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oceano-de-letras · 2 years ago
¿Enamorarse es una pérdida de tiempo?
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hannahtempler · 2 months ago
It’s me again lol
kinda curious, who’s you’re favorite character you’ve made?
oh man I can't play favorites with the Cosmoknights cast bc I love them all too much....
I'd say maybe my character from a TTRPG game I played YEARS ago that I still think about. Her name is Saturnina (nina for short) and she's a sexy space pop star with blue skin and glowing markings :^) I will probably eventually spin off into her own short comic. Here are some ooooold drawings of her hehe
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reflexivo-emocional · 11 months ago
En serio, ¿el amor todo lo puede? Nos preguntamos con anhelo,
Pero a veces el amor, en su fragilidad, se quiebra como el hielo.
A pesar de los sueños y las promesas que juramos eternas,
En ocasiones el dolor y la distancia nos devuelven a nuestras cavernas.
Nos aferramos a la idea de que el amor es la panacea,
Pero en su realidad, a menudo nos hiere con su marea.
Aunque intentemos creer en su poder para sanar heridas,
A veces nos damos cuenta de que el amor también tiene medidas.
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arcadekore · 1 year ago
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Halfassed doodles of Saturnina and her fishman friend who doesn’t have a name yet….. yeah
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joviimv17 · 2 years ago
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Saturnina brillando entre miles de girasoles~🌻✨ Mi entrada al concurso de fanarts de @paulinaapc @maestrogato_oficial Según la votación en mis stories, Saturnina y Maestro gato fueron los más votados, quedando así igualados. Pero una última votación de último minuto le dió el triunfo a Saturnina💛 . . . . . #maestrogato #saturnina #paulinaapc #girasoles #clipstudiopaint #timelapse #wacom #fanart #illustration #jovii_mv #instadraw (en Concepción, Chile) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqQoTCsOYan/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ceskypokefan · 5 months ago
Věty, které vám odlehčí život
To se mě netýká
Nijak mě to neovlivňuje
Nemám o tom dostatek informací, abych na to mohla mít nějaký názor
Zabývám se jinýma věcma
Když se tím budu stresovat, tak se stejně nic nezmění
Co já vím
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hynku-vileme-jarmilo · 15 days ago
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výběr teplých momentů z filmu Krakonoš a lyžníci
(zasněžené romantické krkonoše a ACAB jako hlavní poselství filmu, rozhodně doporučuju)
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teplejtrouba · 2 years ago
letošní téma prague pride se nejvíce blíží homohodům a mne bytostně mrzí, že nemám po ruce podkrkonošský kroj :-(
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ousinc · 2 months ago
Lisa Laine Santos Mercado posted May 2024. Tom and Jerry. The Cat is hurting Jerry(Gerard). Cat is a Lisa, Catherine, Kathleen. A pseudonym is used to hide their real identity.
Pseudonym is a fictitious name or identity often used to hide real identities. 
Santos is connected to Santa. Santos to Santa(Santo/Santa) Lisa Santos and her 3 Lisa Juniors are connected with the Lesbian of the Biags.
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starage · 2 months ago
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More Saturnina <3
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oceano-de-letras · 2 years ago
Idealizar a las personas no está bien, porque al final te puedes llevar una gran decepción.
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mustelidsinlove · 1 month ago
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Dramione one shots that are never far from my thoughts
[in no particular order; mind the tags — some of these are dark]
As Sharp as Any Thorn by Argosy [E, 8.8k]
The road to redemption is a winding one. Christmas at Grimmauld Place, Post HBP.
Art: Night and Her Daughter Sleep (detail), Mary L. Macomber, 1902
Scenes from a Marriage by hiddenhibernian [T, 5.4k]
They say love isn't about what you say, it's what you do. If you see it that way, Hermione doesn't have any reason to complain.
Art: The Lovers, Akseli Gallen-Kallela, c. 1907-1917
Grit by witchsoup [T, 4k]
Hermione attempts to diagnose a secretive patient suffering major curse damage.
Art: Hands Grasping 7, Susan Manspeizer, 2018
remedia amoris by magneticwave [M, 14.7k]
The most amazing thing about Malfoy is not that he managed to build a successful Ministry career out of the total disgrace of his family, but that somehow Hermione only despises him half of the time that they work together.
Art: Circe Offering up the Cup to Ulysses (detail), John William Waterhouse, 1891
Inside by onebedtorulethemall [M, 7.5k]
Something is wrong with Draco Malfoy.
Art: Illustration from The West Wing, Edward Gorey, 1963
With Teeth by provocative_envy [M, 5.4k]
Albus Dumbledore had been wrong about Voldemort’s horcruxes.
Art: Escape Before the Dawn, Devinez, 2023
On the Virtues of Inexhaustible Burning by PacificRimbaud [T, 5k]
In which Draco Malfoy wrestles geology and Hermione receives several gifts.
Art: Saint Augustine (detail), Philippe de Champaigne, c. 1645-1650
I am Sleeping on a Time Bomb by i forgot to blink [M, 4k]
The war is over, and they go to Antarctica.
Art: Barne Glacier, Herbert Pointing, 1911
Tromp as Writ by a_rum_of_one's_own [E, 7.2k]
‘Merlin and Morgana, what’s that?’ he breathed. ‘Muggle underwear. We’re beyond chemises, you know.’ ‘Granger,’ he said. ‘Granger. You can’t. This isn’t fair.'
Art: Saturnina Canaleta de Girona (detail), Federico de Madrazo y Kuntz, 1856
Reset by provocative_envy [M, 4.5k]
And the fear—the fear that he’s learned to swallow, choke on, bury the crushed and fragmented shards of—it's turning the space between him and her and the last six weeks, the last six months, into a gaping yawning brutally invincible chasm; a wall to scale and a cliff to jump and a step he’s never quite been brave enough to take. She takes it for him. Of course she does.
Art: Joan of Arc, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, 1882
Chiaroscuro by ifyouwereamelody [T, 5.1k]
Draco Malfoy returns to Hogwarts for sixth year a changed man. Marked, dangerous, and tasked with something terrible, he finds himself haunted by memories of the year before — a bright spark of connection that now he's got no choice but to douse.
Art: Vengeance is Sworn (detail) from the Revenge Triptych, Francesco Hayez, 1851
The Street Where You Live by scullyvasan [T, 10.5k]
Muggle childhood AU. Single mother Narcissa Malfoy co-parents her son Draco and functionally parents the little girl down the street. Light homages to Books 1-4 but no wands, no wizards, no Hogwarts — just human magic and the passing years at work.
Art: Daydreams, Thomas Couture, 1859
The Running Club by winterwells [E, 10.4k]
Hermione returns to Hogwarts for the "Seventh Year Was A Cluster F*** So Let's All Do It Again!" year. The war has left its mark, and she copes in the best way she can. Running. And she might pick up some stragglers along the way...
Art: Stripes of Silence, Lu Guada, 2012
Whistle by witchsoup [T, 1.5k]
Hermione spends the majority of her time on the tube, or dashing around Sainsbury's hunting for the last of the vegetarian wraps for her two-thirds-complete meal deal. Though it would be somewhat off-brand, she feels that it's well within her rights to ask David Cameron to lower the price of a meal deal, while he's at it. Possibly her rent, too.
Art: Untitled, Isabel Bishop, c. 1940s-1960s
Lights Out by Phoebe [E, 10.2k]
She smiles, and it enrages him further. Granger is afraid of many things. She's afraid of what lies outside Hogwarts, what could be lurking within the walls. She's afraid of Voldemort, and probably of his father. And she is inexplicably, illogically afraid of the dark. But she's not afraid of him.
Art: The Woman with the Candle (detail), Cornelis Visscher II, c. 1643-1658
Salvage by storycat9 [T, 1k]
Who is Hermione Granger when there’s no one left to protect?
Art: After Igor Svyatoslavich's fighting with the Cumans, Viktor Vasnetsov, 1880
The Object Lesson by Fleurizel [M, 13.6k]
When Hermione is forced to spend a weekend at the Bulstrodes’ country estate glad-handing for the Ministry, she finds an unlikely ally in the only other house guest who hadn’t fled the country when the war broke out: Draco Malfoy.
Art: Hands of the Puppeteer, Mexico City, Tina Modotti, 1929
i think i've seen this film before by magneticwave [T, 24.8k]
It doesn’t occur to Harry until supper that night, while Luna makes a Spanish tortilla with pink and blue potatoes from her garden, that Granger might actually be his friend now. Not just a transferable friend, comfortable with him because she’d grown up with a strangely domestic alternative version of him with short hair, but a real friend. Since he’s not sure how to feel about it, he eats his half of the tortilla in a silent daze and then helps Luna go over the last of the proofs for next week’s Quibbler. 
Art: Still Life with Orange by Süleyman Seyyid Bey, c. 1900
Party Lines by PacificRimbaud [E, 10k]
As the dust settles in the 2000 United States Presidential election, Ivy League student Hermione Granger goes to three different parties, in an effort to think about something- anything- other than the state of Florida. So does that argumentative trust fund prick, Draco Malfoy. A college AU all about enemies who...aren't.
Art: Jasper Johns, Edisto Beach, Ugo Mulas, 1964
i have gone at dusk through narrow streets by i forgot to blink [T, 4k]
Draco, Hermione, and what came before and after the end.
Art: Interior Strandgade 30, Vilhelm Hammershøi, 1901
Breathe by Argosy [T, 14.5k]
The war is over and everyone wants something from Hermione. But that's nothing new; she can handle it. Really.
Art: Cupid and Psyché (detail), François Gérard, 1798
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reflexivo-emocional · 2 years ago
Mereces a alguien mejor que tu...
Te miras al espejo y no encuentras Lo que el mundo espera de ti, Te cuestionas si eres suficiente, Si puedes llegar a cumplir.
Has luchado, has dado todo, Pero aún sientes que fallas, El peso del mundo te abruma, Y no puedes encontrar calma.
Te sientes cansado y vencido, Pero deja que te lo diga yo, Mereces a alguien mejor que tú, Y ese alguien eres tú mismo.
Eres más fuerte de lo que piensas, Más valiente de lo que crees, No permitas que tus miedos Te alejen de lo que quieres ser.
Mira hacia adelante con confianza, Con la certeza de que eres capaz, Mereces ser feliz y realizado, Y eso es algo que nunca perderás.
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arcadekore · 1 year ago
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Sleepy buggynina !!
I plan on opening ych comms soon in this style w two other poses, so stay tuned!!
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eohachu · 28 days ago
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"Altiplano" (2009), dir. Peter Brosens, Jessica Hope Woodworth
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solenizant-dnia · 19 days ago
Powyższe to tylko kilka wybranych przeze mnie najorygnialniejszych imion solenizantów z 12 lutego. Pełna lista (za wikipedią): Aleksy, Ammonia, Ammoniusz, Ampelia, Ampeliusz, Antoni, Bartłomiej, Benedykt, Bonfilia, Bonfiliusz, Damian, Datyw, Etelwold, Eulalia, Ewa, Feliks, Gaudenty, Gerard, Grzegorz, Hilarion, Hilariona, Humbelina, Jakub, Jan, Julian, Juwencjusz, Laurenty, Ludan, Ludwik, Maryna, Melecjusz, Mikołaj, Modest, Norma, Paweł, Radosław, Saturnin, Saturnina, Tomasz i Trzebiesława.
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