#scambuser turd
expromqueen · 2 years
I reported your last two replies to me for telling me to kill myself. I told my friends to as well. You and anyone else who talks like you is disgusting trash who need to be taught some fucking manners.
I don't even want Scambuser Turd dead. I just want her in prison where she belongs for her abuse and her lies. But I don't want her dead. Why not? Because I am not a monster.
And yet I’m still here. You call her scambuser turd and think you’re morally superior to me? I have to laugh. What is it about Amber that brings all the weak willed, insecure, ugly, unemployed bitches like you out of the woodwork. Direct that energy towards filling out your resume instead of riding the dick of a man who can’t even get it up.
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zomburrito · 2 years
Things Scambuser Turd stans say. Part THREE.
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golden-loves · 2 years
Not sure why I was following you... but today after seeing the nasty post you posted about Johnny Depp (AN INNOCENT FUCKING MAN, which you would know if you did ANY amount of research) I am appalled. No thanks. Not going to be following you anymore. Not sure why I ever did, but throwing this trash out.
I refuse to follow anyone who wishes death on people, or people who support Scambuser Turd. And apparently, you fit BOTH those categories. 🤮
Goodbye disgusting human.
youre supporting a rapist and i still hope he dies lol
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expromqueen · 2 years
Following Scambuser Turd isn't cute. She is an abuser. Depp isn't her only victim either. She also abused not only an ex girlfriend, but her fucking sister as well. Supporting her is supporting abuse. That's disgusting.
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zomburrito · 2 years
Things Scambuser Turd stans say. Part FOUR.
They are now attacking Joe Quinn?! Wtf?? He didn't do anything! And just because you hate a couple of his fans you're gonna call him ugly?? Grow up.
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zomburrito · 2 years
Things Scambuser Turd stans say. Part one.
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zomburrito · 2 years
Things Scambuser Turd stans say. Part FIVE.
This is how bad they are. They never stop. Ever. And they'll bully anyone who doesn't follow their views, for anything they can. (Looks, age, ANYTHING.) Most disgusting group of people I've ever seen.
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