#sau chapter 43
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someone-elsa · 9 months ago
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(part 1 of 5)
🔙 Chapter beginning ⬅ Previous Chapter • Part 2 ➡ �� About the story and characters
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Alex and Justin sat on a bus to San Sequoia where their supposed grandmother lived. Kody had wanted to come but he had been needed at the Newells'. Alex had changed his mind about going a dozen times but in the end, Kody and Justin had been able to convince him to go.
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Still, he was anxious and debating if it was wise to go. But he had started keeping those thoughts to himself and let everyone think he was content with the trip.   We will be on our way back in a few hours, he assured himself.
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Justin's phone had beeped constantly. He had giggled at the texts and quickly replied, only to snicker at the next message. Alex had forgotten his earphones and was getting annoyed with his little brother.
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"Okay, what is it? Who is it?" Alex said, almost snapping when Justin had just received the hundredth text.   Justin was startled and blushed deeply. It took Alex aback; he didn't remember ever seeing Justin so flustered.
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Justin didn't do good job hiding the screen and Alex got a quick glimpse.   "That's… River's brother, isn't it?"
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"…Yes," Justin said like he had been caught doing something forbidden.   "I didn't know you two were friends."
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Justin sighed. "We have been for some time, since the Photo exhibition party last year. He convinced me to finally get higher education and since we both now study at SSCU, we see each other quite often. He has sent me all these memes, they are about studying or this series we have been watching, you wouldn't get them… Anyway, he's fun!"   "So it seems."
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"We have so much in common! Next week, we're going to a board game cafe in Bluewater Village…"   Alex studied him and gave a sharp, knowing look.   It made Justin even uneasier. "…What?"
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"You like him."   "Yes, he is my friend."   Alex snorted. "You like like him. You fancy him."
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Justin opened his mouth to protest but not a word came out. "I don't know, maybe. I have never felt like this about anyone. You know I'm ace, and I thought that maybe I'll never have romantic feelings either but… maybe I just hadn't met the right person."
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"So…"   "What? He's taken. And I like his girlfriend. Like, as a friend. I couldn't think of going between them. They are so good together. We are friends and never anything more. And he must not know about this, it would make things awkward. Never tell anyone."
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"Promise!" Justin said as Alex didn't reply.   "I promise, I promise!"
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"I'm super pathetic, right?" Justin sighed. This was another side Alex hadn't seen before. Justin was always so carefree.   "Aren't we all?" Alex said clumsily. He really wasn't one to give advice.   Justin shrugged.
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"San Sequoia Bridge should be just behind that hill," he said a moment later.   Alex sighed. "Is it too late to turn back?"
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Notes: I realised I hadn't posted chapters on tumblr in a long time. Sorry! 😅
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dailandin · 8 years ago
Long "about me" post
Rules: Answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions. 
Tagged by @chryselephantinechaos (took ages to complete, sorry. I was laptop-less for weeks)
1. Coke or Pepsi: Neither
2. Disney or Dreamworks: Disney, it’s the source of all my childhood memories (and traumas. I’m still not over Bambi’s Mom)
3. Coffee or Tea: Coffee all the way, but I do keep a pretty well stocked tea supply
4. Books or Movies: I love movies, but the book is always better ;)
5. Windows or Mac: Android. I hate all Apple products, but Windows kind of sucks as well (still would take it over a super overpriced Mac)
6. DC or Marvel: Marvel
7. Xbox or Playstation: Playstation, although I’ve never owned either
8. Dragon Age or Mass Effect: Dragon Age, I guess. I´ve always preferred Dragons to spaceships
9. Night Owl or Early Rise: Night owl. I’m not a person until at least 10am
10. Cards or Chess: Cards, more fun, less braind required.
11. Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate. I hate Vanilla.
12. Vans or Converse: Converse
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash or Adaar: What
14. Fluff or Angst: Fluff, but my absolute fav is Angsty-fluff
15. Beach or Forest: Forest
16. Dogs or Cats: Cats all the way.
17. Clear Skies or Rain: Clear Skies (I miss them so much, worse thing about living in the UK)
18. Cooking or Eating Out: Eating Out. Good food + no cooking = WIN
19. Spicy Food or Mild Food: Mild, much to my dismay I have no tolerance for spiciness
20. Halloween/Samhain or Solstice/Yule/Christmas: Christmas. We never celebrated Halloween back in Barcelona, we only ate roasted chestnuts
21. Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: A little too hot, I’m used to hot weather, much comfier
22. If you could have a superpower, what would it be?: A HP!verse witch
23. Animation or Live Action: Live action
24. Paragon or Renegade: No idea
25. Baths or Showers: Showers, I don’t have time for a bath and when I do I get bored within 2 minutes of sitting in it
26. Team Cap or Team Iron Man: Team Iron Man, I’m all for accountability
27. Fantasy or Sci-Fi: Fantasy
28. Do you have three or four favourite quotes? If so, what are they: 
Uff, can’t think about anything, really. 
29. YouTube or Netflix: Netflix
30. Harry Potter or Percy Jackson: Harry Potter.
31: When You Feel Accomplished: When I meet the small goals I’ve set for a day (finish a fic chapter, go running, cook something nice,...)
32. Star Wars or Star Trek: Star Wars, I was basically raised on Star Wars quotes, since my Dad is a lifelong fan. (I was told “May the Force be with you” before exams, instead of “Good Luck”)
33. Paperback Books or Hardback Books: Paperback, they’re lighter and cheaper
34. Handwriting or Typing: Handwritting, better for remembering
35. Velvet or Satin: Satin
36. Video Games or Movies?: Movies
37. Would you rather be the dragon or own the dragon? Own the dragon, of course
38: Sunrise or sunset: Sunrise, less people, more magic
39: What’s your favourite song? "Boig per Tú” Sau
40: What’s your favourite smell? Cinnamon
41. What’s your favourite bad joke? It’s in Spanish. A friend of mine has an incredibly large bank of fish jokes in Spanish and they are all horrible
42. What is your favourite Young Adult book? Harry Potter
43. What’s your drink order at the bar? Margarita, or beer
44. What’s your favourite Magritte painting? No idea
45. Given the chance, would you want to go to space? Maybe when technollogy is more evolved...
46. Name three things you would take with you to a haunted house. I would not go to a haunted house
47. What is your favourite movie?  The Empire Strikes Back  48. Right-handed or left-handed (or ambidextrous)? Right-handed
49. What would you do for your career, if you didn’t need to worry about money?
Travel blogger
Tagging: Anyone who wants to do it!  But just to name a few... @terriblelifechoices @s-o-l-d-a-t @kamikazesoundsociety
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khamgiodau · 7 years ago
1. ĐẠI CƯƠNG Nereistoxin là hoá chất trừ sâu nhóm Dimethylaminopropandithiol, công thức hoá học là 4-N, N-dimethylamino-1,2-dithiolane, phân loại nhóm độc II, LD 50 :1021 mg/kg đường uống đối với chuột. Trên thực tế ở các bệnh nhân, chỉ uống với liều 9,5 gam (tương đương 1/2 gói với loại 20 gam/gói) hay 190mg/kg cân nặng ở người có trọng lượng 50 kg đã có thể gây ngộ độc nặng và tử vong. Như vậy, LD50 thực tế trên người thấp hơn nhiều so với số liệu trên động vật. Độc tính, động học của nereistoxin trên cơ thể người chưa được nghiên cứu đầy đủ. Ngoài độc tính gây liệt, nereistoxin còn gây kích ứng đường tiêu hoá. Đối với người uống hoá chất này, tác dụng ăn mòn gây viêm loét đường tiêu hoá, dẫn đến chảy máu toàn bộ đường tiêu hoá. Các thuốc giải độc là Sodium Dimercaptopropanesulphonate (DMPS) và Sodium Dimecarptosuccinate (DMS) có hiệu quả trong điều trị triệu chứng liệt nhưng cũng mới chỉ được nghiên cứu trên động vật. Tên thương mại: Shachongshuang, Netoxin, Vinetox, Shachongdan, Apashuang, Binhdan, Taginon, Tungsong, Colt, Dibadan, Hope,..gói 20 gam, bột màu xanh lam, hoạt chất nereistoxin: 95%. Hình 7.1: Một số mẫu hóa chất trừ sâu nereistoxin 37 2. NGUYÊN NHÂN NGỘ ĐỘC - Tự tử: là nguyên nhân thường gặp - Uống nhầm - Bị đầu độc 3. CHẨN ĐOÁN 3.1. Chẩn đoán xác định 3.1.1. Triệu chứng lâm sàng: Triệu chứng xuất hiện nhanh 10 – 30 phút sau uống. - Tiêu hoá: đau bụng, nôn, ỉa chảy dữ dội, có thể nôn ra máu và ỉa ra máu liên tục. Nhiều trường hợp dịch đường tiêu hóa và máu chảy liên tục qua hậu môn, dẫn đến sốc giảm thể tích, truỵ mạch, tụt huyết áp. - Giãn mạch: có thể thấy da mặt đỏ, ngực đỏ hoặc giãn mạch toàn thân. - Tim mạch: tụt huyết áp thường sớm và nặng nề do phối hợp cả giảm thể tích tuần hoàn, giãn mạch và nhiễm toan. Có thể thấy nhịp nhanh xoang, rung thất, xoắn đỉnh. Nếu qua được 2-3 ngày có thể xuất hiện suy tim, nguy cơ phù phổi cấp. - Hô hấp: thở nhanh sâu, suy hô hấp, liệt cơ, sặc phổi,... - Thần kinh: co giật giống kiểu động kinh, sau đó là liệt cơ, hôn mê. - Các biến chứng: tiêu cơ vân, suy thận cấp, xuất huyết ở nhiều nơi, suy đa tạng... 3.1.2. Triệu chứng cận lâm sàng - Công thức máu: số lượng hồng cầu tăng lúc đầu, hematocrit tăng, hemoglobin tăng, tiểu cầu giảm (tình trạng cô đặc máu) - Sinh hoá: kali máu giảm, toan chuyển hoá nặng - Khí máu: pH giảm, HCO 3 - giảm nặng nề, PaCO 2 giảm trong khi PaO 2 vẫn bình thường. Tình trạng nhiễm toan đến sớm, nhanh và nặng. - Rối loạn đông máu: tiểu cầu giảm, tỷ lệ prothrombin giảm, sợi huyết giảm. - Xét nghiệm độc chất: phospho hữu cơ (-), chlor hữu cơ (-), carbamate (-) - Enzym Cholinesterase trong giới hạn bình thường hoặc giảm nhẹ 3.1.3. Chẩn đoán xác định dựa vào - Hỏi bệnh: hỏi bệnh nhân và người nhà bệnh nhân về: tên hoá chất, mầu sắc, số lượng, dạng hoá chất (bột, lỏng), yêu cầu người nhà mang tang vật đến 38 (vỏ bao bì, lọ hoá chất….). Lưu ý, gói hóa chất chứa bột, màu xanh lam. Hỏi về hoàn cảnh, tâm lý của bệnh nhân - Triệu chứng lâm sàng và cận lâm sàng: tình trạng vật vã kích thích, hôn mê, tụt huyết áp, ỉa máu, xét nghiệm khí máu tình trạng nhiễm toan nặng, hematocrit tăng. Enzym cholinesterase trong giới hạn bình thường, đường máu bình thường. 2.2. Chẩn đoán phân biệt - Ngộ độc các hóa chất trừ sâu khác: phospho hữu cơ, carbamat - Ngộ độc hóa chất diệt chuột, diệt mối: phosphua kẽm, phosphua nhôm. - Ngộ độc hóa chất trừ cỏ: paraquat 4. ĐIỀU TRỊ 4.1. Nguyên tắc - Điều trị tích cực: đảm bảo thể tích tuần hoàn, chống toan máu 4.2. Cấp cứu ban đầu: tại tuyến y tế cơ sở - Gây nôn nếu bệnh nhân vừa uống trong giờ đầu: cho bệnh nhân uống nhiều nước, móc họng hoặc dùng tăm bông đưa sâu vào họng. - Uống dung dịch bicarbonat 1,4% 200 – 500ml - Than hoạt 20g nếu bệnh nhân tỉnh, tốt nhất là uống Antipois - BMai 1 týp - Bảo đảm huyết áp bằng truyền dịch - Đảm bảo: hô hấp (bóp bóng, đặt nội khí quản), tuần hoàn, khống chế co giật trước và trong khi chuyển bệnh nhân 4.3. Tại Bệnh viện các tuyến - Nếu có co giật: Cắt cơn co giật bằng diazepam 10mg tiêm tĩnh mạch, có thể nhắc lại để kiểm soát tình trạng co giật. Sau đó duy trì bằng tiêm bắp hoặc truyền tĩnh mạch. - Đảm bảo hô hấp: Đặt nội khí quản có bóng chèn, bơm bóng để bảo vệ đường thở. Bóp bóng hoặc thở máy nếu có suy hô hấp, liệt cơ. - Rửa dạ dày: rửa dạ dày tốt nhất là bằng bicarbonat 2%. Trường hợp bệnh nhân rối loạn ý thức hoặc hôn mê, phải đặt nội khí quản, bơm bóng chèn trước rửa dạ dày. Than hoạt đa liều 20g/lần x 3 - 6 lần cách nhau mỗi 2 giờ, sorbitol liều tương đương hoặc gấp 1,5 lần sau mỗi lần uống than hoạt. Theo dõi phân để đảm bảo bệnh nhân đi ngoài ra than hoạt. Chú ý: nếu bệnh nhân có xuất huyết tiêu hóa thì không cho uống than hoạt. - Chống sốc: + Đặt catheter tĩnh mạch trung tâm, truyền dịch: natriclorua 0.9%, đặc biệt 39 là dịch keo, albumin. Luợng dịch truyền thường từ vài lít trở lên, duy trì áp lực tĩnh mạch trung tâm từ 10- 12 cmH 2 O. Truyền máu nếu có xuất huyết tiêu hoá nặng. + Nếu có biểu hiện rối loạn đông máu, chảy máu nhiều nơi thì truyền máu tươi, ở cơ sở có điều kiện xét nghiệm đông máu, chảy máu và điều trị thì truyền các chế phẩm máu tuỳ theo tình trạng bệnh nhân. + Thuốc vận mạch: ưu tiên là norepinephrine (noradrenalin) liều từ 0,2 – 2mcg/kg/phút, phối hợp với dobutamin nếu cần. Điều chỉnh liều để hết tình trạng giãn mạch, tụt huyết áp - Chống nhiễm toan: cần cho bicarbonate sớm khi thấy tình trạng toan chuyển hóa, có thể cần tới 500mEq (1 lít dung dịch bicarbonate 4,2%) đến hàng nghìn mEq bicarbonate/24 giờ. Cần xét nghiệm toan kiềm nhắc lại nhiều lần để điều chỉnh. - Lọc máu: Siêu lọc máu tĩnh mạch tĩnh mạch liên tục, phải làm sớm ngay những giờ đầu khi có toan máu nặng, pHBài viếtNGỘ ĐỘC NEREISTOXIN xuất hiện lần đầu tại website http://khamgiodau.com
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someone-elsa · 1 year ago
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In which Alex learns Justin's secret, and they learn about their father's childhood; and River has to finally be honest with herself and her family…
» » Read Chapter 43 on Blogger » » Read Chapter 43 on tumblr (chapter 43/chrono tag)
About the story and characters
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someone-elsa · 9 months ago
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(part 5 of 5)
🔙 Chapter beginning ⬅ Part 4 • Next chapter (eventually) ➡ 📝 About the story and characters
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"Why are you like this?!" Wade started again. "Why couldn't you take the genetic test in time?! You must—"   "Wade, you aren't helping," Brook said firmly. She and Emmy had came closer to listen. "Emmy?"
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"You look like you need some air," Emmy said and touched her boyfriend's arm and lead him outside.
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"It's your life alright," Brook said to River, "but I don't get why you're throwing it away."   She didn't wait for a reply but walked back to the table.
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Paige looked River compassionately. "Let's get some fresh air."   River nodded and they went outside as well.
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"I had no idea..."   "I didn't want to think about it. You know, there was a chance I didn't have it. There is a chance. Wade and Brook don't."
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"What test did he mention?"   River sighed. "Some five years ago, a test for identifying the 'Langerak gene' was introduced. Wade and Brook took it immediately and they don't have the gene. But I… I was supposed to take it too. I don't know… I was afraid maybe. Maybe I just felt that I would have it and I wanted to pretend that I didn't. And maybe I don't have it, these symptoms could be something else."
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"But Wade seems certain."   "The symptoms are exactly the same mom had, yeah."
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"Do you want me to come to the doctor with you. Because you are going."   River gave her a tired, sad smile. "To be honest, I'm relieved that you and everyone know about this now. You would have found out at some point, after all. Now I don't have to tell you. And I don't know, my hands feel better now that I don't need to stress about telling."
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"That's good."   "But probably temporary."   Paige smiled compassionately.
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"Do you remember that fortune teller? At the Winterfest festival?"   "That was more than a year ago! But yes, I remember."
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"She said," River started and chuckled dryly, "she said that what I fear most will come haunting me. Guess what I have feared?"   "Oh, honey," Paige sighed and hugged her friend. "Everything will be alright."   "…We'll see."
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Suddenly, River groaned.   "What?"   "I realised Kody will find out, too," River sighed. "And he won't be happy!"
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Notes: I just realised that Kody and River haven't interacted after this Chapter (lol spoiler).
I don't that much to say anymore, this chapter was first published ages ago after all. But ask away if you have anything...?
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someone-elsa · 9 months ago
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(part 4 of 5)
🔙 Chapter beginning ⬅ Part 3 • Part 5 ➡ 📝 About the story and characters
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"I can't listen to his blabbering sober either," Wade chuckled dryly and shuddered. "And I can drink only so much of those fancy wines and gimmicky craft beers. I need something stronger…"   River snorted with laughter.   "Pour for me whatever you take," he said.
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But River didn't pour anything.   "What's the matter?" Wade asked.   River sighed. "I can't open the bottle."
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"What? What do you mean?"   "I can't open the bottle because my hands are weak and shaky."
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Wade stared her, trying to process what he had heard.   "Do you mean…"   River shrugged. "I don't know, maybe. Or maybe my blood sugar's too low—"
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"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Wade shrieked. It wasn't very him to raise his voice but he was drunk and this topic made him emotional. Everyone turned to look, and he lowered his voice but still sounded angry. "You have been to a doctor, right?"   "Nope."   "Can you keep it down?" Harrison asked and snorted.
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"What? Well you'll have to schedule an appointment first thing tomorrow!"   "What's the point?" River muttered.   That made Wade see red. "You'll have to take this seriously or you'll end up like mom!"
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Paige had walked to them. "What's going on?" She asked.   The others tried to look like they weren't eavesdropping.   "Nothing."
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"Nothing my ass," Wade said. "Let me guess. You haven't told her either? River's being a fucking moron, that's what is happening. So some twenty years ago, our mom was diagnosed with Langerak's disease. She was around the same age as River now…"
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He told Paige about the disease and how it made the person gradually lose ability to move. Eileen Stacks had been a talented dancer and it had been her whole life, so being diagnosed with such a disease had been hard for her.
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Back then, there hadn't been much to be done, doctors could only prescribe painkillers and hope for the best. Before it had been too late, Eileen had tried to end her life on her own terms but she hadn't succeeded. However, the attempt had damaged her brain and since then she had barely communicated with other people and mostly stared into the void.
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Paige was speechless. River had told Paige that she had distant relationship with her mother and nothing else.   "There isn't a cure yet and maybe never will be, but now, there are ways to slow down the illness' progression. The earlier they are started, more effective they are. And River here is being A FUCKING IDIOT and doing nothing. Tell her, Paige, maybe she listens to you better than me."
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"River, you know he's right," Paige pleaded.   River groaned.
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someone-elsa · 9 months ago
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(part 3 of 5)
🔙 Chapter beginning ⬅ Part 2 • Part 4 ➡ 📝 About the story and characters
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Harrison Stacks had invited his children and his musical stars over for dinner at his and Isabella Peña's townhouse. Plus ones had been allowed and since River didn't have anyone special at that moment, she had asked Paige to join her. Curious to meet the musical cast, Paige had happily agreed.
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As usual, Isabella had wanted show off that she followed upcoming trends and served the hippest food available: sushi (she obviously didn't even like it; she only nibbled some rice before sticking to a strictly wine diet).
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"They can't even make proper sushi in this so called city," she explained snobbily and rolled her eyes theatrically. This made the Stacks siblings exchange looks and roll their eyes in turn (when Harrison or Isabella weren't looking).
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River was happy to see Wade and Emmy's relationship was thriving. Emmy wasn't as timid around the Stacks as she had been before. River couldn't imagine anything — or anyone — coming between them.
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As River had expected, her father talked about himself and his own achievements but he was able to give credit to the actors and his beloved muse.   River had to wonder if Harrison had always been so insufferable and pretentious or was it Isabella's influence. Either way, they seemed perfect for each other.
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When Paige mentioned she was reworking her business' social media strategy, Emmy couldn't help but give some tips. They had surprisingly pleasant conversation about marketing and social media.
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Sara was as bubbly as the champagne they had had as an apéritif. She hadn't had a proper drink in more than a year so it hadn't taken much for her to get tipsy. She was carefree but it wasn't all wine's doing; she wasn't worried about the nature of Bayu and Jaylah's relationship anymore.
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Still, River kept an eye on Bayu and Jaylah to see if Sara had been right to suspect something after all. But Jaylah barely spoke with anyone, and mostly pouted and sipped white and red wine in turns.
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Bayu mostly talked with Harrison and even then he gave short answers. He ate more sushi than anyone else and loudly burped after his fourth beer.   What ever is so charming about this guy? River wondered (to be fair, she didn't find guys charming anyway).
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Hours later, when everyone had eaten enough rice lumps and seafood, River walked to the bar where her dad kept his endless collection of wines and liquor. Her hands had been shaking again but she didn't want anyone to notice.   My blood sugar's low, she assured herself. Yes! That must be it.
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But her moodiness didn't go unnoticed.
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She didn't get to be alone for long. Wade decided to try and cheer up his big sister.
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Notes: Posing the sims for this scene (9 sims 😵) was easier than I had expected. No-one tried to sneak out or anything 😁
Isabella was created by @haziewhims and Emmy by @cherisim ♥
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someone-elsa · 9 months ago
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(part 2 of 5)
🔙 Chapter beginning ⬅ Part 1 • Part 3 ➡ 📝 About the story and characters
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"I wouldn't be surprised if Gregory had other children somewhere. He had… eventful life. Maybe I should do one of those ancestry tests…"
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Alex and Justin sat in a fancily decorated living room with an old woman, who looked like their father enough to be their grandmother. She had shown them Greg's baby pictures, school projects, and diplomas, things Alex hadn't thought of existing. But now that he thought of it, why wouldn't Greg have all those things?
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Alex hadn't expected Cora to be so… sophisticated. He had imagined someone like Greg; a person with alcohol and substance problem, problems with everything really. But that kind of person wouldn't have anything to leave to their beneficiaries, would they?
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"I last saw Gregory when he was a little older than you, Alex. He was asking for money and it wasn't the first time. That's all I was for him in the end, an ATM."   Alex had no difficulties to believe it. Greg had always been in need of money. More than once he had robbed Alex's piggy bank.
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"All that I did for him… I worked twelve hours a day to provide for him, bought him all the newest gadgets and fashionable clothes, took him to luxurious holidays… I got all those promotions and raises to be a superb parent and still, he got into bad company and dropped out of school, and eventually out of my life."
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"He was a moron," Alex blurted out, and Cora snorted.   "He was brilliant, you saw his diplomas. Some nosy people say I should have been there for him, support him… That's what I was doing, working so I could support him. Ah, thinking of him makes me emotional and rambly…"
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As much as Alex hated his father, he couldn't help but think if the nosy people's words had had some truth in them. Would Greg have had a career, a happy family, and happy life in general if he had had his mother's real support? He could see Justin was thinking the same. Neither of them said a thing.   "That's enough about the past for now," Cora said and took a sip of tea.
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Alex tried to make at least eight sugarcubes dissolve in his cup. He really didn't like tea but he had been too awkward to say "no". Cora had raised her eyebrows when Alex had dropped a sugar cube after another in his cup but been too polite to mention it.
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"So, what was that you did for living, Alex?"   Alex didn't like talking about work. To be fair, he didn't like talking about most topics. "I work in publishing. I'm an editor."
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"For how long have you worked in publishing?"   "Four… Uh, five years."
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"Oh, you must be a manager by now. How many subordinates do you have?"   "I…" Alex felt like Cora wouldn't like the truth. He hadn't been promoted once and his salary was the same as when he started. Even thinking of salary negotiations made him shudder with anxiety.
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"I'm studying to be an early childhood educator," Justin said. He winked at Alex when Cora didn't see.   "That's… quite something. Was it your only option?"
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"I'm interested in many things but this is what I want to do."   "It's an important job of course, but not very… ambitious. You should aim higher."
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"Oh, I have just started studying. Who knows where I'll end up."   "Fair enough, young man, but it's not a bad thing to have plans. Great plans!"   "Thank you for the advice," Justin said politely.
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"I don't intend to die anytime soon," Cora said. "But since I haven't been in your lives until now, I have decided to give you small gifts."   Not much later, Alex and Justin were on the bus, on their way back to South Swampton. Alex's bank app beeped.   "Holy Cowplant! In what world is this a 'small gift'?!"
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Notes: I'm surprised I haven't made any more kids for Greg (he probably has more). I like creating random characters too much, haha. Monica (Alex's mom) and Greg were twin flames 🔥���� but they had difficult relationship to put it nicely. While their relationship was on break, Greg had other women who might have had kids (who knows? Not me lol). Justin's mom had only a quick fling with Greg, and he never met his younger son (and likely didn't even know about his existence).
Cora exists because I like to create random characters! First, I was going to create Alex's maternal grandmother but for some reason I changed plans. But maybe Cora should be more involved 🤔
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