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[ @sasuhinabigflash2020 ] [ 𝕩 𝕩 𝕩 𝕩 𝕩 / 𝕩 𝕩 𝕩 𝕩 𝕩 ]
#sasuhina#sasuhinabigflash2020#shbf2020#blood //#death //#scopophobia //#because i love love LOVE#all the parallels in this ship#so for the last day and second free day#we have a moodboard for just that!#thanks again everyone for sticking around for the event#and i'll see you all later n_n
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SasuHina BigFlash 2020
Día 5: Algo que escuchaste decir a un amigo.
Resumen: ¿Rumor? O ¿Verdad?
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Day 1: Chance.
Y de nuevo aparecieron por aquí con este dibujin, me pondré al día lo prometo.
Gracias por hacer otro evento.
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[ @sasuhinabigflash2020 ] [ 𝕩 𝕩 𝕩 𝕩 𝕩 𝕩 𝕩 𝕩 𝕩 ]
#sasuhina#sasuhinabigflash2020#shbf2020#healing waters and scorching flames [ au ]#some a:tla inspo!#since i love writing naruto characters in that universe n_n#(commenting in tags so i don't muddy the post lol)#consider this day 30 / first free day!
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[ @sasuhinabigflash2020 || Day Three: Don’t Laugh ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Orochimaru ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Like Magic ] [ AO3 Link ]
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Another September...another year at Hogwarts.
Sitting in a train compartment with a few other Hufflepuffs she vaguely knows, Hinata mostly just daydreams about arriving at the school. Because despite the fact that she’s now a third year, Hinata has...well, very few friends. And with her nature as a wallflower, she’s often overlooked, anyway.
So, it’s mostly classes and learning that she enjoys during her time away from home. And, well...being away from home.
But she tries not to think about that.
Instead, her excitement grows the closer they get to the school. And by the time they make it to the carriages, she almost bounces on her seat after giving the thestral pulling it a greeting pat.
She’s always been able to see them.
...she has her mother to thank for that.
The Great Hall is just as she remembers it, as is the feast. Clapping for every new addition to her house, Hinata gives them shy smiles, reminiscing over how nervous she’d been before being Sorted. Her father had been hopeful for Ravenclaw, his own house.
But, as usual, Hinata disappointed him.
The common room of the Hufflepuff dormitory is lively that evening, Hinata sitting along the edge and watching with a smile as the new Puffs are given the grand tour. Bright-eyed and slack-jawed, it’s clear they’re just as in awe as she was.
But she turns in early, wanting to be on time for her first class in the morning. Excitement and wistfulness, she knows, will mean sleep will be hard to come by. All the same, Hinata closes her eyes and does her best to relax.
And next thing she knows...it’s morning! The first out of bed, she dresses and dashes for the hall to get her breakfast, looking over her schedule yet again.
Oddly enough, the first class of the day is Potions.
It brings about a duality in feeling. On one hand, it’s a useful class. Given she wants to be an Herbologist someday, knowing what many of the plants she’ll be working with are for is good knowledge to have. But, on the other hand...the professor scares her. A slippery, sharp-eyed person she still doesn’t know the gender of. All she does know is that Professor Orochimaru scares the living daylights out of her. Which, most days, makes learning in their class rather...difficult.
They’re also set to have said class as a double with the Slytherin third years. While Hinata does her best not to be biased, there’s a handful of them that, admittedly, give her a rather bad feeling.
Still...it’s a necessary evil, either way. She’ll make due. Nothing can beat down her determination to learn all she needs to know. Not even creepy teachers or jeering classmates.
So, once breakfast is over, she fetches her book, her cauldron, and her ingredients...and heads down down down into the castle dungeons for Potions.
Thankfully, she isn’t the first one there, nor the only Puff. They all give each other subtle, knowing glances. Even if they aren’t close friends, they’re still allies in this rather...unfortunate predicament.
Not long before the bell, the professor emerges from their office, looking them all over with thinly-veiled disdain, while a glance to their Slytherin students earns a thin-lipped smile. “Welcome, third years, to our first Potions lesson of the year. Luckily for you, we are to begin with a brewing. If you’ll open your books to page seven…”
With that, the lesson begins, and everyone follows along as the potion in question is detailed.
“Now, to encourage a little...cross-house friendliness, I want each of you to find a brewing partner outside your house. You will be graded on whichever potion turns out least favorable, so you must work together. Slytherins, I expect you to help your Hufflepuff colleagues.”
Several Puffs manage half-hearted glares at the obvious jab, but do as they’re told. Most pairs sit across from one another, clearly wanting to be as far apart as possible.
Hinata, finishing up her notes, finds herself to be one of the last without a partner until - of his own volition - one takes the other seat, making her jump.
“Calm down, I’m not going to hex you,” he drawls, setting down his things. “Are you Hufflepuffs always so on-edge?”
“I...I didn’t see you come over,” Hinata mumbles in explanation, turning a flustered pink. “...um...I’m Hinata,” she then offers. “Hinata...Hyūga.”
At that, his head snaps up, eyes wide. “...Hyūga?”
Oh dear, here we go. “Y...yes.”
“...pleasure. Sasuke Uchiha,” he greets, holding out a hand for her to gingerly shake. “I didn’t know there was a Hyūga in Hufflepuff.”
That gets her to shift a bit. “My, um...I have a cousin, he’s - he’s in Ravenclaw.”
“Neji, right? I’ve heard of him. Decent Chaser.”
“...you play Quidditch?”
“Team Seeker,” he replies with a smirk, clearly happy with his position.
“Oh...I-I don’t play, but um...I-I watch matches when I can. Mostly Neji’s and...my house’s.”
“Hufflepuff usually doesn’t fare well, does it?”
She quiets. “...I guess not. I...don’t pay the standings much mind. O-or houses. I just...keep to...myself…” Her tone fades to a somber silence.
To her surprise, Sasuke looks at her strangely, expression one she can’t read. “...it’s not for everyone,” he then replies nonchalantly. “What do you like, then?”
“Herbology!” At her sudden, loud reply, Hinata flushes pink again. “I-I mean...I like...herbology…”
“Never been much good with plants myself,” he replies, beginning to measure ingredients as Hinata fumbles to do the same. “I like Potions. Transfiguration isn't bad, either.”
“Charms is...is one I enjoy.”
“Not really my speed, but that’s all right.” Rifling through his bag, he then frowns. “...do you have a spare rat tail, by any chance? I could have sworn I brought one…”
“Um…” Fishing in her own, Hinata hands him one.
“Thanks. I’ll pay you back.”
“It - it’s fine.”
“Fair’s fair,” he counters, sounding resolute as he adds it.
A bit taken aback, Hinata watches him for a moment before smiling.
Maybe not all Slytherins are jerks.
They keep on for a time, double-checking one another’s work as they go. Sasuke’s right: he’s good at this, catching a few mistakes she nearly makes and making her blush in embarrassment every time. But for some reason he’s patient with her.
“All right, next is...powdered dragonfly chitin,” he notes, taking out a vial and unstopping it. “Apparently this makes it pretty volatile, so do it slowly, all right?”
Hinata nods, cautiously measuring the right amount and sprinkling it bit by bit into her cauldron. Small sparks fly every time it impacts, and she can’t help but flinch back.
And then, the unthinkable happens.
Sasuke sneezes.
Right over the top of his spoon.
Causing the entire load to fall in at once.
With a flash, a cloud of smoke and sparks rises up from the brew, drawing every eye in the classroom, including the professor’s.
Wide-eyed, Hinata leans back as the din clears, Sasuke coughing and trying to wave it away.
...his eyebrows are gone.
Clearly completely unaware, he squints against the smell of burnt potion, face sooty. “...see what I mean?” he manages to note with another cough.
“Your…?” She hesitantly points at her own brow.
Reaching up, Sasuke feels at his, slowing to a stop as he feels not hair, but smooth skin.
The entire dungeon is silent.
Looking to Hinata in equal surprise, he moves his hand to point to her. “Don’t...you dare...laugh.”
Staring, stupefied, Hinata only feels the urge as he speaks, drawing her lips between her teeth.
Her head shakes.
“I’m warning you.”
“Given that your potion is now completely ruined, mister Uchiha,” Orochimaru then cuts in, “you might as well go the hospital wing for those little burns on your cheeks. And seeing as your partner is finished with a…” The Slytherin head of house leans over her cauldron, looking mildly impressed. “...adequate potion, I will average your grades...and she can accompany you to make sure you don’t blow anything else up on the way.”
Looking entirely annoyed, Sasuke clears his cauldron with a wave of his wand, packing up as Hinata bottles a sample to be fully graded, then doing the same and scurrying after him.
“You don’t need to escort me.”
“But...but the professor said -?”
“The professor can kiss my ass,” Sasuke growls, making Hinata stumble at the sudden coarse language. “It was the last step! We both had it perfect! I just -!”
“I-it’s okay! Maybe...maybe we can have a do-over, if...if we ask nicely?”
“Tch, fat chance of that.”
Chastised, Hinata nonetheless keeps up, giving him the occasional glance. His face is still smudged with soot, but...she can’t take her eyes off his bare brows.
“Something funny?”
“N-no! I...I’m sorry that happened...do your cheeks hurt?”
“...a bit. I’ll be fine. Five minutes in the hospital wing and I’ll be right as rain. Maybe I’ll even get my eyebrows back.”
Before she can stop it, Hinata looses a snort.
“...I told you not to laugh.”
“I’m sorry, it just s-slipped out!”
To her surprise, then does the same. “It’s fine, Hyūga. At least you know what I meant about the chitin now, right?”
Thankfully they take Sasuke right in, and Hinata - not knowing what else to do until the period ends - lingers awkwardly outside until he’s released.
And with both eyebrows, to boot.
“You didn’t have to wait.”
“Well, um...I-I didn’t want to go back,” she admits sheepishly.
“Me neither. Think I’ll just get a head start to my next class.”
“That’s...a good idea.”
Glancing to her thoughtfully, Sasuke offers, “Guess I’ll see you tomorrow morning, Hyūga.”
That gets her to jolt a bit in surprise. “I...yes! I...I guess you will.”
“And I won’t lose my eyebrows next time.”
Her lips curl before she thinks to hide them behind a sleeve cuff.
Smirking back at her, he gives a mock salute. “Later, Hyūga.”
“...bye!” Waving as he retreats, Hinata checks her schedule. Transfiguration next, single class. Hopefully this one is a bit less...eventful.
...but...well, maybe she’s finally making a friend.
And a Slytherin, to boot.
...well, so much for my doing these in decent time xD Here it is almost two am and I’m just posting...whoops. Annnywho, some Harry Potter verse! With a shy Puff Hinata and a smug Slytherin Sasuke because of course. F in the chat for Sasuke’s eyebrows. Not gonna lie, this was fun to write xD I like this crossover, so I’ll try to do more of it if any further prompts make sense for it. But on that note, I had a long day, so I’m gonna call it a night~ Thanks for reading, lovelies!
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[ @sasuhinabigflash2020 || Day Twenty-Nine: A Musician’s Life ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Uchiha Mikoto ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: To Rule Them All ] [ AO3 Link ]
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When Sasuke descends from his room this morning, he finds himself given a task before he can even sit down for breakfast. Granted, he slept late and the meal is already done. But still...
“Would you be a dear and fetch a package for me?” his mother asks, busy clearing away and cleaning the dishes the rest of them used this morning.
“...a package?”
“I had a new dress tailored and it’s to be finished this morning.”
“But I haven’t even eaten.”
Glancing over her shoulder, Mikoto gives him a gentle look. “It’s only a few blocks. I’ll have something finished for you by the time you return, hm? I’d fetch it myself but I’m to travel to visit a friend soon this morning.”
Sighing, Sasuke bows his head and relents. “All right...I won’t be long.”
“Thank you, dear!”
Abandoning their manor along the outskirts of town, Sasuke takes a moment to look over the neighborhood. Nothing ever changes, but he always feels compelled to make sure. Then soft leather boots carry him further into the city.
While much of the place he was born has stayed the same, much too has changed. Ever-expanding, the outer rims of the city are becoming more and more enveloped as the boundaries grow. Crowds are bigger, streets are busier, businesses cropping up to sell their wares and services. Sasuke doesn’t indulge in many of them as a noble’s son, but every so often something new will catch his eye.
It’s a decent walk to the proper shop, and by the time Sasuke arrives, his appetite is starting to gnaw at him. A knock on the door is done automatically as his mind wanders back toward home where breakfast is hopefully waiting.
“Ah, you must be lady Mikoto’s son, yes?”
Glancing up as it opens and the shopkeep addresses him, he nods. “I’m here for a gown…?”
“Yes, yes - I’m just putting the finishing touches into the stitching! Could his lordship wait just a little while longer? I’ll be but a few minutes, sir!”
Internally souring but endeavoring not to show it, Sasuke just nods. He can’t exactly take home an unfinished dress. “I’ll wait just outside, then.”
“Your patience is much appreciated, my lord.”
Turning back to the thoroughfare, the young man sighs. Well...now what is he to do with himself?
It’s as he thinks that he notices something.
Gaze lifting to try and find the source, Sasuke’s ears perk at the sound of a string instrument. It seems a bard of some kind has decided to stop and play, likely for tips. A rather common practice in the busier parts of the city, attempting to lure patrons as they pass on their way.
Following his sense, Sasuke eventually finds it. One street over, perched along the edge of a fountain, is a young woman about his age. Her garments are of fine make, long dark hair pulled up into a tail. And just as he approaches, her song evolves as she adds her voice.
At her feet is an upturned hat where passersby have been leaving coins. Judging by the glint he can already see, she’s doing well. And it’s no surprise: she’s quite talented.
Still hovering along the other side of the road, Sasuke listens until the song ends. He’ll admit...she’s alluring in her own way. She almost looks nobly bred: a fine face, pale skin, and a graceful, soothing manner to her playing and movements. Add in her well-tailored garments and obvious skill in her trade, and it’s clear she’s had the resources to learn it comfortably. Probably professionally trained before being loosed upon the world.
A few people clap as she silences, nodding reverently at her guests as they leave tidings in her hat.
It’s then he decides to approach.
“You have a lovely voice,” he praises, drawing her gaze. “And you play very well. Is that a...lute?”
The woman gives a nod. “It is. Thank you for your kind words - it means all my years of practice have been worthwhile.”
“You look a bit out of place, I’ll admit. Most who peddle for coin with songs tend to look rougher than you do.”
At that, she seems to sober. “...I have been recently...removed from my household by my father. My fineries are only remnant, and...I now live a musician’s life through and through. This is all I have to earn my way, now.”
Sasuke’s brow draws. “...removed?”
“...I refused a suitor. And my father seems to feel that I...am soon to pass my prime. Calling me obstinate and ungrateful, he...removed me. But at least he had the dignity to leave me my things, though...they are now holed up in an inn rather than at home. I am still looking for a more...permanent place. Not easy to do when you…” She holds up her instrument, clearly signalling her dependence on an unsteady income.
“...I see.” He hesitates. “...may I know your name?”
“Oh, forgive me. I am Hinata.” She offers no surname, which...he can understand. Odds are, he knows of her family, given their seemingly similar ranks.
“Sasuke,” he supplies in return. “...would you...care for a more regular position?”
“What do you mean?”
“My father is a nobleman, and my mother a lover of the arts. I’m sure she would enjoy employing you and your skills, if you’d like. We have the means,” he replies honestly.
Hinata stares at him. “...you would…?”
“Sir? Sir!”
Turning, Sasuke spies the tailor. “Is it finished?”
“It is, sir. And your mother paid me in advance, so the gown is yours!” Bowing, the man offers the package.
“My thanks.” Watching him go, he then turns back to Hinata. “...would you like to meet her?”
“I...I would!” Taking to her feet, Hinata seems to regain her spirit, taking up her earnings and smiling. “...you are kind to offer me a way.”
“Honest talent should earn honest reward. Come, I’ll introduce you to my mother. I’m sure she’ll be quite taken with you and your music.”
Clearly ecstatic, Hinata gathers her hem and follows. To have a steady patron would indeed allay many of her fears.
And she can’t help but be curious over a man so keen to offer aid to a stranger.
This is...short and perhaps a bit lackluster for a last piece, but I will fully admit: I am burned the heck out, ahaha~ 2020 has been exhausting and frankly hasn’t really let me recover from the past year of writing this ship. While I still adore it, I’m just rather worn on creating things for it, if...that makes sense ^^; While I’ve really enjoyed this event, I think I underestimated how ready I was to hop back into writing so much content for one subject again. But anyway, a bit about the piece: just a little medieval-type ditty. Hinata going full bard after being kicked out, and Sasuke deciding he can step in. I drew a little inspiration based on Assassin’s Creed 2, if you know it xD How Ezio’s mother helps support Leonardo Da Vinci, haha! Anyway, I have the next two “pieces” done, but they aren’t written! So for my AO3 peeps, you’ll have to head over to the Tumblr to see them, I’m afraid. But I hope they’ll be a good enough offering. I’m really just...too burnt out to write anything more, I’m afraid. But I’ve made two moodboards / aesthetics for the ship that I’ll post here in a jiffy to give myself a writing break, and shake things up for the free days! On that note, I thank you guys for sticking with me for this event! Apologies for falling so far behind and at times being a little underwhelming. But overall this was still a lot of fun, and I got to try some new fic ideas! Not sure when I’ll be back to create more on these accounts, but I know it’ll happen eventually. Until then, you all take care, stay safe, and keep lovin’ SasuHina x3 ~Sylvie
#sasuhinabigflash2020#shbf2020#sasuhina#uchiha sasuke#hyūga hinata#uchiha mikoto#to rule them all [ au ]
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[ @sasuhinabigflash2020 || Day Five: Something You Heard a Friend Say ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: A Light Amongst Shadows ] [ AO3 Link ]
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Rumors were quick to spread through the Academy like wildfire. Though scarcely through their first week of classes, the newest group of shinobi-to-be were already settling into new friendships, new rivalries, and new crushes...which meant speculation and assumptions abounded.
Admittedly, Hinata had yet to do...any of those things. Withdrawn and quiet, none of the other girls had bothered with her yet. Nor was she exactly decent material for a rival, given her lack of confidence or real skil. And as for crushes...well, one boy had caught her eye, but apparently she was in the minority.
While he hadn’t been as completely isolated as she was growing up, Uchiha Sasuke was still a relative unknown to most of the other children. Being part of a clan - especially one considered to be one of the four “royal” clans - typically meant socializing far more with your kin than outsiders. It was simply how most operated, though to differing levels of severity. Hinata, for example, had only met a few other up-and-coming heirs of other clans, and briefly.
Sasuke was one of them.
According to her father, they had distant shared roots, the Uchiha and the Hyūga. So out of the other children she’d seen - those like Yamanaka Ino, Aburame Shino, among others - he’d been the most frequent. But even then, meetings between them were rare. Hyūga were simply withdrawn as a clan.
Hinata would later learn this was both out of secrecy, and a thinly-veiled feeling of superiority compared to other clans.
Hence her lack of surprise at seeing him again in their Academy class. She was already a bit...desensitized to him.
But for most of the other girls, especially those without clans, it was their first glimpse of the younger Uchiha heir.
And that meant quite a few of them immediately falling for his well-bred appearance.
While Hinata was in no way opposed to Sasuke in their youth, she just didn’t latch onto him like so many others seemed to. Whether it was that familiarity taking away whatever edge entranced the rest, or some other reason, she wasn’t sure.
But when the rumor began that he had a penchant for girls with longer hair, it just...didn’t phase her the way it did others. Most girls her age had short hair to begin with anyway. Hinata had her hime cut that she liked just fine. It was technically her father’s doing - something about a traditional style for young Hyūga girls. In truth she didn’t much mind what she looked like. But as time passed in the Academy, more and more girls let their hair grow longer, while Hinata - partially out of deference to her father, and partially out of a lack of caring much in the first place - kept her same old style, which led to the assumption she wanted nothing to do with him.
But then that fateful day arrived when the genin teams for their year were announced...and Hinata found herself assigned Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke as teammates.
Needless to say, she was taken aback. Partially due to her long-standing crush on the former, and her complete lack of exactly that with the latter.
And sadly...it resulted in more than one angry girl from their year. While she wasn’t exactly what she would call friends with any of them...the sudden shift in attitude from apathetic to antagonistic took her completely by surprise.
“I still can’t believe she’s on a team with Sasuke-kun…”
“Ugh, I know! It’s so unfair! I mean look at her - she clearly doesn’t care about him like I do!”
“Or me!”
“Her hair’s even still short. How long have I grown mine out to get his attention, and now this! It’s almost insulting!”
Hinata did her best to ignore them, pretending she didn’t hear the biting words and accusations. She didn’t even want Sasuke’s attention…! And now suddenly every mouth in their year was saying the same thing:
What a waste.
It echoed sentiments she heard so often at home - while differently rooted, still bearing the same message. And that proved to be harder to bear than she’d initially thought.
She’d even gone to Iruka to ask for a new assignment. Even if that meant giving up her being Naruto’s teammate.
But the decision was final. Barring something catastrophic, nothing could change the team assignments.
She was stuck with them.
So...Hinata was left with no other option. Grit her teeth, and bear it.
But that didn’t make it any easier.
A final straw was reached a day after training. Sakura and Ino had caught sight of her on her way home, and in what was clearly meant to be heard words, hashed over the same tired accusations.
And Hinata found she just didn’t have the energy to keep up her walls. Not after an entire session of hard work and the exhaustion it brought. Instead, everything they said slipped right past her armor, and nailed her in the heart.
Tears springing to her eyes, she’d sprinted past them, not caring where she was going so long as it was away from them.
And eventually she found herself slowing to a stop in one of the village’s park-like gardens. Still visibly upset and wanting to disappear, she curled up at the base of a tree and buried her face in her arms, as if she could truly vanish if she just made herself small enough.
But for better or worse, her plan failed...and she found herself discovered.
For a moment she didn’t move, but then pale eyes peered up at her companion: none other than Sasuke himself.
“What are you doing out here?”
She almost considered ignoring him, but...well, he hadn’t done anything wrong. Taking out her temper on him - even in such a quiet way - wasn’t fair. “...I just...w-wanted to be alone,” was her lackluster explanation.
“You look like you’ve been crying.”
To that, she had no retort.
“Did someone hurt you?”
The question took her by surprise. What did he care? “...no…”
“Then why are you crying?”
The blunt inquiries saw a tiny spike in her temper. “It...it doesn’t matter.”
“Of course it does. It made you cry. That means it matters enough to do that much.”
...he was making too much sense. Wiping at her cheeks with a sleeve, she considered how much to say, and how much to leave out. “...people have...been saying untrue things about...a-about me.”
“Like what?”
She sighed. “...Sasuke-kun, why...why do you care?”
“Because you’re my teammate,” was his simple response. “If something’s bothering you, it’s going to affect our team.”
Her gaze flickered over his face, feeling like that wasn’t the complete truth, but having no evidence to the contrary. “...some of the other girls were...a-angry I was picked to be your teammate.”
“Tch. Jealousy.”
The term made her stomach squirm. “...it’s like they...they think that I s-stole you from them. But I didn’t pick you as a teammate. N-none of us got to choose. So why take it out on me…?” Her tone began to break, eyes stinging once more as she fought the feeling.
“Because that’s the easiest way to take out their frustration. Which is cowardly. You had nothing to do with the team arrangements. Neither did I, or any of them. But they let their jealousy turn them into nasty brats. Don’t worry about it, Hinata.”
“I...I don’t, but…”
“But what?”
...okay, this was getting awfully close to something she did not want to talk about. “...it’s just been a constant...this whole time. I’ve been t-trying to ignore it. And it worked for a while. I just…” A shaking breath escaped her. “...I’m tired today. I-I let it slip.”
His eyes flickered over her, clearly as unconvinced she’s being truthful as she’d been over his earlier claim, but just as unwilling to call it out. “...I’ll talk to them about it.”
“B-but -?!”
“If they won’t listen to you, then I’ll just have to take care of it myself. I can’t have a teammate being harassed and losing their grip.” Looking out to one side, it was clear he was trying to appear nonchalant. “Surely that’ll put a stop to it.”
Looking to him in obvious surprise - she never expected him to go that far for her sake - Hinata just...nodded slowly. What else was there to say?
“I’ve faced my share of rumors, good and bad,” he then murmured, surprising her further. “I know how bad it can get. Best we stomp this one out before it gets any bigger. If anyone else gives you crap...let me know.”
Brow wilting in lingering confusion, she simply replied, “O...okay.”
“So, who was it this time?”
“Er, um…”
“Out with it, Hyūga,” he demanded, but not unkindly.
“...Sakura-chan and...I-Ino-chan.”
“Tch, should have known. At least they’re big enough gossipers it shouldn’t take long for word to get around. If not...we’ll have to have another talk.”
With that, he simply turned and made to leave, and Hinata watched him go. By then she knew there was no convincing him otherwise, and...while she didn’t want to turn the situation into some dramatic affair or get the girls in trouble, she couldn’t help but hope it would stop - or at least lighten - the verbal abuse she’d been getting.
Left alone with her thoughts, Hinata stewed in them for a time before hauling herself to her feet. By then, the sting of their taunting had faded. And it was getting late. Break her curfew, and Hiashi would be even harder to deal with.
Otherwise...she’d just have to wait to see if Sasuke’s stern words would have any effect. The offer still left her feeling...uncertain. While he hadn’t been at all aggressive or dismissive of her, they were far from being friends. Him going so far out of his way seemed odd.
And yet something told her his unfeeling reason for doing so wasn’t the entire story.
But, she couldn’t really give any other evidence to the contrary, so...time would have to tell. Perhaps the Uchiha boy wasn’t as withdrawn as he made himself out to be. Mulling that over, Hinata gave a little shrug and began the walk home.
She could puzzle it out more in the morning.
Okay so this is technically related to an idea I started during my year-long challenge, but...given it’s mostly just a concept and not really an established story, I figure that’s passable xD Aka, my team seven!Hinata verse, which I’m sure has been done before. So this isn’t...quite accurate to the prompt since the rumors aren’t really from either of their “friends”, but...it’s late and I’m out of time and ideas so pretend it’s a sarcastic friends instead lol I think what I love most about this concept is that it flips a bit dynamic of OG team seven on its head: rather than the girl wanting Sasuke, she wants Naruto...which I think opens up a lot of interesting possibilities that I...do not have time for in this drabble xD And I’m not sure I’ll ever fully flesh out this idea since...it would likely involve a LOT of canon bending and that sounds exhausting bahaha~ ANYWHO I need to get to bed, I had a long day full of toothaches, so...I’m gonna go crash. Thanks as always for reading! <3
#sasuhinabigflash2020#shbf2020#sasuhina#uchiha sasuke#hyūga hinata#a light amongst shadows [ canon verse ]
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[ @sasuhinabigflash2020 || Day Twenty-Eight: Being Bold ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Orochimaru ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Divine Light ] [ AO3 Link ]
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Pulling up to the proper curb, Hinata pauses and takes a breath, hands still on her steering wheel. She really has no idea why she feels so nervous about this. During her career so far, she’s interviewed hundreds of people. From the mayor of the city to small business owners. So why does the prospect of talking to this guy seem so...daunting?
Sure, his little shop is...odd. And so is he, come to think of it. There’s just something so...mysterious about both. Like he’s hiding something, but...what could he be hiding? It’s just a little antique shop, right?
Though he mentioned something about some kind of specialty goods, and...a back room, with customers by appointment. Does he...dabble in collector items that are more valuable than random knick knacks? Or maybe something more...shady. But he acts like he doesn’t have anything to hide when it comes to his business, so what has her so convinced he’s keeping something to himself?
...either way, she doubts he’ll admit to it, or slip up just because she’s interviewing him. While Hinata is good at what she does, she’s not that kind of good. Not very skilled with “gotcha” kinds of questions and lead-ups. So while she’s unendingly curious about this man and his goings-on, she has a feeling she won’t wriggle much out of him that he doesn’t have intentions to admit.
But...sitting in her car isn’t going to get this done. Hopefully no one else has gotten here ahead of her - she’d prefer to do this without an audience. Hers is the only car along the curb, but foot traffic is indeed a thing. So, she gathers up her supplies (which amounts to her phone to record the audio of the interview, and a pen and pad of paper for notes) before slipping out of her car and locking it behind her.
Stepping up to the entrance, Hinata can’t help a small pause. Something feels...off. Like she walked through a cold spot, but she didn’t notice a change in temperature. But she’s come this far, there’s no going back now. A hand takes the handle, and twists it to open the door.
At a glance, the shop seems empty, and she can’t help a small sigh of relief. But that same glance also shows no Sasuke. Maybe he’s in the -?
Colliding back against the door in shock at the sound, Hinata’s eyes go round and her heart nearly leaps through her chest. What the hell was that?! A rapid turn of her head shows no one in the same room as her, but...it sounded like it came from the wall behind the counter?
...the back room…?
More sounds reach her ears, muffled compared to the impact. Like things clattering to the floor. Is he being robbed?! For a moment she considers withdrawing her phone and calling the police.
But something stops her. Instead, she hurries across the room and pulls open the door in a sudden bid of boldness.
Normally she’d never dream of stepping into what is clearly a private space. But something is nagging at her, like a pull at an invisible collar around her neck, urging her forward. So as she sees into the rear room, it seems to threaten to choke her.
...it’s...on fire?
Staring in shock, Hinata flinches as something crashes against the wall just beside her, erupting into so many pieces she has no idea what it was. Then she catches sight of two figures. One, clearly Sasuke, is...is...throwing fire from his hands at the other. Long dark hair and a pale face give Hinata a creeping feeling along her spine, as though she shouldn’t be looking at them. They seem to twist and curl around Sasuke’s efforts like a ribbon in the wind.
...she should be in shock. This...this isn’t something normal. And yet Hinata simply realizes that Sasuke is in trouble. Sasuke might die. And while she can’t really call them friends, he did help her the other night. And now she has a chance to help him in return.
And with that realization, something in her seems to break, like a dam unable to hold back water any longer. She gasps, a feeling flooding her insides and washing over her like she’s been thrown into a bottomless lake. Flowing, tugging, drowning unless she retakes control.
So she reaches. Feels something she’s never felt before. And she pulls with every ounce of her strength until her head comes up above metaphorical water.
And with it, she finds what she grabbed hold of.
From an urn not far off, a torrent of water erupts like a geyser at her command, seemingly without end. It sprays and arcs like waves against a cliffside, putting out the fires threatening to consume the shop.
It draws the gazes of the other two occupants of the room - one in shock, the other in fury. Like a specter, the pale figure makes to strike, slinking forward like a bolt of lightning.
But like her hands are puppeteered by another, Hinata lifts them of their own accord. The torrent follows her guidance, beginning to wrap her foe in a twisting, ebbing sphere of liquid: the current battering them and rendering them unable to control their movement.
Sooner or later, they’ll drown.
Glowering at her with puffed cheeks of air, they then lift a hand, a dark hole opening at their command and letting them slip through, like some kind of...portal.
With the threat gone, Hinata’s grip releases...and the water drops to coat the floor before draining into a grate nearby.
...silence, save for the heaving of breath from the pair that remain.
Soaked, Sasuke stares at her in utter disbelief. No longer is she a rounded-eared el’tahl. Instead, they’re long and pointed like his own, glamour lost with his concentration elsewhere. And where her eyes had been a pale lavender before, they’re now a more blue shade, seeming to glow and dim as she lets her energy fade.
...is she…?
Turning to him, she seems to sway slightly, as though suddenly lost and simply watching as he approaches.
“...well...I guess that answers my question, at least in part,” Sasuke offers, mopping water from his face. “...I had a feeling there was el’ven buried in you somewhere, but...I haven’t seen someone like you in a long, long time.”
“That was ven you just used. Magic, as people call it nowadays. Gives you control over an element. Yours seems to be water. Like mine is fire. Somewhere in your bloodline is a source for it. Seems you’ve woken it up.”
She just...stares. “...who...who was that?”
“An old enemy, here to steal from me,” Sasuke mutters. From the front of his garment he draws a kind of chainmail shirt. “I was repairing this for someone else when they heard I had it. Still not sure how. But...with your help, they were forced to retreat.”
“...s-sorry about the...the mess…”
“This place has seen worse, believe me,” he replies dryly. “Water isn’t about to hurt anything in here.” He lets his eyes flicker over her face, which are now an open and unhidden red. “...are you all right? I’d think you’d be pretty shook up.”
“...I’m...confused. But…?”
He sighs. “...maybe we best sit and have some tea. Then...I suppose I have a lot to tell you. Though, as I’m sure you can guess...it won’t be anything you can print.”
At his flat joke, she manages a wispy laugh. “...no. No, I...I guess not.”
So I know I promised to do two drabbles today BUT it ended up being FAR busier than I planned :’D So tomorrow SHOULD be my last day: I actually have days 30 and 31 done, but I need to write 29, of course. So that’ll be that! This is another followup piece, and sadly I’ll be leaving this one here. Getting a bit too far into lore-type stuffs. And I’m out of days xD Basically, Hinata has magic water powers, woo! Which is what Sasuke was sensing, and what was making Hinata “sensitive” to Sasuke as a fellow magicky person, lol Anywho, I best be off for the night. I might, might do 29 tonight but I honestly doubt it, I’m sleepy =w= So I’ll see you guys tomorrow for what SHOULD be the last day. Apologies again for being so far behind, but Life just be like that sometimes, ahaha~ Thanks for reading!
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[ @sasuhinabigflash2020 || Day Two: Contempt ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata ] [ SasuHina, blood ] [ Verse: Of Monsters and Men ] [ AO3 Link ]
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It’s funny how being different is typically such a crime...unless that difference makes you useful.
Since a young age, Hinata has known that the world would treat her unkindly for what she is. That her abilities beyond that of a typical human would see her cast aside, glowered at from behind window panes, and shunned from any social gatherings.
...except those that required her abilities.
Those like her vary widely. From power over elements to gifts like her own that give sight into the future, witches - known all over the world by other names in other tongues - have been at odds with humanity since the two sides were first introduced. And as long as humans remain so stubborn and ignorant, the odds of finding a peaceful middle ground are slim.
But despite all that, Hinata has done her best to settle in, growing familiar with the people of her village and their needs. Though not skilled in their magic, her love for plants sees a decent business in selling flowers or herbs. But what most come to see her for - hooded and cloaked to avoid being spied by their neighbors - are her visions.
For like her mother before her, Hinata’s eyes can see beyond what lies before them, discerning flickers and moments that have yet to pass. And while many are more than willing to scorn her for it...just as many are eager to use it when it pleases them. Even the leader of their little town has stopped by once or twice. It’s Hinata he has to thank for the wife he found with her help.
But that doesn’t encourage him to help defend her with his influence over the people.
Some would think it only fair for Hinata to meet their contempt with her own. But it’s simply never been in her nature. She can’t blame them for their fear, as birthed in superstition as it is.
After all...she isn’t the only thing they have to fear...nor she they.
For there is a third world at play in their lives. One Hinata has rarely had to venture into, despite being the so-called twilight between their darkness and the sunlight of humanity. By whatever grace, those who call themselves the Nightwalkers have steered clear of her and her little town.
But no peace lasts forever.
“Miss Hyūga! Miss Hyūgaaa!”
Startling in her sitting room, Hinata abandons her sewing to meet a small group of people at the door. Carried haphazardly by several of them is a man...and painting his pale form is a worrying amount of blood.
“He’s been attacked! One’a the lord’s sons! By a monster!”
That gets her eyes to widen. “...set him here,” she directs, sweeping clutter from her table.
His garments are torn, and immediately she can’t help a grimace. There’s a terrible bite wound to his throat, which seems to be where most of the blood is coming from. If this is what she thinks it is…
“I need space to work,” is her quiet command, glad her reputation at least means they fear her enough to do as she says. Cleaned rags are gathered, water set to boil over her hearth. Clearing the wound of blood and debris, her eyes flicker between it and the pale planes of his face. If she had to guess, this is a vampire bite.
But that alone doesn’t seal his fate. Even if he was bitten...the monster’s infection could only take hold if they were in a frenzied state, pushed to their limits resorting to their basest form and instincts. He has a chance: he might still be human.
So, for now, she urges the others to leave so she can work uninterrupted. “I’ll send word when he wakes. Until then, I must tend to him, and quickly.”
Worried faces eventually turn and leave the way they came. Left in silence, Hinata begins doing her best to treat the bite. A brief friendship at a crossroads with a healer means she at least should be able to do this much...but much else will be beyond her skillset.
And if he is infected...she’s going to have quite the problem to deal with in a few days.
But for now she focuses solely on her task. Carefully dabbing a poultice into the punctures, she then wraps the bite in clean linen, boiled and dried.
All the while, he barely stirs, eyes closed and sunken in pain. Hinata glances to him often, but there’s little to glean.
Not yet.
Once he’s cleaned and bandaged, she manages to drag him to a nearby settee, a bed too far to reach. Not as comfortable, but better than the table.
For now...all she can do is wait.
Gently, fingers lift his eyelids. Beneath are dark irises, pupils contracting in the light. But at this stage, it’s too early to tell either way.
He’s left to rest, her evening passed by cleaning up the lingering mess of soiled cloth and blood on her table. Taking a light supper, she watches him occasionally twitch, groaning and sweating.
...this isn’t looking good. But there’s nothing she can do...a frenzied Nightwalker’s bite means only one of two things: death...or change.
And the latter is considerably worse in almost every way.
With little else she can do for him, Hinata turns in for the night, the typical sounds of her yard in the dark accompanied by his ragged breathing and occasional whimper.
Needless to say, she sleeps very little.
And come morning, her fears are confirmed. Lifting his lids, her heart sinks at the sight of flickering crimson irises.
He’s Turning.
Retreating, she braces a hand at her lips, unsure what to do. Once his transformation is complete, he’ll be a force to be reckoned with, with new abilities and instincts he’ll have nearly no control over. A danger to himself, and to others...not to mention a monster in their eyes. Even his family is sure to fear and hate him, now.
There’s little room for pity in their hearts when it comes to those beyond their specie.
The merciful thing would be to kill him now while he’s defenseless, and tell the others the wound claimed him.
...and yet…
Looking back, she can’t help but feel revulsion at the idea. Taking a life...she’s never done so before, though she’s been told more than once to prepare herself for the inevitable. Is it truly right to kill him? Does the pain he’ll feel really outweigh any possible good?
...she can’t.
Instead, she digs through a chest in her bedroom, fetching chains she never thought she’d have need for: forged in silver. Just...something to subdue him until she can help him make sense of all this. Carefully, she fastens them from the main beam of her home to each of his limbs and around his torso, sat up against the wood as he suffers through the changes wrought upon him.
...that’s all she can do. She knows no one else capable within traveling distance before he wakes.
She’s on her own.
For another day, and another night, he remains barely conscious, slumped over save for where the chains bind him. Every so often, Hinata carefully guides water between his lips, glad to see him drink. And when she goes to check the bite along his throat...she finds it already healed.
It’s when the sun sets on the third day that something changes. Mending a torn apron, Hinata stills as the sound of ragged breathing ceases. In its place, a groan, followed by murmured nonsense.
...he’s awake.
Setting aside her task, she moves slowly to stand in front of him. His breathing is still labored, but quiet, form leaned back in exhaustion against the beam. Eyes are closed...but snap open as her floor creaks.
She stills.
For a moment, the eyes are dark...but instinct - fresh in his veins - sees them flash a bright, tantalizing red. But he doesn’t struggle, just...stares.
“...you’re Sasuke, aren’t you?” Hinata asks, tone soft to avoid riling him. “Son of the county’s lord Fugaku Uchiha?”
No reply, still staring.
“...you were attacked three day ago. Something...bit you. Do you remember…?”
Breaking his gaze, he glances aside, clearly trying to think. “...it’s all so...foggy…”
“Given what you’ve been through, that’s understandable. You see, sir...when you were bitten, it…”
Realization seems to dawn on him. For a moment, his face slackens in shock...and then wilts with somber understanding. “...am I...no longer human…?”
So, he knows. Her own form softening, she can’t lie to him. “...no. No, you are not. If what I know is enough to reason with, then...I believe you’ve become a...a vampire.”
“...a monster…”
“...do you feel like a monster…?”
That lifts his gaze back to her face. “...I feel like...myself. But...strange.”
“Humans can be monstrous, too,” Hinata murmurs. “It is our actions that m-mark us as what we truly are. This...affliction does not define you, sir.”
“Sadly, no one else will see it that way.” His head leans back against the beam with a dull thunk, eyes closing. “...kill me.”
“I can’t do that.”
“Why not?”
“Because it...it goes against my nature. I’ll not harm you. Not unless...you give me a reason.”
“Is being as I am not reason enough?”
The blunt reply clearly takes him aback. “...I am a nightmare. A threat that lurks in shadows. No matter where I go, contempt will follow me. Forever shunned by those I once called kin. All at the hands of another monster…”
“You still have a choice.”
Unfortunately...it’s then a knock pounds against her door.
It seems the others tire of waiting for news.
Turning to the sound, Hinata gasps at the sound of crunching wood. By the time she about-faces, he’s already free, the bottom of the beam splintered and the chains pooled at his feet.
“...I can’t stay here...I can’t -!”
“Sasuke, wait -!” Reaching out, she manages to lay a hand along his arm.
And in place of what she sees, she’s granted another vision. A wood-shrouded cottage, a gravel path, and a woman smiling in the doorway. She looks like -?
The contact is then broken, and Hinata flinches at the shattering of glass just as the door swings open.
Behind her, the crowd of humans gawk, torn between staring at the window and the beam. “...w...where’s the lord’s son?”
Staring through the broken panes, Hinata swallows dryly, only able to answer, “...gone.”
But she knows she’ll see him again.
Her visions never lie.
Day two! And done in much better time that this morning last night! I have a nasty habit of writing at very peculiar hours, but I’ll try to get these done in better time so they aren’t buried lol This time we’re going with my original monster verse, Of Monsters and Men! I actually have an (incomplete) mini series of sorts from the year-long challenge with this universe. It IS still on my list of things to make a proper fic out of, I just...completely underestimated how dreadful 2020 would be, so a lot of what I’ve wanted to do just...hasn’t gotten done OTL BUT! Someday, lol This is more of an older setting, though I didn’t have an exact date in mind. And in all honesty it feels a bit rushed, a concept I’d do better with with more time and larger word count, but to avoid burnout I’m trying to keep these short. But if a prompt allows, I might do another part! I won’t be tying any of THESE drabbles to any previous events, but I’m not against things within THIS event being connected lol Anywho, that’s all for today’s! Got other things to do tonight so I better skedaddle, but I hope you enjoyed! ALSO, I’ll be doing comment reply posts at the end of each week to avoid clog, so I’m not ignoring any replies! I’ll do a post every seven days (tho the last I’ll just wait until the 31st). Until then I’m always thrilled to hear from you guys! <3
#sasuhinabigflash2020#shbf2020#sasuhina#uchiha sasuke#hyūga hinata#blood //#of monsters and men [ au ]
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[ @sasuhinabigflash2020 || Day One: Chance ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura ] [ SasuHina, NaruSaku ] [ Verse: A Light Amongst Shadows ] [ AO3 Link ]
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With the end of the war and the aftermath all around it, Sasuke finds that what he feels the most is tired. Between the fighting, the politics, and his own personal struggles, all he wants to do upon securing his freedom is lay down and sleep for a thousand years. No more risks, no more struggling...just some peace and quiet.
But unfortunately, life waits for no man, not even Uchiha Sasuke. So, while he spends a great deal of his time cooped up at home, he eventually finds he can’t do so forever. While he has plenty on his mind, and could think himself through an entire day, there’s more that needs to be done.
Like work.
Missions are hardly a challenge, and he only takes them occasionally. Enough to support himself. Otherwise, he’s not too keen on supporting a system within a village that’s so cruelly wronged him in the past.
...but that’s what he devotes all of his spare thinking time into: it’s not going to be this way forever. So in the interim, he does what he must.
But that’s not all he finds himself unable to avoid.
“Oi! Teme!”
Lying on his stomach on a couch, Sasuke’s eyes peel open, gaze already murderous as Naruto quite clearly pounds on his door.
“I know you’re in there, ya bastard! Open up!”
Teeth gritting in a snarl, Sasuke takes to his feet and wrenches the door open. “What?”
Retreating half a step and looking ready to block a blow, Naruto hesitates a moment. “...jeez, what’s got you so crabby?”
“You, obviously. What do you want?”
“Well, uh...how to explain…” A finger itches at his chin. “The Academy’s putting on a fundraiser, and...I thought I’d ask if you could...help?”
“...help how?”
“Well the point is, it’s supposed t’be, like...a little carnival! Booths and all that. And you pay to play games or eat food or whatever. So, I thought, if you had some spare time tonight while it was going...you could maybe throw a few ryō their way…?”
Sasuke’s eyes narrow. “I can’t just make a donation or something?”
“Well, sure! But...c’mon man, that’s no fun! The kids have been working really hard on all their booths! And you know they’d be psyched to see ya!”
At that, the Uchiha’s expression painfully sours. “...I doubt that.”
“No, really! Look, I know…” Naruto sighs, a hand at his neck. “...I know it’s not easy. But these kids need people to look up to. And hey, you want people to know the truth, right? Well...where better to start than with kids? Before they get other garbage in their heads!”
He considers that. “...anyone else going?”
“I’ve got a few others roped in, but some of us are on missions right now. Sakura’s going, Kiba, Shikamaru...I think Ino said she’d think about it, and Hinata’s going!”
Though unchanged in expression, Sasuke internally brightens just a hair. “...all right, I’ll come out for a bit. Just...don’t expect much. I don’t want to be out late.”
“Oh please, they’ve all got bedtimes, too. The kids, I mean! It’s not gonna run all right or nothin’. It’ll open at two! So, y’know, you’ve got a little time.”
“Fine. I’ll be there.”
Naruto’s blues go starry. “Thanks, man! It means a lot! Iruka-sensei’s really excited about it!”
Ah, that explains a lot. Nodding, Sasuke watches the blond retreat before shutting his door. A little carnival, huh?
...sounds cute.
After a proper breakfast, some kata, and then a shower, Sasuke deems himself ready. Dressed as casually as any other day, he meanders toward the Academy grounds to see - as Naruto promised - little aisleways of booths.
Repressing a cringe, he turns to see Sakura waving him over. Beside her stand Naruto and Hinata.
“See? Told you he’d come!”
“I’m a man of my word,” he replies blandly as he approaches.
“So, where to first? Games, food…?” Sakura asks, digging out her wallet.
“Games!” Naruto declares, hands thrown into the air. “I’m gonna win all of ‘em!”
“Carnivals are known for their rigged games,” the rosette counters with a grin.
“Pshhh, they’re kids! How much could they do?”
Heading for the proper booths, Sasuke stands idly toward the rear of the group, watching with guarded eyes. He hasn’t been to the Academy since…
“See anything you want to try, Sasuke-kun?”
Glancing to Hinata, Sasuke then roves eyes over the games. Most are...pretty basic. A ring toss, catching fish with a paper net, hitting targets...but one catches his attention. A game of chance, it declares.
“What’re the rules?” he asks the kid behind the booth, who quails slightly at the sight of him.
“We’d like to play, if that’s all right.” Coming up beside Sasuke, Hinata smiles charmingly. “But...we don’t know how.”
Glancing between the two, the little girl offers a set of dice. “...w-we roll. Whoever gets the higher number wins. The more rolls you do, the...the bigger the pot.”
“What are your prizes?”
After a pause, she fetches a little bag of...smaller bags? “I...made treats. If you win more, you get a bigger bag.”
“Well I like treats,” Hinata chirps in reply. “How about...two out of three to start?”
Nodding, the student hands Hinata a die, and they both roll. Hinata’s stops on a three, and the girl’s a five. Again. This time, Hinata’s six to her two.
In spite of himself, Sasuke finds himself watching the last cast a bit nervously. Hinata’s die lands with a five facing up. But the other spins and spins on a corner, landing on...a six.
“Aw, you got me!” Hinata laughs, handing over the proper ryō. “Want to try, Sasuke-kun?”
Eyeing the prizes, he admits, “...I’m not a big fan of sweets…”
“Well, maybe you can win them for me! And I’ll trade you another booth’s prize later.”
Again he glances to her, a flicker of uncertainty in his gaze. “...all right. Two out of three.”
Looking far more wary, the girl hands him a die. His first roll is a four, hers a one. Then his two to her five.
“Sure these dice aren’t loaded?” he teases, hesitating as she swiftly shakes her head.
“N-no! I just bought them this morning, I promise!”
“It’s all right,” Hinata gently cuts in. “He’s only joking. It’s all a game of chance after all, ne?”
“...yeah.” Taking up his die, Sasuke waits for the girl before casting. He ends up with a six, brightening only to see...a second six.
A tie.
“...roll again?” he asks, looking up.
Clearly unsure, the girl rapidly shakes her head again, and just hands him the bag. “T-thank you for playing!”
“...hey, I -?”
“Thank you,” Hinata intercedes, a hand on Sasuke’s arm before guiding him away.
In spite of himself, he feels his shoulders wilt. “...I just…”
“It’s all right, Sasuke-kun,” Hinata murmurs.
“No, it’s not. I knew coming here was a mistake,” he hisses bitterly. “I knew they’d -”
“Opinions are some of the slowest things to change. Sometimes...they never do. But not all of them matter.”
Watching a gaggle of students crowd around Naruto, Sasuke finds himself surprised by the painful pang in his chest. “...some matter more than you think.”
Softening, Hinata lays a hand upon his shoulder. “...it might not mean much, but...I’m not afraid of you, Sasuke-kun. I might not know or...understand completely, but I hope you know I’m on your side.”
Looking to her touch, Sasuke makes to reply...but soon finds himself interrupted as Naruto and Sakura rejoin them.
“Whoa, win some candy? Nice!”
“It took Naruto ten tries to beat the ring toss,” Sakura offers with a smirk, ignoring as the Uzumaki tries to make excuses.
Shaking his head, Sasuke hears Hinata giggle beside him, clearly amused by Naruto’s pleading.
...it brings another feeling to his chest, but...not quite the same as before.
“I vote we try some food next!” Sakura then offers, cutting Naruto off. “You can buy me my portion since you borrowed ryō for that game, Naruto.”
“But -! Sakura-chan, I -!”
“You want anything, Hinata?” Sasuke asks, following as the other pair start to move.
“No, thank you - I think the candy will suffice,” the Hyūga replies, smiling. “I don’t want to get a bellyache. Besides, I’m happy you won it for me.”
Ever so lightly, pink blooms along the bridge of Sasuke’s nose. “...hn. You’re welcome.”
Maybe this was all a good chance to take.
Heya everybody! Long time no see! Not gonna lie, it feels both good and yet a little weird to be posting on this blog again, haha! Since I wasn’t able to participate in SHM this year due to the schedule change and my own busyness, I’m super psyched to be able to do this event. Admittedly I’m a little on the slow side writing lately (I recently took nearly a month hiatus from my main blog), but I’m going to do my best to do every day that I can, and try and keep the same word count average I had during the year-long challenge. That said, there might be days I skip if it keeps to be too much. But I’m hoping that will not be the case! Anywho, just a little canon-divergent fluff-angst combo. I tried something in a modern verse first but it...flopped lol, so we have this instead which I like a lot better. Poor Sasuke...he has a lot to come to terms with and face upon his return after the war. But at least he’s got someone in his corner! That said, it’s very late and my eyeballs are not happy lol, so I’ll be back tomorrow! Thanks for reading!
#sasuhinabigflash2020#shbf2020#sasuhina#narusaku#uchiha sasuke#hyūga hinata#uzumaki naruto#haruno sakura#a light amongst shadows [ canon verse ]
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[ @sasuhinabigflash2020 || Day Twenty-Four: A Red Blanket ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Like Magic ] [ AO3 Link ]
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Sasuke will admit, Astronomy isn’t exactly one of his favorite classes. Overall it’s rather boring, the subject matter is actually fairly difficult, and the class is always at midnight, which makes any morning classes the following day especially dreadful. He’s really not sure what the point is of mapping stars and planets, anyway. It doesn’t affect magic, only (at least, according to some) abilities to make predictions. And, well...he’s not the biggest believer in Seers and all that. He just takes what he sees in the here and now. Anything else is either past, or something he’ll just have to face when he comes to it.
But there is one nice thing about Astronomy.
“Yeah, one sec.” Double checking to ensure he has his telescope, Sasuke then jogs to catch up. “Last thing I want to do is forget anything before climbing all those bloody stairs.”
Beside him, Hinata gives a giggle. “Heaven forbid.”
“I still dunno why we can’t fly up there. It’d be so much faster and easier.”
“Not everyone’s good at flying, and it’s at night. That’s a bit d-dangerous, isn’t it?”
“Not for all of us,” he counters with a smirk, earning a roll of her eyes.
“You’re ridiculous…”
“Doesn’t seem to stop you now, does it?”
His retort earns a tiny flinch and a blush. “...shush.”
Hinata Hyūga, you see, is Sasuke’s girlfriend. Some claim them to be a bit of an odd match as a Slytherin and a Hufflepuff, but to them? It all makes perfect sense. So while they get their share of odd looks when people see the clashing of yellow and green, it largely goes ignored.
They’ve got better things to worry about.
Small chatter passes between them as they climb the stairs all the way up to Hogwarts’ tallest tower. They’re far from the only ones, either - students are scattered along the stairwells as they all make the trek, midnight fast approaching and the class about to begin.
The pair arrive about in the middle, neither late nor particularly early. Just in time to secure themselves a pretty decent spot. They begin setting up their equipment along the edge: everything they need to see the stars and planets, and the tools to begin to chart them.
“I can’t wait until next year when I no longer have to take this class,” Sasuke sighs, adjusting the focus of his telescope.
“It’s awfully boring, don’t you think?”
“Well...maybe sometimes…”
“Do you really buy into all that horoscope nonsense?”
At that, Hinata flushes pink. “I mean...I’ve been able to predict a fair number of things. Nothing all that big or important, but I do believe it works.”
“Well, you’ve got more faith than me,” Sasuke assures her, finishing and taking a seat. “Done yet?”
“Almost…” Peering through the lens, Hinata fiddles with the focus a bit longer before she’s satisfied. “There.” With that, she brings out the final piece of their equipment: a thick, fluffy red blanket.
The nights on the Astronomy tower are rarely warm, even during the fairest days of the school year. Pretty much every student brings cover of some kind...and ever since the pair of them started dating, Hinata and Sasuke have taken to sharing a blanket to keep warm during the chilly night class. Sure, having one all to one’s self is nice. But it’s even warmer to share...not to mention the extra pleasantness of being close.
A few minutes later, the class begins in earnest. The pair of them hunker down, at first listening to the professor’s lecture about the constellations they’ll be focusing on tonight, and then being freed to begin their charts. Side by side, they alternate between checking their scopes, and discussing the small inconsistencies they notice when comparing their work.
“Are you sure it’s sixty-seven degrees?”
“Well, at least from where I’m sitting.”
“Because I’m getting sixty-four.”
Hinata nose wrinkles. “That doesn’t make any sense...let me see.”
Sasuke shuffles aside to let her check his scope, subtly watching her work.
“...I think your calibration is a little off.”
“Give me a second, I-I’ll fix it.”
Sasuke just hums in reply, a bit distracted by the view as Hinata leans over to fiddle with the dial of the telescope.
“...okay, I think that’s done it.” Turning back around, she catches the tail end of his staring at her tail end, and immediately alights red.
He just smirks, laughing as she smacks his arm in flustered temper.
“You did that on purpose!”
“No, I swear!”
“Awfully convenient, w-wasn’t it?”
Still laughing, he fends off her attacks. “Hinata, I didn’t muck it up on purpose. I just suck at this class. You know that.”
Sitting with a harrumph, her arms fold stubbornly. “Ridiculous.”
“I’m sorry.”
She clearly doesn’t believe him, the pout of her lips only intensifying.
“...you do know that expression only makes you look devastatingly kissable.”
At that, Hinata gives a gasp of shock. “...s-seriously?! After all that, you -?”
“I’m teasing you,” Sasuke cuts in with a laugh.
“We -! We really need to get these charts done, so...get back to work,” is her mumbled retort, glueing herself back to her telescope with a huff.
He just snickers and does the same, but not before adjusting the blanket back over the pair of them. If he’s going to be stuck in this class, he has to keep from falling asleep out of boredom somehow.
I tried really hard to get this one done last night, but my eyeballs protested xD So I got most done and wrapped it up today! Still gonna try to grind out some more as time allows, since we’re getting close to the end of the month and I don’t wanna spill over too much, if at all. Anywho, some random HP verse fluff because...that’s all I could think of xD A bit short but there just wasn’t much to the scene, admittedly. I’ve been all over the place with word counts so it’s no surprise I suppose, lol But with that I do have something irl to get done, so I’ll be back later to try and do more. Thanks for reading!
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[ @sasuhinabigflash2020 || Day Eight: Waterfall ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Uzumaki Naruto, Hatake Kakashi ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: A Light Amongst Shadows ] [ AO3 Link ]
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“All right team, we have a new assignment today!”
Having already been waiting for over an hour for their sensei at this point, the reactions from team seven’s members are...mixed. Naruto, having been prepared to give their sensei an earful, instead perks up in excitement. Sasuke just scoffs, assuming it will be - yet again - more akin to a chore than a mission. And Hinata, groggy from an early morning that...didn’t need to be that early given Kakashi’s tardiness, simply blinks blearily at the man.
“Are we gettin’ a real mission this time, sensei?!” Naruto demands, hopping from foot to foot. “I wanna do something cool! Like...escort a princess, or assassinate a warlord, or -!”
“It’s nothing quite that level, Naruto,” Kakashi cuts in, clearly amused as the blond wilts in disappointment. “However, it is our first mission outside the village.”
At that, Sasuke frowns. “...no it’s not. We’ve been out twice already.”
“Yes, to farms just beyond the wall. We’re heading to a small civilian village to the northwest today,” Kakashi explains, causing all three of his students to perk up. “This time, we’ll be leaving Konoha completely behind.”
“To do what? Tell me, tell me!” Naruto childishly demands.
“We have a rather important piece of cargo to escort. It’ll be on a wagon, and our role will be protection detail for the driver.”
“Important cargo…?” Sasuke’s brow perks. “Like what?”
“Unfortunately, it’s not part of our job to know,” Kakashi chirps, earning a scowl from his student. He holds the scroll of mission details aloft. “So, given that it’s going to be a slow journey with a cart to stick by, this will actually take us about two days. So don’t forget to pack a bedroll, some food, and a canteen for water. Meet me by the gate in half an hour. Our patron should be there by then!”
With that, the Hatake vanishes in a puff of smoke.
“I can’t...believe it…”
Hearing Naruto speak, his teammates both glance to him curiously.
“It’s...our first escort mission…!” Turning around, Naruto has stars in his eyes. “Can ya believe it?!”
Sasuke just snorts flatly. “Yeah. Escorting an inanimate object.”
“At least we’re not c-catching that cat again,” Hinata observes quietly.
“C’mon, guys! At this rate, it won’t be long until we’re climbing up into the big leagues!” Clearly enthused, Naruto starts making all sorts of wild gestures, most of which involving flexing. “It’s gonna be great!”
Watching Naruto with a tired smile, Hinata giggles into a cuff of her jacket, cheeks pink.
Expression unreadable, Sasuke in turn glances to her before turning around. “We all better go pack. Half an hour isn’t long, and be sure you don’t forget anything.”
“Yeah, yeah...bossy pants,” Naruto mutters.
“See you at the gate, Naruto-kun,” Hinata calls, turning and jogging back toward home.
Back in the Hyūga compound, she quickly sorts through her supplies. For a while now, she’s been practicing how best to carry any necessary supplies for longer missions, knowing she’d need it eventually. And now, the time has come!
Looking over her pack one last time, Hinata struggles to hold back a yawn. Her new training has really been wiping her out, but...she’s making good progress. Part of her is a little sad they’ll be on the road overnight, as it means missing her usual window for practice. Maybe she can just...sneak away for a bit and no one will notice?
But then she remembers her time limit, throwing her pack over her shoulder and making for the gate, calling a brief goodbye and explanation to her father.
He won’t really care, anyway.
She makes it with a few minutes to spare, unsurprised to see Sasuke already waiting for her. Nearby, a cart does indeed linger, driven by oxen as the courier goes over his papers with the guards at the gate.
“Hinata,” Saskue greets as always, arms crossed as he leans against the open gate.
“No sign of Kakashi-sensei or Naruto-kun yet?” she asks, already knowing the answer.
A shake of his head.
Well, they’ve a few minutes to wait, then.
“...hey, Hinata.”
“The Byakugan can see through things, right?”
She blinks. “...yes?”
Clearly trying to appear nonchalant, Sasuke then asks, “...what’s in the cart?”
Another blink, and then she brightens. “Oh…!” Glancing around, as though fearing reprimand, Hinata then activates her kekkei genkai.
Through the wall of the cart, she spies...a chest? But even as she focuses, she...can’t see what’s inside. “It, um...it seems to be a chest of some kind.”
“You can’t see in it?”
“...huh. Seems a bit odd, doesn’t it?”
“W-what does?”
“Entrusting something that a Byakugan can’t see to three genin and a jōnin.”
Hinata hesitates. “I...guess so.”
But before they can puzzle it further, Naruto announces his arrival, and Kakashi isn’t far behind him. Papers organized, the team sets out, wagon jostling and creaking alongside them.
Kakashi takes the rear, Naruto and Sasuke at the front. And Hinata positions herself in the middle, occasionally scanning with her Byakugan for approaching threats. Yet by nightfall, the village a short distance ahead, nothing of note happens, and they pitch tents.
Kakashi has his own, the trio of genin set in another as the driver sleeps inside the cart. And after a great deal of discussion (well, more like arguing), they settle with Naruto in the middle before blowing out their lantern for the night.
But about half an hour later, one of the genin gets up, and leaves the tent.
Their departure doesn’t go unnoticed, however...and another follows.
Glancing around their campsite suspiciously, Sasuke doesn’t see her anywhere. Maybe she had to go to the bathroom…? He considers just going back to bed, but...something just feels off. So he decides to go on a little patrol. For the most part, the woods are quiet...but then something sounds in the distance. Like...running water?
A short trek leads him to a small river, a waterfall no taller than Kakashi being the source of the noise. Mentally mapping it to fetch water in the morning, Sasuke starts to turn to head back...only to notice movement.
He quickly falls into a crouch, a kunai drawn from his leg pouch. Heart beating in his throat, he carefully peers up past some boulders that line the pool beneath the falls.
In the dark, with only limited moonlight, it’s hard to make out the figure. But whatever or whoever it is, they tread out onto the surface.
...shinobi, then.
But they’re rather short, and Sasuke finds himself wishing he could awaken his Sharingan and take a look at their chakra. At the very least, they don’t appear threatening.
In fact, as he watches...they start to...dance?
Or at least...that’s what it looks like. But the feeling of chakra makes the hairs on his arms stand up, and water starts following their movements. This isn’t a dance, it’s more like...some fancy style of taijutsu. But with...chakra?
Isn’t that sort of like…?
Craning to get a better look, Sasuke squints against the darkness, trying to see just who this is. But so intense is his focus...he loses his grip on his kunai, and it clatters down the slope of stone before plopping into the pool.
At once, both he and the mystery figure stiffen. Sasuke ducks back behind the rocks. Well, so much for being stealthy…
By the time he looks back out...they’re gone.
His brow furrows sharply. What was that? Who was that?! Part of him thinks to report it to Kakashi, but...well, nothing about the situation seemed hostile. Just...weird.
Making up his mind, Sasuke returns to camp. And with a brush of his hand, he opens the flap of the tent.
Hinata’s there, curled up with her back to Naruto and apparently asleep.
...huh. Maybe she did just have to go to the bathroom, and he found himself on some wild goose chase. Mulling it over a moment longer, Sasuke then just shrugs, retakes his spot...and does his best to fall asleep.
And on the other side of Naruto, Hinata stares at the wall of the tent, eyes wide and face warm.
...that was close.
All righty, on to the second week! This harkens back to the team seven!Hinata idea, mostly because the filler scene with Naruto in place of Sasuke came to mind first with this prompt, and I couldn’t say no xD So, here’s an alternate version! Also, what’s in the chest...? No idea, it can be anything you want, it was just random sideplot nonsense lol Aaanywho, I had...a very long day, so I’m gonna go crash~ Thanks for reading!
#sasuhinabigflash2020#shbf2020#sasuhina#uchiha sasuke#hyūga hinata#uzumaki naruto#hatake kakashi#a light amongst shadows [ canon verse ]
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[ @sasuhinabigflash2020 || Day Eleven: Total Silence ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Hyūga Hiashi ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Divine Light ] [ AO3 Link ]
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Noise, noise, there’s always only noise.
No matter how many times she tells her father she hates these social gatherings and publicity preening parties, he still strong-arms her into coming. You’d think as an adult herself now she’d finally find the guts to tell him no, but...well, a childhood and teenage years of a controlling parent that forced obedience through a constant threat of removing what you hold dear birthed a fear of that power still lingering after maturity.
...or so she tells herself.
Hinata Hyūga knows she’s mostly just a pushover no matter who it is she’s dealing with. Whether it’s her father, or her cousin, or even her little sister. Making waves and starting arguments just...isn’t in her skillset.
Hence why, more often than not, she ends up at her father’s obnoxious gatherings. His business in the medical technology industry means rubbing all the right elbows. And while Hinata’s choice to pursue journalism isn’t exactly in line with his expectations or standards, he still portrays her in the best light he can...in order to make himself look better.
And through all of that, his company...and its stocks.
For most of her time at these get-togethers, Hinata sticks to the walls, socializing only when necessary and otherwise trying to be as unnoticeable as possible, and evade such interactions in the first place.
But for some reason...tonight is just more than she can handle.
Not only is there music pulsing through speakers, but conversations, laughter, and even some shouting fill the air to a staggering degree. Ugh, she can feel a headache coming on...maybe she’ll just -
Turning to her father, Hinata forces a smile. “Yes?”
“I’ve been talking to a young up-and-comer who would like to speak to you about a possible piece you could write about his company.”
She blinks. “...a piece?”
“Yes, a degree of publicity to help him get things off the ground. Say a few nice words, interview him...that sort of thing.”
Immediately, something in Hinata’s stomach churns. This sounds a lot like a piece of bribery, and that’s the last thing she wants to get herself into. “I...could look into it.”
“He’d like to speak to you now.”
Oh no...no, not now. Not with her head spinning and senses overloading. “I...I’m sorry, I’ve been fighting a headache, and -”
“It will only take a few minutes, Hinata.”
“Could -? Could you give him my email, and I’ll just -”
“No, now.”
The brazen order actually makes her catch herself in a lurch. Her vision is swimming, her skin feels clammy - she has to get out of here, now.
So, without a word, she holds up a hand and just...stumbles forward toward the door.
“Hinata…? Where do you think you’re -?”
For once in her life...she ignores him. With a push, she urges the door open and steps out into the cool air of the city evening. It washes over her like a relieving tide.
But it’s not enough. If she doesn’t move, he’ll just drag her back inside.
So she flees.
Turning to the right, she keeps on down the sidewalk, heels clicking. Thankfully she’s so used to them, even an unsteady gait born of dizziness doesn’t twist her ankles. A few curious passersby give her strange looks, but none make to stop her.
It’s late enough most other doors are locked and lights out, but by some grace she finds a place alight and open. An old brass handle turns in her hand, letting her into...wherever. At this point, it doesn’t matter. Anywhere is better than there.
Once in, she pushes the portal closed, leaning against it and heaving a weary sigh.
...and then notices something odd.
It’s completely and utterly silent. Such a change from her prior surroundings, her ears begin to ring.
Lifting her head, she takes in the building properly. At first glance, it appears to be nothing more than a second hand or antique shop. The building itself is also old, with crown moulding and rich wooden floors, worn but shining. The smell of old paper permeates the air.
Feeling almost like she’s stepped into another world, Hinata then realizes the door has a glass panel, through which she can be seen. Hefting upright, she moves between rows of shelves to better hide herself from view. And, with nothing else to do, she starts looking through the merchandise.
In truth, it...doesn’t look like much. Random knick knacks, decor, old-fashioned tools and kitchenware. It’s like someone went through every grandmother’s house and looted them, putting whatever they can find into the bins and rows.
It’s...bizarre, and not at all what she expected to find on the same street as the fancy hotel her father almost always rents for his parties. But at least that means it should be one of the last places Hiashi or his goons think to look for her. She walks slowly down the aisle, wondering if something might catch her eye while she’s here.
“...what are you doing?”
Jolting with a gasp, Hinata turns to see she’s no longer alone. At the head of the aisle where she came from, a man about her age eyes her almost suspiciously.
What an odd way to treat a customer, but...well, on second thought, she’s a little overdressed to be shopping for...whatever this stuff is.
“I, um…” How to explain…? “Someone was...following me, so I stepped in. Are...are you open?”
“...yes,” he replies after a pause, clearly weighing her story. “Are you all right?”
“Oh, yes - I’m fine. I’m sure they won’t think to look for me in -” She catches herself, not wanting to be rude. “...here.”
That earns a hint of a snort. “Well...I’m open another half hour, so...stay as long as you like until then.”
“Thank you…” She watches him turn back and vanish from view.
A nagging in the back of her mind sees her follow.
“May I...ask what your store is called? I, um...I m-missed the sign on the way in…”
“...is -? Is that the whole name?”
“Did you expect something more?” he counters, stepping behind a register at the rear of the room.
“I...guess I didn’t know what to expect.”
He leans on his arms, looking her over. “...I find things that are unwanted, and try to find the person who’s meant to want them,” is his cryptic explanation.
“People look for -?” Again she cuts off, realizing she’s...about to be very rude. “...I’m sorry. I’ve, um...I’ve never been to an antique shop before…”
“That’s not exactly what this is, but...a close enough guess.”
Something about his refusal furrows her brow. Is he...hiding something? “How do you find these...curiosities?”
“Most are happenstance. Some I look for specifically. Though those sorts of wares are kept in the back.”
“Because they’re...valuable?”
“To the right people, yes.”
Another pause at his odd reply. “...I should introduce myself,” Hinata then backpedals. “I’m Hinata. Hinata Hyūga.”
“Sasuke Uchiha. And what do you do for a living that’s clearly above the par of a humble shopkeeper?”
His jab makes her go pink. “...I’m, um...I’m a journalist.”
“Hm...you have the air about you. Maybe that’s why you ended up here.”
“...I beg your pardon?”
“It’s Curiosities,” he replies, a grin curling one corner of his mouth. “Only people who are looking for something tend to find their way to my little shop. And journalists are always looking for something. A new story, a new point of intrigue.”
“Well, this...place is rather intriguing,” she agrees, glancing around again.
“One way to put it, yes.”
“As is the man behind the counter.”
His smirk seems to grow, and for a flicker of a moment, as his head tilts, Hinata swears there’s a ruby-red shine to his otherwise dark eyes. “I’d argue that my wares are the true point of interest, but...I can’t deny another’s observations.”
Suddenly, Hinata feels her inner writer coming out. “So...is this a family shop?” she asks casually.
“You could say that. It’s been in the line for quite some time.”
“Anyone else help run it?”
At that, Sasuke seems to hang up for a moment, and an unreadable look passes over his face. “...no, just me.”
“...was that a bad question?”
“No. I...had an elder brother, but...he passed some time ago.”
Shocked sympathy wilts her features. “...I’m so sorry.”
“It’s in the past. Feels like it was centuries ago now, but...well, even old scars can ache.”
She mutes for a long moment. “...seems awfully quiet.”
“Yes, my clientele tends to be...sporadic. Or by appointment.”
“People call looking for something in particular, and I...acquire it. We then arrange to meet.”
In spite of herself, Hinata gives a soft laugh. “Sounds suspicious.”
“Any business dealing is, in the right light. But I can assure you, it’s all perfectly legal.” His smile begins to return.
Opening her mouth to speak again, Hinata hesitates as a buzz sounds in the little handbag she’s miraculously kept ahold of. “Oh, sorry...my phone…”
“No apology needed.”
Bringing up her mobile, Hinata grimaces at her father’s name.
“...unwanted conversation?”
“Unwanted lecture,” she sighs, muting it. Guilt and apprehension grow, but...she’ll find some excuse. Her headache is gone, but...well, Hiashi won’t have to know that. “Still, I...should probably be going. It’s getting late, and...I’m doing l-little more than pester you.”
“Pester away. As you said, it’s quiet...a bit of conversation is nice now and again. Perhaps you can do a proper piece about the place another time, since you seem to find it so curious.”
His quip earns a laugh, then a pause. Right...there’s that other piece her father wants her to write.
...she’ll think about that in the morning.
“It was nice to meet you, Sasuke. Um...thanks for letting me hide out in here,” Hinata then offers sheepishly.
“Of course. I’ll admit I wasn’t expecting a gown-clad maiden in tonight, but...you’d be surprised what other sorts of characters I end up with in here.”
“You’ve already sold me on the place, you know,” she replies with a smile. “No need to keep whetting my appetite. I’ll be back.”
“Just being thorough,” he replies, giving a wave as she peers out the door, and then trots back the way she came. “...hm…”
With a trill, a feathery figure alights upon a stand that rests atop the counter.
“Yes, yes...she’s gone. Thank you for behaving yourself.”
A bird of gold and auburn plumage blinks vermillion eyes at him, a small comb of fire flickering along her regal head. But as Sasuke gives it fond strokes, it doesn’t burn him.
“Yet...I wonder…” Looking back to the door, he seems to sink into thought. “It’s very rare we get anyone el’tahl in here. Maybe she has some ven buried in her bloodline, hm?”
In response, the phoenix gives another melodic flow of notes.
“You liked her, did you? Well, that’s all the convincing I need. We’ll have to see how deep she manages to dig when she comes back. But for now, time to call it a night.”
With a snap, the lights extinguish, lock bolting shut at the front. In his hand, an orb of revolving fire lights his way through the back door. Here, objects clearly not meant for unenlightened human eyes glow, spin, float, and hum.
“...how deep, indeed.”
So this is very late because wow my toothache is...unreal. I’m so sorry, guys. It’s also not what I first envisioned but sometimes characters just veer you off course! I was going to have this be vampire-themed but instead we got...this! Which is...technically another crossover with a work of my own. DL is mostly a medieval-fantasy sort of world, BUT I do have one story in it so far that’s modern. And Sasuke is being directly crossed with one of the characters, but uh...it’d take a lot to explain and possibly spoil things so we’ll just leave the mystery intact xD Anyway, I’m...totally exhausted and technically still in pain. Might be going to a dentist tomorrow, no idea, so...I dunno when I’ll get more done since I’m still behind. Thank you for your patience - I WILL finish this event one way or another, it just might be delayed because life things, woo. Buuut on that note, I’ll be heading off. Thanks for reading!
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[ @sasuhinabigflash2020 || Day Four: On A Hill ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata ] [ SasuHina, blood, death, gun ] [ Verse: Stockades and Stagecoaches ] [ AO3 Link ]
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Kicking spurs into his mount’s side, Sasuke leans up over the horse’s neck, releasing his reins to better keep hold of his rifle. Hooves thunder against the ground, dry and dusty in the dog days of Summer. Ahead of him, his target is just as desperate to build speed, glancing back over his shoulder to his pursuer.
Just a little closer…
Then with a bang and a whiz, a bullet flies by, followed quickly by more as the fiend draws a pistol, firing nearly blind behind himself in a last ditch effort to ward off his foe.
But Sasuke’s been in far too many fire fights to flinch. Instead, he finally launches a bullet of his own with a cracking report.
It flies true, burying into the man’s back with a cry of agony. For a moment he sits stiff in his saddle before falling to the earth. His own horse keeps running, and Sasuke makes no attempt to stop it. Instead, he brings his to a stop with a hold of the reins and a soft, “whoa”.
Blood pooling in the dirt, the rogue beneath him draws a few more rattling breaths before going still.
Seems he won’t be getting a confession, but in truth he doesn’t need one. All he knows is that this one’s face was on a wanted poster...and when Sasuke decides to take down a bounty, nothing stands in his way.
Dead or alive.
Dismounting, he goes through the man’s pockets, taking anything of note that the dead no longer need. A few dollars, a pocket watch, and a half-empty package of cigarettes. He doesn’t smoke, but he might be able to trade them to someone who does.
Making sure the target’s deceased, Sasuke then hauls him up behind his saddle, tying him down to take in to the sheriff’s office. For good measure, he folds the copy of the poster he took and stuffs it in the man’s pocket to make the last step all the easier.
He then climbs up into his seat, surprised to find the other horse come to a stop not too far off. With a flick of his lasso, he manages to catch it, leading it back toward town. Given his owner no longer has need of it...might as well sell it. He trusts his own mount too much to consider trading, and he doesn’t carry enough to need a pack animal.
The less he can get by on, the easier it is to keep moving.
The ride to town takes him until sunset, curious citizens gawking at the scene. Bounty hunters aren’t exactly rare, but a successful haul - let alone a dead one - still draws gazes.
Clearly about ready to call it a day, the sheriff lounges in a rocking chair along the front of the jail, sitting up as Sasuke approaches. “And what have we here?”
Rather than answer, the Uchiha grabs the body and tosses it on the veranda, whipping out the parchment and presenting it without a word.
“Hm…” With a boot, the sheriff turns the body face-up, comparing the face to the sketch. “Seems right to me. Give me a moment and I’ll fetch your reward, mister…?”
“Uchiha. Sasuke Uchiha.”
“Mister Uchiha.” Giving a nod and stepping over the corpse, the other man disappears for a few minutes before returning with a small wad of bills. “Two hundred and fifty dollars, as advertised. And our little town thanks you for your service. One less varmint runnin’ amok.”
Hand at its brim, Sasuke tips his hat respectfully before remounting. With that money, he can easily afford a room, a bath, and to restock on supplies before heading to the next town to see what work they’d have. But first...a little rest and relaxation for a job well done.
His horse plods easily through town, watching as it begins to button up for the evening. Wives scold late-returning husbands, children are ushered in before it gets dark...and patrons flock to the tavern for its late night lights and spirits.
Tempting, but he’ll want a clear head to travel come morning.
His plan, however, soon runs into a snag. Seems the inn is full.
“There’s a boarding house at the west end a’town,” the innkeep offers. “A bit more spendy, but it should do well for ya. Run by a real nice gal. Sits up on a hill, y’can’t miss it.”
Glancing in the offered direction, Sasuke spies what looks to be the building’s silhouette as the sun sets behind it. Giving his thanks, Sasuke follows the scant directions, finding himself at the base of a three story building. Curious eyes rove over it before lowering to the door. Horse tethered in what is clearly the property’s stable, he walks up and knocks.
It takes a few minutes, but eventually the door opens. And standing within it is a woman of shorter stature and fuller features. But what catches his eyes first are her own: a pale color, almost like subdued lilac.
She in turn looks surprised to see him. And given that he sees no evidence of other guests, Sasuke can guess why. “...evening, sir!” she then greets, flashing a demure smile. “Can I help you…?”
“I was told lodging was offered here?” he asks, glancing up behind her.
“Yes, this’s a boarding house. Are you in need of a room?”
“Yes, ma’am.” Thinking to remove his hat, Sasuke then offers, “Wouldn’t turn down a bath and a meal, either.”
That gets her to softly laugh. “Of course. No offense, but...you look like you brought half the road with you.”
“Oh, er…” Stepping back, he dusts at his garments. “Had a long ride.”
“Most who come through do. If you’d like, I can launder those for you.”
He pauses. “...I’d appreciate that, ma’am.”
“Oh, please - miss Hyūga suits me just fine.” She then opens the door wider, and Sasuke steps in, spurs clinking quietly. “I’ll get that bath started for you. Just leave your things outside the door and I’ll tend to them.”
“Sure it’s not a bother?”
“Not at all. I’m...sure you’ve noticed you’re the only patron at the moment,” she notes with a weary sigh. “So I’ve all the time in the world. If anything, a bit more to do would be nice.”
Still feeling a bit awkward at all the offered hospitality, Sasuke just nods, letting her show him to a room and then the bathroom. She heats the water on the stove, filling the tub and leaving soaps for his use.
Taking in his saddlebags, Sasuke unpacks one of few spare outfits he has, stripping down and leaving what’s soiled outside the door before slipping into the water.
Admittedly...he can’t remember the last time he had a proper bath. Mostly just rinsing off in obliging rivers or rain barrels. So this? This is a treat. And he’s going to be damn sure to enjoy it while he can.
Only once clean and the water cold does he emerge, toweling off and dressing. Upon cracking open the door, he does indeed find what he left behind gone.
Feeling a bit standoffish, he eventually makes his way back downstairs, following the scent of food. And there he finds Hinata setting the dining room table before glancing up to him.
“My, looks like you’ve shed ten pounds from lost dirt alone,” she notes, smiling again as he flashes pink across the tops of his ears and the bridge of his nose. “Forgive me, it’s...been a while since I’ve had a guest. Seems my manners need some dusting off, too.”
“No harm, ma-...er, miss Hyūga.”
“Well, best have your supper before it gets cold.”
“Have you eaten?”
“Yes, before you arrived. No need to fuss over me, sir. Though that reminds me...I’ve yet to ask your name.”
“Sasuke Uchiha,” he replies upon taking a seat.
“Well, will you be with us long, mister Uchiha?”
“Just until morning.”
For a moment, disappointment flickers over her face, but is soon replaced by another smile. “Well, I’d best make the most of it, then! If you need anything else, just holler. I’ll be finishing up some chores. If you turn in early, I’ll offer a goodnight now.”
Sasuke just nods, watching her leave before taking a bite.
He’ll admit, it’s damn good.
Once his plate is cleared, he peeks into the kitchen, finding it empty and leaving his cutlery by the sink. Part of him wants to inquire after his clothes, but...well, she’s already doing him a favor. No need to appear pushy. Instead, he follows the lamplight up to his room and tucks into bed for the night.
To his honest surprise, rest comes quickly, and he sleeps well past sunup. He must’ve been more tired than he’d thought. Sitting up, he pauses at the sight of folded clothes atop the chest of drawers nearby.
Seems they’re all taken care of.
Redressing, he makes to pack them only to pause. She even mended a tear in his sleeve from a knife fight he won a few nights back.
Fingering the stitches, he mulls that over before putting everything back in its proper place and hauling the saddlebags down to the main floor.
“Miss Hyūga?” he calls, tone a bit muted in the otherwise-empty building. Sounds come from the kitchen, but he doesn’t want to intrude.
“Breakfast is almost ready!” she replies, offering no further explanation. So, in the meantime, he takes out his bags and greets his mount. Seems they’re just as well-rested, bright-eyed and nickering softly.
“Not much longer and we’ll be back on the road,” he assures them softly.
Back inside, he steps in just as his hostess goes bustling past. “One last meal before you head on your way,” she explains with a smile.
“What’ll I owe you?”
“A dollar typically gets you a day.”
“But you’ve -?”
His counter is waved aside, taking her own seat to dine with him. “As I said, the busywork is a blessing itself. It’s been quiet. The mine that saw so many men come through is all but dried up, so...most of my business is past. A little longer, then I’ll likely move back to the city. It was a fun little venture, but all good things come to an end, I’m afraid.”
Having no retort, Sasuke stands for a moment before joining her. They pass with small talk, the Hyūga woman telling of the town, and Sasuke of his choice in work.
“What an adventure it must be,” she offers wistfully, cradling her mug of tea as the meal comes to a close.
“It’s rarely boring,” he agrees dryly. “But not very steady, or comfortable.”
“I can imagine. But comfortable is often just that: boring,” she replies with a soft smile.
“A happy medium isn’t easy to find.”
“Well...maybe you will someday. At least you’ll have some freedom and excitement. I’ll be heading back to my father’s. Comfortable, but...well, it’s not exactly glamorous under his thumb.”
“He’s made his fortune in the oil fields,” she replies with a sigh. “So in reality, there’s little need for me to be here, but...I wanted to try and make my own way. But, as usual...I’ll end up right back where I started.”
Sasuke hesitates. “...I see.”
“But it’s nothing to cry over. I’ll make due. But I’ll miss it here. Meeting so many new people, hearing other stories…”
“Are you...running dry on funds?”
“Yes and no. I could keep pouring money into it, but...there’s just no point, now. Not with no one to pander to.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Oh, don’t be. It was fun while it lasted. I’ll survive. I’m just thankful I got the opportunity.”
With that, the conversation mostly dries up, and Sasuke finds he has no real reason to linger. The sooner he leaves, the sooner he’ll reach the next town, and his next bounty.
...but part of him is sad to go.
Hinata tidies up after them, walking out to the porch as he mounts up.
“Thank you very much for your hospitality, miss Hyūga,” he offers genuinely.
“Thank you for the business. But more so the company,” she replies, smiling.
“So...where’s home, if not here?”
“My father has a home in the capital. I’ll return there in a few weeks, likely to just get married off. But...I suppose that’s not a bad thing.”
For some reason, his chest tightens...but he offers no retort.
“If you ever find yourself in the big city, maybe we’ll cross paths again,” she then adds, regaining his gaze.
“...maybe. Probably plenty of crime in the city.”
“Where men go, evil follows.”
HIs lips twitch before giving a polite dip of his head. “Miss Hyūga.”
“Safe travels,” she replies, waving as he makes for the town center. Time to stock up, and hit the trail.
...who knows. Maybe sooner or later it’ll lead to the big city.
Oookay it’s late so I’ma be brief xD Wild west AU cuz...reasons. While not really a fan of the genre overall, I do live really rural, so...it’s kinda ingrained into me lol. I’ve written one other piece in it but that was for another ship in another event I hosted last year. I’m no expert by any means xD I doubt I’ll do more but I guess it depends on where the prompt list takes me, and I guess what you guys think? Buuut for now I’m gonna go sleep - thanks for reading!
#sasuhinabigflash2020#shbf2020#sasuhina#uchiha sasuke#hyūga hinata#blood //#death //#gun //#stockades and stagecoaches [ au ]
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[ @sasuhinabigflash2020 || Day Seven: A House in the Country ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Hyūga Neji ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: To Rule Them All ] [ AO3 Link ]
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It’s been so long, she scarcely has memories of the place she lived before.
For nearly as long as she can remember, Hinata has lived here, in this little house in the country: a rural part of the province where she was born. By now, her guardian has passed, and the running of their little farm has fallen to her shoulders. It’s a humble, often impoverished life...but one she nonetheless enjoys.
She urges plants from the soil, tends to her livestock, and keeps up the little house. Everything she has is by her own merit, and a source of her own pride. Her hands are calloused and her body often aches...but there’s little she can’t tend to on her own. She bothers no one, and no one bothers her
Just as it was arranged.
Which is why, when the quiet of a sunny afternoon is broken by the clatter of hooves along the path, she looks up to the road with guarded eyes. Only a handful of other homes line this road, so any passersby are a rare occurrence...and usually make her wary.
Astride two mounts are a matching tally of men. One of long umber hair tied in a tail seems to look over the property with a grimace, as though the sight brings a sour taste to his mouth. By his garb, she can tell he’s part of the envoy...but even after all this time, she still recognizes her cousin, Neji.
The other, however, she does not know. Pale and striking, ebony locks are a mess about his face, eyes just as dark and seemingly veiled with an ever-present glower. His armaments and armor immediately mark him as a soldier, but not just any soldier: one of the elite royal guard.
Dread weighs in her stomach, a number of worrying assumptions boiling in her gut. Standing on her doorstep and watching them approach, Hinata offers no greeting.
This can’t be good.
Neji approaches at the fore, bringing up the reins of his horse and urging it to a stop. For a long moment, the cousins eye one another, clearly trying to place past standings into the present.
“...Hinata?” he then asks, tone curt and assertive.
“Neji,” is her own soft reply.
“Where is your guardian? We must speak.”
“Dead. Three years now.” At his surprised jerk, she asks, “Was no one made aware…?”
“You’ve...been on your own all this time?”
“And no worse for wear.” In her grip, the broom she was sweeping her entryway with shifts. “Whatever you needed to say to them, you can say to me, dear cousin.”
The title earns a hint of a flinch. “My...my orders were to -?”
“Seems your orders are a bit outdated,” the other man cuts in with a drawl. “I think you’d best adjust your strategy accordingly, messenger.”
As his mount sidesteps idly, Neji shoots him a glare. “...my words were meant for your guardian, but...I suppose in lieu of them, I will...defer to you.” He clears his throat. “...her highness, the princess Hanabi, has disappeared.”
At that, Hinata stiffens.
“While every available lead is being followed and every action taken to ensure her safe return, certain...arrangements are being prepared in preparation of great tragedy. If the heiress is lost, then -”
“Then you will settle for second best.”
The blunt rebuke begets another flinch. And beside him, the guard lets slip a hint of surprise.
Seems he had no idea what he was tagging along for.
Hinata spares him a glance as Neji recovers. He’s clearly part of the family that heads the Hyūga kingdom private guard, looking about her and her cousin’s age. Something tells her this is just as much a test for him as it is the rest of them.
“The...circumstances surrounding your exile are -”
“I don’t want to go over it all again,” Hinata cuts in, tone weary. “What I do want is to hear what has happened to my sister.”
“That...will have to wait until we arrive at the capital, per his majesty’s orders.”
At the mention of the king, Hinata’s brows furrow just a hair, expression hardening. “...what will happen to this place?”
“There are animals and crops here. I’ll not let them sit neglected if I’m to leave with you.”
Again Neij hesitates. “We...came here on the assumption there would be someone left in your stead.”
“Assumptions tend to make a mockery of everyone. Until arrangements can be made otherwise, I’ll not go.”
“But Hinata, you -?”
“If I really am to become a princess again, then surely my word is binding, isn’t it?” There’s an edge to her voice that betrays her bitterness. “For three years this place has been the fruits of my labors, and my labors alone. I want it entrusted to someone who will give it equal effort. If you can’t do that much...then I’m staying. No matter what my father thinks...this is my home. And after being free of him this long, I’m not so eager to bow to his every whim.”
With that, she steps inside, shutting the door with a decided thud.
Outside, the men stand at a loss.
“...and here you told me this was going to be easy,” the knight them mutters, a hint of a smirk on his face.
Neji scoffs, dismounting and adjusting his outfit. “When I last saw Hinata, she was a meek, spoiled child. Clearly that has changed...I was not expecting it.”
“Seems she was right.”
“Assuming does make a mockery of everyone. Even you, duke.”
That earns him a heated glower. “Watch your tongue, Uchiha. Chosen guard or not, you’re in no position to needle me.”
“She’s doing a fine job of that herself, believe me.” Sliding from his own saddle, Sasuke tethers his horse to a nearby post and looks the house over. “...so what did warrant this...separation of sisters?”
“It’s hardly your business, knight. This is a royal family affair.”
“Well maybe if I knew more, I could aid you. Besides, I serve your royal family. Odds are I’ll learn it eventually once the gossipers get ahold of this.”
Neji heaves an irritated sigh. “...when Hinata was young, her father was convinced of her weakness. The second daughter, Hanabi, was deemed stronger...mostly due to her mother dying in childbirth. Convinced, Hiashi arranged for Hinata to be...removed to allow Hanabi the title of heiress. The elder daughter was taken here, in a remote part of the country, to be raised and kept secret. Unless need came of her, she would live out her days here while Hanabi was seated to take the throne.”
At that, Sasuke gives a derisive snort. “So...she is considered second best. A backup plan.”
“Every royal family needs one in the face of...unfortunate circumstances.”
“And what of you?”
“Here I thought you were second in line as a first cousin. Doesn’t this make your bid for the throne all the harder?”
At that, Neji scoffs again. “I hardly want the title. Ruling is not my role. If anything...I pity Hinata for more than the insult of being a replacement heir.”
“But we still need to get her back.”
“Indeed. Given that neither hide nor hair of Hanabi has been found these past weeks...Hiashi has been forced to plan for the worst. If she is dead, then we have no choice: Hinata must be reinstated as heir and take the throne upon Hiashi’s death.”
“And if she refuses…?”
The Hyūga sighs. “...then it would indeed fall to me. But as stated...I would rather avoid that outcome if at all possible.”
“So your stake is personal.”
“In a manner of speaking...yes.”
Considering the door, Sasuke offers, “...we need to comply with her demands, then. Find a groundskeeper, then head back. Surely someone local can step up to the task. Problem solved.”
“Perhaps. I know not who to ask.”
“No...but she does. She’s lived here her whole life. Just a matter of getting her opinion. Let me take a crack at this, duke.”
Looking vexed, Neji simply waves him on.
Stepping up to the entrance, Sasuke knocks, waiting until given permission to step inside. “...your highness?”
Tending to flowers in a window, Hinata sighs curtly. “Don’t call me that.”
“Then...what would you prefer?”
“Just...Hinata. I’ve not been a princess for over a decade. Suddenly being treated as one irks me.”
“I can imagine.” Stepping further in, Sasuke then asks, “So...who here would best suit your homestead in your absence?”
“Time is of the essence, my lady. The sooner we get you back to the capital, the sooner we can begin the proper proceedings. Surely you know someone here who can oversee your home in your absence?”
Watching him uncertainly, Hinata eventually nods. “...I do.”
“Then best we make arrangements.”
For a moment, a shadow of defeat seems to overcome her. “...I will send a message.” Caged near a window, a dove soon bears a message, carrying it beyond the pane as Hinata considers the knight curiously. “...are you my cousin’s guard, then?”
“Me? No. As a matter of fact, I’m to be yours. Neji’s is part of the search party for your sister, so...I’ve been spread a bit thin in the meantime.”
At the mention of Hanabi, Hinata wilts. “...is there truly no word on what happened…?”
“All I know - all any of us know - is that she was taken in the dead of night. Since then, all efforts to locate her have been in vain. But we’re still looking. I doubt we’ll stop until a conclusion is drawn either way.”
Sighing softly, Hinata stares out the window. “...in truth...I’ve dreaded this day. Life here is hard, but...it’s all I’ve known. This is my home...my guardian my family. I don’t want to give it all up to start over again...pretending these strangers are anything but that: strangers.”
Not knowing what to say, Sasuke’s head bows. “...well...all we can do is face our duties, my lady. I’m determined to follow mine: you won’t face this alone.”
At that, she looks up to him, expression unreadable before managing a somber smile. “...thank you.”
This is...really random xD Probably not anything I’ll continue - I had a really hard time coming up with a scene for this prompt, so it’s really pulled out of thin air. I do like the concept of a royal / medieval arrangement like this, with Hinata being ousted for Hanabi, BUT...I have an ooold project I might reboot and do something with that’s similar, so...there’s that at least! Anyway, it’s...very late, and I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow, so I’m gonna head off for the night. Hopefully no more delays and I can stay caught up the rest of the month! But, if I do miss another day at any point, know I’ll do my darndest to make it up in good time! I am determined to finish this event fully xD Buuut anyway, enough out of me: thanks for reading!
#sasuhinabigflash2020#shbf2020#sasuhina#uchiha sasuke#hyūga hinata#hyūga neji#to rule them all [ au ]
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[ @sasuhinabigflash2020 || Day Twenty-Seven: The Phone is Ringing ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Divine Light ] [ AO3 Link ]
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Eyes shrouded by a strange pair of goggles, Sasuke focuses wholly on an object that rests on the workbench before him. At a glance, it seems to be little more than a broken piece of chainmail armor. But if one were to look more closely, they would see an ethereal shimmer to the metal that seems to move, like liquid.
Ever so carefully, he summons a small flame to the tip of his finger: a pure, bright white that would blind any eye gazing upon it.
...hence the goggles.
The lenses are dark, giving him a dimmed but clear view of his work. At his urging, the fire carefully warms and loosens the metal. Two ends of a broken link glow hot before he urges them together. A breath, chilled, then sees the metal bind seamlessly.
He’s been at it for hours now, time lost in the continuous flow of work. The rift in the armor was clearly a killing blow...and while pieces like this typically sell well when left in their original condition, this particular client wants it repaired.
Good thing he’s skilled with fire.
With another link done, he finally leans back atop his stool with a sigh, a hand pushing his goggles up and splaying his hair. With the light no longer present, the lenses fade back to clear. “Phew…”
Noting his change in focus, his phoenix flutters to his shoulder, trilling happily.
“Yeah, yeah...I know. Sorry for getting so caught up. It takes careful work to meddle with this stuff.” He sticks a hand into the mail, letting the links shimmer and shine in the light as they move. “Too bad I’ve no luck with terra, hm? Would make this a lot easier. But...I’m Ignitrion through and through, aren’t I?” His other hand lifts to brush fingers along the avian’s chest. “Thera’s never much liked me...though I can’t really blame them, all things considered.”
As his words cease, Sasuke then realizes that the phone in the front of the shop is ringing.
Blinking, he stands and lets his familiar ride with him, picking up the receiver and offering, “This is the Curiosities shop, how may I help you?”
“Oh...is this Sasuke?” a feminine voice inquires.
Hesitating only a moment, he replies, “It is indeed. How can I help you?”
“This is Hinata! I was...in your shop the other night…?”
Another blink. Ah yes, he remembers: the woman in a cocktail dress that came stumbling in at nearly closing to hide from something, or someone. Very odd, but also very...interesting. “Yes, I recall.”
“I was wondering if I could arrange an interview with you.”
“...with me?”
“Yes! I found your little shop so interesting and charming. I wanted to do a piece and maybe help bring you some more business!”
Opening his mouth to reply, Sasuke takes a moment to consider what that means. While he doubts any el’tahl would give him trouble, seeing only the facade he wants them to see...there may be others that see him and his shop out in the open and think to cause trouble.
...not that he can’t handle trouble.
“I...would appreciate it,” he then replies, tucking the phone into his shoulder as he starts making some notes on a nearby pad of paper. “I will admit things are typically pretty quiet outside of my more devoted clients. The front doesn’t see much traffic, but...well, such is the life of knick knacks.”
“Well, vintage things and refurbishing are all the rage these days,” Hinata chirps. “I’m sure if people knew about it, they’d love to dig through your collection and...find something they like!”
He can tell she’s not entirely sure how to sell it due to not quite understanding the appeal herself. Clearly the sort to prefer sleek and modern, not that he can blame her. Trends are trendy, after all. Maybe he can help her find a little appreciation for the little, old things. Forgotten things. “I’m sure you’re right. I’m here every weekday and half of Saturday, so just drop by any time. I’m very rarely busy, as I’m sure you can guess.”
On the other end of the line, he can practically hear her flustered blushing as he reaffirms her beliefs about his business she doesn’t want to voice aloud. “O...okay! Actually, I’m...free this afternoon. Which...is why I called.”
His lips quirk. “I’m appointment free for the rest of the day. Head down any time you like.”
“I can be there in…” A pause as she checks something. “...half an hour!”
“Half an hour it is. Travel safely, Hinata.” Hanging up the line, Sasuke mulls the conversation over. So, he’s to have a guest...and for the second time.
How best to approach all of this...because if she is el’tahl, then he’ll have to keep his lips zipped. His world isn’t one he can advise her to dig into too deeply in case trouble starts to follow her, as it so often does. In which case, he’ll stick to his peddler of antiques and collectables story to keep her none the wiser.
But something tells him there’s more to her than meets the eye. Her ears are round, as well as her pupils: much like the glamour spell he uses to hide his true aspects from any curious el’tahl who wander into his shop, just like she did. And he’s almost certain she isn’t hiding anything from him consciously.
Then what is telling his senses she’s not as she appears…?
Deciding to let the subject lie and prod her a bit more to find out once she arrives, Sasuke instead begins prepping for her visit. Or, at least he begins to until the bell at the door gives a tenuous ring.
...ah, he knows that sound. He has a guest...and one he should be worried about, given the tone of his bell.
Glancing to the door, he gives the person within it a cool look. “...and what do I owe the pleasure…?”
Hopefully this little snag passes quickly.
He’s not sure how to explain this to someone like Hinata.
Another follow-up piece! And yes, it’s a cliffhanger, BUT the next piece will be a sequel as well, so no worries! I should be able to finish it and day 29 tomorrow, as well as the last two free days. For those, I’m going to be switching things up a bit! But that’s a surprise ;3 Anyway, more of the modern fantasy verse! Seems Hinata is indeed planning to return to Sasuke’s odd little shop. But there might be more to deal with there than she expects :’D On that note tho, I am...very tired lol - had a busy day today. Thanks for reading!
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