#sato ayano
magicmorningmeteora · 6 months
Who is your birthday oshi? ~Early January 2024~
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hellopropicture · 1 year
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speedou · 2 months
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Love & Loathing & Lulu & Ayano (Hisayasu Sato, 2010)
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filmkatt · 2 years
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Love & Loathing & Lulu & Ayano (2010)
Hisayasu Satô
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turntechgaykid · 4 months
Yandere simulator Rewrite/Redesigns:
Akari Yamino (Ayano Aishi) suffers from hallucinations and an obsessive behavior, because of this and having no support system she struggles to understand what is or isn't reality. One day she ended up meeting Takashi Sato (Taro Yamada) and they became acquaintances, quickly enough after this Akari begins to develop a small crush on him, harmless at first but she starts to become very protective over him, believing that other people are going to take him away and that he'll abandon her. Because of this intense delusion she begins stalking him in an attempt to keep tabs on him as well as make sure he doesn't leave her...
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(Akari has the belief that the “rivals” are trying to steal Takashi from her. This can or cannot include his sister depending on how you want to play the story out in my ver. of the game)
YS Rewrite pt.2
Rivals 1-5 below👇
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yuukei-yikes · 11 months
hope you dont mind me asking this but since you seem very knowledgeable about the fandom and all i thought it was suitable
why is there so much ship content between sato kido and kano?? are they not adoptive siblings?? theres even some in semi canon (i think) contents like in anthologies too,, i mean not surprised it exists since weird people are in every fandom but its talked so casually here
with momo and hibiya too actually! because of the huge age gap you would think it wouldn't be such a casual ship but it somehow is?? as far as i seen anyways
oh man lollll nah i dont mind. fair question and it's much better to have an answer to this
im putting it under the cut bc it turned out kinda long and into a rant, and also to warn i mention the themes suggested in the ask (incest, age gaps)
basically it's no secret that in japanese media, incest and age gaps are widely normalized even today so just imagine in 2013 when kagepro was at its peak.
back then, kido and kano specifically were a WIDELY popular ship. here's the thing with the weird kano and kido (and seto too but mainly kano and kido) shipping, aside from what i said abt normalized incest and shit. kano and kido (and seto) being siblings is actually... sort of a spoiler? it's not revealed early on.
kano and kido are presented as 2 kids the same age living together and having different names. and they purposefully stop acting like siblings. SO it doesnt register until you get into their backstories. they're both adopted into the same family when theyre like... 7 or 8, and were friends before becoming siblings so people were able to use this excuse: "OHHH THEYRE MORE CHILDHOOD FRIENDS"
but like..... they live together as siblings for YEARS and to be honest im sure 99% of people watch the song mvs FIRST which u can binge in 1 afternoon and if ur watching with any sort of actual interest and attention, you WILL see kano and kido as part of the tateyama family in ayano's theory of happiness. not to mention the anime came out in 2014 which im also sure 99% of kagepro fans have seen. so to me that was always an excuse if it came from a very dedicated fan though i do understand it if it's from a casual enjoyer, like they truly didn't catch that they're siblings
when i joined the fandom i was 13, didnt know eng or japanese, and thought mekatrio childhood friends made total sense for some good 6 months into the fandom until I realised properly. a few months ago, i discovered a very close friend of mine had a kagepro phase in 2014 or something and told me he really shipped kano and kido and when i told him they're siblings he was like WHAT!!!!!!!
and another thing abt kano and kido. they're indubitably the queerest characters. THEY LOOK THE FUCKING GAYEST. there is Something abt pushing the gay characters together?? kido is constantly mistaked for a guy. kano the poor thing had ANOTHER popular ship going for him with ayano because people decided he is that way to shintaro because he actually had a crush on ayano. yeah. this was the fucking consensus with kano, shintaro and ayano. like i mentioned i DONT KNOW japanese and only ever read the translations of the novels and i also dont Know what jin was thinking when writing kano and shintaro. But. dear lord it reads fucking homosexual my dude. jin does this by accident a lot though. look at kido and momo. momo calling kido beautiful 1000 times but she's like Well as a woman i am jealous i wish i was that pretty. bruuuh ok anyways moving on Ill GET to jin again in a second.
like you said, semi official stuff like the anthologies are very heavy on this ship and also.... sorry, the manga which is an official media. is Heavily into this ship. for jin's stance on it, i am not sure. i do think he laughs it off but he NEVER intended to write them that way. in the seventh novel theres a whole bit where kido's telling kano you shouldve never hidden this from me im your sister we are family. even shintaro who is the pov ur reading from is like wow what a nice brother and sister AND THATS THE SECOND TO LAST NOVEL WHICH BY THEN THE SHIP WAS SUPER POPULAR SO TO ME THAT WAS JIN'S WAY OF REMINDING EVERYONE THEYRE SIBLINGS. personally i think jin truthfully intended to write kano and kido as siblings but doesnt care people ship them otherwise he wouldnt have had the manga written by someone who shipped them
so basically what happened. kagepro was confusing and people sometimes missed they are siblings. in japanese media its super normalized. it is 2013 so here it is also normalized in fandom spaces. fanart ensues, even official or semi official content teases it, and yeah. boom its popular
another big part of it was, EVERYONE GETS A PARTNER!!!! kagepro content has A LOT of Shipping Pieces if that makes sense. idk what to call it but like god, pixiv entries with 1 shinaya, 1 harutaka, 1 setomary.... and 1 hibiya and momo and 1 kano and kido. god awful. if any golden year kagepro fans follow me they will KNOW what im talking about.
now that i mentioned it. hibiya and momo. ough. idk man. people were properly weird with this one. because with kano and kido they at least made up a damn excuse. with hibiya and momo there was nothing. but the thing is, jin is entirely to blame here. absolutely fucking disgusting bro. unlike with kano and kido, with hibiya and momo he actively wrote it. in the third novel their chapters together or any of hibiya's chapters are actual fucking torture to read. i wont go into details if u havent read it but like there are Reasons i never recommend kagepro to people.
its good to give jin proper respect he IS the creator of my favorite characters ever in the whole wide world and the writer of the story that makes me the happiest ever in the history of life. but. that doesn't mean i dont hold him accountable for being weird as hell in his writing because he absolutely is
back in the early days of this blog i had my very own Gets Send Deaths Threats arc by some people who shipped these guys or people who were mad i criticized jin (i always suspected it was like. the same 1 or 2 people. with a lot of time in their hands) soooo honestly answering this activated my fight of flight a little bit but tbh i havent seen Any content here on tumblr (i do have everything blacklisted to hell and back) or gotten ANY rude messages here in years, so i think we're good👍
hope this was helpful and i hope ur not grossed out of kagepro though I'd understand. u kinda need a strong stomach not only for its themes but sadly kagepro does the gross anime thing animes do :(
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valealiz · 4 months
intro / bio! 🍰🧸
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"If your rights trample over my rights, those aren't your rights."
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▪︎ Name: Vale / Burrito
▪︎ Gender: Unlabeled
▪︎ Sexuality: Unlabeled
▪︎ Favorite colors: Beige, Navy Blue, black and white, Mint green, pastel colors
▪︎ Hobbies: Drawing, painting, running, playing video games (Pokemon and Mario games galore)
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🎧 I am utterly OBSESSED with Nintendo and video games as a whole; Yoshis and Toads make me so happy. I also love Will Wood, bôa, Lighter190e (Rina Itou), The Crane Wives, Gottfried Huppertz, The Oh Hellos, Alice Peralta, Koneko Ayano, Anna Sato, Laura Yokozawa (?), ICP, John Williams, Tom Lehrer, Sewerslvt, Jack Stauber, and many other bands and artists. I like to draw and make stuff but I'm pretty impatient so I never really got the hang of it... I also love stuffed animals 'cause they're cute! <3
📚 I'm also now a former Academic Pentathlete as I have spent the last two years participating in it (as my county only lets 7th and 8th Graders participate) and winning many medals in the process. It's basically like the easier, middle school DEMO version of Academic Decathlon, which I'm probably doing next year!
... and that leads me to this. I have an embarrassing strong fucking attachment to my Academic Pentathlon Coach 'cause he's so ARGH- HE'S SO COOL! But I'm gonna leave him when I promote and he probably wouldn't care so I'm just venting my feelings out here in hopes that someone feels the way I do. I'll refer to him as Mr. RS just so people don't get really iffy about it. Also, as a disclaimer, I don't LIKE HIM like all romantic and stuff like that, the way I feel is definitely like still innapropriate and unprofessional, but still. :3
(As of June 6th, I've promoted. My TCC and teacher attachment stuff will remain up unless requested by him or the school district to take it down. I'll still post, obviously.)
Anyway, I hope y'all like what I write on this hell of a "fanpage," because I run my mouth (or rather my hands) a lot.
- Vale!
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emeraldbabygirl · 3 months
nct - yuta, mark, ten, rennie, jisung, xiaojun, johnny, taeyong, hendery
monsta-x - hyungwon, chankyun
bts - suga, jungkook, taehyung, jin
pentagon - wooseok, yuta, shinwon
nu'est - ren
b1a4 - cnu
cnblue - jungshin
n.flying - jaehyun, chahun, dongsung, seunghyub
onlyoneof - junji, kb, yoojung
2pm - taecyeon, nickhun
got7 - jb, mark
lunafly - teo
shinee - key, taemin, onew, minho
winner - seunghoon, taehyun, jinwoo
ikon - bobby, donghyuk
dbsk - jaejoong, changmin, yoochun, junsu, yunho
exo - chanyeol, kris, tao, luhan, xiumin, lay, kai
infinite - dongwoo, sungyeol, sungjong
u-kiss - kevin, dongho, kiseop
dalmation - donglim
m.i.b - kangnam
mblaq - lee joon, mir
boyfriend - the jo twins
ss501 - kim hyun joong
ftisland - hongki, jaejin
uniq - yibo, seungyoun/woodz
b.a.p - yongguk, jongup
txt - beomgyu, huehue, yeonjun
seventeen - jun, jeonghan, the8, mingyu, vernon, woozi, joshua
beatwin - sunhyeok, yoonhoo
sf9 - hwiyoung, zuho, rowoon
lucente - parkha, z.hoo
a.c.e - donghun, jun, sehyoon
vixx - leo, hongbin, ken
teen top - niel, minsoo
knk - youjin
victon - seungwoo, hanse
1team- bc
omega x - xen
k.a.r.d - j.seph
stray kids - hyunjin, jisung, felix, i.n
day6 - youngk
super junior - leeteuk, eunhyuk, heechul, donghae
imfact - jian, lee sang, ungjae
block b - jaehyo, p.o, park kyung, zico
newkidd - hwi
cross gene - takuya
ateez - hongjoong, yeosang, seonghwa, mingi, wooyoung
big bang - gd
bonus: kim jae wook
bonus: kim woo bin
bonus: park bo gum
bonus: park hyo shin
myname - gunwoo, junq
m.pire - haru
topp dogg - atom, xero, sangdo, bjoo
14u - loudi
2z - hojin, jisub, bumjun, junghyun, zunon
alphabat - gamma
n.tic - jion
dkb - yuku, heechan, harry june
vav - ace
target - boun, oojin, g.i
wei - yoo yongha
kingdom - ivan, mujin
to1 - chanhyuk, donggeon
mcnd - win, huijin
ghost9 - shin, prince
e'last - romin, rano, wonhyuk, baekyuel, yejun
blitzers - chris, go_u
nik - parkha
megamax - iden, jaehun, jini
argon - kain
epex - baekseung, mu
b.i.g - heedo
mirae - lien
xdinary heroes - gaon, jooyeon, junhan, o.de
oneus - xion, leedo
onewe - cya, dongmyeong
cravity - minhee, serim
xeed - jaemin
bz boys - seunghyun
xodiac - beomsoo
the rampage - hokuto, kaisei, itsuki, takahide, ryu, riku, yamamoto
psychic fever - jimmy, weesa
ballistik boys - matsui, sunada
j soul brothers - hiroomi
fantastics - keita, yusei yagi
atlas - erwin, nice, muon
travis japan - noel, genta, umi
zero base 1 - ricky, jiwoong
7 men samurai - konpi, bana-san, rinne
treasure - haruto, junghwan, hyunsuk, jaehyuk
bang yedam
jo1 - shosei, kinjo
snow man - hikaru, fuka, daisuke, raul, date-sama, koji, ren
boys republic - sunwoo
kim woojin
justb - geonu
the rose - woosung, dojoon
fistbump - hyunwoo
sema - sema
ini - rihito, jun
bonus: maeda gouki
bonus: jun shison
ryuji sato
bonus: shuntaro yanagi
bonus: masataka kubota
bonus: kanta sato
bonus: akhisa shiono
bonus: yuki yamada
riize - wonbin
great guys - dongin
cix - bae jiyoung
4mix - ninja, folksong, george
xy - gai, p star, furutatsu, kanji, jay, karma, kairi, kyohey
gazette - aoi, kai, uruha, ruki, reita
highlight - dongwoon
buck-tick - atsushi, hyde, yuta, imai
t1419 - gunwoo, leo, sian
btob - minhyuk
click b -minhyuk
younite - dey, eunho
orbit - ooon, youndong
d-crunch - minhyuk, jungseung, dylan
unvs - eunho
enhypen - sunghoon, jake
hihi jets - syoya igari
dir en grey - toshiya
sug - takeru
golden bomber - kenji, yutaka, jun
bonus: kento yamazaki
bonus: dori sakurada
bonus: takumi saitoh
arashi - matsumoto jun, oguri shun
bonus: haruma miura
bonus: go ayano
bonus: hu xiaoling
bonus: mizushima hiro
kat-tun - jin akanishi
itagaki mizuki
8turn - myungho
wataru vasayegh
onf - j-us
p1harmony - intak, theo, soul, jongseob
bonus: zhang shuai bo
bonus: song jae rim
bonus: takenouchi yutaka
bonus: paing takhon
bonus: ryu jun yeol
bonus: hu yetao
wang lin kai
wow - daro yoon
jeff satur
the7 - woochul
mont - roda, narachan
xenex - uhyeong
dios - hyun
n.ssign - doha
trendz - havit
lun8 - chael
82major - seongil
hoppipolla - jeonghun
@witchy-weve-monbebe ok I wasn’t going to post it cause I know there’s more but this is all I have so far. I have no idea what to do with the list I wanted a visual guide lol but idk what to do with it hehe I have pics from Pinterest I can use but yeah idk
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dear-indies · 7 months
Hiii! I hope that you're having a day. I won't say good because of all that happens in the world, it cannot be a good day for anyone who cares.
In the midst of all this, between staying informed and sharing what I know, I'm looking for a bit of a temporary solace through roleplay.
Could you please share with me your favorite short-haired Japanese women? Any age, but 30+ would be appreciated! Thanks a lot.
And if you can't, that is perfectly fine.
I hope your day goes on alright, and that everyone you meet masks up and cares as much as you do.
Yo Kimiko (1956) Japanese.
Suzuki Honami (1966) Japanese.
Harada Tomoyo (1967) Japanese.
Suzuki Kyoka (1968) Japanese.
Horiuchi Keiko (1971) Japanese.
Matsuyuki Yasuko (1972) Japanese.
Fukatsu Eri (1973) Japanese.
Yonekura Ryoko (1975) Japanese.
Nakatani Miki (1976) Japanese.
Hasegawa Kyōko (1978) Japanese.
Fukushima Rila (1980) Japanese.
Sato Nori (1984) Japanese.
Ueno Juri (1986) Japanese.
Watanabe Anne (1986) Japanese.
Sonoya Mizuno (1986) Japanese / English, Argentinian [likely including French].
Shinoda Mariko (1986) Japanese.
Nakamura Anne (1987) Japanese.
Kana Oya (1987) Japanese Brazilian / Brazilian.
Takahashi Ai (1986) Japanese.
Toda Erika (1988) Japanese.
Miyazawa Emma (1988) Japanese.
Miyagi Mai (1988) Japanese.
Omoto Ayano (1988) Japanese.
Fujii Mina (1988) Japanese.
Horan Chiaki (1988) Japanese.
Kiritani Mirei (1989) Japanese.
Tricia Fukuhara (1991) Japanese.
Kutsuna Shioli (1992) Japanese.
The fact you were so kind made me want to answer this straight away. I hope these are useful and that you're having a day too. 💌
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produce101blog · 8 months
Live Audience Ranking
Note: this only includes the LIVE audience of the performances in ep3+4, plus the additional 3,000 bonus votes. Whoever won out of the two groups that performed the song got 3,000 bonus votes.
Second note: These are essentially useless rankings as they weren't actual fan votes submitted online/through mobile.
Third note: Tumblr hates ties in lists. Use the vote count to determine a tie. Most everything from rank 36 onward is a tie.
Ebihara Tsuzumi (3172)
Takami Ayane (3151)
Kitazume Sakura (3139)
Ishii Ran (3123)
Kasahara Momona (3093)
Nakano Konona (3084) - tie
Sasaki Tsukushi (3084) - tie
Takahashi Hina (3082)
Takabatake Momoka (3073)
Aoki Yuka (3071)
Nakayama Honoka (3068)
Mizukami Rimika (3064)
Tanaka Yuuki (3064)
Kato Kokoro (3064)
Murakami Rinon (3061)
Uchiyama Rin (3061)
Kamio Ayano (3056)
Yamamoto Suzu (3055)
Akiyama Ema (3054)
Hatta Mena (3050)
Kanno Miyu (3046)
Kitazato Rio (3044)
Sakaguchi Rino (3043)
Ando Yui (3041)
Tanabe Karin (3038)
Abe Nagomi (3037)
Otsubo Karen (3035)
Aramaki Joa (3031)
Tanaka Koto (3031)
Kamada Moe (3029)
Matsushita Miyu (3028)
Sakurai Miu (3028)
Kenmotsu Nano (3026)
Kawabata Ranka (3023)
Shimizu Keiko (3021)
Kino Riko (3012)
Hidaka Hazuki (3011)
Nakamori Kotone (3011)
Yoshida Ayano (3011)
Kikukawa Aki (3010)
Kobayashi Sae (3010)
Nakamori Mikoto (3010)
Sato Ameli (3010)
Nakamura Aoi (3008)
Okabe Nonoka (3007)
Sano Jueri (3006)
Shiromaru Maho (3004)
Bando Fuka (3003) - whatever the opposite of MVP is (lowest votes) of winning groups
Yoshida Hana (81) - MVP (highest votes) of non-winning groups
Moro Anon (56)
Ando Chiharu (55)
Kato Kagura (55)
Yamazuki Mitsuki (46) - potential elimination cutoff
Fujimoto Ayaka (45)
Oyanagi Emi (45)
Hosoi Ayaka (37)
Kato Airi (37)
Kawagishi Runa (35)
Oda Aruha (35)
Sakata Kotone (30)
Sudo Sakura (28)
Mogi Shion (27)
Sutani Yurara (26)
Sekiguchi Rikako (25)
Shibuya Mei (24)
Watanabe Miyu (22)
Koyama Mana (20)
Kurokawa Honoka (18)
Sakuraba Haruka (18)
Tanaka Hana (18)
Iida Shizuku (16)
Hamasaki Aiko (13)
Saito Serina (13)
Oikawa Rio (12)
Sasaki Kokona (11)
Aita Rin (8)
Wakimoto Mihaya (8)
Okamura Nana (7)
Tani Seia (7)
Furuhashi Sayaka (6)
Kato Konomi (6)
Sugai Natsuho (5)
Tabata Nana (5)
Ueki Mimi (5)
Iyota Hana (5)
Nakamura Riro (4)
Yamaguchi Misaki (4)
Shibagaki Arisa (3)
Shinzawa Mika (3)
Tabuchi Miu (3)
Kataoka Rio (2)
Suzuki Rena (2)
Kurihara Kano (1)
Motohashi Meika (1)
Ota Sara (1)
Takagi Mayu (1)
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hottakesdutp · 1 year
It's pride month y'all!
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magicmorningmeteora · 2 years
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The following members have birthdays this week:
Yanagawa Nanami (January 6; 21)
Sato Ayano (January 7; 28)
Ishida Ayumi (January 7; 26)
Happy birthday!
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mewmewchann · 2 years
If you feel like it: likes and dislikes for your DR OCs? Always thought those were the best part of the report cards.
they are always the best part of the report cards I agree
anyway sorry for the wait anon, a lot of these were hard to decide haha
but some of these are important to stuff that happens in the story! So do keep an eye out *wink*
Kokoro Hikari Likes - love stories Dislikes - broken hearts
Jasper Shion Likes - dark chocolate Dislikes - his glasses getting dirty
Sachiko Akahana Likes - taiyaki Dislikes - authority
Haruto Sora Likes - musical motifs Dislikes - fake friends
Saiko Aishi Likes - Ozymandias Dislikes - Salem Trials
Kaoru Odayaka Likes - stuffed animals Dislikes - crowds
Miko Tsunade Likes - calm waterfalls Dislikes - snow
Ayano Sunako Likes - oversized jackets Dislikes - decaf coffee
Amai Akuma Likes - cherry blossom cola Dislikes - grape panta
Ahmya Aika Likes - cats Dislikes - makeup
Yuuma Todoroki Likes - tourmaline Dislikes - alcohol
Rikona Fumiko Likes - royal milk tea Dislikes - mint
Hope's Chains
Katsumi Akira Likes - J-pop music Dislikes - being ignored
Hideyoshi Tsuchiya Likes - alt-rock Dislikes - dress codes
Hotaru Tachibana Likes - murder mysteries, candy Dislikes - snitches
Daisuke Ito Likes - takoyaki Dislikes - syringe needles
Azami Chitose Likes - pet mice Dislikes - stupid people
Itsuru Kitagawa Likes - team effort Dislikes - disrespect
Naoki Sato Likes - neon lights Dislikes - their ex-boyfriend
Kazuhiko Ueda Likes - silver chains Dislikes - excessive attention
Takeo Taigen Likes - gold chains, his girlfriend Dislikes - disorder
Hana Mari Likes - plot twists, her boyfriend Dislikes - clichés
Eren Yoshida Likes - his talent Dislikes - rich people
Pyuko Likes - being Pyuko Dislikes - not being Pyuko
Seira Suzuki Likes - cologne Dislikes - wearing dresses
Callas the Mighty Likes - dice sets Dislikes - OOC
Saki Miyuki Likes - teddy bears Dislikes - okonomiyaki
Keiko Kameko Likes - swimming Dislikes - animal cruelty
Monochan Likes - her doll Dislikes - her boss
Rantaro Amami (DFTH) Likes - night skies Dislikes - cigarette smoke
Tsumugi Shirogane (DFTH) Likes - murder mysteries Dislikes - stupid people
Usagi Tomoe Likes - pink ribbons, her protégé Dislikes - liars
Hikaru Ayana Likes - attention Dislikes - outsiders
Slade Likes - "wham lines" Dislikes - the mastermind
Nisetaro Tokumei Likes - wolves, white noise Dislikes - fake people
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favourite anime and anime characters part 2
Grand Blue- Chisa Kotegawa
Grandpa and Grandma Turn Young Again-Ine Saitou 
Great Pretender 
Great Teacher Onizuka-Tomoko Nomura
Green Green-Midori Chitose 
Grenadier-Rushuna Tendo
Grimgar Of Fantasy And Ash-Shihoru
Grimoire of Zero-Zero
Grimms Notes- Reina
Grisaia-Amane Suou
Ground Defense Force Mao-chan
Guin Saga-Rinda Farseer
Gugure Kokkuri-san 
Guilty Crown- Inori Yuzuriha,Shu Ouma, Gai Tsutsugami 
Gunjou no Magmel- Zero 
Gunslinger Girl-Henrietta 
Gunslinger Stratos The Animation-Kyouka Katagiri 
Gun Frontier 
Gun Girls
Gun X Sword
Gushing over Magical Girls-Utena Hiiragi/Magia Baiser 
Gurren Lagann- Yoko Littner, Nia Tepplin, Viral
Guyver The Bioboosted Armor 
Hachigatsu no Cinderella Nine- Akane Ukita 
Hackadoll The Animation
Haganai- Sena Kashiwazaki 
Haibane Renmei
Haikyuu- Kiyoko Shimizu 
Hajime no Ippo 
Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens
Hakumei to Mikochi -Mikochi
Hakuoki- Chizuru Yukimura
Hakushaku To Yousei-Lydia Carlton
Hakyuu Houshin Engi
Hamefura-Catarina Claes, Mary Hunt, Sophia Ascart and Maia Campbell 
Hand Shakers-Koyori Akutagawa
Handyman Saitou in Another World-Lafanpan
Hanamaru Kindergarden-Nanako Yamamoto 
Hanasakeru Seishounen- Kajika Louisa Kugami Burnsworth
Hanasaku Iroha-Ohana Matsumae
Hanaukyo Maid Team 
Hanayamata-Naru Sekiya 
Hand Maid May-May
Happy Lesson-Minazuki Rokumatsuri 
Happy Sugar Life- Satou Matsuzaka
Harem in the Labyrynth of Another World-Roxanne 
Haruchika-Chika Homura 
Harukana Receive 
Hataraki Man- Hiroko Matsukata
Hataraku Onii-san
Hatena Illusion- Yumemi Hoshisato 
Hatsukoi Limited-Ayumi Arihara
Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto 
Hayate No Gotoku/Hayate the Combat Butler-Hayate Aayasaki, Nagi Sanzenin,Maria
He Is My Master-Izumi Sawatari
Healer Girl-Kana Fuji 
Heaven’s Design Team-Meido
Heaven's Lost Property- Ikaros, Nymph, Astraea 
Heaven's Memo Pad-Alice/Yuuko Shionji 
Heavenly Delusion-Kiruko 
Heavy Object-Milinda Brantini
Hell Girl- Ren Ichimoku, Ai Enma 
Hell’s Paradise-Yuzuriha 
Hell Teacher Nube- Miki Hosokawa
Hellsing- Alucard, Seras Victoria 
Hensuki- Yuika Koga
Hentai Prince And The Stony Cat- Tsukiko Tsutsukakushi
Hen Semi-Nanako Matsutaka 
Hero Classroom-Arnest Flaming 
Hero Mask
Hero Tales-Laila Seiren
Heroic Age
Heroines Run the Show-Hiyori Suzumi 
Heroic Legend Of Arslan-Alfreed
Heroman-Lina Davis   
Hetalia- Japan
Hidamari Sketch-Yoshinoya 
Higehiro- Sayu Ogiwara 
High Card
High Rise Invasion-Yuri Honjo  
High School DxD- Rias Gremory, Issei Hyodo
High School Fleet-Mei Irizaki
High School Girls- Ayano Sato 
High School Of The Dead
High Score Girl- Akira Oono
Highspeed Etoile 
Higurashi-Rena Ryuugu
Hikaru no Go
Himawari- Himawari Hinata 
Hime-chan’s Ribbon 
Himesama Goyoujin-Himeko Tsubaki 
Himote House
Himouto Umaru-chan-Nana Ebina 
Hinako Note-Hinako Sakuragi
Hinamatsuri- Hina
Hinomaru Sumo- Chizuko Hori 
Hiiro No Kakera- Tamaki Kasuga 
Hisone and Masotan- Hisone Amakasu
Hitman Reborn- Chrome Dokuro
Hitohira-Mugi Asai
Hitori no Shita-Fuu Houhou
Hitori Bocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu-Bocchi Hitori 
Hitorigurashi no Shougakusei
Hokkaido Gals Are Super Adorable-Minami Fuyuki 
Honey And Clover 
Hoozuki's Coolheadedness 
Hortensia Saga-Nonnoria Folley
Horimiya-Kyouko Hori 
Horizon In The Middle Of Nowhere- Horizon Arladust/P-01s
Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi-Ui Nakatsugawa 
House Of Five Leaves
How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom-Tomoe Inui, Kaede Foxia
How Heavy Are The Dumbbells You Lift- Hibiki Sakura 
How Not To Summon a Demon Lord-Rem Galleu 
How To Keep a Mummy-Asa Motegi 
Hulaing Babies
Humanity Has Declined-Shujinko
Hundred-Claire Harvey
Hungry Heart Wild Striker-Miki Tsujiwaki 
HunterxHunter- Shizuku
Hyakka Ryouran- Jubei Yagyu
Hyakko-Ayumi Nonomura
Hybrid x Heart Magias Academy Ataraxia-Silvia Silkcut  
Hyouka- Eru Chitanda
Hyperdimension Neptunia The Animation-Neptune/Purple Heart 
Hynosis Mic- Iris
ID0-Maya Mikuri
IDInvaded- Koharu Hondomachi
Idol Incidents
Idolish7-Tsumugi Takanashi 
Idoly Pride- Sakura Kawasaki
Ikenaikyo-Charlotte Evens
Inazuma Eleven 
InfiniT Force
Infinite Stratos- Houki Shinonono
Innocent Venus 
Interspecies Reviewers-Meidri
In/spectre-Kotoko Iwanaga 
Intrigue In The Bakumatsu
Inu X Boku Secret Service- Ririchiyo Shirakiin, Soushi Miketsukami
Inukami- Yoko 
Inuyasha- Kagome Higurashi, Moroha(Yashahime)
I’ve Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Max Out My Level-Azusa Aizawa
I Can't Understand What My Husband Is Saying- Kaoru
I Coundn't Become A Hero, So I Reluctantly Decided To Get A Job- Fino Bloodstone
I Don't Like You At All Big Brother-Nao Takanashi
I Got a Cheat Skill in Another World and Became Unrivaled in the Real World Too-Kaori Houjou 
I Shall Survive Using Potions-Kaoru Nagase 
I Somehow Gotten Stronger When I Improved My Farm Related Skills-Helen Rean
I Was Reincarnated as the 7th Prince so I can Take My Time Perfecting My Magical Ability 
I’m Standing on a Million Lives- Kusue Hakosaki 
I’m Qutting Heroing-Lili 
I’m in Love with the Villainess- Rae Taylor,Clair Francois 
I’m the Villainess so I’m Taming the Final Boss-Aileen Lauren d’Autriche 
Idolmaster-Haruka Amami,Uzuki Shimamura[IMCG], Arisu Tachibana[IMCG U149], Momoka Sakurai[IMCG U149] 
If Her Flag Breaks- Nanami Knight Bladefield
If My Favourite Pop Idol Made It to the Budoukan I Would Die-Maina Ichii
Ikebukuro West Gate Park
Ikemen Sengoku 
Iketeru Futari
Ikki Tousen- Hakufu Sonsaku 
Ikoku Meiro no Croisee-Yune
Immortal Grand Prix 
Immoral Guild-Hitamu Kyan
In the Heart of Kunoichi Tsubaki-Tsubaki 
In the Land of Leadale-Cayna
Inari Konkon Koi Iroha- Inari Fushimi 
Infinite Dendrogram-Nemesis  
Initial D
Insomniacs After School-Isaki Magari
Interview With Monster Girls-Hikari Takanshi, Kyouko Machi, Yuki Kusakabe,Sakie Satou
In Another World With My Smartphone-Linze Silhoueska
Invaders Of The Rokujoma-Sanae Higashihongan
Invincible King Tri Zenon 
Incincible Robo Trider G7
Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san
Ippatsu Kiki Musume
Ippon Again-Michi Sonoda 
Irina The Vampire Cosmonaut- Irina Luminesk 
Is It Wrong to Try To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon?-Hestia
Is The Order A Rabbit?- Cocoa Hoto
Is This A Zombie?- Eucliwood Hellscythe
Island- Sara Garando
Isuca- Sakuya Shimazu 
Iron Man
Irregular At Magic High School- Miyuki Shiba,Tatsuya Shiba
Isekai Cheat Magician-Rin Azuma 
Isekai Izakaya Nobu- Shinobu Senke
Isekai Quartet 
Itazura na Kiss-Kotoko Aihara
Iwa Kakeru- Konomi Kasahara
Ixion Saga DT
Izzeta The Last Witch- Izetta
Japan Sinks 2020
Jellyfish Can’t Swim in The Night-Mahiru Kouzuki/Yoru Kurage
Jikkenhin Kazoku-Ashisu
Jikuu Tantei Genshi-kun-Sora Yamato
Jingai-san no Yome
Jinsei-Fumi Kujou
Jitsu Wa Watashi Wa-Youko Shiragami
JK Meshi
Joker Game 
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure-Trish Una
Jormungand- Koko Hekmatyar, Jonah
Joshiraku- Gankyou Kurubiyutei 
Jouran-Sawa Yukimura 
Juubei-chan-Jiyuu Nanohara
Jujutsu Kaisen-Nobara Kugisaki
Junji Ito Collection 
Junji Ito Maniac 
Just Because 
Juuni Senshi Bakuretsu Eto Ranger
Juuni Taisen
Juusenshi Gulkeeva
Juushinki Pandora- Queenie Yoh 
K- Kuroh Yatogami, Neko 
K-On- Yui Hirasawa
Kabaneri of The Iron Fortress-Ayame Yomogawa
Kabukibu-Maruko Janome
Kabukichou Sherlock-Mary Morstan
Kado-Kanata Shinawa
Kage Kara Mamoru-Yamame Hattori 
Kageki Shoujo-Sarasa Watanabe
Kaguya-sama – Kaguya Shinomiya
Kakegurui-Yumeko Jabami 
Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi- Aoi Tsubaki 
Kamisama Kazoku-Tenko Kamiyama
Kashigoto- Hime Gotou 
Kaijuu No.8
Kaina of the Great Snow Sea-Ririha
Kaitou Tenshi Twin Angel
Kanamemo-Kana Nakamachi
Kamen No Maid Guy-Naeka Fujiwara
Kamichama Karin
Kamierabi-Honoka Sawa
Kamigami No Asobi-,Yui Kusanagi 
Kamisama Dolls
Kamisama Kiss- Nanami Momozono
Kampfer- Akane Mishima 
Kandagawa Jet Girls-Rin Namiki 
Kannagi -Nagi/Kannagi
Kannazuki No Miko- Himeko Kurusugawa 
Kanon-Ayu Tsukimiya 
Kanokon- Chizuru Minamoto
Kantai Collection-Fubuki, Hibiki, Shigure
Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san-Takagi-san
Karakuri Circus- Shirogane Saiga/Eleonore
Kare Kano-Yukino Miyazawa
Karin: Chibi Vampire- Karin Maaka
Karneval- Gereki
Kashimashi-Hazumu Osaragi
Katanagatari- Togame  
Kawagoe Boys Sing 
Kawai Complex Guide To Manors And Hostel Behaviour-Ritsu Kawai 
Kaze No Stigma-Ayano Kannagi 
Keep Your Hands Off Eizoukan 
Keijo-Non Toyoguchi 
Kemono Friends-Serval
Kemono Jihen-Kon
Kemono Michi- Shigure 
Ken En Ken
Kengan Ashura
Kenka Bancho 
Kenichi: Mightiest Disciple- Miu Furinji
Key The Metal Idol 
Kiddy GirlAND- Ascoeur
Kiddy Grade- Eclair, Lumiere
Kids On The Slope
Kimetsu no Yaiba- Nezuko Kamado 
King of Prism 
Kiitarou’s Youkai Picture Diary 
Kill La Kill
Kill Me Baby- Sonya
Killing Bites- Hitomi Uzaki 
Kimagure Orange Road-Manami Kasuga
Kimi Ga Aruji De Shitsuji Ga Ore De-Yume Kuonji 
Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien-Haruka Suzumiya
Kimi Ni Todoke-Sawako”Sadako”Kuronuma
Kimi To Boku
KimiKiss-Yuumi Hoshino
Kimizero-Runa Shirakawa
Kindaichi Case Files-Miyuki Nanase 
King’s Game
King’s Raid- Cleo
Kin-Iro Mosaic-Shinobu Omiya 
Kino’s Journey 
Kirby: Right Back At Ya 
KissxSis- Miharu Mikuni
Kiss Him Not Me- Kae Serinuma
Kiyo In Kyoto-Kiyo
Kiznaiver-Nico Niiyama 
Kizuna no Allele-Chris
Knights and Magic- Adeltrud “”Addy” Olter
Knights Of Sindonia-Shizuka Hoshijiro 
Kobato-Kobato Hanato
Kodomo no Jikan-Mimi Usa 
Kodomo no Omocha
Koi Kaze-Nanoka Kohinata
Koi wa Ameagari no You ni – Akira Tachibana 
Koikimo-Ichika Arima 
Koihime Muso- Kan'u Unchou/Aisha
Kokkoku- Juri Yukawa
Kokoro Connect
Kokoro Library-Kokoro
Komi Can’t Communicate-Shouko Kpmi
Komori-san Can't Decline
Kono Oto Tomare – Satowa Hasuki 
Konohana Kitan-Yuzu
Kotaro Lives Alone 
Kotoura-san- Yuriko Mifune
Koutetsu Sangokushi 
Kubo Let Me Be Invisible-Nagisa Kubo 
Kujibiki Unbalance 
Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear- Yuna
Kumamiko-Machi Amayadori 
Kuroko's Basket-Satsuki Momoi
Kuromukuro-Yukina Shirahane
Kyoran Kazoku Nikki-Kyoka Midarezaki 
Kyoto Teramachi Sanjou no Holmes-Aoi Mashiro
Kyou Kara Maou 
Kyou no Go no Ni-Megumi Hidaka
La Corda d'Oro-Azuma Yunoki,Kahoko Hino,Kanade Kohinata[LCD Blue Sky]
La Storia Della Arcana Famiglia-Felicita
Ladies Versus Butlers-Tomomi Saikyou 
Laid Back Camp- Nadeshiko Kagamihara, Rin Shima 
Lamune-Nanami Konoe 
Lance N' Masques-Yufeng 
Land of the Lustrous
Lapis Re:Lights-Ashley 
Last Exile-Lavie Head, Fam Fan Fan(LEFtSW) 
Last Period- Choco
Laughing Under The Clouds-Botan 
Layton Mystery Tanteisha- Katrielle Layton
LBX Girls-Suzuno
Le Chevalier D'Eon 
Legend of the Galactic Heroes 
Legend of Legendary Heroes- Ferris Eris
Legend of Mana The Teardrop Cystal 
Les Misérables Shoujo Cosette 
Lets Make a Mug Too-Mika Kukuri
Level 1 Demon Lord and One Room Hero-Zenia 
Level E
Levius-Natalia Garnet 
Liar Liar-Sarasa Saionji/Rina Akabane 
Lilpri-Ringo Yukimori
Life Lessons with Uramichi Oniisan-Utano Tadano
Life with an Ordinary Guy who Reincarnated into a Total Fantasy Knockout- Hinata Tachibana 
Linebarrels Of Iron- Emi Kizaki
Listen To Me Girls, I Am Your Farther- Sora Takanashi 
Little Busters-Rin Natsume 
Little Witch Academia- Atsuko “Akko” Kagari 
Log Horizon-Akatsuki, Shiroe
Locodol-Nanako Usami
Love All Play 
Love and Lies-Misaki Takasaki
Long Riders-Ami Kurata 
Lord Marksman And Vanadis-Eleonora “Elen” Viltaria 
Lord of Vermillion- Tsubaki Manazuru
Lost Song-Rin  
Lost Universe 
Lost Village-Lion 
Love After World Domination-Desumi Magahara 
Love Com- Risa Koizumi
Love,Election And Chocolate-Nozomi Edagawa 
Love Flops-Amelia Irving 
Love Get Chu 
Love,Chunibyo And Other Delusions- Rikka Takanashi 
Love Hina-Shinobu Maehara, Motoko Aoyama, Kaolla Su
Love of Kill-Chateau Dankworth 
Love Lab- Suzune Tanahashi 
Love Live- Honoka Kosaka, Ruby Kurosawa[Love Live Sunshine], Rina Tennoji(Love Live Nijigasaki),Kanon Shibuya(Love Live Superstar)
Love Love- Natsumi Yagami
Love Kome
Lovely Idol 
Loving Yamada at Lv999-Akane Kinoshita 
L/R-Noelle Ardelade 
Luck & Logic-Athena, Liones Yellstratova
Lucky Star- Konata Izumi
Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer-Samidare Asahina
Luna Legend Tsukihime
Lupin The Third-Fujiko Mine  
Lycoris Recoil- Chisato Nishikigi
M3 The Black Metal 
Maburaho-Yuna Miyama
Macademi Wasshoi-Suzuho Hasegawa 
Machiko And Hatchin
Macross-Freyja Wion[Macross Delta]
Made In Abyss-Riko
Madou Soshi 
Maesetsu-Fubuki Kitakaze
Magatsu Wahrheit-Irma
Magi- Alibaba Saluja, Morgiana
Magic Knight Reyearth 
Magic Kyun Renaissance-Kohana Aigasaki 
Magic Of Stella-Tamaki Honda 
Magical Canan
Magical Circle Guru Guru-Kukuri
Magical Destroyers-Anarchy/Kirara Akabane
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha-Nanoha Takamachi
Magical Girl Ore – Sakuyo Mikage 
Magical Girl Site- Aya Asagiri 
Magical Girl Spec Ops Asuka-Kurumi Mugen 
Magical Girl Raising Project-Ripple/Kano Sazanami  
Magical Senpai-Senpai  
Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi
Magical Somera-chan
Magical Warfare-Mui Aiba
Magikano-Ayumi Mamiya 
Mahoraba-Kozue Aoba
Mahoromatic-Mahoro Andou
Mahou Shoujo Nante Mou Ii Desukara 
Mahou Shoujo Naria Girls
Mai Hime-Mai Tokiha
Mai Otome-Arika Yumemiya 
Maid-Sama- Misaki Ayazawa
Maison Ikkoku- Kyoko Otonashi 
Majestic Prince-Tamaki Irie 
Majikoi Oh! Samurai Girls- Miyako Shiina
Majimoji Rurumo-Rurumo 
Major-Kaoru Shimizu
Malevolent Spirit-Botan Nagatsuki 
Makai Ouji: Devils And Realist 
Maken-Ki- Inaho Kushihachi
Mama wa Shougaku 4 Nensei 
Mamoru-kun ni Megami no Shukufuku wo-Ayako Takasu
Management of a Novice Alchemist-Sarasa Feed
Manyuu Hikenchou- Kaede
Marchen Awakens Romance-Snow 
Marchen Madchen-Hazuki Kagimura 
Maria-sama ga Miteru-Yumi Fukuzawa
Maria Holic-Kanako Miyamae
Maria The Virgin Witch-Maria 
March Comes In Like A Lion-Hinata Kawamoto
Marmalade Boy
Manaria Friends 
Mars Red-Aoi Shirase
Martian Successor Nadesico-Yurika Misumaru,Ruri Hoshino 
Master Keaton 
Marvel Disk Wars
Masamune-kun’s Revenge-Yoshino Koiwai
Mashle-Lemon Irvine 
Matoi The Sacred Slayer-Matoi Sumeragi 
Matchless RaijinOh
Maoyu- Maou 
Mawaru Penguindrum
Mayo Chiki- Kanade Suzutsuki
Mayoi Neko Overrun-Nozomi Kiriya 
Mazica Party
Meiji Gekken
Meiji Tokyo Renka-Mei Ayaziki
Medaka Box- Medaka Kurokami 
Megalo Box 
Megaman NT Warrior
Megaton Musashi-Arshem 
Mekakucity Actors
Melody of Oblivion 
Merc Storia
Mermaid Forest 
Metallic Rouge 
MF Ghost-Ren Saionji 
Miami Guns- Yao Sakurakouji
Midnight Occult Civil Servants 
Midori Days- Midori Kasugano
Migi & Dali
Mikagura School Suite-Eruna Ichinomiya 
Mikan Enikki 
Million Arthur- Thief Arthur 
Million Doll 
Minami Kamakura High School Girls Cycling Club-Hiromi Maiharu
Minamike-Kana Minami 
Mingling With a Priest 
Mierukochan-Miko Yotsuya
Miracle Girls
Miss Caretaker of Sunoharasou-Ayaka Sunohara
Miss Bernard Said 
Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid-Tohru
Miss Kuroitsu from the Monster Development Department-Touka Kuroitsu, Akashic. Wolf Bete
Miss Monochrome 
Miss Shachiku and the Little Baby Ghost-Yuurei-chan
Mission: Yozakura Family 
Mitsuboshi Colors-Kotoha
Mitsudomoe-Aiko Kuriyama
Mix- Haruka Ooyama
MM-Arashiko Yuuno
Mob Psycho 100
Mobile Suit Gundam- Tieira Erde[Gundam 00], Lacus Clyne[Gundam Seed/Seed Destiny], Kudelia Aina Bernstein[Gundam IBO],China Kousaka[GBF],Romary Stone/Asuno[Gundum AGE]Mirai Kamiki[GBFT], Aya Fujisawa/Ayame[GBD], Shakti Kareen[MSVG], Suletta Mercury[MSG TWFM]
Modern Magic Made Simple-Koyomi Morishita 
Moetan-Ink Nijihara 
Momo Kyun Sword-Momoko
Momokuri-Yuki Kurihara
Mon Colle Knights 
Monochrome Factor 
Monogatari- Tsubasa Hanekawa 
Monster Girl Doctor-Saphentite Neikes
Monster Hunter Stories
Monster Musume-Miia
Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun-Chiyo Sakura 
Moonlight Mile
More Than a Married Couple But Not Lovers-Akari Watanabe 
Moriarty the Patriot 
Morita-san Wa Mukuchi 
Mouryou No Hako
Morose Mononokean-Zenko Fujiwara
Mother of the Goddess’s Dormitory-Sutea Koroya
Mr Love
Mr Villain’s Day Off
Ms.Koizumi Loves Ramen Noodles-Koizumi 
Ms. Vampire Who Lives in My Neighborhood- Sophie Twilight  
Muhyo & Roji’s Bureau of Supernatural Investigation  
Mushi Uta-Shiika Anmoto
Mushoku Tensei-Roxy Migurdia 
Muteki Kanban Musume-Megumi Kannazuki 
Mutenking The Dancing Hero 
Muv-Luv-Yui Takamura[MuvLuv Alternative Total Eclipse], Katia Waldheim[Shswarzesmarken], Sumika Kagamu[MuvLuv Alternative]
My Bride Is A Mermaid- Sun Seto
My Clueless First Friend-Akane Nishimura 
My Daemon
My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S Ranked Adventurer-Miriam
My Dress Up Darling-Marin Kitagawa 
My First Girlfriend Is a Gal-Nene Fujinoki
My Girlfriend Is Shobitch-Akiho Kousaka
My Happy Marriage-Miyo Saimori 
My Hero Academia-Ochako Uraraka 
My Home Hero-Reika Tosu 
My Isekai Life-Dryad 
My Instant Death Ability is So Over Powered-Tomochika Dannoura
My Little Monster-Asako Netsume 
My Life as Inukai-san’s Dog-Usagi Tsukishiro 
My Love Story-Rinko Yamato
My Master Has No Tail-Mameda
My Mental Choices Are Completly Interfering With My School Romance Comedy-Ouka Yuuouji 
My Neighbour Seki
My New Boss is Goofy
My One Hit Kill Sister-Maya Ikusaba
My Roommate is a Cat
My Senpai is Annoying-Futaba Igarashi 
My Sister My Writer 
My Stepmom’s Daughter is My Ex-Yume Irido 
My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU- Yui Yuigahama
My Tiny Senpai-Shiori Katase 
My Unique Skill Makes Me OP Even at Level 1-Emily Brown 
My Wife Is The Student Council President-Ui Wakana
Myriad Colors Phantom World-Reina Izumi  
Myself Yourself-Aoi Oribe
Mysterious Disappearance 
Mysterious Girlfriend X- Mikoto Urabe
Mysterious Joker- Diamond Queen 
Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok-Mayura Daidouji
Mystic Archives Of Dantalian-Dalian 
Nabari No Ou-Raimei Shimizu
Nagasarete Airantou- Suzu 
Nagi-Asu-Manaka Mukaido 
Najica Blitz Tactics- Lila 
Nakaimo-Konoe Tsuruma
Nanbaka-Momoko Hyakushiki
Nana-Nana Osaki 
Nana Maru San Batsu-Mari Fukami
Nanaka6/17-Nanaka Kirisato
Nanana’s Buried Treasure-Nanana Ryuugajou 
Nanatsuiro Drops-Sumomo Akihime 
Namu Amida Butsu
Naruto-Hinata Hyuga, Sumire Kakei(Boruto)
Natsu No Arashi-Yayoi Fushimi
Natsuiro Kiseki –Yuka Hanaki
Natsume's Book Of Friends- Jun Sasada
Needless- Adam Blade, Eve Neuschwanstein
Negima-Nodoka Miyazaki, Karin Yuuki[UQ Holder]
Nekogami Yaoyorozu-Mayu
Neo Ranga
Neon Genesis Evengelion
Near Death!! Ekoda-chan 
Netsuzou Trap
Neuro: Supernatural Detective- Yako Katsuragi 
New Game-Aoba Suzukaze
Nier Automata Ver1.1a-2B 
Night Head 2041
Night Head Genesis 
Night Raid 1931-Yukina Sonogi 
Night Wizard 
Nijiiro Days 
Nil Admirari no Tenbin- Tsugumi Kuze
Ningen Fushin-Curran
Ninja Kamui 
Ninja Girl And Samurai Master 
Ninja Nonsense- Shinobu,Miyabi
Ninja Scroll
Ninja Slayer From Animation 
Nisekoi- Kosaki Onodera
No Game No Life- Sora,Shiro
No Guns Life-Mary Steinberg
Noblesse- Seira J. Loyard
Nobunagun- Shio Ogura 
Nobunaga Conserto 
Nobunaga-sensei no Osanazuma
Nobunaga The Fool- Jeanne Kaguya D'Arc/Ranmaru Mori
Nodame Cantabile-Megumi Noda
Nogizaka Haruka No Himitsu-Haruka Nogizaka 
Non Non Biyori-Komari Koshigaya
Nora, Princess and Stray Cat
Noragami-Hiyori Iki,Yato
Nourin-Ringo Kinoshita/Yuka Kusakabe 
Now and Then Here and There
Null Peta
Nura: Rise Of The Yokai Clan- Tsurara Oikawa/Yuki Onna
Nurse Angel Ririka SOS 
Nurse Witch Komugi-chan-Kokona Saionji[NWK R]
Nyan Koi-Kaede Mizuno 
Nyanko Days
O Maidens in Your Savage Season-HItoha Hongou 
Oblivion Battery 
Occult Academy-Maya Kumashiro 
Occult:Nine-Ryoka Narusawa 
Oda Cinnamon Nobunaga-Ichiko Oda 
Odd Taxi
Ojisan And Marshmallow 
Okami-san And Her Seven Companions- Ryoko Okami
Okami Kakushi-Nemuru Kushinda
Okoshiyasu Chitose-chan
Okusama Wa Joshikousei-Asami Onohara
Omae wa Mada Gunma wo Shiranai
Omamori Himari-Himari Noihara
Omiai Aite wa Oshiego Tsuyoki na Mondaiji
One Outs
One Punch Man 
One Piece-Carrot,Yamato
One Week Friends-Kaori Fujimiya 
Onee-Chan Wa Kita
Ongaku Shoujo- Hanako Yamadaki 
Onsen Yousei Hakone-chan 
Ooya-san Wa Shishunki 
Oreimo- Ruri Goko/Kuroneko
Orenchi No Fueo Jijo
OreSuki- Aoi Hinata
Oreshura-Himeka Akishino
Orient-Tsugumo Hattori 
Oruchuban Ebichu
Otome Youkai Zakuro-Susukihotaru 
One Room
OniiAi-Akiko Himenokouji
Onimai-Mahiro Oyama
Opus Colors 
Orange-Naho Takamiya
Osake wa Fuufu ni Natte Kara
Osamake-Kuroha Shida
Oshi no Ko-Kana Arima
Otaku Elf-Koito Koganei
Otherside Picnic-Sorao Kamikoshi 
Otogi Juushi Akazukin 
Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru 
Our Last Crusade or the Rise of a New World-Mismis Klass 
Ouran High School Host Club- Kyoya Otari
Outbreak Company-Myucel Foaran 
Outburst Dreamer Boy-Mizuki Hijiri 
Outlaw Star-Melfina 
Our Home's Fox Deity-Misaki Sakura
Over Drive
Overdrive Girl 1/6-Nona 
Overtake-Alice Mitsuzawa
Pan De Peace
Pandora Hearts- Alice
Pandora In The Crimson Shell-Clarion 
Pani Poni Dash-Himeko Katagiri
Parallel World Pharmacy- Charlotte “Lotte” Soller 
Paradise Kiss-Yukari “Caroline” Hayasaka
Paranoia Agent 
PaRappa the Rapper
Pastel Memories  Panty And Stocking, Panty, Stocking
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filmkatt · 2 years
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Love & Loathing & Lulu & Ayano (2010)
Hisayasu Satô
20 notes · View notes
hyohaehyuk · 9 months
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SWITCH Vol.30 No.9 (2012/08/20)
SWITCH (@/switch_pub): Director Keishi Otomo interviewed Takeru Sato, Go Ayano and Taka, whom he met in the movie "Rurouni Kenshin", in order to find out what the professional attitude of the new generation has in common. For more details, please see SWITCH released on 8/20! Now accepting reservations.
Unfortunately I can't find any translation or better screenshots of the magazine. However I found those 2 prints of takeru photos in the magazine
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