#sasuke sequel
tamelee · 6 months
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Sasuke returned to look at the statue for a long time-
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annicaax · 2 months
sasuke and kenshin comedy from hideyoshi sequel😆
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sasuke and mc face the same ailment of causing pain/burning their loved ones andnfriends on the basis of the depth of their relationship. it was nice to see sasuke at the end of blissful route. as always the man is gold ✨ 💛
In the end mc thinks , maybe kenshin came on too strong. sasuke had to run away to azuchi...
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gros-chat-fait · 11 months
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Konoha's three-headed beast.
I realized recently that this blog had its 5th birthday back in August. So this is sort of a celebratory redraw of maybe the first drawing I posted, aptly titled: Naruto's harem. It exists in an alternative universe in my brain where Neji is alive and thriving and is being an awesome uncle to Naruto and Hinata's kids; Shikamaru/Temari are nomadic diplomats neither of which have to give up their homeland nor their day jobs for the other; and Sasuke is still a wandering deep-state agent, presumably (can you tell I haven't read the sequel?); and they all help run the village behind the scene.
Now have I improved? The more I draw the more I realize how limited my abilities are, but it's fun nonetheless to create and share the worms in my head <3 Thank you all for looking at my stuff and liking/reblogging and yelling about them in the tags/comments and decided that I'm worth following; I do see them all and appreciate all of them so much. I'm just not good with words <33333
For comparison:
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naruto: what would you do if i died?
sasuke: nothing
naruto: :(
sasuke: as if i would ever let you die without me. we’re dying together and then there will be a joint funeral.
naruto: omg🥺❤️
sakura: stop!! that isn’t romantic!! yall are fucked up and need therapy so bad
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ajfbgkdjfg · 14 days
In my mind Sasuke is taking at LEAST 20 days off of his (roughly) 3,650 day investigation to go home and celebrate is wife and daughters birthdays and enjoy his days of peace!
Naruto comes up with a creative plan (like idk making his clones do all the meticulous hokage work for him) so he can go spend quality time with the family he never got to have!
Sakura isn't (literally) throwing herself pity parties and stressing out so much that she destroys her house but is instead hanging out with her literal bff Ino and having both her AND Sasuke answer Sarada's questions!
In my mind all of Team 7 would've worked together to better the entire Shinobi world. No child soldiers, no meaningless wars, no slavery, no one putting their jobs over their mental and physical health, etc...
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peachyotome · 1 year
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I know many have been waiting for this review. I think this might be one of my favorite stories ever and it really shows with the lengthy review!
If you've read it, did you have similar thoughts?
-Daisy 🌼
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chasing-storm-s · 11 months
Sasuke to the rescue!
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...or not 🤣
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Yukimura oh translator of Sasuke we need you!!
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bbq-potato-chip · 11 months
look I’d never want a bleach sequel spin-off about the guys as adults BUT if there had to be one I personally believe it should just be Uryū Chad ichigo and renji being like those guys from king of the hill like this
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It’s the only way
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jadesage · 1 year
Good god (lol) 😳🕶
Christianity is to Judaism,
What Boruto is to Naruto.
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annicaax · 3 months
sasuke baby you're always so💖💖💖 my heart breaks for sasuke n mc. the angst in hideyoshi's sequel might kill me
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radiosummons · 2 years
I might not like the new trilogy, but I do fuck with the new characters.
They did everyone absolutely fucking dirty. But they're still pretty great.
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dark-falz · 2 years
Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity
is so fucking good u guys
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feather-rose · 1 year
Lockdown, Part 3.
A month later..
Hinata(Waves off through the camera.): Hiya, Naruto--
Naruto( Nearly falls off from his chair after the videocam person had jumped into the session) Argh!! Hinata! Hinata! Hinata-chan--
Shikamaru(Grunts with annoyance.): Calm down, you idiot! She’s okay!
Hinata(Shy as ever as she waved off at the camera.): I’m alright, Naruto-kun..
Naruto(Relieved. as he sighed.): Uh, uh! You’e okay! I’ve really thought for a second, you wouldn’t have had made it!!
Hinata: I thought so too. But I’m still here.( Waves off at the left spot of her direction, too.) And someone else might as well say hi, to you too..
Sakura: Who?
Hinata switches off the camera to someone else, here. An familiar and tired man with a tied man-bun waved off at the camera, sitting up onto his bed, smilling.
Neji: Hey guys!(Everyone had stared at him, into shock.)
Naruto had actually fell down from his chair, this time.
Sakura(Into shock.):Naruto---
Shikamaru(Angered.): Damn, Neji, don’t scare us like that--
Neji(Waves off his hand trying to look sympatic.): Sorry, for scaring you out, lately..(He tried to adjust himself better into his bed, here. Looking tired with bags under his eyes as an brunette with two buns had come along here and lowered down to his left side as she laid next to him, with a smirk. Over the camera.) It came out of sudden.
Tenten(Points at the camera.): The thing is whenever there’s a questioning disease going around, you need to be sure to be wearing a mask--
Neji(Defends himself.): I was wearing one when I got horribly sick..
Shikamaru: Whatever. Even genuises got sick, take Stephen Hawking--
Neji: I wasn’t talking to that--(Coughed out a bit as he held Tenten onto his arm.)
Sakura: Are you okay?
(Neji grunts as he waves off at the camera as his head laid onto the pillow as he breathed deep in and out..)
Tenten(Nods.): Yeah, yeah. We’ve been doing it for a while, but luckily, Neji made it through. After an induced coma, for a nearly a week and half, he woken up and made an fast recovery. But I’ve stood by him, through the hardest time like when he was into a induced coma with all these machines and the scary ventilator tube breathing for him. And the next thing I had known, he first held up my hand and woken up..(And laid her head onto his chest, looking loivingly, despite her boyfirend blushing here.) I was so relieved back there. And had gotten out from the hospital, after two weeks. The two of of us here. When Kiba and Lee were still stucked up back then.
Hinata: Yeah..But they’re doing much better now. My father had insisted that Neji moves back home here for the time being with Tenten. He’ll take care of the appartement, for the next few months.  I’ve heard Kiba’s mom is watching him like hawk. Crazy to even think, he’d go out from home after what happened.
Sakura: And Lee?
Hinata: The only person from the virus itself could get afraid from. He had little symptoms, but still nurses wanted him to stay at his room, even the security guard had gotten scared.Supervised, even if many people were scared to see an such hyper man jumping like an very active guy from the circus!
(All people through the video session laughed here.)
Naruto: Woah..
Neji(Eyed up the camera’s direction with a smirk.): And Tenten had never left my side after that.( Looking down at her, very lovingly as he ran heis fingers through her small falling braid.) Not even after I’ve woken up, she hadn’t left me.(Smiling with relief.)
Ino(Touched, here.): Aww..
Chouji: What the heck had happened?
Neji: Well, the thing is..( He turned over Tenten, teasing over as he nodded over the filming camera.) Shoudn’t we tell them now?( Smirks) About you know, what?
Tenten(Looks back at him, with a teasing smirk.): Don’t wanna give them an heart attack, uh?
Naruto(Loud as ever.): What now? What the heck is going on, now?
Tenten(As the two of them looked back at the camera. with a huge grin): Guys, believe it or not, we’re getting married!( She showed up her hand with a fake ring on her fourth finger.)
Everyone were left gaped wide open jaws, here.
Sakura: What?
Ino: Uh?
Chouji(Bafleed.): No fucking way!
Shikamaru fell down from his chair.
Naruto(Confused.): Uh? Is it true? Hinata--
Hinata(Nods): Yup, I even filmed Neji’s proposal when he was still stucked up at the hospital with Tenten.
Neji(Also agrees to that.): As soon, when covid would be over, I’d buy a ring once I’ll get get out, of here.
Tenten(Waves her hand as if it didn’t matter.): Anything simple, it wouldn’t matter..
Neji: But the best for my girl, here.(Grins Widely as everyone melt over the new couple.)
(Another video cam pooped up, revealing an barely awake Sasuke with his headphones on.)
And he looked strange, according to the people here.
Sasuke: Hey guys, sorry for being late. Had to study, here.( And then noticed Neji staring up weirdly, here with Tenten.) Yo, Neji. Welcome back, man. You’re still kicking.
Naruto: Alive, you should say, teme!
Sasuke: Whatever!( Release an huge yawning.) I had to stay late for studying math. Oh man, I’d think I’ll take a nap. See ya next time.(He stood up from his chair. With nothing onto his body here which it left everyone bafleed here with shock.)
Neji(Disgusted here.): The heck? Is it just me, or did he forgotten to wear some clothes on?
Chouji( Laughs): It’s for real!! Haha!!
Naruto(Laughing hard.): Teme!
Tenten: Is he really naked?( And cracks up into an uncontrolling laughter.)
Hinata( Blushes hard): Sasuke-kun..(Then faints as the camera went dark.)
(And then, the chicken hairedcut man scratched his ass, which it made people laugh, hysterically. That idiot had forgotten to turn off his videocam!)
Chouji(About to laugh, here.): Oh, I’m gonna take a few pictures of that once Shika wakes up!!(Took out his phone and started to take a few flashes of it.)
Naruto: Haha! Sakura call him!
Sakura(Nearly fell out of her chair from laughing so hard, here.): Haha.. (Grins widely as she dialed up Sasuke’s phone number.)
Ino: A good way, to to picture up Sasuke’s duck ass, here.
(Phone rings over the other video here.)
Camera comes back onto light as Neji held back laugh with his hand covering his mouth when Tenten cracked up into an uncontrolling laugh as she pointed up the camera about to roll over from her boyfriend. When Sasuke picked up his phone and answered with a grunt.
Sasuke: What’s Up?( He answered back with his back turned.)
Sakura: Sasuke! We can see you!
Chouji: We can see you!
Neji: Nice ass, by the way!
Tenten was just too busy laughing, to say anything here, that she fell down here from the bed.
Naruto: We can all see you! You teme!!
Sasuke looks back down to his ass and than back at the camera, until his eyes wevnt wide and ran away like a banshee. Or more like the roadrunner from the Bugs Bunny cartoons.
Sasuke: Damn it!
As everyone laughed at at him.
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peachyotome · 1 year
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After a short break, I am back with more reviews coming up every week! To celebrate my return to Peachy after two weeks, I am reviewing Shingen from Ikemen Sengoku!
-Daisy 🌼
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tamelee · 1 month
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it is 2024, there is no sequel, naruto and sasuke travel together and change the system using their bond as a concept and they're happy 😌 (obviously Kurama is alive too)
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Gaara is truly the Character of All Time
-Introduced as main antagonist in a tournament arc, the terrifying bloodthirsty ninja from a strange desert village who kills without remorse and has survived every mission without getting a scratch on him
-He's 12
-Character design 10/10 he has bright fucking brick red hair, literal raccoon eyes, a face tattoo that says "Love" and carries that weird ass gourd; between the fun elements and the interesting tie-ins to Tanuki Lore, I have never seen a more charming design in my life tbqh
-Immediately more emo and chuuni than Noted Emo Heartthrob Sasuke Uchiha by virtue of reciting weird poetry after killing a guy in cold blood
-We get his tragic backstory and by fucking GOD is it sad. I cry just thinking about it. Literally everything about it is just horrible and devastating.
-Talk No Jutsu at end of the tournament arc, Gaara realizes that he should, in fact, go to therapy and immediately decides to turn his life around
-The first thing he decides to do is apologize to his siblings <3
-Shows up a handful of arcs later with a cool new outfit and becomes friends with the kid he literally tried to murder and nearly permanently crippled in one of the best fights of the entire series
-Liam O Brian's English dub of Gaara is Stellar ya know what. The raspiness of the original appearance morphing into the Deepest Voice That Any Kid Has Ever Had Ever was a genuinely hilarious choice
-Has the only good filler arcs in the old show; he's such a good character that the entire show molds itself and rises to meet him
-Post timeskip he is Desert Ninja President at the ripe old age of 15 and is extremely good at it because he's the weirdest little nerd with no social skills (on account of his tragic backstory) and diligently applies himself to doing paperwork and going to meetings
-Has a fanclub in the village mostly of girls his own age that he never seems to talk to?? Or realize have crushes on him?? Oblivious king we love him.
-Dies in one of the most genuinely moving scenes. Comes back like 20 episodes of fighting later because where would we be without him honestly?
-Becomes Super General Ninja President of the Grand Army of whatever where he accomplishes such feats as forgiving his asshole father and emotionally healing from his childhood trauma, stopping a meteor, and nearly dying a second time.
-Collects cacti as a hobby
-Has the only good sequel series arc where it's revealed that in addition to continuing to serve as Desert Ninja President, he's decided to adopt a couple of orphan ninja kids so that he can break the cycle of parental neglect and stupidity that created his tragic backstory in the first place.
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