#saw us holding hands and said omg we won lads
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Hey, wake up soldier. What? Soaps dead? Uh, no he's fine? He's training with Ghost right over there. Had a bad dream or something?
#i really loved cosplaying these two#it was so fun and fruity#SHOUT OUT to the person who walkee past us at con#saw us holding hands and said omg we won lads#you get it#ghostsoap#cod modern warfare#cod mw2#ghost cod#cod cosplay#cosplay#cosplay couple#john soap mactavish#soapghost#soap cod#ghost x soap
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@fantasy-studiies asked: Prompt list #50. GIVE ME AVANDA SAYING THAT LIKE OMG but you already know that. Hmm... to give you another let’s go with #25 and Ewan saying it to Avanda. Have fun lol. MAKE ME SHIP IT! I can’t ship what I currently ship cause it’s not otp 😆 starting with the first prompt on this one: #50 from @fantasy-studiies fantastic 50 dialogue prompts list (go check her out, she's got an epic story brewing!!) “If you’re going to fight, then fight. Don’t just stand there with a sword in your hand looking pretty.” Characters: Avanda Mileanta and Thane (who I think I've done a blurb with already?) Maybe mentions of others.
Avanda let out an annoyed groan as she paced her room. It had been a long day of meetings, and delegations, and negotiations, and battle strategizing.Ewan had been getting stressed, and as usual that was manifesting itself as heightened security measures. He had been tailing her like a faithful dog for the better part of three days now. Granted, that wasn’t too unusual. He was the captain of the guard and her boyfriend. They just sort of werre together, all the time. However, his attitude had shifted greatly, and it almost didn’t feel like “him” anymore. He was stiff, uptight, and formal all the time. He had dropped all pet-names and signs of affection towards Avanda, referring to her only as “M’Lady,” “Your Highness.” Even when they were at home, his guard didn’t drop. He wasn’t sleeping well, if at all. She had been a little relieved when he suggested that they stay the night at her father’s palace. To avoid any possible “unsavory” rumors about their relationship, he never stayed the night in her room there. As much as she loved him, he could be a bit stifling in this sort of situation, and she was glad to have some space. (Although a bit of freedom would have been nice too.)
She jumped as the door opened, looking up from her pacing. She smiled eagerly as she saw her friends step into the room, and crossed over to them, wrapping an arm around Carina’s neck.
“Oh thank God!” She exclaimed, “I was starting to go crazy in here!”
Carina laughed as she pulled back, letting Caelum in to hug the princess. “We kinda figured you would be.”
“Hence; The Rescue Mission.” Thane said with a flourishing bow after the heavy door had shut. “Suit up Princess. You and I are rolling out of here.”
Avanda frowned and looked at him. “What? How, Thane what on Earth?”
Nyar tossed a quick look at the door and began speaking in a low tone. “Look, Av, it’s important for your people to see you without the guards. Especially the soldiers. Sure, they’ve sworn loyalty to you and your father, and a lot of them are willing to die for that oath, but you need to show them that they made the right choice with that. And when they see you with Ewan and your guards, they aren’t seeing the ‘real’ you, Av.” The tall boy picked up a piece of her leather training armor and offered it to her as he continued. “They need to see you as you are: relaxed and a good fighter.”
Avanda snorted a little. “So what? You’re saying…?”
Thane spoke up next pulling the armor out of Nyar’s hands and then over Avanda’s head, “You and I are going to sneak out your window and down to the training camp. We’re gonna mingle. THey’re relaxed, they have the next few days off for the harvest celebration, so it’s basically a party of epic proportions down there. You and i are gonna go, have a few drinks and show them that you’re just as laid back as they are.” He laughed as he pulled her braid out from under the armor. “With any luck we’ll get you into a bar fight to show them you can take care of yourself.”
“And the rest of you?” Avanda asked as she slung her sword belt onto her hips, “Are you coming too?”
Caelum shook his head. “We’re decoys. We’re going to stay in here, chatting loudly and laughing, having a good ol’ time so that your Guard Dog doesn’t get suspicious.”
Carina tossed Avanda the simple helmet and winked. “Go on then. Bring me back an ale.”
Avanda rolled her eyes and followed Thane to the large doors to the balcony. They pushed it open, and stepped onto the railing, close to the wall. Thane started climbing first, hugging the wall and moving spider-like down the wall. He was smaller in build than Avanda, and not to mention a bit more coordinated. He swarmed down the wall with ease, hardly changing pace from his usual walking speed. Avanda moved a little slower, placing her hands carefully in different holds, and testing each one before supporting her whole weight with them. Finally, she joined her brother on the ground and the two of them hugged the wall of the castle, walking towards the glow of the training camp. As they neared the camp, they both straightened their backs, walking with the attitude of two soldiers returning to camp as usual.
Once in the camp, they pulled off their helmets, pinning them under their arms. The camp was loud with the sounds of the yet to start harvest festival already building in the camp. Soldiers gathered around large fires, and the smell of woodsmoke and fresh cooked food of all sorts wafted through the air. Avanda smiled, her excitement quickly overthrowing any anxieties she had. The stress of the past few days lifted almost instantly and she looked to Thane.
“So, where to first? I’ve never really been one for parties.”
Thane snorted. “You don’t have to tell me, Av.” He clapped his hands and looked to her, “First things first, we need a drink. That guy over there with the wagon full of kegs? He’s about to become my new best friend.” He sauntered over to the cart that had been set up by one of the many merchants who had been allowed into the camp for the night. Thane slapped a hand on the open tailgate. “Good sir, two flagons of your finest, please!” He called.
The man inside the wagon nodded and pulled out two tankards, filling them up. “Make sure these get back to me, soldier.” He said, looking down at the two of them. His eyes drifted to Avanda and widened as they landed on the coat of arms painted onto her training armor. “M’Lady,” He stammered, hurrying to bow sloppily, “Please, no charge for you and your friend, I had no idea.”
Avanda chuckled a little nervously and offered the man some coins, “Please, don’t worry about it. I’m not a princess tonight, I’m a warrior.”
The man looked long and hard at the coins, trying to decide how best to go about accepting them. After Avanda urged him a bit more, he hesitantly took them. “Thank you, M’Lady.”
Avanda smiled, “Thank you, sir.”
Thane, who had already made shockingly good progress on his drink looked up at the man, “In a camp like this, where would be the best place to find a prize ring?”
The merchant shot Thane a stern look, “Are you asking to bet or to shut them down? These lads deserve some fun this week, don’t you go spoiling it for no reason.”
Thane put a hand up, “I would never dream of shutting such a proud tradition down! I have a few coins to wager, and I was thinking of maybe stepping in the ring myself.” He said honestly, “Besides, the princess has never seen one. I thought that it would be a good experience for her.”
The man frowned, “A prize ring is no place for a Lady of the court.”
“I’m not a Lady of the court tonight, now am I?” Avanda reminded him.
With a worried scowl and a sigh, the merchant pointed to his right. “See that big tent to the left, past the main fire? If you keep in that direction, you’re likely to run into at least one prize ring. But if your father asks, M’Lady, please dont tell him it was I that sent you.”
Avanda smiled and set a few more coins down on the tailgate, “Don’t worry. It’s between the three of us.” With that, she and Thane started off in the direction that the merchant had pointed. “So a prize ring?” Avanda started, “Is this a hand-to-hand combat or weapons?”
Thane shrugged, “Depends on the fight. Could go either way. I didn’t bring my sword for no reason though, I can tell you that much.” There was a loud cheer and Avanda looked ahead to see a tightly knotted crowd ahead, and Thane laughed. “Seems we’ve found it. Keep your drink close, Av. Likely to catch some elbows in here.” He had to shout a little over the shouts and the music that was coming from somewhere on the other side of the crowd. Avanda quickly downed several large gulps and followed her friend as he pushed his way through the crowd. After pushing and jostling, they finally made it to the front of the crowd, and Avanda could clearly see the fight in progress. Two large soldiers grappled with each other, both of their faces bloodied and bruises already forming on their arms. Thane cheered loudly as the larger of the two men twisted, throwing the other to the ground with a loud thud. The second man, taking fast advantage of his new position, kicked his opponent hard, just below the knee. The man stumbled back a half a step, giving him just enough time to scramble partway to his feet and heave himself into a tackle that sent them both into the crowd, most of which scrambled out of the way fast enough to avoid any injury or mess.
Avanda, however, was not among them. She spun quickly, her drink held up high, and paying more attention to her own well being, doused both of the fighters as well as herself in the remainder of her ale. Both men scrambled to their feet, swearing loudly and turning on her, eyes blazing. Just as they were about to lunge however, they stopped, recognition and concern.
Thane cackled as the two fighters fell to their knees in a bow and the rest of the ring fell silent. “So who won that fight?” He gasped, wiping a tear away, “Certainly wasn’t the princess!”
Avanda chuckled and wiped a strand of dripping hair out of her eyes, offering a hand to the man nearest her. “On your feet, sir. That was a good fight, I’m sorry I interrupted it.”
The man took her hand, stammering, “Princess, M’Lady, I’m so sorry, I never would have…”
Avanda cut him off with a wave of her hand. “Ah, just a bit of ale. No harm no fowl really.” The whole ring was silent now and she looked around. “So who’s next?” She called, “I brought money, and I mean to lose it!” There was no response, and both of the current fighters stood hastily falling back into the crowd. Avanda frowned thoughtfully and nodded, “Well in that case, I’ll fight.” She set down the now empty tankard and helmet next to it. She stepped into the ring and held her arms out in a challenge, “I’m all your’s! Swords or fists, take your pick!” No one moved. The crowd was silent, and she raised an eyebrow, “Ahc, c’mon now, surely one of you can take a swing at me!”
Thane laughed and set his tankard down next to her’s “If none of you cowards’ll lift a sword to her, then I will.” He stepped into the ring, holding a fist in the air. “Let’s hear some noise then! For the challengers!” He pointed to Avanda with a bow, “Avanda the Brave, Heir to the throne of Keridwen and General of the King’s forces!” There was a deafening roar and he grinned at her.
Avanda held her fists up in the air, then shifted them in Than’s direction, “And Thane the Loyal, Chief advisor and a dumbass little shit!” There was a roar of laughter as Thane proudly and theatrically bowed to the crowd. “Place your bets, everyone! This could go either way!”
The two turned to each other and gripped the opposite hands in a tight fist, coming into a lopsided hug and slapping the other’s back as hard as they could.
“You ready to lose that money, Av?” Thane said with a crooked grin.
“Only to pay for the lads to carry your stretcher out of here.” She shot back at him, laughing as they retreated to the opposite sides of the ring.
“Hey, I have no political loyalty to you,” Thane reminded her, “I can kick your ass right here right now and then have another ale, no problem.”
Avanda laughed as she unsheathed her sword. Bold of you to assume these men would let you.”
Thane laughed, “Yeah, great comeback there, Av. ‘I can’t fight for myself so these lads’ll do it for me when I lose.” He raised his voice a bit, addressing the crowd, “If I were you, I’d be placing bets on me after that comment!”
Avanda rolled her eyes and gestured to the weapon in his hand with her sword point, “If you’re going to fight, then fight. Don’t just stand there with a sword in your hand looking pretty.” She darted at him, sword flicking in a fast attack as she spoke, and he put his sword up to block the blow effortlessly.
“Ah, so you think I’m pretty then, do ya?” He asked as he pushed back, sending his own attack, “I’m flattered, really.” He sent a flurry of rapid blows, and Avanda grunted as she parried each of them.
Truth be told, Thane was the better sword fighter of the two of them. He stood about the same height as she did, but she easily outweighed him. She was broad shouldered and had the dense bones and build of her father’s family, with the extra heft that came along with that natural born strength. Thane however, was slightly built, with a more wiry strength and blindingly fast speed and agility. His light body made it much easier for him to sneak in closely to deliver a swift attack and then dart back out to dodge the return blow. He had always been better at swordplay than Avanda, even if only slightly. It never really bothered Avanda much though. Once the weapons were set aside, overpowering him was no problem, and she could easily best her friend.
“Well, pretty is almost all you are, really.” She teased, clashing her sword to his, “You certainly aren’t the brightest torch at the riot.” she gasped a little and lunged back as his sword broke through her defense, a thin slash blooming on her bicep.
)“Strong words coming from the girl who can’t find Gyffes on a map!” Thane chortled.
“It’s a small island!” Avanda retorted, “It’s easy to miss!”
“Your own mother was born there! It’s part of your lineage!” Another blow broke through, this time Thane swiped his sword low, his blade scratching her shin. Avanda hissed angrily and swiped her sword down quickly, catching his shoulder. The boy jolted up and back, guard in close. Avanda turned her shoulder to him, sword angled just right, and threw herself forward, crashing into him and sending him back a few steps before reversing her grip and attacking his other side.He switched his guard and met her, both of them pushing against each other for leverage. Thane shot a swift wink at her before stepping backwards, throwing her balance off. There was a loud shout from the crowd, some laughter mixed with roars of displeasure as she stumbled forward. Thane stepped to the side, planting a foot on her shoulder and shoving her sideways. Avanda had no choice but to fall at that point, and the sudden change in direction caused her to drop her sword, sending it clattering to the ground. The crowd roared as Thane first kicked her sword away, then planted a foot on her shoulder and drove his sword into the ground next to her head.
“So, how about that ale?” He said, leaning on his sword and looking down at her with a satisfied grin. He took his foot off of her shoulder and offered her a hand, helping her to her feet. She smiled and punched him playfully on the arm, then held his fist in the air as the crowd cheered. He was by no means humble about the victory and threw his other fist into the air, cheering loudly. Avanda clapped, then turned, looking to the ground for her sword. She grinned a little as she caught sight of someone offering it to her from the edge of the circle. She turned to them with a grin, reaching for the sword, but that grin dissolved very quickly as she looked into Ewan’s angrily smoldering brown eyes. Her own eyes flicked to either shoulder and she bit her lip as she saw her father standing behind him, arms crossed.
“M’Lady.” Ewan’s voice was sharp and laced with anger and worry. “I trust you’ve had a good night?”
“Uhhh, hi, Da.” Avanda grinned sheepishly to her father, “I can explain, really, this was all my idea--”
The king scoffed, “I should hope you can explain. That was some of the sloppiest swordsmanship I have ever seen from you. I expect better from you, Avi, I really do. I hope you’ve learned that ale and swords should never be mixed.”
Avanda bit back her laughter as she watched Ewan’s jaw clench at the response that he clearly found insufficient. “Yes, Da.”
The king grinned widely at her and turned to the crowd. “A round of drinks and a challenger! I need to show my daughter how a prize fight is meant to be fought!”
Avanda laughed and cheered loudly with Thane as she took the sword from Ewan.
“You’re certainly your Father’s daughter, Your Highness. I just pray that you don’t end up in some of the same scrapes he has because of that.”
“Ah, c’mon Ewan,” Avanda said, pushing her hair back, “He’s made it through life fine, hasn’t he?”
“Barely, M’Lady.”
------------------------------------ DASHA'S OC TAGLIST: (Let me know if you want added/removed!) @fantasy-studiies @wallpatterns @abby5577 @foreverwayward @sammyimpala-67
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Contestshipping Masterpost - Part 8 - WHO WHAT WHEN WHERE WYNUAT???
and now… the best contestshipping episode of them all!!! yell it loud and clear (even though your parents will think you are weird)
Link to episode can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbLuBt3YaKQ
whenever I say Why not I say it like a wynuat. This is the best episode.
Episode starts off with Ash yelling at a river. Wonderful.
0:06 Oh Pikachu too?
0:20 Best of luck to you on your contest May!
0:27 Hi Drew :D
0:37 hmm. Interested I see?
Masqurain Uses waves to complete his technique
1:27 Drew won 5 a while back! Remember when he had 3?
1:37 Well May will win the contest you two will battle for the 4th time!
1:42 Fancy words will only give May more determination to win… Drew knows this.
1:57 Okay so we have Mr.Perfect, Mr.Know-it-all, and Mr.Rose. Wonderful.
3:08 Ash saying the titles sometimes makes me laugh. “MAY WE HARLEY DREW’D YA!” Imagine him saying that. ya.
3:11 Narrator, she is working hard at her skill because Drew convinced her too in his own way. ADVANCED SHIPPERS HE WAS NOT BEING MEAN AND THAT IS WHY SHE IS TRYING, SHE IS TRYING BECUASE DREW TOLD HER TO AND MADE HER WANT TO IN HIS OWN WAY.
3:23 Masquain flap your wings not your legs
3:26 Flirting!
3:35 Drew is teaching May some tactics :3
Also, May has really improved! Character development and attack skills, and based off these episodes it was mainly because of Drew!
3:51 … that was not somersault. Translations…
3:57 MAGICARP. this is just the best team rocket entrance. Ever. Just imagine a big magicarp jumped into the beach and said “MAGICARP" I laughed at this the first time I saw it~
4:06 :pulls up image of face swap:
4:19 Welp, it was a good run pikachu. Goodbye :)
4:22 :TAKES SCREENSHOT: Omg they are so scared for their pokemon
4:36 I love this pic… so much…
4:42 silly max! You pressed the hypo turbo engine switch! You should’ve known :P
4:56 they are now standing next to each other even though last time they were almost across the room, they walked next to each other and called their pokemon at the same time. This is what writers do when they foreshadow.
5:00 I dunno :Looks up I am going to on google: I am going to die. Jessie you are going to die!
5:15 and then you hear wabbafet
Hi team Rocket!
5:25 Imma look that on google… You are at my house.
5:29 No you are in my house
5:35 Thank you Wabaf- I mean James
5:40 but James was trying to cheer you up by being Wabbafet :P
5:49 Thank you Wabaf- I mean Meowth
5:54 Don’t worry, they’re having fun Max.
6:08 People might say that Drew is being mean here and that Drew doesn’t like May but this has a second meaning and May didn’t get it (just like how she never noticed him flirting)
6:19 :Screenshots:
I cursed myself with faceswap
6:25 So ye ol’ pirate likes eh story o’ contest shipp'n?
6:30 :Looks up mirage: mi·rage m?'räZH/ noun noun: mirage; plural noun: mirages
an optical illusion caused by atmospheric conditions, especially the appearance of a sheet of water in a desert or on a hot road caused by the refraction of light from the sky by heated air.
okay I get it now! The wynuat!!!
6:42 Leechy berry?
6:50 Teaching May about Leechy berries in his own way.
6:58 I find it amazing that May says she knows everything about them, proceeds to pronounce it wrong, and then Drew point that out. I didn’t expect him to.
7:03 :Takes screenshot
7:19 ShuuHaru
I told you I love this episode AND WE AREN’T EVEN HALFWAY DONE MWA HA HA AH AHA HA
7:36 Swellow did you find contestshipping
7:43 Don’t worry Max!
7:52 wynuat? Also while listening to this I heard Max say "Ya! They might’ve decided to-” finish this sentence please :3
8:21 Mudkip: points with fin
8:23 “You don’t get out much do you…” "Well you just don’t know how to have fun!“ -Contestshipping
8:33 you know what I want this man to be a chaperone at a school field trip.
8:48 in the time you were gone, James, Jessie and Meowth turned into wabaffets! :D
9:03 No james. did you hear it say Wabafett? No. It said wynuat.
9:08 at least Meowth knows!
9:12 let me tell ya’ lads ye ol’ story of how I got ‘ere
9:58 People say Drew never gets exited.
One scene includes a closeup of May and Drew holding hands while falling down a cliff and into a river.
… I’m disappointed in you Bulbapedia
10:27 YOU CAN MAKE IT!!!
10:49 Bulbapedia: Then May sees that Drew has been knocked out from the impact of the waterfall, she becomes extremely concerned and tries to keep Drew’s head above the water while telling him not to worry because she’s got him.
You missed something, when somebody passes out they stop holding their own weight, meaning that Drew is actually way heavier than if he were conscious, let’s see an average 10-year-old boy weighs about 90 pounds… May is carrying an almost 100 pound weight, above water, while also trying to keep herself over water
10:58 WYNUAT!!! HELP!!!
11:03 the mirage island.
11:24 Hopefully safe with the wynuat!
11:46 You did as much as you could…
11:54: "Drew… are you okay? Say something please!” May said in a destressed tone of voice
12:02 omg I ship it so much Bulbapedia? how about you?
After being pulled out of the river by the Wynaut, May is seen begging a still unconscious Drew to say something. When he finally wakes up, she is visibly relieved.
12:06 No May… you don’t have to be so modest. If it weren’t for you he would be dead. he would have drowned.
May is too modest.
12:22 Wynuat is a light pokemon, so is there body an illusion? I saw somewhere a theory that their tails are the pokemon and their blue body is a shield… so the blue part is an illusion?
“They travel in herds and at night sleep together in groups”
all of the contestshippers are wynuats. We stick together.
12:30 Drew is happy :D
12:33 omg the wynuat are so nice!!! “Are these for us?” “Wynuat!” Omgggg I love them so much
12:39 I love Drew in this pic I dunno why
12:42 Your ship is strong.
12:48 yes. GodI just wanna hug May and Drew. So. Flippin. Much.
12:54 aww poor team rocket
13:02 Why hello there
13:07 num num num num
13:12 Wanub nub nub nub nub nub nub nub
13:16 oh well hi there
13:19 nub nub nub nub nub nub nub
13:27 There right there
13:31 spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin
13:34 ye’ ol’ lad ta'tst'a 'tory if I ever said i’
13:58 Imma not mention how his last statement was incorrect because this episode is so great.
14:04 You studied their shoes max?
14:08 actually Drew was unconscious so he didn’t walk, and the wynuats were in the trees and picked up May and Drew. You are wrong guys.
14:23 wynuat join us?
14:30 Let’s join the contestshipping celebration!
14:39 wynuat join us too Drew X3
14:47 Bulbapedia? Do you wanna say something?
During the Wynauts’ “party” shortly after, Drew is seen watching May intently.
Watching her intently ya say? He must be happy that she is having fun :D (btw he likes her)
14:53 After a long journey… we have finally found the thing we have been looking for: food. it has been many mins we have walked around this forest, searching and searching while following our mentorour, Wabaffet, but finally…
nvm I’ll stop.
14:58 James is great, so is jessie. Now have sour tastes :3
My shoulders heart from typing so I won’t tag as much… :’(
15:29 Drew is still watching her have fun :3
15:33 wtf is that! D:
15:37 oh no!!!
15:40 Jessie you love romantic stories give them the berries
15:46 Dew: Oh no! The person who I helped grow as a trainer and saved my life is about to be taken away D:
15:47 unless y'know. You sell her as a slave.
15:55 The wynuat our us, the contestshippers, remember that. Also I love the episode and all, but I’m sick of the female being in danger, wynuat it be the male for once???
16:03 you wait for the wynuat of course :3
16:07 great job guys!!! Keep it up and we will help in the advencement of contestshipping!
16:27 you said sift her out at the end… why is she on a rope and you are still vacuming?
16:40 Shiiipppiiiinnnnnggggg
16:50 Aye re'ember 'is cave 'iketha back o’ me ol’ 'and
17:13 remember kids, an Arbock turns into a Saviper!
17:23 Death by leaves
17:29 protect our ship!
17:50 ya but Drew didn’t tell rosellia WHERE to shoot it, what do they talk telepathicly now?
17:57 Rip a rope with peatals. Sure I’ll try that.
18:07 and then I remembered Advencedshipping and started to cry becuase even though this is the best contestsipping episode people are going to advanced ship becuase of this scene.
and then they beat team rocket :skips to after that:
19:52 Enjoy the rest of the contestshipping in this episode!
19:54 So Rodrick is actually older Pual. Cool.
20:23 And Drew got May to make pokeblock, in his own way :3
The end (that took me 4 hours to make wtf)
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I’m making a Contestshipping MasterPost but I decided to release this part of it early.
and now... the best contestshipping episode of them all!!! yell it loud and clear (even though your parents will think you are weird)
Link to episode can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbLuBt3YaKQ
whenever I say Why not I say it like a wynuat. This is the best episode.
Episode starts off with Ash yelling at a river. Wonderful. 0:06 Oh Pikachu too?
0:20 Best of luck to you on your contest May!
0:27 Hi Drew :D
0:37 hmm. Interested I see?
Masqurain Uses waves to complete his technique
1:27 Drew won 5 a while back! Remember when he had 3?
1:37 Well May will win the contest you two will battle for the 4th time!
1:42 Fancy words will only give May more determination to win... Drew knows this.
1:57 Okay so we have Mr.Perfect, Mr.Know-it-all, and Mr.Rose. Wonderful.
3:08 Ash saying the titles sometimes makes me laugh. "MAY WE HARLEY DREW'D YA!" Imagine him saying that. ya.
3:11 Narrator, she is working hard at her skill because Drew convinced her too in his own way. ADVANCED SHIPPERS HE WAS NOT BEING MEAN AND THAT IS WHY SHE IS TRYING, SHE IS TRYING BECUASE DREW TOLD HER TO AND MADE HER WANT TO IN HIS OWN WAY.
3:23 Masquain flap your wings not your legs
3:26 Flirting!
3:35 Drew is teaching May some tactics :3
Also May has really improved! Character development and attack skills, and based off these episodes it was mainly because of Drew!
3:51 ... that was not somersault. Translations...
3:57 MAGICARP. this is just the best team rocket entrance. Ever. Just imagine a big magicarp jumped into the beach and said "MAGICARP"I laughed at this the first time I saw it~
4:06 :pulls up image of face swap:
4:19 Welp, it was a good run pikachu. Goodbye :)
4:22 :TAKES SCREENSHOT: Omg they are so scared for their pokemon
4:36 I love this pic... so much...
4:42 silly max! You pressed the hypo turbo engine switch! You should've known :P
4:56 they are now standing next to each other even though last time they were almost across the room, they walked next to each other and called their pokemon at the same time. This is what writers do when they foreshadow.
5:00 I dunno :Looks up I am going to on google: I am going to die. Jessie you are going to die!
5:15 and then you hear wabbafet
Hi team Rocket!
5:25 Imma look that on google... You are at my house.
5:29 No you are in my house
5:35 Thank you Wabaf- I mean James
5:40 but James was trying to cheer you up by being Wabbafet :P
5:49 Thank you Wabaf- I mean Meowth
5:54 Don't worry, their having fun Max.
6:08 People might say that Drew is being mean here and that Drew doesn't like May but this has a second meaning and May didn't get it (just like how she never noticed him flirting)
6:19 :Screenshots:
6:25 So ye ol' pirate likes eh story o' contest shipp'n?
6:30 :Looks up mirage: mi·rage məˈräZH/ noun noun: mirage; plural noun: mirages
an optical illusion caused by atmospheric conditions, especially the appearance of a sheet of water in a desert or on a hot road caused by the refraction of light from the sky by heated air.
okay I get it now! The wynuat!!!
6:42 Leechy berry?
6:50 Teaching May about Leechy berries in his own way.
6:58 I find it amazing that May says she knows everything about them, proceeds to pronounce it wrong, and then Drew point that out. I didn't expect him to.
7:03 :Takes screenshot
7:19 ShuuHaru
I told you I love this episode AND WE AREN'T EVEN HALFWAY DONE MWA HA HA AH AHA HA
7:36 Swellow did you find contestshipping
7:43 Don't worry Max!
7:52 wynuat? Also while listening to this I heard Max say "Ya! They might've decided to-" finish this sentence please :3
8:21 Mudkip: points with fin
8:23 "You don't get out much do you..." "Well you just don't know how to have fun!" -Contestshipping
8:33 you know what I want this man to be a chaperone at a school field trip.
8:48 in the time you were gone, James, Jessie and Meowth turned into wabaffets! :D
9:03 No james. did you hear it say Wabafett? No. It said wynuat.
9:08 at least Meowth knows!
9:12 let me tell ya' lads ye ol' story of how I got 'ere
9:58 People say Drew never gets exited.
10:20 HOLDING HANDS OMG LIFE SAVER SHIPPING BULBAPEDIA!!! One scene includes a closeup of May and Drew holding hands while falling down a cliff and into a river.
... I'm disappointed in you Bulbapedia
10:27 YOU CAN MAKE IT!!!
10:49 Bulbapedia: Then May sees that Drew has been knocked out from the impact of the waterfall, she becomes extremely concerned and tries to keep Drew's head above the water while telling him not to worry because she's got him. You missed something, when somebody passes out they stop holding their own weight, meaning that Drew is actually way heavier than if he were conscious, let's see an average 10 year old boy weighs about 90 pounds... May is carrying an almost 100 pound weight, above water, while also trying to keep herself over water
10:58 WYNUAT!!! HELP!!!
11:03 the mirage island.
11:24 Hopefully save with the wynuat!
11:46 You did as much as you could...
11:54: "Drew... are you okay? Say something please!" May said in a destressed tone of voice
12:02 omg I ship it so much Bulbapedia? how about you? After being pulled out of the river by the Wynaut, May is seen begging a still unconscious Drew to say something. When he finally wakes up, she is visibly relieved.
12:06 No May... you don't have to be so modest. If it weren't for you he would be dead. he would have drowned. May is too modest.
12:22 Wynuat is a light pokemon, so is there body an illusion? I saw somewhere a theory that their tails are the pokemon and their blue body is a shield... so the blue part is an illusion? "They travel in herds and at night sleep together in groups" all of the contestshippers are wynuats. We stick together.
12:30 Drew is happy :D
12:33 omg the wynuat are so nice!!! "Are these for us?" "Wynuat!" Omgggg I love them so much
12:39 I love Drew in this pic I dunno why
12:42 Your ship is strong.
12:48 yes. God I just wanna hug May and Drew. So. Flippin. Much.
12:54 aww poor team rocket
13:02 Why hello there
13:07 num num num num
13:12 Wanub nub nub nub nub nub nub nub
13:16 oh well hi there
13:19 nub nub nub nub nub nub nub
13:27 There right there
13:31 spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin
13:34 ye' ol' lad ta'ts t'a 'tory if I ever said i'
13:58 Imma not mention how his last statement was incorrect because this episode is so great.
14:04 You studied their shoes max?
14:08 actually Drew was unconscious so he didn't walk, and the wynuats were in the trees and picked up May and Drew. You are wrong guys.
14:23 wynuat join us?
14:30 Let's join the contestshipping celebration!
14:39 wynuat join us too Drew X3
14:47 Bulbapedia? Do you wanna say something? During the Wynauts' "party" shortly after, Drew is seen watching May intently.
Watching her intently ya say? He must be happy that she is having fun :D (btw he likes her)
14:53 After a long journey... we have finally found the thing we have been looking for: food. it has been many mins we have walks around this forest, searching and searching while following our mentorour, Wabaffet, but finally... nvm I'll stop.
14:58 James is great, so is jessie. Now have sour tastes :3
My shoulders heart from typing so I won't tag as much... :'(
15:29 Drew is still watching her have fun :3
15:33 wtf is that! D:
15:37 oh no!!!
15:40 Jessie you love romantic stories give them the berries
15:46 Dew: Oh no! The person who I helped grow as a trainer and saved my life is about to be taken away D:
15:47 unless y'know. You sell her as a slave.
15:55 The wynuat our us, the contestshippers, remember that. Also I love the episode and all, but I'm sick of the female being in danger, wynuat it be the male for once???
16:03 you wait for the wynuat of course :3
16:07 great job guys!!! Keep it up and we will help in the advencement of contestshipping!
16:27 you said sift her out at the end... why is she on a rope and you are still vacuming?
16:40 Shiiipppiiiinnnnnggggg
16:50 Aye re'ember 'is cave 'ike tha back o' me ol' 'and
17:13 remember kids, an Arbock turns into a Saviper!
17:23 Death by leaves
17:29 protect our ship!
17:50 ya but Drew didn't tell rosellia WHERE to shoot it, what do they talk telepathicly now?
17:57 Rip a rope with peatals. Sure I'll try that.
18:07 and then I remembered Advencedshipping and started to cry becuase even though this is the best contestsipping episode people are going to advanced ship becuase of this scene.
and then they beat team rocket :skips to after that:
19:52 Enjoy the rest of the contestshipping in this episode!
19:54 So Rodrick is actually older Pual. Cool.
20:23 And Drew got May to make pokeblock, in his own way :3
The end (that took me 4 hours to make wtf)
I prmise that once I am done editing the post it will have bold letters and screenshots :3
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