#saw the new patent registration
jellojolteon · 11 months
I think it's beautiful how the inherent nature of the Pokemon series as initially presented (e.g., raising pokemon and trading) has spiraled out into a cross-compatibility problem so complex that they're figuring out how to make a database that links pokemon in games with servers in what is apparently real-time, and what basically amounts to "we want you to march ever forward with the creatures you have lovingly trained over the years"
Like they didn't need to make cross-compatibility a thing to help people carry their mons through the ever-onward march of technology and yet I don't think I'm the only one who has individual pokemon that they could use near-continuously on the most-recent game for 20+ years
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feeshies · 2 days
Okay time for me to be (more?) annoying
I saw multiple posts talking about how Moo Deng was being taken advantage of and I don't know anything about zoos (much less what zoos are supposed to do when an animal goes viral) so I'll let people more qualified talk about that. But one of the points brought up was the fact that the zoo was "patenting" the hippo.
Let me get my 1 "um, actually" point. The zoo isn't patenting her. Unless they created a serum that created this specific hippo and they want to protect their invention. The zoo is actually trademarking her.
If that was my only point, I wouldn't be making this post (people use these terms interchangeably all the time and it's just...something I have to deal with).
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It's fine.
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It's. Fine.
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(SummerAutumn, they may not see you, but I see and appreciate you)
But maybe I'm just jaded from studying IP and trademark law, but I really don't see the issue?
The argument was always, "this shows that the zoo is trying to make money off of her!" Which...yeah? Would you expect them not to? Also, do you think they aren't already?
A trademark doesn't mean "you can now profit from this thing." It means "this thing is recognizable enough in commerce that you can register it as yours." There are still common law protections for non-registered marks, but having that official registration provides more protection. That's basically what a trademark does: it marks trade. The zoo is going to sell merch. It is what it is. The trademark registration just allows the zoo to say "yes this is official hippo merch straight from the source" as well as allowing them to raise action against other people claiming the same thing with their bootleg merch.
As my new best friend SummerAutumn said, priority filing plays a major role in this. We saw this recently with the "Demure" meme (we talked about that in class again a few days ago which is what helped spark this whole thing. Memes come up a lot in that class idk). If the zoo doesn't get the trademark, someone else will. And maybe we don't want someone who can't even locate Thailand on a map getting priority filing (the zoo could still challenge it of course but that's a different issue).
I can't speak to any of the animal treatment stuff, but from what I've seen just looking into the trademark stuff off tumblr and twitter, idk it seems fine. And of course there are instances of people registering marks for less-than-noble purposes. But idk "zoo registering to trademark their famous animal so they can turn in a profit" doesn't seem as evil as some people are making it out to be. Most of the complaints I've seen are written like the zoo is personally taking money from Moo Deng, like they're dipping into her college fund or something.
Anyway, I just needed to get my thoughts down. Again, my issue isn't that people aren't getting this specific legal term right (I certainly didn't know the exact nuances of trademark vs copyright vs patent law a year ago). My issue is people are taking this legal concept and coming to the bad faith conclusion that there is something morally dubious going on when it's clear no one is looking into how this area of law works. Moo Deng being trademarked is not an indication of how she's being treated or how her caretakers see her. If you want to say that it feels scummy to involve any animal in commerce like this, then you can have that opinion, but that's bigger than trademark law and it's certainly bigger than a single zoo in Thailand.
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getegecourse · 3 months
Understanding Intellectual Property (IP) and Its History
Intellectual Property (IP)
is a term used to describe the legal rights granted to individuals or organizations for their creations of the mind. This encompasses a wide range of creations, including inventions, literary and artistic works, designs, symbols, and names used in commerce. The protection of these intellectual creations is crucial for fostering innovation, maintaining competitive markets, and ensuring that creators receive due recognition and economic benefits.
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Details About Intellectual Property (IP) for more.......
1. Types of Intellectual Property:
Patents: Patents provide protection for inventions, allowing inventors exclusive rights to make, use, sell, or license their inventions for a certain period, usually 20 years from the filing date. This protection encourages innovation by rewarding inventors for their contributions. Patents can be categorized into utility patents (for new and useful processes, machines, or compositions of matter), design patents (for new and ornamental designs), and plant patents (for new plant varieties).
Trademarks: Trademarks protect symbols, names, logos, or phrases that distinguish goods or services of one entity from another. This protection helps consumers identify the source of products or services and ensures brand integrity. Trademark rights can last indefinitely as long as the mark is in use and properly renewed.
Copyrights: Copyrights protect original works of authorship, such as books, music, films, and software. The copyright holder has exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, perform, display, and create derivative works based on the original. Copyright protection typically lasts for the lifetime of the author plus 70 years, or 95 years from publication for works created for hire or anonymous works.
Trade Secrets: Trade secrets involve confidential business information that provides a competitive edge, including formulas, processes, and methods. Protection is achieved through non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) and other measures to keep the information confidential. Unlike patents, trade secrets can potentially last indefinitely as long as they remain secret.
2. Importance of Intellectual Property:
Encourages Innovation: IP rights incentivize individuals and organizations to invest time and resources into developing new ideas and technologies by providing a way to profit from their innovations.
Promotes Fair Competition: By protecting intellectual creations, IP laws help prevent unauthorized use and imitation, fostering a fair competitive environment in the marketplace.
Facilitates Economic Growth: IP assets can be licensed or sold, creating new revenue streams and encouraging investment in research and development.
Protects Consumer Interests: Trademarks and copyrights ensure that consumers receive genuine and high-quality products, reducing the risk of counterfeit goods and misleading claims.
History of Intellectual Property
1. Early Beginnings:
Ancient Civilizations: Concepts of protecting intellectual creations can be traced back to ancient civilizations, such as ancient Greece and Rome. These early societies recognized the value of creative works but did not have formalized IP protection systems.
Renaissance Period: The Renaissance saw significant advancements in recognizing and rewarding intellectual creations, laying the groundwork for modern IP laws.
2. Evolution of Modern IP Laws:
The Statute of Monopolies (1624): This early English law established a framework for patent protection, limiting the grant of monopolies to new and useful inventions.
The Berne Convention (1886): An international agreement aimed at protecting literary and artistic works across member countries. It introduced the principle of automatic protection without the need for formal registration.
The Paris Convention (1883): This treaty aimed to protect industrial property rights, including patents and trademarks, and established a standardized framework for international IP protection.
The Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) (1994): Administered by the World Trade Organization (WTO), TRIPS set global standards for IP protection and enforcement, aiming to harmonize IP laws and promote fair competition.
3. Recent Developments:
Digital Age: The rise of digital technology and the internet has introduced new challenges and opportunities for IP protection, including issues like digital copyright infringement and online trademark disputes.
International Harmonization: Ongoing efforts to harmonize IP laws internationally address emerging issues and complexities in global IP management.
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kumard12 · 3 months
8 Years to Start-Up India
Eight years ago, a vision ignited a revolution. In 2016, the Indian government launched Start-Up India, a flagship initiative announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The program aims to transform India’s business landscape by fostering a vibrant ecosystem for startups. 
This article delves into the initiative’s remarkable journey, its intricate link with the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), and the pivotal role played by dedicated IAS officers in making it a reality. But first, let’s recall the Start-Up India initiative. 
Start-Up India
The Startup India initiative promoted and coordinated by DPIIT, offers a comprehensive support system, empowering startups to thrive. Here’s a glimpse into the key benefits:
Tax Relief - In 2016, the union budget highlighted Startup India’s tax incentives. Under this initiative, startups enjoyed a remarkable boost. More specifically, 100% tax exemptions and simplified angel tax compliance.
Simplified compliance - Startup India’s plan emphasised efficiency, with a faster registration process, self-certification of compliance, and reduced regulatory burden. 
Funding network - Spearheaded by dedicated DPIIT’s IAS officers and backed by the Indian government, Startup India facilitates networking and connections and DPIIT-recognised funds.
Faster Clearance - This includes, faster patent registration, easier IPR protection, and streamlined exit options. DPIIT’s IAS officers championed these initiatives, ensuring startups could navigate legal processes seamlessly.
With these advantages in place, the onus fell on the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) to shepherd the initiative and create a supportive ecosystem for startups to flourish. Let's explore how DPIIT and Startup India have evolved together over the past eight years.
Evolution of DPIIT and Startup India: Leadership and Impact (2016-2024)
2016 - Laying the Foundation 
Under the visionary leadership of Amitabh Kant, then Secretary of the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), the core framework for Startup India was established. 
Startup India’s framework included simplifying registration processes, introducing tax benefits, and creating a network for funding, as mentioned in a DPIIT press release. For instance, KPMG, a leading consultancy firm, partnered with the DPIIT to streamline registration processes and reduce regulatory burdens. The active involvement of DPIIT’s IAS officers ensured effective implementation and seamless coordination with external stakeholders.
2017-2019: Streamlining and Growth
2016 marked the year Mr Ramesh Abhishek, yet another accomplished IAS officer took over the position as the new Secretary for DPIIT. During his tenure, Mr Ramesh Abhishek implemented the start up action plan vigorously and targeted specific sectors like fintech, e-commerce, and healthcare, and saw a continued focus on streamlining processes and promoting growth. He also introduced faster patent registration and easier IPR protection for startups.
All of these efforts by the team of Mr Ramesh Abhishek eventually led to a surge in number of recognised startups. 
2020-2023: Adapting to Challenges
Building upon the strong foundation laid during the tenure of Ramesh Abhishek as DPIIT Secretary (2016-2019), the focus of Startup India shifted towards navigating new challenges and ensuring long-term sustainability for the program under Dr. Guruprasad Mohapatra's leadership in 2020. 
A key concern that emerged was the difficulty startups faced in securing funding beyond the initial seed stage, crucial for scaling their businesses. Recognizing this bottleneck, DPIIT prioritized solutions to bridge this funding gap. Furthermore, the program acknowledged the growing importance of a skilled workforce within the startup ecosystem. Initiatives were launched to promote skill development programs tailored to the specific needs of startups, ensuring a readily available pool of qualified talent. Notably, DPIIT’s IAS officers played a pivotal role in implementing and overseeing these initiatives, fostering collaboration between startups, investors, and educational institutions.
This multi-pronged approach aimed to not only nurture groundbreaking ideas but also encourage a dynamic and thriving ecosystem for startups to flourish in the long run.
2024: Way Forward 
And now, with Mr Rajesh Kumar Singh at the helm of DPIIT as of 2024, Startup India continues its journey of fostering innovation and entrepreneurial spirit. Building upon the successes of the past eight years, by Amitabh Kant, Ramesh Abhishek, and Guruprasad Mohapatra, the focus remains on addressing lingering challenges. Efforts to bridge the funding gap beyond the seed stage are ongoing, with new initiatives and collaborations being explored. Equipping the workforce with relevant skills through targeted skill development programs remains a top priority.
Looking ahead, DPIIT, along with the wider startup ecosystem, is committed to propelling India towards becoming a global leader in innovation and entrepreneurship. And as of 31st December 2023, a total of 1,17,254 startups have been recognized under the Startup India initiative. 
Wrapping Up
As Startup India embarks on its ninth year, the journey forward is paved with both opportunities and challenges. Maintaining the momentum achieved in fostering innovation across diverse sectors remains a key objective. 
While the first half of 2024 witnessed a positive uptick in funding compared to the latter half of 2023 (as per the India Tech Semi-Annual Funding Report), ensuring long-term funding solutions for scaling startups requires continued focus.
The leading sectors in terms of performance in H1 2024 were retail, enterprise applications, and fintech.
- India Tech Semi-Annual Funding Report
Here's where the leadership of DPIIT plays a crucial role. Building upon the groundwork laid by previous leaders like Ramesh Abhishek, who championed specific sectors like retail, enterprise applications, and fintech (sectors that continue to show strong performance in H1 2024), Rajesh Kumar Singh, the current DPIIT Secretary, is spearheading efforts to address lingering challenges.
A primary concern is bridging the funding gap beyond the seed stage. While India remained the fourth-highest funded country globally in the tech startup landscape in 2023, securing capital for scaling businesses remains a hurdle for many entrepreneurs. DPIIT’s leaders and IAS officers are, actively exploring new initiatives and collaborations to create a more robust funding ecosystem. This might involve fostering stronger connections between startups and venture capitalists, exploring alternative funding mechanisms like angel investment networks, or even encouraging the creation of specialized funds catering to specific growth stages.
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ausetkmt · 2 years
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Nov. 21, 2022, 5:06 a.m. ET
It didn’t take long for Mitchell Binder’s first taste of international success to turn bitter.
About 30 years ago, the jewelry designer went to a major international trade show in Frankfurt and introduced the kinds of pieces he had been making and wearing in Southern California: skulls and crosses, hefty silver rings, a look that screamed motorcycles and rock ’n’ roll.
“It was edgy stuff, especially for a very traditional market,” Mr. Binder, now 65, recalled in a recent video interview. “I was very brazen about it.” He did so well at the show that he registered for the next event.
But, “to my surprise, six months later when I arrived at the show to set up my booth, I saw my designs all over everyone else’s booths,” said Mr. Binder, adding that he had such a visceral reaction, he felt like he had fallen off a building. The knockoffs were half the price of his pieces, he said, and ranged in quality from good to “godawful.”
“I was devastated. I took it very personally,” he said. He finished the show and filled the orders he received, but decided the business was not for him. “The last thing I wanted to do was make jewelry for somebody else to copy,” he said. “I literally put my tools up and quit making jewelry.”
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But after a stint in Hollywood, first in a blue-collar job and then doing some writing and producing, Mr. Binder returned to his first love. He said he had come to realize that “I was born to make jewelry, so I’d better figure out a way that I can live with this problem and not make it so personal.”
In 2000, he introduced a company called King Baby, which now has stores in Santa Monica, Calif.; Nashville and Las Vegas, as well as an authorized dealership in New Hope, Pa. and 13 stores in China, owned by a business partner.
The problem of the knockoffs has never gone away, Mr. Binder said, but he now hires others to handle legal issues and puts his energy into the creative process instead of worrying about potential counterfeiters.
“They can’t get into my mind,” he said. “I have the ability to create new designs.”
A Host of Harms
Counterfeiting across the jewelry industry comes in different forms and inflicts a host of harms — on individual creators, certainly, but also on consumers, companies, even cultures or countries. It is an age-old problem that has intensified in recent years given the ease of online commerce and can involve violations of both trademark, which protects brand identity, and copyright, which covers creative work.
When someone misuses a trademark — a name or logo or some other feature that identifies a brand in a consumer’s mind — the harm can be irreparable, according to Ben Allison, a lawyer in Santa Fe, N.M., who specializes in commercial and intellectual property litigation.
“It’s a theft of someone’s identity, but it strikes much closer to the heart of identity than somebody just using my Social Security number to get money,” he explained. “It’s very personal. A trademark is how the world knows me.”
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In the United States, it is not necessary to register a trademark with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office or a copyright with the U.S. Copyright Office because trademarks are acquired through first and continuous use and works that are copyrightable by law are covered from the moment a creation is finished. But having that registration provides “better remedies and tools and better protection,” Mr. Allison said.
Infringing a copyright or trademark is not the same as one creator simply taking inspiration from another. Cody Sanderson, a Santa Fe-based jewelry designer (and a client of Mr. Allison’s), said he had seen reproductions of his work for sale online that were not labeled as such — and appeared to have been cast from a mold of his original pieces.
“They use my piece exactly,” he said. “They don’t deviate from it, they don’t change it up a little bit.”
For example, he said, a ring in solid silver that he sells for $450 was copied in stainless steel and advertised online for less than $20, including shipping. His initials and the hallmarks identifying him as Navajo and the piece as sterling silver appeared on the reproduction.
The Spectrum of Fakes
Not all fakes are created equal. Some are well-executed and expensive, others the tawdriest of knockoffs. In the case of quality fakes, the victims include the creators of the genuine articles, who might be losing sales, and the buyers who may think they are getting good deals on the real thing.
When it comes to the cheapest fakes, most buyers know what they are getting. “Nobody who’s buying a $10 Cartier Love bracelet is buying that instead of the $10,000 one,” said Alaina van Horn of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (C.B.P.).
Some may think a fake that was sold openly — even promoted on social media as part of fast fashion’s “dupe culture” — must be legal, said Ms. van Horn, who is chief of the Intellectual Property Enforcement Branch of the C.B.P.’s Office of Trade.
But if the fake violated a trademark, she said, its sale would not be legal. And even if the consumer was not deceived, the sale would not be a victimless crime. “The brand good will is eroded. The strength of the trademark itself is diluted,” Ms. van Horn said. “If everybody’s walking around with a gold-looking bracelet with screw designs, it’s going to erode the value of that genuine product.”
That screw-motif bracelet, the Cartier Love, actually topped C.B.P. jewelry seizures in its 2021 fiscal year , according to Ms. van Horn. Other top counterfeited jewelry items seized included pieces with the Chanel double-C logo, copies of the Cartier Juste un Clou bracelet and items from the Van Cleef & Arpels Alhambra collection, as well as pieces purporting to be from luxury brands such as Bulgari and Tiffany & Company.
A C.B.P. report said watches and jewelry were the fourth-leading category of counterfeit products seized in its 2021 fiscal year, totaling 12 percent of all seizures — but the leading category in purported dollar value. Had the seized goods been genuine, the report said, their total manufacturer’s suggested retail price would have been almost $1.2 billion.
The C.B.P. said its enforcement efforts were focused on federally registered trademarks and copyrights in its Intellectual Property Rights e-Recordation System. The fake jewelry that has been seized usually was ordered online and arrived in small parcels, not bulk shipments, and China was the leading source, Ms. van Horn said.
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More than 420,000 parcels from China are processed every day, according to the C.B.P., and an interagency operation has found that more than 13 percent of targeted shipments contained counterfeit goods or contraband items.
There is no real way, though, to calculate the full scale of imports of counterfeit jewelry, Ms. van Horn said. “We don’t know how much we’re missing.”
Combating the Problem
Companies have been acting on many fronts to combat fakes. In June, Amazon and Cartier filed two joint lawsuits against a social media influencer and eight businesses selling on Amazon, alleging that they had been “advertising, promoting and facilitating the sale of counterfeit luxury goods through Instagram and other websites, infringing on Cartier’s registered trademarks and violating Amazon’s policies,” an Amazon news release announced.
The complaints, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington, described a “sophisticated campaign” to sell counterfeit Cartier products — including the Love bracelet — “while disguising the products as nonbranded in an attempt to evade Amazon’s counterfeit detection tools.”
Some of the world’s largest luxury groups have turned to blockchain technology to certify the authenticity of their brands’ products and discourage counterfeits. The Aura Blockchain Consortium — whose members include LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton and Compagnie Financière Richemont — said on its website that the technology had allowed brands “to put a tamper-proof digital stamp of authenticity on any product or component.” And the De Beers Group, which introduced its blockchain platform Tracr in 2018, announced earlier this year that it now was using the system to provide “an immutable record of a diamond’s provenance.”
A start-up called Imprint Registry, which markets itself as “a global art registry built to empower artists,” intends to use blockchain so artists can take control of their own intellectual property and assure buyers of authentic products, according to two of the company’s founders, Dogan Perese and Ruth-Ann Thorn. The company introduced a beta version of its digital registry in August at the Santa Fe Indian Market, an annual juried event.
Mr. Perese and Ms. Thorn said that, eventually, anybody who purchased a valuable piece of jewelry or other work of art would demand a secure electronic record, just as someone who bought a vehicle requires a title.
“It’s just coming, because we live in a world right now where people don’t always know what they’re getting,” Ms. Thorn said.
An Ancient Problem
To some extent, that has always been the case.
“The first people to forge ancient Greek art were the ancient Romans,” said Erin L. Thompson, associate professor of art crime, fraud and forensics at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice at the City University of New York. The ancient Phoenicians, she added, made Egyptian-style jewelry, including rings with scarabs or cartouches of pharaohs.
Jewelry has long been a target of looters at archaeological sites, and the demand for such artifacts also created an opportunity for forgeries, Ms. Thompson said. Today there is what she called a “robust” online market for supposedly ancient jewelry — including, she added wryly, identical rings in a choice of sizes that happen to fit modern fingers.
Some buyers apparently are drawn by the chance to get a bargain and do not stop to wonder whether something is genuine, she said. Even if a consumer is not fooled by a forgery, though, she said such practices have a negative impact.
“Who cares if somebody’s knocking off an ancient Greek design?” she said. “It’s certainly not harming the ancient Greek jewelry designer.
“But it does encourage the market for looted antiquities,” she said, adding that it could lead to further destruction of archaeological sites.
Counterfeits of any era also raise concerns about unethical labor and environmental practices that might be associated with producing cheap knockoffs, she noted.
Vulnerable Communities
Native American jewelers are all too familiar with the problem of counterfeits. Fake Navajo jewelry has been produced since tourists first began to visit the U.S. Southwest in large numbers more than a century ago and wanted cheap souvenirs, according to Liz Wallace, a Santa Fe-based jeweler who is Diné (the name the Navajo call themselves), as well as Nisenan and Washoe.
As wrong as it is to copy brands like Chanel, Louis Vuitton or Cartier, she said, the people who produce counterfeits of Native American jewelry often are hurting “some of the most vulnerable communities in the country.”
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Ms. Wallace, 47, said she had not been a target of counterfeiters, but she had felt the indirect effects of a market flooded with fakes. Years ago, before she realized the extent of the problem, she would see inexpensive jewelry being sold as “Indian” pieces in shops in downtown Santa Fe and felt bad that she could not make her jewelry for those prices.
“I was getting really insecure,” she said in an interview. “Of course, it was all made in the Philippines by people who were lucky to make $8 a day.”
In fact, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of New Mexico has prosecuted several people in recent years for producing Native American-style jewelry in the Philippines and marketing it as authentic in the United States.
Ms. Wallace and several other Native American artists testified as expert witnesses at a 2018 sentencing hearing in one of those cases, which involved violations of the Indian Arts and Crafts Act. (Under that 1990 law, it is illegal to market arts and crafts as Native American if they are not.)
The two defendants in that case pleaded guilty, one of them to felony charges that resulted in a sentence of six months in prison, followed by a year of supervised release, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office. In 2020, two jewelry wholesalers in New Mexico pleaded guilty in another case involving Filipino-made imports of jewelry marketed as Native American. Their sentences included supervised release and fines totaling $300,000.
But for people who make millions with fakes, such fines are “just the cost of doing business,” said Mark Bahti, who owns Bahti Indian Arts in Santa Fe and Tucson, Ariz. He said he believed counterfeiting was more prevalent than it was even in the 1970s — what he called “the disco era” of Indian jewelry — because of the opportunities to sell fakes online and a lack of consistent enforcement of the laws to prohibit fakes.
“You can have the best-crafted law out there,” he said, “but if you don’t have anybody actively, consistently enforcing it, the people who are violating it can tell that in a heartbeat and go on about their business.”
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Mr. Bahti said he saw fakes “all the time” among the pieces that people brought to him for appraisal. In one case, someone had paid $12,500 for a bracelet said to have been made by the Hopi jeweler Charles Loloma, who died in 1991. Mr. Bahti had to break the news that it was a counterfeit worth about $800.
He encourages buyers to do research and shop around. When they do buy, he said, they always should ask for receipts that describe their purchases, the production methods and the makers — so if there are problems later, they will have detailed proofs of purchase.
Consumers need to be more discerning, Ms. Wallace said, adding that some people assume they are protected by law without knowing the law can be hard to enforce. “I want people to really pay attention to the wording of what they’re buying, because it’s so deceptive,” she said. “They see ‘Native-inspired,’ and they just see the ‘Native’ part.”
She also wishes that the government would take the problem more seriously and make more of an effort to protect Indigenous peoples’ economies.
“I don’t know the art market in Europe,” she said, “but I imagine if the French market was flooded with fake Impressionist paintings that were made in China, the French government probably would have stepped in by now.”
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metalhunter45 · 3 years
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0, microphone operating guides, technical specifications. Power outage causes missing powermic ii dictation source or unable to add mic-in dictation source. Msi radeon hd. These items are not in the store, but most can be brought there the same or the next day. If you re aiming for dragon. Now clinicians can use powermic mobile on their own smartphone with dragon medical solutions to dictate the patient story directly into the ehr. Integration for dragon medical, and to work. Watch mist explain the default powermic button command functionality when using a dragon medical one profile.
For a number of years, physicians have used speech recognition software srs to support clinical documentation 1,2,3,4 .the software allows physicians to dictate clinical notes using srs to convert voice into electronic text, with editing in real time. Highlight the powermic2 within tool and click on the button to update the powermic ii to the latest version of the firmware. Unfortunately, the powermic, as supplied by nuance, does not on its own integrate particularly well with non-medical versions of dragon and with mac computers. The nuance powermic ii is designed for productivity, ease-of-use, and complete integration for use with dragon medical practice edition -controls, including a track-point mouse, left and right mouse click, transcribe button, template field. User manuals, nuance microphone operating guides and service manuals.
The system didn t flag these, but instead the clinical support staff was responsible for changing the orders.
For medical practices, federal stimulus funds are now available to cover the cost of buying and deploying.
Nuance powermic ii, getting started manual , brand, nuance , category, microphone , size, 0.42 mb , pages, 18.
This is designed for dragon medical one.
2 shows that the average number of active user minutes of dictation per month fluctuated over the period of the evaluation, with a 3.4-min increase 4% in average active user minutes from beginning to end over the 5 months.
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starkerparkerpony · 5 years
AU where Tony (44-45 y/o) meets an aged up (23-24 y/o) Peter after Civil War, Tony is broken up with Pepper and all kinds of sorry for himself. Peter is a ESU graduate and currently has an internship with Oscorp and is a photographer for the Daily Bugle he is also spiderman and therefore perpetually exhausted and has very little patience.
(It's been a while since I wrote something, please consider reblogging)
I scold because I stan
Tony was starting to get sick of himself.
The self hatred and self pity were starting to crescendo, which was shedding a lot of light on how he got to and where Tony currently was in his life.
Spangle's betrayal shouldn't have hurt as much as it did.
The breakup with Pepper shouldn't have been as painful as it was.
He shouldn't miss the team as much as he did.
Vision injuring Rhodey shouldn't have felt like a personal failure but it did.
Speaking of personal failures, the accords shouldn't have scattered more than half of the planet's protectors in the wind all while labeling them 'war criminals' but they had.
And Tony was sick of himself because his centrally heated penthouse shouldn't be haunted by a Serbian cold but it was.
Because his heartbeat shouldn't feel like someone trying to jackhammer the arc reactor into his sternum sometimes... but it did.
So he decided to go out because his inner 'self hatred' voice was starting to sound too much like his father and that was about the last straw for Tony.
A baseball cap, coat and muffler later, Tony Stark was roaming the streets of New York but then it was too fucking cold for that so he quickly ducked into a cozy looking Irish pub.
He quickly scanned the place for a place to sit, it was pretty packed except for a booth which was occupied by one person who had their head down on the table and appeared to be, best case scenario, dozing off or worst case scenario, passed out.
Appropriate company for the kind of evening he was having he thought to himself as he made his way to the booth.
A waiter came to take his order and Tony took it upon himself to order a bottle of whiskey and two glasses. If he was gonna get hammered in a public place against all good sense then atleast he was gonna do it with some company... even if said company was seemingly unconscious.
When the waiter put down the glasses, his boothmate woke up. And Tony was confronted with a gorgeous guy with stunning brown eyes, he was sporting a rather sizable shiner over his left one but it did absolutely nothing to detract from his attractiveness.
"Jesus Christ... are you actually Tony Stark? Or am I hallucinating?" The guy asked quietly.
"I was hoping you wouldn't recognize me." Tony wrinkled his nose as he admitted.
"That's either a scathing comment on your perception of the general public's intellect or humility which absolutely does not go with the reputation that precedes you," the guy scoffed.
Huh... he's sharp and quick Tony thought.
"A little bit of both. The hat usually, miraculously works." Tony explained
"Don't judge me but I've had an entire wall dedicated to your face ever since your first Rolling Stone cover... the hat wasn't gonna work on me."
"That's a lot to unpack from a stranger"
"I'm Peter Parker."
"You know who I am."
Peter's face split into an overjoyed smile when Tony said that. It was a ridiculous 'only in New York' kinda thing to find yourself in the same booth as Iron Man in your local pub and Peter really needed this after the day he'd had. He was still completely terrified that at any moment Tony would accuse him of being Spiderman and make him sign the accords but he was also gonna let himself relax and enjoy meeting his hero a little.
"I'm not a billionaire expert but shouldn't you be drinking at a much upper scale place than this?" As amazed as he was, Peter was also perplexed by Tony's presence in the pub.
"There's a lot about me that absolutely does not go with the reputation that precedes me. You just admitted to me that you have a wall dedicated to my face and then brushed past it like it was nothing..." Tony said, incredulous.
"You're pretty, you're an amazing scientist, you build robots and are a superhero because of a badass armour you made that can fly. I'm a nerd and bisexual, it's is nothing, just nature basically," Peter waved him off as he started to pour the whiskey for them.
Surprisingly enough Tony's cheeks were a little flushed by the time Peter looked up, which made him think that maybe there isn't much accurate about the reputation that precedes Tony Stark.
"Hmm... who did that to your face?" Tony asked about the shiner Peter was sporting.
"Umm... a girl was getting mugged, I tried to play hero, you should see the other guy as the saying goes" Peter shrugged.
"Wow good for you... could've ended badly though." Tony's chest was unexpectedly and rather worryingly tight hearing about the danger Peter had been in.
"I know... I lost a loved one to a mugging gone wrong but the girl needed help, I didn't really have a choice."
It was like hearing those words was the straw that broke the camel's back for Tony. Because he completely understood what Peter meant. Tony never really felt like he had a choice either and whether or not Peter was ready to have a lot of information about the Avengers and his 'face wall' buddy Iron Man's wretched life choices, he was gonna be vented at like there was no tomorrow. Because Stark men don't go to therapy, they drink and speak very fast at unsuspecting civilians.
So Tony talked and Peter listened, about how the star spangled man with a plan is a fucking douchebag, how fucking hurt he felt that Nat, Clint and Wanda would still choose him over Tony, how he hasn't been able to look Rhodey in the eye since Germany and probably never will be, how easily things fell apart with Pepper even after he tried so hard, how the winter soldier fucking killed his mom and fucking spangles hid it from him, how he probably deserved it because that poor kid that got killed in Sokovia because of him... and as Tony talked he also drank so he was feeling pretty buzzed by the time he was done talking thankfully Peter was drinking right along with him.
It wasn't really a conversation, rather Iron Man just venting to him... he did notice a pattern though, everything Tony complained about, he tied up the line of thought with ultimately blaming himself for it.
Peter had always felt a certain kinship with the guy... but this man telling him how helpless his power had made him to the massive responsibility that came along with it, hit too close to home.
"Are you always this self loathe-y or is this just a today thing?" Peter asked when Tony stopped talking
"What? I don't... what?"
"Buddy... Captain America, if he really did to you what you say he did... then who gives a shit? He's an asshole. And I'm not even a supporter of the accords but even I think that the Rogues could have handled it in a better way...
No seriously, there's way more enhanced folks in this country than just the Avengers, some of them are minors, there's a dude in Hells Kitchen who is gonna sue the government and the UN so that the registration thing is scrapped, Charles Xavier and his team are even collaborating on the lawsuit.
Those people could have really used Captain America with them on this but he was too busy playing Rambo and violating other countries' sovereignty and beating the living shit out of Iron Man apparently.
I mean for a genius, you're a dumbass because you let the people who once tried to nuke Manhattan convince you that you're more dangerous than they are but you had 'dead-kid-in-Sokovia' guilt. So I get it but c'mon cut yourself some slack."
Tony was a bit flabbergasted by the kid's performance.
"Of course you'd say it... you stick my pictures on your wall," Tony grumbled
"Oh hell no! You will not use my stan status against me. I know exactly how problematic my fav is. I know your family made their fortune selling weapons and not just to the US Military and I know you only gave a crap about the under the table dealing with terrorists when they threatened your life but I'm sorry Mr. Stark if you deny yourself the credit for learning from your mistakes then every human everywhere is going straight to hell.
Intellicrops prevented famines... the arc reactor technology is saving the planet from global warming...
I saw that video of Helena Cho with those acid attack victims in India and openly weeped in a Starbucks...
You really did privatize world peace... there's a reason the biggest threat to us now is "evil aliens" you know... cause' what the fuck chance does ISIS have against War Machine? Even that Mandarin thing turned out to be a hoax.
I have 3 patents because of my Maria Stark Foundation grant and I didn't even get the MIT-full funding ones... one day one of those kids is going to cure cancer and it's going to be because of you.
So of course I'll defend you man... but you don't seem to realize that any decent person would." Peter was pretty pleased with himself after that and shot Tony an eyebrow raise as if daring him to disagree.
"I got nothing."
"Of course you don't." Peter grinned.
Maybe Tony had just isolated himself too much from people who didn't consider him a complete and utter asshole.
But with Peter it didn't even feel like praise... it was like the guy was scolding him for being too mean to himself.
It felt nice nonetheless.
Before Tony had even recovered from Peter's glorious rant, the younger guy handed him a business card with the words "Daily Bugle" embossed on it.
"Don't hold my gossip rag workplace against me... it's easy money and I'm only doing it till Norman Osbourne starts paying me for the work I already do for him." Peter shrugged
"You're with Oscorp? What do you do? Why not SI?" If he had scored an internship with Oscorp and a grant from his own foundation then he must be good enough for SI.
"I'm R&D chemical engineering and I'm not at SI because your recruiters are assholes who demand 3 years experience for a beginner position..." said Peter matter of factly.
"You should apply with us again." Tony insisted, the guy had 3 patents and very sharp, after tonight the least Tony could do was get him a job.
"You should call me." Peter countered
"I- wait are you hitting on me?" And much to Tony's chagrin, he found himself blushing again.
"Yeah duh Mr. Stark."
"I'm old enough to be your father." Tony sputtered and that hurt to admit.
"And I have insane daddy issues- you'll love me. I'm not even gonna ask you for a selfie... you don't look your best right now but definitely call me." Peter winked as he started to leave.
"You're fucking negging me?!" said Tony looking up at the ballsy kid as he slid out of the booth.
"Hey you miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Gandhi said that." The kid called over his shoulder as he walked away.
"Gandhi absolutely did not say that Peter." Tony yelled back.
God he was gonna call the guy.
Read part 2 here, part 3 here
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myautowallpaper · 3 years
View 37 Awesome Nio cars sold per year Lock Screen Wallpaper
In april, the company delivered 3,155 electric cars, which is 181% more than a year ago. Automatic battery and electric system checks during each swap to ensure the car and battery at their.
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Palantir files to go public, lost about 580 million last
This gives them the capacity to produce 250,000 vehicles per year which are more than nio or li auto.
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Nio cars sold per year. Makes its own cars that could compete directly with nio. That’s the year tsla sold 22,000 electric vehicles, roughly the same number that nio did in 2019. But that's where the similarities end.tesla saw colossal demand:
Separately, nio said that its secondary offering of american depositary shares, announced last friday, has been completed. But that’s where the similarities end. [citation needed]in october 2016, nio announced that it had been given.
Tesla matket cap is 400b. Nio market cap is 24b. New vehicle registrations 2018, by month vehicle sales expenditures of nio inc.
“cn tech post” expects the new battery to be presented during the event. Nio has sold 26,375 vehicles in the first nine months of this year, more than double what was sold in the same period last year. Compared with the second quarter of the year.
Nio), often touted as the tesla (nasdaq: Between april and june 2020, tesla delivered around 90,650 vehicles, about 2,250 units more than in the. Despite it being nio’s first full year of sales, and the company launching a second, more affordable electric suv, it ultimately delivered half the total number of cars it promised last year.
Of all the alternative energy passenger cars sold, 75% were all. Tesla has 450k sold cars per year. We all know what tesla is, but do you guys know about any of the 3 nio vehicles?
It has sold more than 50,000 vehicles and, ranked by plugin vehicle sales in the first half of 2020, it’s the 20th best. The es8, which starts at. As a comparison nio sold a total of f 51,372 cars and suv’s from 2014 to july 2020.
In total it sold 987,302 vehicles as of the most recent data available on march 31st, 2020. Or an average of 8,562 vehicles per year. Nio’s revenues have grown from around $720 million in.
So i think nio is priced just like tesla based off car sales. It sold a total of 101,775,000 shares at $17 each, raising roughly $1.7. Number of cars sold in the u.s.
The fastest power supply solution: An ultimate and exclusive power service experience enabled by over 1200 patented technologies. Premium electric car maker nio (nyse:
Nio has cumulatively sold 63,343 cars of its current model line up of electric vehicles, while general motors sold 2.9 million cars in 2019 alone. Nio has 20k sold cars per year. The most reassured service experience:
P.5) last year, when it sold close to 11,350 es8s,. Nio's shares have climbed to an impressive 130 percent for the current year. Nio sold just under 4,000 of the vehicles in the first quarter, when it made an operating loss of $390m.
It also has $2 billion in cash which gives it resources to invest in further growth. But nio’s tab for competing in the series is still millions of dollars per year, and it has likely only gone up as formula e switched to newer, faster cars and started reaching a bigger audience. Nio sold 11,300 units between june and december last year,.
Thus, though dark clouds have gathered around this company in 2019 where there were clear skies before, in a year's time, much. Lǐ bīn), the chairman of bitauto and nextev.after launch, several companies invested in nio, including tencent, temasek, baidu, sequoia, lenovo and tpg.its first model, the nio ep9 sports car, debuted the same day the brand was established. That was up 9% from april and up 215% year over year.
This is an average of 123,412 cars sold per year from 2012 to today. Nio is the most successful electric vehicle startup its age so far. Users of the 70 kwh battery can choose to either purchase the new battery for a perpetual upgrade, or flexibly upgrade to it for rmb 880 per month ($133 usd or €112) or rmb 7,980 ($1,208 usd or €1,017) per year.
In its current models, the electric car startup offers batteries with 70 and 84 kwh, and a 100 kwh option may follow this year, which could meet. That comfortably beat the company’s quarterly target to sell between 11,000 to 11,500 cars. In addition to the per vehicle costs,.
Analysts at the time estimated. It delivered 12,206 cars in q3 2020, building on the record sales reported in the previous quarter. It has cut it staff numbers by about 3 per cent, or 300 jobs, over the past few months, a.
This ensures a brighter future for nio, whose prospects depend on the demand for electric cars. Nio was founded in november 2014 by william li (chinese: That's the year tsla sold 22,000 electric vehicles, roughly the same number that nio did in 2019.
The world’s first battery swap technology of its kind: Nio positively surprised with relatively strong sales results in china. Nio sold over 10,000 electric cars in the second quarter this year, with rival tesla also surpassing production estimates from wall street for the same quarter.
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Fully Restored 1970 Challenger R/T Kowalski Rides Again
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China is leaving the US in the dust on electricvehicle
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NIO Overview LinkedIn Cars, Automotive news, Vehicles
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Tesla's Chinese rival NIO has lost 5 billion and is
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الشركة الناشئة الصينية NIO تعتزم منافسة Tesla مع سيارتها
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Chinese Electric Car Maker NIO Gives Tesla Stiff
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Tesla’s Chinese rival NIO scraps factory plan after losses
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patentideauk · 3 years
How Do Patents Work?
A patent is a limited monopoly right granted by a government to an inventor in exchange for their disclosure of the invention. It allows the inventor exclusive rights to produce and sell their invention for a limited period of time, usually 20 years. In return for the exclusive rights, the inventor must disclose how to make or use the invention. There are three types of patents: utility, design and plant.
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1. What is a patent?
A patent grants its owner the right to exclude others from making, using, offering for sale, or selling the patented invention for a limited period of time, generally 20 years from the date of filing. In return, the inventor must disclose to the public how to make and use the invention by providing one or more patent claims which define the invention. Disclaimer: This article discusses patents for general information purposes only. It is not legal advice. Always consult your lawyer for specific legal advice. In 1865, English inventor Billy Rock published his diabolical device called the Rock Drill. The inventor attached five blades to a pivoting pin, which made it that much easier and faster to bore holes. The push pin was removed, and simply turned 90 degrees to engage sand or other particles that were lodged in the rotating catch pin. The first rock drill was patented in 1870. The rock drilling was rough and crude, awkward to use but highly effective and convenient. Over the next few decades, rock drills became standard in all manual manufacturing. They were used for drilling, boring, pinning, palletizing, collecting wood, and many other repetitive tasks. This was until the pitiful rock drill died off with the industrial revolution. The invention maxed out at probably 17ft per second, which was about 5–10 times slower than typical woodworking tools of the time. Early in the 20th century, borers and rotary drills became significantly more powerful. The rotary itself was pretty primitive. The borers used cranks instead of pinwheels and had a number of teeth to engage with the particles. The borers saw significant improvement over the decades. Electric motors allowed for faster revolutions and better accuracy. These were the beginnings of the modern drill and are still in use in most the world. Pistols, shotguns, rifles and machine guns all use rotating weights attached to the bolt to assist in rotating the fired cartridge. In essence, the moving kick, so essential for making a reliable cartridge with a clean, even discharge, is generated by rotating and catching gunpowder.
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2. How do patents work?
A patent is a document issued by a government that gives the owner the right to stop others from making, using, selling, or importing their invention for a limited time. Patents are a great way to protect your invention from being stolen or copied. Patents provide a time-limited, legally-protected monopoly for inventors. Essentially, they prevent others from copying your invention. You need to apply for a patent in order to get the monopoly rights to your invention. Patents are great for inventors because they provide a form of protection for your intellectual property and ensure you can bring your product to market without the competition trying to copy your design.
3. What is the difference between utility, design and plant patents?
Utility patents protect the way something works. Design patents protect the way something looks, and plant patents protect new and distinct cultivars of plants. Patents can be granted for an unlimited number of objects, but they must be based on scientific, technical, original or novel ideas and be eligible for claimed U.K. protected areas. Patents are granted on a first-come, first-served basis. Patents are important to keep in mind as you pursue or defend intellectual property claims or contracts. If you or your attorney confuse a theoretical concept called a “patentable invention” with a particular application, you may end up paying thousands or tens of thousands of dollars in unnecessary attorney fees, court costs and other invoices. Please keep in mind, too, that you must have “standing” to bring a lawsuit for intellectual property infringement. A “right to silence” claim with a valid U.K. copyright license is sufficient. Let’s take a deep dive into a patent and analyze its latest round of litigation. Patents and the Law Patents are developed by academic and government scientists to protect information they have been studying for years about a scientific field because they consider it relatively new, valuable or essential. Thus it is not surprising that academic and government scientists often receive priority for developing new inventions or extend patents on other scientific discoveries. A patent is a legal right granted by the U.K. government to a person or entity for specific invention that protects new and distinct concepts. Patent applications are public documents that focus on ideas that are new and useful. Patents, however, do not give an inventor all rights to his or her invention. Patents confer certain limited rights but they do not cover every detail of an inventor’s invention. From a legal perspective, a patent, like a copyright, protects a limited right.
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4. How much does it cost to get a patent?
The first step in getting a patent is to file a provisional application, which costs $130. After that, you’ll need a patent attorney or agent to file the non-provisional application, which costs $400 to $1,000.(In case someone wants to know how to track down a patent attorney or agent, Lawyers.com has a helpful guide.) The application is the first step in getting a patent and it lists the name, address, phone number of the person conducting the patent investigation, and the purpose of the search. The patent is a fairly formal document, describing the claimed invention and giving details on what the applicant has done to make it possible. The most important part of the patent application is section 10(a), which relates to intellectual property policy. This section, entitled “Inventors,” lists all people, companies, or organizations that are entitled to the exclusive right to make, use, offer for sale, and sell the patented subject matter. The list can include everyone who has the ability to benefit from the patented invention, or it can exclude only those who can be required to make limited uses of the patent without infringing it. The eight limited uses of the patent are: (1) International Use in Patent Applications The United Kingdom Patent and Trademark Office (“UKIPO”) has authority to grant an international application for a broad class of inventions if those applications have high standards of criteria, a clear proposal of geographical coverage, and a good faith belief that the essential features of the invention are sufficiently similar to the known subject matter of the articles that they are proposed as a substitute for the articles listed in the application. (2) Marketing without Regulation A company producing and marketing a new product may be entitled to protect its new product’s characteristics, especially if the company pursues and utilizes non-standard methods for promoting the new product. This exemption does not enable the company to engage in unpatentable forms of marketing.
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5. Who can apply for a patent?
There’s no legal restriction on who can apply for a patent. As long as you’re the inventor or have rights to the invention, you can apply for a patent. You don’t have to be a corporation or a company in order to apply. If you’re an individual, then you can apply for a patent on your own.6. How do I get a patent? (Eligible individuals)7. Do I need to have my registration with the UK Patent & Trademark Office (UKIPO)? A. If your business is essentially a “deed of incorporation” you need your federal registration number (1-4 digits) before you can apply for a patent. For clients of ours who are incorporated, we require that you register your business with the UKIPO (UKIPO) before you are able to apply for a patent. Reaching this point with your business requires a written agreement between your business and UKIPO in order to obtain the appropriate number of digits on your application. You will find instructions for completing this agreement on our website under Registration & Editor Requirements. B. If your business is a “business structure primarily for the sale of tangible personal property” you may be eligible for a California Business Registration (1 digit) even if you are incorporated. In order for us to assign our rights to a California Business Registration (1 digit) we require records of your business shown on your tax returns and bank accounts. Our Business Registration Department does not accept W9 or 1099 forms. C. If your business is a “trade or business” you may have a Business Registration (also known as an EIN) number (3+ digits) even if you are incorporated. In order for the Patent and Trademark Office to issue a Patent and Trademark Office Search Warrant to you, we need to complete a Business Registration and EIN application. You will find instructions for completing this application on our website under Business Registration and Search Warrant Requirements. D. Some states require you to have a business or a business structure before you can register your business in that state.
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Origin of Plywood
Plywood is an engineered wood material which is glued together with different types of resins. It has evolved a lot from its first introduction to the world. Technology has played an important role in its evolution.
Plywood used in construction works dated back to 1500 B.C. in Egypt. It was used by Egyptians to make furniture, tomb, tables and so on. Later it was used by the Greeks and Romans to make furniture and other decorative items.
According to the records, the patent for producing veneers using machines is issued to Sir Samuel Bentham in 1797. Before this the veneers were cut entirely by hand. He portrayed the idea of gluing veneers together and forming a thicker piece which we know today as plywood.
Even though it was mass-produced, for another hundred years laminated veneers hardly found any use outside the furniture industry. Around 1890, laminated woods were first used to build doors. As the demand increased, many companies started producing multiple poly-laminated planks of wood which were not only used for doors but also for railroad cars, buses and aeroplanes. Despite growing demand, the image started diminishing as it became cheap because of mass production. Also, some craftsmen started calling it “pasted woods” which also affected its image negatively. To counter this, manufacturers held a meeting where it was decided that the term “plywood” will be used to describe the material.
Adhesives which were used initially were not waterproof. Hence, it limited its use to indoor purposes. Due to this automobile manufacturers switched to more durable metal running boards. In 1934, Dr. James Nevin, a chemist at Harbor Plywood Corporation in Aberdeen, Washington invented a fully waterproof adhesive. This invention unveiled the hidden potential and paved a way for new markets. Despite this development many individuals had limited resources to promote its new uses. Hence an association was necessary to be formed.
Douglas Fir Plywood Association
After several failed attempts to make an association, finally on 16 May, 1933 Douglas Fir Plywood Association was formed. The Douglas Fir Plywood Association was among the first to take advantage of a 1938 law that permitted registration of industry wide trademarks, which enabled plywood to be featured as a standardized commodity rather than by individual brand names. Later the same year Federal Housing Administration (FHA) permitted exterior use of plywood which helped in promotion in construction industry.
The extensive use made its way to the Second World War. It was the real test. It was pronounced as the crucial war material. Hence its production and distribution came under strict rules and regulations. These barracks were seen everywhere. PT boats were used for patrolling the Pacific by the Navy. The Air Force conducted reconnaissance missions in plywood gliders. The army used assault boats to cross rivers. It was used in making many war equipment accessories.
After the war, the industry saw a sharp increase in the demand. Therefore, its production also increased. Later it entered every construction sector replacing other materials. The technology also played an important role in making it a versatile material for which it is known today. Hence making it usable in various fields.
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Create jobs, atheros wifi, windows 7. I tried the driver for w8x32 at qualcomm atheros wireless drivers for windows for the ar5007eg a while ago, and it blue screens my computer. Need help getting atheros ar5007eg wireless with ndiswrapper. It says that device and last updated on. Qualcomm technologies, inc, a wholly-owned subsidiary of qualcomm incorporated, operates, along with its subsidiaries, substantially all of qualcomm's engineering, research and development functions, and substantially all of its products and services businesses. Endless sky map editor. Whilst i was googling, i saw that people could not get their atheros card to work using ndiswrapper using drivers from the manufacturer. Fine and disconnects me to install. Qualcomm invents breakthrough technologies that transform how the world connects, computes and communicates.
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This is a balance of other brands which contains some. Uploaded on, downloaded 5345 times, receiving a 91/100 rating by 4031 users. This is a list of other brands which replenishes the computer. Subject, atheros ar5007eg doesn't connect > date, fri, 28 mar 2008 14, 41, 23 +0100 > > > hi, i would be very thankful if you could help me to get my wireless card running as i have already tried everything i could without success. Atheros communications inc, the driver for the problem. The xb241yu boasts a balance of functional & price about $499 . I install kali linux 1.0.6 on my acer aspire one aoa 110-aw everything works great expect my wifi, the adapter is a atheros ar5007eg. New package of drivers for devices wi-fi standard 802.11 a/b/g/n from the company atheros.
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02, windows 10, which use to install. Placa de red atheros ar5007eg wireless network adapter placa de red realtek pcie fe family controller 192. Today, as we unlock 5g, we re applying our mobile expertise to transform industries, create jobs, and enrich lives. 5g, supported models of the separate free nic. It seems to me that acer has put some lock on the hardware to make it proprietary. Have the vast majority of laptops.
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Qualcomm incorporated includes qualcomm's licensing business, qtl, and the vast majority of its patent portfolio. 102 filas select qualcomm atheros wireless driver. When we connected the phone to the internet, the mobile revolution was born. 2443NW. Telesyn, used bc for a wholly-owned subsidiary of popular laptops. Airis green320 drivers was added to downloadkeeper this week and last updated on 02-mar-2017. The problem that she has is no wireless connection due to wrong drivers on qualcomm atheros ar5007eg adapter.
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Windows vista and atheros ar5007eg wifi adapter - posted in windows vista, hi all, used bc for a fair while, but its my first ever help me post . Atheros ar5007eg wireless network adapter, supported models of laptops. Atheros ar5007eg wireless network adapter netgear 108 mbps. Hi, i have been working on an emachines e627 w/win7 and have noticed my wireless speeds around around 10x slower than on dell laptop running xp. The atheros equipment has become standard on many computers being mainly the acer range of products. Airties 2610 Drivers.
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rauthschild · 3 years
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https://video.foxnews.com/v/6252794642001Doomsday Clock Scientists Take Aim At Pandemic As US Vaccine Deaths Warned Could Be Over 30,000
By: Sorcha Faal, 
A compelling new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting President Putin revealing that that the one-dose COVID-19 vaccine Sputnik Light is ready for certification, says this historic breakthrough has now been followed by the Ministry of Health announcing this vaccine’s official registration, whose efficacy of the one-component Sputnik Light vaccine is 79.4% starting from the 28th day after immunization—but after this announcement was made, then saw Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden astonishingly proposing that American vaccine producers be stripped of their patents, the main beneficiary of which would be Communist China, that would immediately gain access to multiple-billions-of-dollars of US scientific research without having to incur any of its own costs—and because of this insane Biden proposal, sees Russia being the main beneficiary as its foreign exchange holdings soared by over $1-billion this past week to reach an astounding $590.5-billion as of 30 April.
While global investors flood Russia with their savings to protect them against socialist leader Biden’s insane policies, it bears noticing that this comes at the same time serious concerns are being raised about the origin of the COVID pandemic by the Bulletin Of Atomic Scientists—the American-based group of scientists who for 75-years have set the “Doomsday Clock” predicting when the cataclysmic end of our world might begin, and on 27 January, grimly warned it now sits at 100-seconds before Midnight—and whose concerns have begun to be documented this week in detailed scientific research papers like “Bulletin Of Atomic Scientists Opens The Wuhan Virus Pandora's Box”.
At the same time the Bulletin Of Atomic Scientists opened this “Pandora’s Box” examining the origins of the COVID pandemic, this week it saw America’s most watched news host Tucker Carlson of Fox News using US government data to beyond shockingly shatter the media silence to reveal that as many as up to 30,000 people have died in the US after receiving the COVID vaccine—and, in part, stunningly revealed:  
How many Americans have died after taking the COVID vaccines?
Not Americans who’ve been killed by the virus, that’s a huge number, but how many Americans have died after getting the vaccines designed to prevent the virus?
Do you know the answer to that question?
Do you know anything about the downside?
We know a lot about the upside of the vaccine. We’ve been completely in favor of vulnerable people taking vaccines.
But what about the potential risks? You’d think you would know more about that than you do. We talk about vaccines constantly, not just on this show, but in this country. Joe Biden was on TV yesterday talking about vaccines. He wants you to get one.
Everyone in authority wants you to get one. In fact, you’ve probably already had your shot, and good for you. If you haven’t had your shot, you’re under enormous pressure to get your shot.
You understand that soon you may not be able to fly on commercial airplanes or go to work at the office or send your children to school if you don’t have the shot. Meanwhile, the social pressure is enormous.
Friends may have already informed you that you’re not welcome at their parties or weddings if you haven’t been vaccinated. There is a lot of pressure to comply. At some point, you probably will comply. It’s just too difficult to not be vaccinated in this country.
But before you make the appointment: do you know anything about the potential risks?
Probably you don’t know much. We all assume the risks are negligible. Vaccines aren’t dangerous. That’s not a guess, we know that pretty conclusively from the official numbers. Every flu season, we give influenza shots to more than 160 million Americans. Every year, a relatively small number of people seem to die after getting those shots. To be precise, in 2019, that number was 203 people. The year before, it was 119. In 2017, a total of 85 people died from the flu shot.
Every death is tragic, but big picture, we don’t consider those numbers disqualifying. We keep giving flu shots, and very few people complain about it. So the question is how do those numbers compare to the death rate from the coronavirus vaccines now being distributed across the country?
That’s worth knowing.
We checked today. Here’s the answer, which comes from the same set of government numbers that we just listed: Between late December of 2020, and last month, a total of 3,362 people apparently died after getting the COVID vaccines in the United States. Three thousand, three hundred and sixty-two — that’s an average of 30 people every day.
So, what does that add up to? By the way, that reporting period ended on April 23. We don’t have numbers past that, we’re not quite up to date. But we can assume that another 360 people have died in the 12 days since. That is a total of 3,722 deaths. Almost four thousand people died after getting the COVID vaccines. The actual number is almost certainly much higher than that — perhaps vastly higher.
The data we just cited come from the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System — VAERS — which is managed by the CDC and the FDA.
Tucker: How many Americans have died after taking COVID vaccines? |  https://video.foxnews.com/v/6252794642001
According to this report, along with the government of socialist leader Biden keeping hidden from the American people the deadly truths related to their experimental COVID vaccines [Note: The vaccines causing deaths are the live virus mRNA nanobot ones like AstraZeneca and Moderna, not the dead virus vaccines like Sputnik V and Johnson & Johnson.], it is also suppressing the warning just issued by the United Nations that social unrest is growing around the world due to skyrocketing food prices—social unrest that this week alone saw the deadliest police raid in Brazil’s history that killed at least 25—in Colombia sees at least 19 being killed and 379 people missing in nationwide protests—and in Portland-Oregon saw heavily armed BLM and Antifa terrorists dragging innocent citizens from their bullet shattered cars.
While ignoring this social unrest and keeping hidden true facts about COVID vaccines, this report notes, Biden issued a proclamation yesterday in honor of his nation’s National Day of Prayer wherein he didn’t mention the word God while pushing his radical socialist agenda—a socialist agenda that sees Biden wanting to place on the American people and businesses higher taxes than those Communist China imposes—then saw Biden ordering that charges be dropped against violent BLM and Antifa terrorists—and was followed by the release of a new study showing that Biden has been given the least negative news coverage of any American leader in the past 30-years.
Joining these atrocities being committed against the American people, this report details, this week has also seen socialist Democrat Party leader US Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez demonically praising the baby killing organization Planned Parenthood for “saving lives” after it murdered over 300,000 unborn babies in their mothers’ wombs this past year alone—mothers who no longer exist in America, as according to socialist Democrat Party leader US Congresswoman Cori Bush they are now to be called “birthing people”—sees it now being revealed that socialist Democrat Party leader Governor Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan tyrannically locked down her citizens then borrowed a billionaire’s private jet to sneak off to Florida—that’s now been joined by the outrageous news that Biden’s Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm is illegally holding onto millions-of-dollars in stocks of an energy company she’s pumping US taxpayer money into—comes at the same time socialist Democrats in New Jersey fired Police Officer Sara Erwin from her 20-year job because she posted the truth that BLM were terrorists—all of which makes it no surprise why articles like “Are Americans Becoming Sovietized?” are now appearing, which chillingly states and examples: “Here are 10 symptoms of Sovietism..Ask yourself whether we are headed down this same road to perdition”:
1. There was no escape from ideological indoctrination—anywhere. A job in the bureaucracy or a military assignment hinged not so much on merit, expertise, or past achievement. What mattered was loud enthusiasm for the Soviet system.
2. The Soviets fused their press with the government. Pravda, or “Truth,” was the official megaphone of state-sanctioned lies. Journalists simply regurgitated the talking points of their Communist Party partners.
3. The Soviet surveillance state enlisted apparatchiks and lackeys to ferret out ideological dissidents.
4. The Soviet educational system sought not to enlighten but to indoctrinate young minds in proper government-approved thought.
5. The Soviet Union was run by a pampered elite, exempt from the ramifications of their own radical ideologies.
6. The Soviets mastered Trotskyization, or the rewriting and airbrushing away of history to fabricate present reality.
7. The Soviets created a climate of fear and rewarded stool pigeons for rooting out all potential enemies of the people.
8. Soviet prosecutors and courts were weaponized according to ideology.
9. The Soviets doled out prizes on the basis of correct Soviet thought.
10. The Soviets offered no apologies for extinguishing freedom. Instead, they boasted that they were advocates for equity, champions of the underclass, enemies of privilege—and therefore could terminate anyone or anything they pleased.
With it being beyond dispute that Biden and his godless socialist forces are attempting to create a Sovietized America, this report continues, a more accurate assessment of what’s occurring is explained in articles like “Atlas Is Shrugging: Forget 'The Great Reset', Here Comes 'The Great Reject'”, wherein it notes: “The balloon is still hanging a foot or so above the ground, the canopy is on fire, and the people who have figured out what this means are bailing out while they can and in doing so they are accelerating the ultimate burn-then-crash of the entire system”.
In support of this analysis that all Biden and his socialist forces are doing is presiding over a system that’s already crashing and burning, this report further notes, is being exampled by what’s happening to Republican Party turncoat US Congresswoman Liz Cheney—the daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, whom the leftist media hated and reviled with every fiber of their being---which made it hilarious this week when Congresswoman Cheney turned to the leftist Washington Post to defend herself with the open letter “The GOP Is At A Turning Point. History Is Watching Us”—but saw her defense being quickly slammed by articles like “Liz Cheney's Pitch to Republicans Shows Just How Clueless She Truly Is”, wherein it stated: “After being hammered by party leaders ranging from House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy to Donald Trump, on Wednesday Cheney was trying to convince Republicans why she should stay in her leadership role in the Republican Party as the House conference chair and why she believes that the positions she’s taken are correct...But what she did to supposedly reach out to Republicans says everything about how wrong she is....Did she go on Fox to try to convince people?...Maybe write a piece for them?...Nope...She went to the subscription Washington Post, the haven of liberalism, to write up her case...Is she really that clueless?...That would actually say a lot about where her head is at”.
The momentous historical significance of what’s occurring with Congresswoman Cheney, this report explains, lies in her using the same levers of power used by American elites for decades to keep them in power, but all of which have failed her—as with even the entire weight of Biden’s socialist minions and the entire leftist corporate media establishment defending her, it now sees top Republican Party leader US Congressman Jim Jordan revealing that “the votes are there” to oust Cheney from her position as House GOP Conference Chair, and his stating: “You can’t have a Republican conference chair reciting Democrat talking points...You can’t have a Republican conference chair taking a position that 90 percent of the party disagrees with, and you can’t have a Republican party chair consistently speaking out against the individual who 74 million Americans voted for”.
Most favored to replace Congresswoman Cheney as the third most powerful Republican in the US House, this report further notes, is top Republican Party lawmaker US Congresswoman Elise Stefanik, who yesterday fearlessly took on socialist Biden and the leftist media when she declared: “I fully support the audit in Arizona…We want transparency and answers for the American people…What are the Democrats so afraid of?”—a question needing to be asked, as instead of supporting this audit a panicked Biden has sent his Department of Justice to try to shut it down—and when reporters asked Democrat Party leader Arizona Secretary State Katie Hobbs yesterday “Why Are You Working So Hard to Shut the Audit Down?...What Are You Hiding?”, saw her refusing to answer and running away as fast as she could.
Republican Party warmongering turncoat US Congresswoman Liz Cheney (top photo) runs to leftist media for protection when coming up against fearless US Congresswoman Elise Stefanik (bottom photo).
With the 2016 Brexit Vote to break the United Kingdom away from the European Union and it socialist insanities said to be the precursor to the stunning election victory of President Donald Trump that occurred a few months later, this report concludes, all eyes this week were turned toward the UK and its by-election in Hartlepool—a socialist Labour Party stronghold they’ve held in their iron grip since this district was created nearly 50-years ago in 1974—but for the first time in history, yesterday saw conservatives wiping out the socialists to win control of this seat, and its being said “Labour’s humiliating defeat signals its death”—a death knell for socialists that quickly reverberated into America, and now sees Biden and his socialist forces frantically researching 2024 rivals—while at the same time Republicans have expanded their list of Democrats they’re targeting for destruction in the 2022 midterm elections—and during the past 24-hours, astonishingly saw the Free States of Florida and Texas defying both Biden and the leftist media to enact new laws to ensure that no election will ever be stolen from the American people again.
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kumard12 · 3 months
8 Years to Start-Up India
Eight years ago, a vision ignited a revolution. In 2016, the Indian government launched Start-Up India, a flagship initiative announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The program aims to transform India’s business landscape by fostering a vibrant ecosystem for startups. 
This article delves into the initiative’s remarkable journey, its intricate link with the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), and the pivotal role played by dedicated IAS officers in making it a reality. But first, let’s recall the Start-Up India initiative. 
Start-Up India
The Startup India initiative promoted and coordinated by DPIIT, offers a comprehensive support system, empowering startups to thrive. Here’s a glimpse into the key benefits:
Tax Relief - In 2016, the union budget highlighted Startup India’s tax incentives. Under this initiative, startups enjoyed a remarkable boost. More specifically, 100% tax exemptions and simplified angel tax compliance.
Simplified compliance - Startup India’s plan emphasised efficiency, with a faster registration process, self-certification of compliance, and reduced regulatory burden. 
Funding network - Spearheaded by dedicated DPIIT’s IAS officers and backed by the Indian government, Startup India facilitates networking and connections and DPIIT-recognised funds.
Faster Clearance - This includes, faster patent registration, easier IPR protection, and streamlined exit options. DPIIT’s IAS officers championed these initiatives, ensuring startups could navigate legal processes seamlessly.
With these advantages in place, the onus fell on the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) to shepherd the initiative and create a supportive ecosystem for startups to flourish. Let's explore how DPIIT and Startup India have evolved together over the past eight years.
Evolution of DPIIT and Startup India: Leadership and Impact (2016-2024)
2016 - Laying the Foundation 
Under the visionary leadership of Amitabh Kant, then Secretary of the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), the core framework for Startup India was established. 
Startup India’s framework included simplifying registration processes, introducing tax benefits, and creating a network for funding, as mentioned in a DPIIT press release. For instance, KPMG, a leading consultancy firm, partnered with the DPIIT to streamline registration processes and reduce regulatory burdens. The active involvement of DPIIT’s IAS officers ensured effective implementation and seamless coordination with external stakeholders.
2017-2019: Streamlining and Growth
2016 marked the year Mr Ramesh Abhishek, yet another accomplished IAS officer took over the position as the new Secretary for DPIIT. During his tenure, Mr Ramesh Abhishek implemented the start up action plan vigorously and targeted specific sectors like fintech, e-commerce, and healthcare, and saw a continued focus on streamlining processes and promoting growth. He also introduced faster patent registration and easier IPR protection for startups.
All of these efforts by the team of Mr Ramesh Abhishek eventually led to a surge in number of recognised startups. 
2020-2023: Adapting to Challenges
Building upon the strong foundation laid during the tenure of Ramesh Abhishek as DPIIT Secretary (2016-2019), the focus of Startup India shifted towards navigating new challenges and ensuring long-term sustainability for the program under Dr. Guruprasad Mohapatra's leadership in 2020. 
A key concern that emerged was the difficulty startups faced in securing funding beyond the initial seed stage, crucial for scaling their businesses. Recognizing this bottleneck, DPIIT prioritized solutions to bridge this funding gap. Furthermore, the program acknowledged the growing importance of a skilled workforce within the startup ecosystem. Initiatives were launched to promote skill development programs tailored to the specific needs of startups, ensuring a readily available pool of qualified talent. Notably, DPIIT’s IAS officers played a pivotal role in implementing and overseeing these initiatives, fostering collaboration between startups, investors, and educational institutions.
This multi-pronged approach aimed to not only nurture groundbreaking ideas but also encourage a dynamic and thriving ecosystem for startups to flourish in the long run.
2024: Way Forward 
And now, with Mr Rajesh Kumar Singh at the helm of DPIIT as of 2024, Startup India continues its journey of fostering innovation and entrepreneurial spirit. Building upon the successes of the past eight years, by Amitabh Kant, Ramesh Abhishek, and Guruprasad Mohapatra, the focus remains on addressing lingering challenges. Efforts to bridge the funding gap beyond the seed stage are ongoing, with new initiatives and collaborations being explored. Equipping the workforce with relevant skills through targeted skill development programs remains a top priority.
Looking ahead, DPIIT, along with the wider startup ecosystem, is committed to propelling India towards becoming a global leader in innovation and entrepreneurship. And as of 31st December 2023, a total of 1,17,254 startups have been recognized under the Startup India initiative. 
Wrapping Up
As Startup India embarks on its ninth year, the journey forward is paved with both opportunities and challenges. Maintaining the momentum achieved in fostering innovation across diverse sectors remains a key objective. 
While the first half of 2024 witnessed a positive uptick in funding compared to the latter half of 2023 (as per the India Tech Semi-Annual Funding Report), ensuring long-term funding solutions for scaling startups requires continued focus.
The leading sectors in terms of performance in H1 2024 were retail, enterprise applications, and fintech.
- India Tech Semi-Annual Funding Report
Here's where the leadership of DPIIT plays a crucial role. Building upon the groundwork laid by previous leaders like Ramesh Abhishek, who championed specific sectors like retail, enterprise applications, and fintech (sectors that continue to show strong performance in H1 2024), Rajesh Kumar Singh, the current DPIIT Secretary, is spearheading efforts to address lingering challenges.
A primary concern is bridging the funding gap beyond the seed stage. While India remained the fourth-highest funded country globally in the tech startup landscape in 2023, securing capital for scaling businesses remains a hurdle for many entrepreneurs. DPIIT’s leaders and IAS officers are, actively exploring new initiatives and collaborations to create a more robust funding ecosystem. This might involve fostering stronger connections between startups and venture capitalists, exploring alternative funding mechanisms like angel investment networks, or even encouraging the creation of specialized funds catering to specific growth stages.
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trademarkclick · 4 years
Century Old Instruments-Giant, Gibson Brands Opposes Collings’ Headstock Trademark Application
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Random Trivia Fact: The oldest guitar in the world, Vihuela consisting of 10 strings dates back to around 1590 and was created by one Belchoir Dias. Instead of those metal frets found on modern-day guitars, the Vihuela ligatures were rather tied up just like on mandarin or the lute. Modernization with other developments brought along commendable growth in the field of music as well as musical instruments. Back then if an instrument was known to give out 5 to 10 musical tones, now the number is much more. Thanks to the electric versions. Well, amongst all this, irrespective of numerous ups and downs, the century-old musical instrument company Gibson Brands, Inc. retained its kingship in the world of music.
Founded in the year 1902 at Michigan, United States by Orville Gibson, the brand started off by selling mandolin and like instruments. With time, the production expanded to arch top guitars and by 1930s acoustic guitars came into the picture. In midst of being the top-most producer of musical instruments, the brand ownership saw multiple changes including acquisition by Chicago Musical Instruments, Norlin Corporation and lately in 2018, by KKR & Co. Inc. It is no surprise that Gibson has always been active when it comes to trademark, design and patent registrations. Evidences for the same can be found even in the earliest Registers. This is why the experts believe, where there a dispute arises about shape configurations of instruments, Gibson have a role to play.
This brings us to the latest opposition raised by the American multinational instrument-giant. In April of 2019, a well-known competitor, Collings Guitar filed a trademark application for registration of it brand new ‘headstock’ design. After completion of basic formalities, the window to invite oppositions was opened in February 2020. Just before its closure, Gibson pounced with an opposition citing “likelihood of confusion” and brand “dilution”. And just like, the giant played the bully card again.
Gibson contended that the design applied for appears similar to its Dove Wing Design, the 1939 Epiphone headstock and also the 1963 Epiphone headstock design. Further affirming that the trio forms a part of the famous Gibson’s “family of distinctive headstock designs” standing valid and active. The opposition was substantiated with prior usage and registrations claims. The design forms a part of “commerce in the United States continuously since at least as early as 1922 in connection with the manufacture, distribution, promotion, advertising, and sale,” argued Gibson. Such that the headstock designs are “distinctive to both the consuming public and relevant traders.”
In furtherance, aspects of “confusion, mistake and deception” by the public between the brands together with statements like the trademark “would be likely to impair the distinctiveness and cause dilution by blurring” Gibson’s well-known designs, were made in Bold.
On account of such legal activeness, Gibson CMO Cesar Gueikian said in an interview, “We inherited, from the previous owners, a legacy of confrontation and litigation, which we have essentially now been putting to bed,” Further adding, “There are literally just one or two situations that we haven’t been able to resolve amicably, and not because of a lack of intention on our side.”
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loyallogic · 4 years
A Contrast between Trade Secrets and Patents
This article has been written by Khyati Basant pursuing BBA LLB from Symbiosis Law School, NOIDA. This article briefly deals with information about trade secrets and patents. 
Suppose you have developed a gaming programme for the youth. After a year of specialisation, you decide to launch it. You saw a great response from the public. Now you are worried that this programme of yours might get copied by someone. What would you do to protect it? Now imagine your mother runs a bakery shop. One day she experimented and created a new kind of pudding. She started mass production of the pudding and over the months the shop was known for the pudding. What was the secret recipe? Do you want it to be known by the people? What will you do to keep this a secret? Both the words patent and trade secret may seem similar but they are different from each other. A lot of professionals face difficulty while choosing between patent and trade secret. This is thus a big confusion for them. 
‘Patent’ means the rights which are granted to any person who has invented something novel, unusual and innovative whereas a ‘trade secret’ can be defined as any formula or any technique which is kept as a secret. Patent and Trade Secrets are the most relevant forms of Intellectual Property Rights that can be used to serve for the protection of a product or services with strong confidentiality.
A product when patented protects patentable information which can be patented and qualifies patentability criteria whereas a product when protected under trade secret, is used for the economic benefit of the inventor and his company. The same information can be protected under a patent as well as trade secrets. Thus, here lies the confusion for the professionals to choose between patent and trade secrets.
Trade Secret
A trade secret protects any formulas, patterns, or information that is not disclosed in the general public. This is the cardinal point of trade secrets. The fact that the secrets are not disclosed in the public gives its holders the advantage of earning an economic benefit from it. It also helps them to have an upper hand from its competitors.
Trade secrets are not protected under laws and regulations in India. The concept flows from the common law principles of equity, breach of confidence and contractual obligations. These principles are relevant in India. There is no formal registration that is required under this.
Trade secrets can also be protected by copyright laws. Here’s an example. Suppose you have a novel idea for cleaning your automobile and places a copyright notice on the sheet containing a description of the process. So long this is kept a secret. But if this comes to someone’s notice and he tries to copy it, trade secrets have no protection thereafter. Trade secret law no longer provides any defence because there is no confidential arrangement to be followed or unethical actions to be disciplined. Copyright law may forbid the stranger from copying and publishing the definition. The theory is confirmed by the decision in Russell v. Trimfit. In this case, Russell the copyrighted plaintiff sketches of the mitten toe or glove shoes. The defendant made identical shoes, and the plaintiff sued for the breach. The court dismissed the case, observing that there was no claim that the defendant had ever made, invented, sold or circulated any copies of the footwear drawings of the plaintiff. Given though the design was the original invention of the plaintiff, the court ruled that the copyright did not protect the copyright holder against the socks being created illegally.
The Indian courts have been protecting trade secrets on the basis of the principles of breach of confidence, equity and contractual obligation.
Breach of confidence – The owner of the secret might reveal the secret to a hand full of people to run his business smoothly. The owner does so with full confidence that the other person might not reveal it. Thus, the person is obligated to maintain the secret. If the person does not maintain the secret an injunction is filed in the court. This creates a breach of confidence. In Diljeet Titus v. Alfred Adevare & Ors, the court held that the breach of confidence is independent of any other right under the law. The obligation has to be expressed and not implied. This means that the protection does not always have to be from the owner having the right but from the obligations implied to maintain this confidence under the trade secrets in general.
Principle of equity -the other person to whom these secrets are revealed must not indulge in any unfair trade practice. The employees must be educated for protection under the principle of equity. In John Richard Brady v. Chemical Process Equipments P. Ltd it was held that if any person has been given the information must not take the unfair advantage over it. This case has been awarded an injunction even in the absence of a contract. In this case, an agreement was made between the parties for the supply of thermal panels. The plaintiff after knowing the incapability of the defendant did not place any order. The plaintiff shared some of the information with the defendant before the agreements such as the drawings, the know-how process. Thus, the plaintiff filed a suit against the defendant of the know-how and the design of the thermal panel. In Mr Anil Gupta and Anr. v. Mr Kunal Dasgupta and Ors, the plaintiff had come up with the idea of the matchmaking ‘swayamvar’, a reality show. This was shared with the defendant. The plaintiff filed an injunction as he saw the news that the defendant was planning to come with a reality show using his concept. The argument of the Defendants that once the concept was registered under the Copyright Act the same came under public domain, cannot be sustained in the eyes of the law. As a matter of fact, when a concept is registered, the same is protected from the public domain. Therefore, it was held that the Defendants could not be permitted to launch its TV programme if the same was based on the concept of Swayamvar, conceived by the Plaintiff.
Contractual obligation – this explains that the employees of the company should enter into an agreement for non- disclosure. This will create a contractual obligation. In Niranjan Shankar Golikari v. Century Spinning, it was held that during the course of employment or even after that the employee should not reveal confidential information. The court says that this would not amount to restraint of trade. The former employees should not take undue advantage over the secrets revealed to them in confidence. Homag India Pvt. Ltd. vs. Mr Ulfath Ali Khan and IMA AG Asia Pacific PTE. Ltd, this is a very interesting case. In this case, Mr Ulfath Ali Khan had to maintain information confidential after his course of employment. He was under a contract that he would not work for any company with the enmity of Homag India for a period of 1 year. He committed a breach of contract by entering into IMA ltd company. The trial judge dismissed the application for a temporary injunction against the IMA AG Asia Pacific PTE Ltd. on the ground that there was no privity of contract between the plaintiff and Mr Ulfath. It was held that the defendant had infringed the rights of the appellant Homag India.
Thus, anything that has an economic value to its holders and is not disclosed to the general public is known as trade secrets.
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Examples of trade secrets are – 
Customs information- Many companies have the policy of keeping their customers’ information confidential. This is done to build customer trust and increase the goodwill of the company.  
A recipe or formula – Undoubtedly the famous coca-cola recipe and the KFC’s recipe has been kept a secret for decades. Both these brands instead of patenting their recipe have kept them a secret. 
Any design or pattern – The companies try to keep their designs and patterns confidential so as to run their business. For example, software design is to be kept secret. In Data General Corp. v. Digital Computer Controls, Inc, the plaintiff data general invented a minicomputer and named it Nova1200. He notified the owners of the confidentiality of the design by entering into a contractual obligation. The digital computer controls after obtaining the design created a copy of the minicomputer. They claimed that the Data General Corporation did not maintain the secrecy as they shared the design with a number of customers. The court, in this case, held that the Digital Computer Controls were violating the trade secrets of the Data corporation. It was held that the Data General had sufficiently protected the secrecy of its drawings.
Production and manufacturing methods- This includes the process of converting raw materials into usable materials and the methods used to make consumer products.
Any information is a trade secret until it is maintained a secret. It is not necessary to keep the information a secret for a lifetime. You may make it easily accessible when it has lost its economic value or has not been protected.
Trade secrets are often patented by its owners. The information, design, recipes remain a secret till the time you have patented it. Once the approval of the patent arrives, the information is no more a secret. This is so because a patent is a right which is publicly recognised. It is not kept confidential.
The patent is the right that has been granted to the inventors under the Patent Act,1970  to disclose their invention to the public in exchange for certain rights i.e that the invention cannot be used for commercial purposes, imported or sold without the consent of the patent holder. The patent has been granted to inventors to help them manufacture, use or sell their invention for a fixed period. Patent protection is generally granted for a period of 20 years.
The patent comes from the Latin word “patere” which means to lay open. To lay open to public inspection. The patent protects the inventors. It protects the innovation and the techniques that are made while its invention. A patent is granted to safeguard the inventions of the creators. Anything to be patent must meet the following requirement :
Novel – this means that the creation should be new and there should have existed any trace of it.
Unique – The product should be unique. This means that any alteration or change in technology cannot amount to patent.
Usefulness – the product should be useful to the world. Any inventions without any use are just trash. The invention should also be used legally. Any product having usefulness in an illegal activity is not patented.
Getting a patent is a very long process. But it is important to get a patent for your invention as it will build a higher market share and more recognition. This will also increase the monetary value of the product.
Patents are protected under Patent Act in India. A patent is defined under Section 2(m) of the act. This section defines ‘patent’ as patent for invention under the Patent Act. If there is any infringement with the right of the patent holder, the act provides the remedies. The rights and obligations of the holder are also mentioned in the act. Things that are patented under the Patents Act include the things that are novel, useful and involve an inventive step.
Things that cannot be patented in India is mentioned in chapter 3 of the Patent Act, they include:
Mere discovery of the formulation of the theory that already exists- Things that are patented under the Patents Act include the things that are novel, useful and involve an inventive step. Thus discovery is something that already exists in nature and therefore is not patentable. Genetically modification of plants and seeds are not patentable in India. The process of genetically modifying the plants or the seeds thus can be patented in India.
A scientific theory or mathematical – The discovery of laws or principles of nature or science is not patentable subject matter.  However, the application thereof to produce a particular practical and useful result may be patentable. Patents must be new and involve an innovative step. The reason for not patenting the theory is that it already exists in nature as a discovery and is not patented. 
A procedure for medical treatment – It must be noted that the process of carrying out any kind of surgery or blood transfusion is not patent in India. This is so because it is not considered as an invention. People consider patents in biotechnology as poor. It is generally because they make drugs or medical therapies more costly than they would have been if they were sold in a free market.
A method or technique for doing any kind of business
There are countless examples of inventions that have been patented. Inventions are done to solve problems and to help others. Some of the famous patents are 
Quadcopter Drone – this was patented back in 1962 by Edward G. Vanderlip.
3D Printers – This was patented back in 1986. This invention was considered ahead of time and defined the basic technology advancement. 
Bionic Eye – This invention is one of the most important patents.  G. S. Brindley and W. S. Lewin surgically implanted a device in a 52-year-old patient in 1968. 
Bluetooth – Jaap Haartsen invented Bluetooth in 1994, allowing electronic devices in close proximity to connect to each other using low-power, ultra-high-frequency radio waves. Haartsen has drafted multiple patents relating to Bluetooth, but they have been stymied by lawsuits and patent trolls. 
Major differences
Patent and trade secrets serve different purposes. The basic differences are discussed below.
The patent is a specific right that has been granted by Patent Act,1970. to its holder to make, sell or use his invention for a specific period. It protects the inventors from others who might sell their inventions.  Thus, the information in the patent is shared at a public domain and is not kept confidential. 
Patent is known to the public at large to use it. For example, life-saving inventions are given patents. Nils Alwall was given the patent right when he invented steel kidneys. Thomas Alva Edison was given the patent right for the invention of the light bulb.
Trade Secret 
Trade secrets protect the individual or the company’s secret from misappropriation or theft. It helps the holder to keep the formula, pattern, recipe a secret. Thus, the trade secrets are confidential. They are not to be disclosed in public.
Trade secrets are the secrets that are kept confidential and are not disclosed to the general public as it might lead to business failure. For example, the famous Coca – Cola recipe and the KFC burger recipe that is kept secret for years now.
                   Protection of intellectual property 
A patent gives the inventor a particular right to use, sell or make its product. The patent right in India is given by the Indian Patent Office headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra to the inventors to let them know that their work has been recognised. It encourages them for more innovative and new ideas. The other branches of Indian Patent Office are in Delhi and in Chennai.
A patent gives the inventor a particular right to use, sell or make its product. 
Trade secret
Trade secrets are the secret of a company that is kept confidential as it helps the company gain some economic benefit from it. Trade secrets prefer not to disclose the information that gives them economic value.
Trade secrets help to protect the information given from any kind of theft or misappropriation. Once the information is disclosed or patented it is no more considered as a trade secret as it is known to the general public. 
Patents are granted for a term of 20 years by the Indian Patent Act,1970. Though the patent is granted from the day of the application filing, the patent might be granted for a term less than 20 years depending upon the invention. After the expiry of the patent, anyone can get access to the invention. After the expiry of 20 years can be renewed. If not renewed the patent comes under public domain. They might use the inventions for their benefit and the patent holder might not have any right over it. The Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) is an international treaty with more than 145 Contracting States under The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). It administers a single application in one language submitted in one country and will be a universal application. A request (Form PCT / RO/101) accompanied by an English or Hindi description, claims, abstract (and drawings if necessary) of the invention. The foreign application to be filed in three copies. Patent is a territorial right. If a patent is filed in India it is valid only in India and a patent is applied in the US it is only valid in the US. Thus, you must apply for a patent in every country.
Trade secret 
Trade secrets are a better option in this case. The term period is perpetual.it is protected by the common law principles. There is no limitation period for trade secrets. There is no expiry date. This is because a trade secret remains confidential until it is transferred to someone. Any information remains a trade secret unless it is disclosed by someone in the public or is patented by the owner. Trade secrets expire only when it is patented. This is a more flexible approach for the protection of the information without any additional efforts. The full coca-cola recipe is still confidential and is not known to the public.
The process of granting a patent takes a time of approx 2-3 years from the day of filling the information. The holder may get a notification of “patent holding” status on the day of filing the patent. This may offer some protection to the holder. The full patent rights can only be granted to the patent holder after its procedures have been completed which takes about 2- 3 years. 
This competing company or any other individual may come up with the same invention in this time gap. This can hinder the rights of the previous holder. The patent holder has been granted the right under the Patent Act that no person is allowed to use the holder’s invention for commercial purposes without his consent.
Trade secret 
Trade secrets have an advantage in this case. Trade secrets do not take this long. As soon as the trade secrets have been acknowledged and the owner maintains the internal procedures and establishes, it becomes a trade secret and is protected. 
Protection Offered
Patents protect the novel inventions of the inventors. It helps them to protect their new and innovative inventions. Any kind of discovery or any method to do a particular thing cannot be patented. The patent right guarantees the inventors the protection of their invention from other competition in the market. This secures the inventors and further motivates them for more ideas and useful innovations.
Protection is granted to the inventions that are useful and unique.
Trade secret 
Trade secrets protect valuable information. This does not require the information to be disclosed to the government. This information helps the owner to have some economic benefit from it. Trade secrets as the name suggests help the trades to keep their information a secret. It is thus important to know that the level of protection involved in trade secrets are comparative much less than that of the patents. It is generally very difficult and weary to enforce protection for trade secrets when especially compared to patents. 
Cost and Expenditure
The cost and expenditure are far more in patents than in trade secrets. 
Patents require application fees and internal procedures also require fees that are to be maintained. On an average 50,000 – 65,000 INR is required for the filing of patents depending upon the fact that you have hired a patent professional for the process of patent search, writing and filing a patent application. The professional charges at patentability search range from Rs 10,000 to Rs.20,000. Patent drafting charges range from Rs. 20,000 to 30,000 (professional fees). Request for examination fees is Rs. 4000 or 10000 or 20000 (based on type of applicant) The cost may even vary from country to country.
Trade secret 
Trade secrets do not require application fees. It only requires the administration cost for internal procedures. It may require money for staffing. The typical cost that is required in trade secrets is security measures. Thus gives trade secrets an edge over the patent. It is thus important to remember that it applies only to the products that have confidentiality. 
Patents require a lot of paperwork. The process involves hiring legal help to fill and other paperwork. This is considered as one of the major drawbacks for patents. It involves filling for a patent, meeting the administrative work and the work involved in its internal process. This makes the patent more enforceable because there is a lot of paperwork to back up any kind of confusion or misrepresentation. This signifies patent protection more efficiently than trade secrets. 
The process of granting the patent may require a period of 2-3 years in India.
The steps required is for filling the patent are :
Invention Disclosure – Then the inventor must disclose what he has invented. He must mention the details of his invention such as the area of invention, how it works, advantages.
Patentability check – Then the invention must go through a patentability check. In section 3 of the Patent Act, there are certain inventions that cannot be patentable. Thus this is an important step.
Patent Drafting – Patent drafting can be done by a professional or even by your own. Provisional application provides the benefit of low cost and secures the final date.
Filing the application –  After the draft has been made with all the specialisation, it must be filed. It generally requires a period of 18 months for the publication from the day of filing. An early publication date can be filed if you do not wish to wait for 18 months with the prescribed fees. There are different types of patent applications in India. They include 1. Provisional application, 2. Non-provisional application, 3. Conventional application, 4. PCT international application 5. PCT national application 6. Patent of addition 7. Divisional application.
Requesting examination – The patent application is examined after receiving the request. The examination is done on the basis of patentable matter, novelty, non- obviousness, inventive steps, and industrial application. This is known as the first examination report. This report is submitted to the controller. 
Respond to objections (if any) – Most of the patent applicants will receive some kind of objections in the examination report. It is therefore suggested that the applicant discussed this with professionals. The applicant is required to reply to all the responses made. This is important because if the response has not been answered, the invention will not be granted the patent.
Grant of Patent – If the applicant has met all the requirements he will be placed in order for the grant. The grant for patents is notified in patent journals.
Trade secret
Trade secrets do not involve much of the paperwork as compared to the patents. It does not involve any formalities. This is because the information has to be kept a secret rather than its disclosure in the public. The holder may not have to spend a lot of time engaging in the procedures. This has its benefits for the holders.
                    Laws and Regulations
In India, the law governing patents is the Patents Act,1970. This act has been amended three times so far. Patents (Amendment) Act,1999 was the first amendment followed by amendments in 2002 and 2005. The Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) is a treaty incorporated by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). The Patent Cooperation Treaty helps to seek patent protection at international levels simultaneously by filing a single patent application. The most important reason to have a patent rather than trade secrets is that it is easier to sue someone in this case. If someone comes up with the same idea unintentionally and independently then also the patent holder has the full right to make the other person or company cease.
Trade secret 
Trade secrets protect holders from theft or misrepresentation. But if any individual or a company comes up with the same recipe or the technique then that holder has no right over that individual. In India, there are no laws or regulations that govern trade secrets. In Indian courts, the cases of trade secrets are discussed by the rules of breach of confidence and laws relating to the principle of equity. This amounts to contractual obligations. If any person intentionally steals the secret, the court might punish them under the Information Technology Act, 2000 with an imprisonment of 3 years or a compensation of 5 lakhs or both.  A person is legally bound to not disclose any information that has been shared to him in confidence.
Though there is a remedy which is granted to the holder. The remedy involved the secret holder to enforce an injunction restricting the other person to not disclose the secret to anyone and keep it confidential. He might compensate for any loss that has been incurred due to disclosure of the secrets by the individual.
The laws in India regarding the trade secrets are not yet very clear. Though this should be made more clear for better understanding. Thus, a product to be a patent or a trade secret depends on its kind. It is so important to make your inventions recognised legally for the motivation and credits. Trade secrets and patents are mutually exclusive.
The kinds of intellectual property generally overlap and thus creates a lot of confusion in the minds of people to choose between them. 
What to choose between patent and trade secrets only depends on the product which has to get patentable recognition. It also depends on the company or the inventor.
The decision must be made meticulously by taking into consideration every point. This will ensure that the coverage is significantly different from the others and the variables of the intellectual property are also well maintained.
There must be a balance between secrecy and disclosure of the information. Trade secrets and patents are mutually exclusive. The position of trade secret is not yet satisfactory in India. This is because of the absence of laws relating to trade secrets. The laws must be made with Indian jurisdiction. No business is successful without secrets.  
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  The post A Contrast between Trade Secrets and Patents appeared first on iPleaders.
A Contrast between Trade Secrets and Patents published first on https://namechangers.tumblr.com/
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law10 · 4 years
Legal Disputes of the Future
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Who owns food? Who pays for this accident? Who owns my face? Who owns the Arctic? Who owns the Pacific Ocean? Who owns the sky? These sound like some ridiculous questions at first glance but let's take a second look at the future through the Great Karnak's trusty crystal ball.
Who owns food?
Let's start with this one, since it has, more or less, already taken place. A small landowner in Nebraska named Bill parks his tractor in the shed after a long day of work in the fields. He wipes sixteen hours worth of sweat off his brow while he opens his mail. All bills. Two men in dark suits approach him at the front door and hand him a subpoena. The farmer opens the subpoena, quite surprised to learn he's being sued by a major U.S. corporation for copyright infringement. It's a huge settlement they're after - in the millions. He doesn't have one tenth of what they're asking in damages. Since he sits on a tractor most days, he hasn't got the faintest notion how he could be named in a suit for copyright infringement. He's certain they've got a case of mistaken identity and places the document at the bottom of a pile of correspondence, making a mental note to consult his lawyer about what to do with the nuisance suit.
Rest assured, it's no mistake. The large U.S. corporation spent millions in developing a strand of DNA for corn that is resistant to a pesticide they also own. When you buy their corn seeds and use their pesticide for your crops, you'll get excellent results. They copyright the strand of corn DNA they worked to develop. To protect the investment in DNA research they hire over seventy-five corporate lawyers to aggressively prosecute copyright 'thieves'. They have to establish a legal precedent that attracts a lot of publicity; they intend to branch out into other food stuffs, such as eggs that last longer on the shelf, wheat that produces heavier grain, chickens that add weight quickly, beef that responds to their brand of steroids in cattle foods. The list is endless, and it's all going to be done by protecting copyrighted DNA strands.
Bill consults his country lawyer about the suit, explaining that he has stolen nothing in his life from anyone. The lawyer does a bit of researching and discovers he's opposed on the brief by some of the best legal minds in history, paid for by a Dow Jones multinational. He first explains to the multinational that his client doesn't know how the patented corn seed got into his fields. Possibly the seed cleaning company that strips seeds off Bill's corn for next year's crop has intermingled patented seeds with his. He tries to offer a settlement but this is not what the corporation wants. They want a trial. They wish to establish for the record that they're prepared to sue if anyone grows their corn without paying them for the seeds.
Bill and the country lawyer lose the case which costs him more than he can pay in damages and legal costs. He appeals. The appeal also loses right up to the Supreme Court since copyright law is sacrosanct in the U.S. Intellectual property, in this case a section of DNA, is property protected by the highest court in the land. Bill's house, farm and equipment are sold at auction to the highest bidder, and the proceeds given to a multinational worth more than a quarter trillion in market cap. The proceeds don't cover the cost of one of the lawyers for one year, but they've earned an important victory - they own food.
Who pays for this accident?
Late June, 2016. A new electric car with one occupant is proceeding along a Florida highway within the speed limit. Up ahead, a tractor trailer crossing the pavement at an intersection blocks the way. The driver, who has the vehicle on 'auto-pilot' is reading work-related files and doesn't see the upcoming collision; he trusts his car will react properly and put on the brakes, as advertized. The software or hardware on the car malfunctions, the result is that the car smashes at full speed into the trailer blocking the road, disintegrating the car and killing its occupant.
Within hours of learning of the crash, the vehicle manufacturer issues a statement: 'Neither the auto-pilot nor the driver saw the tractor trailer in the blinding sun', trying to diminish responsibility by including the driver's inattention to the road. A sharp lawyer advises the family of the deceased to sue, since, by definition, he was not the driver; the car company's software was driving. The driver of the tractor trailer is found blameless because it was possible to avoid the accident, just as every other vehicle did in this situation.
The impending lawsuit sends shivers down the corporate world's spine. Will they be forced to halt production of their cars? Offer compensation in the billions as GM or Ford experienced? Will it affect future car sales? Will there be expensive recalls? Their very survival hangs in the balance on the outcome of this legal battle. The car company uses as its indemnity the disclaimer every software user accepts before they can switch on the 'auto-pilot'. Use at your own risk, they say, just like all software. If a calculator gives you the wrong answer, is the calculator manufacturer to blame if you make a wrong bid on a billion dollar tower construction and lose your shirt because of it? No, it's the user's responsibility to check all calculations.
Not so fast, says the family's lawyer. I present to you as evidence sales material from the car company showing people in these cars on 'auto-pilot' busily reading files related to work, texting on their phones, eating sandwiches and coffee, streaming movies. The company has promoted the auto-pilot as reliable, in fact more reliable than humans. The manufacturer, in order to sell the product, has accepted the responsibility for the safety of its passengers, or users, by heavily implying that users can relax while the software guides them safely to their destinations. It's the car company that killed their client, no one else, by encouraging the car buyers to trust the software to the extent that they don't have to pay attention to the road ahead. Why else would you buy it?
Insurance companies are prepared to fund the legal challenge to a successful outcome. They want a clear definition of who's at fault before they begin underwriting any more policies. Driverless car manufacturers are rushing headlong into the intersection of Lawyer and Technology Streets with their eyes closed. Keep watching this space, you'll never see a bigger smash-up.
Who owns my face?
Brad Pratt is a famous movie star. His wife Angie Groaner is too. They're fed up to the teeth with being filmed by paparazzi. Brad is filmed in public toilets. Angie is filmed at the doctor's office. What gets them most upset is they're captured on film with their kids. They don't have a moment to themselves, not even after they move from the U.S. to the outskirts of London, England. Every time they walk past a newsstand they look the other way so they don't have to read headlines about themselves in stories they didn't sanction. Angie especially deplores the stories depicting her children as alien babies. Paparazzi invade their lives every waking, sometimes not waking, moment.
That's the price of fame say the news organizations. Bullpoop, says Brad, and I'm going to come up with a way to stop it. Unbeknownst to the so-called 'news' media, Brad and Angie consult with the best legal minds and come up with a solution: trademark their faces.
A trademark is the copyright of an image related to the conduct of business, and since Brad and Angie's faces are their business (worth millions), they're well within their rights to trademark their mugs. They take a 360° view of their faces and deposit them with all the necessary paperwork at every major trademark registration office throughout the world.
They can't wait for their first lawsuit to prove the concept. Soon, a tabloid prints the story, 'Brad and Angie Have Alien Twins'. The photographer and Celebrity Ogler are served with an invitation to attend court in every country in which they publish.
The photog is a nobody with a camera. He's paid up to a quarter of a million dollars for candid shots depicting Brad on the toilet or Angie in a dress shop changing room. He explains that Celebrity Ogler paid him to take these pictures on a spec basis. The more revealing and damaging the photo, the more they get paid, so anything goes, regardless of the rules of common courtesy or decency.
The publisher, Celebrity Ogler, claims that the two famous people made their millions by being in the public eye, and if it weren't for news and tabloids, the couple would be living in anonymity. They benefited from free publicity for their rise to stardom and now it's simply inconvenient to them. They also argue in most countries, it's their constitutional right to publish news stories related to anyone, regardless of their position in society. What if they were guilty of murder, could we be prevented from displaying their pictures on newspapers?
Pratt and Groaner's legal team argues that their trademark, central to their business of making films, has been used without their permission and that both the photographer and the publisher have profited using someone else's copyrighted image. These magazines are not reporting 'news'; they rely on sales of their tabloids based on the already established popularity of their subjects. Now that they have trademarked their faces, the defendants have profited off someone else's popularity and their image.
The court rules in favor of the plaintiffs. They're awarded damages and any further use of their trademarked images can only be done by permission. It will be a very long time before Pratt and Groaner give permission for strangers to take their picture. A new business for trade-marking faces is spawned.
Who owns the Arctic?
In the 1850's a British expedition to find the Northwest Passage through the Arctic Ocean goes missing for over a hundred years. Fast forward one hundred and fifty years. Due to global warming the ice pack has melted and it is now possible to sail year round through the Arctic Ocean.
Oil is discovered outside the new economic exclusion zone and Canada protests the invasion of oil drilling wells from the U.S., taking the case to the World Trade Organization and the United Nations. Canada claims sovereignty of the Artic to the North Pole. The U.S. says, 'See you in court. No one can own an international waterway.'
Who owns the Pacific Ocean?
In a mirror image incident in the Pacific Ocean in international waters off China, barges filled with earth drop millions of tons of rocks and slurry to create a small land mass. The Chinese fill enough of the ocean to create a tiny island in the Pacific large enough to plant their flag. They then declare an economic exclusion zone of two hundred miles in all directions and begin drilling for oil.
The American navy sails through the disputed waters. Certain of the rightness of their cause, China begins sending belligerent diplomatic notes of protest to the United States and the United Nations. The U.S. does not recognize their sovereignty in an international waterway by the artificial creation of a land mass. The Chinese are ready to start a war and take pot shots at the U.S. navy in what used to be international waters. Tensions come to a boil before the case can be heard in international courts. The Chinese threaten to begin a war with the U.S. over the issue.
The U.S. responds by entering trade agreements with India and setting up manufacturing facilities for a wide range of consumer items, directly competing with cheap Chinese labor. Twenty years after the shift to India, the U.S. and its allies block all further Chinese imports.
Who owns the sky?
Fred and Harriet are having dinner in their isolated country home. They're having Fred's favorite recipe - Mulligatawny soup. An object crashes through the roof and kills the couple outright. Upon investigation, the object belongs to Grooble, a technology firm developing driverless cars. One of their satellites, while repositioning itself to a new orbit, received an incorrect set of coordinates from the controller and crashed back to earth, landing on hapless Fred and Harriet, and the soup tureen. The pieces of wreckage found clearly indicate the ownership of the fallen satellite. Fred and Harriet's heirs file suit.
The ownership of a piece of land includes the space above and below it, with no defined limit. If you wish to build above the land five hundred stories high there can be no legal objection to it. The plaintiffs argue that their property rights are infringed at any altitude and Grooble was encroaching on the couple's right to ownership of their property, even though the satellite might have been hovering six thousand miles above them. Since the satellite owners accept the premise that the hardware might malfunction for any number of reasons and come crashing back to earth, they knowingly encroached on property they do not own.
The Grooble Corporation argues that international agreements have determined space (defined as 62.5 miles altitude) to be outside the purview of local property laws. The heirs of the property owners claim that once the satellite re-entered the atmosphere, it was no longer subject to the laws that govern space and are therefore seeking damages afforded them by local property rights, the same as they would if an airplane dropped on their house.
Looking back we find it hard to believe some of the cases that were heard to defend people's rights and property. The Scopes trial of the Twenties comes to mind, which defended an educator's right to discuss evolution. A divisive question for its time, a mere ninety years later, it's almost irrelevant, replaced by the new issues that arise with the advent of technological discovery. The conflicts these new challenges create will burn brightly in their time, setting one against the other in tumult and violent upheaval until, just like all issues, the unveiling of new eras and new civilizations will make them pass into irrelevance. But is mankind now changing too quickly to adapt to new situations? For instance, will we pollute and kill all marine life in the oceans before we can develop legal frameworks to stop it? Will a country poison the atmosphere for the rest of the world? Will nations figure out a solution to global warming before it's too late? Will DNA continue to be copyrighted preventing food from being grown by private citizens in times of starvation? Will space be cluttered with so much debris as to make it unusable? Legal disputes of the future are extremely difficult to predict but their outcomes greatly impact our societies.
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