#sbs where stars land
mostlyfate · 11 months
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WHERE STARS LAND 여우각시별 — 2018, dir. Shin Woo Cheol
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bioskoop · 11 months
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gorlygorlx3 · 1 month
You and the Human! FNAF SB cast as told by incorrect quotes
(Y/N): Monty, we tried things your way.
Monty: No, we didn't.
(Y/N): I did it in my head and it didn't work.
Moon: I eat Cheerios because they’re heart healthy. And my heart has been severely damaged.
Roxy: Are you sure (Y/N)'s even gay? They barely even looked at me.
Monty: Which way did they go?
Moon: Well, based on the direction of the wind, the broken sticks in the corner, and the slight disturbance in the dirt, I’d guess they went left.
Monty: You could really figure it out from that?
Moon: No you idiot, they sent me text. See?
(Y/N): How much did you spend on this date?
Roxy: $1400. But all of it’s on credit cards, so it’s like $5 a month for the next 2,000 years.
Lorelei: You look like a corpse that was just pulled out of the river.
Monty: Wrong. I look like a cool rock star who just OD’d in his own pool. Big difference.
(Y/N): I find it very unseemly of Claire to start dating again. Isn’t the customary period of mourning 10 years?
Lorelei: Die. Let’s find out. 
Monty: I don’t want to be cool anymore!
Monty takes off his sunglasses and throws them at the wall. The glasses hit the wall, but ricochet back and land perfectly on Monty’s face.
Monty: Well I guess I don’t have a choice!
Benison is dropping Claire off at a movie theater.
Benison: Enjoy your movie!
Claire: Thanks you too! [In Claire’s head] What? He’s not seeing the movie why did I say that? Just kidding!
(Y/N): *Answers her phone* Hello?
Monty: It’s Monty.
(Y/N): What did he do this time?
Monty: No it’s me, Cher. It’s actually me.
(Y/N): What did you this time?
(Y/N) and Moon cuddle in bed together.
(Y/N): How do tall people possibly sleep at night when the blanket can’t possibly cover you?
Moon: (Y/N), it’s four o’clock in the morning.
(Y/N): So, you can’t sleep, huh? Is it because of the blanket?
Sun: Seriously, I have no idea what to do.
Sun: Oh wait! Yahoo! Answers.
(Y/N): Are you trying to seduce me?
Bonnie: Why, are you seducible?
Chica: Sylvester is right. You can’t run around like a footless chicken.
Sylvester: Headless chicken Chica.
Chica: Uh… No. How’s the chicken supposed to run around without a head?
Sylvester: How’s it run around without feet?
(Y/N): Know why I called you in here?
Monty: Because I accidentally sent you a dick pic.
(Y/N): *Stop pouring two glasses of wine* Accidentally?
Monty: Who the fuck—
Sun: Language!
Monty: Whom the fuck—
Sun: No.
Freddy just found out where Bonnie’s corpse was.
(Y/N): So, uh, what up, Fredbear?
Freddy: Oh, hello, my friends. I did not hear you come in.
Claire: Is everything ok?
Freddy: If by “ok” you mean that my life is a meaningless black cauldron of swirling failure, then yes, everything is groovy
Claire: So what do you have planned for the future?
Chica: Lunch 
Claire: No, like long term.
Chica: Oh…um…dinner?
Monty: I thought I had my anger under control, turns out, I didn’t! But now I do! Seriously!
(Y/N): He means, for now. I give him ten more seconds. 9, 8, 7…
Lorelei: What are you saying Monty? I-it’s not that, you’re angry, but we make you angry?
(Y/N): …6, 5, 4,
Monty: I never said that!
(Y/N): …3, 2…1
Monty: SHUT UP!
(Y/N): Bing, bing, bing, we have a winner!
Benison, texting Claire: a theif
Claire: A thief?
Benison: theif 
Claire: I before E except after C.
Benison: thceif 
Claire: No. 
Moon: Is anyone going to tell me what’s going on in here?!
Sun: Well it’s kind of complicated, but Monty—
Moon: Got it. Forget I asked.
(Y/N): If you were Freddy right now, where would you go?
Chica: Is it possible to enter the color beige?
Foxy: Just be yourself. Say something nice.
Roxy: Which one? I can’t do both.
Lorelei, on the loud speaker: Will the owner of the lime green Honda please come to the front desk?
Benison: Are my lights on?
Lorelei: Oh no, I just wanted to see what you looked like. Dude your car’s ugly.
Sun: Depression? This isn’t my depression. This is just my ADHD. You know, makes me forgetful. I just-like I set down my will to live one time. I turn around, it’s gone I can’t figure out where I put the thing.
Vanessa: I am at a loss for words!
(Y/N), narrating: Despite being at a loss for words, Vanessa proceeded to yell at me for the next 10 minutes.
Chica: My name is Chica. I’m here to kick butt and chew gum… and I’m all out of butt!
Roxy: Chica- For Pete’s sake, it’s out of GUM. Not butt!
Chica: But I still have half a pack! You want some?
*Pre-Glitchtrap Virus*
Vanny: I want you to kill him but make it look like an accident.
Moon: Say no more.
News reporter at the crime scene: Looks like the killer beat him to death with a crowbar and placed a banana peel by his feet.
Roxy: This is actually really good garlic bread.
Chica: Garlic bread is my favorite food. I could honestly eat it for every meal or just eat it all the time without even stopping.
Roxy: You’d get fat.
Chica: No, why would I get fat?
Roxy: Bread makes you fat.
(Y/N): Claire, I thought you said you were smart?
Claire, trying to push a door that says pull: Listen, I said I was smart, not bright.
Sun: I made a marshmallow Monty. His arms are crossed because he’s mad at all the other marshmallows for annoying him. Do you like it?
Monty, visibly choked up: It’s fine.
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wingsofsong · 6 months
Cavendish and The Little Prince
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In Chapter 784 "Gear Four" Oda forestalls the reveal of Luffy's new form to emphasize he and Law as the "eye of the storm" to follow Doffy's defeat through the words of Cavendish "The Pirate Prince."
But given the implicitness of that conclusion; the scene more so exists as character building for Cavendish.
Sitting criss-cross amongst the chaos grants him a very understated character moment for Cavendish and the reader to just "be" and soak in the beauty and adventure of Dressrosa; a feeling the anime expertly captures.
Displaying concern and appreciation outside of self from a character who's core gag/drive is self-absorbenent; putting his own place on the seas into perspective.
But there's more too it.
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Cavendish's archetype is that of the White Knight/Knight Errant in European lit/mythos; his epithets being a verbalization of that fact.
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Dressrosa is One Piece's analogue for Spain-
Cavendish's name is English in etymology and his real world namesake "Thomas Cavendish" the privateer is partly known for his raids of Spanish ships.
He's the former prince of the Borgeoise Kingdom, hailing from Rommel where himself as Hakuba became known as their slicing winds (a Kamitachi; a Yokai in Japanese mythos) alluding to Dr.Jekyl and Mr.Hyde and Jack The Ripper as you may know, both English refrences.
His former kingdoms name shares it's etymology with Mary Geoise in the French word Borgeosie and Cavendish's aesthetics/rapier are very Musketeer/French.
His weapon/attacks are all references to European mythos/lit/plays.
-Durandal a French blade of legend
-Round Table (King Arthur)
-Blue Bird
-Biken: Zan t-Exupéry
-Precious Metal Axe
The tontattas/fairies being another tie to literature and mythos.
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Given that pastiche it's notable that Oda chose Cavendish to sit in a childlike manner and note one of the two most fantastical aspects of the arc in the "dwarves" (the other being the toys).
It taps into the feelings fantasy ferments in children and the inspirations behind Oda's writing, in a land where Doflamingo has cast a cruel veneer over the settings beauty.
A recent realization on my part is on the fourth attack listed above "Biken: Zant t-Exupéry" or
"Beautiful Sword: Stardust Prince."
The attack's name coming from French novel "The Little Prince-" and it's author; a childrens novel dealing with space, a loss of imagination in adulthood, love and loss and the human experience more broadly.
The titular character being the lonely, blonde "little prince" of an asteroid where he resides and tends to his love.
A thorny, vain, rose that "The Little Prince" knows not how to love properly until they've lost each other and he learns to see the uniqueness in those he values through their worth to one another vs outside validation/being a lone rose.
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Cavendish is first seen with a red rose and his attacks often have rose petals swirling around him.
He's a blonde prince, exiled from his home with his animal companion Farul (The Little Prince tames/makes a companion of a fox on his journey).
From Oda's SBS we know that he also carried roses as a child and in a cover page we see him tending to a garden of roses with Farul, his vivre card lists roses as his favorite food, making it clear that Cavendish and roses is imagery Oda is intentionally/continuously associating him with.
Knowing this all; I propose that Cavendish's character is partly inspired by The Little Prince (the novel/character) in his design, own emotional makeup having aspects of various figures in the book, and the tapping into child-like wonder described above as the Little Prince's narrator is a man at risk of losing that imagination, as multiple adults seen through the stories pages already have.
-The stars on his pants are similar to the stars on the little princes coat which is also similar to Cavendish's coat
-They both use rapiers
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It makes me wonder what Cavendish's childhood was like; if there was any lonliness, whether there's anything to be said abolut the potential of "taming" Hakuba and growing in self-love/past his obsession with uniquness.
Of course there's much more to his character than a single inspriation and differences to see between him and The Little Prince but I'll definitely keep the story in mind going forward.
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remembertheplunge · 1 month
Portland 1999
10/10/1999  10;08am Coffee People Portland, Oregon
JW sits now where I sat 5 years back—in a different world. The seeds then were sewn for its ending. It needed to end. Harsh. Violent. Why?
We wait for “neat” stores to open at 11. Kitchen stores. Furniture stores.
The new world of HB and SB is a “we share” world.
Oldies play. We had bloody Marys and Eggs Benedict for breakfast this am here on 23rd street. I’m in heaven. We walked down to the gay bars last night. We peeked into a bath house and a porn shop and a couple of gay bars.
We decide to save the rose garden for another visit. We like Portland.
We saw four gay guys, Front Runner style, running down 23rd Street this morning. And, a gay rainbow stripe on a car.
So, to recount a bit, we stated off on time two days ago. We arrived at the airport in Oakland, California early.  But, hours after the original take off time, we were told that  the plane had engine problems and the flight was being canceled. There was much weeping and wailing at the ticket counter. We handed a note to the ticket counter employee saying that they were handling the situation well. The employee smiled.
The airline put us p at the Hilton Hotel  in Oakland for the night where a Pet Bird owner’s convention was under way!
Next morning, up early, HB sweetly started the  coffee perking. As it gurgled out it’s last laugh “I’m ready…”B popped up and sloshed through (did Lew pee on the floor?)..the coffee pot, located in the bathroom on a shelf by the toilet, was empty. He managed to save a half cup each from the lid…mud…my favorite
Soon, Mother Nature called. Jim was sitting on the toilet, reached for some toilet paper located just below the empty coffee pot…soggy. Soaked  bloated. And the secondd roll? The same, down to about its middle! How much coffee can your toilet paper absorb?
Finally it was time to board the shuttle back to the air port. The whiny family who had been howling at the ticket counter the day before "I just wanna see Barry" (presumably some Portland acquaintance), now, boarding the shuttle were saying "My shoes are too tight! I'm having a heart attack!" Jim and I sat in the back of the bus and laughed!
End of entry
Notes: 8/19/2024
The above entry is from my 1999 journal. That trip to Portland was the only trip by air that Jim and I took in our 12 years together! And, we laughed about it for the rest of our relationship!
HB, B and SB were our nick names for each other. They stood for Honey Bunny and Snuggle Bunny!
I had visited Portland once before on my own before I knew Jim. That was in 1994 when I was experiencing a lot of gay related political trouble at the Public Defender’s office in Modesto, California. I met Jim and was fired from that job in 1997. So, by 1999, Jim was my world.
JW were Jim’s initials. His last name was Wentzel
"Front Runner" was a land mark gay romance novel published in 1974. Written by Patricia Neil Warren, Wikipedia said about it “A love story between a running coach and his star athlete, the Front Runner  is noted for being the first contemporary gay novel to achieve mainstream commercial and critical success."
We had taken the trip to Portland for a law related class that I was taking there.
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redsplash1 · 4 months
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Hi hello idk how this works + never gposed in my life so she’s doing literally nothing here but this is my char Tatake Take in her red mage fit <3 featuring Middy cuz he’s bestie. More under the cut this might get long, it’ll just be a mess of ideas with no coherency LMFAO. Currently it’s white glowing hair because it’s post SHB, where she’s channeled the light within her into something manageable, which will inevitably turn back into her original red highlights. Spoilers for like everything up to SHB btw:
Honestly her lore I keep changing back and forth cuz I didn’t start using mods till SHB 😭 (just beat it btw so 🤫 on any spoilers afterwards) Like originally she had cat ears + a tail and it was gonna be a whole thing about her being some kinda spirit/yokai from the forest LMFAO???
Rn the barebones idea I have is that she’s part dragon and hid it till SB when Rhalgr’s Reach was attacked. (I won’t even lie, I’m low(high)key inspired by Dan Heng’s lore from Honkai Star Rail, I’m even debating if I wanna steal the reincarnation thing or not 😭) so yeah she is. Old LMFAO
Zenos with his plot armor and unexplained strength ends up landing what should’ve been a killing blow on Tatake. Everyone watches on in horror, which makes way to shock as she begins to change in response to the physical stress, revealing her draconic eyes, horns, tail, and the glowing highlights of her hair signifying her power. Zenos looks on in surprise, then intrigue as he sees what the famed Warrior of Light has been hiding all this time. Afterwards, it was no trouble pushing away him and his forces back.
(This ends up creating a somewhat subplot conflict between Lyse and Tatake, as the former is angered by this reveal; why didn’t she use this power to save everyone in Rhalgr’s Reach, hell, even back at the Wall? Did Papalymo really need to die if this what their friend was capable of?)
Nobody gets an explanation from Tatake. It’s the twins who get the closest to an answer, which even then wasn’t much. Their mother figure simply says that it was of absolute importance that nobody finds out, as she hid away her draconic features almost immediately after Zenos and his forces retreated. But, she points out with a bitter smile, she supposed it was too late for that now. Alphinaud and Alisaie want to know more so badly, but Tatake’s comfort and boundaries are infinitely more important than any curiosity they have.
On the carriage to Gridania, she kept her answers to Bremondt’s questions pretty vague, aware of two sleepy twins watching with interest. (She/I started as a lancer)
So yeah you might assume HW was a very important expansion for Tatake. It was! Seeing her brethren struggle made her wish and strive for the same thing Ysayle did; peace between dragon and mankind. The dragons weren’t afraid to subtly nudge at her to be her true self, either. Tatake was also not a fan of Estinien’s views and attitude LMFAO
(It’s also the expansion where Alphinaud couldn’t help but notice the way the dragons were talking to Tatake; it didn’t seem like they were exactly referring to her status as the WoL. Of course, he had virtually no information to go off of, so he dropped that line of thinking. Later on, he’ll realize that he truly knew nothing about the Lalafell he figuratively looked up to.)
Side note, Tatake continues to hide away her features until SHB, where the absorbed Light makes it too difficult for her to do so. Fortunately, almost nobody questions it, as people on the First are a bit too focused on trying to survive their world.
Another side note! Tatake currently mains Reaper, but she is also very proficient in Dragoon, Machinist, Samurai, and Red Mage. She’s currently learning Dancer (at least, the Eorzean version of it. She was worried using the traditional dances she knew would have people asking questions), which she finds to be a good stress reliever from her troubles.
Anyways that’s all I got hahaaaaa, I stay off of tumblr and I come back just to go full send on my character 😭 whoever’s got one of those templates with questions for WoL character building plz send, I’d love to fill one of those out for my reference + understanding Tatake more as her writer
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dvinity01 · 7 months
Princess Amorea - Adoptable Auction
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Meet Princess Amorea, the radiant Alicorn of Love in the magical land of Heartopia. Legend has it that her arrival coincided with the blossoming of romance across the realm. Her white body symbolizes purity, while the contrasting dark and light pink hair represents the duality of love – passion and tenderness.
Princess Amorea's cutie mark, a heart pierced by an arrow, reflects her unique ability to guide love's arrow to its intended targets. The two wings on the heart signify her watchful protection over all matters of the heart. She is known to bring together star-crossed ponies and mend broken bonds with her enchanting aura.
Princess Amorea is adorned with a unique detail—a tiny pink heart mark delicately placed under her eye, on her cheek. This heart-shaped mark is said to be a magical charm that sparkles whenever genuine love is in the air, serving as a visible testament to the purity and depth of emotions within the kingdom.
Ponies believe that the mark is a symbol of her connection to the very heartbeat of the land, amplifying the enchantment of affection in every corner of her realm. This subtle yet enchanting addition to her appearance makes her a truly beloved and revered figure in the magical world of Heartopia.
Accessorized with a pastel pink heart necklace, she carries the embodiment of affection, spreading warmth and unity. Her pink glass tiara and shoes, crafted from the crystalized essence of love, enhance her regal presence as the sovereign of romance in Heartopia.
As the guardian of love, Princess Amorea's reign ensures that every day feels like Valentine's Day in her magical kingdom, where the air is filled with the sweet scent of blooming love and the gentle flutter of heart-shaped wings.
❌[[CLOSED]]❌ Bid to adopt! Starting Bid(SB): $50 USD Minimum increase(MI): $3 AUTO-BUY(AB)1: $75 (you also receive a color palette) AB2: $90 (AB1+ commercial use rights!)
☆ Color palette example is given in the comments —————————————————————————————— Currently accepting Payment through 𝐏𝐚𝐲𝐏𝐚𝐥 only!
🔷Payment in USD
🔷 Other currencies also accepted but exchange rate should be equivalent to the mentioned price in USD
🔷 please Do Not change the character design as it destroys the sole purpose of buying the character in its original design, if you want something different, i’m open for customs ✯ 𝐁𝐔𝐓 𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐄 𝐀𝐋𝐖𝐀𝐘𝐒 𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐓 𝐌𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐏𝐓/OC 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞✯
🔷 image without watermark, transparent png, and higher resolution will be sent after full payment.
🔷 reselling of adoptable is allowed for less than or at the same amount (unless extra art has been made)
🔷 please inform me incase you’re unable to pay, DO NOT GHOST ME=BANNED
🔺No Returns ◽️I can offer payment plans if needed ◽️i can hold for AB or Bids higher than SB
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bygetoacademia · 2 months
I'm back in school.
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*cheery music*
I'll be lying if I said I was happy or excited
But I'm glad I'm back and I'm really grateful
I'm sitting in the library on my phone bc my lesson got cancelled but anywhoo...
What happened last semester
Despite having a good start, the past semesters was almost as bad as my first semester. I lost morale and energy right towards the end
And while I expected to have to write 2 supplementary exams, I didn't. The marks where enough to carry me over but not really satisfying.
Throughout the semester I struggled with accepting and loving what I'm doing. I still am tbh
I saw this a couple of days ago on Facebook:
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It helped soothe me a little because I chose what I'm doing for practical purposes and yk... Yeah.
Special thanks to @astro-noob you really helped more than I could ever tell you. Also I'm back!!
Plans for the semester
I may or may not achieve them
I want to reattempt the 100 days challenge. But I'll make it 50 so that it seems achievable at least. And I'll reconvene after the first 50 days. I might not be able to make daily updates but I'll do my best for weekly
I want to aim for 90% across the board. And put in effort that matches that. Yk the whole "Aim for the stars and land among your dreams", that's what I'm hoping will happen
I want to actually start loving Nursing. Atleast enough to become an efficient nurse.
I also want to try and open up a bit more and make a 1 friend atleast. Or an acquaintance or something pls it doesn't even matter if they do Nursing (it would be a bonus though). 2 years in this place and I've made new 1 acquaintance (sb I haven't went to school with previously)
Have something tangible I've done for myself by the end of the semester.
Work on myself, my confidence, appearance, self esteem, communication skills and just take a few more steps to being well rounded. Being shy and secluded isn't doing me any favours.
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rattytaffy · 5 months
Welp I'm binging The Sun and Moon Show on this fine 4/13!  
So hear have a shit post of an AU idea taken seriously (as a note i just got to where TSAMS is playing the SB Ruin DLC) Sun convenses Moon and Earth to play this new multy player game he has been hyped about the early access release of. SBURB, a new survival craft RPG.
However this game causes the apocalypse via meteors and transports all players to a new dimension. But the game needs a closed loop of server and player installs causing them to have to rope in several characters from the show they really would have preferred not to from Eclipse to Killcode to Monty.
And at this point I'm sure many of you are wanting to hunt me for sport as this is 100% a Homestuck AU 
And the best part? Homestuck as a comic exists in there wold but none of the characters who get involved have read it and they find this all out lator after everything is going to shit
And it would be a viable game of Sburb which means they have to merge each characters kernel sprite twice Probs most are going to godteir. (Moon is Knight of Space probs, Sun strikes me as Heart, Eclipse as Seer of Doom? Not sure for Monty maybe time?  Luner's probs light? Maybe Space? Feels like he would get prince to. Earth strikes me as Life. KillCode feels like Blood but i need to brush up on my classes and aspects) There will by a Skaia they each get a world (Id have to think harder on this one for good ones, but Luner gets the 'land of Beans and Bags')
There's a Prospit and Derse. And thus dream selves. Not sure who would go whare beyond Earth in Prospit and Sun too probs.
Feel free to reblog with thoughts on who would have what.  But please I am still catching up on TSAMS so i would love a spoiler tag for anything past Sun is SAVED by Moon!? in VRCHAT Past the read more is quips
Monty:  Okay so I'm still not finished building Luner and we gotta fuse this sprite thing with something dead so I'm gonna throw him in there Moon: Monty no this is a horrible idea Monty: alieoop *throws Luner into kernel sprite giving us LunerSprite* Earth: Moon we have a problem Moon: whats going on? Earth: well it the Star turned into a frog and hopped away and I'm afraid to look at it for any length of time as it is flashing colors at a rate witch can trigger photosensitive problems
Eclipse looking at Sun: you killed me once now do it again!!! Sun: yah but this time its specifically to make you stronger!! Eclipse: well i killed you on your quest bed so you should return the favor
The Gamzee shop keeper joke but its Monty
Luner: na its okay hes only stabbing me a little and I'm made of mettle Sun: hes stabbing you a lot right now Jack Noir repeatedly stabbing Luner
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setokaibapetty · 7 months
5 + 1 Fic Friday Roundup: Reincarnated as an Alien
You may have noticed that self inserts are a weakness of mine. Here's a few where the SI is not only in a new world but find themselves as a new species as well.
Til I Change Your Mind (SB) - "The most surveilled Krogan in the Galaxy tries to obtain a happy ending to the Reaper War. Hijinks ensue."
Why Am I Friend Shaped (SB) - "A deal with the Titan Prometheus lands our SI in the body of a Volus with the Inspired Inventor Power from the Worm CYOA, as well as biotics."
Inspiration Strikes! (SV) - "An Inspired Inventor Quarian SI/OC (sorta) in Mass Effect."
Swell (AO3) - "My name is Cann Ku, and I am a Kaminoan."
Luminous (AO3) - "Some rando is self-inserted into Star Wars in the body of one of the more overlooked characters to be inserted as."
Bonus: curious as a cat (AO3) - "I imagine if my entire consciousness had settled any time prior to age four, my squishy little brain would’ve imploded from overload. That said, it’s one hell of a day to wake up and realize oh shit, I’m Ahsoka Tano and life catastrophically sucks."
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hologramcowboy · 2 years
I do believe Jensen is trying but it may not be enough. It’s obvious that he’s struggling to get the roles and work that I think he THOUGHT he would have. He changed agents in 2019 and used the Bacchus King, Nascar and Vancouver soccer events as PR to elevate his image before spn ended.
Jared bowed out of that soccer tourney to give Jensen the solo PR.
He auditioned for the voice of Batman in an open casting process in 2018 and landed a series of three animation movies which he recorded bt 2018 and 2021.
Jensen seemed to panic a bit during s15 hiatus when he had nothing lined up. He worked his connnections as anyone seeking work should. He had meetings with CW execs, WB execs — probably asking for a holding deal (jared got one so I am sure he believed he should too). He reached out to Kripke to see if he had anything. (Which he did with SB). WB gave him the production company in lieu of a holding deal or a series to star in. So he was pretty booked in 2021 bt The Boys, Batman voice, Rust, and his EP duties of CMP (as limited as they were).
Fast forward to post Rust (Nov 2021). He admitted he had nothing lined up going into 2022 and again he panicked a bit a asked his agent to schedule introductions meetings along with him contacting his network on his own. Jared lines him up for a Walker directing gig, and he secures a guest role on Big Sky for the s2 finale.
Going into 2022, he hired a new PR team (Narrative) and had to change agents again (bc his previous one committed suicide in January 2022).
Narrative and/or his agent secured him the Hawaii pro am in January to play with one of the stars from Cobra Kai and Sony’s CEO (the one that claims The Boys and Cobra Kai as it’s two biggest wins).
Narrative secured the Man About Town placement and extended photoshoot that they’ve used in their media pitches.
He went all out on The Boys PR.
And in the spring also secured regular role on BS.
Now it’s end of 2022. What’s lined up for 2023?
TW is a bust. And doesn’t seem like Narrative is managing anything to do with Chaos projects and it shows.
IF Big Sky gets another season, will Beau be a part of it? My guess is yes.
Kripke has eluded that SB will be in s5 (if they get picked up) so it’s very likely SB may make an appearance in one of the last episodes in s4 to show him getting “off ice”. But nothing is definite. Kripke also eluded that he was thinking of a SB spin-off. But nothing definite.
Jared will allow him to direct Walker and/or Windy again — and give him a part - if Jensen wants it.
Jensen is working the network as I am sure his agent is too. It’s a tough business and Jensen looks like 80% of the white male actors out there and he’s more average. While he is very hot and handsome, he’s average. Many others work on their body a lot more and doing way more artistic editorial “thirst trap” style shoots, or are into a social cause or a hobby. Some use their social to entertain. I agree with you that he needs to do something more to stand out, define who he is among the sea of actors. He has a brewery, his music, his production company and his daddy/family time. Yet he rarely talks about any of it in the public, except at cons when he’s specifically asked a question. Whereas others actors at his peer levels promote their identity — maybe its showcasing their workouts or their writing process or bts of being a producer or some cook or show their kitchen skills or some show their off time of being a dad or others post funny TikTok’s with comments and use their sm to entertain. All seem to do it consistently and that is the key secret, and where jensen lacks the most.
Is this why he is doing a Radio Co concert? This may be a fallback to keep him busy and away from family if he doesn’t have acting/directing gigs lined up. Just like most things with Jensen, music, FBBC, wife/family, CMP all seem to be side projects to support others in his life and are not true passionate projects for him. That’s what he’s projecting and the image he has created.
I get the same impression, that his Radio Company concerts are a way to have something lined up and he may not truly be passionate about any of it. Same with all the rest you mentioned, it truly seems like he is unfulfilled because he missed the mark on something. I hope he finds what is ideal for him. It's never too late and it doesn't have to match anyone's expectation of him.
"That’s what he’s projecting and the image he has created." Absolutely, people perceive his lack of commitment for all of those things.
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avas-wonderland · 1 year
Galaxies - A Sun & Moon x Erin (Ava's FNAF: SB self insert) Fanfic
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"Ahh... Another end to another fun day!"
Erin grabbed the keys to the Pizzaplex from her belt and locked up the doors to the main entrance.
Erin was one of the top employees at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzaplex. She was favored by all the other employees and animatronics! She's even held "Employee of the month" for 4 months straight!
As Erin headed towards Superstar Daycare, a tall figure followed behind her.
Erin turned around to see Moon, one of the Daycare helpers.
"Hi Moony!! I was just about to-"
Moon took Erin into his arms as he flew on his wire, heading towards a secret area.
"Moon! Where are you taking me?"
"Somewhere secret."
Moon landed feet first onto a mat, and carried Erin to a large pillow fort, where Sun was waiting with snacks.
"Starlight!! Hello!! Come join us!! The show is about to begin!!"
"What's going on? Do I need to be worried? What did you guys do now?"
Sun giggled as Moon plopped Erin down beside the jolly yellow figure.
"Oh, Starlight! We just wanted to spend a bit of quality time with our little comet!~"
Sun smiled as he grabbed a little remote and pressed a button, and right away, the whole room lit up like a galaxy.
Erin gasped.
"W-Wow! You guys did this for me?"
Both figures nodded.
"All for you, Starlight~"
Erin smiled as the three of them lay down on the pillowed floor. Sun and Moon smiled as they both spooned their beloved Erin as they all watched the digital shooting stars that flew across the ceiling.
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AAAWWWWWAAAAAAA ATHIS S SO CUTE! Thanks Camdyn! I’ll post my half of the trade tomorrow!
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drama-kpop-quotes · 2 years
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Drama: Where Stars Land (2018) Genere: Commedia, Romantico, Drama, Melodramma Paese: Corea del Sud Episodi: 32 Rete Originale: SBS, Viki Durata: 30 min.
"Non vuoi rivelare i tuoi veri sentimenti. Hai paura che la gente ti volti le spalle. Non c'è bisogno di vivere nascondendo sempre le cose. Sii chiaro quando ti piace qualcosa. Il mondo andrà avanti in ogni caso. Se piaci a qualcuno, accettalo. Se a qualcuno non piaci, non farci caso. La vita non è un problema così grande".
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k-wavemy · 1 month
Malaysian Hoonist, are you ready to meet LEE JE HOON?
Lapten Agency will bring actor LEE JE HOON to Kuala Lumpur on September 21, 2024, at the Plenary Hall, Kuala Lumpur.
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Lee Je Hoon was born on July 4, 1984. He started his career with the indie film Bleak Night.
His name rose to prominence after appearing in the drama Taxi Driver for seasons one and two, where he played the character Kim Doki. His drama for 2024 is Chief Detective 1958.
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🗓: Saturday, 21 September 2024 5PM 📍: Plenary Hall, KLCC
🎟️: VVIP RM838 | VIP RM668 | CAT1 RM458
Ticket will be available at http://ticketmelon.com
Enjoy Atome and PayLater by Grab when you purchase ticket at http://ticketmelon.com
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Among his achievements are:
Grand Prize ("Taxi Driver 2") - 2023 SBS Drama Awards - December 29, 2023
Best Actor ("Taxi Driver") - 2021 SBS Drama Awards - December 31, 2021
Best Actor ("Where Stars Land") - 2018 SBS Drama Awards - December 31, 2018
PD's Choice Award ("Signal") - tvN10 Awards - October 9, 2016
Best Actor ("Secret Door") - 2014 SBS Drama Awards - December 31, 2014
Ten Star Award ("Secret Door") - 2014 SBS Drama Awards - December 31, 2014
Best New Actor ("Bleak Night") - 2011 (3rd) KOFRA Film Awards Ceremony - January 31, 2012
Best New Actor ("Bleak Night") - 2011 (32nd) Blue Dragon Film Awards - November 25, 2011
Best New Actor ("The Front Line") - 2011 (31st) Critics Choice Awards - October 30, 2011
Best New Actor ("Bleak Night") - 2011 (48th) Daejong Film Awards - October 17, 2011
Get your tickets now to meet LEE JE HOON, as this is his first time coming to Kuala Lumpur. Don't miss the chance to meet him!
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qnewsau · 7 months
The QNews Guide to Mardi Gras in Sydney: The Free Events
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/the-qnews-guide-to-mardi-gras-in-sydney-the-free-events/
The QNews Guide to Mardi Gras in Sydney: The Free Events
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In the third instalment of QNew’s guide to what to do during the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Festival we explore all of the free events across the festival. You can read the first and second instalments here and here
Mardi Gras Fair Day
If you’re looking for a rainbow extravaganza where you’ll be surrounded by love, joy and our beautiful LGBTQIA+SB family celebrating from day-to-night in queer bliss, then consider your fête sealed once you enter Mardi Gras Fair Day! Join over 70,000 Mardi Gras goers as they make Victoria Park centrestage for a day of dapper dogs, DJs, dancefloors and over 200 food, retail and community stalls – along with six stages and six bars keeping you entertained and and your whistles thoroughly wet. Kick-off the 2024 Mardi Gras Festival the only right way, with this annual global gathering like no other!
Where love and joy meet LGBTQIA+ celebrations!
FIRST NATIONS CIRCLE presented in partnership with BlaQ Aboriginal Corporation Celebrate the exquisite vision that is Blak excellence at the First Nations Circle. Returning to Fair Day in 2024, peruse Blak-owned businesses, expand your spirit and mind by learning more about First Nations culture or enjoy a diverse range of performances throughout the day.
DOGGYWOOD Is your pooch plumped and pampered? Doggywood is the campest dog pageant around and an absolute crowd-favourite, returning to the Optus Area for a third year. Registrations will open soon so snag your pup a spot to jump the queue and they could be in the running to take out one of our esteemed categories.
TRANS CAMP Settling up camp for the first time at Mardi Gras Fair Day, Trans Camp is all about the transgender and gender diverse community. Community groups, health services, businesses and creatives all catering to the trans experience will come together ’round the fire to create a safe, inclusive space for our trans and gender diverse family.
KARAOKE CAVE Join multi-award winning cabaret star, Tash York for another new addition to 2024. Think BenDeLaCreme and Bette Midler vibes, all on a fabulous karaoke stage in the Optus Arena. As the sun sets, gather in the glimmer and glow of The Karaoke Cave! Pop some bottles, Jazz up the joint, and get ready to Rock out to your favourite tunes.
DRAG KING GAMES Move over Rupaul, there’s a new drag show in town! Returning to Fair Day for 2024, find your seat at the American Express Main Stage as Sho Mawood passes crown onto a new King. Complete with weight lifting and bingo calls, the iconic Drag King Games is guaranteed to be hotter than ever!
Please note: due to the uneven terrain of some parts of Victoria Park, this area may not be accessible to all patrons.
Sun February 18, 2024 Victoria Park. Parramatta Rd, Broadway 10am – 9pm | Free
Darlinghurst’s Oxtravaganza! A vibrant two-week Mardi Gras celebration across bars, galleries, and more. Expect a fringe festival packed with Drag Shows, Cabaret, art exhibitions, and lively events. Don’t miss the Darlo Big Drag Brunch on February 24, featuring Shop till you Drop and family-friendly activities like drag story time and arts & crafts. 16 February – 3 March, 2024 Streets of Darlinghurst 10am – 12pm | Free
Festival First Light
If you have travelled to Sydney to experience all that Mardi Gras has to offer, from start to finish, then the Festival First Light is a must on that list. As the sun rises on the first day of the 2024 Sydney Mardi Gras, Rainbow Elders from Gadigal, Bidjigal and Birrabirragal Land will conduct five simultaneous Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremonies. Here is where we welcome our family and allies to one of the biggest LGBTQIA+ Pride celebrations in the world. Here is where Sydney and Australian Pride shines bright. When: 16 February, 2024. 6:00am-7:15am Locations: Bondi Beach, Taylor Square, Victoria Park, Hordern Pavillion & Sydney Town Hall
Progress Pride Flag Raising
An event that is fairly self-explanatory, put this on the list as the event that officially kicks off the Mardi Gras Festival. Join our community at midday on the first day of the Festival at Sydney Town Hall as they raise the Progress Pride Flag. Here it will fly high and proud from 16 February to 3 March.
When: 16 February, 2024. 12:00pm Location: Sydney Town Hall
Sunrise Service of Reflection
Another event to add to the list of spiritual and emotional experiences that reflect on the struggle and resilience of our community. As the sun rises on the second week of Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras, the Marks Park Dawn Sunrise Service of Reflection takes place. Set to the backdrop of the Rise Memorial, a site dedicated to the victims and survivors of targeted homophobic and transphobic violence from the 1970s to the 1990s in Sydney and NSW. At this monument to the suffering, perseverance and bravery of our queer and trans elders, we celebrate how far we have come and we reflect on our commitment to removing bigotry and prejudice from our world. When: 24 February, 2024. 6:15am – 7:00am Location: Rise Memorial, Marks Park, Tamarama
Zoo Walk
A Mardi Gras event truly like no other, the Zoo Walk with the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence is a wholesome way to celebrate Mardi Gras and see one of the city’s favourite spots, Taronga Zoo. Perfect for those visiting from overseas, as it gives you a quintessential Sydney day out – but GAYER! The adventure starts before you even reach the zoo, with a short ferry ride across the Sydney Harbour to the backdrop of the iconic Sydney Harbour Bridge – the ideal spot for an Insta selfie. Once you arrive at Taronga Zoo, you will be met with Zoo Guides and the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence who will take you on a tour of the famous zoo. Roos, and koalas and dingos, oh my! are just some of the native animals you’ll get to see, among hundreds of other enchanting animals from all over the world. The tour ends by midday, where it wraps up with the Australian Bird Show, and even better, you can choose to stay after it ends and join the Sisters for lunch! Please note that while the tour is free, attendees still need to pay to enter the Zoo.
Who Are the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence? They are a queer charitable, protest and performance arts group which started in San Francisco, 1979. Utilising drag and religious imagery to satirize the particularly harmful and homophobic beliefs of Christian Church.
When: 29 February, 2024. 9:00am – 12:00am Location: Taronga Zoo, via Ferry from Circular Quay
Queer Art After Hours
A vibrant celebration at the Art Gallery of New South Wales where LGBTQIA+ artists, performers, and storytellers illuminate the campus with their creativity and unique experiences. Join us for an evening filled with diverse art pieces and colorful expressions, transforming the gallery into a monument of queer culture.
Wed February 28, 2024 Art Gallery of New South Wales 5pm – 10pm | Free
For more information about events during the festival go to www.mardigras.org.au
For the latest LGBTIQA+ Sister Girl and Brother Boy news, entertainment, community stories in Australia, visit qnews.com.au. Check out our latest magazines or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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Finally January 1 of 2024!
12:34 am
Happy New Year!!!
For my angels here...
We still have WINDBLOW!!!
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1:23 am
Happy New Year! Baby-John...
1:30 am
It is an another year... Oh! THANK GOD!
I still have windblow... I wish a career growth not in a hurry on getting a partner coz I have complex... I wanna see love if it will come though I feel bitterish and I still feel ugly and fat.
Like what I said I have complex... I want career growth... I want someone who can be my daddy or a bf who can be very supportive of me, again but if there is none then I still need to wait...
I have complex on myself, on my family background and on my beauty coz I wanted a star. A star we all know that is something pretty that I should be on that level... Aside from it is my nature, I love vanity and I'm vanity...
I feel grrr having deep smile lines... I feel envious on people who can remove their deep smile lines. I FEEL JEALOUS ON MY OLD,FUCKING MISSING FRIENDS... That they can go up and be chosen of a particular star coz they have a good family background. I have self-pity on that part...
I hate being compared most specially, being compared on my friends wherever they are but they are all fucking missing, linking with some weird rituals... Or just at the back or my side observing me and I don't know until when they will observe me, without even telling me why...
Like Mitch, I'm having doubt on her if she did a "simple battery" on me since 2007??? If she did something, I feel hurt!
If ever Mitch was being the chosen one, which I can't understand, where is she???
Anyways, I forgot to greet Borgy a Happy New Year as well as Mitch....I can't understand the choosing part but mystery, I still wanna know everything...
If ever I will have a bf, I hope he will help me to leave Cavite and still, wanna visit the sand-dunes in ilocos... I want a mature man, handsome and I want a daddy-long legs if there is....I just wanna feel that he can protect me and I'm used to daddy-long legs but of course I need to wait if there is none.. Bitterish but I have to wait...
8:14 am
Will cook this lechon roll sponsored by Uncle Jun...
Thank God I have my "air fryer".....I plan to buy a new air fryer...
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Looks super yummy!
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9:04 am
My intermittent diet/fasting will start tomorrow at 8 pm to 9 am but will try to control today... I plan to eat bread,fruits and macaroni salad... Will drink my tea later...
13 hours fasting by Tuesday night and our schedule will be 11 pm until 8 am on January 2...
8:07 pm
Will take my tea, a starter for tomorrow's 13 hour intermittent fasting.
So, tomorrow I have to check my atm in SB coz I need to have it for my salary...
Thank God! We survived this New Year and most specially my son-dog.
Last night before 12 midnight as the new year comes in... It is weird to say that the ambience was different... I don't know it felt like a war....It was really weird... There were fire crackers on land and air but it looked like a gun fire even its lighting effect... I just feel that way last night.
8:40 pm
I still have windblow.... I feel somehow bitterish and offended...
I need to keep a job and I still wanna buy Starbucks and still wanna do some "vanity"...
I'm thinking of money and still have windblow and the people who are controlling are unfair... It's been 17 years already...
I wanna leave Cavite...
9:06 pm
I really do feel bitterish... 17 years is gone for nothing... Just for nothing!
I really wanna hang-out in Starbucks with some good new friends... I feel bitter and ugly and fat...
If someone can spend a time with me in a coffee shop even without talking but still staying with me just be there with me, those are my friends who truly love me. My shallow happiness.... At least I can buy starbucks everyday and hang-out.
9:19 pm
I have insecurity on my fucking missing old friends! They took away my maturity....It is unfair, I can sense something... I feel jealous on something that I don't know...
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