#sasasa spoilers
shadandrews · 10 months
Start Again AND ISAT (act 6) spoilers ⬇️ NOT ART i’m just talking to myself
GODDDD when you are confronted when everyone is sus of you and odile is like TELL ME ONE THING THATS BOTHERING YOU RN GO it doesn’t have to be THE thing
i’m just 🥺🥺🥺 at their reaction to sif saying that they’re overwhelmed
the fact that EVERYONE is so willing and wanting to help and talk to Sif but he’s so scared and caught up in his head space to see it as a positive…. it makes me soooooo *grips them tightly* YOU
Loop is soooo sad it makes me crazy they were SO close they were SOOO FAR …. seeing Sif figure (“figure”) it out so much faster, as something they never did is soooo sad.
when they’re yelling at sif and the “glitch” back visually to their own appearance is so. it’s SO!!!! HARD.
there’s a fic that they wake up after talking to Sif and they’re back in their own looped timeline but with. the help that ISAT sif has given them and i DO LIKE THAT I DO but i do also fear with that they might fall into the “well NOW i know the right things to say” attitude 🥲
personally i also rly like loop just. being in this timeline now and taking some time and evaluating before traveling with the party implied w sif and loops parting words,,,, i’m 🥺 at this idea most tho
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nonbinarv · 3 months
3, 5, 11, 14 for the isat ask meme!
3. favorite soundtrack?
oh there are so many good ones okay okay so. friend quest just right off the bat. but also frozen in time because of its role as what's wrong? in sasasa. can't forget about how can i help you, stardust?/how can you help me, stardust? or game over (don't leave me alone here) either- the soundtrack in general is really good
5. favorite optional event?
oh this is a tough one. mayyybe house's haunted if only for the implications for sasasa? kinda sus also kills me but tbh all of them do to varying levels so
11. any character headcanons?
fuck as soon as i'm asked this all my headcanons disappear um. mira gets absolutely taken out post-game after abruptly stopping her meds and then restarting them months later
14. favorite character portrait(s)?
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applesaucesomething · 6 months
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Old siffrin art cuz I thought the photo looked so cool
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1tsjusty0u · 10 months
theres a loop battle in the games code im trying to get to that
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naswoop · 4 months
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the-bitter-ocean · 10 months
Back at it again with the in stars and time/ start again: a prologue text post meme dump
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sneeg-snag · 2 months
Loop, and the potency of “I asked to be here”
i have been thinking non fucking stop about this game since i played it and i NEEDED to talk about this one damn line. SPOILERS FOR ISAT ACT SIX AND TWOHATS IF YOU HAVE NOT PLAYED THAT PLS DONT READ!!!!!
i thought of this while driving a couple days ago so APOLOGIES if its a little rambly and all over the place but ive genuinely been turning the act 6 fight and just Everything about the game around in my head like a rotisserie chicken for the past couple days.
thinking back on loop after Act 6 has got me really mulling over some of their lines- ESPECIALLY said before I personally figured it out. one of those lines that stuck in my head was when loop says "I asked to be here"
at first i definitely interpreted this as "i saw your situation, and i wanted to help. i asked a higher power/the universe (why theyre a star) and here i am! in return, i am now stuck with you until you get out." loop was playful and kind of carefree, making jokes and poking at siffrin.
and i feel like in some stories this could very well be the case! its apart of the heros journey to have this kind of higher power help the protagonist, and i can definitely imagine a world where something like this happened. Sif wished, and a shooting star saw and wanted to help him.
but thats not what happens in isat. Isat is a game about loss.
and now, looking back after the reveal and the act 6 fight, that line of "i asked to be here" is incredibly potent and hard hitting. instead of it being "i asked to be here" like i originally thought, its "i asked to be here."
its a knife that turns on loop and twists, just gets worse and worse for them. you say "there cannot be any place worse than this", stuck in a timeloop of your own wish, and no matter what you do you cannot leave. so you say "anything will be better than this" and the universe listens and says "really?" and the monkey paw curls.
you asked to be here you say as you watch someone with your face be put in the same predicament. you asked to be here you say as you watch this clone go through the same events you did. you asked to be here you say as you give advice to this doppleganger because youre still stuck. you asked to be here you say as you watch this understudy get out. live the life you were supposed to have.
the universes biggest punchline.
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urban-witch101 · 1 day
Welp. This happened.
I told everyone that I was doing a Legend of Zelda fanfic and then I discovered the gold mine that is In Stars and Time and now I’m here (Thanks JelloApocalypse!). And I actually felt inspired to write for the first time since finishing Despite It All back in February. 
Yes, I plan on making this full of domestic fluffy shit between characters. I also intend on destroying the reader’s psyche with emotionally psychological warfare. Good luck :)
Fandom: In Stars And Time (Video Game) Rating: Mature
- It's been five years since Siffrin and his family beat the King. They have all since moved on, and living with Isabeau and helping him run his boutique has filled their time happily. Domestic life suites him. But what happens when the past they never spoke of comes back to haunt him? -
- When Loop woke up, they were right back where they started. Or, where they ended specifically. Having been thrown back into their own timeline, they set out to search for a new meaning to live within their second chance after the King won. They're like ninety percent certain the Universe hates them at this point, until they get the idea to try to go back "home". If they even can. -
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worldlydesiretemple · 4 months
i feel like there's a special type of friendship that could be explored between loop and nille post-canon on the party journey ... both new to the party, both unfamiliar with their surroundings and expectations. of course loop already knows the party, knows deep down how it would go, how it all should go, but that does not bode well with people who don't know -- rather, Remember who you are. but loop's never met nille, and nille's never met loop. there's no script for them to follow there. uncharted territory. unfamiliar and new experiences. strangers, even from the beginning!
loop would feel more comfortable being around someone they don't feel grievous pain looking at i think. loop doesn't have bitter memories to associate with nille. and in my humble opinion i think bonnie would gravitate towards loop and hang out with them A Lot, or as much as they possibly can. and y'know that's proooobably a good thing ? nille would probably get along well with someone who also gets along with her little sibling
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dekupalace · 9 months
hey isat heads! do you want nearly 11 hours of siffrin time looping vibes that are depressing, bittersweet, self-deprecating, AND heartbreaking all in one package? OF COURSE YOU DO!!! have fun!!!
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ajdrawshq · 9 months
How normal are we feeling about ISAT?
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this ^ normal. perhaps even less
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prism-empurress · 2 months
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ohwormwood · 2 months
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into infinity...
@chromatasia and @youtube-fucker put the brain worms into my head,,,,, and they refused to let go until i finished this...
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these mfs put me into a fugue state and this is what came out of it
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luckylarvae · 2 months
ok whores lets get to it.
GOD I love Loop from In Stars and Time, they're SUCH A WELL WRITTEN CHARACTER. Everyone in the group are such sweet hearts and Bonnie is just insensitive but they have a heart of GOLD. BUT LOOP.... Loop is the type of person who will make it worse when you're at your lowest. If you've hit rock bottom, Loop will be there to get a pickaxe and make it deeper while calling you names. If you're bleeding out dying, Loop will pour sea salt into your wounds and call you a little bitch. BUT LOOP IS ALSO NICE?????? Although they do like fucking with Siffrin a bit, they actually give legitimally good advice and do their best to help you and I LOVE THAT.  Unlike other mean characters where they're like "haha fuck you I'm miserable now im gonna make your life worse" Loop is like "haha fuck BOTH of us, haha whiny bitch, now lets try to get out of here." 
ALSO the fact that Loop used to be Siffrin IS SO FACINATING. I just played through SASASA and the ending had me go NUTZ. At the core, SASASA siff and ISAT siff are the same, with really the main difference being that ISAT siff had Loop to help them, while SASASA siff (aka Loop) had no one but themselves. They had no one to give them a reality check, no one to say "u ok bud?" and sat in an echo chamber of their own thoughts. They were also in the loops for FAR longer than Siff. Instead of the mental world ending breakdown we saw in act 5 of ISAT, SASASA siff just... numbed it out. Just an endless cycle of hearing the same monotonous thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, and dying just as much. The fact that they even forgot the gang's NAMES tell you so much. Plus, Loop was doomed to become loop from the very start. In the true ending. Considering that the wish was "I want to stay with my friends" the fact that the loop reset immediatly after killing the king is TELLING. Siffren was able to get information out of the house maiden, while Loop never even got a chance to. That means that no matter what, Loop couldn't have gathered information from the house maiden, and Siffrin most certainly couldn't have broken the cycles without asking the house maiden. That means that no matter what, Loop couldn't have broken the cycles, and was stuck in basically hell for all of eternity. That is, until (presumably after the true ending), they go to the wish tree and ask for "Anyone to help me". THAT is when Loop BECAME Loop. Loop got to help Siffrin in ISAT, and by connecting to someone who was also suffering from the cycles they were able to connect to them also. (ALSO LOOP??? WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU EAT A STAR??????)
This brings me to my last point. THE PERSONALITY CHANGE. Loop's personality is VERY different from Siffrin's. I have two main theories for them. One, is that Loop suffered what I'll call "Flowey syndrome" AKA: When you've "reseted" or in this case "looped" so much that you stop seeing other people as real people, and that you and the others who aren't bound by the repeats are "the real ones". This creates a false sense of superiority, as whether you like it or not, you're going to treat those around you more poorly. Added with the fact that Loop sees Siff from the start of the cycle as well as the self hate they feel, I can SMELL the amount of RAGE. You're standing at a clone of yoursef who hasn't suffered as much as you have, is living the life you once lived, and it's UNFAIR. Loop witnessed themselves reducing their friends to just mere set pieces despite them caring about them very much, while SIFFRIN (although starting to go down the same path) gets to live what loop DEARLY missed. And the fact that SIFFRIN is the one who got out with their happy ending while their friends will NEVER see Loop as Siffrin, forever robbing their past friendships, is really the final straw that caused the Loop fight. I also seriously doubt that Loop thought Siffrin was "real" as well.  To Loop, they're just a clone to them, they are the original, and Loop is the one that supposedly deserves anything. It's a huge slight to what's fair. However, here's my second, less probable but more interesting theory. Loop not only had the deal with one, but their transformation ALSO changed their personality and soul. Not only are you dealing with all of the above, but you KNOW that you are VERY much not the person you were. It's not a semi wholesome "ah, I've changed so much over the years" type of deal, but a *HORRIFYING* realization that your very being was changed. The chemistry of your soul is forever altered.  You are no longer the person you thought you were. Where there was "happy go lucky siff", there is now "bitter, angry, sarcastic loop". Loop talks about "making a personality specifically designed to annoy you", but what if that was denial? What if "Oh god, I've CHANGED. Something is HORRIBLY wrong with me and I don't know why I'm acting this way and having these thoughts. Instead, let's pretend that I'm wearing a mask of a personality, and therefore my sense of self remains stable!!!! Yippie!!!!" But at some point, the line between the face and the mask blurs, until they become one and the same. Now the question Loop has to deal with post game is this: 
"My entire identity was based in the fact that I'm Siffrin, but the people who know me best know me as Loop and not Siffrin, and this Siffrin continues to be recognized as Siffrin. Then, if I no longer look, act, or think like Siffrin... then who am I? Who is Loop?"
maybe this is my calling to write my first au who knows.
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1tsjusty0u · 10 months
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naswoop · 7 months
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[nod nod nod]
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