#saskia tabris
icy-warden · 2 years
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Saskia Tabris ✨ Vergil Surana 🍑 Leri Virtanen 💎 Casimir Hawke
Tagged by @bumblewarden @siriskulksnerding 🌷 tag for @ash-soka @heniareth @wild-houseplant @fade-and-loathing-in-thedas @m-m-m-myysurana @smolpocketmonstercoffee @aubergion @hurl-a-can [if you want to play]
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heniareth · 2 years
oc codex - 17 for Astala and 6 for Ilanlas 😘
Icyyyyyyyyy, hello!!!! Always lovely to see you XD XD XD I hope you're doing well, friend; that you're having fun and also chances to rest ^^ And if not, that you'll get to do so soon. Meanwhile, we got some questions for Astala and Ilanlas; let's go!!
17. a description of your OC's family by a future historian (for Astala)
"The role of Cyrion Tabris in the Hero of Ferelden's upbringing cannot be understated. While scholars, contemporary and past, have primarily focused on Adaia Tabris due to her being the one responsible for the Hero of Ferelden's martial training and grand personality, and studying the figure of Adaia definitely has its merits, this approach ignores the formative years in which Cyrion Tabris was the sole provider and parental figure for the family. The term 'sole providor' is used loosely here, as life in the Alienage was and still is decidedly communal. Still, Cyrion had final say over the Hero of Ferelden and his nephews for several years. The sudden disappearance of Adaia Tabris, moreover, would have increased his influence in the household as a potential providor of stability and security after such a traumatic event. Credit where credit is due: all of the Tabris children 'made something out of themselves', as the old adage says. This is, perhaps, the biggest testament to the care and education provided to them, and thus to the character of Cyrion Tabris."
From They Were Their Guides: An Study in Parenthood Based on Influential Figures in the History of Thedas, by Millen Guerrin, professor of psychology at the university of Gwaren (13:24 Terrors)
6. someone describing a time your OC has helped them (for Ilanlas)
A letter written in orderly script and with a noble house's seal on it, stored away safely in the royal archives in Denerim, in a folder dedicated to the darkspawn incursion in Amaranthine:
"To her Majesty, Queen Anora, first of her house:
My lady,
You will find little in me to disprove of Warden-Commander Mahariel's actions. The city of Amaranthine has all but been wiped out, true, but what else is there to do in the event of a darkspawn infestation and a plague? Let your judgement be guided, rather, by his actions. About two months into the trouble with the darkspawn, my daughter Eileen was abducted by vicious bandits. All search for her was fruitless; when the ransom note came, I didn't dare hope to see her again. In my desperation, I wrote to the arlessa, and it was her who sent the Warden-Commander on the bandids' trail. I do not know how he succeeded, but today my Eileen sits next to me at the table, alive and well. And mine is not the only account of the Warden-Commander's good heart; ask around Amaranthine, and you will find others. My daughter confirms that his manners are unpleasant and that he is a man of practicality, not sentimentality. But one cannot blame these qualities in the commander of a force such as the Grey Wardens, surely.
Ever at your service,
Ser Edgar Bensley"
ahfhagkajksha I love writing these fake academic texts XD XD XD XD Makes me feel so important and knowledgeable. Ilanlas's codex refers to the side-quest "A daughter ransomed" in DA: Awakening. I still want to do a playthrough with him as Warden-Commander, but I was fairly sure he'd try to help there--and succeed in bringing the girl back alive. Another option would've been the battle at the city of Amaranthine, but I'm not sure if he'd sacrifice the city or not
Thank you for the asks!! These werte very fun to write and I hope you enjoyed reading them XD XD XD Give Saskia and Vergil my love and have a lovely day!!
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ravenqueen89 · 4 years
quarantine reading list
thank you for tagging me @briarfox13! tagging anyone who wishes to do this and hasn’t already had the chance. use me as your tagger whenever <3
random selection of completed one-shots, and a mix of ao3 and tumblr links below:
Dragon Age (ordered by most recent first):
Peace - Firiel Lavellan/Fenris - 1248 words
Evening’s Shadow - Lia Tabris/Firiel Lavellan - 979 words
The Interruption of Snow and Feelings - Alma Adaar/Josephine Montilyet - 1190 words
Oh No - Elissa Cousland/Alistair Theirin - 890 words
The Fading Home - Lottie Hawke/Isabela - 1763 words
The Breaking of Chains - Saarea Adaar/Iron Bull - 3010 words
Running Into Light - Natia Brosca/Zevran Arainai - 847 words
Keep This Feeling Safe Tonight - Katla Hawke/Ser Thrask - 2437 words
Like a Poem - Lottie Hawke/Isabela - 746 words
Of Love and Other Sordid Tales - Dorian Pavus/Iron Bull - 736 words
Worship - Bellanaris Surana/Zevran Arainai - 1426 words
Song of the Sea - Lottie Hawke/Isabela - 1712 words
Evensong - Evie Trevelyan/Cullen Rutherford - 2663
Mass Effect and crossovers under the cut:
Mass Effect:
Silent Days/Violent Shades - femShep/Aria T’Loak - 1550 words
The Dance That’s Not A Dance - Saskia Shepard/Garrus Vakarian - 1404 words
Meanings - Mollie Shepard/Cassandra Pentaghast - 1003 words
Mistle - Mollie Shepard/Cullen Rutherford - 1560 words
A Distant Star - Mollie Shepard/Cullen Rutherford - 2299 words
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The Witcher's Zodiacs
I’ve gotten a few requests to do this and I’ve finally gotten around to it! Of course, none of these are scientifically proven, and it’s merely based on strict character analysis following the claimed character traits of the zodiac signs, and where each of these characters would most likely fit in. 
What are my credentials? Well, I used to write weekly articles of the zodiac signs for a long time during my graduation year, it was only a bit of fun as I really love analyzing people, their personalities and behaviors. 
With that said, if you ever wondered which of these characters YOU’D be compatible with, or is just generally curious about it, here is my analysis, conclusions and a short little description of each sign. 
Aries: Warm, emotional, social and aggressive;
Anna Henrietta, Fringilla Vigo, Olgierd von Everec, Damien de la Tour and Ves. 
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Taurus: Stubborn, protective, patient, practical, stabile;
Cerys an Craite, Assire var Anahid, Geralt of Rivia, Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach and Éibhear Hattori.
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Gemini: Witty, shallow, curious, independent and impulsive;
Eredin Bréacc Glas, Philippa Eilhart, Keira Metz, Philip Strenger and Dethmold.
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Cancer: The protector, preserver, loyal and faithful.
Vesemir, Ermion (Mousesack), Zoltan Chivay, Tissaia de Vries, Crach an Craite.
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Leo: Strong-willed, jealous, grandstanding and dutiful;
Dandelion, Sigismund Dijkstra, Sabrina Glevissig, Tamara Strenger and Imlerith.
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Virgo: Analytic, self-aware, productive and critical.
Yennefer of Vengerberg, Sheala de Tancarville, Vernon Roche, Emhyr var Emreis and Vilgefortz.
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Libra: Charming, indecisive, diplomatic, socially gifted.
Orianna, Morvran Voorhis, Elihal and Ge’els. 
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Scorpio: Intense, strong, passionate, jealous and brave.
Lambert, Maria Barring, Sylvia Anna, Iorveth and Cirilla. 
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Sagittarius: Honest, generous, optimistic and seeker.
Priscilla, Letho of Gulet, Guillaume, Hjalmar an Craite and Triss Merigold.
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Capricorn: Reclusive, loyal, dutiful and ambitious.
Angoulême, Caranthir Ar-Feiniel, Eskel, Fransesca Findabair and Dettlaff van der Eretein.
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Aquarius: Perceptive, intuitive, loyal and inventive.
Crevan Espane aep Caomhan Macha, Lara Dorren aep Shiadhal, Saskia, Margarita Laux-Antille, Nenneke and Ida Emean aep Sivney. 
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Pisces: Kind-hearted, empathic, secretive and impressionable.
Shani, Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy, Auberon Muircetach (young), Tomira, Iris von Everec and Vivienne de Tabris. 
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Big disclaimer: 
All of the pictures used are not drawn or created by myself, by no means do I mean to infringe on any copyright. All artwork is found on deviantart and created by amazing artists. 
The list of credited authors is listed in this separate post. 
If you want to ask, discuss or message me about this, feel free to send an ask in a friendly tone! 
xx Vic 
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icy-warden · 1 year
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Leri Virtanen ✨ Saskia Tabris ✨ Casimir Hawke
Tagged by @badartxd ☕
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icy-warden · 2 years
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Vergil & Saskia ✨
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icy-warden · 2 years
@heniareth I’m answering your old ask for Saskia! Doing it in parts 😘 Original ask here
16. a conversation between your OC and their best friend
The freshly washed sheets flutter in the wind. Saskia’s enjoying sitting in their shade, sorting dried laundry into baskets. She finds comfort in the scent of soap surrounding her and a small smile appears on her lips when she finds a piece of fabric mixed into her basket. 
She breaks into a grin when she flings the thing at Soris’ face and he first lets out a cute little squeak, then turns into a lovely shade of red when he recognizes what he holds in his hands. Saskia laughs at him when he doesn’t meet her eyes, flustered, mumbling something about Alarith while stuffing the skimpy, bright red smallclothes into his pocket.
He huffs at her, embarrassed but smiles at her nevertheless when he sees how amused she is by his misery. 
“Fine, laugh all you want. Thank the Maker Shianni isn’t here, she’d never let me live it down.”
Saskia’s brow goes up. “And you’re sure I won’t tell her?”
“You won’t.” Soris says but his glance is a bit unsure and after a moment of stony silence she takes pity on him.
“I won’t.”
Soris’ shoulders drop with a heavy exhale, his freckles standing out on his still pink cheeks.
“I know.” It’s quiet between them again, both of them working on separating laundry for three households. Saskia feels Soris’ eyes on her and she tilts her head at him in silent question.
“Are you sure this is how you want to spend your time here?” She blinks at him and he clears his throat. “I mean, you could do something else. Relax. Talk with Cyrion. Not, you know, laundry.”
She shrugs. “There’s time to talk with my father later.” 
After all, during her stay in Denerim it’s natural she’s sleeping in her family’s home. 
She saw he bought a few pieces of second hand furniture and that he’s got enough wood for keeping fire going in the kitchen. Saskia’s glad he uses the coin she sends him but she’s sure he keeps most of it hidden for later. Or helps others in need. 
They talked when she arrived yesterday and she enjoyed her father’s arms around her when he hugged her tight with misty eyes upon seeing her. He made her bread and they sat at the table, Saskia listening to his tales and answering his questions as best as she felt comfortable with. She saw he was happy to see her, but felt his eyes slipping onto her ring finger from time to time. She curled her hand into fist, then let it fall on her lap. 
Saskia felt the question in the air, but breathed easier when he didn’t ask it out loud. She’s aware he knows that kind of grief that never leaves - he also is still wearing his own wedding ring.
And even if he didn’t ask, she saw sadness in his eyes. And she needed to go out, using the opportunity of visiting her cousins as an excuse.
“I like doing laundry.”
Soris snorts. “This your way of relaxing? Wardens must be really exciting. Or dull.”
“Can be both.”
“Really?” Soris shifts closer, bumping her knee with his. “Have any stories to tell?”
His eyes shine and Saskia knows he’s eager for any exciting story of her adventures. “Maybe I do.”
“Don’t keep me waiting then. Tell something. It’s really him? You know, your Commander.”
Saskia keeps looking at Soris until the tips of his ears start to blush. “You still having that crush? What will Alarith say?”
“Oh shush, it’s not like that.” Soris mumbles under his breath, squirming under her gaze and she smirks. “It’s just hard to believe it’s him. I thought he’s gone and now he’s Commander. And mage. Did you know he was one?”
Saskia hums, “When we were kids? Who knew.” 
“It’s just. I don’t know… cool?” His fingers play with the hem of a shirt. “He’s from here and we played together. Does he remember us?”
“We never talked much about it.” Soris’ face falls a little. “But I think he does. I know he nudged right people to do something more for Alienage.”
He perks at that. “Yeah? Well, I mean, there are some things that changed, but I thought it’s Shianni’s doing. She’s loud. I worry about her sometimes.” 
Saskia sighs. “I do too. Politics. It’s dangerous.” It gets people killed, she doesn’t add.
“Ah, well, but it’s Shianni! She never lets anything hold her down. She’ll first scold you then smack you if it’s not working.” 
Saskia nods at Soris’ attempt at brightening up the mood. 
“Sooo… where’s he now?”
“Who?” She asks innocently.
“Your Commander. He let you come to Denerim. Don’t you Wardens need, I don’t know, warden all time?”
She shakes her head at him, getting up with a basket hauled on her hip. “Kirkwall. And you can say his name, you know. It doesn't summon him, so don’t be shy.”
Soris stands up as well, his voice a bit higher. “I’m not shy.”
Saskia just smiles at him and turns to go down on rickety ladder.
[OC Codex Prompts]
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icy-warden · 2 years
Thanks to this post I now hc that with time Saskia’s hair gets shorter while Nelaros’ gets longer 😌
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icy-warden · 2 years
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Vergil Surana 💙 Saskia Tabris
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icy-warden · 2 years
Hellooooo!! I come with questions on my end XD For Vergil I'd like to know:
🎵 — singing
🎉 — hosting parties
⌛️ — time management
And for Saskia, I'm curious about these
🌍 — knowledge of the world
🔮 — magic
👾 — video games
Have a lovely day!
I borrowed your rating scale 💙
Vergil Surana
🎵 singing
I haven’t really thought about Vergil and singing and I’m tempted to rate him as one, big 0. Because the man can't have it all :D But, maybe I’m too mean. He can’t sing but he can hum a decent melody, so maybe 2 on an overall scale?
🎉 hosting parties
You want to be at the party Vergil’s hosting, because he’d pay attention to detail and who is invited to the party. So it’d have it all - appropriate place and decorations, good quality food and drinks, areas to mingle and to rest, professional waiting staff and discreet security (if you’re a VIP), tasteful music and good company. It's a 10 out of 10 experience.
⌛️ time management
It depends on the day and what he’s got planned for it - it can go from 5 to 8. Usually Vergil is good with planning his day, but throw in an unexpected event and his carefully maintained structure cracks. 
Saskia Tabris
🌍 knowledge of the world
When she lives in Denerim, her knowledge about ‘outside world’ is around 1 - there’s gossip about the most important or impactful events in the Alienage and the city itself. But Saskia doesn’t pay much attention to things that don't have anything to do with her or hers directly.
After she becomes a Warden her knowledge spikes to solid 5 because of her own research and thanks to the people around her.
🔮 magic
She’s at 0 - no magic bone in her at all and she's glad about it, because she doesn't think she’d be a very good mage.
👾 video games
I guess in canon Thedas she’s okay with chess and given a patient opponent/teacher she’s more than decent at it (5 or 6).
[Muse skillset symbol meme]
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icy-warden · 2 years
And OF COURSE I would also have some questions for Saskia and Nelaros if that's okay (I am still thinking about their story. It still makes me sad in a good way):
4. Their favorite physical feature on each other?
8. What are their most prominent memories of each other?
14. Is their anything they associate with each other?
15. Does their view of themselves differ from their partner’s view?
Again, choose whichever questions catch your attention or just ignore ^^ I hope you're having an amazing day! 💐💐💐
Hello, thank you for the asks 🌼💙 I'll be doing them one at a time when the inspiration strikes. Here's the first of the mini-stories for Saskia and Nelaros 😉
14. Is there anything they associate with each other?
[timeline: Saskia's story - Vigil's Keep, over three years after the Blight; Nelaros' story - somewhere in Tevinter, two years after the Blight; slight angst; implied/mentioned abuse and slavery]
For Saskia -
Saskia is sitting cross-legged on the floor, a sword over her lap when Nelaros comes in with dinner. 
“Your hair looks like pineapple.”
She put her hair up with a spare ribbon to keep it out of her face while she took care of her weapon. It might look silly but she doesn’t care.  
“What’s that?” Saskia sets her sword and cleaning cloth aside and makes room for him as he sits down next to her, a tray of food between them. Her stomach grumbles at the sight of two bowls full of soup with chunks of vegetables and meat, thick slices of freshly baked bread beside them.
“Imported fruit from Seheron. Expensive and spiky.” 
She hums, digging into her bowl without hesitation. She tries not to inhale her food but must make a poor job of it because Nelaros’ fond smile crinkles the corners of his eyes. Saskia smiles at him and grabs the bread, “They eat that pineapple?”
She asks because of what she gathers from Nelaros’ stories, Vints like to put on a display a lot, and not necessarily use things, like normal people would.
“Yes. And decorate tables with it. There are artists who make fruit arrangements for hire.” 
Saskia’s watching him as he talks, tone light and unbothered. Like it’s just a memory of the things he saw in passing and not his everyday life back then. Life of serving someone not because you get a coin for it but because you were bought to serve. 
She should be glad he made peace with the past but every time she gets a glance of his wrists something hot and ugly flares in the pit of her gut. Those uneven silky marks on his skin are a reminder of what she lost. 
Of what they lost. And found again.
He accepts her scars. She should do the same for him. 
Saskia bites into the bread, eyes widening when the flavour kicks in. She swallows a mouthful, almost choking with the speed as the words tumble out, “You made this.”
Nelaros blinks, “Well, yes, no one makes fuss when I use kitchen.”
“No. No, it’s not-”
He frowns at her now, watching her struggle with words. Her hands clench and unclench, the slice of bread molding in her fist. 
“You made bread. It’s your bread.”
She sees the fallen crumbs on the floor and gasps, trying to pick them up. She’s wasting food, food he made for her. A hand on her own stops her and she looks at it through the blur, the weight and warmth of it making her still. 
Her throat is suddenly tight but she pushes the words out, “I tried to make it when-” she rubs her eyes with the back of her hand, skin suddenly wet. “Recipe, I tried to follow it but it didn’t taste right and I tried-”
“I tried so many times and it wasn’t right. You-” 
He is much closer now and she hasn’t noticed him moving, the grey in his eyes like a silver sea of patience. Nelaros shifts and she lunges at him, wrapping arms around his back. She feels him doing the same, a shaky exhale of breath tickling her ear.
“You made bread.” She murmurs into the crook of his neck.
A choked laugh ruffles her hair. “And I’m going to make you as much as you want.”
For Nelaros -
Today the sun seems to have it for him, mercilessly beating at his back. It’s good he’s got a straw hat on his head or he’d faint a long time ago. He gets up slowly from a crouch, using a piece of cloth to wipe down the sweat from his brow. His throat feels parched. Water, he should drink some if he’d like to avoid another sudden dizzy spell. His knees protest when he stands, feeling the long hours he spent bent over in his spine. 
Nelaros looks at the progress he made at the vegetable patch, neat rows of plants already free of weeds. Only two as long ones to do and he can have a longer break. He makes his way to the well near the wall of the garden, the shade of olive trees letting him breathe a little easier when he steps under them. 
There’s two others next to the well, drinking from chipped clay mugs. Leo waves at him when he spots him, Aurelio granting him a passing glance.
He chats a little with Leo, both of them filling in the blank spots with their hands when they lack the words. His language skills are still a work in progress when it comes to casual conversation. 
Of course, the most important commands that he should always answer to have already been drilled into his brain. 
Aurelio doesn’t speak to him but when he says something too quiet for Nelaros to hear, Leo just shakes his head with a grin. They go back to work soon after, Leo’s arm around Aurelio’s shoulder as they walk and Nelaros notices Aurelio doesn't try to shake off the friendly man as hard as he could if he wanted to. 
Nelaros sighs when he brings wet cloth to his face and leaves it at his nape to cool down a bit. He shifts and something falls down from his pocket to the ground. 
His notebook. 
He’s allowed to keep it, filling it with words in Tevene and a list of things to do around the estate. 
He picks it up and a flower falls out. He squints at the bright yellow petals, seeking for damage. When he finds none he opens the notebook, searching for the page he put it this morning when he found it during work. There are other, older flowers, pressed and dried. He has so many already, he’ll run out of space soon. But he can't throw them out, not when he wants to show the collection to his wife.
She likes pressed flowers. He’s sure she’d like to see what he got for her, so many plants that don’t grow in Ferelden but are treated like a weed here. 
His fingers follow the fragile line of the first flower he picked up. Its purple petals are paper thin, losing its vibrant colour. He frowns. How long is it already? Two years? He remembers he saw Lyla a few months ago at the market and they talked for a moment about how the time flies by. They heard about the Blight, how it appeared and ended, the rumours about it being a fluke. She was a little rounder around her middle, the shadows under her eyes more prominent than usual. But he didn’t ask what he wanted to- 
Are you alright? How are they treating you? Who’s the father? 
- and he hasn’t seen her since then. She’s the last person he knows from back home. He hopes she’s still there, well and with a healthy baby.
He hopes everyone in Alienage is well too. 
That Saskia is well. 
He hopes that she still remembers him as he does remember her, clinging to the fading memories of her face, of her voice. 
His wedding ring was lost a long time ago. He’s not sure when or where, it was just gone.
One moment here and the next misplaced Maker knows where. 
Just like him.
Nelaros leans his head back, tipping the hat over his face. He’ll stay here for a moment longer, until the burn in the back of his eyes passes.
[Romance asks]
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icy-warden · 2 years
/checks notes/ Also, I have some questions for Saskia, if you're alright with that. I was curious, what makes you laugh? And what is your favorite childhood memory?
(Thanks in advance for the answer, this is such a fun thing XD XD XD XD Lovely day to you and Vergil and Saskia!!)
(17.) What makes you laugh? [also answered here]
“I’m not mean, I swear!” Saskia smiles with both palms up. “But it’s simple things, really. Someone tripping over their own legs. Shianni’s morning bed hair. Look of disgust on Vergil’s face when dog dares to leave mud prints on his clothes, especially when he told him not to jump. Sometimes the stuff my kid says make me laugh, my favourite - “It’s okay to be jealous. But you’ll never have magic like me, so. Be jealous.””
(3.) What is your favorite childhood memory?
“That’s a tricky one.” Saskia folds her arms, “I have lots, but I guess that time when Pa taught me how to make stew? It’s not that exciting, I know. But,” she rocks on her heels, “I had to prepare pot, bring water and wood, light fire, cut vegetables and add spices and all. Felt like a grown up ‘cause everybody ate it later and no one complained. Well, Shianni did but she didn’t really mean it.”
Her eyes glaze over, “Ma liked it as well.”
[OC Interview Questions]
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icy-warden · 2 years
@heniareth answering the question in your tags from this post (unusual muse associations for Saskia Tabris)
Saskia's specialization is a berserker 🔥⚔
During the battle in Denerim she was one of a few people in the Alienage skilled enough with a weapon to stand and fight. She saw first hand what darkspawn could do with her people. She doesn't remember it clearly, but there was a moment where all of her calmness evaporated and pure fury fueled by desperation took its place. She didn't have a proper name for it until much later at Vigil's Keep, when Oghren recognized the state she sometimes slipped into during hard clashes with darkspawn.
(Saskia has her own fic here - Promise on ao3 😉)
And I love the idea o Nelaros collecting flowers in Tevinter to be kept as a reminder of his wife! I'd like to use it when I'll write about them both again ヾ(•ω•`)o
Thank you for lovely tags! I feel they're an inspiration 💙
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icy-warden · 2 years
Unusual muse associations
Since Vergil got one, Saskia deserves one as well! Tag for @heniareth @ash-soka @siriskulksnerding @lorioganneb @anna-the-great-and-terrible if you want to do it 💙
Saskia Tabris
WEATHER: warm and sunny with a light breeze that can cool you off a bit
COLOUR: teal
SKY: clear blue without clouds
MAGICAL POWER: aura of calm (like everything will be alright when she’s near)
HOUSE PLANT: dracaena
WEAPON: pepper spray
SUBJECT: gardening
SOCIAL MEDIA: blog site
MAKEUP PRODUCT: make up sponge
CANDY: sour apple candy
FEAR: her loved ones are hurt and she can’t help them
ICE CUBE SHAPE: irregular chunk of ice
ART STYLE: she doesn’t draw but collects pressed flowers
THREE EMOJIS: 💪🏼🌿👨‍👩‍👦
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icy-warden · 2 years
for vergil: 11. Do either try to hide their emotions if upset? Can the other still tell?
and for saskia: 8. What happens if one of them gets sick?
Hi, thank you for the asks and patience 😌💙
11. Do either try to hide their emotions if upset? Can the other still tell?
Vergil’s a master of hiding emotions on a normal day. If he’s upset it gets extra hard to read him. He’s curt with his answers and precise with (unnecessary and mean) jabs. Zevran can tell something’s wrong when he sees how he moves - Vergil is terse with his gestures that usually flow more naturally.
Zevran hides his emotions with his quick wit and brushes any concern or questions with misdirection. He’s not so easy to read when he’s in that type of mood and usually Vergil leaves him alone until he’s ready to share what upset him. Or lets it go.
8. What happens if one of them gets sick?
Saskia is the best when it comes to nursing Nelaros to health - she’s cooking soup and preparing light meals that he can stomach, helps him with a bath or going to the toilet, changes his clothes and sheets if needed, gives water and medicine, keeps watch at night.
(She did it all in this fic 😉☕)
Nelaros tries his best as well, doing as much as Saskia does while taking care of the sick person. He’ll sing or read while Saskia is half-asleep with the fever because she loves the sound of his voice - it makes her feel safe.
[Obligatory OTP Asks]
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icy-warden · 2 years
ICYYYYYY HEY HI!! 🤩🤩🤩 Soon as your reblob of that OTP post hit my feed I was in here, because LORD do I have enquiries for you, if I may!
For Vergil my splendid beloved:
47: Does either of them have a secret that could potentially ruin the relationship?
(I know you asked me this one too but I really cannot resist asking it back) 50: who's more likely to do something out of spite?
And for Saskia my heart's delight:
42: What's their favourite type of weather to enjoy together? (Getting snowed in together, watching thunderstorms, etc.)
48: Who is the better driver? (I have too many images of both Saskia and Nelaros commandeering the road and the footpath so it could go either way, and my mind will not rest)
No pressure, naturally and only do whatever ones take your fancy-- you know though, of course, that given the chance I'll be back with more. ;D have a gorgeous day though! Give 'em hell! <3 <3
Hello hello thank you for the asks!! It's only a month later when I come with the answers 😌🍸
47. Does either of them have a secret that could potentially ruin the relationship?
Ooh it’s Vergil.
He isn’t sure if his ‘relationship’ with No-name-demon-friend (Echo) is something he should talk about for a long, long time. Because he’s aware it’s playing into stereotype of a mage, a blood mage who ‘falls’ for the demon and turns into an abomination in the end (‘cause as Chantry preaches, all mages face temptation and are weak to possession and wreaking havoc).
And Zevran saw what happened in the Circle, so his opinion on abominations is rather simple - kill them on the spot.
But he’s biased by his experience and Vergil doesn’t talk about his experience with Echo, so. It’s complicated.
50. Who's more likely to do something out of spite?
I think it’s Zevran. 
I just had the mental picture of a cat, sitting next to an object. You know it’ll try to push it off and you say ‘no’. It seems to think for a bit, maybe even listen to you. But its paw moves and the object falls down to the floor.
The cat’s looking you straight in the eyes while it happens.
The  ‘what are you going to do about it’ sitting on its smug face.
That’s Zevran when someone tries to forbid him something.
42. What's their favourite type of weather to enjoy together? (getting snowed in together, watching thunderstorms, etc.)
They learnt to like sunny weather in Vigil’s Keep because of the air - it doesn’t smell as bad as it sometimes did in the city. And Saskia discovered that she loves doing laundry with Nelaros then, because he does as much work as she and she likes seeing the light playing in his hair. And after they can sit down and share a pot of tea and gossip while holding hands.
48. Who is the better driver?
Both are good drivers with a good sense of direction. You won’t be lost with either of them, because they’ll always try to find the right way.
[Obligatory OTP Asks]
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