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timbogetsitin · 4 years ago
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September 21, 2020 ( #laterpost / #savedpost) #LegDay #1RepMax PR ( Personal Record ) 315 squat 🏋️‍♀️ 335 dead 💀 lift Feeling good, feeling really, really, good thanks god 🙏 #TrustTheProcess #KLOKWAWAWA #ACTIVO #SIEMPREACTIVO #squatlowhighstandards #asstograss #motivation #inspiration #workhardtomakeitlookeasy #roguefitness #ntc #wearenikeathletes #justdoit #niketraining #deadlift #squat (at Activo Gym) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHLLxPsDm-L/?igshid=1tpo7py1xgqq6
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intersexfairy · 4 years ago
i didnt know i needed this video but i did and maybe you do too so here
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loxxxlay · 6 years ago
New followers, hiiii, thank you <333
Pleaseeee please please check out this blacklisting page, because I post a lot of weird shit and triggers. This blog does post but is not only for brotherly thor&loki stuff (i.e. thorki, frostmaster, dubcon, noncon).
You can find almost all of the tags I use here, in case you really dislike certain content (i.e. me bitching about my life lol, random stuff from other fandoms, etc)
Here’s a link to my ao3 :D I’m mostly a writer on here.
If I don’t follow you back and you reblog a lot of marvel stuff, don’t feel bad. It’s probably because it includes characters or meta I don’t want to see regularly (i.e. ragnarok discourse, discourse that mocks loki fans, etc), or you don’t tag things unrelated to marvel. T_T sorry my dash can only survive so much XD
If you write me grandthorki, I will literally suck your dick or whatever else you want me to do.
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felix-lupin · 3 years ago
/hyp - hyperbole/exaggeration
/gq - genuine question
/ac - asking for clarification
Don’t misuse tone tags! It’s disrespectful.
/j - joking
/hj - half joking
/ij - inside joke
/t - teasing
/s - sarcasm
/srs - serious
/nsrs - not serious
/pos - positive
/neg - negative
/neu - neutral
/lh - lighthearted
/nm - not mad
/g - genuine
/gen - genuine, only used when asking a question
/p - platonic
/r - romantic
/sx - sexual intent
/nsx - not sexual intent
/ly - lyrics
/ref - reference
/lu - a little upset
/nbh - nobody here
/nay - not at you
/rh or /rt - rhetorical / rhetorical question
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intersexfairy · 4 years ago
The blue fuzzy mouse/rat you recognized but not sure from where is the TV show Bear and the Big Blue House. It was a kids show from the late 90s.
HHhHHhwwjdj yeah i watched this, briefly. I just asked my dad and he said it's one of the shows my mom wouldnt let me watch becuz it annoyed her
I hate that i remembered this i dont like it i am one traumatized bitch but thank you!! it was goujg to bother me if i didn tknow
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italiainstagram · 8 years ago
App, Instagram: da oggi si possono salvare i post preferiti. Ecco come
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routinebreakdown · 9 years ago
I think this is the most terrified that I have felt in a really long time. Not because of anything bad, in fact it’s the exact opposite. Usually around this time of year I’m gearing up for the gruesome month of November where I so fondly look back on being sexually assaulted by a close friend, this year though I couldn’t even tell you what day it happened on. It’s funny though because I can still tell you that January 19, 2009 was the last time that I self harmed, that last week was the last time suicide legitimately crossed my mind, and now I can’t remember if it was November 9th or 14th or who knows when that that shitty, shitty thing happened. It’s strange to feel this way. But maybe I’m finally in the place where I actually don’t see myself as the victim, I can say I am a survivor of it and actually mean it, not just faking it until I actually make it. I can still remember every gruesome detail down to what I was wearing and the feelings attached, but it’s just not the same anymore. That anxiety, that fear, that complete and utter loss of comfort and safe feeling, it’s not attached anymore, it’s just kind of there. Everyone deals with things in their own way in their own time. I guess I’m just happy that even after everything else I’ve finally worked through mine.
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intersexfairy · 4 years ago
I've been staring at this with my mouth open because I literally do not understand how this is almost spot on. Like literally what the fuck???
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Also please do heed the warning if you're triggered by ominous questions or questions that involve people being against you.
fun personality quiz here  :) don’t take it if you’re paranoid but you agree with the results let me know!
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intersexfairy · 4 years ago
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You grow up and you realise A Bug’s Life was the revolutionary Leftist masterpiece of our childhoods
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intersexfairy · 4 years ago
I have a life accomplishment goal now and it’s probably gonna change and/or never happen but like, it’s refreshing to have one??? I’m a social work major and I want to do macro (community/policy) level work regarding the LGBTQ+ community.
My dream would to be to help found a new LGBTQ+ organization devoted to recording and maintaining LGBTQ+ history and culture, fighting for policies especially regarding education, providing extensive resources for LGBTQ+ people of all backgrounds and ages, generational outreach programs... And I’d want it to at least have a central location containing a library, a therapeutic department, a social group/event department... It’d basically be those LGBTQ+ community centers but on a larger scale.
The best part is that maybe I can achieve that. I’m hoping to be able to intern at an LGBTQ+ community center near me. I know that’s minor in the grand scheme of things, but every bit of experience I get counts!
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intersexfairy · 5 years ago
For those that want a source:
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Here's the article.
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intersexfairy · 4 years ago
this is the first time I've ever seen positive schizophrenia rep Oh My Gosh!!! im schizophrenic and so tired of being made into a monster in media... this.. this movie trailer is so good.. i feel human
....I got an ad for a movie about a guy with schizophrenia....but it wasn't a horror movie....it was a love story!! Fuck yeah, movie!!
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intersexfairy · 4 years ago
There’s something I want to add here that I think is important for understanding this, and it’s about marginalized men who don’t hold institutional power over women in the said marginalized man’s oppressor class. Like how a black man does not have institutional power over a white woman, how a trans man does not have institutional power over a cis woman, etc.
Male privilege just doesn’t work the same way as other privileges. It certainly exists, don’t get me wrong, but the amount of access an individual man has to that privilege depends on multiple factors. Like, if your a white person, it’s not like you somehow lose access to your white privilege if you’re part of another marginalized group. Being white will always be a plus for you, right up to the highest strata of our society. But when it comes to being a man and marginalized, you get knocked down a peg depending on who you are, where you are, who you’re interacting with, etc. 
Marginalized men absolutely positively still contribute to misogyny, sexism, the upholding of patriarchal norms, etc. None of what I’ve said erases that fact. But there is nuance in how much power a man will have in a situation, if any, and it’s super important to keep in mind when talking about marginalized men.
Hear me out but I think we really need to rethink how we view gender in terms of how exactly we understand men as the oppressor class and what that means for marginalized men, because gender does not function in the same manner that other institutions do.
If you look at most other situations, the oppressor class does not come with negative, dangerous, or harmful notions that are at a societal level inherently associated with that group of people. White people, the rich, gentiles, christians, cis people, straight people (you get the gist) - they don't have stereotypes hanging over them that both systematically benefit and systemtically harm them by virtue of being part of that class.
When it comes to gender though, this isn't true. In the patriarchal lense, men are strong, courageous, smart, independent, hardworking, and inherently masculine - this is positive to the patriarchy. But they're also failures if they don't fulfill this stereotype. But they're also dangerous if they're a person of color. But they're also just women who don't know better if they're trans. But they're also laughable and predatory if they're gay. But they're also weak and flawed if they're aro/ace. But they're also subhuman and/or dangerous if they're neurodivergent. I could go on.
The difference between gender and all these other groupings is that gender functions on a totally different level of human experience. Gender is one of the first societal constructs; it's seen the birth and morphing of class society, the complex organization of religion, the rise and fall of cultures around the world, the creation of modern ideas about race. Through it all, gender roles and expectations have had to change with it. It's also an experience tied so intrinsicly to who we are, in way different from other experiences. This isn't to say that you can't have a deep, innate feeling regarding any of these other things, just that with gender it's different.
Gender roles are not black and white. The dichotomy isn't so simple, especially with the addition of gender nonconformity. Not all men have meaningful access to being part of the oppressor class. I speak of this mainly in regards to trans men, since that's what I have experience with. Trans men only have a ticket into patriarchal society if they pretend they aren't even trans at all - if they pass as cis(het) men. Otherwise, in the eyes of the patriarchy, they aren't men. The patriarchy does not view trans people as a whole as fitting within one of the binary boxes, which you can see for transfems as well regarding how they're demonized for supposedly being men in dresses versus the higher expectations of them to fulfill a feminine role.
The patriarchy does not exist alone (no construct does, that's the point here). It is irrevocably intertwined with other constructs - race, religion, class... And this matters because in conversations regarding marginalized men, there's this thinking that because they are men they have power in the situation and that's it. But that isn't all it is. They are also harmed specifically by the intersection of their marginalization with their manhood. Power turns into a weakness, a risk, something that can get you killed. Sometimes you're never even granted that power at all.
This is all to say to be more careful about how you talk about men and how you respond to marginalized men talking about their struggles specifically around being marginalized men. Stop shutting them down or derailing their concerns with something else. Listen to them. You can't destroy the patriarchy by only validating and listening to the concerns of one party.
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