#sbi sip
pancakepanda131 · 2 months
LMAOOO just a sip chapter 6 has been uploaded it only took me two years HAHA
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sbisecuritiesaso · 7 months
Trade Fast and Trade Smart with the UPGRADED sbi securities Mobile Trading App!
Equity-SIP Is A Tool That Helps You Build Your Portfolio Over The Long Run With Consistency & Discipline! Enjoy a Fast, Seamless and Intuitive investing
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happiestpost · 2 years
SIP Calculator: Caculate your SIP Returns with this SIP Calculator. You can calculate Mutual funds SIP returns and Stock Market SIP Return with this SIP Calculator.
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nomsfaultau · 4 months
The Lambs Wolves Wear part 9
Dark SBI AU where Philza’s human children were replaced by monsters. Start of ficlet is here.
For all that “Wilbur” was blatantly hostile and suspicious at times, Philza somehow got the impression that “Technoblade” trusted him the least of the monsters. They were never at ease, rigid like a soldier standing guard. At least more often than not they were farming, which meant Philza worried the least about them hurting Tommy. Still, at meal time he watched them closely as the ghosts fed their chosen vessel.
Tommy held no reservations, sitting by the skeletal husk of his brother and swinging his legs, piling on extra of the potatoes “Technoblade” had harvested. Finally it was easy to get Tommy to eat his vegetables. Really the sole benefit from his stint as a cow, even if Philza had the new hassle of convincing him not to eat grass. And Philza was certain he was the real Tommy, as the “Tommy” sitting next to him was curling his barbed tail around Philza’s ankle. Tommy poked the bony ribs of “Technoblade”, pestering until they bent for him to whisper in their ear. “Technoblade” scarcely reacted as Tommy snickered, but the red lights dancing in their eye sockets darted for Philza, locked upon him like a target. 
“Technoblade” was by far less impulsive than the other two, but that just meant what ever nightmare they inflicted was calculated. Philza could tell they were scheming for all that they rarely imbued Technoblade’s features with expression. But Philza offered the ghosts a cheery grin though he knew it would never be returned.
A cold shiver of a spectral claw tapped on his shoulder, and Philza canted his head. “Do you need something, mate?” “Technoblade” shook his head, and for some reason Tommy looked disappointed. “Well you did wonderful on these potatoes. You’re so hardworking, it’s very kind of you to help me out so much.” Sometimes praise would get Philza a slight smile, since unlike the real Technoblade the imposter didn’t become awkward about it. Yet for some reason “Technoblade” dropped their gaze, sweating slightly. Philza didn’t let his unease trickle into his smile. Usually they swallowed sycophancy well, what changed? 
He hid his confusion with a sip of his tea, only for his tongue to freeze mid-drink. Philza’s eyes flew open, frantically yanking to escape the searing cold only for a frozen block of tea to pull out of his cup. Philza couldn’t help his bewildered laugh, intertwining with Tommy’s cackles. He pried the frozen drink off and winced as ice shattered everywhere. 
The shards of tea flew back together, filling the cup that “Technoblade” caught with spectral hands. It floated back into Philza’s hands, who sat it down to avoid another prank. It was distinctly not in the vein of the stoic “Technoblade’s” humor, or the real Technoblade for that matter given he was far funnier than his counterpart. No, the simplistic practical joke reeked of Tommy, and he turned upon the boy with an eyebrow raised. “Tommy?” 
“Wasn’t me! I don’t have ghost powers!” 
“Sorry, sir,” “Technoblade” mumbled. “It wasn’t particularly noble, but I hadn’t-” Tommy elbowed the spirit vessel roughly and they went quiet, clearly uncomfortable. 
“You said hurting feelings is just as wrong as hurting small squishy human bodies,” “Tommy” announced with a nod as he parroted Philza’s own words. He looked at Philza expectantly for praise, and received a vague head pat. “And you said not to hurt Tommy, and he would be very sad if he wasn’t allowed to be annoying so we HAVE to do everything he says!” 
“Uhh…right,” “Technoblade” agreed dryly. “In our case, Tommy threatened to claim we hurt him and so we were forced to comply or risk being grounded. A fate worse than death.” And given they’d died countless times…hm. 
“Tommy!” Philza scolded. “You shouldn’t manipulate your brothers like that.” Philza hadn’t planned for Tommy somehow becoming the ringleader. That…might make this next part more difficult. 
He blanched. “I’m not Tommy, I’m “Tommy”! I’m innocent!” 
“No you aren’t. Nice try, but you’re grounded, mate.”
“Tommy” cheered. “WHOOO! He’s grounded! That means you’re going to grind him into mush with a mortar and pestle and bury him all over the place, right? TAKE THAT, WORM-FOOD! I’m the preferred Tommy!” He stuck out a forked tongue at Tommy. “He loves me more than you, he loves meee more than youuuuu~”
Philza paused. “I’m sorry, what exactly do you boys think grounding is?” 
“Tommy” scowled. “I know what it is! That’s how it worked in hell.” 
“Wilbur” wouldn’t look at him. “...if it were the Fae Queen, I’d guess it’d mean being trapped in an underground labyrinth for weeks alone. Or treated like the dirt she walks on, but that was always.” 
“That’s not what it means. If you’re grounded Philza despises you for eternity and you can never redeem yourself, cursed to forever roam the land without a chance to move on to the next life. It’s called grounding because he’s anchoring us to the mortal coil,” “Technoblade” posited confidently. “And also extra chores, probably.” 
…that would explain why they all reacted so horrifically. And while it was rather effective at protecting Tommy, he thought in the long run the monsters holding any fear towards him would prevent the underestimation he was relying on. “I…suspect your past experiences are warping your understanding. In this household, grounding means you are housebound for a few days and help with extra chores while we talk about how to act better in the future. I’m not- I’m not going to torture you, good god. I won’t hurt any of you.” He can’t, no matter how much he should want to. He hadn’t seen any of his real children in months; shouldn’t he want them slaughtered? Shouldn’t he hate them? But Philza only hated himself for the weakness. 
“Wait………grounding means we get to spend more time with you?” “Tommy” asked slowly. “And hurting Tommy means we’re grounded…?” 
Philza had just enough time to think oh no before “Tommy” turned into a lion and threw himself at Tommy. Though Philza barely held him back, that just meant a different monster got there first. “Technoblade” nearly punched Tommy in the face, but that turned out to be one of “Wilbur’s” illusions, who was going the emotion route by trying to show Tommy images of his brothers dying in really gruesome ways. Kicking “Tommy” back, Philza lunged across the dinning room table, scooping his boy up as fire began to spread through his house, spectral dead weaving between illusions as the three began to bicker about who got to hurt Tommy first. The dinning room chairs began to float up and hurl themselves violently at “Tommy” and immediately bursting into cinders. “Wilbur” egged them on further in a desperate bid to have his competition annihilate each other given how outclassed he was. 
Panic exploded in Philza’s chest as he realized how badly he’d messed up. He clutched Tommy to his chest, trying to protect him as best he could. Tommy, feeling awfully guilty about having threatened them not knowing their original interpretations of grounding, kept shouting apologies, having apparently not clocked that the brawl was about who got to murder him first.
“ENOUGH!” Philza screamed. “YOU’RE ALL GROUNDED!” A chorus of cheers broke out, the monsters ceasing the violence immediately. “All of you go to your rooms!” A round of protest, but he quashed it. Tommy stuck out his tongue as the monsters dragged their feet, and Philza sighed. “Tommy, you’re also grounded.” The boy protested. “No, you started this mess by manipulating them. You’re going to spend your time thinking about how to apologize.”
“But you already sent “Tommy” to our room!” 
“You’ll be by my side.” Philza stared flatly at their uproarious objections. “Grounding is a punishment tailored to the offense. I want all of you to think about how ripping each other to shreds in a race to see who can attack their brother first is completely unacceptable. At dinner I will bring supper to you and we will privately discuss the matter.” Somehow, it worked despite how clearly they all hated it. 
He waited till they were gone, then dragged Tommy out of the house, brushing objects with his iron ring to rule out illusions and tossing a handful of salt over his shoulder before he began to speak. “Listen to me,” Philza whispered as he cupped Tommy’s face. “What you did was immensely dangerous. You cannot be messing with them like that.” He knew much of it was his fault as well, but it was more important to stress the point to Tommy. 
Tommy’s brow furrowed. “I wouldn’t have bullied them like that if I knew that’s what they thought grounding was. That stuff sounded scary. Who did that to them? Are my new brothers okay?” 
“I-” Philza was blindsided at his concern for them. “I…don’t know. You have to be careful around them.” 
“So I don’t hurt their feelings?” 
“...exactly. When they’re frightened, or mad, they can cause accidents like the one you just saw.” And yet Tommy was enchanted by the show of lethal power, like they were fairy tale heroes. What spiked Philza’s terror only had the boy eager with excitement. He couldn’t see how Philza fought tooth and nail to eke out what little safety they had now. 
And that naïveté would get him killed if Philza didn’t act quickly enough. For a brief second he’d hoped- no. Didn’t matter. They’d all tried to slaughter Tommy just to spend more time with him. They’d proved his children would never be safe if they were around. Philza’s resolve hardened, quashing the part of him trying to protest. He had no other choice. 
Philza had to get rid of the monsters to protect his family.
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anarchy-and-piglins · 2 years
Dark SBI drabble I did for a friend who asked for Fae!SBI and Werewolf!Technoblade
[Phil hadn't expected anybody to move into their territory.
Where most fae lived on the edge parts of the forest so they could skirt along the outsides of human society, he had made a conscious choice in isolation. Enthralling humans was... it was an urge. An urge that was hard to shake even for one as ancient as him. Wilbur missed it, Tommy was too young to know what he was lacking. Phil had made the decision to keep them safe.
With the rising age of technology, humans got so much more effective at exchanging information. Fae were no longer stories whispered about around the campfire or lauded as a tall tale by the town fool. Humans knew of them, knew what to be wary of.
Humans knew how to kill them if need be.
So Phil had taken his own and he had moved deeper into the forest where they'd be safe from harm.
Then the stranger arrived and built a cabin. Phil did not get it at first. What would a human like them be doing all the way out there, the middle of nowhere? Phil watched the man clear out trees in a large area and start building the foundations of a cabin. They slept in a tent until the house was habitable. They hung up windchimes and made a farm outside.
Phil understood when he saw a large, brown wolf leave the house one night. Its fur was long, shining in the moonlight with an auburn color that reminded Phil of the man's hair (the parts not dyed a pastel pink at least).
A werewolf.
Phil had grown complacent. He had forgotten to consider what other forces were at work in this world.
The man was an unnatural creature, blood of the moon running in his veins. He must have moved for a similar reason as Phil then. To get away from those that would hunt him, or kill him for his very existence.
He was just like them.
Phil went to him on a spring afternoon, three weeks after the man moved into the area. He reached for his belt immediately when seeing Phil, fingers already touching the hilt of a knife. He was anxious, he was prepared.
He was all alone, he was perfect.
(Claiming humans was still a fae's nature. The only thing Phil had done in moving away was postpone the inevitable. And this man was still a human, no matter the curse)
He introduced himself as a neighbour. The man introduced himself as a traveler. No names were exchanged. It was clear by the tilt of his eyebrows he was skeptical of Phil's claim that he lived nearby.
"I didn't see any houses on my way over."
"It's just me and my two boys," Phil said. "Our place is... quite tucked away."
The man nodded, but he didn't quite relax.
"Here." Phil pulled out the gift he had prepared. A teacup of delicate porcelain. The handle was veneered in gold, as was the rim. The stranger’s eyes darted to it, but he didn't move to take it.
"What's this?"
"A gift. Isn't that what people do when a new neighbour moves in?"
“I don’t know,” the man said lightly. “I don’t really do the whole 'interacting with people' thing.”
Phil laughed. “Yeah, me neither. This is just an old thing I had, thought it would be better than nothing.” Lying was as much a fae’s nature as stealing humans. Today, Phil would do both.
“Take it,” Phil insisted. And the man foolishly did. “I’m sorry I don’t have any tea to give with it.”
The man nodded. “I have coffee.”
“That’ll work.” He smiled sharply.
Anything would work as long as he would drink from it. The human’s fate would be sealed on the first sip, the acceptance of a gift wrought in promises. Though merely taking it had marked him forever.
The man did not know it yet, but he was already theirs.]
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Au of omsootp where sbi don't unmask Tommy and trade him back to Dream when he finally calls. (If there's a city left lmao.) Tommy goes back to being a hero and starts to 'accidently' get nabbed by the SBI again and again because he treats it basically like a vacation.
He manages to spin all of the kidnappings to Dream as the result of him trying harder to catch them but he's just weak :(
Meanwhile my man is basically sipping Pina coladas
(Except Wilbur inexplicably slaps any alcohol Phil or Techno try to give him out of their hands. So virgin Pina coladas)
Wilbur would be having so many migraines.
Tommy eventually blows his superhero identity when he's just so tired he forgets he's in civilian wear, see's Phil at Home Depot or something, and asks to be kidnapped.
Techno: Why did you bring home a child? Did you steal it?
Phil: ...Yes?
Wilbur: Why am I vibrating at a frequency unknown to mankind?
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cat-fried-fiend · 9 months
trans Techno SBI fic part 2
here's the second part to the fic I've been writing :)
<part 1 & part 3>
Phil drives like a mad man. Honestly, he’s probably broken at least half a dozen traffic laws trying to reach Puffy as fast as possible. Maybe flying would have been less hazardous to others but Puffy doesn’t drive he can’t find it in himself to care about the law anyways. Most people in his situation would do the same, probably. At least he hopes he isn’t the odd one out, the only one who is completely fretting over this ordeal.
Puffy’s cottage is nestled in the heart of their quaint town but somehow still ringed with a yard of bright flowers and overgrown shrubs that border on trees. It’s a little slice of the country in a place where concrete is more abundant than fresh dirt and Phil relaxes as he approaches the front door. He’d let her know he was coming by but doubts she expects him to still be in his sweats and bathrobe. Still, he didn’t have enough thought to change before leaving, barely remembering to exchange his slippers for shoes.
She answers the door quickly, visibly surprised at his state. But she smiles and greets him kindly and ushers him into her living room. Phil sits awkwardly on the couch shifting his wings uncomfortably behind him. He’s unsure of how exactly he’s supposed to go about this conversation. He’d been in such a panic before that he’d decided to go to the first woman, he knew for help. But now Phil feels like maybe he shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions. Maybe Puffy wasn’t affected by her human side this way. Maybe he shouldn’t have assumed that only a woman would know what to do. Sighing, Phil drags a hand down his face, trying to scrub away the exhaustion that came with parenting.
“So…” Puffy starts, somehow having manifested two cups of tea and a plate of cookies, that now sit on the small coffee table separating them. “What was the emergency you needed my help with? Are the boys alright?”
“Oh…Wilbur and Tommy are fine,” he responds, grabbing a cup of tea just so he has something to focus on.
“And Techno?”
“He’s….. Well, that’s what I wanted to ask about. I woke up with him screaming for me. Which terrified me at first since he’s never really done that before but then…. He, well-”
Phil isn’t sure how exactly to tell his friend that he thought the kid he has been taking care of for the last six months, one he’s come to see as he third son, didn’t have the capability to carry children. It’s such a huge thing to miss. Especially when Techno’s already struggling with his hybrid identity. And now Phil’s probably made his identity issues even worse by just making assumptions.
Puffy raises an eyebrow, a concerned expression on her face.
“He’s not…anatomically male… like I thought” Phil wants to curl up and die. But being a parent means facing all sorts of mortifying conversations, so he forces himself upright and persevere. “And ah… he woke up with blood- which is how I realized that-”
Puffy fixes him with a look and Phil shuts his mouth.
“So, your son who you didn’t realize wasn’t anatomically male until today, started his period, and you ran to me for help?” She asks evenly, sipping her tea.
Phil nods, “Ah, yeah that’s… that’s mostly what happened. I- I didn’t know what else to do. I’ve never had to deal with something like this before and I thought that maybe you could help, or at least give me a place for information?”
Puffy hums. “I don’t like that you assumed I’d know what to do but you were right. I can help you. But you’re the one who’s looking after Techno. You’ve got to be the one he trusts for information, not me.”
Phil nods.
“Ok.” Puffy sighs, sipping her tea again. “What’s Techno doing now?”
“Showering. He doesn’t know what any of this is. I’m fairly sure he doesn’t even know the full extent of anatomical differences in humans.”
“Ok… the showering idea was good. Did he seem upset at all?”
Phil feels a flash of guilt. “Yeah… he was really upset with all of it but mainly when I told him about the monthly part. It was the one of the few times I’ve seen him cry so openly.”
“Look, it could be because of the hormones but I think you need to have a conversation about his gender identity or at least give him a basic lecture on human gender and sexuality.”
“You’re right.” Phil sighs.
“I know.” Puffy says with a smile. “Did you ever give Wilbur any information or is still he just confusedly and painfully pining over Quackity.”
Phil represses the full body shudder at that topic. Yes, he gave Wil the talk. Had he possibly been too late and ended up seeing things he can never unsee? Also, yes.  So no, Wilbur was no longer confused about his feelings for Quackity, at least in the gender/sexuality department. Though, Phil still isn’t entirely sure Wilbur knows the difference between a crush, a rivalry, and an obsession.
But Phil doesn’t say that. He just nods and focuses on his tea. They really should get going. It’s already been nearly twenty minutes and Phil’s certain Techno isn’t going to leave the shower until he produces Puffy or a large sum of gold. And as Phil isn’t sure there’s enough gold in the whole server to be enough to lure him out, Puffy it will have to be.
In the end, they wind up dragging Puffy’s younger cousins with them which Phil is a bit unsure about. He’s sure Techno doesn’t want a whole lot of people parading around the house at a time like this. But Puffy refuses to let them stay at home alone quoting that the last time they had, she came back with a quarter of her home completely missing and the rest completely covered in butter and burn marks. So, she drags them out of bed and into Phil’s car, the two of them cursing, and screaming the whole way. Phil sympathizes with them, he too would be kicking and screaming if Puffy decided to drag him out of bed on a Sunday morning before eight AM. Or maybe not, Phil decides, when Puffy fixes the look back at her cousins who promptly stop complaining.
Puffy is kind enough to let Techno use the supplies she has at least until Phil could be reliably trusted to go to the store and get the correct items. Relief slowly drips into Phil’s gut the closer they get to the house, unwinding the knot of worry. Beside him, Puffy is holding a box that she’s filled with whatever she’s deemed necessary and quizzing him on the basic information. Really, Phil should know more but as he hadn’t had the most formal education as a child, it’s lucky he knows this much.
Phil glances in the mirror, trying to be a decent driver this time around. Somehow, despite it only being five minutes since Phil pealed out of their driveway the two cousins are silent. And he realizes why. Behind him, the two smaller sheep hybrids are fast asleep, siting piled against each other in a way that has Phil’s heart melting.
This is why being a parent is worth it.
It’s been about forty minutes since Phil’s left when he finally returns. Anxiety has returned with vengeance over the course of the drive and his gut feels like one giant knot. But the house is still standing in one-piece, warm cedar shingles bathed in golden sunlight, and somehow this lessens the worry he feels inside. Ushering Puffy and her sleepy cousins inside quietly, Phil tries his hardest to keep the rest of the house asleep. He really doesn’t need Tommy waking up right now. After softly directing the two children into the den, Phil hurriedly guides Puffy up the stairs and into his office.
“Phil,” Puffy says evenly, “I know you’re stressed, go make some coffee and read one of the books I brought, I’ll let you know when Techno’s ready.”
Phil sighs, shoulder’s slumping and he allows Puffy to start to shoo him out of the small office.
“Wait-” Puffy says, pausing to rummage through her supplies, “here, give this to Techno, ok?” She hands him a small box that looks to hold some sort of clothes. Phil nods, giving her a tired but grateful smile.
“Thanks for the help, Puffy. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“Probably die,” she says with a grin which he matches easily. “Now go…” Phil follows her orders, knocking on the bathroom door. Once he detects Techno’s stifled shout of allowance over the spray of the shower, he cracks it open and sets the box down on the counter then makes a hasty retreat. With that done, he begins a load of laundry. After so many years Phil’s become pretty much an expert on bloodstains and he’s certain that with his skills, nothing will remain as an unpleasant reminder for Techno. He’s just finished getting the coffee pot started and began perusing one of Puffy’s books when he hears someone faintly shout, “save me!” Then a deafening crash. Without a second thought, Phil bolts towards the den, praying that Puffy and Techno are doing fine upstairs.
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techalertr · 2 years
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pancakepanda131 · 2 years
Just a sip! Ch5 is finally up
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sbisecuritiesaso · 8 months
How to Place an Equity SIP (E-SIP) Order through SBI Securities App?
Equity-SIP Is A Tool That Helps You Build Your Portfolio Over The Long Run With Consistency & Discipline! Looking to invest in shares? SBI Securities App offers a seamless online platform for equity investment in India. Begin your journey toward financial growth today! Read more..
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dying-acc-idk-man · 2 years
i'm not sure if you answered this already at some point, but! what originally got you into mcyt, if you don't mind sharing? :] *sips tea*
Ive been a mcyt fan since Skydoesminecraft days, but got invested again on DSMP (though actually more of SBI since I really love family dynamics)
and what got me into Hermitcraft was literally the Hermitgang Rap, THEN I got into the life series
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garbageonion · 1 year
intro post!
Tumblr media
becuse i figured it's time i write one of these
hello! i'm sipuli/onion/sip, a 24 year old finnish mcyt fan and a writer. i also have a twitter but i mostly hang out here now. i'm not new to tumblr, but this account is, so i'm still kinda trying to figure shit out after coming back to this site after a break
i mostly watch tommy, phil, niki, and a whole bunch of other people occasionally. my actual favorite streamer is fundy, and i firmly believe he'll come back when the world needs him the most. c!fundy is among my all time favorite fictional characters and i Will Not Shut Up About Him
i'll happily consume anything c!fundy, sbi, crimeboys, or generally mcyt-related. i also reblog posts from other fandoms i'm into, so expect to see a lot of random stuff. some of my other fandoms include got/hotd, pafl, kuroshitsuji/black butler, vocaloid/vocal synths in general, and a variety of video games, but i get in and out of new interests pretty quickly so idk
check out #sipuli speaks for my own posts and #fave for certified Great Content (mostly pretty art)
i have a carrd that i spent a lot of time on making pretty
i also have an ao3 account which takes up a disproportionate amount of my time
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zfundsofficial · 16 days
Best SIP Plans for ₹1000 Per Month: Start Small, Grow Big
Starting a SIP for ₹1000 per month may seem like a small step, but it’s a powerful way to build long-term wealth. Funds like Axis Bluechip, Mirae Asset Emerging Bluechip, and SBI Small Cap offer different risk-return profiles to suit every type of investor. By staying committed and investing regularly, you can achieve your financial goals with ease, no matter how small your initial contribution.
1. Axis Bluechip Fund
Category: Large Cap Axis Bluechip Fund is one of the top-performing large-cap mutual funds, focusing on investing in well-established companies with strong financial health. It offers relatively lower risk and steady returns, making it ideal for conservative investors. The fund’s consistent performance and sound management make it a reliable option for long-term wealth creation.
Key Benefits:
Strong portfolio of large-cap companies
Lower risk compared to mid or small-cap funds
Suitable for long-term wealth building
2. Mirae Asset Emerging Bluechip Fund
Category: Large & Mid-Cap Mirae Asset Emerging Bluechip Fund is an excellent choice for investors looking for a mix of stability and growth. It invests in both large and mid-cap stocks, giving you the potential for higher returns while balancing the risk. Though it’s slightly more aggressive, the fund has a solid track record of delivering superior returns over the long term.
Key Benefits:
Balanced risk with exposure to large and mid-cap stocks
High potential for returns
Suitable for long-term investors with moderate risk tolerance
3. SBI Small Cap Fund
Category: Small Cap If you have a higher risk appetite and want to invest in companies with high growth potential, the SBI Small Cap Fund could be the right fit. This fund focuses on small-cap stocks, which can offer significant upside in the long run. However, small-cap funds are volatile and better suited for those willing to ride out market fluctuations.
Key Benefits:
Potential for high returns in the long term
Exposure to small-cap companies with growth opportunities
Ideal for aggressive investors
4. ICICI Prudential Equity & Debt Fund
Category: Hybrid (Equity-Oriented) For investors seeking a balanced approach, the ICICI Prudential Equity & Debt Fund offers the best of both worlds. This hybrid fund invests in both equities and debt, reducing the overall risk while still providing the potential for growth. It’s ideal for investors who prefer stability but also want equity exposure for higher returns.
Key Benefits:
Balanced risk with equity and debt exposure
Stability combined with growth potential
Suitable for conservative to moderate investors
5. HDFC Mid-Cap Opportunities Fund
Category: Mid-Cap HDFC Mid-Cap Opportunities Fund is a popular choice among investors looking for exposure to mid-sized companies with strong growth potential. It is a moderately risky option, offering higher returns than large-cap funds but with less volatility than small-cap funds.
Key Benefits:
High growth potential with mid-cap stocks
Moderate risk level
Suitable for long-term investors with a moderate risk appetite
Why Invest in SIPs?
Disciplined Investing: SIP plan help in building a disciplined approach to investing by making small, regular contributions.
Power of Compounding: Even small investments can grow significantly over time due to the power of compounding.
Rupee-Cost Averaging: Investing regularly helps average out the purchase cost, reducing the impact of market volatility.
Flexibility: SIPs are flexible, allowing you to increase or decrease your investment amount as per your financial situation.
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yogeshsarade · 25 days
7 super smart reasons to start a SIP today! | SBI Securities
From professional fund management to pocket-friendly investments, SIPs offer a disciplined, diversified, and regulated path to achieving your financial goals.
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marketmovers1 · 2 months
Best SIPs for Long-Term Investment
Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) have become a popular and effective way for individuals to invest in mutual funds. By enabling regular, disciplined investments, SIPs help build a substantial corpus over time, making them ideal for long-term financial goals. Here are some of the best SIPs for long-term investment, considering factors like historical performance, fund management, and consistency.
1. ICICI Prudential Bluechip Fund
The ICICI Prudential Bluechip Fund is well-regarded for its stable returns and focus on large-cap stocks. This fund invests in established companies with strong market presence and financial health, providing a balanced mix of growth and stability.
2. SBI Small Cap Fund
For those looking to take advantage of the growth potential in smaller companies, the SBI Small Cap Fund is a great option. This fund has shown remarkable performance in the small-cap segment, though it comes with higher risk compared to large-cap funds.
3. HDFC Mid-Cap Opportunities Fund
The HDFC Mid-Cap Opportunities Fund targets mid-sized companies that have the potential for significant growth. This fund has consistently delivered strong returns, making it suitable for investors willing to accept moderate risk for potentially higher rewards.
4. Mirae Asset Large Cap Fund
Known for its strong track record and reliable returns, the Mirae Asset Large Cap Fund focuses on blue-chip companies. It offers a good balance between risk and reward, appealing to conservative investors seeking steady growth.
5. Axis Long Term Equity Fund
The Axis Long Term Equity Fund not only provides growth potential through equity investments but also offers tax benefits under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act. This makes it an attractive option for long-term investors looking to maximize returns while saving on taxes.
Benefits of Long-Term SIPs
Rupee Cost Averaging: By investing a fixed amount regularly, SIPs help average out the cost of investment, reducing the impact of market volatility.
Power of Compounding: Long-term investments benefit from compounding, where returns are reinvested to generate additional earnings.
Disciplined Investing: SIPs encourage regular savings and investment habits, crucial for building a substantial corpus over time.
Flexibility: Investors can start with a small amount and gradually increase their investment as their financial situation improves.
Choosing the best SIP for long-term investment depends on individual financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon. The funds mentioned above have consistently performed well and are managed by experienced fund managers. By committing to a disciplined investment strategy through SIPs, investors can build significant wealth over time and achieve their long-term financial objectives.
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