#scent machine air freshener
coralaroma5 · 1 year
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Coral Aroma - Leading Scent Diffuser System in Dubai, UAE.
Visit: https://www.coralaroma.com/
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Now you can make your home smell just like your favorite 5-star hotel. Meet the perfect stand-alone diffuser, which harnesses the power of scent and fills your space with an even, beautiful, healthy fragrance.
Utilizing cold-air diffusion technology, the Scent Diffuser turns fragrance oil into a dry nano-mist. With this method, scent stays suspended in the air longer and has better coverage. Using no heat or water, the Scent Diffuser preserves the therapeutic properties of our fragrance oils without altering their smell.
Key Features:
- Scents up to 500 M3
- Pairs with 100ml oil bottle
- User can customize fragrance intensity
- Sleek, compact and portable
- Waterless, heatless technology
- No residue
- Safe for pets, children, artwork and furniture
- Dimensions: 103*238 mm
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johnypage95 · 2 months
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heyyy. Just had a thought about what would tan would be like on reader's birthday but they aren't together. So readeranf the twins are friends so what kind of stuff would they get her. Feel like tan would get something really meaningful and sweet that is something that he must really listen to what reader says in general to know. And when he gives her it he's reaally awkward and a blushing mess cyz he's worried she won't like it and he's saying stuff like'you can return it if u don't like it' 'its a stupid gift so u probably won't like it'. Love ur stuff recently :))
my baby hi!! sorry this has taken me longer to reply to than I usually would. been a little busy last couple days!! I got a little carried away and I couldn’t stop coming up with things😭💌
this guy is so thoughtful that no one can tell me otherwise!! he's a good listener, especially when you think he's not paying attention AND he's got cash to flunk which helps aid his gift-giving abilities so so so...
he's a bit of a snooper, so if he sees a tab open on your laptop or computer and it's a shopping website, he'd quickly click on it and take a picture so that he can remember what it is. maybe he deletes the items from your cart so you can't buy them for yourself
if you and the twins are shopping, and tan sees you eye up something, he'd make a note to pick it up (he's come back in a few hours or next day)
it depends on what things you like - ie flashy designer gifts or gifts for things you need/ can't buy. but he doesn't want to disappoint you so he'd get you something within that category (in that safe sweet spot)
maybe he mistakes things, so if he thinks you like a certain candle scent, he'd get it for you in air freshener form, not knowing that you know there's a difference in the smells (hence why you've never bought it for yourself) so he thinks he's being sweet (he is) but you don't really like the smell, but he's so thoughtful that you say you love the scent name (that makes sense right?)
he goes overboard and definitely puts lem's gifts to shame (even though he got you perfect gifts (I feel like lem just knows what you want and like, and the presents have funny inside jokes))
he tries hard to find the balance between a friendly and romantic gift - not wanting to overstep that line 
maybe your washing machine broke? so he buys you a new one, but a model better than your one before. maybe you mention how your floor seems empty? so he buys you a rug to match your space (would probs ask lem for advice) maybe you mention how you're running low on a lip gloss you like? but he doesn't know the shade name, so he gets you all the shades in that brand/ line so you can pick and choose when you want (it's your go-to one and you have it out often, hence why he knows the brand - he can read the logo) clear, pinks, purples, reds, browns, oranges - he'd get them all 
maybe you mention how you want to liven up your bedroom to match the season? so he buys you new bedding with colours to match your room (again, he asks lem to help) maybe you had your eye on a pair of shoes or boots but they're way out of your price range? guess what? he's had them boxed up and in his wardrobe the whole time (ready to give you on your bday) maybe there's a foreign snack you like but it's near impossible to find? so you bet when he's away for work he hunts around the shops to see if he can find any. ALSO!!!!! if he can, he'd buy loads, like I mean loads and pay to mail them back home so he can give it to you for your bday (dying)
and when it comes to actually giving them to you, he's all nervy and anxious bc he doesn't want you to hate them, so he puts it out there that he's uncertain about what he got you (even though he knows he did a good job) ALSO he really really values your opinion!!! so he says things like "I got the receipt at home if you don't like it" "that one's stupid. I thought it was alright in the shop, but I dunno" "you're hard to buy for (lie) I'll get you better stuff at christmas (or whatever it is you do or don't celebrate)" “I won’t be offended if you swap it” (or return/ refund)
and the reason you have a slight scowl is not bc of the gifts, but bc of what he's saying. like they're PERFECT gifts and he's saying that they're not 
so you're like "how did you even know I wanted that?" and he says how he has his sources yadayada
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he's such a cutie pie <3
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thescarlettbitch · 3 months
Modern witch tips ✨️
Vehicle edition!
I know it's hard to connect with nature when you're in urban/densely populated areas, or in a big man made machine, but here are some tips that have helped me.
But first, please, please, please if you are feminine/fem presenting, know the dangers of having your car too feminine looking!
Your car is an extension of yourself! Keep it clean, to the best of your abilities. Go through a car wash and imagine it washing away the negativity as well.
Protective stones/spell bottles/sigils. If you're in the broom closet or are worried about the people who frequent your car being weirded out, stick them in the glove compartment, the console, the little door compartments. Use things meant to protect travelers, or just generic protection things.
Air fresheners can be witchy! You can find a hundred shops on Etsy or TikTok that make special air fresheners (for star signs, deities, fictional characters, manifestation, etc), and you can charge them with certain intent or whatever, or make your own!
Playlists that embody the feeling you want for the day. Have a bad bitch Playlist to manifest confidence and play it on your drive. Make a deity playlist and play that to feel them with you as you drive.
Roll down those windows (if safe)! Let the fresh wind wash away your negativity and breathe in the scent of the earth (if it's safe!)
Take backroads, stay off main drags, take in the natural surroundings. (Again, if safe) don't be afraid to use a GPS so you don't get lost
Park your car in a park, if possible, as often as you can. Visit parks, they can help you reconnect.
Go for a litter drive, as I call it, don protective clothing (like gloves) and pick up bits of litter you find SAFELY and dispose of it correctly.
Key chains made with protective crystals, rear view mirror hanging witches ladder, Decals with sigils, stickers on the dash, etc. (Remember, it can be dangerous to have your car be clearly owned by a woman, so be careful, I personally take my overly fem seeming decorations down when I am parking in urban areas.
Lock your mirrors! Make sure no bad energy can get trapped in there and that nothing can come out.
And I think that's all I got! Feel free to drop more. Stay safe, drive safe, be witchy, blessed be <3
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loungeact-143 · 1 month
Let Me Help You(Part 2)
Description: Y/n had been depressed and didn't clean her room for a while, She kept it from chan. Chan found out about Y/n's state of her depression, and helped Y/n clean her room.
Part 1
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"What's wrong, baby? Come on, let's go to your room, yeah?
Y/n's brain froze at his words, that's what she was trying to hide for so long. She realized that Chan wasn't going to leave, and she couldn't just push him out, physically speaking. There was no point of trying to be vague with him anymore. Y/n meekly nodded and walked to her room. Chan held her hand as they went to her bedroom. He noticed her body odor but didn't say anything, he was just happy that he got to see his girlfriend.
Y/n just opened the door, wanting to get it over with. Chan's mouth opened at the sight of her room, he held Y/n's hand tighter, his heart breaking that she was living like this for so long. Tears threatened to fall down his face, Y/n was still looking down. "Y/n *sniffles* baby...why didn't you tell me that you were living like this?" Chan's lips quivered.
"I-I was afraid that you would judge me, I'm sorry." tears fell down her face. She hugged Chan, Chan held the back of her head.
"No, baby...I want you to be okay. I would never judge you for something like this."
"It's gotten so bad, Chan *sniffles*"
"Let me help you, baby. Go take a shower and I'll go get some trash bags."
He kissed her forehead and rubbed the back of her head. Y/n nodded and wiped her tears. She went to go turn on the shower, feeling the water temperature. Chan handed her a new change of comfy clothes, he then went to the kitchen to get some trash bags, tears starting to fall down his face. Thinking about how tired and lost Y/n looked.
This was the first time in a few weeks that Y/n took a shower, it felt refreshing to wash off the guilt and shame. She continued wiping her tears as she cleaned herself with coconut scented body wash.
15 minutes later....
Y/n dried herself off and put her clothes on. She had on pink fuzzy shorts and a old t-shirt with a cute print on it. She brushed all the built up knots and kinks out her hair, finally being able to run her fingers through her hair. She walked out the bathroom and looked for Chan. Chan smiled as she saw Y/n in a much healthier looking state, she had light in her eyes again. He walked towards Y/n and gave her a hug and a kiss on the lips, Y/n's ears turning red from the interaction. He smiled at Y/n and gave her a trash bag. "Let's get started" Chan said, his gaze softening at Y/n's blushed face.
They walked to her room, they started picking up the empty cup bottles, ones that she had, and ones from fast food places. All of the smelly drinks were poured down the drain, they put Y/n's empty cups in the dishwasher. They then worked on separating Y/n's clean and dirty clothes, which took 30 minutes, Chan was there the entire way. Y/n put her dirty clothes, bed sheets, and bath towels in the washer machine. It then came time to clean the surfaces of her room. Chan grabbed some bleach wipes and handed some to Y/n. They wiped her nightstands, her dresser, and the surfaces in her bathroom. They placed all of her decorations and accessories back where they belonged, Y/n's personality was starting to show in her room again. They finished the last final touches, like mopping the floors, cleaning the mirrors, windows and putting air freshener clips in her room, getting rid of the smell of expired drinks.
Hours later
It was about 2:00 am and Chan had put Y/n's now clean dishes in the cupboards. He then took Y/n's stuff out the dryer. They placed her light blue bedsheets back on her bed, then they placed her towels in her bathroom, and they spent time hanging her clothes up in her closet. Y/n sat on her bed and wiped the sweat off her forehead, Chan sat down behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, his head resting on her shoulder.
"I can actually sleep on my bed now" Y/n chuckled
Chan laughed at her words, he looked around Y/n's room. Comparing it now, to how it looked when he first came in a few hours ago. It was night and day. "Thank you....for helping me *sniffles*"
Chan noticed Y/n's tone and walked to kneel in front of Y/n, grabbing her face, making her look at him.
"You don't have to thank me, baby. I'm your boyfriend, I'm supposed to help you. Can you promise me something though?" Y/n nodded. "If you're feeling depressed like that again, please don't shut me out. I knew something wasn't right with you, that's why I came over your place unannounced. I love you and I want to know what you're feeling"
Y/n saw the tears in Chan's eyes and her heart broke, feeling guilty that she was the reason for his tears.
"Okay Chan, I won't hide from you anymore, I'm sorry."
"You don't have to apologize baby, I love you."
"I love you too, Channie."
An: Y’all omg I love how this story came out. It’s definitely top 3 of my favorites so far. 🤧🫶🏽
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I think It's canon that transformation can smell scents. At least in the bayverse. I mean, they can have car scent air fresheners or sprays that they can use 🤔 so can I get which scents are the favorites of bee, Optimus, hotrod, hound, and wreckers in general? It doesn't have to be just car scents. It can be things in nature that they enjoy the scent of. Like a flower or the beach or a freshwater lake.
So I did what air fresheners they would have. I will put the link here.
But I will do what smells they like other than air fresheners.
He enjoys the smell of workshops, fresh oil, and antifreeze.
He also likes the smell of popcorn, from every time he went to a drive-in theater.
He liked the smell of cleaning products. The NEST base was always kept clean and sterile and he enjoyed the clean smell of it.
He also enjoys the musty smell of old human books. And the smell of summer.
Hot Rod:
He loves the smell of the ocean, the saltiness. Being surrounded by it while living in England he has gotten so used to it.
He also likes the smell of fresh flowers from Burton's garden, and the tea/coffee Vivian likes to drink on the way to work.
He loves the smell of gunpowder and explosive putty. He likes the smell of smoke, whether it comes from campfires, cigars, or from his overused machine gun.
Though he has a soft spot for Vanilla scents. And lemon, since they are such a contrast to his usual scents. He finds them very pleasant.
The Wreckers:
They love the smell of oil and grease. They also like the smell of burning metal as they weld things together. They like the smell of jet fuel.
They also quite like the smell of freshly cut grass. While building their ship out, they were surrounded by fields that would regularly get cut and they came to enjoy the smell.
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Part 2 of vamps at the grocery store!
-The one pushing the cart.
-Complains when someone is taking too long looking at items.
-Will snap at rude people who don't get out of the way.
-Stops the others from causing too much mayhem.
-Threatens to put Zephon in the cart if he doesn't quiet down
-Always asked to get things from the top shelf
-Loads the cart with cereal instead of actual food
-Practically takes up the whole aisle with the cart on accident
-Gets to hold the coupons
-The only one in the household that prefers orange juice over apple juice, he can be very upset when the others don't get him some.
-Complains about the amount of plastic used as packaging
-Only buys fresh herbs, he'll dry them at home if they need to be dry
-Gets several water flavorings
-Gazes longingly at the frozen pies, disappointed when Kain says no
-If allowed to push a cart, he will ride it down an aisle and almost hit someone.
-Puts things in the cart just to anger Kain.
-He's not allowed to push the cart.
-Buys brown sugar just to eat it out of the bag
-Always asks for duct tape, his only response is laughter when asked why
-He wants to make sure any medicine he buys doesn't have the seal broken, but he struggles with the child safety caps.
-Wears earbuds to drown out the others
-Wastes money at the claw machines
-Somehow gets lost and ends up in the scented stuff aisle (candles, air fresheners, etc)
-Cools an aisle by opening a freezer door and staring blankly at the products within
-He knows it's basically a waste of money, but he likes looking at the designs on paper plates.
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mindfulbrat · 4 months
What sounds or scents calm you down? (From the 50 questions post)
Ooooo ok so I’m very sound and scent oriented & could just list smells and sounds I like forever but I’m going to try to keep this to just the really comforting stuff.
petrichor (basic I know)
orange blossoms
sulfur (there’s a lot of sulfur in the water where I’m from so you can just kinda smell it ambiently sometimes)
the smell that lingers in bars and clubs that employ the heavy use of fog machines
that train smell. like the metallic electric ambient heat smell that wafts through train stations and roller coaster loading areas
The way Club Cool used to smell at EPCOT when it was in that igloo
Any smell that becomes strongly associated with a close friend or family member or loved one; eg: a specific laundry detergent, bath soap, perfume, cologne, deodorant; if their car has a specific scent—whether that’s just “hot car” or an air freshener they keep in the car; even some body odors. I’m in my 30s and still think of my childhood bestie from elementary school every time I smell whatever laundry product his mom used to use.
Cigarettes but only outside and only as they’re burning. Cannot stand the way they smell indoors and never aquired a taste for the residual smell they leave on your fingers and clothes despite having been a social smoker for a several years in my 20s
mourning doves
Heavy rain
Distant fireworks
Distant engine and tire sounds from street racers
Muffled and bass boosted reggaetón coming from a modded car stereo. Bonus points if they’re driving past you and you get Doppler effect reggaetón.
living room conversation / kitchen noises that just barely reach your room while you’re resting (this one only works if you actually like the people in the kitchen/having the conversation lmao)
My friends’ voices (see previous bullet point)
Pet sounds (like the actual sounds animals that live with us make. I don’t care about The Beach Boys)
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
Journey to the Past Ch 9
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Bryan Kneef x reader Warnings: language, dirty talk, smut, daddy kink, the usual ya know?
You awoke in the morning to a warm glow of sun streaming across your naked back, just enough to keep you warm, not enough to actually bother you. You let out a quiet hum, rolling onto your back and stretching out your limbs, your entire body ached in the best way possible, littered with marks and bruises. The soreness between your legs was one of pure pleasure, Bryan proved his stamina after getting you to the bedroom, the two of you fucking another two times before you were finally completely worn out, falling into a blissful sleep. You stretched your arms above your body, arching your back as your legs shifted under the sheet, letting out a small groan before you relaxed into the plush bed. You had to admit, Bryan’s bed was definitely more comfortable than yours, though there was the added bonus of another human in it and as long as it was someone you liked, that was always a good thing.
Your head rolled to the side, taking in Bryan’s sleeping form, relaxed, looking younger with the tension vanished from his face, the frustration lines smoothed. Light was hitting the little flecks of grey in his beard and hair, the salt and pepper sparkling in the morning air. You let out a happy little hum, tempted to trace his face with your finger tips but not wanting to wake him up. Instead, you leant over him pressing a kiss to his temple and rolled out of the bed, crossing over to the bedroom. Freshening up in the bathroom you did a bit of snooping, finding a drawer of toothbrushes still in their packages, along with some travel sized deodorants and you thanked whatever reason Bry had them. You snagged one of his dress shirts from the hamper, slipping into it and doing up as many buttons as you needed before wandering back through the apartment.
The kitchen and living room were full of warm sunshine, plates, forks and wine glasses in the sink from the night before, but all the take away was neatly tucked into the fridge, the space clear and tidy. You checked the coffee machine, pressing the button for it to start brewing before you perused through the fridge and pantry, trying to figure out something not too complicated to make for breakfast. You found some diced frozen hashbrowns in the freezer, eggs, bacon, some bell peppers and cheese in the fridge and figured you could make that work. You started by tossing the hashbrowns and bacon into a pan, chopping up the peppers and shredding some cheese as things started to sizzle.
Bryan wasn’t sure if it was the smell of coffee, the smell of food, or the sounds of someone else in his apartment that was the first to wake him up. He groaned softly, rolling over in the bed before his face burrowed into the pillow you’d been sleeping on and your scent invigorated his senses. He couldn’t help the grin that broke onto his face, happy knowing that you hadn’t managed to disappear before he’d woken up. He stretched out his body, cracking his neck before he moved through the room, freshening up before he grabbed a pair of pyjama pants and meandered out through the apartment.
He rounded the corner to the kitchen and his breath nearly caught in his throat at the sight of you at his stove, cooking breakfast and in his shirt, nonetheless. The colour of it complimented your skin perfectly, sleeves rolled up, the hem of it barely covering your ass as you moved between a couple of pans on the stove. He crossed through the room, wrapping a sturdy arm around your waist as his lips met your neck and you nearly jumped at the contact, letting out a soft giggle.
“Morning.” You greeted and he chuckled, nipping at the sensitive skin of your neck, right over one of the marks he’d made the night before.
“Turn off the burner.” He murmured, his hands starting to ghost up your body, undoing buttons as they went for access to your tits.
“I’m trying to cook breakfast” You laughed back and his hands came to wrap around your wrists.
“It can wait.” He kissed your skin again, his hands reaching around to turn off the stove before undoing the final button, hands grazing across your skin and you let out a moan as he cupped your chest. His fingers pinched at your nipples and you gasped, your head falling back onto his shoulder as you relaxed into him. “That’s what I thought.”
With one swift movement he turned you in his arms and spun you, lifting you up and sitting you on the edge of the kitchen island, the borrowed shirt hanging off your frame behind you. Bryan pulled your hips right to the edge while he kissed you, tongue sweeping into your mouth and your fingers mussed up his hair, nails scratching at his scalp and he groaned into the kiss. His lips trailed down your neck, teeth scraping against any and all of the marks he’d made the previous night before he licked across your collarbone and sunk lower. His lips wrapped around one nipple, sucking it while his tongue danced patterns across it for his fingers to mimic on the other one until they were both hard and he switched sides.
You thought you were worn out from the night prior, thought you had gotten your fill but clearly you weren’t, your chest already heaving as your cunt pulsed with need. You could feel the wetness between your legs already and Bryan hadn’t even touched you there yet. You let out a whine, tugging at the roots of his hair and you felt him smirk against your skin.
“Patience princess.” He murmured and you huffed, scratching at his hair with one hand while the other braced against the island, arching your body into him.
One of Bryan’s hands gripped your waist as his mouth left wet trails across your skin until he was lower and lower, right where you wanted. He blew a stream of cool air onto your clit and you shuddered, the hand on the island clenching it tighter. Bryan’s tongue darted out, lapping through you, pulling your juices into his mouth and sucking around your clit, tongue tracing patterns across it.
“Fuck….” You moaned heavily, the hand in his hair urging him closer and he chuckled again.
His mouth returned to your cunt, sucking in one of your lips then both, tongue sliding between them, and around them, exploring every inch of you that he could, memorizing you with his lips. He could feel your wetness smearing around his face and he could never get enough of you. His hands rested on your thighs, spreading you open wide for him, tongue lapping through you and flicking at your clit. He could feel your body trembling against him already, your little moans and whimpers that were music to his ears getting louder and longer with each stroke of his tongue. His mouth shifted up, sucking your clit into his mouth and you gasped, the sensitive nub pulsing, hard and needy.
“Oh god Bry. Don’t fucking stop.”
One of his hands disappeared from your thigh, sliding between your legs and two fingers easily slipped into your dripping pussy. You let out a groan, cunt fluttering around them before he’d even started moving them. You weren’t entirely sure if you’d ever be able to get enough of this man, he could drive you absolutely wild with just a single touch, and his mouth certainly was something else. He thrusted his fingers in and out, twirling them and curling them, quickly finding the sensitive spot within you and you moaned, your head falling back while your eyes scrunched shut.
“Fuck!” You yelped, “right there!”
Bryan sucked harder around your clit, flicking it faster with the tip of his tongue and you cried out, thighs shaking around him. His fingers pressed harder, rubbing at your g-spot as your walls started to clench around him, the sounds of your wetness squelching from your pussy while your fingers clenched into his hair, pulling him even tighter to you. Bryan let out a groan, the vibrations pulling a gasp from you and you shuddered, thighs trying to close around him.
“Oh fuuuuck!” Your body tensed as your orgasm shook through you, gasps and whimpers leaving your lips and Bryan felt his cock throbbing in his pants, your noises enough to get him rock hard. He didn’t stop there, lips leaving your pulsing clit to lap at your pussy until your body relaxed and you were panting above him. The hand you’d had clutching into his hair moved to his shoulder, puling him from you.
“Much better than breakfast.” He murmured, chasing your lips for a kiss and you let out a breathless laugh.
“I’ll say.”
One of your arms wrapped around his shoulders, pulling him to you while the other slipped between your bodies, palming at him through the thin fabric of his pants. Bryan let out a groan into the kiss and you felt him shift, an arm reaching somewhere behind you and you heard the telltale sound of a condom package ripping. He shifted you right to the edge of the island, free hand pulling his cock out of his pants before sliding on the condom and lining himself up with your still dripping pussy.  
“Fuck.” You groaned as he stretched you out, a strong arm winding around your hips, holding you on the island and close to him as he started to pump into you. The other wound around your back as your arms looped behind his shoulders.
“So tight.” He panted, “such a nice cunt.”
You let out a cry as his cock dragged over your g-spot and your legs wound around his waist while he continued to thrust into you, each one seemed to be deeper than the last, harder and further into your wet pussy. Your hands began to claw at his skin, nails digging in as his lips found yours for a bruising kiss that was all teeth and tongue, Bryan claiming his dominance over you.
“So.. good..” You whimpered.
“Yeah?” Bryan huffed, setting a languid pace, savouring every second of being swallowed by your warmth. “Like being stuffed with daddy’s cock?”
“Mmm..” you managed to nod, your face burying in the crook of his neck, your breath hot on his skin.
“This is daddy’s pretty little pussy.” He grunted, thrusting deep into you, his fingers pinching at your clit and you gasped, “understood?” You whined into his neck and he pinched you again, “who does this pussy belong to?”
“You!” you gasped, “oh god, you daddy!”
You could feel the heat building in the pit of your stomach, each drag of Bryan’s cock one that was making your pussy flutter, each thrust one of complete pleasure as you clung to him. Your moans became more frequent, each one right into Bryan’s ear, causing his dick to twitch and pulse inside of you, both of you incredible close to your peaks.
“That’s it kitten.” He grunted, a hand grabbing at your ass to pull you closer to him, “take it so fucking well.” His words became staggered, separated by groans and pants, his chest heaving as pleasure surged through him. Your moans turned into whines as your grip around Bryan tightened, your body quaking in his arms. You felt the coil snap, letting out a cry as you came and Bryan wasn’t far behind you, a guttural moan escaping his lips as he spilled into the condom.
You stayed clutched together, bodies slick with sweat, shivering against each other as you came down from your highs, Bryan slowly softening inside you. You pressed a kiss to his neck and he let out a little shudder before slipping out of you, squeezing you softly, shifting you back further on the island so you wouldn’t topple off while he tossed out the condom. You pulled the shirt back around you, now shivering in the cool morning air of his apartment. He returned to you only a second later, his hands gliding up your bare thighs before wrapping around you and pulling you to him for a kiss that you couldn’t help but smile into.
“Have you worked up your appetite yet?” You asked with a grin and he chuckled.
“I’m not gonna say no to breakfast.”
“Perfect.” You hopped off the counter, “cause I’ve got about enough time for that and a quick shower.”
“Oh c’mon.” He pulled you back to him, “I thought you didn’t have to go in today?”
“I’ve got a deposition.” You half sighed half laughed, moving back to the stove and turning the burners back on.
“Well I guess I made well use of our time then.” Bryan smirked, coming up behind you and wrapping around you once again, kissing at your neck.
“I’d say so.” You chuckled, turning your head to look at him, “you always keep condoms in the kitchen, or was that planned?” He barked out a laugh, swatting at your ass.
“I gotta christen the whole place, don’t I? Can’t skip a room.”
“Mmm…” you smiled, stealing a kiss before you returned your attention to breakfast, “well we’ve ticked four off the list so far. You gonna bend me over the desk in your home office next?”
“You’d like that wouldn’t you?” He pinched at your ass, “my dirty little girl.”
“Okay, okay, calm down.” You laughed, flicking off the burner, “I already told you I don’t have enough time, and breakfast is ready.” You nudged at his chest with the tip of your finger and he raised his hands in defense, backing away to grab plates and cutlery.
“You drive a hard bargain.”
“Shut up and eat your food and maybe I’ll let you face fuck me next time.” You shot him a wink, watching the way his eyes widened before you sauntered into the dining room, knowing his eyes were on your ass peeking out from under his shirt.
@newyorker14 @detective-giggles @plaidbooks @thatesqcrush @witches-unruly-heart @beccabarba @bisexual-dreamer02 @amelia-song-pond @madamsnape921 @whimsicallymad @mrsrafaelbarba @mysticfalls01 @ssaic-jareau @caracalwithchips @barbasbodaciousbeard @alwaysachorusgirll @beardedbarba @michael-rooker @rafivadafreddy @lustvolle-liebe @anlin2058 @fandom-princess-forevermore @tinyboxxtink @alexusonfire @xovalliegirlxo @nobody-important1212 @somethingimaginative17 @momlifebehard @misscharlielulu
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heavyeditsnz · 2 years
m/aidloid sickfic real
i love a/cme i/ku a lot so i wrote a fic abt her :> pls read :3
tags: female snz, illness, stuck sneezes & inducing, master/maid (implied) CWs: some mess word count: 3k
The blaring alarm clock cut through her sleep and pounded in her head. 
Sweat-slicked hair clung to the maid’s face as she staggered out of bed, a disoriented groan escaping as she stumbled to her feet. The room began to sway as she righted herself, and she clutched the edge of her desk to stay upright. 
“Uuuuh…” Iku groaned softly as she swayed where she stood, one hand pressed against her temple as it throbbed with every shrill beep from the alarm clock and the other hand slamming down on the offending machine. It was only 8 or so in the morning, and here was one Iku Acme, devoted maid to her one and only… barely able to stand. Or breathe through her nose.
Though eventually the room stopped swimming, and the dizzy maid staggered over to her bedroom mirror with a shaky groan. Her head felt heavy and full; her throat raw and itchy. God, she never woke up feeling this bad… She shivered as she looked at herself, clad in only her pajamas (that were now drenched in sweat). Glassy green eyes stared back at her reflection, her face pale and flushed with fever, the rims of her nostrils tinted a faint pink…
“It w-wasn’t this cold l-last night…” Iku muttered to herself as she still went about setting out her uniform to change into. Master would be up soon, and she couldn’t just ditch work just because of a little illness! Besides, maybe a shower would help her feel better.
The bathroom was much warmer than her bedroom, thank God, though the shivering only increased as Iku stripped out of her pajamas and underwear. Beads of sweat began to dot her bust and shoulders despite her continued shivering, and she reached for the hot water knob to turn on the shower.
The warm steam filling the air eased her shivering, and she stepped into its warm rain to freshen up for the day. Though it wasn’t long before her energy had begun to run out; Iku slumped against the shower wall, her cheek resting on the cold porcelain tiling. Jeez, just showering shouldn’t be this exhausting…
Eventually she managed to push herself away from the wall and go about washing her hair. Her head still ached even as she rubbed the shampoo in, the shower steam making her nose run…
She sniffled, but it did nothing to stem the moisture threatening to leak out of Iku’s nose. 
Rinsing out the suds in her hair left her dizzy, and the lingering scent of the shampoo was already starting to bother her. Iku scrunched her nose and sniffled again, maybe if she focused on breathing in the steam then she wouldn’t make herself dizzy again…
So the maid did just that, inhaling through her nose as deeply as she comfortably could while she washed her body. The warm steam helped in loosening up the congestion threatening to block her nose, with the cost of making it run even more. She periodically sniffled and wiped at her pink-tinted nose; the congestion had loosened up for a brief moment, but the shampoo’s scent quickly flooded her nose.
It twitched and scrunched as an itch began to spark, and Iku’s breathing began to hitch before she was even aware of it. 
“Ha’h—...” Her lips parted; the maid’s sudsy hands moving up to cover the oncoming explosion. Iku’s eyelids flickered, then squeezed shut as she finally pitched forward. “Ha’hhISSHEW!” She sneezed into her soapy hands, pulling away to find suds on her cheeks and and snot on her fingers, not to mention she was congested all over again. With a groan and a tired sniffle she rinsed her hands under the running shower, and washed her face before turning off the shower and stepping out of it. 
Her foot hitting the cold tiled floor sent a shiver up the ill maid’s spine, and Iku gritted her teeth as she quickly hopped onto a shower mat. Though that brief bit of exposure already had her shivering again as she reached for a towel to wrap around her body, followed by a second one to wrap her damp hair in. 
Cold, so cold… Iku sniffled again as she stepped out of the bathroom and into her bedroom to dry her hair and get dressed; a thicker, heavier sniffle that did next to nothing in keeping her nose from running. She reluctantly let go of her towel to dry herself off, sniffling as she stepped into a clean pair of panties and clipped on a bra. Put on her stockings, step into her skirt, pull on her sleeves and button her blouse, don’t forget to pin on your name tag…
Her nose twitched, her nostrils flaring and her eyes watering... 
“hI’h-... Ha’h-...” She needed to… 
Iku’s brow furrowed in a mix of desperation and annoyance; why now of all times… The sick maid reeled back as her hitching grew more desperate; her hands feeling for something, anything to cover with. Tissues too far away, using your hands would be gross… “hIh-...hh’- hA’h—!” The itch in the back of her nose slowly blossomed into something much more intense, quickly traveling up her airways and threatening to explode out of her (and all over her uniform if she wasn’t careful). 
The towel she used was closest, so she snatched it up just as she pitched forwards into her hands. “hA’PSHh!! hA’pSHoo!!”
Each sneeze folded Iku at the waist with nearly enough force to knock her over. She sighed softly in relief as the itch in her nose had dissipated, and she sniffled and wiped the now dampened rims of her nostrils with the towel she had used. These towels weren’t to be used for that purpose, as an emergency handkerchief, but it was either that or sneezing into her hands… 
Now that her nose had settled down she sat down to dry her hair. The blow-dryer’s whirring exacerbated Iku’s headache, but she still pushed through in brushing her hair in her usual style; tied up into a ponytail held in place with her favorite onion-shaped ponytail holder. She put on her lace headband in front of it and snapped on her red choker, and stood up and got ready to tackle the day… or crash trying to.
Iku sniffled and rubbed at her nose as she stepped out of her bedroom. All was eerily silent, was Master still asleep? Just down the hall was his bedroom, and she couldn’t hear anything behind it. 
She quickly swiped at her nose again and strolled over to her Master’s bedroom door, reaching for its doorknob and muffling a cough into her free hand. 
She twisted the doorknob and stepped into an empty room with an empty bed. “Master…?” Iku croaked, but he still wasn’t there. That was odd… 
Looking around the room revealed a basket of clothes needing to be washed. Good, maybe her chores could distract from how awful she felt. She lugged the laundry basket out of the bedroom and over to load the washer, measuring out detergents…
“hA’h-... hAh’hSHoo!!” 
She pitched forwards again, nearly dropping the bottle of detergent. Iku sniffled and rubbed at her nose again, trying to soothe the itch building up again, though all she ended up doing was coaxing it out for real. “aH’tSHOo!! hAh’tSHew!! ah- aH’tShoo!!”
She was the only one at home, so sneezing into the open air could be excused, at least for now. Iku hitched again, her trembling fingers reaching up to try and cover another sneeze, but the itch bothering her nose had finally dissipated. With a tired sigh she went about loading the laundry into the washing machine, grateful for the congestion blocking her nose. Detergent always bothered her nose, but thankfully she was too sick to smell it. 
Once the washing machine was running Iku went about cleaning the windows. Cleaning gave her something to focus on that wasn’t the pounding in her head or the itching brewing in the back of her nose. Spray and wipe, spray and wipe… “hAh-? h-hH’aa—! Phew…”
Her nose began to run, and Iku sniffled deeply in an attempt to keep her leaky nose at bay, continuing on until the windows were finally clean. She was starting to feel tired, dizzy, sleepy… Iku sat down on the couch once she finished cleaning the windows, shivering and eventually curling in on herself. 
Iku had no idea where her Master had gone this early in the morning. And even if she did, her feverish mind was too muddled to try and put together a coherent idea. She glanced down at the table in front and her eyes widened, was that…?
The sniffling maid snatched up two, three tissues from the box on the table and blew her nose into them. Even with her being alone in the house she couldn’t work up enough strength to really blow, but Iku still blew into the wad until she could breathe somewhat easily through her nose, and sighed in relief as the pressure in her head let up, if only just a little.
Slowly, as to not make herself dizzy, she stood up and headed towards the kitchen. Fresh coffee for Master and a glass of water for herself… The shivering resumed as Iku stood alone in the kitchen, her pink-tinted nose twitching as the smell of coffee filled the air. Thinking quickly she pressed the back of her hand against her flaring nostrils to try and suppress the urge to sneeze. If Master was out, then he’d want coffee when he came back; just sneezing around his coffee seemed rude.
Her eyelids flickered, and Iku yawned as the coffee pot filled up. Exhaustion was already threatening to pull the ill maid under, but she resolved to at least try and wait until Master got back.
Iku staggered back into the front room while the coffee brewed, gingerly sipping her glass of water between sniffles and swipes at her nose. It had begun to leak again, her irritated nostrils now a noticeable pink. It took two, three ineffective sniffles and a near-miss sneeze for Iku to blow her nose again.
The coffee pot stopped after a while, and she stood up to go get it, swaying and wobbling where she stood. Iku’s vision began to dip and sway again, and she quickly sat back down before she fell over. She coughed again, doubling over as a coughing fit wracked her body and wheezing pitifully once the coughs finally stopped. Maybe she shouldn’t try to stand up. She was barely aware of the front door knob clicking and turning, the door itself opening to reveal…
“Master…?” Iku rasped.
The “Master” in question was a man, an average looking guy carrying a bag of groceries. “Ah, good morning Iku.” He greeted simply as he stepped inside and set down his bags. “The coffee smells great!” Not like Iku would know, given how congested she was.
She started to say something to him, but an itch began to brew in the back of her nose. An overwhelming, powerful itch… now stuck in her throat. Oh no… Her desperate hitching was what caught the man’s attention, the maid’s watery eyelids fluttering as she reeled back to try and coax the itch out. No luck. “H’hheh—... h’hHh—...”
He went over to the couch where Iku was sitting, where he got a full glimpse of how red and runny her nose was, not to mention how pale her face looked. Her lips were parted, the maid herself gasping and hitching as she struggled to dislodge the itch. “ihh—... h-h’ihh—...” She glanced at him out of the corner of her fluttering, watery eyes, hoping for some help…
The man wasn’t slow, and caught on as soon as Iku started hitching. He passed her the tissue box on the table, setting it in her lap once he noticed her hands wandering up to her face. Her eyes still watered to the point that tears were starting to spill over as she tried to coax out the sneeze. “ih’hh—... I-It ihhhitches…” Iku managed to gasp out, trembling hands gesturing towards her quivering nose and hoping Master would get the hint. “It ih-hH!-hhitches ss-so…”
Getting an idea, the man plucked up a tissue and twisted one corner of it. “Hey, look at me.” It wasn’t an order, but it ended up coming out as such and the sneezy maid complied, letting him lift her chin and gently insert the pointed tissue into her left nostril. The soft paper brushing against her irritated sinuses only increased Iku’s need to sneeze, one hand resting itself on her Master’s arm as he twisted the paper around and around. She gasped, her shoulders heaving with each intense hitch. “hA’h—!! hAa’hh—...” 
“Does this help?” Her Master asked before twirling the pointed end around in her nose. She managed a brief nod, and he removed the tissue point from her nose, somewhat soiled from the mucus lining the inside of the sick maid’s nostril. “W-Wha-hh…?” Iku whined, desperate for relief.
“I’m coming back, don’t worry.” He twisted a clean corner of the tissue and inserted that point into the maid’s right nostril, twisting and rolling the point to try and coax the itch out. “Any second now…”
He pushed the tissue point in just a bit deeper. That was what finally pushed Iku over the edge, the stuck itch finally exploding out of her as she pitched forwards into her Master’s shirt. “hHaA’PSHEW!!!” Iku’s grip on his sleeve tightened as she finally sneezed, too powerful for her to try and cover, too sudden for her to turn away. The tissue still hung from her nose as she reeled back again; she wasn’t done. 
“HA’kIISHOO!! Ha’hHSHOO!! hA’hIISSHEW!! Hih’psSHIHh!!! Hih’tSHOO!!! Ah’h— hA’tSHEW!!!” She nearly bumped into him each time she pitched forwards, each sneeze of hers spilling stringy snot on his shirt whether she wanted to or not.
It took a while, but the itch had finally been appeased, and Iku sighed shakily in relief as her nose settled down. The tissue stuck in her nostril was nearly coated in the sick maid’s stringy snot, and a noticeable amount of mess had been forced through her uncovered nostril; leaving a thin trail down her lips and a small stain on her Master’s shirt. She tried to pull the used tissue from her nose as gently as possible as to not spark another itch, but that failed. “hEh’— hE’tSHEW!!”
The man himself had yet to react to the stain on his shirt, however; looking over Iku with a bewildered look. “Bless you,” was all he could manage. That was… quite a display. One that set off many different thoughts in the man’s mind… 
“T-Tha’g you, M-Mb’aster…” Iku’s voice, thick with congestion, broke the man out of his thoughts. Important things first. “I-I—snf— didn’d b’ead to rui’d your s-shiih—...” Iku hitched again; her attempts to speak sparking another, thankfully less intense itch. “hI’h—... hI’pSHOO!!” She pitched forwards into her cupped hands this time, using her fingers to massage her aching nose. “I… d-didn’t mb’ead t-to rui’d y-your shirt, Mb’aster…”
The shirt was the last of his worries.
He pressed the back of his hand against Iku’s forehead as she sniffled and pawed at her runny nose, using his other hand to pluck some tissues from the tissue box in her lap and press them up to her leaky nose. “You’re warm.”
“I w-woke up—sdf— f-feeli’g warm…” the sick maid admitted. She blew her nose into the wad he held, producing a pitiful honk that finally moved the man. He got up and helped Iku to her feet before leading her down the hallway. “W-Whuh…?” she slurred. “Where are we g-goi’g…?”
The man gave his ill maid a gentle smile, and it took Iku a while to realize he brought her back to her bedroom. “Back to bed, of course.” 
“B-Bu’d… b-by chores…” 
“Don’t worry about chores. You need to rest.”
He stayed to help Iku out of her uniform and into a clean pair of pajamas, unclipping her choker and ponytail holder, even brushing the ill maid’s hair into a loose bun before tucking her into bed. He then produced a thermometer, nudging Iku awake before she could doze off again. “Open wide…” he sang, but ultimately just stuck it under her tongue while she was mid-yawn. 
“Yikes, you’re running a fever…” 
“M-Mb’aster…? snf”
“If I had known you were sick I would have bought some medicine! You’re burning up!”
“Mmuh… M-Maahh—...” This time Iku tugged on his shirt sleeve to get her Master’s attention. “I-I deed t-to… aHh-...”
He shut up after that and passed her the nearby tissue box. She snatched off a few, bracing herself for another sneeze, only for the itch to wither away. “hA’ah—!... ha’h?” 
…Well. He couldn’t help chuckling at the annoyed scowl on Iku’s face. “Need some help?” He joked, not expecting a serious response from her, so he was very much surprised to see her nod. “Ca’d you—sdf— do the tissue thi’g a-agai’d…?”
Of course Master couldn’t say no to the expectant look on Iku’s face, so he plucked up a clean tissue and twisted the corner into a stiff point. He gently took hold of her chin again and inserted the pointed end into her right nostril. Iku’s eyes watered on contact, her chest heaving with one particularly heavy hitch as the dormant itch in her nose sparked to life once more. “h-hH’HAah—!!” 
With that he was sure that she was on the edge, so he slowly pulled the tissue from Iku’s nose, wiggling it somewhat to dislodge it, and no sooner than when he had pulled it out she finally pitched forwards into the wad of tissue in her hands. “A’TSHOO!! Hah’tSHIIh!!!” He admittedly jumped, not expecting such a loud sneeze from the sick maid. “Bless you.” He reached out to rub her back as she regained her breath. “Tha’g you…” Iku rasped back. The man sat in silence as the maid sniffled and blew her nose, unbothered by how soupy and thick her nose blows sounded. “Sounds like you needed that.” “Mb’y d’ose s-still hurts…” Iku whined. He chuckled softly.  “Get some rest, Iku. I’ll handle the cleaning until you get better.” 
Her eyes widened somewhat, sniffling as he reached to mop some of her sweat-slicked hair from her face. “T-Tha’gs…” she slurred, slowly slipping into sleep. She yawned as her Master got up to tuck her in, and was already snoring by the time he left the room. 
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coralaroma5 · 9 months
Coral Aroma- Scent Marketing
Uniquely refreshing scents produced by Coral Aroma have initiated scent lovers into an endless ocean of distinct natural fragrances. Coral Aroma was established in 2015, which is a prominent division of the Coral Perfume Industry in UAE . Scent marketing has been a great choice for almost every business in the marketing field, and Coral Aroma has perfectly executed this strategy through its products. In a short span of time coral aroma has grown their business into a new level with quality scent, scent diffuser, aroma oils and aroma products to support various companies in and out of GCC.
At Coral Aroma, customers have the luxury to select the most suitable scent from a wide variety of natural fragrances, to be used in the most modern fragrance diffusers we have come up with. Owning a signature scent will help you promote brand identity with considerable efficiency.  Incorporating these scents as a tool of scent marketing, they have come up with a wide range of scent marketing solutions for hotels, bars, offices, fitness centers, malls, spas, and massage parlors
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Nowadays, more and more people choose a high quality of life, and the aromatherapy diffuser, is an embodiment of improving the quality of life. For example, a buyer commented:
-I had been looking for some way to make my home smell like those high end hotels that always smell so good and came across this. I decided to give it a try. I was so excited to get it set up and opened it as soon as I received it. I did have a few questions but the seller was so friendly and quick to reply and I got it set up in no time. Instantly, the smell filled my two story home and it smelled phenomenal. Every time someone enters my home they immediately tell me it smells amazing and ask what I’m using. A few have even gone and purchased this diffuser and love it just as much as I do! This really is awesome and better than those plug ins or candles. I love that I can set it all up on the app and set schedules for when I want it to turn off and on and to control the amount and strength of the scent. Couldn’t be happier with this product!
-This model worked pretty well on spreading the essential oil smell without needing extra water and using surprisingly little oil in itself.  It works for a decent size room and honestly it did not require me to do very much.  I did not have to refill too often.  I just had to do some initial adjustment and it was good to go on its own.  This is a fairly big device.  It is not something you can mount.  It does have grip on the bottom so it does not slide and it also balances well.  Short of knocking it over like a glass of water, this will have no issues with falling.  One thing I will say is that it does require certain oils and they are not the cheapest.  That being said, it does not use up the oil quickly at all.  If you were to use essential oils with water, you would actually run out quicker than if you use this which is surprising.  You essentially save money in the long run with this device.  This device is nice in that everything is easily automated and programmed to your liking.  I can actually control the device with my phone which is nice.  It will tell me if I need to do anything such as add more oil.  This device is not battery powered and it does need to be plugged in to work.  The on board screen is nice.  It gives you the basic information while you phone will give you additional information.  It is not noisy at all which is great.  You can even program days where you want it to be more active.  The scent is not extremely strong so it is not over using the oils.  It is prone to scratches though on the glossy front.  There are controls on the device itself if you do not want to use your phone.  Please note that it is only connected to your device via bluetooth.  It is not a wifi device.  The instructions are not bad.  Overall this device does a good job in utilize the essential oils without burning through the oil or causing it to be too strong.  It is VERY low maintenance and easy to setup for the most part.  You really only have to do the initial setup but once you are done it is good to go.  It is not a smart device where you can connect it to your alexa but it honestly would not really need to.  You set it up how you want and can adjust accordingly.  It also disperses really well.  The sides are prone to scratching but it looks pretty nice.  You could place it anywhere in the room but it just needs to be near and outlet.
I am all about scent in my home. I have 2 dogs as well and I have and do everything to make my home smell good...candles, wallflowers, reed defusers, airwick you name it. This was easy to put a small amount into the container. Set the amount you want to blow out. It blows out a long puff of smell that lingers for quite a while, then re-puffs at the set time.
I was going to buy the Hotel collection but did this instead. I just bought 3 more to place in my bridal shop- it works really well!
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johnypage95 · 2 months
Velux air diffuser diffuser:-
Discover the refreshing and invigorating scents of Lime Scent, a premium fragrance brand that offers a wide range of products to elevate your everyday routine. Made with high-quality ingredients, Lime Scent products are perfect for creating a welcoming atmosphere in your home or office. Explore our collection today and experience the uplifting power of lime. https://www.lime-scent.com/product/velux-air-diffuser/
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the-goose-caboose · 1 year
Cool summer night elegy
The fan whirring
The crickets chirping
The scent of air conditioner freshening the room
My laptop the loudest thing in my whole world
It’s gentle guiding music
Allowing me to create
My lap heated by the machine
But my top half comfortably cool
I long for another day
Where I do not fret about each detail and bit
But instead I just create
Without worry
The light sip of a drink
A room temperature lemonade
Tasty as ever
This strange simple comfort
This is what dreams are made of
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survey--s · 1 year
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What can you smell right now?    My scented candle, which apparently smells like “smoked roses”.
What was the last thing you bought online?   A cooling blanket and some air freshener for my car.
If you drink coffee, when was the last time you went a day without having one?   Whenever I had that horrendous flu/bug thing - it must have been back in February, I think?
Do you have any appointments coming up?   I have two jobs to do in a couple of hours. I have to go and feed Monty and then pop in on Charley the cat.
Do you put appointments in your phone’s calendar app to remember them?   Yeah.
Will you be visiting anyone’s house in the next week or so?   Yeah, my job involves going in/out of people’s houses lol. I also see my in-laws most days as they look after the dog for us while we work.
Have you ever been to a petting zoo? What animals did you pet?   Yeah, loads of times - goats, lambs, pigs, calves, hamsters, rabbits, guinea pigs, chicks, ducklings - all sorts.
What was the last movie you saw in theatres?   I haven’t been to the movies since before COVID lol.
Do you know anyone who has done a PhD?   Yeah, quite a few people.
How many unread emails are in your inbox right now?   Zero, I check/delete my e-mails as they come in.
What four apps do you keep on the home bar on your iPhone? (Sorry, I’m not sure if Android has an equivalent!) Phone, Spotify, Safari, Messages.
Have you ever used Tumblr? Do you still use it today?   No, this is all a figment of your imagination.
Are you tired right now?   A little bit, but not full-on exhausted or anything like that.
What’s your favourite day of the week and why?   It depends on the week and what I have planned, but generally weekends are the best for obvious reasons lol.
How far away is the nearest major city?   About two hours away.
Do you own an electric kettle?   Sure.
Are your eyebrows wispy or bushy?   Both lol.
Have you ever lost your wallet or purse? Did you have to replace a bunch of things?   I’ve lost my bank card a few times but I just froze it via the app and ordered a new one.
Where are you right now? Describe the room or place to me.   I’m in the living room as it’s bloody roasting outside. There are windows at each end - the front door is at one end, the kitchen door at the other and the upstairs door on far left as you come in. The walls are painted a mix of red and grey, the carpets are grey and so is the sofa, with red blankets/cushions to match the walls. All the furniture is white. There are fairylights all around the room and a scented candle burning above the fireplace.
Do you prefer big dogs or small dogs?   Medium sized dogs - around 15-25kg is perfect for me. Anything bigger and they’re generally too strong for me to handle safely, and any smaller and they’re just not really my thing, I guess.
Are you good at understanding heavy accents? Which accents would you say you’re the best at understanding?   For the most part I manage fine. I guess British accents.
Have you ever played on a real life pinball machine, or just on the computer?   Both.
Do you have a lot of word documents or notes on your computer?   No, I don’t think there any saved on here actually.
What’s your favourite Ben & Jerry’s flavour?   I’m not a fan of Ben & Jerry’s anymore. I loved it as a teenager but now it all tastes really sweet and artificial,.
Have you ever been to a school reunion? How was it?   No, and I have no interest in going to one.
How many nights a week do you generally cook at home?   I eat at home pretty much every night but I don’t always cook.
What colour are the street signs in your neighbourhood? Are they the same all over town or do they vary?   Like, the signs with street names on them? White with black lettering. That’s the same everywhere in the UK.
Do you have good grammar and punctuation skills?   Yes.
Have you ever tried vegan chicken? Did you like it? Yeah, I used to love Quorn stuff but now it makes me sick lol.
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