#scar teaching grain how to hold hands and kiss and all the coupley things and grian is just nodding along intently
rosaacicularis · 2 years
Literally fake dating is top tier and I am STARVING
- scarrred-for-life
no literally! NO LITERALLY!!!!! i need more, and i need it now
here’s the basic premise… estimated wordcount like 5k-10k but that was also the estimated word count for the fix that is now almost 25k and still not finished so….
scar makes a crossroads deal with watcher!grian to be his fake date for his vacation with his friends, because he accidentally said he was in a relationship when he definitely wasn’t. now scar has to give grian a crash course on how to act human and they have to convince everybody that they’ve been together for weeks. grian’s lets scar off the hook easy with what he owes, because grian just wants to know how the human world works… and maybe they fall in love along the way. <3
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