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saturndoesnotsleep · 6 months ago
Silver Lining Poppy Playtime AU
Sharing my Smiling Critters AUs so that I get the ideas out and stop them from brainrotting my attention span. Part 2!
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Info chart
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Relationship charts + Catnap's songs explanation
[Chapter 1]
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pinkblanc · 5 months ago
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Country Church near Beaufort, South Carolina
Gelatin silver print by Walker Evans, 1936
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midnightsun-if · 10 months ago
Even if I love Scar right now I still would think a headcanon of her meeting the mc first instead of both of their deadass. Past Scarlett and MC wouldn't suffer from their exs, because Scar seems to be like Saraya 😔
Past!Scarlett was almost exactly like Saraya, in varying ways, you’re correct! She had an inquisitive, almost innocent, wonder about the world around her — I actually have a clear vision of Past!Scarlett visiting a park with someone from her old life and a butterfly landed on her nose (causing her to grin and laugh) — with a gentle warmth that causes people to gravitate towards her like moths to a flame. She was the type to dance through a field of flowers, or tilt her head back in the rain to enjoy the feeling, or sing along to the songs of the birds in the treetops… The world was beautiful to her and she wished to give that beauty back in spades.
Of course, things happened, and she became who she is now, but parts of her old self are still within her… Just damaged.
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dandysparrow · 3 months ago
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supervillain au :3c
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true-blue-sonic · 4 months ago
I think a lot about some of the silly little outfits official arts put Silver in. Like the mailman outfit. Or the outfit from that one picture of ice skating with Elise. Or that sick ass armor from uhhhh either Sonic Dash or Speed Battle or whatever. He's probably never had a bad look
WRONG! /j Silver has had one (1) bad look between all his outfits, and it's this abomination from that Roblox game:
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I really don't like it, haha. Silver doesn't look... particularly good with an overdose of yellow on him without any blues or other colours to cancel it out, in my opinion. And I think the vizor and the bands around his two back quills just look altogether stupid. This is the only outfit of Silver's in my mind that made me go "Uh.... bleh" when I first saw it XD I think the Lightning Suit from Rivals 2 looks a lot better!
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But the Roblox outfit aside, I fully agree! I think it helps that Silver's colouration lends itself to a wide variety of colours: I love his outfits that are blue, red, or green, for example. He's a handsome little feller, he can pull off almost any outfit he wants and look great in it! <3
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saturndoesnotsleep · 6 months ago
Silver Lining. Chapter 1
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Info chart + chapter index
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screwpinecaprice · 2 years ago
Do any of your conniverse kids have powers? Also they're all to die for! Sweet angel babies really 🥺
(Was hoping to be able to draw something for this ask, but that might take a while. 😅 So just using the most recent clear drawings of the kids.)
They do indeed have powers, I just hadn't actually gotten to be that detailed about it. haha Developing my OCs is something I'm bad at. orz
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Ebony, though being the eldest, has the least variety of magic, and it's practically just, like, boosts. (e.g: enhanced strength) But she is the most resourceful one. She's also the most involved with Gem stuff because of her fascination with it, so she knows a lot of tricks under her sleeves.
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Rohini, middle child, can adjust her gravitational weight. (If I'm using the term correctly.) Can summon a weapon without a gem, and can self heal and recover fast. Can't heal others though.
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Excuse his language he's not really the serious and is not the most impatient one of the siblings. He's just unintentionally sassy sometimes.
The twins whom I temporarily call 'Sakura' and 'Zachary'. (It's been around three years and I still couldn't decide a settled name for them. ;-; ) Has the most variety of powers exhibited among the siblings. But tbh they preferred the causality with their lives so they mostly used their magic for aesthetic. lol
All of them can bubble.
Second timeline has another (and just) Ebony.
Bubble, healing, astral project. How much else of the powers inherited from dad and if there are new different ones, is yet to be known.
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sp1resong · 1 year ago
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dreams of strange light; what could it mean...?
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ur-localcreature2023 · 1 year ago
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Young gems au😆
It’s called “Silver crystal” and it’s another swap au like bronze stars.
These characters are WIPs so these aren’t the final designs.
Edit: For clarification (Mostly for myself) It’s not like the legendary silver crystal from sailor moon-
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true-blue-sonic · 2 years ago
In one of the wallpaper stories Silver gets by on apple flavored ration bars in the Iblis timeline. So there's still something of a government at that point and Silver's favorite food/flavor really is apples.
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I've tried my absolute hardest to find this specific pic on the Sonic Channel page specifically to also check out the text... but it was a bust😅 Regarding the picture specifically, I thought the bar Silver is eating had the GUN logo on it, but that is not actually the case! It's the star as seen on the crates in Sonic '06. In that case, it probably represents indeed some government or another organisation called into life/refurbished to help survivors in the ruined world. I think it nicely touches upon an issue about Sonic '06, namely how the heck people managed to scrape by in Crisis City. And I'd heard about the apple-flavoured remark before, even if I can't check it myself; I think it's a cool detail to add, also because all the art of Silver liking apples actually comes from Sonic Channel iirc. Just imagine Silver trying out an apple for real in the past while having an actual vague idea of what they taste like!
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saturndoesnotsleep · 6 months ago
Silver Lining Relationship Charts
Bobby Bearhug
Aimee. 20 years old
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Bubba Bubbaphant
Bufford. 21 years old
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Kickin Chicken
King. 19 years old.
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Picky Piggy
Priya. 21 years old.
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Camila. 18 years old.
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Hoppy Hopscotch
Yoora. 19 years old.
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Samuel. 20 years old.
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Theodore. 18 years old.
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screwpinecaprice · 2 years ago
Can you go into the differences between single child timeline and multiple children timeline involving your connverse kids?
Gladly! 😁
Okay, so
Gold Timeline (multiple kids)
Steven and Connie had Ebony on their early 20's. Although they wanted to be independent, they were mentally unprepared for raising a kid (and had a little complication during Connie's pregnancy), so they moved close to where relatives can easily help them out. They did eventually move away when Ebony got a bit older (around 7 y.o.) , Rohini following soon after. They had twins in their late 20's or early 30's. (Still figuring out the actual age differences of the kids. Lol)
Steven and Connie got wed while Connie is pregnant with Rohini. They had golden wedding rings.
As one might've easily guessed, this household is noisy and rowdy. lol But they (Steven specially) did find peace in their children's chaos.
Part of my headcanon is that the older Steven and Connie had kids, the more gem-related powers the kid had. So Ebony had the least magical abilities, the twins had the most.
Connie is physically more durable than Silver timeline Connie.
Only the twins have pink tinted eyes with a vague diamond marking.
Silver Timeline (single child)
At their 30's, the two had enough time for themselves and figuring they're on a more stable situation, decided to finally have their own kid.
Connie and Steven were wed at ages 25/26. They had silver wedding rings.
Though still having close connections with the Gems and their parents, the couple never had the need to reside physically close to them.
I guess one could say they are relatively a boring family compared to the Gold timeline. Lol. The silver timeline dynamic is more mellow and subdued.
Steven is calmer than the Gold timeline Steven.
Ebony has visible dark diamond eyes.
There aren't that much details though, and I've just enumerated the ones at the top of my head because sometimes the ideas aren't listed down and tend to be forgotten. 😅
Again, I was hoping to have drawn or at least scribbled something for this but I was thinking I can just edit this post and add the scribbles some later time! 🤞
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paulinecordiner · 1 year ago
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It's another busy week ! This time starting off with the pupils of Ashley Road School who we Scat Youth tutors are visiting to teach penny whistle, guitar, clarsach and Scots song!
I'm teaching the P3s The Barnyards O Delgaty and the P5s the Fisherman's Lassie (both of which I've spoken about in previous posts)... but the P4s are learning The Silver Darlings - a song about the herring boom in Scotland which peaked in 1907. "The Silver Darlings" is a fond nickname for the herring.
The song was written by Jim McLean, Bob Halfin and Andy Hulskrammer and later on this week I'll share a video of a recording of it with Alastair McDonald. (Find a discussion of the song origins here on mudcat: https://mudcat.org/thread.cfm?threadid=40414 )
The pupils are taught the meaning of the song they're learning - as well as any unfamiliar Scots words. Many pupils in each school have families who came from farther afield, but no matter where they're from, they're all doing a grand job of learning and pronouncing the Scots and Doric!
The image I've chosen to illustrate this post is an etching by James McBey (1883-1959) from 1908. The title is "Herring Fleet, Aberdeen" - the etching has made its way across the pond where it is stored at The Boston Public Library Arts Department. James McBey was local to the area and may be familiar to those that visit Aberdeen Art Gallery where there's a fantastic exhibition of his work. My daughter and I love the interactive display of how etchings were made! (Thoroughly recommended!)
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whitechara-daily · 1 year ago
silver haired character otd
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lailah - tales of zestiria
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guitarbomb · 1 year ago
Best Guitars 2023 - Top 5 Guitars
Our list of the Top 5 new guitars you need to know about that have been released so far this year
The Best Guitars 2023 is a list of the Top 5 new electric guitar models that should be on your radar. Each one offers something that makes it stand out amongst the hundreds of new releases so far this year. Be sure to read our Best Guitar Amps 2023 and Best Effects Pedals 2023 as well.  SE Silver Sky Maple The PRS SE Silver Sky Maple was a great release this year and built on the already popular…
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ur-localcreature2023 · 1 year ago
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The final designs😌
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