#scamming people for money is literally some of the most like. vile shit
theloveinc · 2 years
yh it’s over and as far as i know she hasn’t come back lol that was the thing is she would do slick weird shit and when ppl confronted her about it she would deactivate and come back under a new pseud with a new blog and pretend like she was a different person but still continued her strange antics and that’s what that whole call out was about i think butter/muffy figured her out. such an odd individual. no idea where she is but i hope she’s got her shit together 💀🙏🏾
LMFAO soooo true, like get well soon, luv. Praying for u (kinda ig)🫡🫡
Honestly tho, march aside, it’s crazy how many people will just dip when they’re called out for shit and then come back like three weeks later… probably because they miss the attention and whatnot. we’ve seen it happen so many times before and we’ll see it happen again… so ig I shouldn’t be too surprised that the whole thing went down that way (maybe… just at the fact she got me good LOL. I really had no clue).
But… c’est la vie. We just gotta be thankful she’s smart enough not to show her face around here after literally fucking scamming people, omg🤢
Thanks for all the insider info tho, anon! I loved chatting w/ u about it and I’m glad I was able to correct some of my information on butter as well!!!❤️
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barbiegirldream · 3 years
Have you seen the newest Karl Jobst video?
I have watched it actually. Lol I watched it while slacking at work.
I’ll say one thing first. When the drama happened I literally could have cared less if Dream cheated or not. His speedrun videos were never my favorite. I’m actually a huge fan of cheating. Academic dishonesty is a hobby of mine I actually use to teach people in Algebra how to make their calculator do the work for them which if you ask me isn’t even cheating. And my English teacher once asked me how I was so good at faking having read books as if every single book in high school doesn’t have the same major plot points and themes.
Plus I’ve helped my brother run scams in school that cost people actual money so fucking hell, Minecraft? That’s what people cared about? Dream wasn’t running a pyramid scheme for fucks sake.
The death threats to the mods? Do we forget what happened to Dream then? Does the reason the MCC baby meme came about mean nothing? Only for their narrative right?
Anywho yeah Karl basically just explained the past bin in a super sized video tbh. It always seemed to me that Dream had a mod that shouldn’t have done what it did and then when he realized he fessed up. Like Dream is 100% responsible for the fact that his modder hid info from him? It takes a lot more than a decent person to not shift blame it would have been easy to do it even but Dream didn’t because he’s not that guy.
And if you look at the context it makes zero sense for Dream to have cheated. He’s close to other high ranking speed runners. The video where he broke the world record with George and Sapnap there he was so fucking happy. That is not a master manipulator. He’s just some guy who likes Minecraft.
Imagine your Dream. You’re 21 and a massive youtuber all of a sudden. You didn’t cheat, you wouldn’t cheat. Cheating is being dishonest to gain an advantage he didn’t do that he wasn’t lying. And all of these people are accusing you of cheating. People are saying the most vile shit. They’re sending death threats. They’re doxing you. You can’t express any frustration without your craziest followers sending death threats and nothing you say will calm them down. You’re being held accountable for the actions of millions while being treated like Satan over Minecraft. You are told then that someone who works for you accidentally caused this mess and you’ve got to say something but how after fucking everything could you just come out and admit you were wrong. But you’re not just decent no you’re a good person so you fess up and take full responsibility for it and apologize. Then the hate comes back ten fold. No one believes you but they didn’t in the first place did they? And yet you can’t try and clear your name without people standing there trying to prove you’re an actual monster.
Just I’d have cracked. I’m nowhere near as nice as Dream I’ve never even thought to be as kind as him. I’m kinda annoyed when people call him decent cause no I know decent men. And they don’t give hours of their time away to help their friends. They don’t give away their tips and tricks to kids in hopes they’ll be big one day too. They don’t come away from conversations with people and the practically unanimous consensus is that he’s really nice. And lovely, and that he’s an inspiration for so many people. And so many people who know him personally would like to thank him for all he’s done. And he gives away money to causes all of the time and to his friends to show his love. Like I just can’t imagine judging someone so fucking harshly over a Minecraft scandal. And not realizing that everyone who actually knows Dream’s character has backed him all the way.
And to the people who think he’s a sociopath or whatever I was raised by an actually fully diagnosed sociopath or anti personality disorder who has zero empathy and he has done truly heinous things (shout out to the US military) like there is no world in which a Minecraft youtuber actually achieves the level of fucked up people think he is.
Anyways I still am a big fan of Dream I didn’t think the video would ever change my mind on that. But I actually originally thought it was just Dream didn’t idk check the notes of what was in the mod. Not that the developer hid what he did from Dream after realizing he fucked up. But as someone who’s definitely fucked up at work the last thing you wanna do is fess up so yeah.
Best thing is to do what Dream said and put all this behind us. He and the mods are cool and that’s that.
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hey i love your in depth analysis’s you’re super smart and comte deserves everything and that’s on period but i’ve always wondered what is actually comte’s net worth? like how much money does he really have and like how?! i know he’s a noble but for real something’s up lol💀 also if you were to guess how rich would he be in the 21st century in mc’s time? sorry ik that’s a lot of questions but i just need to know lmao
Ah, thank you friend! 💕💕💕
As to answering your curiosity, I must admit I don’t know anything for certain when it comes to Comte’s sizable fortune. That being said, I can offer what I understand to be the source of his conceivably endless wealth.
Mild Comte rt spoilers below the cut  
There are two factors that I think contribute a great deal to his material prosperity. The first being his pureblood status. Remember that to be a pureblood means that you must have been raised by two vampires who were also purebloods. As such, we can understand that le Comte receives potentially centuries’ worth of an inheritance from the moment he is born (and we get no indication of siblings with whom he must share). Where this money comes from I can’t say for certain, but there is reasonable evidence to assume that his parents probably amassed their wealth over a very long period of time. Though he speaks of it in passing, Comte mentions that he only recently took up his family legacy. As such, we can understand that he had been avoiding his noble lineage/title and amassed endowment for almost four hundred years, give or take. Knowing this it can be reasonable to assume that some of the money grew as a product of time’s passing, and probably profitable management of the family’s relics/more expensive resources. I know little about financial management, but I have no doubt his starting point was probably staggering in accordance with this context.
The second are his lifelong journeys around the world. I very much doubt he wouldn’t amass a sizable fortune of his own and collection of priceless artifacts over four hundred years of life. Even without his inheritance, he probably had plenty of money that he just didn’t have much use for. (Remember, purebloods are fairly sturdy; they have no great need to eat human food on a regular basis or need much by way of medical care. The most he probably spent was on alcohol or maybe gambling in his wilder days lmfao. Okay but now I need a fic of him scamming casinos and wealthier nobles for shits and giggles just because he enjoys watching bastards balk/squirm...). Expanding on that, I don’t think Comte engaged in any kind of financial pursuit that meant exploiting the weak and vulnerable. I say that only because the game has shown us a man that is highly principled; if he deems it against his personal values (which tend to be decidedly egalitarian) he will never do it. He is a very easygoing man, but that’s not to be mistaken for careless or without an obstinate bone in his body. Make no mistake, if he disagrees with somebody or disapproves of a course of action, indications of his displeasure will be clear. 
To those that would offer unscrupulous designs, the only way I could really see that happening is if it was a much younger, perhaps more naive Comte. And even so, I don’t think he would keep whatever benefits he wrought in such an exchange; I imagine he would be much more interested in restoring the dignity of the offended parties. In his own route he says outright that he operates on the principle of Noblesse Oblige (”nobility obligates”), and we see him act on it time and time again. For those who have never heard of the phrase, it is a French expression meant to convey the sense that with any kind of excessive privilege comes a dual responsibility to look after those without the same resources. It was a concept very much hammered home by the women writers of the late 1800s--such as Elizabeth Gaskell--who were less than pleased to see flagrant displays of wealth while people where languishing in poverty. They often took it a step further, saying that intervention shouldn’t be something that poor people should be expected to beg for to deserve. Rather, the wealthy were obligated to pay attention and make an effort, no matter how thankless. Given what I understand about Comte, I think he is very much in agreement with that sentiment. He won’t give what he can’t offer, but anything he has in excess--or even in good measure--he will give without any trepidation or ill feeling. 
For those that might argue foul play in regards to preserving his reputation, I can’t really see him engaging in industries that are exploitative even if it meant upholding social contacts. We have seen him often speak to the questionable nature of other nobles and their actions, and he does not excuse them or seem to agree with them at all. He may offer pleasantries and pretenses, but I don’t think he truly befriends or chooses to work with people like that. At best, he tolerates their existence and offers them placating smiles/letters. His title means absolute shit to him if it means he has to watch a person (especially one that he can help) suffer in absolute silence. I’ve said it before, but it’s literally the only reason Leonardo tolerates his noble status. Leonardo has been unequivocal about his sheer disdain for the ruling class, and while Comte does not expound to the same degree--I’d wager his feelings are similar. The difference, I think, is that Comte tends to believe in both the vile and redeeming qualities people can offer. He sees people entirely for their potential; he only removes people from his life when they prove to have no ability to improve/change or care about others. Leonardo, perhaps, is devoid of this longstanding patience by comparison. (He is in many ways a radical; believes hierarchies are entirely vile constructs intended to deprive people of basic necessities and intimacy, and must fundamentally be abolished). If people seem shallow or interested in things he does not deem important, he zones right out/ignores them and considers helping them a waste of time, a hopeless endeavor. Comte seems to be more capable of sympathizing with other people’s perspectives, and even enjoys supporting them if given the chance. He may dislike hierarchies, but he’s a realist by comparison--he sees that hierarchies are how the world manages to operate with some coherence, and he weaves his way through and around these systems to improve the living conditions of people who need it. The exchange here is that Comte is comparatively brittle when compared to Leonardo; the second he sees someone (especially an innocent) getting hurt or excessive displays of force, he gets so furious/terrified that he begins to lose control. 
As to Comte’s modern financial status, I’m really not sure if I’d be able to predict that. But given that most of the people in the world who began with sizable fortunes have been able to preserve and expand them exponentially, I could see him landing comfortable in the millions at least. (I offer that because to be in the billions usually means wholescale theft, and I doubt he’d get to that point with his careful, historic accumulation of money). I’d wager he would donate whatever he didn’t need if he wasn’t still taking care of the men, but otherwise he’d probably use his resources to spoil his boyos and loved ones.
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