#sat in the bathroom rubbing my belly and farting my guts out but it literally did nothing to make me smaller.. thank god my shift was short
heavypressure · 2 months
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Felt a bit bloated after a lunch break at work, but it's probably nothing noticeable...
(😔It would be so great if i would just randomly bloat up to ridiculous sizes in public, farting and belching loudly, panicking and trying to hide my disgustingly swollen middle, only for other people to stare in horror at my belly)
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peculiarmindset · 7 years
Gonna slightly be borrowing from Gassy OTP, but with a different outcome if that’s alright? Yurio has eaten a whole box of Fibre One throughout the day. When Otabek comes home, Yurio’s stomach is rumbling constantly, face screwed up as he’s subduing the pressure in ass before coming clean reluctantly, as Otabek offers to knead his stomach while farts come out, as he lets out one final massive one before scurrying off to the bathroom in urgency while clutching his backside desperately.
*I remember eating Fibre One bars before and at the time, I had no idea that it was something to help the bowels along- I just ate them like a regular snack, but thank god I never ate more than one (sometimes only half) every once in a while 😆
The Alarm Fart - Starts with a loud unnaturally high note, wavers like a siren, and ends with a quick downward note that stops before you expect it to. It sounds like something is wrong. If it happens to you, you will know right off why it is called the Alarm Fart. You will be alarmed.  
“Fuck….” Yuri cursed, rubbing his growling stomach as he slammed opened the refrigerator.
He had just come home from practice and the teen was absolutely ravenous. He was so starving that he didn’t even have the patience to cook anything- he needed food and he needed it now.
When he raided the kitchen, the only thing there that was edible without needing to be cooked or heated up was a whole box of Fibre One bars. The box looked like nirvana to the blonde as he ripped the box open and devoured the first two bars in less than a minute.
Taking the last three bars left in the box (he mentally noted to buy Otabek more later since these were actually the Kazakh’s), Yuri grabbed a glass of milk and went to the living room to finish his snack.
Yuri was biting into the fourth bar when he read the wrapper, taking note that the bars were actually healthy and of course, full of fiber. But all the teen could care about at the moment was how chocolate and peanut butter could make something healthy taste so unhealthily delicious.
Finishing up the last bar, Yuri gulped down the rest of his milk before washing his cup and throwing away the wrappers.
The blonde went back to the living and spent the rest of the time playing with his game console as he waited for his roommate/boyfriend to come back home.
“Oh crap!” Yuri hissed as his character died yet again. He took a deep breath, taking everything in him not to throw his Nintendo at the wall and breaking it like he had with his past four consoles.
As he repeated the level, he felt his stomach give a loud grumbling sound. The blonde winced, pausing the game to place his hand on his stomach as he could feel his guts twist up uncomfortably.
Thinking whether he should go to the toilet or just ignore it and keep playing his game, the blonde’s choice was made for him when he heard the front door open.
“Yuri? I’m home. And I brought us some dinner at that new Vietnamese place from across the street.” Otabek’s calm voice called out.
Yuri bit his lip to keep from cursing as he could feel his stomach practically bubbling up by the second. What the hell was up with it?
Otabek came into the living room and gave his boyfriend a small smile, but raised his eyebrow as soon as he noticed the other’s tight expression and body posture. “Yuri? Are you alright.” He asked, looking worried.
The blonde nodded his head, trying to not to make his discomfort obvious as he was literally squeezing his butt cheeks together.
Otabek of course didn’t believe his boyfriend’s lie. “Are you sure nothing’s up? Usually you greet me by shouting my name and tackling me at the door.” He grinned.
Yuri blushed but there was a deep frown on his face. “I don’t-”
Just at that moment, his stomach made a loud noise, sounding just as pained as the blonde felt. “Unghh…” Yuri clenched his teeth, giving his boyfriend a haughty look, silently warning the other not to say anything.
But unfortunately for him, the Kazakh skater was immune to Yuri’s threatening looks and gave Yuri a ‘look’ of his own. “Okay, tell me whats going on, Yura.” He demanded.
The blonde teen flinched, knowing his boyfriend only called him by that nickname whenever he was either horny or in trouble.
And he doubted the other wanted sex right now.
Yuri gave a long sigh and finally confessed what he had done, “Fine. I ate your snack bars earlier and I swear I’ll buy you two boxes to replace them tomorrow. But now my stomach’s killing me for some reason.” The blonde told him, clutching his stomach freely now since there was no point in hiding anymore.
Otabek blinked as he suddenly looked thoughtful. “What snack bars are you talking about, exactly?”
Yuri groaned as his stomach gave another cramp as he answered tightly, “Those chocolate and peanut butter ones- you know, the ones you leave in the top cabinet at the kitchen?”
Otabek’s eyes widened as he heard what the other had just said, “Yuri, those bars aren’t just for snacks. They’re rich with fiber to help move your bowels along. I eat one, sometimes two, when I’m constipated.” The Kazakh told him. “How many bars did you eat exactly?”
Yuri grimaced as he weakly said, “The whole box?” He groaned again when his stomach rumbled once more.
Otabek sighed as he walked towards the couch and sat beside the blonde. Opening his arms out, he said, “Okay come here and I’ll rub your stomach- you’re just gonna feel worse if you hold it in like that and if I know a thing or two about Fibre One….the gas isn’t going to go away just like that.” The Kazakh informed him.
Yuri huffed but he was feeling so bloated and in pain that he obediently scooted next to his boyfriend and rested against the couch, taking his own hands off his stomach so it could be replace with his boyfriend’s.
Otabek lifted up the blonde’s shirt and couldn’t help but give the other’s bloated belly an amused look. Shaking his head, he rubbed his hands to warm them up first before putting them directly on the teen’s stomach.
Yuri gave an obscene moan as he felt his boyfriend push down on his swollen belly, making kneading motions with his hands.
“GOD!” Yuri gasped loudly when a loud fart came out of him. But right after, two more equally loud, blustering farts came out, sounding like gun shots.
“Don’t worry, Fibre One usually makes…loud noises. It’s normal.” Otabek assured him.
“There’s nothing normal about this!” Yuri groaned, unable to stop himself from letting more thundering farts fly out.
Sure, the blonde teen can fart as loud with the best of them, but never had he farted so much in so little time and all at such a loud volume.
“Holy mother of- when will this fucking end?!” Yuri bit his lip as a sharp fart practically forced its way out of him, making his butthole burn from its release. It had already been about half an hour and the blonde’s farts were still going strong.
Otabek gave the right side of his boyfriend’s stomach a hard push, forcing another  burst of gas out, before replying, “Since you ate the whole box, it could be a while.” He looked apologetic as he said this.
Yuri’s groan couldn’t even be heard anymore as a nearly ear-shattering fart exited him right at that moment.
Yuri didn’t even know what he was feeling at that moment- whether it be humiliated, embarrassed, pained or relieved. All the teen wanted was for this whole thing to be over.
Otabek continued to knead the other’s belly and at one point, he used his thumbs and pressed down firmly at a certain area nearly the blonde’s belly button.
The fart that was forced out started off loud, almost screeching, like the previous ones but quickly made a downwards spiral until it suddenly stopped.
Otabek looked up, feeling alarmed by the abrupt end of that last ominous fart, and saw the ghostly pale look on his boyfriend face.
It was like time had stopped just then. But it lasted for only a second because suddenly Otabek found himself watching as Yuri was suddenly up and now running out of the room, both of his hands holding his backside.
“Shit! Shit! Shit!” The Kazakh skater could hear his boyfriend curse up a storm as loud footsteps desperately ran towards the restroom.
Otabek stayed on the couch and listened as a door was slammed accompanied by another loud curse they echoed throughout the entire house.
Shaking his head, Otabek finally got up from the couch and stretched out his own stiff body for a few seconds before making his way to their shared bedroom to grab Yuri an extra pair of underwear and some shorts- because he had a strong feeling the blonde was gonna need it.
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