#say that 'i bet they're One Of Those Lesbians who hate bi people'
you know you've stayed up too late when you find. the really fucking lesphobic comedian on youtube that somehow is really popular with zero opposition in the comments
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Family movie recommendations but hey have LGBT in them
I might as well make this post before I forget, and even though I'm straight, I still support LGBT. I just ended up falling in love with a man, but that doesn't take away the fact that I will support anyone who gay, lesbian, bi, ect... Just love who you want to love. I'm also a Christian and I know that people think Christians don't support LGBT but a lot of us do, we believe that Jesus wants us to support everyone and love everyone, and not hate them for a stupid decision. As a straight person, you might think I might not be the bets person to pick out nice LGBT family movies and maybe I'm not, but I am an expert when it comes to underrated family and kids movies. My best friend is bi and she has most of the same feelings about these movies as I do. When Disney tries to be "inclusive" and supportive, they either sneak a gay kiss in the background, or make a big deal out of it. Got news for ya, none of these movies on the lists are Disney!
Early Man (It looks like the villain has a boyfriend. Dino is his assistant, while he has another man named Stefano, come and rub his back while he's in the bathtub. There's a gay kiss scene with two cavemen in the background after they win the soccer game and there's also a gay kiss scene with Dug and Hognob, but Hognob's a pig.)
One Stormy Night (Okay, I don't think Mei and Gabu are gay, but Zack and Beach probably are. The author of the books didn't flat out confirm this, but he doesn't care if people used their imagination and made any of the characters gay. I feel like Zack & Beach are either gay, or just really close friends. They're not confirmed to be though)
Duck Duck Goose (The two cranes are actually confirmed to be gay. Though they maybe minor characters, they're adorable and funny. Duck Duck Goose is also an unforgettable movie with great characters. The story focuses more on family and a goose learning to make the right decision and help ducklings, so anyone can enjoy it)
These next ones are technically SHOWS, NOT MOVIES!
George and Martha (It's a cartoon that focuses on two hippos, a guy and girl, but they have two male alligator friends who are confirmed to be gay... and this was a 90s cartoon! This is the oldest one on the list, it's like from '97 or something. And before you go on judging it for being a 90s cartoon, it's not like Rockos modern life or PPG, it's way more kidlike than those. It's not filled with a ton of dirty jokes or anything. The two alligators are named Oscar and Wild and the have a puppy who George and Martha babysit, in an episode, and both alligators refer to themselves as "Daddy" to the puppy, meaning that they're both fathers to the puppy. Pretty woke for a 90s cartoon, eh? The show was based off a book series and no one ever heard of it because it aired on the Qubo channel and even though I had cable, I was one of those lucky ducks who got to watch Qubo.) I'm an American btw, idk if people outside of the U.S heard if it either
ToddWorld (Okay, yeah, they showed gay lions in the background but it's still a little bit of representation and it's explained to little kids in a nice way so that they can learn to accept it later on. I mean, it's not explained in a way that they won't understand. I also heard they mention it in the books saying "Some families have two mommies or two daddies" or something, but I never read the book, I just heard someone on Instagram mention it).
Even if you're not in the LGBT community, these are still amazing movies! You can still watch them. Again, I am NOT apart of the LGBT community, but I still support it. If you ever heard of any of these movies or shows, tell me about how you feel about them. Which ones surprised you the most, probably the 90s one, huh? It surprised me too. If you give these a try, tell me what you think
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snowdeong · 5 months
I hate when there's discourse about bi sapphics and then you look at the mf making these "hot takes" and SHOCKER they're not bi at fucking all 😭 there's something so bizarre to me about arguing that bi sapphics' attraction to men is not different from straight women when you’re literally in neither category. And like for sure SOME bi sapphics experience attraction to men exactly like SOME straight women do because bisexuality is not universal and YES there's nothing wrong with straight women liking men and yeah straight men are not queer obviously but bisexuality is fluid lmao it's not the same as nonfluid sexualities by nature of literally meaning having some attraction to any and all genders 😭 that is inherently queer. Why is it so scary to admit that bi sapphics liking men and dating men doesn't erase the fact that they are queer and they experience the world in a queer way. How does that invalidate straight women 😭😭
In fact I'd go as far to say as saying that assuming bi sapphics existing is somehow invalidating straight women is more offensive to straight women than bi sapphics saying the way they are attracted to ANYONE is queer. Not all straight women even experience attraction to men the same way I bet like be so fr lmao. Every other queer attraction is allowed to be beautiful and nuanced but god forbid bi sapphics like men then it's either "no you're not queer actually" or "saying you're queer when you like a man is actually mean to straight women" Of fucking course that shit is gonna be different bi sapphics and straight women are not the same omigod 😭 this isn't even about patriarchy or comphet or whatever this is just about one individual being queer and the other one not. It's not the rest of the community's job to decide what is and isn't queer for bi people literally fuck off and mind your business cause every time someone not bi has a take on bisexuality it's always just biphobia 😭
Mfs will post straight up biphobia and get thousands of likes and it's like... if ya'll hate us so bad okay, don't talk about us lmaoooo
It's so frustrating because ranting about it doesn't change anything, explaining wtf even a fluid sexuality is to people who don't experience it never changes anything and being mad about it doesn't change anything but fuck man sapphic spaces are so biphobic the majority of the time and you have to womder like. How tf does our existence hurt you 😭 those dumb mfs that do the "bi lesbian" shit aren’t the majority of bi folk we're literally just chilling lmao just stop having opinions on people you clearly dgaf about cause if these people actually cared about bisexuals they'd just let us speak for ourselves
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Review: Down With Love (2010)
I felt a little nostalgic this week and decided to rewatch Down With Love, a romcom out of Taiwan featuring Ella Chen (from Hana Kimi) and Jerry Yan (Meteor Garden).
This is more of a brain dump as opposed to a real review. More below the cut.
Let me just start with the fact I love dramas with tomboys, gender benders, and gender non-conforming women and girls in general. I'm a 40 yr old gnc bi-woman, so some of these storylines really resonate with me - despite the trend of making those female characters glaringly stupid and pitiable.
Tags: Nanny, Love Square, Tomboy, Male Chases Female First, Sismance, Rich Man/Poor Woman, Pretends To Be Gay, Single Parent, Sisterhood, Boss/Employee Relationship
Our girl Ella Chen plays tomboy Yang Guo. Yang Guo works, has friends, and a shitty boyfriend of 5 years. She acts naïve, but she actually has a lot of life experience due to a *tragic backstory*. After her mother died, her father ruined the family business. Their family plunged from riches to rags and their father abandoned them. Yang Guo is 6 when this happens and it falls on her older sister Yang Duo to raise them both while homeless, starving, and navigating the homeless camps in the parks of Taipei.
Yang Duo (Kelly Huang) has raised her little sister by herself, beginning from poverty and homelessness to having a house and making a life for themselves. They bicker good-naturedly, but Yang Duo is very protective and supportive of her sister. She's managed to earn a job at a prestigious law firm as an admin assistant with strong accounting skills. She is seen as frugal, clever, and competent. Several characters make comments throughout the series about how it was a shame that she didn't go into certain careers because she's so accomplished despite not having a formal education. It's obvious that Yang Duo has put her own dreams and happiness on hold to make sure that she and Guo have financial security. Yang Duo is my favorite character btw. She is a supporting character that is multi-faceted and has her own character arc. I really like seeing her growth in this drama, and she gets some cute side couple action later in the series. Skip the last episode.
Due to growing up in poverty and scrabbling to lower-middle-class, the two girls work nonstop. After Guo is fired from her job waiting tables, Duo gets Guo a job as a nanny for her boss Xiang Yu Ping by lying and saying Guo is a lesbian.
Xiang Yu Ping (Jerry Yan) owns his own law firm and is seen as cold and overbearing. He is raising his dead brother's kids and none of the nannies he's hired have lasted either due to being chased off by the kids (a la the Sound of Music) or by trying to seduce him because he's a rich handsome lawyer. Relieved to have found a nanny who definitely wouldn't seduce him (because he thinks she's a lesbian), he just pays an unreasonably huge salary to keep her there with the kids despite their abuse.
Supporting characters: Amanda Chu as the best friend Yan Ling with the messy dating life is also delightful, but I've enjoyed all her roles. I may rewatch Lion Pride for her, now that I'm walking down memory lane. The office of 'just some lawyer dudes being dudes' are funny. I love when they gather around to watch drama and place bets on what's happening. They're also slackers. I would love/hate to work with them.
So that's the setup.
Honestly, I hate the 'pretends to be gay' plots. It's typically really offensive and this was no exception in a lot of places. (It's not at the same level as Personal Taste, but it's bad.) One of the cases Yu Ping takes on is unlawful termination and blackmail of a gay teacher and he asks for Yang Guo's advice to help the man. Taiwan was trying in 2010, but it wasn't exactly good representation to have a fake lesbian help an actual gay man faced with employment discrimination and blackmail over his orientation. When I compare this with Love is Science (2021 twdrama) that has two out lgbt characters employed in their office with significant roles, I'm just so happy that lgbtq media representation is still progressing.
I don't care about Yu Ping's best friend Qi Ke Zhong or Yu Ping's ex-girlfriend Ding Hui Fan because they're both terrible people that don't deserve forgiveness and their only purpose was to drag out our leads getting together. Since this was a rewatch, I knew how much I hated their scenes and skipped them as much as I could. You're not missing anything. Someone on YT needs to just make a Yang Duo/Xiang Yu Ping cut, tbh. Also? Go ahead and skip the deadbeat father.
The nanny bit only lasts three episodes (the kids are adorable), but it's long enough for Yu Ping to catch feelings and think his lesbian nanny is cute. He actually is not cold and overbearing as episode 1 makes him out to be. Yu Ping is supportive and tries to be a good friend to Guo. When he thinks her 'girlfriend' is cheating on her, he absolutely flips out because he feels she deserves to be respected and loved in her relationship. He learns about her family. He learns about her friends. He knows where to look for her when she's upset. He knows how to cheer her up and later, he knows how to make the perfect date. When he finds out she lied about being a lesbian, he's not even mad. He admits it was his fault for making certain demands in the employment contract. He's just upset that he's lost chances to flirt and court her.
Listen. It's a dumb premise in this drama and the misunderstandings suck. But it's so refreshing to see male leads be decent to women that are romantically and sexually unavailable to them. The bar is so low, in RL and in dramas, that Yu Ping belongs in the top tier of male drama leads. This dude was just going to continue in a supportive friendship for an undetermined time, both when he thought she was a lesbian and later when his shitty weasel of a best friend dated her under false pretenses. He didn't burden her with a confession until her relationship was over. And whenever she asked for space, he gave it to her. And when she confronted him on instances of jealously, he apologized and gave her space.
Yu Ping never tries to change Guo. He doesn't give her a makeover. She has a makeover scene that is instigated by another character and all he does is try to make her comfortable when she's so obviously uncomfortable. Then he cheers inwardly when he sees her overcome her awkwardness and have confidence. But by the end of the drama, she is still dressing and acting the same as in act 1. It honestly reminded me a little of Coffee Prince in that the fancy male lead is still just as enamored with his gnc woman by the end and the way she presents herself doesn't have an effect on their romantic relationship. Again, this is content catered to me as a bi & gnc woman in a relationship with a cis-het man. I often am mistaken for a man when I go out with my spouse and he's still super into me so let's normalize gnc people with gc people already it's 2021.
Anyway, if you watch romances for kisses, there's really only a couple of pecks and one nice passionate kiss and they're all in basically the last 3 eps of the series.
The last episode sucks. Stop at episode 15. Seriously. Don't watch episode 16. Why oh why do you let terrible people back in your life? Qi Ke Zhong and Ding Hui Fan are toxic and should but cut out of their lives. The end of ep 15 had a happy ending with a family-style breakfast for our two sisters with their boyfriends. Ep 16 threw in some more misunderstanding, jealousy, and separations followed by a time skip for no reason and brought back my two least favorite characters.
Anyway, I will live in my little world with Yang Duo and her sweet lawyer boyfriend Liang Zhi Hao (Ian Yim/Cyran Yan/Yan Yi En yeah, this actor has three stage names) that supports her interests and self-determination while they save money on mass transit by using his motorbike. And they build her dream home that she designs. Perhaps they put aside funds for her to pursue a degree in what she's passionate about.
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