#sasusaku drabbles
keithisbae1 · 7 months
AU: High school student Sakura wakes up and finds herself in the future married to the bad boy Sasuke Uchiha. It was almost like she was watching through someone else's eyes.
The way she kissed her husband's cheek lovingly before he went off to work and drove her -their- daughter Sarada to school.
What the hell was this? She was top of the class and had a reputation to uphold.
She couldn't marry him.
She wakes up and is certain that it was all just a dream, nothing more. Well, it's not like she had anything to worry about considering they’ve never spoken to each other before.
Except she finds it difficult to concentrate in school the next day and would find herself staring at him on occasion.
It's just a dream Sakura, your overthinking.
It doesn't help that she hears and sees things that link to the dream 
"I like the name Sarada."
Sakura stiffens not able to help herself overhearing. Why were they talking about names for their children when they were fourteen?
Sakura excuses herself from her friends going up to his table. She'll just have to take things into her own hands then. 
All the boys stopped talking as she approached confused as to why the goody girl she was would.
"I hate the name Sarada!"
And walked away.
There! Now she ruined all their chances and he probably found it weird that she randomly went to their table like this. 
If Sakura kept doing things like this, Sasuke Uchiha would never look her way.
It was perfect.
Sakura mentally patted herself on the back well done for the idea as she sat back at the lunch table her friends were at. 
They were looking at her weirdly but she was too pleased with herself to care.
"Uh, what was that about?" Naruto finally asked looking at Sasuke. He just shrugged and they continued on their discussion of their fictional future children's names. 
Except what Sakura didn't know was that every little action of trying to put Sasuke off her to change their future only made him interested in her more. 
Like just imagine how chaotic Sakura would be 😭 Going around doing anything to stop Sasuke from being interested in her.
She knows he smokes up on the school's rooftop so she goes up to purposely annoy him, giving lectures about how smoking is bad so that he would hate her. Only for him to be intrigued by her.
She read in the diary about a time Sasuke took her to the nurse's office because she got hit on the face by a football. So she stayed in the class far away from the school's football pitch on the day of a match. 
Only the boys were messing and playing with one in the halls and Suigetsu accidentally kicked in the class and which is how it landed smacked against her face tipping her off the chair.
Sasuke offered to take her to the nurse's office and didn't leave her side missing the match. 
She would purposely go out on her way to snitch on Sasuke, calling him out to the class and in front of the teachers. Because everyone hates snitches but he was completely chill and just found her amusing.
No matter what it always backfired. 
They graduated high school and Sakura thinks that she succeeded because they weren't together and he didn't try to approach her asking for a date.
When the reality was they didn't actually get together until their 20s where they bumped into each other once again in a coffee shop with Sasuke being the one to ask if she was interested in meeting up sometime.
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person-behind-books · 10 months
(takes place in 699 where instead of fighting till they destroyed their arms they passed out during those last punches because they were just in a war and are both exhausted)
it's horrible and selfish and petty and sakura knows better but that doesn't matter. she pulls naruto close and kisses him deeply. he's stunned for a moment but relaxes into her just as fast at the chance of experiencing something he's been yearning for for years. sasuke is sitting next to them, his wound still stinging from where she hadn't healed them. his eyes are fixed on naruto a longing reflected in them. the kiss isn't all that unpleasant for all that sakura doesn't really have an interest in naruto. he's attractive, sure, but he's only ever been her best friend at most. this is as much an reward for him as it is a punishment for sasuke. she wants to hurt him for hurting her. wants to hurt him with the knowledge that because he left she has naruto's heart and she'll never let him have it. after an eternity of seconds their heavy kissing slows and gentles until they pull apart. "i'm sorry." she tells naruto because what she did was infinetly unfair to him. not when it's sasuke she wishes to kiss. not when naruto is the one she loves with all her heart but simply isn't able to see him that way. it would be so much easier if she did but she isn't in love with him. naruto doesn't look mad, which makes it so much worse. he looks at her with a heartbroken undestanding and in a desperate effort to make it up to him she kisses him again. their second kiss is more chaste and she still doesn't feel any tingles that she feels when she thinks of kissing sasuke but it's familiar and warm. kakashi, after organising a chain of command on the decimated battle field, finds them there, all drenched from sitting in the water. by then she's stopped kissing naruto and healed sasuke also but they still aren't talking and sakura is too exhausted to carry both of them back to konoha. and neither of the boys is able to move much - their muscles severely overextended and their chakra drained to its last drops. he looks at them with regretful eyes and helps her heave naruto onto her back before she helps him heave sasuke onto his. shoulder to shoulder they stumble their way slowly back to konoha, careful not to drop her teammates for neither her nor kakashi would have the energy to get them back up again. she ignores the way naruto and sasukes hands are intertwined just focusing on taking one step after another. at some point she feels naruto going limp on her back but his heart is a steady rhythm against her back so she doesn't worry to much.
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Ino loved Sakura through all her phases–sometimes from up close, and sometimes from afar. Sometimes her love was sweet and bright, like dango-sticks. Other times it drilled deep into parts of her that were dark, cold and dampened like the underlayers of scorched, fertile soil. 
She loved things from their beginning, loved them to their end once or twice.
Her mother had told her she was simply made that way–born with soil in one hand, and seeds in the other, always looking for places to plant roots, seeking new lives to nurture and tend to. A true florist's daughter, able to coax even the shyest petals to unfurl in the light with the gentle strength of her hands. Some were poisonous, some healing and others that could provide sustenance and strength.
From the day she first laid eyes on a girl with cherry blossom hair and rose petal cheeks, lily pad eyes and a cherry-like mouth, it was as if all she dreamed of was spring. 
She tended to her with more care than she gave to any of the other beings that grew in her garden. She was Ino’s special blossom, which at the beginning needed consistent attention and murmured words to coax quivering buds to spread open fragile petals. Her project of passion that could so easily be scared into dormancy by a strong breeze or droplet of icy water.
She fertilized her soil with her own two hands, imbuing confidence, grit, nutrients of character. She showered her with praises, moistening delicate stems so they might grow firmer, stronger to withstand the harsh winds of harsher words and cutting gazes. 
Ino watched and waited, cradled her close and stiffened her spine when she wilted, when she cried her petals dry. Some days, she wanted to keep her in glass, protect her in full bloom, for people to admire but only herself to reach in and feel.
She pushed when all she wanted was to pull closer, forcing herself away from this sprouting blossom she’d planted, watching as her roots burrow deeper, spread farther than just her own garden. And, oh, did she bloom: a wild thing invading outside soils, rooting itself and taking shape in so many other peoples’ hearts.
And when she was torn, uprooted by his traumas and psychotic machinations, Ino was there once more. Cradling her in gentle hands, carefully replanting. She became sunlight, and drowned her cherry blossom in it. She poured and poured, until Sakura no longer wilted, until the stems thickened and petals unfurled in the brightest shade of pink she had ever seen.
When the day came that the earth split and fell open under their feet and the sky bled with the tears of a thousand lifetimes, she finally looked with her eyes instead of searching for meaning with her planter’s hands.
Ino saw Sakura in a way she had never before. She realized that her blossom, her beloved flower, thrived best under conditions that she was not able to provide. No matter the ways in which she tended her, shielded her (and trimmed away at her, clipped her stems) she grew, stretching higher, branching wide and bright in the nighttime, face upturned to the dark, luminescence of a stoic night sky.
So, she watched as the flower was plucked from her garden, silencing the cries of her aching heart and focusing instead on the way those blood-stained hands handled the blossoms with such care, fingers scarred and gnarled, stroking against those vibrant petals oh so gently. 
She would be planted elsewhere to sweeten the worlds with her fragrance; she could only hope it was under the widest and starriest of skies.
Yugao, Ino mused— breathless as she watched him watch her, with those deep, dark, eyes— would have been a better name for a woman who blossomed as Sakura did, under the dark gray and lavender sides of the moon.
Tag list: @ephemeredoll @lezzxe @psalloacappella
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tamagosandesu · 1 year
Sakura sighs as she walks down the long corridors of the hospital, suddenly interrupted in the middle of operating on a perfectly wonderful woman that had a bad case of appendicitis.
It was one of those days where she got herself a nice patient that’s humble and not a crying mess whenever the horrible news of a serious illness is delivered to them.
Sakura immediately found herself in great spirits with the woman who was about to undergo surgery. Sakura and the other residents with her in the operating room was in a pretty good mood, to say the least. Sakura was enjoying the fact that the nurses and residents seem to be genuinely curious with whatever she’s doing with the patient. She found herself enjoying the activity with a sense of fulfillment knowing that she’s about to save yet another life of a wonderful person that was unfortunately dealt with a horrible card in life.
Sakura doesn’t know what exactly pushed it, but soon she found herself humming to a non-existent song as she starts the grotesque work of opening the woman up to start the operation with a smile. Everything was going smoothly and she immediately thought that it was about to be an easy feat with no sweat.
Soon, although, one of the nurses came and told her that she was being paged. The nurse said “Dr. Uchiha” was being paged in the loud speakers of the hospital that made it sound urgent, and as much as Sakura hates to leave a perfectly good surgery, she sighs and goes out of the room with a heavy heart and remembers her duty and how the hospital makes the rules, hoping that the residents and another doctor would come so that the wonderful woman can wake up to a successful surgery.
Apparently, the patient was a picky person and demanded that only “the best” doctor would perform the surgery on him. As much as it flatters Sakura that she was called with that consideration in mind, she’a a little annoyed because really, his case wasn’t that of a serious one for him to require the best doctor at the hospital. Plus the fact that she was pulled out of her enjoyment because of nepotism.
(It seems, from the gossips that Sakura heard from the nurses that was manning the counter, the newly arrived patient was an heir to a big conglomerate in the country that demanded only the best when it comes to everything that was about to be done to him.)
Sakura expects that Tsunade might be there too. She knows that despite what her mentor’s aptitude dictates, she likes to build herself in the higher part of the society and make a good impression on the powerful influences in the country.
Although, imagine her surprise after leaving an operating room to go to another one, about to scrub in and start yet another surgery after leaving a previous one halfway, only to see that said operation was about to start.
About to start, only waiting for the doctor that just finished scrubbing in.
And said doctor was no other than Sakura’s beloved husband, wearing his uniform while washing his hands.
Sasuke Uchiha stood there confused, both hands sterile and about to enter the operating room if it wasn’t for his wife arriving.
“What are you doing here?” Sakura asks with confusion, seemingly feeling a sense of dread that she would not like anything that will come out of this conversation.
Sasuke raised a questioning eyebrow, and replies, “What are you doing here?”
“What do you mean ‘what am I doing here?’ I was paged to go here,” Sakura explains as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“I was paged here,” was Sasuke’s curt and short reply.
“No,” Sakura says. “I was the one who was paged.”
“What did it say?” Sasuke asks, implying the pager.
“It said,” Sakura replies, controlling her irrational anger that is threatening to consume her whole being. “Specifically, Dr. Uchiha.”
The answer seems to satisfy Sasuke as he smirks. Sakura was confused at first, then realized the problem.
“Shit,” she murmured under her breath.
“Did you ever consider that you are not the the only Dr. Uchiha here?” Sasuke challenges.
When Sakura realized just how annoying the situation has become, she all but explodes.
“So you’re telling me, that I left an operation that I was enjoying, only to realize that it was the other Dr. Uchiha that was paged?”
“Hm,” was all Sasuke said while smirking at his wife. “Have you forgotten that you’re paged as ‘Dr. Haruno’ and not ‘Dr. Uchiha’?”
“Bu—“ Sakura almost whines. “But the nurse told me that they were calling me!”
“And who was the nurse?”
“Why does that matter?”
“Just answer the question.”
Sakura looks unimpressed. “It was the new nurse that—“
Sakura stops. Ah. It was the new nurse.
Sakura’s face morphs from realization into anger in a split second before she all but glares at her husband, who is completely unfazed but is instead amused.
“Besides, everyone knows you have a surgery. Why would they bother you?”
Sakura lifts her hand to silence her husband who seems to be enjoying her situation.
She seems to accept that she can’t do anything about it; a little mistake that can be gotten over with immediately. So, with a bitter mood, she stomps away from her husband, mumbling something under her breath about having two ‘Dr. Uchihas’ and about her operation that she left.
“See you later,” Sasuke says with a teasing tone that made Sakura look back and glare at him with all her being.
Call him sadistic, but Sasuke was absolutely delighted with his wife’s predicament.
So, when he finally enters the operating room after scrubbing in once again, his smirk sends a chill down everyone’s spine.
Except Tsunade, it appears, who has her eyebrows knitted and glares at him and boldly asks, “What took you so long?”
Sasuke’s smirk widens.
“I had a little chat with the other Dr. Uchiha.”
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southsidestory · 2 years
12, 43, or 46 sasusaku
Thank you so much for the ask! I chose to write #12 "candles" :)
and let our shadows wither
Orochimaru’s hideout is windowless, monochrome, dim. Sakura opens a battered iron door with bloody hands. Her fingers leave red streaks across the metal, the same shade as the rust. Inside, she finds a room so spare that she’d think it was unoccupied if not for the blanket folded on the narrow bed. That, and the candles. They cast the only light, a warm glow against the darkness.
She feels him before she sees or hears him. It’s not the vibration of footsteps or his bonfire scent either; she notices those things too, but only after she knows he’s there. That’s the tell, the revelation, more reliable than any physical sense. A bone-deep certainty that comes from knowing and being known.
He steps closer, closer, until he stands directly behind her. It’s like the night he left turned inside out and upside down.
She braces herself, but it’s not enough to prepare her for the sound of his voice. Maybe nothing could prepare her after three years apart.
“Hello, Sakura.”
I might fill 43 or 46 later, and if I do, I'll make sure to tag you!
If anyone else wants to send me prompts, here's the list of micro fic prompts. I'll take SasuSaku, Spuffy, Jilco, and Gallavich <3
I know this isn't a micro fic. Sue me lol
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breezysola · 2 years
→ Sasuke Retsuden
sasuke doesn't feel any different. doesn't even think to address the tightness in his chest that's not quite tangible but echoes inside him.
it's something phantom like. the whisper of suffocation.
something he only realises when he hears sakura's voice, feels her touch.
"i got you, sasuke-kun"
it's until then, in her presence, that the tightness disappears. that he finally breathes again.
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uchiha sasuke falls in love: in five acts
pairing: SasuSaku word count: 781 rated: K a/n: this is going to be a five part drabble series abt all the things sasuke loves about sakura, hopefully this will cure my writer's block and i can go back to continuing and slowly we learn each other
act one: resilient
            Sasuke had always known that Sakura was nothing short of resilient, sometimes even foolishly stubborn. She had always had a tendency to push forward, to never get discouraged. No matter what life (no matter what he) threw her way.
            The first time he realized just how tough she truly could be was perhaps in the Forest of Death. When he had come to, he saw her beaten and bruised, hair chopped off and yet, she was still trying to stand her ground. Kunai shaking in her thin arms and legs trembling beneath her. She pushed forward.
            Sasuke didn’t have a clue what he felt at the sight, he only felt the blood in his veins boiling and his feet quickly moving across the clearing. The next thing he knew, he was breaking both arms of an Oto-nin and as he turned to his next victim, he felt weak arms wrapping firmly around his frame. He felt tears soak through his shirt. He felt the uneven hollowing and filling of a chest with oxygen against his back.
            He knew she was resilient, when he saw her for the first time after he had abandoned his home village. The fragile girl with eyes too wide and mouth too loud was no more. Before him stood a strong young woman. He could see the muscles rippling under the soft skin of her arms, and beneath the tight shorts she wore. Her eyes were the same bright, devastating, vivid green he’d remembered them to be. But where they had used to be soft, they were now sharp and analytical, narrowed instead of wide in wonderment.
            (sasuke quite missed the light of admiration from them)
            When he finally got to see her full potential, what she’d been able to achieve through her persistent nature, Sasuke found it quite amusing that it was him with wide eyes, twinkling with bewilderment. He had, of course, known that she was strong. He had heard that she had defeated a member of the Akatsuki, after all. But to see her in action was a completely different story. He watched as he created a hole, the size of a house, in the ground with just her bare fist. The memory of those same fists holding tightly onto his shirt as her arms had trembled around him quickly flashed through his mind.
            He truly did admire her strength to overcome whatever hardships she had to encounter. To never give up even when there was no hope to be had, no sign of things getting better or working out.
            (she still found a way to make things work)
            She refused to give up on him, when he left her for revenge. She waited for him, when he left her for redemption.
            (he loved her for it)
            And that is precisely why Sasuke does not believe his ears when he hears the words leave her mouth.
            “I give up,” she huffs, frustrated.
            He raises a silent, somewhat challenging eyebrow at her.
            “Don’t give me that look, Sasuke-kun! I don’t understand how you can do this. You have all my infinite respect though.” She stands up to wash her hands at the sink and Sasuke cannot help the snort that escapes him.
            Soft yet sharp green eyes pierce his gaze and he considers taking up a defensive stance. But there is no real malice behind the brightness of her irises. She wipes her hands on her shorts and plops back down across him.
            “I never took you for a quitter,” Sasuke says, teasing softly.
            Sakura splutters. “I am not a quitter! You take that back, right now, Uchiha Sasuke!”
            “Hn,” he hums, eyes carefully trained on his task. “Then do tell me, Uchiha Sakura, how come I can make dumplings with one hand and you give up after one failed attempt?”
            Sakura looks at him with her mouth wide open in disbelief. He smirks as she moves her to say something a few times before she eventually just closes it. She narrows her eyes at him and he knows he’s got her. He raises a prompting eyebrow at his wife and she mirrors his expression.
            She cracks her knuckles and stretches her arms before readjusting her ponytail. Sasuke watches as she carefully takes in all the dumplings he’s made as well as her own poor attempt at one. She squints her eyes, the way she does when she makes potions and poisons, as she analyzes Sasuke’s creations.
            She straightens her back and levels him with a determined gaze and a cocky smile.
            “You’re on, Uchiha.”
            (in the end she manages to make one proper dumpling)            (sasuke eats it with all the pride in the world)
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wickermayne · 7 months
In the years they’d known each other, between the cycle of hating and loving and hating again, it was the only time Sasuke had truly been cruel to Naruto.
Naruto mesmerized by strands of bubble-gum pink bouncing, a lithe body gyrating to music.
Sasuke paused, putting his beer bottle on the table. Staring like he could see Sakura's reflection in Naruto's eyes.
And he smiled.
“You won't have her, Naruto. She’ll never want you. Not as long as I’m around.”
Naruto took Sasuke’s beer, chugging it, hoping Sasuke would burn under his glare.
But he said nothing.
Because he knew.
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basiatlu · 1 year
Getting To Know You Tag Game
Three Ships: I'm going to not include the obvious constant in my life (that being Drarry and other minor/bg Harry Potter ships) because where's the fun in that??? I've enjoyed Drarry since I was 13 so let's just get to the side dishes. You wanna get to know the full Bosh.
Steve / Billy from Stranger Things
Reylo from Star Wars (called it after watching Force Awakens the 1st time i watched it opening night I was starstruck- i was gripped. The dark romance tropes were too potent, sos)
Soriku from Kingdom Hearts (ride or diiiiie)
First Ship: I'm going to also pick 3 of my First Ships because I had so many growing up *shudders*
SasuSaku & SasuNaru - I loved watching Naruto on Toonami at 2 am, practically muted to not wake up my family
Jack Frost / Pitch Black from The Guardians (I loved it an unhealthy amount)
Robin / Slade from the Teen Titans animated series (not the reboot)
..... I'm noticing a pattern.
Last Song: "Rock the House" by Gorillaz but like I hate this question? I listen to music all day long and my taste is alllllll over the damn map. I did listen to "Curicó" by Kiltro on repeat x5 today. A banger.
Last Movie: The Mummy
Currently Reading: I'm reading "Men Who Love Dragons Too Much" by fencer_x and also working through the Mistborn series by Brian Sanderson (only on book 2 and have taken a long break, distracted by HP)
Currently Watching: attempting to finish the og Trigun anime - love it so much, Vash is such a critter.
Last Thing I Wrote: my BFA dissertation? Pfffft-! But besides that, creative writing-wise i used to write a lot of drabbles based on my OC's and the world I built for them. I have like 4 spiral-bound notebooks on worldbuilding, magic systems, and characters for it that I haven't done anything with.
Currently Writing: planning a steadily evolving project that is TBA and is for sure HP related *wink-wonk*. Not really writing beyond notes and adlibs as it's a collab.
Phew that was a lot I am so wordy gosh!
Well thank you so much to @lilbeanz @starquestingfordrarry @goblinmatriarch and @thecouchsofa for tagging me in this lil game! I had a long day and couldn't get to drawing, I'm so saaaaad! But this was fun to type out while layin around, buried under cats.
I tag @mono-chromia and @moon-ambassador and any of my other mutuals who would like to, but I won't be as obnoxious to youuuu
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keithisbae1 · 7 months
Akatsuki SasuSaku AU 1/2
"You know you can join us, right?" Sakura purred, gripping the Uchiha's chin being sure to purposely let part of her Akatsuki robe slip off and expose her shoulder. He was tied and strapped onto a chair. They had appeared out of nowhere and Sasuke was still trying to process that he just got ambushed by another version of him and his wife. "From what I heard, even in this world you became an Akatsuki member and tried to destroy the village. Why not make that a reality and help us?" Sasuke ripped his chin away from her glaring at this other Sakura.
"I'll pass." He spat venomously. "Don't get so close to him." Another voice was heard, arm sneaking around her waist to pull her away from him. "There's no need to be jealous dear, he doesn't have the same drive of hatred as you. Not exactly an attractive feature in my book." 
The other Sasuke merely growled into her neck. "I still prefer if you didn't try to flirt with him to get him onto our side." "I'm seducing him, what guy wouldn't be lured to join the bad side if they have an attractive woman on their team." Especially considering the fact that both of the Sasuke's were married to a Sakura. It would make sense that she would be able to tempt him easily. "Both of you are the same, I doubt other me is as strong." "Get away from my husband!" There was a stomp and the ground shook from below. 
"Speaking of..." The villain Sakura's eyes gleamed turning to the new intruder. "And what will you do if I don't? We have the same taste, so of course, I'm going to be attracted to him." 
With that, she walked behind the Sasuke tied up and leaned her chest again his head purposely trying to rial up her other self. "I think I'll keep him for myself. I'm sure he would much rather stay with me than a goody-two-shoes like you," she smirked. 
Sakura felt her blood boil. Although, it did feel weird to be jealous of... herself. Well, another version. It was still her face and yet she was so different. "Would you like to find out?" Sakura said in her sweet but deadly voice Sasuke recognised so well anytime Naruto misbehaved.
"This won't take long," she chuckled darkly. "I'll deal with this, and you can keep an eye on the other Sasuke dear." Said man just glared in response with that little display. Did she forget how possessive he was? No matter. After she deals with the other Sakura, he can have his turn in seducing. "You seem strangely calm." He commented to Sasuke. "Your wife flirted with me in front of MY wife and tried to corrupt me back into the darkness. Trust me, it's not my Sakura you should be worried about." He replied smugly and proudly. 
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acnproject · 12 days
Desafios Minato / Desafios Relâmpagos'
Desafio Relâmpago / Desafios Minato Drabbles com 100 palavras!
💃🏼 Shipp: KakuHida (Kakuzu e Hidan) 💃🏼 Autor: @Immorqlz 💃🏼 Tema: Tango
◈◊◈◊◈◊◈◊◈◊◈◊◈◊◈◊◈◊◈◊◈◊◈◊◈ Desafio Relâmpago / Desafios Minato Drabbles com 100 palavras!
🌸Shipp: SasuSaku (Sasuke e Sakura) 🌸 Autor: @Immorqlz 🌸Tema: Cova
Desafio Relâmpago / Desafios Minato Drabbles com 100 palavras!
⬆️Shipp: KakuHida (Kakuzu e Hidan) ⬅️ Autor: @Immorqlz e @Hidan_htke ⬇️Tema: Perdidos
Desafio Relâmpago / Desafios Minato Drabbles com 100 palavras!
🪤Shipp: KakuHida (Kakuzu e Hidan) 🪤 Autor: @Immorqlz e @Hidan_htke 🪤Tema: Armadilha
◈◊◈◊◈◊◈◊◈◊◈◊◈◊◈◊◈◊◈◊◈◊◈◊◈ Desafio Relâmpago / Desafios Minato Drabbles com 100 palavras!
📜Shipp: KakuHida (Kakuzu e Hidan) e Deidara, a peste, a tiracolo 📜 Autor: @Immorqlz e @Hidan_htke 📜Tema: Armadilha
◈◊◈◊◈◊◈◊◈◊◈◊◈◊◈◊◈◊◈◊◈◊◈◊◈ Desafio Relâmpago / Desafios Minato Drabbles com 100 palavras!
🧹Shipp: KakuHida (Kakuzu e Hidan) 🧹 Autor: @Immorqlz 🧹Tema: Esfregar
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manikas-whims · 1 year
For SasuSaku Month 2023 (@ssmonth23 )
Day 1: Genin Days
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Sakura frowned at the bandage on Sasuke's cheek, which honestly wasn't doing much to help the wound. She couldn't help herself for she was the one who had put it there in the first place.
“Something wrong?” Sasuke asked.
She jumped a little at being caught staring at him.
Kakashi-sensei was still busy helping Naruto cook his pack of instant ramen over the campfire they'd set up. When she looked back, Sasuke was still gazing attentively at her, awaiting her response.
Her brows furrowed in hesitation as she spoke, “I'm sorry.”
Sasuke matched her expression, lips turning down in confusion. “Why?”
“For the bandage.” She explained. “Sorry it doesn't help much with your wound.”
She heard a soft breathy release of air.
Sakura blinked several times, wondering if she was under the effects of some sort of hallucinogenic, forest plant. Or did the “Sasuke Uchiha” actually scoff at her?
“Don't worry about it.” He touched the bandage gently, lips quirked up into a faint smile. “Its enough.”
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its been a years since i wrote sasusaku so apologies for that..but i'm hoping to get back into my all-time fav otp & write drabbles for each day of ssmonth this year ✌☺
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dragongoddess13 · 2 years
It is 10:14 pm EST and there is a lot going on in my head so I’m going to ignore all of it and write a bunch of Drabbles. As always I will accept prompts but I will not promise to fill them in a timely manner.
The Truth Can Be Daring
Sasusaku, Past-Nejisaku
Little angst with happy ending.
“Truth or Dare Forehead.” Ino says, returning to her seat, her own dare complete. It’s Saturday night and like most Saturday nights, various members of their graduating class have found themselves gathered in the back room of the Watchfire Lounge, a bar establishment in the heart of Konoha’s nightlight district.
“Truth.” Sakura replies, stifling a yawn. It’s getting late and she’s considering calling it a night soon. As much as she loves these get togethers with her former classmates now comrades, she’s too used to early nights and even earlier mornings to be spending her nights drinking and staying up late with her friends, even as infrequent as it is these days.
Ino seems to consider it for a moment before a smirk darkens her alcohol dulled eyes. “Who was your first?”
Sakura squints at her. “First what?”
“Don’t play dumb Sakura, you know what I mean.”
Sakura sighs, mentally debating if she wants to answer or take the penalty.
The penalty if you refused a dare or to answer a truth was to take a shot of some gross mix of whatever alcohol is left in any of the bottles, all mixed together in a punchbowl and distributed between shot glasses, but given Sakura’s ability to sober herself up with a quick burn of her chakra, the penalty didn’t really hold the same weight for her. So far none of the dares or questions had warranted her refusal and while the penalty wasn’t that big a deal other than the nasty taste, she was kind of proud of herself for going head to head with Ino the entire night.
“Neji.” She eventually replies taking only mild comfort in the fact that team Gai is out on a mission and Neji isn’t here to bear any brunt of the ensuing embarrassment.
There’s a split second as her reply is processed before;
“I knew it!” Kiba explains shooting up from his place on the floor. He reaches over, shoving Shino’s shoulder. His movements are inhibited by the large amount of alcohol he’s already imbibed and every other word is slurred. “Didn’t I say it? I fucking called it!” He does a drunken little dance before falling back on the floor and promptly starting to snore.
“Huh.” Temari says, looking to her soon to be husband. “I would have thought it would have been you.”
Shikamaru looks horrified and Sakura might have been insulted if her own expression didn’t mirror his.
“No way.” They reply in unintentional unison.
“We would have driven each other nuts.” Shikamaru adds as Sakura nods in agreement.
“I honestly don’t know how you put up with him, but more power to you.” Sakura continues, this time to Shikamaru’s nods of agreement. They share a fist bump in solidarity.
“Neji?” Naruto questions, the syllable slow to leave his lips. Hinata, wrapped in his arms, her head leaning on his shoulder doesn’t react at all and closer inspection reveals the reason; she’s out cold.
Naruto grimaces, shooting a none too subtle look at Sasuke across the sitting area. Sakura catches it, but chooses to ignore it. She doesn’t want to think about him right now, or the feelings she’s been fighting for months.
“What’s that look for?” Ino asks, squinting at their future Hokage.
“Nothing.” Naruto replies, eyes a little glassy from his own night of drinking. “It’s just… Neji? Really?” He looks at Sakura skeptically. She simply shrugs.
“I think it makes sense honestly.” Ino replies. “Neji is smart, a lot nicer than he was when we were kids and a much better conversationalist if you know what he likes to talk about.”
“And he’s fit.” Temari adds abruptly, leaning into Shikamaru’s side.
“So fit.” Ino agrees.
Sakura steps out of the Watchlight Lounge and makes her way west toward her apartment, burning her chakra through her system to rid herself of the effects of the numerous drinks she’d imbibed.
Not long after her revelation everyone started trickling out one by one and in some cases two by two. She had waited long enough for Kiba to come to and stagger home before heading out herself.
As Sakura leaves the nightlight district, traversing into the more residential areas of the city, her mind wanders to the various reactions of her friends. She and Neji had decided after their first time together to continue seeing each other for a while longer. They were both under a lot of pressure, and had been through enough similar experiences in life to understand whatever either of them was going through at the time, but it hadn’t lasted long. As Sasuke and Naruto returned from their two year training mission outside the village with Jiraya and Kakashi and chaos and conflict piled up one incident after the other, they had found less and less time to blow off steam together and eventually jointly decided to end things for good.
Sakura didn’t regret her time with Neji, despite what most people thought of him, he could be rather sweet and kind and he never failed to listen when she needed to vent or she shared her concerns. Neji had been a friend and confidant when she felt like she couldn’t rely on anyone else and she would always appreciate him for that.
Sakura unlocks her apartment door and steps in, dropping her keys in the basket by the door and toeing off her shoes before walking further in. She doesn’t bother turning on a light, confident that she knows her living space well enough by now to traverse it in the dark.
She pulls off her sweater at the threshold of her bedroom, tossing it in the direction of the hamper as she turns for the bathroom. She doesn’t make it though, finding herself yanked back against a hard body. Years of training and experience is the only thing that stops her from lashing out at her attacker, even as his teeth sink into the junction of her neck and shoulder.
“Sasuke.” She breathes.
His grip on her tightens as his teeth release her, tongue soothing the love bite before he proceeds to suck a mark into the same place. His hands wander as he attends to her neck, trailing the lines of her abs, cupping her breasts through her bra and eventually digging into the dips of her hips.
When he pulls away, he turns her to face him and she looks up at him, tracing the outline of his face, highlighted by the moonlight through her window. He pulls her against him, kissing her until she’s a panting mess in his arms, his hands still moving to feel every inch of her.
Sasuke eventually lifts her off her feet, moving her to the bed where he spends several hours driving her mad, pushing her body to the limit of pleasure over and over and over again.
She wants to laugh as he collapses beside her sometime later, a sheen of sweat on his skin, his breathing slowly returning to normal. He’s so predictable, she thinks, mirth coloring the emerald of her eyes. Sasuke Uchiha, like all Uchiha’s are an emotional sort. They can’t help it really, not with their greatest power influenced so much by their love.
They had agreed to keep whatever was happening between them a secret, though judging by the way Naruto looked at Sasuke earlier he had at least confided in his best friend. Which was fine, she had confided in Temari about him, too sure that Ino wouldn’t have been able to keep it a secret for very long. But despite their agreement, Sakura had found the arrangement wearing on her lately. At first she had thought it was just a remnant of her childhood crush on her friend turned teammate, but the more she considered her feelings the more she realized that his insistence on keeping whatever this was a secret was proof that what they were doing was no more to him than what she had with Neji when they were teenagers.
That thought hurt more than she was comfortable admitting. Because no matter how much she had grown, no matter how much she had achieved, Sakura’s silly crush had never truly gone away. It may have gone dormant in his time away from the village, when he wasn’t there everyday to remind her of why she liked him so much, but several years later, she saw him near daily. Weekly dinners with the combined families of Uzumaki and Uchiha, training with their team, random lunches on her days off and even days when she was working in the lab. Was it any wonder she couldn’t let her feelings go.
But Sasuke didn’t share her feelings, how could he. No matter how much he respected her, no matter how much he cared about her as a friend and teammate, they could never really be together beyond this. He was Clan royalty and she was a nobody. A nameless Shinobi who worked hard enough to make it to the top of the class, to the top of her year, to the upper echelons of the village hierarchy. Her name only meant something because she put the work in and that was not the same as being born to a clan.
“Neji huh?” Sasuke’s voice pulls her from her thoughts and she tries not to laugh at the audible pout in his voice. Predictable indeed. She hums her response. “… that’s over for sure though, right?” He asks, words hesitantly whispered into the dark.
“Yes Sasuke-Kun, it ended not long after that whole thing with the Akatski and Suna.”
When he doesn’t immediately reply, she assumes the conversation is over and settles down to sleep, taking advantage of these few hours alone with him, knowing he’ll be gone by the time she wakes up.
Except… he’s not.
He’s still there in the morning, and she does her best not to think too much of it. But it’s hard not to, he’s never stayed the whole night before, sneaking back to the Uchiha district before anyone could realize he hadn’t slept in his own bed that night.
They share the shower, Sasuke taking full advantage of the shower seat and then they make breakfast together. She ends up walking him to the door, still in a daze of confusion and tamping down the nigglings of hope even as he kisses her goodbye at the threshold, door open for the whole world to see… well maybe just old lady Tsuma across the hall, but she’s every bit the gossip that Ino is so it might as well be the whole world.
Sakura goes about her day trying not to think about the morning, but by the time she’s leaving for the weekly family dinner, that bastard seed of hope has sprouted in her chest and she knows she’s absolutely fucked.
Mikoto wraps her up in a hug before passing her off to Kushina. She’s missed the last three dinners because of work and they make sure she knows how much they missed her. It doesn’t matter that she had tea with both of them at some point in the last three weeks. It's “Not the same as family dinner, Sakura.”
When they wave off her offers to help with dinner she retreats to the garden where everyone else has gathered. She’s greeted by everyone and she in turn greets them before taking a seat at the edge of the Engawa to look out over the garden as conversation resumes around her.
She’s studying Mikoto’s new flowerbeds when she feels someone slip into the place beside her. She turns her head to find Sasuke there and she smiles at him instinctively. He smiles back, bumping his shoulder against her’s gently, like he did when they were Genin and he thought she needed cheering up. Apparently she was doing a terrible job of hiding the turmoil in her mind.
“Glad you could make it this week. We missed you around here… I missed you.” He replies, voice low as he speaks. She tries not to think too much of the admission, but it's difficult not to when he’s leaning in to kiss her right here where everyone can see.
A throat clears behind them and she can feel the heat blooming on her cheeks as they turn to find everyone watching them, expressions in varying degrees of pleased or smug.
“Well it’s about damn time.” Shisui says, narrowly avoiding being hit by whatever Sasuke chucks at his head.
She’s almost positive her face is as red as her sweater.
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didisficrecs · 7 months
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The Flip Side — rtn au, fluff
Not Too Late – slight angst, fluff
Like Fire and Leaves – rtn and vampire diaries mix, angsty smut
Patterns – rtn, bickering, tension
Sharp Edge
We Do The Dance Electric – blank period, banter
A fever you can’t sweat out by uchiharvno – rtn angsty angst, smut, angst so so so so good
You make my heart beat faster – rtn
Pockets by pinipig – blank period
this tumblr drabble — emotional dark angsty smut
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To Be Read
Exes meeting again after not speaking for years (sorta) by @sun-summoning – rtn
Samsara – tbr, plot driven
Sweethearts – rtn modern college au, tbr
matchmaker, matchmaker…how did you get the girl? by @anthropologicalhands – rtn
Rtn series by brumel – rtn, angst, smut
We Draw the Lines in the Leaves by Lady Momo – rtn
Also anything by KuriQuinn on ao3
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uchiha sasuke falls in love: in five acts
pairing: SasuSaku word count: 781 rated: K
summary: five-part drabble series, five things sasuke loves about sakura
chapter one: act one: resilient
excerpt: Sasuke had always known that Sakura was nothing short of resilient, sometimes even foolishly stubborn. She had always had a tendency to push forward, to never get discouraged. No matter what life (no matter what he) threw her way.
read on: tumblr, ao3, ff.net
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thedevotedhealer · 7 months
🍃🌸Sakuro Haruno: Short Stories/One-shots List/Drabbles🍃🌸 :
"Hold Me Tight, Just for Tonight" - KakaSaku Valentine's special
Flash Fictions
"Because I Love You..." - Yandere Au
"Pipsqueak" - Zombie Apocalypse Au
"Indigo Night" - Zombie Apocalypse Au
No coffee + No energy = An afternoon to eat out!
Cherry Blossom: "Childhood"
Cherry Blossom: "Flower Boy In Love"
Cherry Blossoms: "When They're Thinking"
Lyrics for the Flower Boy
Verses - SasuSaku
How to catch your Naruto Characters
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