#saw fanart while looking him up for resources for edits
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nprescott Ā· 2 months ago
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nirvanai Ā· 3 years ago
Would you rather Tearer has half of Ryuki's brother's face instead of a grey carapace? Or Ryuki's brother having never existed and Ryuki is suffering some severe Mandela Effect?
not gonna lie I saw a fanart of tearer with half of ryukiā€™s brotherā€™s face on twitter a while ago and that au concept has lived rent free in my mind ever since (canā€™t find the link rn but if anyone can pls leave it in a reply bc its Great and ppl should get to see it). Its the absolutely perfect delightfully fucked up sort of angst that I think could be really fun. the idea of his brother having never actually existed is an interesting one, but I feel like itā€™d end up sorta removing some of the impact of a lot of his motivation and stuff, if that makes sense? Heā€™s living for the memory of his brother, so having that all fake would be kinda less interesting to me.
with that first concept though. oh man. oh boy. it could be So much. given the resources that naix had, itā€™s not impossibleĀ to conceptualize, just. extremely super fucked up. (which... fits Naix pretty well considering the shit chikara and tokiko were willing to do lmao stealing half the face of a dead teen wouldnā€™t be outside the realm of possibility for those two).
(it got long again so the rest under a cut. also edit: found the tweet i was thinking about! cw eye horror/alcohol in the link)
like first of all. just imagine a version of ryukiā€™s confrontation with tearer 6 years ago at the cathedral where he found that out. he shoots at tearer and breaks half of his mask- the opposite half that date shoots. and you see ryukiā€™s own face. like. that would Ruin Him even before hitting him with the EM waves to take tama out.
Or alternatively, that confrontation goes the same, but rather than date and bibi seeingĀ ā€œJinā€™sā€ face, they seeĀ ā€œRyukiā€™sā€ face- especiallyĀ considering we literally just sawĀ ryuki and tearer talking face to face, itā€™d be... the exact sort of wild insane plot twist i would not put past Uchikoshi lmao.
so while the player is just absolutely losing their mind overĀ ā€œwhat the fuck did ryukiā€™s twin survive somehowā€ the story keeps moving on, and then you find the half a body in the cathedral, and itsĀ ā€œryukiā€. so thereā€™s that moment ofĀ ā€œWHAT THE FUCK NO-ā€ before you realize its uruĀ and great googly moogly its all gone to shit.
shoutouts to that meaning ryuki would basically have to see his brotherā€™s dead body. Again. but this time its his face being worn by a serial killer, the exact sort of person Yukuto wanted to Stop. that would be, uh, deeplyĀ upsetting to someone like him! I will say, if anything, I feel like itā€™d make Ryuki just hate Tearer even more- like, he already hates criminals. Knowing that a very dangerous and violent criminal had literally stolen his brotherā€™s face? Oh Man would that piss him off.
Itā€™d also be very interesting to see how that could further play around with Amame and Ryukiā€™s relationship and parallels- how she views him and thinks of him, having killed someone with half a face that looked just like his. Would she hate him for thinking heā€™d related to Tearer? Or would she freak out a bit more, feeling like sheā€™s being haunted by the person she killed? Plenty of interesting options.Ā 
Also I just. would Desperately hope that the epilogue would include more talk between ryuki and the mizukis and them like... checking in to make sure heā€™s ok. like. christ thatā€™s some additional trauma to add to the trauma pile. itā€™d be a very interesting way to link Ryuki back to Horadori more though.
Honestly if we get a DLC or a third game Iā€™m very curious if Uchikoshi has any more plans to expand upon Ryukiā€™s past. the fact that heā€™s suggested a name for his twin but hasnā€™t actually committed to one (and specifically stated its not Canon), plus a handful of older twitter replies abt ppls thoughts on ryuki, makes me hope so. Iā€™d really love to see more about him heā€™s so interesting.Ā 
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lawgoddess Ā· 5 years ago
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EDITION #2234 ā€“ MAY 22, 2020Ā 
Ā Before commenting to the newsletter, please read the FAQ first. mxa_news is now cross-posting on tumblr at mxa-news.tumblr.com. Follow us there! News/Resources merlincastnews: BRADLEY JAMES: INTERVIEW WITH THE PODCAST DESTINY AND CHICKEN Challenges/Fests camelot_drabble: Prompt #413 Sign-ups! camelot_drabble: Prompt # 412 Masterlist! merlin_forever: Promoting Merlin Canon Fest Discussion/Meta merlin_forever: Merlin Re-watch Reminder: 1X11 - The Labyrinth of Gedref Fanart lesgrandtears: sometimes i feel i can hardly breathe everyone expects so much of me. raging-titan: merthur doodles maryluis: Do this Merlin, do that Merlin! zeramara: AU where everyone lives, Merlin can use magic freely, and they all lived happily ever after Multimedia MistbornHero: Podfic of Rescue Me by SlantedKnitting Fanfic: In Progress [M/A] USER: A Professional Relationship (1/?) (R) 1931 ā€œNo. Absolutely not,ā€ Arthur stared at the man who not twenty minutes ago rear ended him. ā€œYouā€™re fired. Get out,ā€ he stated simply as he made his way towards the elevators. Merlin gets a job at Pendragon Industries as an assistant to the Chairman's son, Arthur. They don't get off on the best foot. (Merthur Office AU). [M/A +] Impala_Cherry_Trickster: Together? (1/2) (NC-17) 1342 Gwaine's been mentoring Arthur on how to get Merlin into his bed, until things change quite suddenly. [M/A] schweet_heart: marginalia (1/3) (NC-17) 2898 He pushed open the door to his chambers. There, where he had left it, was his old oak bed, the hangings freshly cleaned and re-hung in preparation for his arrival; there was his desk, his dining table, the familiar worn-smooth stones of the hearth where a welcome fire was blazing. And there, standing with his back to the window, was his manservant, arms folded across his chest, leaning casually against the stonework as he waited for his king. Sometimes, the most important moments are the ones that happen in between battles. Or: Merlin and Arthur steer Camelot towards a Golden Age together.(Series: Part 205 of the Merlin Fic series) [M/A] Silur: Merlin - A Time Reversal (1/26) (G) 1112 Arthur closed his eyes and knew that his kingdom was safe. He knew that he could go without any grievances. What he didn't know was, what he would do, if he was ever to return. What diffrences could he make, if time was reversed? Maybe... Maybe some things wouldn't end like they had. Maybe he wanted some things to stay. Somebody to stay... "Hey." He turned around. "Come on, it's enough." "What?" "You've had your fun my friend." Fanfic: Complete [M/A] bunnysworld: Social Distancing (G) 619 Merlin and Arthur perfect social distancing. [M/A] open_spellbook: I found you at the back of some party, then later I found you in my heart... (NR) 607 Merlin finds Arthur by accident, after all those years of waiting Merlin should be over joyed, if it wasn't for the fact Arthur had no clue who he is and just desperately wants to make out with himā€¦ And if only poor Merlin wouldn't cry so muchā€¦ (Series: Part 2 of the The places Merlin and Arthur went... (open for prompts!) series) [M/A] Gilli_ann: Announcement (G) 200 Prince Arthur and Merlin will face the world together for the first time as their engagement is announced. (Series: Part 3 of the Royal Wedding series) [M/A] Saturning: Sugar abomination with caffeine (NR) 1271 Another coffeeshop AU but in this one Arthur orders the worst drink imaginable and Merlin - the waiter - absolutely canā€™t take it. [M/A] CaesarWasntEmperor: I Can See the Fire in Your Eyes (G) 5080 The new king blinked, a slight frown settling, faint crinkles forming above the bridge of his nose, as his father finished, ā€œthe boy, your love, Merlin,ā€ the phantom spat, ā€œhe has, is, magic. Destroy him, the one the Druids call Emrys, and you will wield a fear over magic we can only imagine.ā€ ā€œMerlin?ā€ Arthur whispered. ā€œMerlin has magic,ā€ Uther reaffirmed, and Arthur was sure he saw flames burning in his eyes as he mentioned the name, as if memories of all those sent to burn passed across his mind in a flash. Uther, being able to see most things in his kingdom while in the afterlife, reveals Merlin's secret to Arthur before the new King leaves the veil. [M/A] TheAsexualofSpades: I promise (G) 2253 Merlin's been off the past few days. Arthur knows. The knights know. They just have to figure out why. Well, no. Arthur has to figure out why. The knights are making sure he knows that if it's his fault they won't be happy. (Series: Part 58 of the Quarantine Drabbles series) [M/A] tops: Lost Without You (G) 1865 Merlin has been waiting for centuries. Lonely and lost without his destiny. But something is different about today. Today, the lake stirs. [M/A] USERallthingsmagical: A Different Kind Of Experience (PG-13) 16448 Sequel to work experience. Merlin is pregnant again and Arthur is happy to share this one with him. [M/A] SwanFloatieKnight: Breakfast For Dragons (G) 358 It is just like Arthur to oversleep when he has to feed Aithusa. (Series: Part 13 of the Camelot Crack Ficlets series) [M/A] Krank: Safe and Sound (PG-13) 1947 Don't you dare look out your window, darling, everything's on fire With nothing left, Merlin uses everything he has to make Arthur comfortable. [M/A] bunnysworld: Social Distancing (G) 611 Merlin and Arthur perfect social distancing. Maybe they get a bit too good at it? [M/A] arthur_pendragon: you, where are you (G) 355 an edit of Merlin and Arthur, along with poems from each to the other. [M/A] Mischel: Stay. (G) 1989 Arthur and Morgana overhear Merlin's conversation with his mother, and after magic is used in the fight, they both realize that Merlin is a sorcerer. Despite not really wanting to, Arthur decides that Merlin should stay in Ealdor. Now it's Morgana's job to kick Arthur back to Ealdor to get their friend back. But that is not the only reason Arthur wants Merlin to stay with him. Set in the episode 1x10 The Moment of Truth. (Series: Part 10 of the Merlin Rewatch 2020 series) [M/A] musiclover57: Remembering (NR) 1251 Sequel to 2020. Arthur remembers, and he and Merlin talk. (Series: Part 2 of Endings and Beginnings) [M/A] Val_Creative: I Got You (And You Got Me) (PG-13) 1047 Itā€™s already halfway through the day when Merlinā€™s foot pushes in the screen door. He never did learn to knock. [M/A] rowrowrowthatsme: Picnic (G) 724 Arthur is acting weird, and Merlin is determined to figure out why.
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chipsncookies Ā· 6 years ago
Pls tell us your thoughts on the issue if youā€™re comfortable! Your voice matters tbh
I've been seeing this issue for days against my will while keeping my distance, and i think i can see the problem.
As many already knew it all started with a Nessa fanart by a JP artist who got harassed by someone, claiming they made her too light. And since then English-speaking pokemon fandom on twitter & tumblr (from what I've seen) have started arguing whether she's actually whitewashed or not. It became 'what colour is the dress' v.2 because nobody can come to an agreement, they're divided into 2 main camps: A) those who think she is whitewashed and B) those who doesn't think she is whitewashed.
From the trend i saw, A say she's whitewashed and you should stay near the official colour regardless of lighting or style. Meanwhile, B believes that lighter skin is acceptable as long as the character still look dark and not drastically changing race to white (unlike the provocative whitewashing resulting from this incident)
And the thing is nobody agrees what constitutes as whitewashing, not even the black/poc/dark skinned people who cited their personal experiences with their skin colours, they're in both camps. It quickly devolved into people brushing off those that disagree with them as immature/stupid/racist. Both sides are stuck in a back and forth argument.
It all makes me sad because i see where both sides are coming from, but nobody wants to listen to the other and in the end there is no foreseeable progress or even conclusion to this issue.
Going back to the original issue where a JP artist is harassed for drawing Nessa lighter, i understand the main concern is people want good dark skin representation, but this was not communicated in a good way to JP people. The dude harassing was being especially rude, imagine a stranger on the internet who don't even speak your language demanding you to edit your work in an angry manner and doing this continuously, and when you defend yourself it gained much attention and everybody on the internet also jumped on it? While not getting why is it such a big problem? It probably read as the dude being high and mighty instead of concerned (which they was).
The rude harassment of JP artists is also partly why some JP artists started making those provocative whitewashing drawings, because they don't believe they deserved the hate and want to hurt us in the way that we have communicated with our reactions. (This does not justify their actions however. And getting mad at them does not make it any better bc that's what they want. I suggest u ignore them; the best way to kill a fanart is to not give them any attention, likes or rt)
I never heard of JP people attacking Americans/westerners for whitewashing, but from my experience Americans and some nonamericans are very strict about dark representation, even i have been accused of drawing archie lighter before (first when i drew him from memory, second when i coloured him under strong lighting) and from what I've seen in fandoms... you get the idea.
I think this endless hypervigilance is not good. In order to have more dark skinned representation, first we need to create a comfortable environment for people to draw fanart: one that won't jump at you as soon as you did a mistake, but instead advises you on how to do it correctly.* When people say this Ƭssue 'will only make people scared of drawing dark characters', it means this controversy will make people who are not good at drawing/non dark people afraid of trying new things they're not used to & afraid of showing their love and appreciation for dark skin characters by drawing fanart. If this keeps going the number of people who draw dark characters, whether correctly or not, will shrink, leaving only a few people who paints the acceptable the skin colour, and h*ntai artists, which does not contribute positively to dark skin representation.
Thus, I think some leniency should be practiced so people can try drawing dark skin characters. I'm not saying that we should let people do whitewashing by ignorance, instead i believe we should educate by reblogging/retweeting dark skin tutorials and fanarts that handles dark skin well, so that more people could learn. I think it's also important to not single out & harass certain people who didn't do it correctly to avoid discouraging people from trying again and improve themselves. Rather, we should politely tell them why it is not ok, and offer resources on how to handle it correctly. And this is also important: if they refuse to do it don't immediately accuse them of racist, they might not be ready yet to try, simply leave them be and continue upping helpful tutorials and fanarts.
*On topic of how to do it correctly, i noted few days ago that a silver lining about this issue is the many tutorials on how to colour dark skin is being circulated at least on twitter, and suddenly it made me think... is this the same for JP artists? (I asked my friend who's more knowledgeable about Japanese than me about how easy it is to find tutorial on how to colour dark skin in Japanese, and apparently after a cursory googling there's nothing except for a tutorial on how to draw curly hair. I didn't ask her to search in-depth though. Other people who knows Japanese please try and search. I don't have evidence that this is the reason JP people don't draw dark characters, although this could be a contributing factor. )
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