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mentallyillerisek · 1 year ago
Všem doporučuji queer srazy! Je to opravdu skvělá příležitost najít si nové přátele :) Nedávno jsem byl na queer meet up v Brně, bylo to opravdu super. Strašně friendly atmosféra. Pro srazy doporučuji sledovat Instagramy: Prague pride, qty.cz a sbarvouven. Třeba se někdy uvidíme :D 🌈🏳️‍🌈💫
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doposlednihodechu · 8 years ago
Šťastnej Prague Pride těm, co na něj jdou!
A vyvěste za mě Trans*parent!
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illgiveyouahint · 5 years ago
livinonaflyingcarpet replied to your post: I love finally having an income. I love that I can...
When you finish your research in charities will you please share? 💕 I’d really love to find some good local ones, but I have no idea where or what to look for so I always donate to the same two big ones
Yes, I'll try to remember you asking and once I find some good ones I'll try to tell you. But it mostly depends on what you're looking for/what you decide to concentrate on. Is it the environment or people with disabilities or Roma people or queer people or refugees, or saving historic buildings etc. There are so many different charities that do so many different things.
I know you were asking for charities but I feel like I should mention some queer organisations I know that are worth supporting since it's the area I know the most. 
Not to be annoying but as a vice president, I first have to mention my student association Charlie. we are Charles University association but actually, many of our members are not students of the university or any university. we're trying to provide safe space for young individuals but also spread knowledge about queer topics to the general public.
There's also Transparent, that concentrates on trans rights in the Czech Republic and do a lot of good work. Don't let the name of the website fool you they're doing stuff all over the Czech Republic and not just Prague. They're at the front of fighting for rights of trans individuals and trying to change the law to get rid of the obligatory sterilisation (which is still obligatory in our country and against fucking human rights!)
There's also Centrum pro queer paměť/ the centre for queer memory that does research into local queer history. I don't think I need to explain more or why that is important.
Lastly, there's Sbarvouven which is a helpline/support system and they have like mentors and therapists that you can turn to if you have a hard time coming out etc.  
I know that's not exactly what you were looking for. They're not charities. But as someone who kind of knows a bit about these organisations, I feel like I needed to mention them. They're local queer non-gonvernment organisations that I think are doing good work.
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kindyu · 2 years ago
Tohle patří k Prague Pride, ale sbarvouven!! Nabízí peer to peer poradenství a taky maj mapu lgbtq+ friendly psychologů a terapeutů!!
Našla jsem náhodou docela dost stránek a blogů v češtině (a jednu slovensky) týkajících se queer věcí, je mi jasné, že většinu z nich nejspíš znáte, ale já doteď třeba o žádné neslyšela, takže pro vás, co jako já nic nevíte, tady dávám seznam webovek jiných, než Jsme fér a Prague Pride:
Společnost pro queer paměť
Spolek Charlie
Iniciatíva inakosť
STUD, z.s.
Jihočeská Lambda
Literární projekt Odnaproti
Česká databáze duhových knih
Pražský klub gay seniorů M-Klub Lambda
Pan G.
Všechny stránky jsem jen v rychlosti proletěla, než jsem je sem dala, pokud jsou některé spolky už nefunkční nebo problematické, dejte vědět
Pokud znáte další, přidávejte
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spinner-of-yarns · 5 years ago
táta se mi snažil popsat reklamu od sbarvouven, co se mu zobrazila na facebooku a pronesl dokonalou větu: “provedlo vaše dítě coming out?”
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