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๐“‡‹ ๐“‚๐“‚‹๐“๐“†—abberant serpent
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
iarethedj ยท 1 year ago
Even if he'd planned this experience for Malik, the whole thing was still so new. Despite being taught what some words were here or there, it was a tough go of it. He had picked up and put down the menu several times and pushed it around the table more than he'd learned anything information wise.
This trip had been for Malik anyway. He'd already resigned himself long ago.
He hadn't said a word about not being able to read it directly.
"Maybe pick something for me? That's more options than I'd thought." More than enough for some fancy restaurant. "I really don't want to accidentally choose chickpeas again." The first time he wanted to be the last time.
@hearts-of-cards asked: [Stare] The sender gazes into the receiver's eyes for a prolonged moment, leaving both unsure how to react. (For Malik)
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The thief wasn't sure how to handle such a situation, and he suddenly glanced away. Feeling so vulnerable wasn't a normal feeling for him at all and even with Malik he wasn't entirely used to it.
Quite funny for someone so tough and rough around the edges otherwise.
Malik's eyes had held his attention longer than anyone else's. The pools of violet reminded him of the expensive purple gems he'd stolen from more than a single tomb ages ago.
Quick -- say something! Don't just stand in the doorway! Or so his mind yelled.
"Lunch?" Dumbass.
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iarethedj ยท 1 year ago
Such an interesting hobby to have. The figure felt light in his hands, but definitely was not poor in quality. Even and fine paint strokes added in even the tiniest detail. Kohl-lined eyes, gold paint on dainty chains, eyes with a flash of life.
"A hobby, huh?" A smirk tugged at his lips. But not the sort that read mischief in the normal sense. "You would've liked my own little sister, then. Wasn't as good as you yet, but she did paint." Whenever she stole father's paints she would paint on the walls.
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"A talisman for luck?" He put the figure back on the table, beside the giant setup with a castle and forest because the figure just didn't seem to belong there when it was obviously dressed for another scene somewhere else.
"You'd give someone like me such a thing. That's dangerous isn't it? You still don't know me that well. By all logic if I'm so dangerous, cruel and evil, I shouldn't be here."
@hearts-of-cards ๐“†—๐“†ƒsenef sepi๐“†—๐“†ƒ
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It was clear the other didn't like the touch, even the gentle one. So he pulled his hand away and looked oddly pensive. A look that didn't suit the Thief King at all.
"You seemed upset. I just thought that might help. Probably completely inappropriate." At least he was self aware enough to know. So there was that, after all.
"I remembered my mother used to do similar. It helped so, I thought it would help you, too." He wasn't exactly sure of the right words to say. The silence for him had become deafening without the screaming anger of his village filling his ears or the whispers from Zork.
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iarethedj ยท 1 year ago
"firstly, I don't know you. Second, you could cause a multitude of problems." He had already been a massive pain in the ass, it'd only be proper to round it off with attacking someone else.
With the oncoming dawn, though, he felt himself growing tired. Being active at night while everyone else was in bed? Normal. Being awake during the day for him? Unusual.
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"Get away from me if you dare. I'll just find you again and bring you back." He wasn't in the mood to argue nor to barter. Bakura knew the others in the community would watch the blond so he wasn't too concerned with potential escape.
Bakura gave an exaggerated yawn and stretch for effect. "I'm going to get some sleep. Eat or don't.. sleep or don't. Try and run, I'll find you." Better to have him find Malik than one of the other bandits in the company outside.
He went back into the tent and grumbled after unceremoniously plopping himself onto the. "I've stolen the wrong royal."
@hearts-of-cards || AE ||
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Bakura had made the decision to go out to royal city by himself at night to scope out the palace, and see if there were any weak points in security. After stuffing his pockets with some stolen figs and a few other things from the marketplace, he slunk into the shadows and found one wall that was easier to scale thanks to his ka. Soon he was up atop the wall and over the other side, the torches atop the wall going out momentarily before sparking to life again.
A little too easy, wasn't it?
He found out why, though, once he dusted himself off and glances around. "The royal gardens. Makes sense." The pool at the center was quite striking with the palms and other planted things around it. Already, the gears in his head were turning just looking at it.
The garden was also empty, or so he thought. His eyes scanned the darkness of the vicinity, and he gave a snort. Such a beautiful thing, and nobody was enjoying it. The night was the best time to, wasn't it? The stars overhead reflected into the pool from above.
Bakura was also one daring bastard. He crept from the hedge row he had landed behind, approached the sacred pool and jumped in.
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iarethedj ยท 1 year ago
Bakura had witnessed the whole ordeal, from Malik falling on his ass to him jumping up and scurrying out like a frightened mouse. "Something tells me this is going to be a very difficult endeavor. I'm in over my head." For the first time in almost a decade, anyway.
He didn't want to just let the blond completely free in the makeshift community in case he caused problems, so Bakura followed.
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Malik hadn't gotten far, though. "Toying with you? Hardly." He chose to admire the horizon with the colors of dawn instead of looking at the blond still stuck in the sand. "I was prepared to pull the knife in case you wanted to attack the women. If you want to attack me, then by all means."
He gave a shrug. "They wanted to help tend to you, but probably not with that attitude now." One did choose to approach the blond with a basket containing some bread and a cup of water. But she quickly deposited the things in front of the scribe and then left.
"Oh? Well I've been wrong before."
@hearts-of-cards || AE ||
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Bakura had made the decision to go out to royal city by himself at night to scope out the palace, and see if there were any weak points in security. After stuffing his pockets with some stolen figs and a few other things from the marketplace, he slunk into the shadows and found one wall that was easier to scale thanks to his ka. Soon he was up atop the wall and over the other side, the torches atop the wall going out momentarily before sparking to life again.
A little too easy, wasn't it?
He found out why, though, once he dusted himself off and glances around. "The royal gardens. Makes sense." The pool at the center was quite striking with the palms and other planted things around it. Already, the gears in his head were turning just looking at it.
The garden was also empty, or so he thought. His eyes scanned the darkness of the vicinity, and he gave a snort. Such a beautiful thing, and nobody was enjoying it. The night was the best time to, wasn't it? The stars overhead reflected into the pool from above.
Bakura was also one daring bastard. He crept from the hedge row he had landed behind, approached the sacred pool and jumped in.
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iarethedj ยท 1 year ago
The reminder of the accent alone makes the thief even angrier. "Netekh iu Wekha." He keeps reiterating that Malik is the idiot. Digging in his heels even more thanks to the other's 'proper' accent.
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"Shem netjer." He's completely devolved now to his mother tongue. Good job, Malik. Good job.
"I was underneath the impression that you couldn't give a cold to idiots."
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Malik is in a sassy mood today.
He also has it completely backwards regarding that saying about colds.
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iarethedj ยท 1 year ago
"I'll have you know I'm certainly NOT an idiot!"
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Oh, well. Now he has the attention of an equally confused thief.
"YOU are the idiot, not I!" The angrier he gets the more he just devolves to his original language.
"I was underneath the impression that you couldn't give a cold to idiots."
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Malik is in a sassy mood today.
He also has it completely backwards regarding that saying about colds.
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iarethedj ยท 1 year ago
Ryou is just going to make a makeshift bed out of the couch by adding several blankets and pillows.
"Here. I'll check on you later." He knows that the thief prefers his space and he can at least accommodate that. Before he leaves however he brings some cough medicine and a fresh bottle of water.
"Let me know if there is anything else you need." He would just be in the other room playing his new game.
He's not really sure how to accept this act of kindness, so watches out of curiosity as the white-haired male scurried about making some comfortable spot and left some medicine and water.
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"Uh. Thanks?" At least a blanket was good. He wasn't a fan of the colder weather at all.
So he crawls under the blankets if nothing else.
"That medicine tastes like Sutekh's ass.."
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iarethedj ยท 1 year ago
Bakura already realized long ago what the blond's position would be: Stubborn. Stubborn like an ass. He wasn't about to bother too much with it. Even dead he could probably get something for the body alone in return.
"You have a lot of sass for someone in your current position."
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"By all means. You can leave." Though when the other stood up, Bakura was quick to grab a hold of the hilt of a dagger just in case.
Of course Malik could leave the tent, but he wouldn't get far anyway and Bakura wasn't too worried. If he had to, Diabound could help track the young scribe even in the desert.
While some of the women obviously took the cheeky behavior as an insult, the thief at least made the attempt to be somewhat civil. Malik wasn't exactly a prisoner, but he wasn't free either. "Just let him out," he told the women.
He said that, but a certain creature had a different idea and slithered out from under a pile of blankets. A large white cobra rose up and extended its hood, gave a hiss and a faux strike at the blond. It was tall enough to nearly look Malik in the eyes, too, and made to chase him out of the tent.
Bakura found that amusing, of course, and laughed loudly. He did shoo the creature away which returned to the blanket pile. Of course, he followed after Malik.
@hearts-of-cards || AE ||
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Bakura had made the decision to go out to royal city by himself at night to scope out the palace, and see if there were any weak points in security. After stuffing his pockets with some stolen figs and a few other things from the marketplace, he slunk into the shadows and found one wall that was easier to scale thanks to his ka. Soon he was up atop the wall and over the other side, the torches atop the wall going out momentarily before sparking to life again.
A little too easy, wasn't it?
He found out why, though, once he dusted himself off and glances around. "The royal gardens. Makes sense." The pool at the center was quite striking with the palms and other planted things around it. Already, the gears in his head were turning just looking at it.
The garden was also empty, or so he thought. His eyes scanned the darkness of the vicinity, and he gave a snort. Such a beautiful thing, and nobody was enjoying it. The night was the best time to, wasn't it? The stars overhead reflected into the pool from above.
Bakura was also one daring bastard. He crept from the hedge row he had landed behind, approached the sacred pool and jumped in.
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iarethedj ยท 1 year ago
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Wonders if he could give this cold to the pharaoh. That would be the best offering for a king, right?
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iarethedj ยท 1 year ago
The women might have left the tent, but they were still watching and giggling occasionally from the opening. Of course their curiosity was twofold for some, due to wanting to know more about the stranger as well as one or two of the women being jealous.
"I did have to knock you out. You were not cooperative and I don't want the damn guards on my ass all the way here. That would defeat the purpose." It would nullify their existence in the middle of the desert especially if the blond could send his ka back to the palace.
He lost his train of thought when one of the women kept asking if he was going to keep the blond. The thief king merely rubbed his temples before continuing.
"You can run if you'd like. There's nothing but desert on all sides of us. Your Ka won't be able to travel that far without you, either." Unless he had a very special ka, of course. "I'll send word tomorrow of your capture." A messenger, a note and a stolen piece of jewelry off of the blond as proof.
@hearts-of-cards || AE ||
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Bakura had made the decision to go out to royal city by himself at night to scope out the palace, and see if there were any weak points in security. After stuffing his pockets with some stolen figs and a few other things from the marketplace, he slunk into the shadows and found one wall that was easier to scale thanks to his ka. Soon he was up atop the wall and over the other side, the torches atop the wall going out momentarily before sparking to life again.
A little too easy, wasn't it?
He found out why, though, once he dusted himself off and glances around. "The royal gardens. Makes sense." The pool at the center was quite striking with the palms and other planted things around it. Already, the gears in his head were turning just looking at it.
The garden was also empty, or so he thought. His eyes scanned the darkness of the vicinity, and he gave a snort. Such a beautiful thing, and nobody was enjoying it. The night was the best time to, wasn't it? The stars overhead reflected into the pool from above.
Bakura was also one daring bastard. He crept from the hedge row he had landed behind, approached the sacred pool and jumped in.
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iarethedj ยท 1 year ago
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"We could, I guess." He wasn't sure. He wasn't sure if he might hurt the white-haired male more than he liked. Ryo hadn't done anything cruel to him. He hadn't made a scene about his stay and hadn't denied him anything he could want.
Bakura was snapped out if his thoughts by the grasp to his shirt sleeve. He didn't have much choice but to go along with him, then.
The bandit king got up to follow along to the back room where the light was flipped on and the giant table waited ahead with figures and various pieces of buildings. It looked like the setup of a village, woods and a castle.
He moved to pick one figure up and blinked at it. "Hm... it's really interesting. Did you make these? They look like the small idols we had back home. The kind you could carry in a bag or pocket or attached to horse gear. Nicely made. You would've been a great artisan back in my day."
@hearts-of-cards ๐“†—๐“†ƒsenef sepi๐“†—๐“†ƒ
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It was clear the other didn't like the touch, even the gentle one. So he pulled his hand away and looked oddly pensive. A look that didn't suit the Thief King at all.
"You seemed upset. I just thought that might help. Probably completely inappropriate." At least he was self aware enough to know. So there was that, after all.
"I remembered my mother used to do similar. It helped so, I thought it would help you, too." He wasn't exactly sure of the right words to say. The silence for him had become deafening without the screaming anger of his village filling his ears or the whispers from Zork.
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iarethedj ยท 1 year ago
While the blond came to, he wasn't completely alone. There were a few women in the spacious tent with him who had suddenly snapped to aawareness from their senet game after hearing him speak. They appeared somewhat frightened at first but in hearing his voice giggled amongst themselves and spoke in some foreign tongue.
Their approach to Malik was somewhat timid at first, but then gradually braver when they noticed how cute he was. This little game didn't last long as Bakura entered soon after and shooed them away and out of the tent.
Bakura then approached the blond and chuckled. "I told you to get on the horse. You didn't. Guards were on their way so I had to knock you out."
@hearts-of-cards || AE ||
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Bakura had made the decision to go out to royal city by himself at night to scope out the palace, and see if there were any weak points in security. After stuffing his pockets with some stolen figs and a few other things from the marketplace, he slunk into the shadows and found one wall that was easier to scale thanks to his ka. Soon he was up atop the wall and over the other side, the torches atop the wall going out momentarily before sparking to life again.
A little too easy, wasn't it?
He found out why, though, once he dusted himself off and glances around. "The royal gardens. Makes sense." The pool at the center was quite striking with the palms and other planted things around it. Already, the gears in his head were turning just looking at it.
The garden was also empty, or so he thought. His eyes scanned the darkness of the vicinity, and he gave a snort. Such a beautiful thing, and nobody was enjoying it. The night was the best time to, wasn't it? The stars overhead reflected into the pool from above.
Bakura was also one daring bastard. He crept from the hedge row he had landed behind, approached the sacred pool and jumped in.
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iarethedj ยท 1 year ago
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"Monster World? No, I don't think you have showed me." He didn't remember anything much from before either. "You'll have to help me by showing me. Otherwise there will be moments I don't know what you're talking about." He didn't say it in a harsh manner, but he moved to cross his arms.
"See? I don't know anything about the Shadow RPG either." Bakura definitely hadn't felt this confused in eons. "You'll have to remember, I have memory loss thanks to that bastard, too.'
He remembered the actual revival he had or so it had seemed, but even then his memories had been so fuzzy they may as well have been nonexistent.
The last bit caught him off guard. "You never thought you'd see me again? Well, I am here now right? Now you can show me your game."
@hearts-of-cards ๐“†—๐“†ƒsenef sepi๐“†—๐“†ƒ
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It was clear the other didn't like the touch, even the gentle one. So he pulled his hand away and looked oddly pensive. A look that didn't suit the Thief King at all.
"You seemed upset. I just thought that might help. Probably completely inappropriate." At least he was self aware enough to know. So there was that, after all.
"I remembered my mother used to do similar. It helped so, I thought it would help you, too." He wasn't exactly sure of the right words to say. The silence for him had become deafening without the screaming anger of his village filling his ears or the whispers from Zork.
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iarethedj ยท 1 year ago
The other's refusal had been enough to rub him the wrong way, of course. Defying the King of Thieves deserved a punishment or two at the very least. Maybe even punishment of death.
Once the blond was taken out of commission, the thief shook his head. "I did warn him to do as he was told." The accompanying party watched warily for a moment before backing off back into the shadows to collect their own horses.
Bakura loaded Malik up onto the horse and hopped onto the beast's back right after.
Soon enough they were all riding into the desert and to the tent community of Thieves that had been set up in the desert.
@hearts-of-cards || AE ||
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Bakura had made the decision to go out to royal city by himself at night to scope out the palace, and see if there were any weak points in security. After stuffing his pockets with some stolen figs and a few other things from the marketplace, he slunk into the shadows and found one wall that was easier to scale thanks to his ka. Soon he was up atop the wall and over the other side, the torches atop the wall going out momentarily before sparking to life again.
A little too easy, wasn't it?
He found out why, though, once he dusted himself off and glances around. "The royal gardens. Makes sense." The pool at the center was quite striking with the palms and other planted things around it. Already, the gears in his head were turning just looking at it.
The garden was also empty, or so he thought. His eyes scanned the darkness of the vicinity, and he gave a snort. Such a beautiful thing, and nobody was enjoying it. The night was the best time to, wasn't it? The stars overhead reflected into the pool from above.
Bakura was also one daring bastard. He crept from the hedge row he had landed behind, approached the sacred pool and jumped in.
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iarethedj ยท 1 year ago
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"Don't mention it," he replied and sat next to the slightly shorter male. Bakura leaned against the arm of the sofa, head resting in his palm. It was the only thing he could think of, besides imbibing on wine or the like, but he didn't think Ryo felt the same way on that.
"Yeah, well, that's part of my charm I guess. I watch and remember. Can also make me a huge pain in the ass, though." He wasn't about to push his luck, though.
"Anyway, I guess we could change the subject onto something else." He just wasn't sure what.
@hearts-of-cards ๐“†—๐“†ƒsenef sepi๐“†—๐“†ƒ
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It was clear the other didn't like the touch, even the gentle one. So he pulled his hand away and looked oddly pensive. A look that didn't suit the Thief King at all.
"You seemed upset. I just thought that might help. Probably completely inappropriate." At least he was self aware enough to know. So there was that, after all.
"I remembered my mother used to do similar. It helped so, I thought it would help you, too." He wasn't exactly sure of the right words to say. The silence for him had become deafening without the screaming anger of his village filling his ears or the whispers from Zork.
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iarethedj ยท 1 year ago
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Acquired! One sassy fennec fox in the form of one sassy blond.
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iarethedj ยท 1 year ago
"I would die for you."
"I don't want you to die."
"I would kill for you."
"I don't want you to kill."
"Then I have nothing to offer you."
"If I ever find the person who made you think you're worth nothing more than that, they'll pay dearly."
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