pianokantzart · 6 months
Thank you so much for making your comics and art!
Since I found you, jell-o and kat, I've read and loved every one of yours and theirs comics and art especially your's paino.
Seriously, I love that mini super show art you did for my update super show heights it's one of the best birthday gifts I've gotten so far, so thank you for that!
Also thank you for answering my ask and comments they really do mean alot to me!
And I hope to not only see more from you but also talk to you more!
So thank you for everything ❤️
Well! Happy birthday!!!
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multicolour-ink · 20 days
Hi there multicolor!
I've recently refound alot of your mario multi universe questions and answers! And I got to say I love them all so much genuinely since I really love the super show and 1993 mario movie so I not only wanted to thank you for making those but I also wanted to share some of my own findings of the super show specifically because I know you recently saw and liked my post about the super shows and game marios height which are these images.
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Where I said the heights for the super show were 4'11 for mario, 6'1 for luigi, 6'2 for toadstool, 3'4 for Toad (yes I figured out what it was) and 6'2 for koopa
Well now I have something new to add to this that I will be telling paino eventually too and that is a good while ago just for fun I was looking up to see if anyone who worked on the super show was still alive and most if not all the writers, producers and creator are still alive and while looking this up I saw that a few of the writers who worked on super show had an instagram! Now when I saw that I decided to shoot my shots and text some of these writers instagram accounts if any of them would be able to answer my questions about the super show. Now I will say this I was polite and did apologize just in case there were fake accounts or just normal accounts that just so happened to show up when I looked up writers of the super show. Now all be honest I really didn't expect any replies tbh with you because to these amazing writers I'm just a person that not only just randomly text them out of no where but also asked them about a silly little mario cartoon in the late 80s so I really didn't expect an answer. But a day later Phil Harnage the man who not only wrote for many cartoons like Sailor moon, He-man, She-ra, Sonic underground, Super Show, Super Mario Bros 3, Super Mario World etc but also wrote the episode for mama luigi....MAMA LUIGI GUYS! Here's a screen shot of him answering my insta text! (also I got permission for me to send these screen shots and share this conversation so i'm fine!)
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I. WAS. SHOCKED I wasn't expecting an actual reply! As a Super Show fan I was ESTATIC I had sooooo many questions for him and he did deliver well on most of them anyway 😅
Now I had ALOT of questions to ask him but for this reply I'll keep it on theme of this reply which was super show character heights!
Now when I originally did my height chart I knew I wasn't a hundred percent right because all I did was watch the show and look at some side by side views of the characters when and if it happened. So that and a mixture of using the height chart I got my results which you already know about.
So when I asked him this question I was REALLY happy and surprised with what he said! Take a look! ( the purple is me and the white is Phil )
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I. WAS. SO. HAPPY! I was really close you guys! Like that means my guess for Mario, Luigi, and Toad are most likely spot on or one inch difference! The only ones I we're more off we're toadstool and koopa which yeah I could see why possibly so that means Toadstool is mostly likely Luigi's height 6'1 instead of my guess which was 6'2 and koopa was most likely 6'3 or 6'4 but that's still iffy but there REALLY close to what I guess! Which again made me really happy as a Super Show fan!.
Now I asked him ALOT more questions but this ask is already long so I won't put them here but I felt like I HAD to put this last screen shot here so take a look!
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Use this information as you like :)
But thank you so much for reading this LONG ASS REPLY it really means alot to me as not only a Super Show fan but as a Mario fan in general you're fanfics and AUs are incredible! And really do help the community alot. I also hope this information helps anyone who wants to make Super show stuff or just au material at all because I want to see more Super show and 1993 mario fan stuff guys I know we can do it!
Again thank you for reading this and have a fantastic day/night!
Thank you for writing to me and saying you apprecaite my stuff, @savagegirl1930 😊 It means a lot to hear that.
I will leave your findings here for everyone to see. It's all very interesting!
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Hello everyone I hope everybody is having a happy winter break now to the matter at hand this post has nothing to do with this tumblr or the Henry stickmin fandom in general. So if that what you thought this was then sorry but it's about something else you see for the longest time now I've been having these ideas or dreams in my head. That I've been wanting to share for a long time now and I finally want to share my characters or oc's if you like to call them but I need to know one thing first before I tell you what they are. I need to know this if I shared everyone here my characters would you be interested to what they are? If this turned into a tumblr series would you watch it? I genuinely want to know because if I'm posting my ideas here and thoughts I want to know if you guys would read it and maybe consider the idea. Now why I'm I posting this here because I have a bigger following here then my main tumblr so I'm hoping that people will see this and repost it so I can get other people attention. But I am still posting this on my main tumblr too so I'm asking everyone here to do three thing's 1. Comment down below if you would be interested on listening to hear what they are 2. Repost this so everyone can see it and 3. Tell people about this I want as many people I can get to see this post and consider the idea. And if you can't do any of that then that's fine I thank you for adleast taking the time out of your day that you read this. But that's everything I got to say today if anymore I'll post it here thank you and have a nice day.
-by savagegirl1930
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sir-subpar · 4 years
Thank you so much for playing among us I had a fun time I hope we can do more like that sometime! -savagegirl1930
No, thank you for playing with me! Next time I'll set up a game during the day and not at 1:00 a.m. lol
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tab-cat · 4 years
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@savagegirl1930 had fun drawing her
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crystu-cii · 4 years
also thanks @savagegirl1930 for spamming the absolute crap of my notifications xD ❤❤
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pianokantzart · 4 months
From what I heard ALOT of people are betting that the Mario & Luigi rgg series might come back since "Super Mario RPG" and "TTYD" got remakes alot of people are betting that "Partners in time" might get the remake treatment in the June direct which could also revive the series potential. Any thoughts on that?
No thoughts, except that would be cool! I'd definitely buy a hard copy if they offered one.
The dream situation would be a new RPG starring both Mario and Luigi, not too different from the Alphadream series (though probably in a different style and setting since the studio went bankrupt unfortunately :( )
Fingers crossed.
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pianokantzart · 6 months
Okay I do agree with you that IF there was going to be a luigis mansion movie then no pop songs......but hear me out on this "somebody's watching me" BUT in the credits why you may ask well because for the most part I think it would be hilarious but also it kinda fits the movie....YEAH I SAID IT OKAY SPRAY ME!
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pianokantzart · 1 year
Yoooooo I just found your Mario account and I absolutely love it! I also saw you're post about the Super Show too! I love that show so much bro it's so good! Oh but I have a question! Have you heard of Mario the music box? If you have what do you think of it and if you haven't it's horror rpg Mario fangame that has some amazing character writing and art but there is alot of death in it especially with mario and luigi they have alot of amazing moments in the game but man it gets really sad and angst in the good way if you haven't played it you totally should great mario fangame probably one of the best visual to me but thank you for reading my ask and I hope you respond to it! Have a good day/night!
Thank you so much! I have wandered down the Mario and The Music Box rabbit hole before, actually. There are aspects of the game I like... as you said, there are a lot of sweet moments between Mario and Luigi, particularly at the end. The art is good, and there was clearly a lot of heart put into it.
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But at the same time, with all the grimdark violence and dark magic and cycle of reincarnation stuff? It doesn't really feel like Mario to me so much as it feels like a gory anime game with a good brother relationship, that just happens to have a Mario filter slapped on it.
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However, I can admire it's craftmanship! The whole project is pretty competently done from what I could tell from the let's plays... I just find it so weird that someone wrote out that kind of story for that kind of game and decided "yeah, this is a Mario game."
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pianokantzart · 1 year
Okay so awhile ago I wanted to see how tall was the super mario bros super show cast and how tall are the super mario game cast was and this is what I got.
Left is the super show and right is super mario
Now take this height chart with a grain of salt for the super show chart I just went by what the show, showed us and just made some guess but I think I got close or on point and as for the right picture I took some of matpat guess and mixed them with some game pictures to round it out but it might be close too.
But yeah when you but them together it's kinda jarring how tall or big some characters are but what do you think?
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I'm an American goofball, so I had to translate the metric measurements into imperial measurements so I could wrap my head around them. Okay...
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Super Mario Brothers Super Show:
Luigi: 185.4 cm (6'0)
Princess Toadstool: 187.5 cm (6'1)
Mario: 150.5 cm (4'10)
Toad: 100.1 cm (3'3)
King Koopa: 187.9 (6'3)
Mario Games:
Luigi: 172.7 cm (5'7)
Princess Peach: 174.2 cm (5'8)
Mario: 154.9 cm (5'0)
Toad: 90.5 cm (2'11)
Bowser: 213.9 cm (7'0)
I'm startled by how tall Princess Toadstool is and how short game-verse Toad is, but I think you're pretty close, especially since many people claim that Game Mario is canonically 5'1 (though I'm yet to track down any official source for this info.) The one thing I'd argue is that Princess Peach is at least a solid 5'10, since Princess Daisy is often portrayed as taller than Luigi yet shorter than Peach. Gotta save some room between the lines for her.
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pianokantzart · 11 months
Trick or Treat!
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pianokantzart · 6 months
Hi paino!
Now i'm not sure if you remember me much, but i'm the person who wrote about the super show heights! Now I originally wanted to send this to you wayyyy earlier, but some things happened, and I forgot over time, but now that things have settled down and I actually remembered what I wanted to post to you. So here's my post about my super show heights guess.
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Where I said the heights for the super show were 4'11 for mario, 6'1 for luigi, 6'2 for toadstool, 3'4 for Toad (yes I figured out what it was) and 6'2 for koopa
Well now I have something new to add to this that I will be telling multicolor eventually too and that is a good while ago just for fun I was looking up to see if anyone who worked on the super show was still alive and most if not all the writers, producers and creator are still alive and while looking this up I saw that a few of the writers who worked on super show had an instagram! Now when I saw that I decided to shoot my shots and text some of these writers instagram accounts if any of them would be able to answer my questions about the super show. Now I will say this I was polite and did apologize just in case there were fake accounts or just normal accounts that just so happened to show up when I looked up writers of the super show. Now all be honest I really didn't expect any replies tbh with you because to these amazing writers I'm just a person that not only just randomly text them out of no where but also asked them about a silly little mario cartoon in the late 80s so I really didn't expect an answer. But a day later Phil Harnage the man who not only wrote for many cartoons like Sailor moon, He-man, She-ra, Sonic underground, Super Show, Super Mario Bros 3, Super Mario World etc but also wrote the episode for mama luigi....MAMA LUIGI GUYS! Here's a screen shot of him answering my insta text! (also I got permission for me to send these screen shots and share this conversation so i'm fine!)
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I. WAS. SHOCKED I wasn't expecting an actual reply! As a Super Show fan I was ESTATIC I had sooooo many questions for him and he did deliver well on most of them anyway 😅
Now I had ALOT of questions to ask him but for this reply I'll keep it on theme of this reply which was super show character heights!
Now when I originally did my height chart I knew I wasn't a hundred percent right because all I did was watch the show and look at some side by side views of the characters when and if it happened. So that and a mixture of using the height chart I got my results which you already know about.
So when I asked him this question I was REALLY happy and surprised with what he said! Take a look! ( the purple is me and the white is Phil )
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I. WAS. SO. HAPPY! I was really close you guys! Like that means my guess for Mario, Luigi, and Toad are most likely spot on or one inch difference! The only ones I we're more off we're toadstool and koopa which yeah I could see why possibly so that means Toadstool is mostly likely Luigi's height 6'1 instead of my guess which was 6'2 and koopa was most likely 6'3 or 6'4 but that's still iffy but there REALLY close to what I guess! Which again made me really happy as a Super Show fan!.
Now I asked him ALOT more questions but this ask is already long so I won't put them here but I felt like I HAD to put this last screen shots here so take a look!
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Use this information as you like :)
But thank you so much for reading this LONG ASS REPLY it really means alot to me as not only a Super Show fan but as a Mario fan in general you're fanfics and AUs are incredible! And really do help the community alot. I also hope this information helps anyone who wants to make Super show stuff or just au material at all because I want to see more Super show and 1993 mario fan stuff guys I know we can do it!
Again thank you for reading this and have a fantastic day/night!
Whoah! It's really cool that you managed to track down one of the original writers (and the writer of the Mama Luigi episode no less.) I'd love to see that original height lineup sheet for the Super Show if it's ever rediscovered one day. But... I'm sorry... this is my main takeaway:
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Love that this is canon for them
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