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dmnprnc · 10 months ago
Random Starter for Viktoria ( @scarletxcross )
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"Hey, Mom! Long time, no see!" Then again, he had been the one who had been out for a long time. "Dad still being stubborn as fuck?"
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dmnkng · 10 months ago
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toeachtheircalling-a · 3 years ago
@scarletxcross —SC
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He had another nightmare, one that was vivid enough to wake Ivy, luckily. But enough for him to wake up in a sweat. Now he was sitting on his side of the bed, staring out the window of their apartment in Lestallum. The same one he surprised her with a few months ago with a view of the Disc of Cauthess. It was night still so the glow from it could be seen better.
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anapproachingstorm · 4 years ago
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“Madam. A pleasure to make your acquaintance.” 
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ourredxmption · 4 years ago
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“I-I love my sister, I truly do...but her birthday, man...her birthday should be the most important day of her life,” Logan slurred as he took another sip of his whiskey. “I-Iz mean...that sons of a bitch....That Shall Not Be Named...wanted to make sure she’d never celebrated a birthday ever again....but but I’m not gonna let that happened...soz, soz we’re going to make the best birthday cake she’ll ever have...” he stumbled over to the kitchen and started pulling out some materials. “I’m gonna makes her some mac and cheese...AND NOBODY’S GOING TO STOP ME!”
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ofmythsandfables-a · 4 years ago
@scarletxcross​ | asked for a starter
❈ --- Slender hands gripped a large leather bound book, with writings on it that hazel hues did not recognize. Belle found it in the coven’s library, in an area farther off from the rest, and it caught her interest enough to take it back to her home that she shared with Wolf. 
“Nigrum Magia: Mortuus est vera Ritualia”, Belle read out loud as she sat on her couch, vaguely noticing Wolf come into the room. “Hey babe, what’s this book about? I think it’s Latin? I can’t read it though...”
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wizardof1000kings · 4 years ago
Random Starter for @scarletxcross
John was harvesting his fruit trees, getting fresh ripe apples and oranges when he felt a familiar presence. He was looking at an apple, marveling over its red color, knowing how great it was going to taste. With how much time he had in the world, he was able to take extra care of his garden. But also nothing a little magic can’t do.
“Guten Morgen, Kleiner,” he said. Then he turned around to see the familiar white haired witch he had been master to so many years ago. Despite being a grown woman, he could never stop the habit of calling her ‘little one’. “How may I help you?”
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count-v-dracula · 4 years ago
@scarletxcross​ ;••••; liked this | not accepting
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“Cathy, my little witch,” Dracula purred from his plush seat placed perfectly before a fireplace with a large, roaring fire producing satisfying heat. “What brings you to me this time? Am I to have another bite?”
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martyredadvicex · 5 years ago
@scarletxcross​ con’t from here
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Cecily tried to hold in her laughter when Alex told her the name of the shark, but it came out as a snort. “Ol’ Lucky?” she repeated, keeping her eyes on the screen and followed Alex’s finger till she saw Ol’ Lucky. ‘Oh, you mean him?” she said, pointing the fin as soon as she saw it a couple minutes later.
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sxnofthedxvil · 5 years ago
@scarletxcross​ | asked for a starter
† --- “Draga?” Vlad called out as he entered their home, half expecting to see their son flying by in his bat form, though he could distinctly hear a tiny heartbeat coming from one of the upstairs rooms. He was asleep in his bed, and even snoring, much to Vlad’s delight as he stepped further into the home. 
Finally finding her, strong arms wrapped around her middle as he kissed her forehead. “Before I pick your brain on a matter, how is the world’s most beautiful witch doing this evening?” 
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starsof98 · 5 years ago
@scarletxcross​ replied to your post : “Go to sleep, dad!”
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“I’m not your dad, kid. Not after tonight.”
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dmnprnc · 10 months ago
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"Really? All two of them?" he said with humor, which wasn't a lie. Vergil only had two pictures of Nero as a baby. Physical ones. All digital ones were nowhere to be found.
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Viktoria let out a soft laugh again as she pulled just a bit and shook her head. "Well I don't blame him since dealing with demons, you can't help but stay stubborn." She pointed out and her smile grew to a grin at the reveal of her nickname. "Well, I can tell you he always has a soft side and I might have caught him looking at your baby pictures."
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xdragonsofavaloria · 6 years ago
@scarletxcross cont. from here
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“But...” Simba started to protest when he watched Mars dig into the pantry and pull out the container of cookies. “I thought we can’t go in there because of that one time Professor Logan was caught getting in the cookie jar?” he asked as he pulled one out and bit into it. ‘You’re right, these are the best cookies ever!”
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toeachtheircalling-a · 3 years ago
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@scarletxcross​:  “ promise me? ”  {{ *Throw feels at Nyx with Ivy* }}
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Nyx grabbed his coat off one of the hooks near the door. He turned to look at Ivy, feeling his heart shatter when he heard her tone. He gave her a soft smile and walked back to her, his heavy boots thumping on the ground with each step. He gently took her chin in his right hand and kissed her gently for reassurance.
“I promise I’ll come back home,” he said, nuzzling his nose with hers. Then he backed up, putting his coat and walking to the door. He opened it but didn’t leave just yet. He turned back around to say one more thing. “I love you always.”
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anapproachingstorm · 4 years ago
Continued from: x
“It’s nothing,” he said, letting her take his chin in her hand. Perhaps existing within these witches’ and their circled had softened him. They had normally been historical enemies.. “What is the human turn-of-phrase? “You should see the other guy?”“
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ourredxmption · 4 years ago
@scarletxcross​ (i’m sorry for the pain, truly, I am)
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It had been months since he heard wind of Trevor, again-still alive. Still breathing. He wanted to stay as hard as he could-he was the Lord of the Scarlet Cross, how can he leave? He had children, a wife, a family? But he couldn’t just sit around all day while he was out there, doing gods knows what. So in the middle of the night, he left, leaving a note saying he’ll be back. 
Months later, he hadn’t come back. Only to be in the clutches of vampire hunters, tormenting him and trying to kill him. But then it just...happened. 
Somehow, his magic came back-all of it. Every single scrap he lost when he was turned came back, and he killed every single last one of the vampire hunters...only to turn around and get caught so very easily by the witch hunters, ran by one de Roca. Oh Logan tried his best to escape, but they easily caught him over and over again, making what the vampire hunters did to him seem like a tickle. 
But he swore vengeance on all of them-every single last one of them. Even now, he didn’t know how he did it, but he woke up and found himself back home again, with someone...touching....caressing...his face. He didn’t know who it was, but, he had a feeling he did. 
“...I’m sorry....” he whispered, his voice cracked and parched. “I know you’re...mad. I’m coming back...soon....”
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