#sasha is not cool he tries to be cool but he’s like a rlly rlly stupid jock
dedenneblogs · 6 months
(heartbreak high) that one babysitting format meme
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but my fun lil spin on it
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jjkyaoi · 2 years
since i’m thinking about sashanne rn i love that like most of the fandom made anne the cool one out of their relationship. like we took one look at s3 sasha and were like what a pitiful bastard…let’s have anne kiss him on the lips
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firefly--bright · 2 months
give me all your jean x reader b99 au headcanons plsss
- okay, so after the meeting where jeans just. mostly stuttering through introductions and questions and erens rolling his eyes, telling you to "ignore him, he's got a stick up his ass" and jean hates that you laugh at that. but then that's that, right? he thinks he won't see you again and vice versa.
- BUT NO. you seem to be everywhere and jean can't get rid of you. your apartment is this dingy small one in a crappy neighborhood which, though it's doesn't have a lot of crime, is near the,,, Crime Areas. so jean just happens to see you in places, but doesn't go out of his way to reintroduce himself because he doesn't want to be creepy
- but one day you're visiting a local bakery and he's also there, ordering a couple dozen donuts because he lost a bet to sasha. and then you spot him. and he's all red in the face and is like "oh I didn't know if you remembered me." "can't really forget a face like that" and then his heart stops beating. but then you point to his order with the same teasing smile and ask "so the stereotypes are true, huh?" and he's like "yeah. i mean, no, but this is for my dumbass friend - she, well, she solved some - some crime - so you know." and then he paused and panics and then adds, "not to say that just because she's a woman that she's dumb, no I didnt- I didn't mean it like that, it was just - we're close. i mean not that close-" and you have to hold in your laughter and tell him it's okay. and then you have to leave because you're in a rush but you do give him your number, "just in case"
- the entire premise (?) of this is that he's pathetic and you're teasy. yeah. anyway he doesn't call you because he doesn't get the time to, and then the next time he sees you, you kind of save his ass by distracting someone so he can sneak out of the place undetected. (i don't really. like know what exact scenario he's escaping from but just. pretend there Is One)
- and then he can't really see you because he's escaping and remembers that he has your number!!!! so he shoots u a text "hey you shouldn't have done that" and ur like "?? wrong number" because you don't know who this is
- next time you "bump" into him is (gasp) you're meeting Connie and Sasha at the precinct and jean doesnt know you know them and he sees you and is like "???wtf are you doing here. did u commit fraud." and ur like "no I'm here to see my friends. oh there they r" and it's Connie and Sasha and they're both p cozy cozy with you and jean narrows his eyes and says "oh ok." and then turns around to go back upstairs but the ur like "yo you didn't thank me for saving your ass" and he's red in the face again and he's like "I didn't need you to help me." because he HATES IT when people play hero (ahem, eren) and the fact that you gave him the wrong number (again, for a detective he rlly can't seem to put two and two tgt and think about the fact that he didn't give you his number) and then you're not that offended by it and ur like "and yet you were panicking. YK for a detective ur not good at hiding" and then he just grumbles under his breath and leaves
- ok. cool. before leaving the precinct (idk the?? laws??? if normal civilians can go into the precinct or not but again, just pretend the inaccuracies don't exist for the Plot) you Sasha and Connie were hanging out on the terrace before they were called in for work again and right before you're going to leave, jean walks into the terrace and he's like "I thought you left. do you like getting in trouble?" "look idk what ur problem is bcs I thought we connected a bit with the donuts thing" "that was before you tried playing hero" "oh so that's what this is about." "...no. yes. both." you hum and think about what ur going to say. "I'm not. playing hero. i have no interest in saving people or wtv. ive just,,, seen what Sasha's been through" (homage to canon she got shot in her leg once) "and idk seeing that was tough, and if there was a chance that you'd avoid that fate on my watch then I'd do it." and there's a big pause and then he says "why would you do that for a stranger?" "because you're not a stranger. Connie and Sasha talk about you. i just didn't know it was you they were talking about until now. or like, an hour ago, I guess." and then you leave without giving him a chance to retort
- and then he finally finally gets the balls to text you (upon Marcos convincing) and clarifies everything in text. "this is jean. I'm sorry for any rude words from my behalf" like very professional text. and then u respond with "OH ITS YOU. dw ABT being a dick I get where ur coming from :)" and then he's like ":/ still feel kinda bad about it though..." and he's baiting you and you know it and you take the bait with a big smile on ur face while typing back, "maybe you should take me out to make up for it" and he can't help it he says "with a gun or on a date" "if the date goes bad then I'll take the gun" and yeah. thats it. thats how you start dating :)
it's not that much of a slowburn I just. like the time where he just. thinks about the pretty witness.
i also have more angst headcanons about this (shocker) so if you'd like to read those as well, lmk! oh and I have unserious headcanons of who the gang is in the b99 setting hehe. again, lmk!
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moonspirit · 4 months
i had a lot of fun making the previous music hcs so here’s some more for other characters. (i really tried to pick popular songs or songs that have trended at one point but um.. maybe i didn’t?)
eren- last resort, papa roach.
OH GODDDDD HES EVEN WORSE THAN ARMIN PLEASE DONT GIVE HIM THE AUX.. he genuinely thinks listening to that god awful song makes him cool, he’s all like “heh.. 😈 that? it’s just my go go juice.. 😏” when someone catches him listening to it. like no. GET OUT. AND TAKE THAT SONG WITH U.
mikasa- twilight, bôa.
i personally think she would be a swiftie, however i’m not one myself so i can’t really say much about that. i think she would LOVVEEE this song, it’s my favourite bôa song. GOD I LOVE BÔA!!! they also made duvet so she might also like that. also imo she’d be a twilight fan (the movies/books) so yknow.. name is fitting. she’d probably listen to it while placing a curse on someone or summoning bahpomet or something.
sasha- just a waste, pinkpantherress.
now there were a few songs by pinkpatheress i could’ve picked for sasha but i decided to go with my personal favourite, if u haven’t heard it then u can thank me when u do. (it’s unreleased but it is on spotify as an episode)
she wouldn’t even notice if the song started playing because she’s so preoccupied with her food but if someone mentioned the song she’d be like “omgg!! yes i love that song!!” 
ymir- carmen, lana del rey.
i LOVVEEE lana del rey she’s my favourite person ever, id sell my friends and family for a cup of her bath water. sorry i get weird with her 😭 anyway!! call me biased but i hc ymir as a lana del rey fan. she’d also like A&W by lana. she probably listens to her mostly while drunk, she’d be yelling (yelling. not singing. yelling.) the lyrics. she’d be so loud u can’t even hear the song anymore.
floch- closer, nine inch nails. 
i love NIN, especially that song. and so would floch! not for the right reasons tho.. if a pretty girl walks past him he’d play the “i wanna fuck u like an animal” part and mouth the lyrics. he learned from his mistakes after his second visit to the police station. he doesn’t learn enough tho because he constantly corners girls and says “hey girl.. u wanna the song closer a reality? heh.. together..? 😏” yeah he probably has an STD he was gonna pass onto those poor girls. (good thing they have enough sense to say no)
hange- 19-2000, gorillaz.
idk i think she’d like whimsical and strange songs like that. i tried to pick a more mainstream one in the hopes that u know it.. time will tell. if we’re being honest she would listen to “unidentified creature eats u alive asmr (u enjoy it, 18+)” or something like that instead of music in her free time (no it doesn’t exist.. or at least i hope so)
marco- mr.loverman, ricky montgomery.
isn’t he just the sweetest. i don’t care for marco he’s just there but for some reason i have the urge to hc him as a barb.. his fav nicki song is def super freaky girl.. idk why. anyway back to mr.loverman!!!! he would also like line without a hook by ricky (it’s that one “she’s a she’s a lady” song) he’s like one of 5 ricky montgomery fans. 
miche- hey sexy lady, shaggy.
i love miche he’s so underrated, we didn’t get to see a lot of him so i don’t have much to base his music taste off of. but this is what i decided on.. yeah it was 100% based on his looks. i would’ve liked to give him a spanish song cuz i hc him as having a bit of latino in him but i think hey sexy lady is spanish enough for him. maybe he’d like gasolina by daddy yankee. (okay you HAVE to know gasolina i’d be so surprised if u didn’t)
hitch- partition, beyoncé.
oh god do NOT play this song while she’s within earshot.. she WILL do a strip show and start pole dancing and she WILL expect to be applauded for at least a solid 3 minutes after her performance. don’t blame her tho it’s a rlly good song. i think she’d also like donk by beyoncé. 
erwin- sway, michael bublé.
he’s the one who introduced elvis to levi but i think sway would be his favourite. he doesn’t have a lot of time to listen to music so when he can he pours himself a nice bottle of wine usually reserved for the military police, locks himself in his office, and (very fittingly might i say) sways to this song. he usually ends up spilling his wine but he has too much fun to complain.
this is a lot of people but i got carried away 🙏 anyway PLEASE PLEASE tell me what songs u didn’t know i can’t function i keep wondering about something!
Okay, I've kept you hanging for like, AGES now, I'm sorry 💀
But man! Listening to all these and giggling at the mental image of these silly idiots being lovably pathetic was a fucking fire tonic for a sickness xD
Eren DOES seem the type to listen to... fucking, Papa roach lmao. It makes him look edgy and emo and cool and on the verge of all those "feelings" he's always saying nobody else understands. The only person who thinks he's cool is himself and everybody else is just tired of his shit taste in music. He'll have to marry a Mama Roach if he wants to keep listening to that, because no-one else is taking him lmao.
On that note, Floch too follows in Eren's noble and brave footsteps by listening to... yeah. He's never seen a condom in his life and now that he has, he doesn't want to see it again and runs like it's some trap laid by the Good People against a "hot satan" like himself. According to him this is the best pick up song and best bedroom song and best aftercare song and doesn't understand why people run from him.
Mikasa and Sasha omg! Mikasa wandering through dark foggy forests with her amulets and summoning spells to the tune of this song before conjuring the most terrifying creature imaginable and calling it "a good boy" seems very fitting. But sasha! Omg Sasha, I can just picture her playing this song while pottering around her kitchen making a burger or a sandwich, singing along and shaking her butt to the beat haha xD So cute ajsgsgjw.
Ymir being a Lana Del Ray girl surprised me tbh! I had this thought that she's more of a Cigarettes After Sex type of person but... Well, maybe the two intersect at some point xD I also like thinking she likes listening to songs that often sound cynical and critical of the world - idk why, don't ask me to explain xD
Hitch would like stripper vibe songs. They make her feel like she's in her game in tip top shape! But I also like to think she'd enjoy some lo-fi city pop music for late night drives either solo or with friends. Somehow the mental picture of her in technicolour sunglasses driving through a cyberpunk city is very appealing to me 💀 sorry
Hanges taste sent me flying to MARS OMFG xD She would!! She wooouuuuld! Love! Strange songs!!!! Especially kreature songs!!!! And alien fetish(?) ASMR that would make any ordinary person hurl their earpieces at the wall, but not Hange. Not Hange, because the weirder and more surreal it is, the harder she loves it! Listen listen I think she would be the first one to appreciate movies like Shape of Water and related themes!
Oh she also likes those "10 hours of precambrian era sounds" and "20 hours of Jurassic era nature sounds" etc.
Marco wholesome. He likes songs that blast you with a big wave of good vibes. Also he's biiiiiig on the nostalgia. The older a song is, the more he enjoys it, especially If he has personal memories attached to it! I also see him as the type to really dig those "Most Wondrous Music" playlists on youtube even leaving encouraging comments below and engaging in YouTube comment poetry (it's me I was part of that community of people 🙃).
Erwin and Mike tho. The big people of the bunch. Their tastes are fitting. I hc Erwin as a bit of a classical music man too, but as far as they both go, at some point they discover that the youngsters are very fond of a particular song, and they too become fans of it.
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eremiie · 4 years
Kay miss charm what side of tiktok are the aot characters in?🤨
what side of tiktok the aot characters are on;
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eren is on straight tiktok with a sprinkle of like funny videos and a sprinkle of like informational videos (he skips these though) and a sprinkle of alt tiktok... a slightly diverse king, and he only gets off of straight tiktok when sasha and connie start clowning him
levi does not have tiktok. when you send him them they go to the web browser goodbye.
armin is on the tiktok with like the rlly creative people who bake and draw and do arts & crafts and make candles and shit, somehow this dudes tiktok is AESTHETICALLY PLEASING??? he has a few informational videos here and there too!!!!
jean is also on straight tiktok but on straighter tiktok than eren rip. connie and sasha always clown him also but he’s liked so many videos it’s hard to get off😩
connie and sasha are on the same tiktok bro. the weird videos with the cursed sounds and the fucking MMD dance videos and they get alt tiktok videos too, THEY WERE ON BEANS TIKTOK ONCE FIGHT ME ON THIS
reiner barely uses tiktok so he’s like by default on straight tiktok, if he tried though he’d get like... idfk videos of people cleaning their houses, a little bit of everything, just because he’s conflicted and happens to like every video on his fyp to be nice
porco doesn’t use tiktok much either but he gets the chain videos, like the ones that’ll be people just sitting there duetting someone else or the “tell me your darkest secret.” type tiktoks, we don’t know how he got here but... also people singing, IDFK????
colt gets a variety of tiktoks as well but it’s mostly like also cleaning videos and people baking and just showing off their prized posessions and shit, it’s kind of wholesome :0
zeke gets people showing off their cars, fucking truckers, old people, those like old guys trynig to be sexy, and his tiktok is fucking grimey, pls dont go thru his fyp
mikasa is on alt tiktok but we don’t know how she got here either. i just refuse to put her on straight tiktok bc i just don’t think she is. she has like people showing off their outfits (usually grunge aesthetic??), pretty people just recording their faces (with the eyeliner and the blush and the wolf hair,ufhjak beautiful), her fyp is pretty cool, also some zodiac stuff & occasional workout videos 
hange is on informational tok, with the doctors doing surgery, the random science expiriments and fun facts, the psychological tricks, all that good stuff, also gets a few alt tiktoks occasionally
historia is on baking tiktok, zodiac tiktok, fucking crystal tiktok, tarot card tiktok, selfcare videos, motivational videos, working out and getting fit videos, inspirational videos. shit like that
hitch is on the selfcare tok, with occasional motivational videos, REALLY PRETTY GIRLS, people showing off their outfits, occasional crystal & zodiac videos, a tad bit of alt tiktok and a tad bit of straight tiktok here and there. she has like a perfect balance tho idk what she did
annie is on ????? her fyp is random. you never know what you’re gonna get because she uses tiktok once a year and decides never again
pieck is like armin, baking videos, people selling their products, creative people, tarot cards here and there, astrology vids here and there, people knitting and shit, its comfortinggg
yelena is on the... i just burst out laughing LMAOOO, i don’t mean to slander my girl but she’s on the tiktok where people think they’re tough and will like make those cringy “who’s your daddy? you like that, huh?” tiktoks with a black and white filter 😭, someone uninstall and reinstall the app for her PLEase
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lunaekalenda · 3 years
my bday is soon and I was wondering if u could probs write this for me🥺? a real cute fanfic of how levi would surprise his partner, like he pretends he forgets it and that makes y/n sad but he’s actually planning something big and bought lots of gifts, bringing thier close friends (Eren, Jean , mikasa etc) And in the evening he takes them to the cliff to see the view and he starts tellin y/n how much they love them (cuz they rlly wanna hear levi say that but he stutters and gets nervous while doin that) and just make them feel special 🥺 I’m all alone on my bday so writing this would absolutely make my day! (Plss add some fluff and cute scenes if u got any in mind!)
omg, first of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY! i hope this can be my present for you <3 ! i hope you have a good day! hope you like it!! <3
thanks to @breathes24 and @queko13 for the help ! (and the moral help)
❁ levi x reader
❁ modern au!
You feel Levi's body against you when you wake up. His hot skin close to yours. You turn around, facing him. He opens an eye and looks at you.
"Good morning." he says.
"Good morning" you say back. You look at the clock on his night table. It's your birthday. You smile at him and he closes his eye again, trying to sleep again.
"Aren't you forgetting something?" you ask. He thinks, his hand caressing your waist. He keeps his eyes closed. After a couple minutes, he opens them again. He looks at you.
"Nope. Today is your turn to make breakfast" He says, burying his head again on the pillow.
He always wakes you up with a lot of kisses on your birthday. But today, he just turned his head to the side and kept sleeping. You pout and take your phone. Nothing. Not even a simple message. You sigh and get up, leaving Levi on the bed and walking downstairs to the kitchen.
It’s not like you want everybody to focus on you and only you. But it’s late in the morning, almost noon, and you know half of your friends are awake. You start to prepare breakfast for the two of you.
At the same time, Levi takes his phone. The group chat named “Serious work stuff” is burning, full of messages. Obviously, that name is just a cover for the real issue of the chat: your surprise birthday party.
“Can we congratulate y/n now?” asked Connie an hour ago. Jean answered him with a huge “no”. Mikasa and Eren talked about the hour of the party and Sasha about the aperitifs. Levi sighs and answers when Connie asks where the party is and at what hour does it start. He is planning to make the party as early as he can, because he wants to take you to a night date, with a picnic. He invited all of them right after eating, when he plans to make you go to the store. Once you’re out and he knows that you’re far from home, he’ll let in all your friends, take out the balloons and all the gifts he bought for you and give you the best birthday ever.
But for now he'll just ignore the fact that is your birthday, even when he feels bad seeing your cute eyes getting sad. He's sure the surprise later will worth it.
You appear on the bedroom again with his tea and pancakes, also a juice for you. He sits on the bed after leaving the phone when he listened your steps. and you give him all the plates and glasses while you enter at bed once again. He kisses your cheek in signal of good morning when you sit next to him. Having breakfast in bed is a thing you two do on weekends since he moved with you. It all started because Levi has sleep issues, so he woke up really early and cooked for you, and now you do it in turns. He tries the pancake and hums.
"It's really good." he says, and keeps eating quietly. He looks at his phone again, the group chat making free talk on it. "Oh, look, we're in the middle of May already..." says, deleting the notifications and siping his tea. He looked the date and didn't remember your birthday?
The day passes by with normality: Levi makes some paperwork before helping you with the cooking and you two eat together. When you were about to move to the garage to take something, he went for you. You thanked him and he felt sweat pearls going down his neck, seeing how you were behind his back while he openened the door, the garage full of colorful balloons. You left to take your phone, that was ringing on the table of the living room. He used the time he was alone in the garage to tell everyone that he was about to send you to the store. All agreed in going to your house five minutes later.
"Baby." he calls you from the kitchen. "We haven't got peaches." he says. You raise an eyebrow. Since when is he so worried about peaches?
"I know you like them, so could you go to the supermarket and buy a couple of them? I was thinking about having fruit salad for dinner." he says, his voice is a quiet as usual, but he's trembling inside.
"Just do it without peaches, Levi." you say, moving to the kitchen. He has his sleeves rolled up and is searching some fruits on the fridge, to know which of them he's going to use.
"It's not the same. Just go and take a couple, hm? You'll be back fast and I'll wait here for you."
You pout but he looks at you, closing the fridge and keeping the eye contact between you two. He knows he won when you sigh. "What type of peaches?"
Peaches. That's the fucking reason why you're walking towards the store in a day like this, and not spending your birthday with your boyfriend. You sigh.
"At least he knows I like fruit salad with peaches..." You enter the supermarket and search them, without knowing that now Connie's arms are full of beautiful balloons, Jean is helping Sasha to put the candles on the cake and Levi is putting all your gifts in the table near the sofa. Under Levi's commands, they are decorating every part of your living room to make it a beautiful place to celebrate your birthday. You entertain yourself on the candies and chocolates section and then buy a few of them to try. You're coming back home, sending a message to Levi.
He receives it and makes all your friends hide in the living room. "Jean, I can see your feet from here."
"That's because he's a fucking skyscraper." Connie says.
"At least I reach the higher shelfs on the supermarket, bald head." he answers, making sure his feet are now covered. Levi tells them all to shut up since he can hear your keys on the door. He leaves the living room to enter the kitchen.
"I'm home." you say. You can hear his voice from the kitchen.
"Welcome home." he answers quietly. You get closer to him, wanting his welcome kiss, and he presses his mouth against your forehead. You receive it happy, and you give him the supermarket bag with the things you bought. "I also took some tea mochis, wanna try them?" he nods.
"Cool. Wait for me in the living room." You nod. You make your way to the place, opening the pack and smelling them quietly. They smell delicious.
You almost drop all of them when you find all the balloons in your living. 
“Levi?” you ask, the emotion shining in your eyes. “What’s this?”
He appears smiling behind you. All your friends have the order to say happy birthday and come out of their hidden places when Levi congratulates you.
“Happy birthday, y/n”
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!” a lot of voices yell after him. You jump, scared by the repenting yells, but once you turn around you see all your friends coming from under tables and behind sofas. They are all there, smiling and wishing you happy birthday. You’re about to cry.
“Guys, you’re incredible” Mikasa is now hugging you and Connie is pulling your ears softly. Eren smiles quietly when you look at him, and Jean points Levi.
“You know we love to be praised, but this time your boyfriend was who got this idea. Sorry for not congratulating you before, y/n” 
“But...” you were speechless. He invited your friends and also bought a lot of balloons and things. Some tears started to form in your eyes and you felt how a hand took yours, pulling you towards a body that you knew really well.
"Happy birthday, my love." He whispers, making you blush from head to toes.
The little party was all fun and laughs, Connie told a couple anecdotes of all of you and Mikasa played cool music. Also, Jean and Eren bought a enormous cake full of tiny candles that you blew, wisihing to never lose this people. Levi looked at you so purely, how you were having fun and how you dragged him to dance with you. His beautiful grey eyes looking at yours. Then, all of them gave you the huge mountain of gifts they all bought for you, but you could easily recognize the ones that Levi packed, with precious ribbons and elegant letter.
Even when all those gifts were really good ones -and they all knew you didn't want them to spend on a gift for you.- the one Levi left for the end surprised you. It was the littlest of all, packed in a cute ocean blue paper. You took it, smiling at him. He was nervous. Maybe it was too much. It had a little letter on the top of it. "Please open me after the dinner."
"Oi, Levi, don't be like that!" Connie said. "Now I'm curious!" Levi looks at him raising an eyebrow, but he's smiling.
Some minutes later, they helped you two to put everything back on place, cleaning and all, even when you begged to them to go home.
"And let the birthday one do all the work? Nope." Jean said. "Eh, eh, eh, Sasha! Sto-" he left, seeing Sasha eating a piece of cake that "fell" from the top of it. You laugh and keep washing plates, with Levi by your side, drying them.
"A surprise party, hm?" you ask, your shoulder hitting his softly. He laughs quietly.
"I wanted to make something special for you." he whispers. You now remember the little gift that you're supposed to open after the dinner. Will you go out for dinner? Definitely, if you were having dinner there, you should be cooking instead of doing all of this slowly.
"It was special. Thank you." he smiles soflty.
"It hasn't ended yet." he whispers.
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Levi parks. You feel how the car stops. He insisted in covering your eyes, so you went all the way asking.
"Are we going to a restaurant?" he laughs and you hear the indicator sound.
"Are we... wait, where are we going?" It was late. All your friends left after helping. Jean had to drive Sasha and Connie home, so Connie sent a lot of pics in the car while he was copilot. Then, Levi appeared with that blindfold. You bited your lip.
"Put this on, please. We're leaving." Wait what? Leaving? For what?
"Leaving?" he nods. He takes a little bag near the entrance.
"Yep. Let's go." you followed him and he turned around, smiling. "Put it on, baby." you pout but let him put it on you.
And now he parked after a long way driving. He opens your door and helps you to get out. There's a wild wind and you can hear the ocean. You feel how the little pressure the blindfold was making dissapears on a moment. Levi has took it out. Since the sun is almost disappeared, you need a couple seconds to get your eyes used to the light. You're in the cliffs. Watching the sunset. Levi puts a blanket on the floor and tells you to sit. He takes out a couple plates and another one, that is covered, where he probably has the food.
"I thought maybe you would like to have dinner while the night starts to appear." he says, looking to the plates. Having dinner with such a pure human by your side while the starts start to appear above you feels like an absolute dream. You see how he eats a piece of watermelon. You smile at him, incapable of talking, and your eyes start to fill again with tears. "But don't cry" he says, pulling you towards him. Your face buried on his chest. "I love you." he says. Your eyes shot open and you try to part, but he presses your head quietly again to his chest. You can feel his heart beating fast. "I usually don't say this, you know. It's quite difficult for me to express myself, but you deserve it. You deserve to know how much you mean to me. I'll give my best to tell you every day how much I love you. Because I do. It's so deep, so deep..." He caresses your hair quietly. He takes the little gift from the bag. "You should open it now, don't wait to end the dinner." he whispers. You part a little and, before taking the gift, you take his face between your hands, caressing his cheeks quietly.
"Thank you." you were sincere. You were so grateful for having him. Not just today, that he prepared all those things, but everyday, having your back, giving you love and respect. He was near perfection, even reaching it. "Thank you, Levi. For being here with me and for making me feel so loved. I'll never end thanking you." You lean closer to him, pressing your mouth on his. The watermelon he tried before tastes sweet against your tongue. He buries his hand on your hair, pulling you closer to him. He parts for air.
"You should open the gift. And then have dinner. And we're not going to eat up each other, just in case you were going to make the joke."
You smile at him. He knows you too well. You open the gift softly, a necklace is shining inside the box. It has a little "L" on it.
"You know, that way you can always have a part of me."
"Are you Levi? Where's my grumpy and bossy boyfriend?" he laughs.
"I can switch to bossy whenever you want me to." he says. You give him the necklace and, tying your hair, you wait for him to put ii in your neck. You feel the cold L hanging on your clavicle. Levi presses his lips on your back, near the necklace. You show it to him and he smiles, caressing it.
You smile, the typical stupid and deep-in-love smile you've read on books. The sun keeps going down and the moon shines more intensely. The stars being witnesses of your smiles. The moon lighting the little L near your heart. You look at the sky, how beautiful it is full of stars.
He thinks the sky is beautiful, but you're the most beautiful thing for him. That's why he kisses your forehead, smiling at you. He put everything on the car right adter you two ended having dinner, just the blanket is left. You look at the stars, lying on the ground, and he does the same. You snuggle up towards him, his heat and arms receiving you. You kiss the point of his chest where you feel his heartbeat. He caresses your hair.
"Happy birthday." he says, once more. You smile against him and his hands wrap you.
You could stay like that forever.
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frogbrainrot · 3 years
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so i was thinkin about this scene and i just really wanted to talk abt it n idk how much attention this will get bc im not much of an analysis person but i just wanted go on about how i think this one was criminally underrated, just the way he roars and attacks and just the whole fight scene in general. he only seems to go bonkers fuckin yonkers right here when the box is threatened, and as we see later, he has absolutely no cool. he tries to kill sprig, polly, anne, throws sasha out a window, and stabs marcy thru the chest, and rips apart frobo. he deadass does not have to lose this fight. he probably wouldnt. but sasha seems to be the only one who notice how Crazy this guy is, even after seeing this? and she doesnt threaten his kingdom, she threatens the box. anne mentions visiting sprig, so its quite obvious she thinks shes gonna get the box back. marcys a little more desperate- she wants to be an explorer and she thinks thats what andrias wants too and so itd make sense he’d be a bit protective. but this Moment, this Moment right here, where hes just so completely unhinged, i feel like shows exactly where his priorities are. this guys so downhill that the only thing he cares about is this box. he lets himself get defeated simply for this box. he tries to kill children for this box. but sasha’s the only one who seems to notice, because everyone else is so set on getting that box too for a reason or another and they all Trust each other, the plantars trust anne who trusts marcy who trusts andrias so why would he do anything wrong? sash is set up perfectly to see right through him, n hes set up perfectly to get away with it, which is an amazing detail but im getting a bit sidetracked basicallyyyy tho, what im trying to get to, is that this deep sense of betrayal he has has kept him from being attached to anything except this box. n as an observer, you can tell. he makes so many comments about his friends betrayal that its quite obvious his hatred is deeprooted- but for what?? everybody?? its like his mindset is completely and utterly set on ‘redeeming’ himself due to this betrayal, this one failure, that he just does not give a shit how many ppl he betrays first bc hes been betrayed so so what. his subjects laid their weapons down for him Immediately. hes got everyone fooled. but he needs to Fix whatever he thinks hes done wrong. he needs to Get Back at this presumably dead frog and toad friend, and serve His Master or whatever, and make sure everything goes back to how it was, and he will never care about anything again except for This Box, which makes him such a good villain bc you can see where hes coming from Already!! but you can also tell hes crazy. his anger here over the box parallels so well with anne’s vicious anger over sash’s betrayal 2.0, and it just falls completely into place for the entire ep, the way these characters are set up, but if you take one moment to look at this giant evil lizard’s expression youd be like ‘uh oh, wait. theres something OFF here.’ but everyones so caught up in their own feelings sash is the only one whos like. huh. and really, even though it only hits her when they find the mural, its quite obvious shes got more of an understanding of what hes feeling when she threatens the box n i rlly think its bc of this scene right here, this readiness to just go completely unhinged on this child- not over their rebellion, or what theyre doing to his kingdom, but how willing she is to toss a future away to win and how perfectly that clashes with his Desperation to Win or Make Right whatever he did that his friends betrayed him over-- though obviously he thinks them in the wrong-- and it sets up PERFECTLY for sash being the human left in amphibia ready to fight him and its all from ‘anne, please, theres something really off about this andrias guy’ bc of this scene and the mural and her character development and just andrias’ entire character and how they are perfectly set up to clash in this moment when theyre against each other and hes Crazy but shes Manipulative and she Knows It
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