#saturday messy moodboard
hyelita · 1 month
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ourdadai · 5 months
✿ juyeon ꒰ saturday ꒱ lockscreens !
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stygabbs · 4 months
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ꔫ ˚ ˖ my valentine . ׁ ♡
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-` @7hyein ♡ ´-
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disbnad · 1 year
୧ ‧₊˚ jeno users ˚₊ ‧ ୨
jenocut dreamit drmbtis
jnogirls leadjnee yogujeno
mainsno melodlees jenodrip
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luapallet · 11 months
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heyniniy · 5 months
ㅤᨳㅤsaturday ꒰ minseo ꒱ lockscreens
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23179 · 7 months
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chillyblogs · 1 month
Ok!! I was a mess today.... Couldn't open my book for studying... Ate food the whole day... Mostly junk... Felt terrible and out of no where started watching this movie EAT PRAY LOVE and learnt something...
I mean how cool is that... I wish I could do it
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lavendermunson · 1 year
songs about you | rockstar!eddie munson x fem!reader
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summary eddie left town to chase his dreams, writing songs about you is killing him so he goes back to Hawkins to get you back.
warning break up mentioned (not with eddie), no use of y/n. just pure fluff so so fluffy.
a/n first fic after my break, sorry if it's messy. got the inspo from a scene from empire records ? kind of.
wc 1.5k
inspired on this moodboard i made
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Eddie left town after he met Chase, a guy who worked at a recording studio in LA. When Chase met Eddie and his band Corroded Coffin he promised they had potential, since then they’ve been making songs and becoming a bigger band. You on the other hand, decided to go to the community college and started to teach music to children, it was a good job and not so tiring and left plenty of space to do homework and have a lot of fun with your friends.
When Eddie came back to Hawkins last week for a break, he promised to spend time with you and your friends. Movie nights with Robin, Steve, Nancy, and Jonathan, playing d&d with the kids and teaching Max and Mike how to play guitar.
It has been a couple of fun days until yesterday, your relationship with your boyfriend has been a nightmare since he cheated on you, and you decided to forgive him and give him a second chance but after the fight last night you wanted to be as far away from him as possible and luckily for you, Eddie accepted you to stay in his trailer, just like in the old days. You had plenty of sleep, and Eddie kept his distance from you not knowing you had broken up with your ex-boyfriend, still the bed was warm and you didn't feel alone anymore.
Eddie missed you like crazy, writing and singing songs about you was ripping his heart apart. He wanted to stay back in Hawkins with you but he had to take your advice "go, be a rock star. iʼll be here supporting you as always" After you slept in his bed last night, he had a feeling that he could win you back, he hated your boyfriend for keeping you apart from him but it was a sacrifice he had to make.
You wake up late in the morning, patting down the space beside you, it was empty. Eddie woke up earlier but he left a note.
"Hey sweetheart, I have practice and soundcheck all day but I hope you can come and watch us at 8:00. Here's your ticket, please eat well… you can stay here as long as you want. — Eddie"
You sigh leaving the note in its place after tracing the words with your fingers, knowing there is not much to do on a free Saturday. You decided to go home after picking your breakfast from a cafeteria nearby, take a shower, relax and get ready for Eddieʼs concert.
It was 8:00 pm, the hideout was full of people who loved Corroded Coffin. The show was starting, you found a place close to Robin and Steve keeping your eyes glued to Eddie and the way he performed every song. It was hypnotizing, the way the blue glow of the lights made his face look angelic, the shiny rings on his fingers while he played guitar, and the emotion in his voice from every lyric of his songs. He was a very talented songwriter, the way he played the guitar so easily and the way his jaw moved as he sang and his curls moved as he was shaking his head at the rhythm.
Your heart couldn't resist it anymore, all the feelings from the start flowered up, you loved Eddie, and you have always been in love with him. Every night you wondered what he was doing, writing, performing, recording, signing autographs. You were beyond proud of him for chasing his dreams and he was absolutely crushing it.
The set ended after a few songs, it was an awesome show, mostly when Eddie looked right at you as he pronounced some of the most heart-wrenching lyrics. You didn't know those songs were for you, but he made your heart race anyway.
Robin and Steve made their way to the bar, they asked you to come with them but you just wanted to see Eddie. Pushing some bodies away from you as you made your way to the side of the stage, Eddie followed you with his eyes to catch up with you at the top of the stairs.
"Hey, you" he reached out for your hand, helping you get on stage and walking you backstage where the rest of the band relaxed "Did you like the show?"
"Like it? I loved it, Eds" your smile got bigger as you locked eyes with him "you are so talented, you all are"
He laughed at your words, Gareth screamed a ‘thank you’ and the rest of the band laughed too.
"C’mon there is something I have to show you" he squeezed your hand, and you followed him to a couple of stairs and walked with him. The stairs lead you to a rooftop, the neon sign of the hideout was the only source of light aside from the moon.
"Wow, this is awesome" The view from the rooftop was breathtaking, you were able to see some of the houses from the town, and the other side filled up with trees, the night was cold and you shivered. Eddie noticed, he placed his hands on your biceps in an attempt to warm you up.
"I- I hope you noticed that... When I looked at you, I sang those words to you. I guess I wasnʼt performing for everyone but you, I wrote them for you I, I feel that way I really do"
His bottom lip quivered, not much but you noticed. You took a deep breath parting your lips to talk, but he interrupted.
"I know you have a relationship, I get it if you donʼt want to go back in time to when we were so close but god, do I miss you" he rubbed your arms, his hands tightening up on them so they stopped shaking.
"I broke up with him," you said, in a whisper "he cheated on me, we got into a fight... Itʼs over"
"He is an idiot, you know?" he sighs.
"yeah, believe me, I know" You close your eyes for a moment, trying to process everything that was happening "but it also felt like I was cheating on hi, if someone gave me a penny anytime you crossed my mind iʼd be a millionaire by now" you giggled, Eddie did too.
You looked at him, he looked at you. Both of you had a warm pink tint on your cheeks, your heart was pounding and so was his. His hands slid down from your arms to your hands, he gave them a gentle squeeze before letting them go. He placed his hands on your waist, pushing your body towards his and making your chest bump with his. One of his hands rested on your back, the other traveled all the way up to your chin, lifting your face up.
"Now that I have you in my arms, I don't want you to go anywhere else" his soft puppy eyes were glossy as he got closer to your face.
"I only want to be with you, you have me now Iʼm all yours"
Before you could say another word, he leaned in to kiss your lips. You curled your arms around him as he pressed your back with his hand trying to pull you closer, the blood rushed through his veins like ocean waves as his heart beat with so much intensity he was scared you could hear it.
Your stomach filled up with a warm sensation, there weren't any butterflies or an anxious feeling, instead, it was peaceful and safe. You felt safe around him.
It was a tender kiss, gentle, delicate, and filled with love, the love you had for each other bottled up in your bodies was finally put to good use. Your lips melted with his, he moved his head to the side and slides his tongue into your mouth, exploring, tasting, enjoying it. After a few minutes, both of you pulled your heads back, catching the air you needed and giggling.
He took a look at you, your glossy eyes, your puffy lips, your body. "Shit, you are perfect" he muttered, making you blush.
"You are too, come back here" You push him back to you, tangling your arms around his neck. He does the same gripping your waist and lifting you up, he leaves a few pecks on your neck making you giggle.
"You just broke up with that asshole, I feel like I need to give you time or space to mourn but know that after you feel okay again iʼm going to be glued to you"
"I donʼt need time, I want you." You shake your head slightly, wrapping his waist with your legs. "You were gone for a long time, I will follow you everywhere from now on"
“I’m so writing a song about this moment” he says, earning a giggle from you.
He smiled at you, and you imitated his actions. He feels like a new man, a happy man and you feel comfortable, happy, secure. The love you deserve has finally been given to you.
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i hey im back guys ♡ sorry for the inactivity, i’ve had this scenario in my mind for so long i had to write it. reblog & comment if you like it, im open to more requests about rockstar Eddie!!!!!
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ghosting-medium · 6 months
・❥・ North ˗ˏˋ꒰ ❄️ ꒱
Moodboard: Made by me
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What North Looks like:
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Credit: Guinevere Sophie
North is into formality, she looks like her lips are like a kiss of frost bite, with the color a lavender blue tinge. Her eyes were like sapphires that shine the brightest blue but would change to black, to whiteish, and pale gray. Her skin looks almost whiteish blue, possible cracking with looks of blue or gold. Her cheeks look wind whipped, but it looks like she felt nothing from it. It's very cold when North touches you, very much like a death kissed touch or when there is a sharpness to a harsh breeze - Moonlight
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Palace, Residence:
North wants to have her palace remain slightly vague, and private. So the energy of her kingdom is cold, it's very ornate. Beautiful landscape, and buildings. Imagine gothic architecture in snow, and ice. Seemingly cold and empty, but there are traces of life and beauty hidden.
She does ask for her privacy to be respected, she allows people to see her Palace when she sees fit. Once invited, and given consent to see then it's okay. Please be respectful of the wishes of the deities.
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Ruling, Domain:
North rules over protection, sleep, death, healing, transformation, discipline, responsibility, some aspects of spirituality, resourcefulness, justice (in terms of death)
Still respecting her wishes to not detail her domain.
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Days of the Week:
Monday - connections with the moon, however Monday sets the tone for the week. Can either flow positive, or negative. It can be about getting clear with emotions, or having the day being about your emotional state
Saturday - the day of Saturn, aka responsibility, life lessons, and getting organized. Devotional acts on Saturday for North could be getting caught up on work, chores etc, and organizing and cleaning your space. Get balanced and grounded as well for devotional activities and offerings. “I prefer more organized and clean rooms than messy ones, and by organized I mean organized in a way for you.” After all that work is done though, relax and destress as needed.
Special Days:
1, 11, 4 - so the first of every month, the 4th of the colder/winter months (December, January, February, possibly March - for northern hemisphere opposite for western hemisphere). The 11th of January in specifics.
I can’t find anything special about the 11th of January; I assume it’s a special day because it’s particularly cold. I’m getting the vibes of there being a celebration, or a holiday in the Fellowship specifically for North. On this day North is celebrated, winter/cold is seen with appreciation and beauty. Certain foods are prepared and ate throughout the festival, it’s distinctively different than Yule however has some underlying themes of the Winter Solstice, Yule etc etc. Very french like vibes, a lot of the food are french dishes (or inspired by), not all but most. There is typically some sort of music playing, ice statues, there are shimmering lights throughout the palace and the courtyard.
Foods: Warmer foods, seeing this as being more of a dinner, pot roast, warm vegetables, apples, fried apples with cinnamon (desert possibly?), honey on warm bread, crêpes, waffles, french cullers, soups, pan d’Épices
Drinks: Mulled cider, warm wine, milk, coffee, milk tea
Air, Water
1, 11, 4
1 - the start of something, spend more time thinking about your actions and create more solidified plan before moving onward; number of thoughts in the air but not materialized yet. New beginnings, new ideas, starting to plan, stability, structure, trust in what will happen, self and figuring identity out
11 - It’s technically a 2 when reduced in numerology, but it’s also a master number in numerology. Double what number 1 represents
4 - means something is complete, or it needs to become complete, joining numbers together to create some form of wholeness. Completion/coming to completion, connection, corrections, order (from my notes, apply your own meaning for the numbers if you see fit)
Cold colors, on the lighter spectrum. Deep dark and vibrant blues, a plum color 
Saturn, Neptune
Saturn - taskmaster of the zodiac, commanding us to get our work done and to work hard. Discipline and responsibility are important. Saturn makes us look at time, and asks us the questions of ïs there time for everything we want to do, or are there limits”. Managing the limitations that we find, and working through and around restrictions are important. Saturn also symbolizes old age in the aspect of life lessons. Structure, order, and the way in which we conduct our affairs and personal relationships (not just romantic) are all ruled by Saturn.
Neptune - Interesting enough Neptune is more fluid, and less rigid than Saturn is. I think this shows the duality that North is, and what they embody. In order to be somewhat fluid there has to be structure; and with being rigid there has to be fluid movement. It’s just like ice, and water. Ice can become water, and water can become ice. Neptune is about changing, and illusions, abstract thoughts and mysteries. Spirituality is something also ruled by Neptune. Using this neptunic energy can be useful in meditations to gain insights. Anything artistic is something that can be ruled by this planet; poetry, music, dance, glamor as well. Neptune is mysterious in the way that on the outside it’s enchanting and elusive on the inside it’s captivating but much deeper than what others might assume about it. The darker side of this planet looks into escapism, and delusions. Do you face the reality of life, or do you escape from it or do you find the balance that is needed.
Saturn and Neptune are opposites of each other, but they need each other for balance and harmony. If Saturn is the physical world, and Neptune is the metaphysical world than together you can create your dreams in reality and ground them, or you can be lost in delusions or lost in stress of physical materials not being enough.
Zodiac Signs:
More of the zodiac signs following after Libra
Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
Chionophile - any organisms (animals, plants, fungi etc) that can thrive in cold winter conditions; these animals have specialized adaptations that help them survive in the harshest winters
Polar Bears
Deer, Reindeer
Artic fox
Harp Seal, Leopard seals
Porbeagle shark
Tundra Swan
Steller’s eiders
Snowy owl
Plants, Fruits, Flora:
Anise, Star Anise
Apples - Ruby Frost
Bleeding hearts
Coral Bells
Lily of the Valley
Siberian Iris, Iris in general
Essential oils/incense:
Black Obsidian
Black Tourmaline
Blue Calcite
Blue Halite
Blue Sapphire
Clear Quartz
Snowflake Obsidian
Divination associations:
The Star - Apples cut in half reveal a five-pointed star
Queen of Swords
8 of Pentacles
Apple - 9 of Earth (Herbcrafter’s tarot); the hidden star of hope sustains us, restraint and self-control with your bounty lead to community abundance. Apple is an ancient tree that contributes to the well-being of both the land and the people.
Knight of Pentacles
Nauthiz - represents need, restriction, conflict, willpower, endurance, self-reliance
Isa - represents ice, clarity, challenges, introspection, watching, waiting
Eihwaz - represents a yew tree, balance, death, the world tree
Algiz - represents an elk, protection, defense, instinct, guardianship
Sowilo - represents the sun, health, honor, resources, victory, wholeness, cleansing
Oracle - Moonology
Blue Moon - Believe in the impossible
New Moon Eclipse - Expect powerful change
New Moon - New start is coming
New Moon in Capricorn - Your hard work is paying off
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Brother - Northwest
History, Mythology:
None recorded right now
Noble North - focuses on her personal qualities as a leader. North can be blunt at times, but they are honest. This epithet of them focuses on righteousness, honesty, generosity, and being a just leader.
The Statue - this epithet is focusing on outward appearances of looking cold on the outside, and unreadable, mysterious
Her Majesty - highlights her in a royal light, focuses on her responsibility, discipline
The Tender-Hearted one - connects with the side of her that they don’t show often, more outwardly caring, nice, parental like, protective but in a gentle way
Bringer of Death - her death epithet, otherwise known as “the soul taker”, this epithet solely focuses on her responsibilities of death, and navigating justice, fairness, and reality within it. The overall view of death, and how it affects everyone
Bringer of Life - the life epithet, focuses on her healing, sometimes fertility, and good health during and after birth, is also seen as the bringer of life when the winter lets spring come in.
The one who gives, and the one who takes - combines the ideas of Bringer of Death, and Bringer of Light together. It’s the balanced epithet of these two, also looks into transformation as life ends with death and the cycle goes on
Lady of Glass - Glass is referred to in two ways in this context; someone you can look through since of their honesty, and the stoic expression on their face.
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Offering and Devotional Acts:
Listening to Music: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4RoZIoct4v0mzhRzaZ7Ymh
I find that she loves the Nutcracker a lot
Cleaning your room in their name, or with specific intent
Honoring her special days, and doing rituals with her, or in her name
Locating the North Star at night, and any other constellation you find (this aligns more with West though)
Wearing colder colors, hues of blue; or veiling your hair in these colors
Making to-do lists, and sticking to them
Creating vision, dream boards and then making steps to bring them into reality
Taking ice baths, or at least offering cold/ice water in a cup for North
Raising awareness for animals in colder climates that are losing their habitat from global warming, climate change
Donate to homeless shelters, especially when it starts to get colder
Offering apples cut into two (so the 5 pointed star on each side is visible), or offering an apple (or a part of an apple); then either consuming it after the offering is accepted and North allows you to, or giving it to Earth or an animal (that can safely eat the apple!).
Going apple picking
Making a simmer pot with some of her plants included (star anise, apples, cinnamon etc etc)
Growing some plants that can survive winter in your area, make sure you research what plants can survive colder weather as well.
Diffuse some of the scents she likes in a diffuser if you have one
Dedicate some crystals in her name, and wear them on your person or carry them in a bag
Make a satchel for protection, focus, clarity, and other intentions relating back to her
Try and get some deep, restful sleep with her aid if needed
Become comfortable with the idea of death
Have moments of meditation, and introspection about death and your beliefs surrounding death
Have moments to appreciate the cycle of life and death, appreciate how far you’ve gotten
Find beauty, and joy in the start of new things (cycles); easiest way to do this is to plant an herb from seed and nurture it from seed to sapling.
Perform magic for self-healing, or healing on others if they allow it
Research anatomy + physiology, medicine, maybe herbology with a focus on healing properties (do not substitute herbs with medication, or other medical needs and such)
Allow yourself to become more comfortable with responsibility
Create a schedule (based on your needs etc) and stick with it as much as possible, exercise discipline when needed
Research death work, spirit work, and familiar work
Mediate, and do some shadow work when needed
Devote time to yourself in her name, if it’s relaxing and maybe under her ruling and domain
Learn how to crochet, or knit! so you can make yourself some warm items
Look at photos of snow, snowy photography
Burn winter scented candles, or any other warm scent
In the winter, colder days:
Bundle up, and stay warm
Make hot chocolate, and other warm beverages: tea, mulled cider, mulled wine (only drink if you are of age!)
Make soup, or comfort foods that will bring a sense of relief into your life
Make snowpeople
Have snowball fights
Watch as the snow falls
Learn, try, or attempt figure skating or hockey (it doesn’t have to be turns and spins and complicated work, just getting on the ice is a really good start)
In colder months go outside, by a window and appreciate nature’s beauty
Make paper snowflakes
Go sledding
Food: Fried apples, apples, soup, crêpes
Altar Suggestions:
Cloth - white, silver, blue, purple
Bones - ethically sourced, better if they are animals that are associated with her
Oddities with relation to death, life, winter
Athame (knife)
Have the altar be facing north
Candles with herbs associated with them
Maybe try and keep a small cup/bowl with snow and keep the water that remains after it melts
Holly, other winter related flora
Pressed, or dead flowers
Apple peels
Paper snowflakes
Snow Globe
Christmas lights
Items foraged in the winter
Offering dish - preferred to be made out of wood, but anything works
Terrariums - possibly get graveyard dirt (with permission, be super respectful follow graveyard and death work etiquette)
Artwork that you make of her, or something with her in mind
If your work also surrounds ancestors, grief practices maybe placing photographs of deceased people/pets on your altar might be a good idea as well
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That is all the documented information that we have on North
Signing off, Ghost ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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merrock · 9 months
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The spooky month is upon us! We have a few exciting events coming up this month, for those who love fall and Halloween. And we have some fun tasks to help get you in the spirit. But mostly, we wanted to touch base on some rules and updates and get everything to where it needs to be for the month ahead. Let's go!
SHELTER APPECIATION WEEKEND (October 6 - 9): join us at the Animal Sanctuary to donate goods and food for pets, or to adopt your very own best friend!
HALLOWEEN MASQUERADE (October 28; ooc 24-30): the Benefactor has lent us a mansion for the night. Come dressed in formal wear (and a mask!), and feel free to add touches of Halloween. Adults only!
HALLOWEEN NIGHT (October 31): head to the Community Center to chaperone the party for the kids, or gather up a group of kids and take them trick-or-treating! (This is also the night to post your costume.)
October 1 -- Coffee Day: start a coffee chain at Cobblestone and keep paying for the person behind you.
October 4 -- Cinnamon Roll Day: a fun day to send a cinnamon roll to, well, your favorite cinnamon roll!
We are running our "four photos of fall" task for the month of October! This should be a fun one, as it's sort of moodboard ish, but easy to do, the only challenge is that you may not use any photos of your face claim (stock photos of people are okay). Can be done all October, but does not count for activity -- please do not rush, save it for some downtime. If you have not already had a chance to do our previous Halloween-related task, you can find it here, and we will also allow that to be done during the month of October!
please take a moment to refamiliarize yourself with our rules, as we have made a few changes to reflect activity now that we are back on schedule with checks, as well as cleaned up & tweaked things.
another gentle reminder, as we know this isn't a rule everywhere, but please do not 'mass post' finished replies -- if you must work ahead, stagger them in a queue a few minutes apart, but otherwise dash can become super hard to navigate, and overwhelming. especially now when activity notifications are unreliable, and people are drafting replies off of dash as they come in. it becomes easy to lose things in a large batch posted all within a few seconds!
speaking of: notifs are still a little messy. do what you need to do to track your activity! but please remember what we mentioned in the ooc: trackers are for your personal use, sharing where you are at with OOC contact, plotting, etc. is unnecessary and can put pressure on others. just keep 'em for you!
if you list a wanted connection or if you fill a wanted connection, please be communicative with one another and be sure that you are fulfilling your end of the bargain, so to speak! don't just pick up a WC to join, and then not write with that person, and on the other side, don't ignore someone who picks up your WC. we want to be sure everyone gets what they want from connections.
we've decided to stick to our 20 cap, with 5 extra bonus spots once 20 is reached. those 5 spots must be filled by wanted connections only, although you're always encouraged to pick one up (especially as an existing writer).
moving forward, we will only allow writers to pause characters for one month, and they can only pause two at a time (unless there are extenuating circumstances). if you need longer than a month, you must contact us to ask for the extension.
oh! and November. we have candy day, world kindness day, Black Friday and Small Business Saturday for little things around town, with Kindness Weekend, the Railway 5K, and Thanksgiving happening, as well!
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scaraminion · 3 years
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【 アイコンとムードボード 】 � (credit me // 🐾% LI🅺E OR RE🅱LOG +1OO% nw pst ☆ これ大好き !!
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dahypoems · 3 years
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⠀⠀⠀⠀© ࿔ ﹙🍒﹚n𝟑xt ?⢝⠀⚠ : lev𝟑l⠀(´ •̥ ̫ •̥ `) ⌗
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lullcaby · 2 years
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♡ ֪ ֮ Do not repost
♡ ֪ ֮ Like or reblog if u want to save
♡ ֪ ֮ Don't forget to follow me
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kepglow · 2 years
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everglow, forever's let's go!
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saturday-gifs · 3 years
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前後に揺れる草 私は幸せです
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