#satbk gwtg au
nightwanderers12081 · 4 months
dp phandom who followed us sorry this is not dp related BABDBS
So-- have been fixating on Sonic for a bit-- a few aus have popped into mind and i want to talk about one called "Gone with the Wind", a satbk au
This au takes place immediately following the end of satbk
Upon being declared King, Sonic decides that he does not, in fact, want to be king and wants to go home, and asks merlinda if she could send him home, She denies his request because she believes their needs to be a king.
He decides right then and there that if no one would help him get home, then he might as well do it himself, he bolts away leaving everyone (including caliburn) in shock.
he stops by Griffin(tails-- this is infact based on a fic iykyk) blacksmith and picks up a different sword (a very basic one-- Griffin makes sure its fitted well-- well as well as he was able too considering Sonic is in a rush) under the lie that Caliburn said he should have a back up weapon just in case, After he buys the essentials like a stock of food and a cloak(for a disguise) and leaves town
He camps out in the dragon's cave since he had already slayed the dragon and there weren't any remaining enemies there anymore since King Arthur was gone. The cave becomes his home as he figures out how the fuck to get home
Meanwhile, the knights set up a missing poster asap, Griffin sees the poster and is concerned for Sonic's well being.
Back to Sonic-- he starts making trips to town every few weeks to refill on food-- Griffin catches him one night but agrees to help him by sneaking him food and other supplies he needs, he also finishes customizing Sonic's new sword to his liking
Another thing is that Sonic will train by Challeging passing knights(usually those he thinks are newer based on how they carry themselves n haow they act, etc) to a friendly duel under a different name(we haven't thought of his fake name yet) usually most dont really think about it. The purpose of training is that if hes caught, he wont be defenseless
Gawain recalls how sonic was heading to slay a dragon in the past before being interrupted by himself-- only to continue on his journey after beating him
Lancelot offers to go, Caliburn says he should bring him along to which Lance declines because he might not even be there
Anyways Lance makes the trip, Sonic was near the entrance and noticed him entering and hides towards the top of the cave in the shadows, covering his blue quills as much as possible so he doesn't stand out
Wasn't sure where to mention this so im plopping it here but Sonic made alot of renovations to the Cave so he was more comfortable while he tried to find his way home-- this includes things like small acoves of food or blankets and wooden bridges that he could run across
Back to the "plot", Despite having a genuinely good hiding spot, Lance notices him considering hes very observant and they have a confrontation-- starting with a sword fight
Sonic kind of shouts at him during the fight about how he never even wanted this and how he was literally taken out of his world without being given any choice in the matter and now they expected him to stay despite literally going by the title knight of the wind
The fight ends there, Lance hesitantly offering comfort while Sonic breaks down over how he just wants to go home and how he misses his friends
Lance is conflicted, hes unsure if its the right thing to turn in Sonic now. He decides that he wouldn't tell the other knights for now while he cleared his head, and tells Sonic just as much. Want to mention this isn't a guaranteed "I wont turn you in" but its a possibility
Sonic is just grateful that hes not being turned into the knights.
This was literally and idea that popped into our head last night so its not completely fleshed out-- we still want to start plotting out how Sonic finds his way home-- atm we want him to talk to the Lady at the Lake at some point for guidance
We've seen alot of aus where Sonic takes up the role of king or is teetering between being king or leaving, so we thought it would be fun to make an au where he very clearly chooses to not be king
In terms of ships n stuff, atm we have nothing but this au could be implied Lansoni (we thrive for more lance and knight of the wind content compared to lance and king arther/sonic(WHICH IS GOOD CONTENT WE JUST WANNA SEE MORE OF THE PRIOR))
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