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Running a bit behind with posts and have been meaning to share my new business cards that recently arrived. I chose to feature one of my all-time favorite pieces on this batch of cards. It’s titled "Poseidon's Penchant”. I really miss this piece, but now it resides in the menagerie of film director Guillermo del Toro so I know it will be appreciated for many years to come, not only by Guillermo, but also by his guests. Throughout the 30 years that I have been creating sculpture with the remains of animals, my primary directive has been to use ethically sourced materials. The philosophy behind my work mandates that no animals can be killed for the purpose of procuring art supplies. This piece was no exception and was constructed entirely with recycled animal parts. Materials included a stillborn pygmy goat, mediterranean sea bass, vintage European roe deer antlers, and gold leaf. Click here to learn more about my work and the ideology behind it that helped foster the current popularity of taxidermy materials as a contemporary art medium. ⁣ Sculptural concept copyrighted and protected under federal registration number VA-2-042-221. Derivative works prohibited under intellectual property law. ⁣
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#CreaturesOfTheNight We got freaky for this shoot. Stay tuned for the results. #MistressOfRogueTaxidermy #SarinaBrewer #TaxidermySculpture #TaxidermyArt #VultureCulture https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx8B6M6A86k/?igshid=1grwc34vefmvx
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From the world's second-ever Rogue Taxidermy exhibition, held at the Hollywood gallery La Luz De Jesus in 2010. The world's 1st Rogue Taxidermy exhibition was held 6 years prior in Minneapolis MN, an event put together by co-founders of the taxidermy art moment, Scott Bibus, Robert Marbury, and Sarina Brewer. More about the formation of this genre and an explanation of what constitutes rogue taxidermy at http://www.Sarina-Brewer.com/introduction.html TITLE: Turkelopteryx MATERIALS: carved urethane foam, clay, wire, mâchÊ, squirrel hide, turkey head and feet. Copyright 2010 Sarina Brewer, all rights reserved. Sculptural concept registered and protected under copyright certificate number VAu-1-236-832. Derivative works prohibited under federal copyright law.
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A recent article about my taxidermy art from a newspaper based in Argentina ~ https://www.pagina12.com.ar/51794-de-a-cachitos.
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I am absolutely thrilled to be sharing this post with you ~
It's not every day a person has the honor of being included in the internationally renowned publication HEY! Modern Art & Pop Culture. And it's not every day I have the privilege of being in print alongside one of my all-time favorite artists, Jessica Joslin. If you are not already following her, you absolutely owe it to yourself to check out her visionary and pioneering work at http://brassandbone.tumblr.com. HEY! magazine is a quarterly art-book series dedicated to contemporary art, with a focus on pop-surrealism and outsider art. It was founded in Paris in 2010 and since that time has featured over 600 artists. This hefty ½" thick periodical is actually a softbound book containing 155 oversized pages, each laden with lush color photos and insightful artist interviews (every interview presented in both English and French). No fluff, filler, or adverts, just the work of 24 amazing artists (my work on pages 60,61,62,63). Link here to get your copy for 19,90 € (approx. $22 USD) www.ankama-shop.com/fr/livres/1019-hey-29.html (HEY issue number 29, ISBN 979-10-335-0389-7) A heartfelt thank-you to the people at @HeyHeyHeyTeam for their interest in my work and the philosophy behind it. Your publication is truly a feast for the eyes – Keep up the fantastic work and your mission of bringing fresh unorthodox art to your readers. HEY! Magazine is also on FaceBook at www.facebook.com/hey.la.revue About the works pictured ~ TOP Poseidon's Penchant, 2015 Materials: Stillborn pygmy goat, Mediterranean sea bass, European roe deer antlers, gold leaf. Private collection of director Guillermo del Toro LEFT Noircissist, 2013 Materials: Australorp hen, stillborn pygmy goat and melanistic Eastern gray Squirrel. RIGHT Ewe Time; Lamb-enting the passing of Childhood Delight(s), 2016 Materials: Dyed taxidermy lamb skin over carved urethane foam with mirrored chrome eyes, chrome hardware, and two functioning timepieces. A dark and melancholy autobiographical piece about sacrifice and the loss of innocence.
More work at www.Sarina-Brewer.com ~
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Throwback Thursday~
8 years ago, the women's lifestyle magazine BUST ran a wonderful article about my work. The four-page spread ran in their Feb/March issue in 2009. It was fantastic exposure for my work, but more importantly, the article inspired a lot of women to explore new territory. Taxidermy is something that has traditionally been practiced by males. In the last quarter century a small handful of people, who are primarily female, began reshaping the face of taxidermy by using its components to create fine art in new and unorthodox ways – Taxidermy Art/Rogue Taxidermy is a form of pop-surrealist sculpture that utilizes many of the same materials that are found in a conventional taxidermy mount, however, the genre is incredibly diverse and encompasses abstract work, room-sized installations, and sculpture comprised entirely of synthetic taxidermy materials. The genre was officially birthed in 2004 and a lot has happened since this article came out. So, a shout-out today to the folks at http://bustmagazine.tumblr.com, and to writer Christy DeSmith for taking an interest in my work. Thank you for helping shape the feminist aspect of this art movement, and fostering a genre that is now at the forefront of contemporary art. Pictured in this post is one of my sculptures that was included in the article. The piece is titled "Forever Yours". It was a 2007 creation that utilized two deceased pet rabbits. To see the rest of the work that was included in the article, continue to http://www.sarina-brewer.com/bust-magazine.html
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“Ladies and gentlemen!!! ~ Step right up! ~ See a genuine monster and true abomination of nature! The circus is in town for the next 4 years and we guarantee this will be the most surreal thing you have ever laid eyes upon or admission is free! Come one, come all! (unless you are Muslim, Mexican, or gay) Hold on to your seats (and guard your pussies) It’s the greatest show on Earth!!!” #WakeUpAndSmellTheCoffee, #Skunked, #SomethingStinks TITLE: “A Rude Awakening” DATE: 2017, Year Of The Cock
MATERIALS: Taxidermied cockerel and skunk skins over carved foam and mâché armature
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“Forever Yours” @2007 Sarina Brewer
A taxidermy sculpture utilizing dyed domestic rabbit skins and surgical staples. More work at www.Sarina-Brewer.com and www.facebook.com/Rogue.Taxidermy.Sculptress.Sarina.Brewer/ 
Sculptural concept copyrighted. Derivative works prohibited under federal intellectual property law
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“Chernobyl Chicken”; an environmental commentary
An absurd looking piece about the absurdity of what we are doing to the environment, and hence to ourselves, in the name of technological “advancement”. When we dump contaminants into the ecosystem and food chain, we are dumping them into our own bodies. There have been 33 serious incidents at nuclear power plants since the first one ever recorded, which happened in 1952 at Chalk River, Ontario. The 1986 Ukraine Chernobyl meltdown released 400 times more radioactive material than the atomic bomb at Hiroshima. In the years following Chernobyl many children and animals were born with birth defects. 100,000 cancer deaths could eventually result and the area will not be safe to inhabit for 300+ years. The Fukushima plant in Japan experienced a meltdown in 2011. Thousands of tanks of toxic waste remain at the site, some damaged and still leaking radioactive waste into the groundwater while the power company continues to downplay what’s occurring. Spent uranium rods remain radioactive for 250,000 years (That’s the correct number of zeros) Currently the U.S. has 30 million spent rods stored at 77 temporary sites in 35 states. No one can come up with a plan on how to permanently store this waste in a safe manner. This is because there is no way to accomplish such a feat. Climate change further increases the risk of accidents at nuclear power plants. Heat waves, which are expected to become more frequent and intense as a result of global warming, can force the shut down of reactors. During a 2006 heat wave, reactors in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Minnesota, and the U.K. were affected, then impacted again in the U.K. during their 2003 heat wave. Proponents of nuclear power have the attitude that once one spot has been filled with toxic waste, we can simply move to another spot and start filling that up. The notion that our planet is so vast that we can move to another spot after one spot no longer serves our needs, and so vast that the contaminants we produce have no bearing on anything, is the same shortsighted self-serving thinking that has brought us to our current climate situation. There is no justification for using this power source. We possess the technology to sustain our needs solely with renewable energy (wind, solar, hydro, geothermal, etc.) without any fossil fuels and without nuclear power. The issue is the money needed to make the changes and politicians willing to get the ball rolling. Cities both here and abroad are beginning to pass legislation that requires new construction to rely on renewable energy. Lancaster California now requires solar panels on all new houses and by 2045 all of Hawaii’s power companies will be required to generate 100% of their electricity from renewable sources. Sweden has set its sights on becoming the first nation to be completely powered by renewable energy by the next half-century. Currently 2/3rds of Sweden’s electricity is generated without fossil fuel, mainly hydroelectric and nuclear, but they have already begun the process of phasing out their nuclear plants. When their aging nuclear power plants are decommissioned they will be replaced with power plants that derive energy from renewable sources. I am immensely saddened and disgusted by the recent opening of the Spring Valley plant in Tennessee (the first plant constructed in the U.S. in 20 years) but what’s even more troubling is that they have been given a license to operate the plant for the next 40 years. How can anyone decide what is going to be a good idea four decades from now, especially in light of the shifting environmental attitudes that have occurred merely in the last two?
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One of my favorite pieces that I have made recently. It's pictured in the magazine article I mentioned in my last post. Title: Noircissist. Dimensions: 18” tall. Mounted on an 8" diameter base. Materials: For the head I utilized parts from a retired hen donated to me by my neighbors who are urban egg ranchers. The legs are from a stillborn pygmy goat. The torso is a melanistic eastern gray squirrel I found as roadkill. The squirrel's head and rear end were squished so I couldn’t use it to make anything that required the entire body. This piece was placed with a local collector last fall and is no longer available. Sculptural concept copyrighted and protected under federal registration number VA-1-940-561. Derivative works prohibited under U.S. intellectual property law. ©2013 www.Sarina-Brewer.com #RogueTaxidermy #TaxidermyArt #ContemporaryArt #PopSurrealism #LowbrowArt #FantasyTaxidermy #FantasyArt #FantasySculpture #Mythology #MythologicalCreature #MythologicalMonster #Cryptozoology #Cryptid #VultureCulture #Oddity #Oddities #Curiosities #UnusualTaxidermy #RareTaxidermy #CoolTaxidermy #TaxidermyCollection #SarinaBrewer
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"Felid Orthrus" Detail photo of heads Š2006 www.Sarina-Brewer.com See the previous photo in my stream for a full-body shot of this piece.
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