#save me tragic bisexuals with themes of death and revival save me
fuck it
i’ll share a small snippet of my au oneshot that i wrote. maybe it’s not too horribly written. my friend said it was good
if people are interested maybe i’ll share the whole thing ^^
anyways uhhhh lil thing that i wrote for my dumb lil bedman revival au below the cut. just a note that this is oc x canon so if that ain’t your jam it’s fine ^^
Hikari awoke… who knows how long later. She sat up frantically in a hospital bed, panting as she tried to figure out where she was, only to be met with a rather tranquil sight. A firm hospital bed with a fluffy blanket, an open window that let in a nice breeze, an IV drip in her arm and a bouquet of daisies and lilies on the bedside… And two figures in the corner of the room, one of whom she easily recognized. That’s Asuka! But who’s…
“Well, well, well. Look who’s finally awake.”
Asuka left the room, leaving just the other boy in the room with her. A boy whose mere presence overwhelmed her. He had fluffy lilac hair, half-lidded brown eyes…
“Took you long enough, don’t you think? Honestly, it’s ironic that you were the one who needed medical care.”
He wore a black turtleneck with loose balloon pants, a hoodie wrapped around his waist…
“Usually I’m the one that requires rehabilitation of some kind. I’ve had a history of needing frequent medical assistance, you know this. Yet here I was, sitting here waiting for you to wake up.”
A down arrow hair clip, round glasses, crutches on his arms… She could feel tears forming in her eyes.
“Honestly, Hikari. What happened to you? What did you do? How did you do all this?”
Is that really him..?
Hikari just stared at the boy in front of her, tears in her big blue eyes as she gazed in shock. She felt like she’s dreaming again… If she pinched herself, would she wake up? She opened her mouth, but only a single word left her lips.
The lilac haired boy froze, going silent as he turned to her and raised an eyebrow.
“What? …Oh, don’t jump the gun on me now, what is it?” Romeo announced with his characteristic snark, watching the blue haired yokai intently. He was expecting a smile, or some sort of happy reaction, but he wasn’t expecting what really happened. Hikari sobbed, quickly trying to stand up. She stumbled a little, catching herself with the IV stand as she shakily moved towards the boy.
“Romeo…” She spoke shakily, taking a few more small steps before she broke. Tears ran down her face as she dashed over and pulled him into a hug, crying as she held him close. She wasn’t sad. No, not in the slightest. She was overjoyed. Relieved. Filled with love.
Finally, she succeeded. He was back. For once, and for all.
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