#saturdays are stressfull anyway and we had a rly full week w/ a lot of dumb shit
baekuras · 2 years
shoutout to every customer coming in the last hour we were open and special shoutout to the one who came in 1min before we closed and tried to discuss if we still had something available (we don’t) and wanted me to check just to be sure (like literally we don’t sir you’re glasses are antique by now please leave) and then wished us a good closing shift later me and my coworker just said “....now” as they left and raced to close up
just sure last hour and little things are fine but one came in 15mins to get his glasses fully fixed which would require taking them fully apart so uh no come in next week and just the last guy “i need these adjusted” “okay-are they loose or too tight?” “they dont fit behind the ears” .....i guessed that much but HOW do they not fit? too tight too loose too smth else add to that i couldnt even do much because the material was too hard by now so...eh lucky for me because we didnt have to sit around too long and wait but also fucking christ
we were open since 9am you really couldnt have found any other time except 1min before closing? aka 4pm? really? are you sure that was soooo necessary but not necessary enough to not come by ANY other time?
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