#scarlet wittch
randomfandomimagine · 3 years
Happy birthday, @imaginesbyella !! I heard it was your birthday today, so I made you a little something. You’re always so kind and so warm, and you have such talent for writing and for creating that your pieces always stick with me. I’m really glad we’re mutuals and I hope you’re doing alright, you deserve happiness!! This is supposed to be a Wanda Maximoff aesthetic (I didn’t really know what other characters you like) and even if it’s not too Scarlet Wittch-like, I still quite like the result and the vibes, so I hope you do to! 
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Wanda Maximoff for Ella 🖤
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thevisionmarvel · 4 years
My kinda of Wandavision theory
 So, if you follow my blog, you know since Wandavision was annouced I had an idea of a fanfic  of how things turned out, I even published  some aesthetics and a little prologue,but then 2020 happened, and it’s not really news that it sucked, I  wrote so little last year, and with my crap  job, I couldn’t make the transcription and translation of the text to english, and now Wandavision is here, and it’s best that  anything that what we could think of, and  no, it’s not  like my fanfic, but there’s some stuff that always intrigued me,  but how this all started with a theory, I thought  why not publish  what was my theory.
So, my idea started all with the thinking how they could portrait the struggles wiht mental health that Wanda deal with it , but not falling in the “powerful women are crazy y’all” and how they could portrait  “ a house of M”  type of situation and also keep a mistery and  bring some surprises. And what i saw in this chapter looked some stuff that i thought
My biggest idea, was that the show would happen in three levels:
1. The one that Wanda is aware that she is in a simulation and trying to get out
2. The sitcom one, with Vison and Wanda marrying having the twins.
3. The Sword Team/ The real life searching what the hell was happening 
But who is doing it this? 
Wanda, the simple answer. The more complex one: Scarlet Witch
So everyone knows/ is betting that  Wanda is the one making the  reality shifts, but my idea ,was Wanda is doing it, but not  the way we think, like “ the biggest magic trick is the one that happens in front of our eyes.”
Wanda is doing it, but not the one from the MCU. How a better way to introduce the Multiverse that having  an alternate version  of the character. This stared because every first solo mcu project, the hero fights a villain that has the same powers or habilities, but i thought that’s  a better visual metaphor of mental struggles than you fighting a version of yourself, literally?!!
But why this was happening?
In my mind, with the infinity stones broken, the veil between the universe became very thin. And this alternate version of Wanda, had a more close story to the comics,  with a post house of M disaster- type, and were trying to give the MCU Wanda a chance to have the perfect life, trying to revive Vision, like trying to make things happen differently. And Agnes followed her trying to  stop   what happened  with the scarlet witch happens with this version of Wanda. disgusing as someone helping  MCU Wanda wiht her powers.
And mephisto, (but In thie case of the series could be Nightmare) also were creeping trying to get in this knew universe, using the space that this wanda left open.
So i had imagined  that Wanda would  fight agnes, when she was told that the wittch was the one making the stuff,, but then  she connected the dots and  she was the witch, so would have thiis confrontation with the alternate version of herlsef. ( With the alternate version using the tiara, and Mcu asking if was a M from “Maximoff”, and the alternate version, saying that it represent the name, but was also represent other stuff ( M from mutant, evebody would get that) and what would give  the illusion was that they  had  differents  “pietros”. And in this confrotation, alternate version, just  said that she was tired of losing everything, so she decided to give something” and would left the tiara with  MCU Wanda. Agnes would point out that having the kids was what put  other Wanda in an  road to madness, but MCU Wanda would still want to have the little time with Vision and the kids. but knowing that Mephisto would come to try to cause havoc and trying to take the twins. Wanda would have to left the twins and Vision in the pocket dimension and closed from outside. And the was sad, but she was  ready to kick some ass and then trying to go back to family,  tthis kicking the doctor strange 2 storyline.
 my fanfic was more bold, it would show thei first date, a  white vision like the comics, ,she  dreamed to be an actress (like the comics), , then this would explain the sitcom setting. and why she is so good at english, the science explanation why sword was there, was that they saw the wande took some from sword, everybody would think that was vision, but it was I.S.A.A.C to help with the simulation and  other stuff. 
Do i think that some stuff will happen? no, but how i know that i can’t finish it writting, so at least i will show you guys that you weren’t  lose anything, not reading the mess that it was. 
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Changed my icon because Wanda and Pietro are bae
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