked over at him in concern. If something happened to Jinju, why wasn’t he told?
“No Jooheon, she isn’t. She died on scene as the paramedics got there,” she finally said and Jooheon felt his heart break in half and his free arm fell to his side. No, Jinju can’t be gone. I saw her only a few hours ago at Starship. 
“But are you sure? She- she was fine when she left Starship earlier,” he tried to reason with both himself and his mother. There was no way that Jinju could be dead. She had gone home, saying she had a busy day the next day and she needed sleep. Why was she coming over to see Hyungwon?
“Someone hit her. They were driving under the influence,” she told him and he let out a sob. “Please Jooheon, come home and be with your father and I and your little brother.” She said after a moment or two. 
“I’ll be there in a little while,” Jooheon said before he hung up and set his phone on the counter. Then sobs erupted from him and he had to hold the counter for support. Hyungwon rushed to his side and wrapped his arms around him. Something happened to Jinju.
“Hey, hey, hey, it’s okay. What happened? Is Jinju okay?” The older boy asked and Jooheon stared up at him, tears streaming down his face and his breathing ragged.
“She was in a car accident,” he told the other boy when he caught his breath. “And she died.” The second the word ‘died’ left Jooheon’s mouth, Hyungwon felt his heart grow heavy. He knew there was a reason she never made it to the dorm. She couldn’t sleep so she was coming over because she always slept better with Hyungwon there. He closed his eyes for a moment and took a breath.
“It’ll be okay Joohoney,” he told the younger member as he rubbed his back.
“How is it going to be okay? My little sister is dead because of some drunk driver! You should be more emotional about it! She was your girlfriend and you wanted to spend your life with her! Why aren’t you crying? What is wrong with you?” Jooheon screamed at him, his emotions making the decisions. Hyungwon knew that the other man wasn’t thinking clearly and he knew that someone needed to, even if it killed him to be that person.
“I do love Jinju, I wanted to marry her and have children with her. But that doesn’t mean that I need to fall apart right now,” he answered and Jooheon pushed him away. The younger member attempted to walk away but was stopped when Shownu and Kihyun walked out of the hallway.
“What’s going on?” Shownu asked and Hyungwon sighed.
“Jinju died,” he said calmly and the other two blinked before looking at Jooheon’s  tear stained face and red eyes.
“I’ll go tell manager you need to take a week or two off,” Shownu said as he turned around to go find his phone. Kihyun reached his hand out and placed it on Jooheon’s shoulder.
“Are you going home then?” He asked and Jooheon nodded.
“My mom wants me to go home,” he sighed and Kihyun nodded.
“What about you? Are you going to go with him or stay here?”
“Why the hell would he go with? He’s not family,” Jooheon snapped and Hyungwon sighed.
“Jooheon, I know you’re hurting, but you don’t have to be so rude,” Kihyun said to the younger man and crossed his arms.
“He obviously doesn’t care that she died,” he mumbled before turning to Hyungwon. “Did the last 4 years mean nothing to you? Because she loved you, you know? Like really loved you and I don’t know how because you don’t even care that she died,” he said.
“That’s enough Jooheon. Go and pack your bag,” Kihyun said and the rapper sighed before turning to him. He didn’t want to pack a bag because he didn’t want to see his sister dead. He didn’t want to face his family after he failed to protect her.
“Life doesn’t discriminate,” Hyungwon started. “Between the sinners and the saints. It just takes and it takes and it takes. But we keep living anyway.” He finished and Jooheon looked at him.
“That’s why life sucks. She never did anything wrong. She was a good student and she was good at her job. She stopped her car in traffic and let squirrels and rabbits cross the street. Why does God have to be so cruel? Why did he have to take her from us?” Jooheon’s emotions had made a full circle again and he felt the heaviness in his chest grow. His little sister was gone, never coming back. He would never hear her laugh or her sarcastic comments about his songs. He would never get to sit and talk to her for hours about anything and everything. 
“It’s not fair,” he said before he pushed past Kihyun and toward his room to pack. He was right, life isn’t fair. Life doesn’t care if a person lived a life of crime or helped everyone they met. Life just checks off another box on its list and moves on. 
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mynameisminhooooo · 4 years
They get to spend all of quarantine with their s/o (Monsta X)
Request : Hi!! Could you do an exo and/or Monsta x reaction to getting to spend all of quarantine with you?
Sorry I put in bullet points bc it's felt like it made more sense? Sorry if you didn't like that. I also included what y'all would do. Bc why not¿
Shownu :
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Omg this precious little bear was beyond excited to spend quarantine
Like as soon as his manager said plans were cancelled until further notice he ran out of the practice room
"Y/n I'm staying with you during quarantine..."
"Oh. Aight"
Your guy's quarantine consisted of laying in bed from the moment you woke up till 4 pm
As well as making a lot of food
And taking baths bc social distancing who?
Leads to other things 34% if the time, bc why not??
And of course singing together and him teaching you how to dance to all the songs
Cooking with this dude, where do I start
100% chance of making a mess
Would knock over bowls of side dishes while trying to grab a towel to wipe his hands
Just smiled at you when the food is all over the ground
Talking to the other members over the phone during dinner so it was like you guys were all eating together
Taking food to the other members and leaving it on the doorstep
One time they came outside before he was able to run back to the car and he was convinced he was contaminated
You had to spray him with Lysol to make him feel better
Him just being a whole lil bear the whole time
You guys would go on walks when you'd feel couped up too much
Y'all would be that extremely cute ass couple during quarantine
"I'm so glad I got to spend my quarantine with you" he'd say while kissing your forehead
"I love you y/n"
"I love me too, but your cool too"
"That's not funny" cue pout
Wonho :
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Would literally be so happy to spend time with you
Hasn't seen you in like 2 weeks because of his rigorous schedule
When he finally gets to you're guy's apartment he'd just drop all his stuff and run to you, wrapping you in the biggest hug
You guys would eat until you couldn't breath
Ordering take out everyday sometimes for all 3 meals
You guys would take an online art class because why not
Video chatting his family and ofc the members to make sure everyone was well and healthy
Calling his mom 3 times a day
Would be the person who stocks up on toilet paper
Disinfecting everything every morning
Singing karaoke every day after dinner
Doing workouts in the living room because you guys gained weight and he wanted to watch his gorgeous figure
You'd help him write lyrics
You guys would try to be productive and do fun things like read at least once every other day
He'd be so happy to spend time with you like omg
Would literally cry when he looked at you sometimes bc he just loves you that much
Your guy's favorite things to do was lay in bed in each other's arms
"I wish we could stay like this forever, I love you so much y/n"
"I love you too, but can you let me go I have to pee really bad"
Your guy's quarantine would honestly be so fun
Minhyuk :
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Would honestly act like he didn't want to spend time with you
"I guess I'm stuck with you"
"Your so lucky to have me, huh because I bought food"
Supports every small business and buys from all of them so they'd keep going
"I'll have 3 jars of kimchi, 2 bowls of kimchi jjigae, just give me half of everything"
"Minhyuk where are we gonna put all this the fridge is full"
Gives almost all the food to his family and the members
Buys like 2,264 board games
"Hey, you wanna play Monopoly I'll let you win"
Once again \(-_-)/
Fights about the dumbest thing
"I wanted to buy boardwalk!"
Throws your character off the board
Another person who stocks up, but he bought all the ramen
Your guy's quarantine would be so unproductive honestly
Like you guys just sit around playing board games
Listening to music all day everyday
Going for walks when the sun went down
If he sees an animal on the street he is bringing it home for "safety reasons"
"Look y/n this poor pigeon was left on the street"
Did I mention \(-_-)/
"Minhyuk... It's a pigeon"
Dancing throughout the house
He broke the TV while doing a twirl
Blames it on the pigeon, who you guys have name Piggy
Trying on each others clothes
But at the end of the day he'd be so happy he could spend his quarantine with you and Piggy
"I guess your ok to spend time with..."
Kihyun :
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He would be so happy to spend time with you
Would be the most precatious person
"Put on gloves y/n"
"I'm changing the channel..."
Would 10/10 spray down everything before you guys touch it
You guys baked a lot during quarantine
Burning almost everything
Would try to make jokes the whole time
They were not good...
He would try to teach you how to hit the highest notes
Him almost breaking the window
Singing together while reading
Would call every member every day to see how they were doing
You guys would try gardening together because you guys got bored
10/10 the type of dude to telling everyone to buy from small business
If he saw anyone in the street outside the window, he'd yell at them
"Get inside!"
"Do you want to die?!"
You guys would people watch
You guys tried everything possible to pass boredom
Yoga, Singing, Staring Contests
If you got sick would literally call an ambulance
"They want to know if you have a fever, are experiencing lethargy, or have a cough?"
"Kihyun I just have a stomach ache"
Would be so relieved when he just found out it was just gas
He would not let you leave the house
"I really care about you, I cant risk you getting sick"
"You do knows there is a 3% chance of death right"
"But I wouldn't be able to see you"
Wow, whatta man
Hyungwon :
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He honestly would be one of those ppl who didn't take it very very serious
"You wanna go to the park?"
"We can barely leave our house to get food?!"
"Ok, loser"
Was happy to spend time with you, but he wanted to actually do things with you like go to dinner
He just wanted to spend quality time with you
You guys would just lay in each other's arms everyday watching TV
Blinds closed letting no light in
The members would call you guys because after 3 days of nothing they were worried
"Oh we're fine, we've just been eating, sleeping and watching TV"
You guys would watch watch every variety show they have been on
You guys would try dying your hair by yourselves
"Wow y/n this blue is really nice"
"Blue it was supposed to be lilac"
Shopping online for everything, food, clothes, furniture
"Y/n we need a new couch I just bought one"
You guys got erasable markers and literally drew on the wall
But they did not come off...
He would be kind of sad that he couldn't take you anywhere
But being the cutie he is he'd find ways to do cute date ideas at home
Jooheon :
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"Guess what I'm coming home for quarantine!!!!"
Literally couldn't wait to hold you in his arms
Would cry when he came home, because he gets to spend time with you for who knows how long
You guys just hold each other and cry
Would follow you everywhere
If you went to get the mail he'd go with, if you needed to run to the store to get food, he's right by you
"Why is the door locked??? Y/n, you alive? Did corona get you???"
"Don't break the door down! I'm taking a bath"
"Ohhh, let me in!"
This little jerk picked the lock
You guys just sat in the tub for like 3 hours talking about what you should do during quarantine
Things you would do together during quarantine include sitting in the tub for 3 hours everyday
Calling his sister every day so he could talk to his cute niece
He would teach you all his rap parts from every song he could
You guys would send the members a goodie package every week with food and toiletries
Because he worried about them
You guys would take online dance class
Because why not???
Tango, Rumba, Foxtrot, Meringue
He would enjoy every minute with you
You're guys little vacation came to a halt when he fractured his fibula after falling down the stairs
He felt bad that you had to take care of him
But he was so grateful to have you by his side to help him
"Y/n you don't have to get up I can go to the kitchen to get a fork"
Could barely get off the couch
"Just please sit hear"
"So like you wanna bang?"
"No, I want you to get better"
After he got injured he just got so sad that he couldn't do anything with you really anymore
"I love you y/n"
"I love you too"
I.M :
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He already was used to seeing you basically everyday
The only difference was you guys got to stay home
You guys didn't even have to change your schedule
He was grateful that he was able to wake up to you every morning tho
"Good morning, cutie"
"Why are you so close??"
Would be so nice the entire quarantine
Need him to wash your hair, just yell for him
Need something off the top shelf
He got it covered
There would be days where you guys just laid in bed the whole day though
You had online school throughout this time
"Y/n hang out with me!¡!¡"
"I'm doing homework for my English class"
"But I'm cuter than English class"
*insert pouty face*
Would try to get in your pants every other hour
You'd let him because ofc
"No, not now Changkyunnie..."
"Yes, now... Pleaseeeeee"
All the members would worry about you because you guys were the youngest and they thought you wouldn't take this seriously
Y'all did though, you only left the house for food
"Y/n am I cute?"
"No, now go to sleep"
"But I love you and I miss you"
"I'm right next to you and it's 3 am"
Bro. Idk why but this drained me I'm gonna write the exo one different bc I literally ran out of ideas of what to do doing quarantine.
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wonhotan-wonyeondan · 7 years
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♡ Jooheon lockscreens every Tuesday [here]
♡ More Monsta X lockscreens [here]
♡ BTS and more [here]
♡ We’re on [hiatus] - this is a scheduled post [Jooheon 3 of 4]
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bangchanshehe · 4 years
The Trespasser pt.4
You were on top of the world with the new title of leader of your family’s clan. You were the strongest clan in all of the orient and you were proud. But your family feels that there are threats still lurking around making you a target. When they introduce you to a potential man for a business and marriage merger will it help your clan or make matters worse?
Word count: 3.7k
Wonho x Reader, Shownu x Reader, Jooheon x Reader
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The past few days had flown by and you did lots of menial and dumb tasks to make time go by. Everyone around the house questioned you when they noticed you cleaning the house up or doing lots of overtime, thinking that something was bothering you. But like the holed up and skeptical person you typically are in these types of situations you smiled and replied with a total lie.
The truth was that you were technically okay regardless of how the entire “proposed marriage deal” went, but you just felt still so insecure about how a baiter for a very powerful family would want to get into a marriage at such a young age. Sure, if it had to do with the family business and Marriage for profits it would make sense. But baiters are notoriously known for being completely cut of from their emotions, which is why they can lie and sleep around with people the way that they do. They take but never give anything in return and it made you question Hoseok’s authenticity.
And although you were not looking for an emotional, and legitimate marriage of love you did want for your legal husband real or fake, to be loyal to you and your business and have honest intentions. You could care less if Hoseok was the leader of his family’s clan or not, you just wanted the mutual benefits of being partnered with a Shin.
You went over everything that you wanted to ask Hoseok as you got ready for your meeting at Icon. It was 8:30 and you looked over your figure in the mirror and smiled to yourself. You looked damn good, suited up in a solid black fitted pant suit, and jacket… minus the shirt underneath allowing for your black lace bra to be the focal point of your outfit. You put on your fire engine red lipstick and matching red heels and then strut out of your bathroom.
You felt your phone vibrate and you looked down at the screen
Shownu: Just arrived
You smiled at the text from Shownu and your body instantly relaxed a little bit. You had planned to have him there for a little bit more security, but asked him to blend in with the crowd, so you could talk to Hoseok without any uncertainty on his end.  You grabbed your keys waved bye to the boys and then stepped out into the night air, ready for what was next to come.
  The drive was only 20 minutes from your secluded house and you pulled into the parking lot of Icon in what seemed like no time. You put the car into park, scanned the parking lot to see if you could recognize any vehicles or people walking around and then picked up your phone to text Shownu.
Me: just arrived, about to go ins-
You dropped your phone, when a sudden knocking on your window startled you. You let out a huff and looked over with a glare to whoever caused you to be scared and then relaxed a little when you recognized Hoseok hunched over, looking inside at you with a wide smile.
You picked up your phone, took out the keys and stepped out of your vehicle giving Hoseok only a polite head bow and smile.
“Sorry to scare you” Hoseok said rubbing the back of his head and giving you a smile  “I pulled in at the same time as you and figured it’d be easier to go in at the same time instead of having to look for one another inside.”
“ah, no worries “ you gave in. what he said did make a little sense from a logical standpoint “shall we?” you asked him pointing with your hand towards the building
“yes, please” he said with a megawatt smile  
You walked silently for a moment and as you got closer to the front doors Hoseok cleared his throat and leaned in closer to your ear.
“By the way… you look really good tonight.” He confessed
You turned your head to look at him and then scanned his outfit. He looked really good in black trousers and a black button down shirt tucked into his pants with the top few buttons undone. He knew what he was doing trying to draw attention to his chest and then you laughed to yourself. You were doing the same thing weren’t you? Marketing yourself. His hair was parted nicely and styled back, and his skin looked flawless.
You would typically respond with a polite response back, but Hoseok knew that he was good looking and it was no use using flattery on him.
“thank you” you responded with a small smile before turning back to the doors and entering the loud and busy club, bypassing the people waiting outside to get inside.
As you entered you felt the pulsing of the bass of the music vibrate through your body, and the lights strobe and dance across the club in a hypnotizing manner. The smell of alcohol, cigarettes and sweat clouded your nose and countless bodies, swayed on the dance floor. You lead Hoseok towards the back of the club where there were private booths and took a seat in a corner booth were there were few people and privacy curtains.
As you sat down Hoseok smiled and reached for the curtains, making sure to close them tightly as to block out as much of the music as possible.  You watched his arms as he worked on the fabric, unfashioning it and pulling it to a close.
“Do you want to order anything?” Hoseok asked you
You gave him a small smile and shook your head no.
“I don’t drink in public.” You answered his question
Hoseok raised his eyebrows and nodded his head “good, neither do I, unless its important for a job” he responded. “so… what questions do you have for me?” he asked right off the bat
“lot of things, as I’m sure you could imagine….” You stared off “ first… my parents mentioned that you had seen me many times when I was a child, but I never met you? Why is that?”
Hoseok raised a single eyebrow and contemplated for a moment on how to respond before he gave you a very simple one. “I had a very busy schedule as a child”
“look… I don’t mean to be rude. But if I am even going to consider a contractual marriage with you then I need to know a little bit more about you.” You spoke up and Hoseok shifted in his seat and looked down at the table before looking up at you with a stern expression. “I know that you were in some sort of accident and had an injured back, but why would you even bother coming to see me if you had to leave for such a said busy schedule”
“okay that’s fair” he replied with a deep sigh “when I was 12 I was in a drunk driving accident. The driver hit our car and it caused us to flip and the car caught on fire. I had to have 2 spinal surgeries, jaw reconstruction, titanium plates in my arms and a knee surgery.”
You looked at him with wide eyes as you processed what he told you. You could not even begin to imagine the amount of pain that he had to be in.
“It took a long time to heal and for a long time I was completely wheelchair bound, because my spine and body wasn’t strong enough to support me. I had lots of physical therapy, and because of my condition I wasn’t able to tolerate lots of moving around from place to place or sitting in one spot for long.” He continued
“I’m sorry that happened. That had to be very difficult to get through at such a young age.” You spoke up “but I’m still curious as to why you would still come to events involving me”
Hoseok’s serious demeanor suddenly dropped a little and he let out a small smile and chuckle “actually I’ve been told from a very young age that you would be my wife. Our parents have been planning our marriage for a long time.” He confessed
Your jaw dropped a little and you sat back in your seat remembering your mother call Hoseok her “Son-in-Law”. Had it been anyone else you would have not been so convinced so easily, but you didn’t doubt it for a moment after the whole spectacle your parents put you through at their house.
As soon as you let that idea settle in your mind you decided to ask Hoseok more questions that had been weighing on your mind.
“so is it still true that you have no intentions of pursing the leader position of your family clan?” you asked him
“it’s true. After my accident I had a lot of time to think about my future and what I wanted to do, and I decided that I was lucky enough to get a chance at life so I wanted to do something that would allow me to have a little more time to enjoy my life and the finer things.” He answered
“so then what does this marriage do for you?” you asked him
“well…” he said and then cleared his voice and adjusted his posture “since im physically unable to be the leader, the marriage allows for the clan to stay in control of the shin family. It essentially puts me in the most control without having the title or workload of leader if anything happens to my brother.”
“your brother Is in control now?” you asked and you received a nod in return “and what exactly is your position now?”
“I handle some business deals and negotiations with my brother behind closed doors, but on an everyday basis I usually just bait.” He confessed
“and it doesn’t bother you that you cant take the position?” you asked him
He gave you a smile, but you could tell that he was straining his jaw. You could imagine how difficult it would be to constantly struggle with your position and health. And then to top it off he had to be here with you because he had no other choice, if he wanted anything to do with maintaining the family’s control.  
“of course it bothers me… I’ve been trained since young how to run the business and now all I can do is sit back and watch other people do what I was supposed to do. And don’t get me wrong my brother makes a great leader, but the way he executes some deals really gets on my nerves.”
“that’s understandable” you agreed “since this would be a contractual marriage, how would you expect our family to benefit your business and vice versa?” you asked him
“money and business isn’t an issue, the only thing we are wanting to take from your family through the marriage is a healthier reputation, and if absolutely necessary allyship in times of warfare with other clans.” He answered sincerely
You nodded your head and concentrated on his request “then our needs are similar. This marriage in most needed in our case for reputation as well”
“good” Hoseok said softly
Hoseok gave you a polite smile and you returned one to him. Prior to the meeting you felt very uneasy about the possible outcomes of this meeting, but after talking with Hoseok you realized that they two of you were here for pretty similar reasons.  Hoseok’s clan has a reputation of having the weak son, and your clan was labeled weak because you were a woman. Which made both of you an easy target, but with each other as reinforcement you both become closer to indestructible.
“so lets talk more about you and I and not the business…” you started giving Hoseok a more relaxed impression. Hoseok looked you up and down and gave you a small smile before leaning into the table and crossing his arms Infront of himself “how long do you ideally want for this marriage to last?”
He thought the question over for a minute and then responded “honestly, the longer the better. And I think that stands for the both of us if I’m being honest”
You rolled your eyes slightly at his response  “I’m not saying that I’ve agreed to anything yet, but an indefinite contract marriage is a little… excessive” you said “how would you feel about starting off at 1 year to get comfortable and familiar with one another and the business and then if we still feel as if we can get along and be beneficial to one another we can extend and redraw the contract?”
Hoseok considered the proposal for a solid minute and you held your ground and you gave him a serious look as you maintained eye contact. Finally, he gave you a small smile and then broke his silence.
“do you find me to be unsatisfactory as a potential husband?” he asked you seriously
You laughed and shook your head before giving him a small smile “my request has nothing to do with you not meeting my standards, but everything to do with whether or not I find it to be a good business move.” You answered and Hoseok sat back in his seat a little “to be quite honest the only reason that I’m here is because my family requested it of me and I think I might potentially be extra security for the clan, not because I have any interest in getting married. In fact, I have never considered marriage or even a serious relationship to be in my near future.” you answered
Hoseok nodded in understanding “so you aren’t seeing anyone?” he asked
You were about to nod your head but you hesitated for a moment unaware of how to go about addressing your relationship with Shownu and Jooheon. It wasn’t like you were completely single because you did have somewhat of a relationship, even if you didn’t have titles for each other. You weren’t together but you also weren’t just friends. Friends with benefits?
“something you can’t put a label on?” he asked you
You gave him a small nod in response, and he smiled back at you
“if we do proceed with things is it going to be an issue with your friend?” he asked
“they already know about this arrangement and what it could possibly mean for the future…” you said without think twice about how much you just shared
“THEY?!” Hoseok asked with wide eyes and a shocked look on his face “like two people at once?” he asked you looked up at his with wide eyes at his reaction “do they know about you seeing more than one person?” he continued to ask
You scoffed a little pissed that he would insinuate that you were a cheater “of course they know about one another.” you answered “and yes… I didn’t plan it but it just happened to be this way”
“wow” was all he said as he looked you up and down “okay just a few more questions…and don’t get mad at me for what I’m about to ask” he commented making you curious as to what he could say to piss you off
“how realistic do you want this marriage to look to other people?” he asked you and you relaxed
“realistic enough that people won’t want to fuck with either one of us” you answered
“okay then what would the living arrangements look like?” he asked
You stopped for a moment caught off guard by his question, and quite unsure not having ever considered the question.
“do we have to live with each other?” you asked
“of course, if you want it to look real….” he replied “I live at home with my parents so its probably not ideal for the kind of lifestyle you want”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” you asked him
“well… you live on your own and you have… partners” he answered honestly
“if things proceed then I would be willing to open up a bedroom and office for you” you replied
“and would things be strictly business or would we be open to pursuing one another?” he asked and your eyes went wide at how brazen he was being
“just business!” you quickly replied “as I said earlier I have no intentions of being in a relationship. Anyways… being a baiter wont make things complicated for you after the contract begins right?” you asked him
“no… not at all” he said with a small smile “usually the baits take anywhere from 2 to 6 months and at most I would be gone for only a few months at a time but that is only for the tough and rare cases” he explained
“as long as you can insure that my home and clan won’t be in danger from your baits following you to my home then I am totally fine with whatever you need to do” you answered
“usually during the job I stay in an old apartment so that there aren’t any issues or slip ups.” He answered and then was silent for a few moments “okay well I think that you and I have some things to think about now… and decide if we want to seriously continue to the next step” Hoseok said with a smile
you nodded your head and gave him a polite smile. “you can stay if you like, but since we are done here I will go home.  and I will try to get back to you soon with more information” you politely bowed to him and then stepped out of the private booth.
“Wait!” Hoseok called after you
You hand just made eye contact with Shownu as Hoseok called you and you turned your head to address him
“I’ll be leaving too…. This isn’t really my scene” Hoseok said with a smile “let me walk you out!” Hoseok offered and you gave him a smile
As the two of you made your way across the club you noticed the vibe had shifted in the crowd of people. The music had gotten more seductive, the clients were drunk, and people were no longer just having a good time. Most were partnered off and grinding on strangers, giving them a look like they were ready to fuck on the floor if they could.
When you finally reached the front of the club you took a deep breath, enjoying the smell of clean air. You clutched your arms and looked up at the night sky to see the stars and moon hanging just above you, happy to just be out of the sex fueled building.
As you stepped as much as ten feet away from the front door you hear it open once more, and without even looking behind you could tell that it was Shownu. Hoseok however decided to look back and he scoffed before turning back around.
“is he one of your guys?” he asked calmly under his breath just loud enough for you to hear
You just barely peeked over your shoulder to confirm and then hummed as an answer.
Hoseok chuckled and then gave you a smile “I’m guessing that he’s one of the two that you mentioned?” he asked and you turned to give him a look of curiosity “he looks like he wants to bite my head off, so I figured that it was safe to assume”  he joked
Now you completely turned to look back at Shownu and chuckled at the look of disgust and unhappiness on his face. You were sure to get an earful when you got home about all of his opinions on what type of a person Hoseok is. You let out a soft sigh and then smiled down at the ground. This night could have taken many different turns, but you were relieved that things were at least starting off on a half decent track.
 When you had finally arrived in front of your car, Hoseok gave you a soft smile before pulling his phone out of his pocket and handing it over to you. You took the phone and looked up at him with wide, curious eyes. Did he want for you to save your number in his phone? You unlocked the phone and quickly added the number for a second phone.
Of course things were starting off well, but you weren’t dumb enough to give him your personal number. If he needed to contact you he could email or text your spare, unregistered phone.
You handed the phone back to him and he quickly tucked it back into his pant pocket.
“thanks for meeting me tonight, it allowed me to understand you and the contract a little bit more” he said politely
“yes, thank you as well. It was very important for me to have some clarity before I decided to move forward” you said as politically and general as possible, hyperaware that you had a nosy Shownu lingering over your shoulder.
Hoseok gave you a smile, looked you up and down once more and then turned to Shownu and gave him a cheeky grin, before yelling out a little too confidently
“Hey buddy, take care of her for me tonight”
He winked at Shownu and then moved on to find his own vehicle avoiding the death glares and cursing that was falling out of Shownu’s mouth like fire. You turned to give Shownu a secret glance before you quickly got into your car, avoiding having to have any kind of conversation with Shownu while he was this annoyed.
Shownu stared at you with a frown through the windshield for a moment before he resigned and finally got into his own car, ready to follow you home.
You let out the breath that you didn’t know that you were holding in and turned the volume to your music up slightly, because you had exactly about a 20 minute car ride until the second hard part of the night begun.
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rubylove-21 · 4 years
The whale takes you 🐳 - Lee Minhyuk smut
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[10:35 pm]
"hello everyone" minhyuk smiled at the camera happily as his fans came in 100s by 100s. Once he felt he had enough he began talking about his day and how he has schedules tomorrow.
You however, were in the bathroom getting ready. Fixing your makeup in place and tugging the new black lingerie onto your figure. This would surely get minhyuk back after the way he teased you earlier.
[7:16 pm]
"cheers" you all said as you clinked your glasses together. Monsta x were invited for a dinner by their managers because of the success of their most recent comeback, and minhyuk brought you, his girlfriend, as his date.
As the dinner started you were fixed in a conversation with shownu about his mother but you didn't fail to notice minhyuks eyes on you the whole time. Choosing to ignore them was your worst mistake as it would cause minhyuk to get jealous and that you mean you would be in trouble.
"yes, and how long did she know-w.... That she was there?" you ask shownu, stumbling on your words a bit as you felt minhyuks hand suddenly on your thigh. You continued the conversation with him for another minute until minhyuks hand moved higher.
"sorry hyung, can you pass the fish?" Kihyun asked shownu, giving you a moment to look at minhyuk, whose hand was slowly rising up your leg. He was engaged in a conversation with Hyungwon and jooheon about the mv shooting, but as his hand came closer to your center you didn't know what to think.
"now, where were we. Oh yes!!" shownu smiled causing you to snap out of concentrating on minhyuks hand. The conversation ended quick and you were grateful as you could eat and try to not focas on your boyfriends hand, which was now inches away from your underwear.
"So y/n, how long have you known minhyuk?" changkyun asks and you snap your head up to look at him. "um... 4 years. We met in LA" you say and keep eating quietly. Minhyuks hand eventually reaches your underwear and he pulls them to the side smoothly.
"yes, we met....." minhyuk continued like nothing was going on but his hand said otherwise. He swiftly entered one of his long fingers into you and you let out a gasp. Great. Everyone is looking at you. "sorry. I just remember it so well" you smile and they smile back. Minhyuk chuckles and continues the story.
His fingers pick up speed and soon you have your two elbows on the table, your hands subtly covering your mouth. Minhyuk looks at you when the story ends and smirks. He leans in and whispers into your ear "you talk to shownu too much. This is what happens when bad girls misbehave. Pay more attention to me from now on okay?" he says in a deep voice, the amount of jealousy is overflowing and you can feel the glare he gives you.
"minhyuk?" Hyungwon calls over. Your boyfriends face changes from a dark glare to a happy beam in 0.2 seconds as he turns to his friend, slipping his finger out of you. You were so getting him back for this.
[10:46 pm]
After you were happy you put on your silk black robe and walked to minhyuks room, knowing he was on live. You walk in and he is browsing his phone while reading fan comments and giggling. His white robe on, the delicate gold embroidered cuffs viable to fans. His whale plushies on the bed, his messy blonde hair and doe like brown eyes. The only thing he had on underneath was his black calvin kliens. A single gold chain hung from his neck. He looks over at you as you drop the robe you are wearing on the floor, causing his eyes to widen, but he plays it cool and says he spaced out for a second. Continuing to play some music for his fans in a cheerful atmosphere that was contradicting of the situation in his boxers. You knew it would only take one look at you to get him horny, he had a high sex drive after all. You get his attention again and put your finger to your lips, telling him to be quiet. You carefully got onto the bed without making fans notice and reached under his robe to palm him gently. He coughed and turned back to his fans, turning up the music in case a groan slipped out. You pulled his boxers down and threw them away, his hard dick being exposed to you.
Off camera he pointed at the tripod but you only laughed silently and slowly licked a stripe up his shaft. His head fell onto the pillow and he tried to play it off saying he was tired but it all changed when you took him into your warm mouth. He let out a cough to hide the groan and picked up one of his whales to show the camera as your bobbed your head on him. He put the plushie close to the camera so you couldn't see his face. Fans were typing "so cute" "AWE WHALE" "🐳" but behind the plushie minhyuks eyes rolled back and he bit his lip hard. He put down that plushie and picked up another repeating the process.
You had him at your mercy as you deep throated him many times causing his body to tense up. He sighs and explains that he is tired and that he needs rest and ends the live with many thank yous and kisses. Once he presses the end button and he is sure its over he throws his head back and looks down at you.
He opens his camera and begins recording you sucking him off as drool begins to dribble down your chin onto thigh. He keeps one hand on the phone and brings the other to the back of your head, tangling his fingers in your hair. He pressed you down further then you thought you could go and suprisingly you didn't gag. He let out a deep groan and you could feel the wetness grow in your underwear.
"shit y/n" he grunts and thrusts into your mouth hard. You feel your throat hurting and that's when you hear him let out a long groan and he spills into your mouth. You swallow it all and sit up, wiping your mouth. He lays there panting for a few moments before speaking. "fuck, you are a dirty girl" he says. You giggle and he grabs your by the hips and flips you around so you are on your back and he moves down to remove your underwear, decarding them onto the floor, kissing your inner thighs.
"my dirty girl"
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