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Motorista morre ao perder o controle e cair no rio Itapocu
No início da tarde de ontem (26), um grave acidente foi registrado em Araquari, Norte de Santa Catarina. Um motorista morreu após perder o controle de seu veículo e cair no rio Itapocu. Segundo as informações do Corpo de Bombeiros Militar, o homem morreu no local. O veículo estaria trafegando pela SC-415, conhecida como estrada Prefeito Miguel Tito Rosa, quando caiu nas águas. Para retirar o…
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SC abre novos seletivos; ganhos até R$ 7 mil
Estão disponíveis dois novos editais (415 e 416/2024) de mais um processo seletivo FAHECE (Fundação de Apoio ao HEMOSC/CEPON), visando preencher duas vagas imediatas no município de Florianópolis, estado de Santa Catarina. continua depois da publicidade A vigência do processo seletivo será de seis meses, podendo ser prorrogada, a critério da FAHECE. A contratação será por tempo determinado e se…
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Foto: Ana Melhado/ SES Reconhecido como a principal referência no Estado para a recuperação de pacientes com doenças cardíacas, o Centro de Reabilitação Cardiovascular do Instituto de Cardiologia de Santa Catarina (ICSC), unidade própria da Secretaria de Estado da Saúde, ganhará um novo espaço, mais amplo e moderno. A expansão permitirá o aumento na capacidade de atendimentos diários. “O nosso objetivo com a reabilitação é otimizar o processo de recuperação. Sabemos que a faixa de idade média do paciente que acompanhamos aqui é 56 anos. Então é um paciente jovem, em idade produtiva. Nosso papel é fazê-lo ter qualidade, força e condição física para voltar a trabalhar”, explica Cícero Augusto de Souza, chefe do departamento de Reabilitação Cardíaca e fisiologista do exercício, que atua no setor desde 2003. As tratativas para a aprovação da obra junto à Secretaria de Estado da Saúde foram oficializadas no final de 2023. O projeto, orçado em R$ 1,6 milhão, foi planejado para receber mais dois andares futuramente e está sendo financiado pelo Centro de Estudos do ICSC, organização privada que fomenta atividades de pesquisa. Em operação desde 1997, o serviço será realizado em um novo edifício, atualmente em construção, e ocupará uma área de 415 metros quadrados em dois pavimentos. O espaço está sendo erguido em um terreno do Governo do Estado, ao lado do acesso principal do Hospital Regional de São José. As obras foram iniciadas este ano e estão em ritmo acelerado, com previsão de entrega para março do ano que vem. No primeiro andar serão construídos dois consultórios para avaliação e triagem, uma ampla sala de reabilitação, bem como uma sala de recepção e vestiários. No andar superior, está prevista a construção de um auditório e de uma sala destinada ao Centro de Estudos. A nova estrutura também será utilizada para atividades de orientação e treinamento, como palestras educativas e cursos de primeiros socorros voltados à comunidade. Fonte: Governo SC
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The Old Salem Post
Our Local Tamassee-Salem SC Area News each Monday except holidays Contact: [email protected] Distributed to local businesses, town hall, library. Volume 7 Issue 21 Week of May 6, 2024 https://www.tumblr.com/settings/blog/oldsalempost-blog Lynne Martin Publishing
EDITOR: I recently heard “It was great even before the lakes!” referring to our beautiful Oconee County. A large portion of the population worked in textiles, factories, logging, construction, farming, or mills. We had jobs and educational opportunities. But in the 1960’s many were convinced to sell out, usually coaxed by a friendly neighbor who had bought in to the plan. Our families sacrificed farmland, bottomland fertile soil, homesteads, rivers, favorite fishing holes, and waterfalls to be covered forever by lakes. Yes, it was great, even before the lakes. Let’s preserve what we have left! Speak out to prevent overdevelopment! LRMartin Planning Commission Meeting Monday, May 6th at 6PM in the County Chambers 415 S Pine Street, Walhalla. Oconee County Council Meeting Tuesday May 7th at 6PM 415 S Pine Street, Walhalla. ( Meets 1st & 3rd Tues each month)
TOWN of SALEM: 5 Park Avenue * Visit the Downtown Market every Sat, Hours 8am-12pm. SALEM LIBRARY: 5B Park Avenue. Hours Monday 10am-6pm. Tues-Friday 9am-5pm. Closed 12-1 for lunch. Teen Miss Upstate, Emma Lusk hosted a beautiful Mother’s Day Tea fundraiser for Eagles Nest Art Center at the Eagles Nest Art Center on Saturday, May 4th from 2PM-4 PM. The Commons Area had an inviting air of elegance decorated with linens and beautiful colorful table settings. Some hope this will become an annual event to look forward to.
Jottings from Miz Jeannie by Jeannie Barnwell Cliff's Notes on Healing GRIEF I hope it's not YOU, but some precious local resident is in the throes of Grief. Please pass this on to such a person. AND especially if you know a teenager going through a broken heart, spend time with the youngster getting across these suggestions.1) Grief can hit you like a poignant case of homesickness. The good thing is it comes in waves. You will feel like you could drown, and then that feeling subsides, but it will return. 2) The sadness you experience is because you took a chance to love. When grief subsides, you will cherish the chance that you took, pain and all. 3) Remember that GOD was with you before you lost your loved one. AND GOD will surely be with you in your loss. 4) People process GRIEF on their individual time tables. NEVER SAY, "Oh, I thought you would be over that by now!” MIZ JEANNIE LOVES YOU!!!
ASHTON RECALLS by Ashton Hester TAMASSEE-SALEM HIGH SCHOOL NEWS, 1984 - (The following items are from the "Tamassee-Salem High School News" column in the April 18, 1984 Keowee Courier). . .HISTORY DAY AWARD. . .Tammy Galloway, Russell Price, Kim Baldwin, Scott Burrell and Teresa Rowland were awarded second place in the History Day Competition at the University of South Carolina at Spartanburg. Their project was entitled "The Influence of Family Structure on Teenage Behavior". . .The second-place award enables the project to advance to the state competition at Lander College. . .STUDENT COUNCIL BUSY. . .The Student Council has been hard at work under the watchful eye of Mrs. Spearman. . .Joan Campbell and Jamie Moore represented the student body at the South Carolina Association of Students Councils state rally at Pendleton High School. . .TYPISTS TO COMPETE. . .Tamassee-Salem High's "Fleet of Fingers Corps" will compete in the Upper-State Type-Off at Tri-County Technical College on Friday, April 17. . .The participants are Joelle Orr, Letha Bearden, Cindy Garrett and Donna Earnhardt in the Typing II Division, and Darleen Simpson, Sandra Lusk, Kim Bryant and Mickey Pearson in the Typing I Division. The alternates are Lynn Reid, Gwen Nicholson, Pam Moss and Alena Cantrell in Division II and Lisa Lusk, Leesa Collins, Tammy Galloway and Missy Brown in Division I. JOCASSEE VALLEY BREWING COMPANY,(JVBC) & COFFEE SHOP* 13412 N Hwy 11 Open Wed–Sat 9am-9pm and Sunday 12pm-7pm Events this week: Wed: BLUE RIDGE GRILL Thursday: OLD TIME JAM at 6:30 BLUE RIDGE GRILL Fri: Music: Water Kickers 6:30PM Food: Carolina Classic Diner Sat– Music: ANDY FERRELL at 6:30PM Food: BLUE RIDGE GRILL. Mother’s Day Sunday: 12pm-7pm Food: BLUE RIDGE GRILL-Italian Special and more! Music: TOM KURMAN 4PM More info 864-873-0048
Start a Forever Healthier Life- Search for healthier food options. Be an advocate for yourself and your family because our government is allowing industries to place genetically modified foods, artificial colorings, preservatives, and fillers linked to cancer, diabetes, and obesity in the foods we consume. If we stop purchasing these foods, things will change! Money talks. Industries want to make money. Pharmaceutical want to make money. When we develop diabetes, cancer, and obesity that leads to multiple health problems, then THEY all make money. Let’s STOP this practice that will destroy our health and the health of our children. We can do as the United Kingdom did. The UK does not allow these harmful ingredients in their foods. Let’s join in! LRM
EAGLES NEST ART CENTER, located 4 Eagle Lane, Salem SC
2024 UPCOMING EVENTS Information on sponsorships, rentals, etc 864-280-1258 or email at [email protected].
Each Wednesday in May from 11:30AM–2PM Join Freda for Treasures and Sharing Wellness ! Oconee Mountain Opry: May 18th at 7PM. Come out and enjoy and evening of variety and fun. Hear the classic old tunes from Jef Wilson and the Americana/Blue Grass style from the West End String Band. We always leave room for an unexpected dose of fun with Mystery guests, comedy, and more. Tickets are $ 10 the day of the event, at the Town Hall, or on the Eaglesnestartcenter.org website through Ticketleap.
June 3-7 ENAC hosts Earth Art Camp for children 6-12 years old. 9AM-12PM Call 864-280-1258 $50 fee. ENAC is proud to offer this camp to a limited number of children, geared for the child who enjoys creativity and expression through painting, nature, writing, music, speech, and movement. The Eagles Nest Treasure Store is open every Saturday morning 9AM-12PM. Will accept donations also or call 864-557-2462.
YOUNG APPALACHIAN MUSICIAN– YAMS is the group from Pickens County willing to help ENAC get started with an evening class each week. Cost will be $ 50 each month. Instruments will be available for rental if needed at $20 per month. This is for ages 3rd grade through adult. It is a good way to find out your ability. We need students ! Call 864-280-1258
DID YOU READ ASHTON RECALLS last week? We need to find someone to head up this old short play called “Comin’ Round the Mountain!” Instead of the senior class of Salem doing the performance, it could be senior citizens! So come on and get out of retirement and let’s host a play at the ENAC. We need volunteers to make this a lcommunity theatre! LRM
CHURCH NEWS Bethel Presbyterian Church (PCUSA), 580 Bethel Church Rd Walhalla, 29691. Worship at 10:30 a.m. This Side of Easter Message by Mel Davis May 12. Pentecost begins May 19 & 26, Messages by Pat Rabun. Come visit us.
Boones Creek Baptist Church, 264 Boones Creek Road, Salem invites you to worship service Sunday morning with Sunday School at 10am and followed by worship at 11am. Also Wednesday services.
Salem Methodist Church: 520 Church Street, Salem. 9AM for breakfast, 9:30AM for Sunday School, and 10:30AM for Worship. You may tune in to our live service on Facebook or view it later on our website. All are welcomed!
Calvary Baptist Church in downtown Salem is inviting you to attend a special Bluegrass Gospel Singing featuring, "The Tugaloo Holler Band" on Saturday, May 11th at 6 PM. Come worship God with us through singing and fellowshipping with believers.
Salem Seventh-Day Adventist Church, located 240 W Main St , Salem, cordially invites you to join us every Saturday in May at 9:30am for a presentation “Mindfit.” These presentations will address mental health. Vacation Bible School Sunday June 30, 1-4pm The Creator Is My Friend/What do you taste? Special feature: Clemson 4-H Native Carnivorous Plants
Scripture: Philippians 4:8 King James Version (KJV) “whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”
Fill mind and body with good things! LRM
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H:徐志摩稱數大便是美,個人電腦從中央處理器CPU16位元,到64位元,電腦所稱的X286,X386,X486,X586之後一直發展。公司的電腦發展到超級電腦是怎樣的光景?「特斯拉2022年有3台Dojo超級電腦,每秒處理40萬部影片容量高達30PB。」「美國橡樹嶺實驗的Frontier系統超越1exa Flops(100萬兆浮點)。」。「最強大的Fugaku (富岳)超級電腦。」特別查一查。20230914W4
超級電腦,指能夠執行一般個人電腦無法處理的高速運算的電腦,規格與效能比個人電腦強大許多。��有的超級電腦運算速度大都可以達到每秒一兆次以上。「超級計算」這名詞第一次出現,是在1929年《紐約世界報》關於IBM為哥倫比亞大學建造大型制表機的報導。 維基百科
最強大的Fugaku (富岳)超級電腦。
美國橡樹嶺實驗的Frontier系統超越1exa Flops(100萬兆浮點)。
Dojo可開啟「全新的潛在市場」,就如同亞馬遜(Amazon.com Inc.)旗下的雲端運算服務子公司AWS。AWS目前為亞馬遜貢獻70%的息稅前利潤(EBIT)。
每秒浮點運算次數,亦稱每秒峰值速度,(英語:Floating-point operations per second;縮寫:FLOPS),即每秒所執行的浮點運算次數。浮點(floating-point)指的是帶有小數的數值,浮點運算即是小數的四則運算
前沿 (超級電腦)
Frontier(OLCF-5)是由HPE Cray和AMD建造,託管於美國田納西州橡樹嶺國家實驗室的超級計算機,它基於Cray EX架構,是Summit(OLCF-4)的繼任者,也是全球首台百億億次級計算機[1]。2022年5月,Frontier獲得超級計算機運算速度全球排名第一名[2]。目前早期運營性能達到了每秒1.194百億億次每秒浮點運算次數(PFlop/s),其性能代表了整個榜單計算能力的四分之一,但該計算機尚未達到最佳優化,雖然已經超越百億億次目標但是未達到設計性能指標。
Frontier的設計目標計算性能是大於1.5 百億億每秒浮點運算次數(PFlop/s)[3][4]。預計成本6億美元。
Frontier計算系統被安裝在74個19英寸(48厘米)機櫃中,每個機櫃安裝了64個包含了2個節點的刀片服務器,每個節點帶有1個高性能和AI計算負載優化的AMD EPYC 7453s 64核CPU和4個AMD Radeon Instinct MI250X GPU 整套系統包括9,472個CPU和37,888個GPU,總計CPU內核數達606,208個,GPU內核數達8,335,360個[5]。現今Frontier的功率為22,703千瓦,為降低其在運行時產生的熱量,該系統配備水冷系統散熱,其水冷系統擁有四個大功率水泵,每分鐘可推動超過25噸水在機器周圍流動[1]。Frontier採用慧與科技子公司克雷公司開發的Cray OS做為作業系統。
橡樹嶺國家實驗室(英語:Oak Ridge National Laboratory,縮寫為ORNL)是美國能源部所屬的一個大型多學科研究國家實驗室[2],位於田納西州橡樹嶺。此實驗室成立於1943年,最初是作為曼哈頓計劃的一部分,以生產和分離鈾和鈽為主要目的建造的,原稱克林頓實驗室。2000年4月以後由田納西大學和巴特勒紀念研究所(英語:Battelle Memorial Institute)共同管理。
Quick Facts 位元組的次方單位, 十進制前綴 (SI) ...
在2009年,阿凡達3D版在維塔數碼使用超過1 PB來儲存。
Google的服務器集群於2004年時的估計容量大約是5.625 PB。
美國國會圖書館的書籍與非書籍藏品數量,於2005年的估計近似值大約是10 PB。
在2012年的8月,Facebook共使用約100 PB儲存空間。
Google相簿在發布1年之後,2016年5月的統計為用戶節省共約13.7 PB的存儲空間[2]。
匯豐銀行儲存全球70個國家和地區,共3,700萬客戶的資料和交易紀錄,資料總量由2014年的56 PB,激增至2017年的93 PB[3]。
《微軟模擬飛行2020》的全球地景模擬系統資料庫約為2 PB。
1PB = 1,000TB = (10)3 TB
1PB = 1,000,000GB = (10)6 GB
1PB = 1,000,000,000MB = (10)9 MB
1PB = 1,000,000,000,000KB = (10)12 KB
1PB = 1,000,000,000,000,000B = (10)15 B
1PiB = 1,024 TiB
1PiB = 1,048,576GiB = (1024)2 GiB
1PiB = 1,073,741,824MiB = (1024)3 MiB
1PiB = 1,099,511,627,776KiB = (1024)4 KiB
1PiB = 1,125,899,906,842,624B = (1024)5 B
富岳 (超級計算機)
富岳(日語:富岳/ふがく Fugaku */?、英語:Supercomputer Fugaku)是富士通與日本理化學研究所共同開發的超級電腦,作為「京」的後繼機型。2014年開始研發,2021年正式啟用。[2]富岳部署在兵庫縣神戶市中央區港灣人工島上的理化學研究所計算科學研究中心內,其運算能力為京的100至120倍,耗電為30百萬瓦至40百萬瓦,京的耗電為12.7百萬瓦[3]。「富岳」是富士山的別稱[4]。
Quick Facts 啟用時間, 承建商 ...

京/富岳 - SC 18展覽會

PRIMEHPC FX1000 (富岳節點) - SC 19展覽會
富岳是全球首度奪冠的ARM架構超級電腦,採用富士通48核心A64FX SoC,與過往超級電腦大多採用的Intel或AMD的x86、x64主流平台不同。富岳共有158,976個節點,尖峰性能可達到1 exaFLOPS(1,000 petaFLOPS)。富岳除了在Linpack中拿到好成績,也在HPL-AI���獲得1.421 exaFLOPS。
2020年6月23日,富岳正式獲認證,以415 PFLOPS計算速度成為TOP500排名第一的超級電腦[5]。之後同年11月17日發表的TOP 500排行榜成功蟬聯第一[6]。
數大便是美,碧綠的山坡前幾千隻綿羊,挨成一片的雪絨,是美; 一天的繁星,千萬隻閃亮的眼神,從無極的藍空中下窺大地,是美; 泰山頂上的雲海,巨萬的雲峰在晨光裏靜定著,是美; 大海萬頃的波浪,戴著各式的白帽,在日光裏動盪著,起落著,是美; 愛爾蘭附近的那個羽毛島上棲著幾千萬的飛禽, 夕陽西沉時只見一個羽化的
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केजरीवाल सरकार को फटकार: SC ने कहा- विज्ञापन पर 1000 करोड़ खर्चे, RRTS के लिए दो महीने में 415 करोड़ दें
केजरीवाल सरकार को फटकार
नई दिल्ली। सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने सोमवार को दिल्ली सरकार को दो महीने के अंदर ‘रीजनल रैपिड ट्रांसपोर्ट सिस्टम’ (आरआरटीएस) के लिए 415 करोड़ रुपये देने का निर्देश दिया है। जस्टिस एसके कौल और जस्टिस सुधांशु धूलिया की पीठ ने कहा कि आम आदमी पार्टी (आप) के नेतृत्व वाली सरकार ने पिछले तीन वर्षों में विज्ञापनों पर 1,000 करोड़ रुपये खर्च कर सकती है, तो निश्चित तौर पर बुनियादी ढांचा परियोजनाओं को भी वित्त पोषित…
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60304000431 LG833B.08VI.03 LYG-1305002 Condensate drain valve LONKING
60304000431 LG833B.08VI.03 LYG-1305002 Condensate drain valve LONKING
6390903016 BUCKET 6430001477 PLATE_FUEL TANK REAR 4110001300065 LG955N轮胎式装载机 4120010642004 调整垫片II FZ0000372 配重 6215000640 突缘叉130-2201023B 14520039 6214000513 气缸盖罩总成1001244054 29260008762 齿轮 ZL20-032010X1 ( Z = 46 ) 4120009291L 托板129004-03010 4120002606109 销轴LGB301-120*N*415-40Cr 29030024301 一倒档拨叉7DS180-1702055 9314-02200 6390203938 副车架套 6390202443 仪表台线束 LG5302000004 底座 4014000540 停用-套 29330066611 底板 14555914 4120001212 推拉玻璃 4110000997086 高度尺划线头 7300001348 螺栓GB16674.1-M10*110EpZn-8.8 M0860WAJ0 闪光灯继电器4DB003675-01 29260016321 螺栓B00000502 28010008451 右挡板 14400145 板 29220014831 USB打印��方口数据线1.5米 6216000423 驾驶室附件 ZJ4190001669 O形圈GB3452.1-165*3.55G 4110000415099 吸水接头 14407258 副水箱盖 1172-01071-A 29020017441 螺栓GB5783-M16*40flZnyc-10.9-480 14636772 26210000031 玻璃门文件橱1880*860*400(下面2层为铁门) 14646422 26240025241 连轴齿轮 937005 29080008021 支架 3214592526-A 4180000219 右支架 6399000576 油底壳总成612600150180 630-1006019 26141005941 曲轴止推片6105Q-1005058A 14550662 LG2926002313 3 节流接头 14596323 9150000020 销 14596319 FXKAY-00608-MF E685F标识包 26290016901 TRANSMISSION ASSEMBLY 14401251 6T齿轮R33 ZJ2713011810 铜环(内孔165,外径220,厚20) JB8406-B10*800 11210253 L956F-W大波距散热器换下模块 11213501 电机YX3-132M-4 7.5KW B5 14570725 右台架组焊胎 3/8-16UNC-2B*20-10 4110015194097 O型圈90502592 14400278 传动轴总成 4110001161005 潍柴420发动机、加缓速器、排石器、制动喷淋、车顶警示灯,31.5m3高强多工况 1110016-30D 11210686 板 26120004161 限位开关 DC-24V 14513034 法兰接头1DFL-36-16 10-00391-01 29310027581 抛光膏 10-00392-01 16027702 垫片1000983067 Q1200830 F707816 发动机总成BF4M2012C(B40-13T2-A714) 4110000076270 禁止踩踏标识(宽50) 29350011581 钎杆-锻打M型10000T-MF C4935793 4190002559 桥油管 LG02-YS2 26180002731 气缸垫总成1003090B56D/A 16027737 巡更器 11216984 左安装支架 4130001211 水杯HK0606L.1 9580L1 胶管F381CACA121206-1150 6410003414 排气钢管 14617170 26330070614 充电线固定板 14406133 端盖R901467055 4120000560511 标志与标识 7100001280 P-橡胶管夹 LG7300000550C 透气管 26011003401 前车架 3214563968-A LG7300001030A 通风管 9567-20801 29171024721 支架F04259307 9612-08040 6253000527 板 14512071 6900001607 固定销 14589129(14515051) 4120000064003 BOOM_WA 5.7M HD _ EC210C(welded) 9564-20800 LGG916 钢球H70094800 4190000799023 快换阳接头H4-63 11216958 油门操纵机构 29260041371 钢球310B2008-00 9452-03228 26171016551 管夹 A3906973 4110015708067 插排GN-420 5米 4110004063176 行程开关 11211050 开关固定板 26140003411 左隔板 26140001131 驾驶室936L 4120009225 ECU支架13057835 14401331 上拉杆5 6212001059 继电器 Y2NJ AC220 14517507-A 6410008066 板牙 3214562339 A31-4110002141 发动机总成BF6M2012C(BF6M2012-20T2-1042) 14579119-D 6264000312 ACCELERATOR PEDAL,ECO 7273-10300 11215670 过滤器 7273-10110 29260012261 螺纹接头 4110000038337 支架 F2927000869 蒸发风机GKZ7-5.0-20B 6373401259 踏板 11219271 叉杆 1A021-5613-3 28210014901 RAIL,RH HBV200 6410007753 LGB677液压油箱总成 4110000909021 电瓶PBT20 28010007731 后罩线束 29240023371 胶管 963948 4130000068001 前摇臂销 8149651-B 29150010472 前车架 3214611408-A 6420000935 下封板 14529045 26370001261 大腔钢管总成(C)HJ3118592 R0300Z2411203A0 LFT22传动轴总成 FSK75-LG L972F装载机 4110000042112 TRAVEL CONTROL VALVE ASSEMBLY 11215201 固定板毛坯 29120030921 动臂油缸右小腔钢管 A17-4110001009 镗(铣、车)胎类工装维护点检卡质记120-3号 2110900513 胶管 6233000847 板 14533877 4130002090 转子 14511399-B 29290024131 平地机铲刀浮动模块 9312-10300 29141000141 护板 949239 9100000806D 支承板 9415-22031 15402533 非公路自卸车 3214548008 4120004286 C型钢 1041-00631-A 26380003781 铜套 29050204441 胶管JB8406-B38*470 3214530361-B 11215699 踏板总成 C5292292 4043002193 长方管 4120005923 万能线路板200*150 3214577191 29280011161 发动机罩 3214550162-A 6392202914 PLATE_RR -RH 29030019011 上罩板 3214517709--A 26050001861 右挡板 9751-15016 29170309241 皮带 11701952 29270027201 右内衬 F11211887G 密封件包24A600670S 6299000394 夹紧和升降气缸SC-40*400S-LB 11219578 主阀14777849 9612-09540 29120022901 PLATE LH PILOT 4110000997089 调整垫片ZL20-032016 29260012551 胶管F731C96A251612-1450-PG1400 0631.311.009 6420001683 转向油缸HSGF-90*50*400 29400000621 轴套LGB302-85*135B2 Q/SC642.1-01-M14*1 29010044921 EGR冷却器出水管后胶管1207194-A002/A GB/T97.2-8-200HV-Y 4011001244 UL电瓶线P70*2400 26330063851 灌注器 6430001090 E6300F主线束 26380004701 PLATE; TOP; D8 ARTICULATION HINGE 4013000319 指示灯AD16-16C 6.3V 29141007441 海绵430*300*30 7100000511 液压油散管右 L038HW2215A29E0 管道刷Φ10 9200001371 后横梁 3214619972 4110000184072 胶管 955925 28230020391 阶梯镗刀029-14∮130 978937 9200001364 开关 14570425--- 29050204481 steel plate t50-Q345B 3214607320--A 4130000695 刀夹V0783-6001/2 3214624224 4110003763018 轴承33210/Q 3214544880-B 11211676 管夹 4180000067 P-六角头螺栓B00000520 11211707 优先阀进油软管 28010003011 PLATE 4120000560 缓冲套LGB123-0846 ZJ4110001338013 垫圈100*122*12.1 29170128751 空气加力泵SL20 29151003791 弯板 6900001623 25平方电瓶连接线200mm 28220004641 管夹 11218717 连杆(工字架) 22830153 26330006971 螺栓 22768569 4110000081172 油泵轴YJ280-4H-00003 LG2926002479 4 板 28360005011 油门马达 1014015-30D 6373401609 停用-支架 11210064 密封圈 22586088 3110900730 定位螺丝 A030A376 2080700022 护板 LG09-JSRG-1000 4110001005208 轴叉总成ZL50G.5.8-02 21723241 29010042861 停用-排气门(12159608)PTD226B-6(13020158)-023 21714184 11213771 加油弯管 4110000014057 绝缘手套35KV 6410007113 P-垫片 20833930 F81N8-19510F 钢管 4043000827 COVER_LH_PANEL W_SHIELD FDH220-LGZC 延长杆64501050 26260011341 密封圈 14527582 倒档活塞 6241000010 拉杆 4110016116004 阀芯22011601210 HVY32.2 40Cr 761G-02-105 4190000536483 转斗联左大腔钢管 HSGF-140*80*500-95 4110000560133 塑料圈过滤袋(1)号Φ180*810 PE50um CK110*70*400 2833000196001 限位阀 26011007651 短护套Ⅲ 6105Q-1004019B 29171018951 配重加强板 14548262 4110002126133 PLATE 14516446 29370006751 挖掘操纵台面 9315-02201 4120008015 停用-接触器MZJ-100A/011 14519158 Read the full article
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Alabama – 600 Dexter Ave, Montgomery, AL 36130
Alaska – 120 4th St, Juneau, AK 99801
Arizona – 1700 W Washington St, Phoenix, AZ 85007
Arkansas – 500 Woodlane St, Little Rock, AR 72201
California – 1315 10th St, Sacramento, CA 95814
Colorado – 200 E Colfax Ave, Denver, CO 80203
Connecticut – 210 Capitol Ave, Hartford, CT 06106
Delaware – 411 Legislative Ave, Dover, DE 19901
Florida – 400 S Monroe St, Tallahassee, FL 32399
Georgia – 206 Washington St SW, Atlanta, GA 30334
Hawaii – 415 S Beretania St, Honolulu, HI 96813
Idaho – 700 W Jefferson St, Boise, ID 83702
Illinois – 401 S 2nd St, Springfield, IL 62706
Indiana – 200 W Washington St, Indianapolis, IN 46204
Iowa – 1007 E Grand Ave, Des Moines, IA 50319
Kansas – 300 SW 10th Ave, Topeka, KS 66612
Kentucky – 700 Capital Ave, Frankfort, KY 40601
Louisiana – 900 N 3rd St, Baton Rouge, LA 70802
Maine – 210 State St, Augusta, ME 04330
Maryland – 100 State Cir, Annapolis, MD 21401
Massachusetts – 24 Beacon St, Boston, MA 02133
Michigan – 100 N Capitol Ave, Lansing, MI 48933
Minnesota – 75 Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, St. Paul, MN 55155
Mississippi – 400 High St, Jackson, MS 39201
Missouri – 201 W Capitol Ave, Jefferson City, MO 65101
Montana – 1301 E 6th Ave, Helena, MT 59601
Nebraska – 1445 K St, Lincoln, NE 68508
Nevada – 101 N Carson St, Carson City, NV 89701
New Hampshire – 107 N Main St, Concord, NH 03303
New Jersey – 125 W State St, Trenton, NJ 08608
New Mexico – 490 Old Santa Fe Trail, Santa Fe, NM 87501
New York – State St & Washington Ave, Albany, NY 12224
North Carolina – 16 W Jones St, Raleigh, NC 27601
North Dakota – 600 E Boulevard Ave, Bismarck, ND 58505
Ohio – 1 Capitol Square, Columbus, OH 43215
Oklahoma – 2300 N Lincoln Blvd, Oklahoma City, OK 73105
Oregon – 900 Court St NE, Salem, OR 97301
Pennsylvania – 501 N 3rd St, Harrisburg, PA 17120
Rhode Island – 82 Smith St, Providence, RI 02903
South Carolina – 1100 Gervais St, Columbia, SC 29201
South Dakota – 500 E Capitol Ave, Pierre, SD 57501
Tennessee – 600 Dr. Martin L King Jr Blvd, Nashville, TN 37243
Texas – 1100 Congress Ave, Austin, TX 78701
Utah – 350 N State St, Salt Lake City, UT 84103
Vermont – 115 State St, Montpelier, VT 05633
Virginia – 1000 Bank St, Richmond, VA 23218
Washington – 416 Sid Snyder Ave SW, Olympia, WA 98504
West Virginia – 1900 Kanawha Blvd E, Charleston, WV 25305
Wisconsin – 2 E Main St, Madison, WI 53703
Wyoming – 200 W 24th St, Cheyenne, WY 82001
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USS NEW MEXICO (BB-40) undergoing a refit at the Norfolk Navy Yard in Portsmouth, Virginia. In the background, USS GEORGE F. ELLIOTT (AP-13) and USS MISSISSIPPI (BB-41).
In the background, USS O'BRIEN (DD-415) and USS MENEMSHA (AG-39).
Note: Mark 33 and other gun directors atop her superstructure, FC radar antenna on one of the directors and SC radar antenna mounted at the top of her mainmast.
Photographed on December 31, 1941.
U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command: 19-N-27362, 19-N-27360, 19-N-27357, 19-N-27361, 19-N-27359
#USS New Mexico (BB-40)#USS New Mexico#USS Mississippi (BB-41)#USS Mississippi#Battleship#Dreadnought#USS George F. Elliott (AP-13)#USS George F. Elliott#USS O'Brien (DD-415)#USS O'Brien#Destroyer#USS Menemsha (AG-39)#USS Menemsha#December#1941#world war 2#world war ii#WWII#WW2#united states navy#us navy#navy#usn#u.s. navy#my post
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Prefeito de São Francisco do Sul apresenta demandas prioritárias ao Governador
Durante a visita do Governador Jorginho Mello a São Francisco do Sul, nesta quinta-feira (9), o prefeito Godofredo Gomes Moreira Filho entregou um documento com demandas consideradas essenciais para o município. O encontro ocorreu na semana em que São Francisco do Sul completou 521 anos, reafirmando seu status como o território mais antigo de Santa Catarina. Entre os pedidos entregues ao…
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Choose Metal Carport Construction in Columbia, SC
Pre-Built Structures offers reliable Metal Carport Construction in Columbia SC. Our custom-built carports provide durable protection for your vehicles, equipment, or outdoor storage needs. With quality materials and expert craftsmanship, we ensure a lasting solution. Contact us today for your custom carport, call us at 336-415-4736.
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Usa capitale et état
Alabama (AL) Montgomery
Alaska (AK) Juneau
Arizona (AZ) Phoenix
Arkansas (AR) Little Rock
Californie (CA) Sacramento
Caroline du Nord (NC) Raleigh
Caroline du Sud (SC) Columbia
Colorado (CO) Denver
Connecticut (CT) Hartford
Dakota du Nord (ND) Bismark
Dakota du Sud (SD) Pierre
Delaware (DE) Dover
Floride (FL) Tallahassee
Géorgie (GA) Atlanta
Hawaii (HI) Honolulu
Idaho (ID) Boise
Illinois (IL) Springfield
Indiana (IN) Indianapolis
Iowa (IA) Des Moines
Kansas (KS) Topeka
Kentucky (KY) Frankfort
Louisiane (LA) Baton Rouge
Maine (ME) Augusta
Maryland (MD) Annapolis
Massachusetts (MA) Boston
Michigan (MI) Lansing
Minnesota (MN) Saint Paul
Mississippi (MS) Jackson
Missouri (MO) Jefferson
Montana (MT) Helena 178 415 Steve Bullock Teasure State
Nebraska (NE) Lincoln 199 100 Pete Ricketts Cornhusker State
Nevada (NV) Carson City 284 449 Brian Sandoval Silver State
New Hampshire (NH) Concord 23 227 Maggie Hassan Granite State
New Jersey (NJ) Trenton 19 211 Chris Christie Garden State
New York (NY) Albany 122 284 Andrew Cuomo Empire State
Nouveau-Mexique (NM) Santa Fe 314 311 Susana Martinez Land of Enchantment
Ohio (OH) Columbus 106 056 John Kasich Buckeye State
Oklahoma (OK) Oklahoma City 177 848 Mary Fallin Sooner State
Oregon (OR) Salem 248 632 Kate Brown Beaver State
Pennsylvanie (PA) Harrisburg 116 075 Tom Wolf Keystone State
Rhode Island (RI) Providence 2 706 Gina Raimondo Ocean State
Tennessee (TN) Nashville 106 752 Bill Haslam Volunteer State
Texas (TX) Austin 678 055 Greg Abbott Lone Star State
Utah (UT) Salt Lake City 212 752 Gary R. Herbert Beehive State
Vermont (VT) Montpelier 23 956 Phil Scott Green Mountain State
Virginie (VA) Richmond 102 549 Terry McAuliffe Old Dominion
Virginie-Occidentale (WV) Charleston 62 361 Jim Justice Mountain State
Washington (WA) Olympia 172 349 Jay Inslee Evergreen State
Wisconsin (WI) Madison 140 663 Scott Walker Badger State
Wyoming (WY) Cheyenne
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Foto: Aires Mariga/Epagri A Epagri entregou R$ 9,62 de retorno aos catarinenses para cada real investido na Empresa no ano passado. Essa multiplicação de resultados é efeito do impacto econômico de 122 tecnologias produzidas e difundidas pela Empresa que, somadas, representaram um retorno global de R$ 10,95 bilhões no último ano. Esses dados podem ser vistos no site. Estes e outros números estão no Balanço Social da Epagri 2023, apresentado pelo presidente Dirceu Leite nesta sexta-feira, 19, ao secretário de Estado da Agricultura e Pecuária, Valdir Colatto. “Esse Balanço é mais um exemplo de como o dinheiro do contribuinte precisa ser respeitado e investido. A Epagri é uma empresa que chega em cada propriedade rural, levando mais conhecimento, contribuindo pra produção, ajudando a manter aquele pequeno negócio familiar. O resultado muito nos orgulha”, afirmou o governador Jorginho Mello. De acordo com Colatto, o Balanço Social da Epagri de 2023 mostra a importância dos programas de pesquisa e extensão rural para aumentar a renda e produtividade dos agricultores catarinenses. “As ações integradas de inovação e pesquisa buscam incentivar a permanência no campo e a qualidade dos alimentos produzidos e toda a sociedade colhe esse resultado”, ressalta o secretário de Estado da Agricultura e Pecuária, Valdir Colatto. Foto: Will Nieckarz / SAR No Balanço Social a Epagri presta contas dos recursos que o Governo de Santa Catarina investe em pesquisa agropecuária e extensão rural. “Nesse documento damos transparência aos resultados de tecnologias e ações que estão impulsionando o agro catarinense e o desenvolvimento sustentável de Santa Catarina e do Brasil”, esclarece o presidente Dirceu Leite. Segurança alimentar com sustentabilidade Além dos indicadores de 2023, o site apresenta reportagens com testemunhos de famílias que conseguiram transformar suas vidas de mãos dadas com a Epagri e a sustentabilidade. Para o presidente Dirceu, não existe caminho para o futuro se ele não for sustentável. “Isso vale para todos os setores – e na agricultura, que lida diretamente com recursos naturais, fica ainda mais evidente e a Epagri trabalha diariamente para isso”, diz ele. A Epagri desenvolve tecnologias para aliar a produção de alimentos de qualidade com a conservação dos recursos naturais. Ao longo de 2023, a Empresa executou 415 projetos de pesquisa e lançou 27 tecnologias. No ano, foram 218 mil ações de assistência técnica e extensão rural que atenderam 130 mil agricultores e pescadores. Somado a isso, os técnicos foram responsáveis pela elaboração de projetos de crédito que tornaram possível o acesso de R$ 419 milhões em recursos provenientes de políticas públicas estaduais e federais para beneficiar 6,6 mil famílias em Santa Catarina. A Epagri A Epagri (Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária e Extensão Rural de Santa Catarina) é uma empresa pública, vinculada ao Governo de Santa Catarina por meio da Secretaria de Estado da Agricultura e Pecuária. A empresa publica o Balanço Social anualmente desde 2009 para prestar contas à sociedade do dinheiro investido pelo Governo do Estado. Para acessar o documento, clique aqui. Informações para a imprensaIsabela Schwengber, assessora de comunicação da Epagri(48) 3665-5407/99167-3902 Fonte: Governo SC
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The Old Salem Post
Our Local Tamassee-Salem SC Area News each Monday except holidays Contact: [email protected] Distributed to local businesses, town hall, library. Volume 7 Issue 20 Week of April 29 2024 https://www.tumblr.com/settings/blog/oldsalempost-blog Lynne Martin Publishing
EDITOR: It is sad to say that “newcomers” want to protect this blessed land of rural Oconee more than people who have lived here their entire lives. Many natives ( not all!) seem to be open to the biggest bidder at the expense of overdevelopment and destruction of our rural way of life. Our District 1 Oconee County Councilman John Elliot seems to be alone in trying to put up a stop sign for uncontrolled development. He acknowledges the Oconee County Council is “doing nothing about it!” It is time for us all to wake up and do something about it. Speak at the next Council meeting. Meetings are held the first and third Tuesday each month at 6:00PM at 415 South Pine Street, Walhalla. Be a voter and know your candidates. Stop selling your precious land. Support local farmers. Start being active participants in saving this beautiful place we call home. LRMartin
TOWN of SALEM: 5 Park Avenue * Visit the Downtown Market every Sat, Hours 8am-12pm. Thanks to all who helped support the Salem Clean-up on Saturday! Thursday, May 2nd is National Day of Prayer. Meet at the Town Hall at 9AM SALEM LIBRARY: 5B Park Avenue. Hours Monday 10am-6pm. Tues-Friday 9am-5pm. Closed 12-1 for lunch. Join Teen Miss Upstate, Emma Lusk will be hosting a a fundraiser for Eagles Nest Art CenterMother’s Day tea party at the Eagles Nest Art Center on Saturday, May 4th from 2PM-4 PM. You will enjoy our amazing guest speaker and performances. Little lady guests will enjoy manicures and crafts during the tea party. Contact Kayla or Emma Lusk at 864-903-0681.
Jottings from Miz Jeannie by Jeannie Barnwell Springtime Fire Safety Tips With the relaxed atmosphere of Spring, often we let down our guard for safety. Children are jumping over the sprinkler; neighbors come to call bringing slurppy jello salads that must be refrigerated. Busy hosts are overwhelmed with serving sweet tea/unsweetened tea, and kids drinks. Meanwhile corn on the cob boils over the stove. AND the bar-be-que grill! if you take your eyes off it for just one second, that is long enough for the meat to morph in to an inferno! Here are some tips to share with the whole family so that everyone will share in safety. 1. Keep the grill at least ten feet away from the house. 2. Never use gasoline to start a fire. 3. Keep matches and lighters away from children. 4. Leave fireworks to the professionals. 5. Assign one person to monitor kitchen cooking. 6. Don't talk politics. AND ENJOY THE AMERICAN TRADITION OF NEIGHBORHOOD GET-TOGETHERS Be safe and have fun! Miz Jeannie will love YOU forever and like YOU for always!
ASHTON RECALLS by Ashton Hester SALEM SENIORS TO PRESENT CLASS PLAY - (The following story was in the April 21, 1954 issue of the Keowee Courier). . .There should be plenty of feudin' and fussin' in Salem when the members of the high school senior class stage their annual class play in the Salem auditorium Saturday night, April 24, at 8 o'clock. Admission will be 25 and 50 cents. . .Title of the three-act comedy is "Comin' Round the Mountain," and the story revolves around the doings of Maw and Paw Skitter and a host of other hillbilly characters. . .Included in the cast are Nannie Faye Brown, Howard Abercrombie, Thomas Whitmire, Shirley Barker, Betty Lee Towe, Vance Galloway, Carmelita Chastain, Roderick Whitten, Max Nicholson, Max Wigington, Myria Crenshaw and Delores Alexander.
JOCASSEE VALLEY BREWING COMPANY,(JVBC) & COFFEE SHOP* 13412 N Hwy 11 Open Wed–Sat 9am-9pm and Sunday 12pm-7pm Events this week: Wed: BLUE GRASS JAM 6:30PM Food: Alazan Thursday: BLUE RIDGE GRILL JVB Birthday Weekend Celebration: Fri: Music: AMONGST the TREES 6:30PM Food: Just a Smile (Caribbean) Sat– Celebrate JVB birthday beginning our 7th year and 150 years of the Kentucky Derby: Ladies wear your hat!! Music: Deadly Crank Dogs at 6:30PM Food: BLUE RIDGE GRILL Sun: 12pm-7pm Food: Kodesh BBQ Music: TUBA GIN 4PM More info 864-873-0048
BEAUTY AND THE BEAST at the Oconee Community Theatre located 8001 Utica Street, Seneca, SC. May 3, 4 & 5, Friday and Saturday shows at 7:30. Sunday Matinees at 2:30. Adults - $20.00, Students - $15.00, Youth - 12 and under: $13,00 Groups of 10 or more purchased together (online only) receive a $2 per ticket discount! www.oconeetheatre.org ****This was a wonderful and enjoyable local presentation! LRM
EAGLES NEST ART CENTER located 4 Eagle Lane, Salem SC
2024 UPCOMING EVENTS Information on sponsorships, rentals, etc 864-280-1258 or email at [email protected].
Each Wednesday in May from 11:30AM–2PM Join Freda for Treasures and Sharing Wellness ! Mother’s Day Afternoon Tea on Saturday, May 4th from 2PM-4 PM: Join us for a special afternoon and treat yourself to delicious goodies, hot tea, and a guest speaker! Our youngest guests will enjoy manicures and a craft! $10 per guest. All funds will be donated to support the Eagles Nest Art Center. There are also opportunities to sponsor a table for the event. To RSVP or find more information: Kayla or Emma Lusk at 864-903-0681 Oconee Mountain Opry: May 18th at 7PM. Jef Wilson, West End String Band, Mystery guests, comedy and more.
June 3-7 ENAC hosts Art Camp for children 6-12 years old. 9AM-12PM Call 864-280-1258 $50 fee
The Eagles Nest Treasure Store is open every Saturday morning 9AM-12PM. Will accept donations also or call 864-557-2462.
Interested in becoming a YOUNG APPALACHIAN MUSICIAN? For ages 3rd grade through adult. Call 864-280-1258
CHURCH NEWS Bethel Presbyterian Church (PCUSA), 580 Bethel Church Rd Walhalla, 29691. Worship at 10:30 a.m. Come visit us.
Boones Creek Baptist Church, 264 Boones Creek Road, Salem invites you to worship service Sunday morning with Sunday School at 10am and followed by worship at 11am. Also Wednesday services.
Salem Methodist Church: 520 Church Street, Salem. 9AM for breakfast, 9:30AM for Sunday School, and 10:30AM for Worship. You may tune in to our live service on Facebook or view it later on our website. All are welcomed!
Calvary Baptist Church in downtown Salem is inviting you to attend a special Bluegrass Gospel Singing featuring, "The Tugaloo Holler Band" on Saturday, May 11th at 6 PM. Come worship God with us through singing and fellowshipping with believers.
Salem Seventh-Day Adventist Church, located 240 W Main St , Salem, cordially invites you to join us every Saturday in May at 9:30am for a presentation “Mindfit.” These presentations will address mental health. Vacation Bible School Sunday June 30, 1-4pm The Creator Is My Friend/What do you taste? Special feature: Clemson 4-H Native Carnivorous Plants
Start a Forever Healthier Life- You don't need to start a “diet” just to fail time and time again. Start each week incorporating a healthier practice. This week look at foods and drinks in your refrigerator and cabinet containing artificial food colorings especially red and yellow. Vow to not purchase those items again and find a healthier option. For example, make your own healthier lemonade and put a few bottles easy-grab bottles in the fridge. Wash and reuse these bottles. Start a Just Say No to foods and drinks with these cancer-causing colorings that our government allows to be in our foods. England has already banned these practices, but America has not. These unnatural colors come from who knows what. You would think our government would protect us. But with knowledge and practice you can start protecting your family. LRM Healthy Tip: Look at a label of ingredients: If you can’t pronounce it, or know what it is on the label….You don’t need it!
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God...honor God with your bodies.”
Today is a good day to begin. LRM
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Pickens Construction Inc.
Pickens Construction Inc.
415 McGee Rd, Anderson, SC 29625
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Danh sách máy in màu mà phần mềm WIC-RESET hỗ trợ
Chúng tôi liệt kệ Danh sách máy in màu mà phần mềm WIC-RESET hỗ trợ cho các bạn tiện theo dõi. Các ngôn ngữ được hỗ trợ: tiếng Anh, tiếng Tây Ban Nha, tiếng Nhật, tiếng Chineese, tiếng Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ, tiếng Ý, tiếng Rumani, tiếng Ba Lan, tiếng Ả Rập, tiếng Pháp vv Giấy phép: FreeWare Giao diện: USB, Wi-Fi, Ethernet Hệ thống hoạt động: Windows XP, Windows 7, 8 , 10, Mac OS Kiểm tra bộ đếm và các tính năng điều chỉnh: miễn phí Chức năng đặt lại bộ đếm mực thải: Yêu cầu phải đặt lại phím Hạ cấp chương trình cơ sở và chương trình cơ sở chipless: Yêu cầu FIRMware
Tiện ích thiết lập lại WIC S RES ĐẶT LẠI Máy in phun Epson của bạn CHẤT THẢI MẮT CÁC BỘ ĐẾM đang ngăn bạn in. Bây giờ bạn có thể Đặt lại Máy in của bạn Bộ đếm mực thải chỉ sau 2 lần nhấp! Tải phần mềm WIC-RESET >>> TẠI ĐÂY
WIC Reset tiện ích có thể: – kiểm tra giá trị hiện tại của quầy mực thải và quầy mức mực in – MIỄN PHÍ – reset bộ đếm mực thải – yêu cầu thiết lập lại KEY – bạn phải MUA RESET – reset quầy Ink Cấp trong máy in L100, L200, L800 chỉ – MIỄN PHÍ – làm sạch đầu in – MIỄN PHÍ – Sạc mực – MIỄN PHÍ – đọc và ghi số sê-ri – MIỄN PHÍ – đọc và viết ID USB – MIỄN PHÍ – đọc và viết ID ID – MIỄN PHÍ – tạo EEPROM, sao lưu – MIỄN PHÍ – kiểm tra nạp giấy – MIỄN PHÍ – kiểm tra vòi phun – MIỄN PHÍ – mẫu kiểm tra màu – MIỄN PHÍ – khởi tạo (vô hiệu hóa) bù đắp suy giảm PF – MIỄN PHÍ – truy xuất thông tin thiết bị – MIỄN PHÍ
DANH SÁCH CÁC MÔ HÌNH ĐƯỢC H SUP TRỢ PHẦN MỀM (V 5.0.40, 2018): Máy in Canon
loạt MX470 loạt MX490 MB2000 loạt MG5100 Dòng MG5200 Dòng MG5500 loạt MG5600 loạt MG5700 loạt G1000, G1100, G1400, G1900 G1010, G1110, G1410, G1910 G2000, G2100, G2400, G2900 G2010, G2110, G2410, G2910 G3000, G3100, G3400, G3900 G3010, G3110, G3410, G3910 G4000, G4100, G4400, G4900 G4010 , G4110, G4410, G4910
Máy in Epson
Nghệ nhân: Nghệ nhân 50, Nghệ nhân 600, Nghệ nhân 700, Nghệ nhân 720, Nghệ nhân 800, Nghệ nhân 810, Nghệ nhân 830, Nghệ nhân 835, Nghệ nhân 837, Nghệ nhân 1430
B: B30, B40W, B42WD, B1100, B1110 BX: BX300F, BX305FW, BX310FN, BX320FW, BX525WD, BX535WD, BX600FW, BX610FW, BX620FWD, BX625FWD, BX630FW, BX635FWD, BX925FWD, BX935FWD
C: C58, C59, C61, C62, C63, C64, C65, C66, C67, C68 , C76, C77, C78, C79, C82, C83, C84, C85, C86, C87, C88, C90, C91, C92, C93, C94, C95, C97, C98, C99, C110, C120, CC-570L Màu: Màu 1160, 760, 860 CX: CX2800, CX2900, CX3100, CX3200, CX3300, CX3400, CX3500, CX3600, CX3650, CX3700, CX3800, CX3900, CX3905, CX4000, CX4080, CX4100, CX0000 CX4900, CX4905, CX5000, CX5700F, CX5900, CX6000, CX6300, CX6400, CX6500, CX6600, CX7300, CX7400, CX7700, CX7800, CX8300, CX8400, CX9300F, CX9400Fax, CX9500F
D: D68, D78, D88, D92, D120
DX:DX3800, DX4000, DX4050, DX4200, DX4800, DX5000, DX5050, DX6000, DX6050, DX7400, DX7450, DX8400, DX9400F
EP: EP-702A, EP-703A, EP-705A, EP-705A, EP-70 , EP-709A, EP-775A, EP-776A, EP-777A, EP-801A, EP-802A, EP-803A, EP-804A, EP-804F, EP-805A, EP-806A, EP-807A, EP -808A, EP-901A, EP-901F, EP-902A, EP-903A, EP-903F, EP-904A, EP-904F, EP-905A, EP-905F, EP-906F, EP-907F, EP-907F EP-976A3, EP-977A, EP-977A3, EP-978A, EP-978A3, EP-979A3 EP-10VA, EP-301, EP-302, EP-306, EP-4004
ET: EcoTank ET-14000, ET -2500, ET-2550, ET-2600, ET-2650, ET-4500, ET-4550, EW-M660FT
K: K100, K101, K200, K201, K300, K602
L:L100, L110, L111, L120, L130, L132, L200, L210, L211, L220, L222, L300, L301, L 310, L312, L350, L351, L355, L356, L353, L360, L362, L36, L36 L375, L380, L382, L383, L385, L386, L395 L455, L456, L485, L485, L486, L495 L550, L551, L555, L556, L558, L565, L566, L575, L566 L850, L1300, L1455, L1800, L3050, L3060, L3070, L4150, L4158, L4160, L4168
M: M100, M105, M200, M205
ME Office: ME-1, ME-2, ME-10, ME-10, ME-10, ME-10 -30, ME-32, ME-35, ME-70, ME-80W, ME-82WD, ME-100, ME-101, ME-200, ME-300, ME-301, ME-303, ME-320 , ME-330, ME-340, ME-360, ME-400, ME-401, ME-510, ME-520, ME-530, ME-535, ME-560W, ME-570, ME-600F, ME -620F, ME-650FN, ME-700, ME-900WD, ME-940FW, ME-960FWD, ME-1100
NX:N11, NX100, NX110, NX120, NX125, NX127, NX130, NX200, NX210, NX215, NX220, NX230, NX300, NX305, NX330, NX400, NX410, NX415, NX420W, NX430, NX435, NX510, NX515, NX530 , NX620, NX625, NX635
P: P50, P60 PP: PP-50, PP-50BD, PP-100 Discproducer – Yêu cầu Khóa đặt lại cho các kiểu PP-50, PP-100 PX: PX650, PX659, PX660, PX700W, PX710W, PX720WD , PX800FW, PX810FW, PX820WD, PX830FWD PX-045A, PX-046A, PX-047A, PX-048A, PX-049A, PX-1001, PX-1004, PX-101, PX-105, PX-1200, PX-1600F, PX-1700F, PX- 201, PX-203, PX-203A, PX-204, PX-404A, PX-405A, PX-434A, PX-435A, PX-436A, PX-437A, PX-501A, PX-502A, PX-503A, PX-504A, PX-505F, PX-535F, PX-5500, PX-5600, PX-5V, PX-5VII, PX-601F, PX-602F, PX-603F, PX-673F, PX-7V, PX- 7VII, PX-A640, PX-A720, PX-A740, PX-FA700, PX-G5000, PX-G5100, PX-G5300, PX-K100, PX-M650, PX-M650A, PX-M650F, PX-S05B, PX-S05W, PX-V600, PX-V630, PX-V780
Ảnh: Ảnh 820U, 830U, 890, 900, 950, 960, 1280, 1290, 1390, 1400, 1410, 1430, 1500 , 2100, 2200 PictureMate: PM100 , PM-200, PM210, PM215, PM225 PM235, PM240, PM245, PM250, PM260, PM270, PM280, PM290, PM300, PM 310, PM400
PM:PM-3500C, PM-4000px, PM-G800, PM-G4500, PM-G5000, PM-A820, PM-A840, PM-A840S, PM-A870, PM-A890, PM-A900, PM-A940, PM- A970, PM-D770, PM-D800, PM-D870, PM-G850, PM-G860, PM-G4500, PM-G5000, PM-T960, PM-T990
R: R200, R210, R220, R230, R240, R2 , R250, R260, R265, R270, R280, R285, R290, R295, R300, R310, R320, R330, R340, R350, R360, R380, R390, R800, R1800, R1900, R2000 , R2400, R2880, R3000 RX: RX420, RX425, RX430, RX500, RX510, RX520, RX530, RX560, RX565, RX580, RX585, RX590, RX595, RX600, RX610, RX615, RX620, RX630, RX640, RX650, RX680, RX685, RX690, RX700
S: S20 , S21, S22
Màu sắc chắc chắn: SC-P400, SC-P407, SC-P408, SC-P600, SC-P607, SC-P608, SC-PX5V2, SC-PX7V2
SX:SX100, SX105, SX110, SX115, SX115, SX125, SX130, SX200, SX205, SX210, SX215, SX218, SX230, SX235, SX400, SX405, SX410, SX415, SX420W, SX425W, SX4 SX510, SX515, SX525WD, SX535, SX600FW, SX610FW, SX620
T: T10, T11, T12, T13, T20, T21, T22, T23, T24, T25, T26, T27, T30, T33 , T60, T1100, T1110
TX: TX100, TX101, TX102, TX103, TX105, TX106, TX109, TX110, TX111, TX112, TX113, TX115, TX116, TX117, TX119, TX120, TX121, TX123, TX125, TX TX133, TX135 TX200, TX203, TX209, TX210, TX213, TX219, TX220, TX230, TX235, TX300F, TX320F TX400, TX405, TX408, TX409, TX410, TX419, TX420W, TX430 TX510FN, TX515FN, TX525, TX550W, TX560WD, TX600FW , TX610FW, TX620FWD, TX650, TX659 TX700W, TX710W, TX720WD, TX730, TX800FW, TX810FW, TX820FWD, TX830FWD
WorkForce: WorkForce 30, 40, 42, 60, 310, 315, 320, 321, 323, 325, 435, 500, 520, 525 610, 615, 625, 630, 633, 635, 645, 840, 845, 1100 WorkForce WorkForce WF-2010, WF-2011, WF-2510, WF-2511, WF-2518, WF-2520, WF-2521, WF -2528, WF-2530, WF-2531, WF-2538 WorkForce WF-2532, WF-2540, WF-2541, WF-2548, WF-2630, WF-2631, WF-2650, WF-2651, WF-2660 , WF-2661WF-2750, WF-2751, WF-2760, WF-2761
Chức năng đặt lại và đọc bộ đếm KH��NG có sẵn cho các kiểu máy này (chỉ có chức năng điều chỉnh): WorkForce WF-3010, WF-3011, WF-3012, WF-3510, WF-3511, WF-3520, WF-3521, WF-3530, WF-3531, WF-3540, WF-3541, WF-3620, WF -3621, WF-3640, WF-3641, WorkForce WF-4630, WF-4640, WF-5110, WF-5113, WF-5190, WF-5620, WF-5623, WF-5690, WF-6090, WF- 6093, WF-6530, WF-6590, WF-6593, WorkForce WF-7110, WF-7111, WF-7610, WF-7611, WF-7620, WF-7621, WF-8010, WF-8090, WF-8093 , WF-8510, WF-8590, WF-8593, Lực lượng lao động WF-100 WF-R4640, WF-R5190, WF-R5690
Chức năng Reset không khả dụng. Bộ đếm đọc và điều chỉnh có sẵn trong các mô hình này: WorkForce WP-4011, WPM-4011, WP-4015DN, WP-4020, WP-4022, WP-4025DW, WP-4090, WP-4092, WP-4095DN, WP-4511 , WP-4515, WP-4520, WP-4511, WP-4515, WP-4520, WP-4521, WPM-4521, WP-4525, WP-4530, WP-4531, WP-4532, WP-4533, WP -4535, WP-4540, WP-4545, WP-4590, WP-4592, WP-4595 –
XP: XP-20, XP-30, XP-33, XP-55 XP-100, XP-102, XP-103 XP-200, XP-201, XP-201, XP-204, XP-208, XP- 202, XP-203, XP-206, XP-205, XP-207, XP-210, XP-211, XP-214, XP-216, XP-212, XP-213, XP-215, XP-217, XP-220, XP-225, XP-230, XP-231, XP-235, XP-240, XP-241, XP-242, XP-243, XP-245, XP-247 XP-300, XP-301 , XP-302, XP-303, XP-305, XP-306, XP-310, XP-311, XP-312, XP-313, XP-315, XP-320, XP-322, XP-323, XP -325, XP-330, XP-332, XP-335, XP-340, XP-342, XP-343, XP-345 XP-400, XP-401, XP-402, XP-403, XP-405, XP-406, XP-410, XP-411, XP-412, XP-413, XP-415, XP-420, XP-422, XP-423, XP-425, XP-424, XP-430, XP- 431, XP-432, XP-435, XP-434, XP-440, XP-441, XP-438, XP-445, XP-447 XP-510, XP-520, XP-530, XP-540 XP-600, XP-601, XP-605, XP-610, XP-615, XP-620, XP-625, XP-630, XP-635, XP-640, XP-645 XP-700, XP-701 , XP-702, XP-710, XP-720, XP-721, XP-750, XP-760 XP-800, XP-801, XP-802, XP-810, XP-820, XP-821, XP- 830, XP-850, XP-860 XP-900, XP-950, XP-960.
"QC" Chuyên in khổ lớn quảng cáo CÔNG TY TNHH IN ẤN QUẢNG CÁO SONG PHÁT..., in khổ lớn, công ty in khổ lớn, in song phát, in hiflex khổ lớn, thi công bảng hiệu khổ lớn, công ty in tphcm, in ấn quảng cáo khổ lớn, xưởng in khổ lớn, xưởng in song phát, in hiflex song phát, in hiflex giá rẻ.
Địa chỉ : Số 307/7 Bình Quới, P.28, Q.Bình Thạnh, TP.HCM
Hotline : 0908.837.032
Điện thoại: 0908.837.032
Mail : [email protected]
Website: https://inkholon.com.vn
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